1XmTextField(library call)                            XmTextField(library call)


6       XmTextField — The TextField class


9       #include <Xm/Xm.h>


12       The TextField widget provides a single line text editor for customizing
13       both user and programmatic  interfaces.  It  is  used  for  single-line
14       string  entry,  and  forms entry with verification procedures.  It pro‐
15       vides an application with a consistent editing system for textual data.
17       TextField provides separate callback lists to verify  movement  of  the
18       insert  cursor,  modification  of the text, and changes in input focus.
19       Each of these callbacks provides the  verification  function  with  the
20       widget  instance, the event that caused the callback, and a data struc‐
21       ture specific to the verification  type.  From  this  information,  the
22       function  can  verify if the application considers this to be a legiti‐
23       mate state change and can signal the widget whether  to  continue  with
24       the action.
26       The user interface tailors a new set of actions.  The key bindings have
27       been added for insert cursor movement, deletion, insertion, and  selec‐
28       tion of text.
30       TextField  allows  the  user  to  select regions of text.  Selection is
31       based on the model specified in the Inter-Client Communication  Conven‐
32       tions  Manual (ICCCM).  TextField supports primary and secondary selec‐
33       tion.
35       TextField   uses   the   XmQTnavigator,   XmQTspecifyRenderTable,   and
36       XmQTscrollFrame  traits,  and  holds the XmQTaccessTextual XmQTtransfer
37       traits.
39       If an application or widget calls the setValue trait method of  XmQTac‐
40       cessTextual, then XmTextField will call XmTextFieldSetString to set the
41       string value.
43   Data Transfer Behavior
44       TextField supports transfer of the primary,  secondary,  and  clipboard
45       selections  and  dragging  of selected text from the widget.  TextField
46       can also be the destination for the primary, secondary,  and  clipboard
47       selections,  and  it  supports  dropping of data being dragged onto the
48       widget.
50       When the XmNconvertCallback procedures are  called,  the  location_data
51       member  of  the  XmConvertCallbackStruct member is NULL if the selected
52       text is being transferred.  If the entire text, not the selected  text,
53       is  being transferred, the value of this member is the widget ID of the
54       TextField widget.
56       As a source of data, TextField supports the following targets and asso‐
57       ciated conversions of data to these targets:
59       UTF8_STRING
60                 The widget transfers the selected text as type UTF8_STRING.
62       locale    If  the locale target matches the widget's locale, the widget
63                 transfers the selected text in the encoding of the locale.
66                 The widget transfers the selected text as type COMPOUND_TEXT.
68       STRING    The widget transfers the selected text as type STRING.
70       TEXT      If the selected text is fully convertible to the encoding  of
71                 the  locale,  the  widget  transfers the selected text in the
72                 encoding of the locale.  Otherwise, the widget transfers  the
73                 selected text as type COMPOUND_TEXT.
75       DELETE    The widget deletes the selected text.
78                 The  widget transfers, as type ATOM, a list of the targets to
79                 which the widget can convert data to be placed on  the  clip‐
80                 board immediately.  These include the following targets:
82                    ·  UTF8_STRING
84                    ·  COMPOUND_TEXT
86                    ·  The  encoding  of  the  locale, if the selected text is
87                       fully convertible to the encoding of the locale
89                    ·  STRING, if the selected text is  fully  convertible  to
90                       STRING
93                 The  widget transfers, as type ATOM, a list of the targets to
94                 be used as the value of the DragContext's XmNexportTargets in
95                 a  drag-and-drop  transfer.  These include COMPOUND_TEXT, the
96                 encoding of the  locale,  STRING,  TEXT,  UTF8_STRING,  BACK‐
97                 GROUND, and FOREGROUND.
100                 The widget takes the following actions:
102                    ·  When  losing the PRIMARY selection, it unhighlights the
103                       selected text and calls the XmNlosePrimaryCallback pro‐
104                       cedures.
106                    ·  When  losing  the  SECONDARY  selection, it removes the
107                       secondary selection highlight.
109                    ·  When losing the _MOTIF_DESTINATION  selection,  if  the
110                       widget  does  not  have  focus it changes the cursor to
111                       indicate that the widget is no longer the destination.
113       As a source of data, TextField also  supports  the  following  standard
114       Motif targets:
116       BACKGROUND
117                 The widget transfers XmNbackground as type PIXEL.
119       CLASS     The widget finds the first shell in the widget hierarchy that
120                 has a WM_CLASS property and transfers the contents as text in
121                 the current locale.
124                 The  widget finds the first shell in the widget hierarchy and
125                 transfers its window as type WINDOW.
127       COLORMAP  The widget transfers XmNcolormap as type COLORMAP.
129       FOREGROUND
130                 The widget transfers XmNforeground as type PIXEL.
132       NAME      The widget finds the first shell in the widget hierarchy that
133                 has  a WM_NAME property and transfers the contents as text in
134                 the current locale.
136       TARGETS   The widget transfers, as type ATOM, a list of the targets  it
137                 supports.   These  include the standard targets in this list.
138                 These also include COMPOUND_TEXT, the encoding of the locale,
139                 STRING, TEXT and UTF8_STRING.
141       TIMESTAMP The widget transfers the timestamp used to acquire the selec‐
142                 tion as type INTEGER.
145                 The widget transfers XmNrenderTable if it exists, or else the
146                 default text render table, as type STRING.
149                 The  widget  transfers  its encoding registry as type STRING.
150                 The value is a list of NULL separated items in  the  form  of
151                 tag encoding pairs.  This target symbolizes the transfer tar‐
152                 get for the Motif Segment  Encoding  Registry.   Widgets  and
153                 applications  can use this Registry to register text encoding
154                 formats for specified render table tags.  Applications access
155                 this   Registry   by  calling  XmRegisterSegmentEncoding  and
156                 XmMapSegmentEncoding.
158       As a destination for data, TextField chooses a target and requests con‐
159       version of the selection to that target.  If the encoding of the locale
160       is present in the  list  of  available  targets,  TextField  chooses  a
161       requested  target  from the available targets in the following order of
162       preference:
164          1. TEXT
166          1. UTF8_STRING
168          2. COMPOUND_TEXT
170          3. The encoding of the locale
172          4. STRING
174       If the encoding of the locale is not present in the list  of  available
175       targets,  TextField  chooses a requested target from the available tar‐
176       gets in the following order of preference:
178          1. UTF8_STRING
180          1. COMPOUND_TEXT
182          2. STRING
184   Classes
185       TextField widget inherits behavior, resources, and traits from Core and
186       Primitive.
188       The class pointer is xmTextFieldWidgetClass.
190       The class name is XmTextField.
192   New Resources
193       The  following table defines a set of widget resources used by the pro‐
194       grammer to specify data. The programmer can also set the resource  val‐
195       ues  for  the  inherited  classes to set attributes for this widget. To
196       reference a resource by name or by class in a .Xdefaults  file,  remove
197       the  XmN or XmC prefix and use the remaining letters. To specify one of
198       the defined values for a resource in a .Xdefaults file, remove  the  Xm
199       prefix  and  use  the  remaining letters (in either lower case or upper
200       case, but include any underscores between words).   The  codes  in  the
201       access  column  indicate  if  the given resource can be set at creation
202       time (C), set by using XtSetValues (S), retrieved by using  XtGetValues
203       (G), or is not applicable (N/A).
205       ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
206       │                           │         XmTextFieldResour│ce Set           │                 │        │
207Name                       Class                    Type           Default         Access 
208       ├───────────────────────────┼──────────────────────────┼────────────────┼─────────────────┼────────┤
209       │XmNactivateCallback        │ XmCCallback              │ XtCallbackList │ NULL            │ C      │
210       ├───────────────────────────┼──────────────────────────┼────────────────┼─────────────────┼────────┤
211       │XmNblinkRate               │ XmCBlinkRate             │ int            │ 500             │ CSG    │
212       ├───────────────────────────┼──────────────────────────┼────────────────┼─────────────────┼────────┤
213       │XmNcolumns                 │ XmCColumns               │ short          │ dynamic         │ CSG    │
214       ├───────────────────────────┼──────────────────────────┼────────────────┼─────────────────┼────────┤
215       │XmNcursorPosition          │ XmCCursorPosition        │ XmTextPosition │ 0               │ CSG    │
216       ├───────────────────────────┼──────────────────────────┼────────────────┼─────────────────┼────────┤
217       │XmNcursorPositionVisible   │ XmCCursorPositionVisible │ Boolean        │ dynamic         │ CSG    │
218       ├───────────────────────────┼──────────────────────────┼────────────────┼─────────────────┼────────┤
219       │XmNdestinationCallback     │ XmCCallback              │ XtCallbackList │ NULL            │ C      │
220       ├───────────────────────────┼──────────────────────────┼────────────────┼─────────────────┼────────┤
221       │XmNeditable                │ XmCEditable              │ Boolean        │ True            │ CSG    │
222       ├───────────────────────────┼──────────────────────────┼────────────────┼─────────────────┼────────┤
223       │XmNfocusCallback           │ XmCCallback              │ XtCallbackList │ NULL            │ C      │
224       ├───────────────────────────┼──────────────────────────┼────────────────┼─────────────────┼────────┤
225       │XmNfontList                │ XmCFontList              │ XmFontList     │ dynamic         │ CSG    │
226       ├───────────────────────────┼──────────────────────────┼────────────────┼─────────────────┼────────┤
227       │XmNgainPrimaryCallback     │ XmCCallback              │ XtCallbackList │ NULL            │ C      │
228       ├───────────────────────────┼──────────────────────────┼────────────────┼─────────────────┼────────┤
229       │XmNlosePrimaryCallback     │ XmCCallback              │ XtCallbackList │ NULL            │ C      │
230       ├───────────────────────────┼──────────────────────────┼────────────────┼─────────────────┼────────┤
231       │XmNlosingFocusCallback     │ XmCCallback              │ XtCallbackList │ NULL            │ C      │
232       ├───────────────────────────┼──────────────────────────┼────────────────┼─────────────────┼────────┤
233       │XmNmarginHeight            │ XmCMarginHeight          │ Dimension      │ 5               │ CSG    │
234       ├───────────────────────────┼──────────────────────────┼────────────────┼─────────────────┼────────┤
235       │XmNmarginWidth             │ XmCMarginWidth           │ Dimension      │ 5               │ CSG    │
236       ├───────────────────────────┼──────────────────────────┼────────────────┼─────────────────┼────────┤
237       │XmNmaxLength               │ XmCMaxLength             │ int            │ largest integer │ CSG    │
238       ├───────────────────────────┼──────────────────────────┼────────────────┼─────────────────┼────────┤
239       │XmNmodifyVerifyCallback    │ XmCCallback              │ XtCallbackList │ NULL            │ C      │
240       ├───────────────────────────┼──────────────────────────┼────────────────┼─────────────────┼────────┤
241       │XmNmodifyVerifyCallbackWcs │ XmCCallback              │ XtCallbackList │ NULL            │ C      │
242       ├───────────────────────────┼──────────────────────────┼────────────────┼─────────────────┼────────┤
243       │XmNmotionVerifyCallback    │ XmCCallback              │ XtCallbackList │ NULL            │ C      │
244       ├───────────────────────────┼──────────────────────────┼────────────────┼─────────────────┼────────┤
245       │XmNpendingDelete           │ XmCPendingDelete         │ Boolean        │ True            │ CSG    │
246       ├───────────────────────────┼──────────────────────────┼────────────────┼─────────────────┼────────┤
247       │XmNrenderTable             │ XmCRenderTable           │ XmRenderTable  │ dynamic         │ CSG    │
248       ├───────────────────────────┼──────────────────────────┼────────────────┼─────────────────┼────────┤
249       │XmNresizeWidth             │ XmCResizeWidth           │ Boolean        │ False           │ CSG    │
250       ├───────────────────────────┼──────────────────────────┼────────────────┼─────────────────┼────────┤
251       │XmNselectionArray          │ XmCSelectionArray        │ XtPointer      │ default array   │ CSG    │
252       ├───────────────────────────┼──────────────────────────┼────────────────┼─────────────────┼────────┤
253       │XmNselectionArrayCount     │ XmCSelectionArrayCount   │ int            │ 3               │ CSG    │
254       ├───────────────────────────┼──────────────────────────┼────────────────┼─────────────────┼────────┤
255       │XmNselectThreshold         │ XmCSelectThreshold       │ int            │ 5               │ CSG    │
256       ├───────────────────────────┼──────────────────────────┼────────────────┼─────────────────┼────────┤
257       │XmNvalue                   │ XmCValue                 │ String         │ ""              │ CSG    │
258       ├───────────────────────────┼──────────────────────────┼────────────────┼─────────────────┼────────┤
259       │XmNvalueChangedCallback    │ XmCCallback              │ XtCallbackList │ NULL            │ C      │
260       ├───────────────────────────┼──────────────────────────┼────────────────┼─────────────────┼────────┤
261       │XmNvalueWcs                │ XmCValueWcs              │ wchar_t *      │ (wchar_t *)""   │ CSG1   │
262       ├───────────────────────────┼──────────────────────────┼────────────────┼─────────────────┼────────┤
263       │XmNverifyBell              │ XmCVerifyBell            │ Boolean        │ dynamic         │ CSG    │
264       ├───────────────────────────┼──────────────────────────┼────────────────┼─────────────────┼────────┤
265       └───────────────────────────┴──────────────────────────┴────────────────┴─────────────────┴────────┘
266       1 This resource cannot be specified in a resource file.
268       XmNactivateCallback
269                 Specifies  the list of callbacks that is called when the user
270                 invokes an event that calls the activate() action.  The  type
271                 of  the structure whose address is passed to this callback is
272                 XmAnyCallbackStruct.  The reason  sent  by  the  callback  is
273                 XmCR_ACTIVATE.
275       XmNblinkRate
276                 Specifies  the blink rate of the text cursor in milliseconds.
277                 The time indicated in the blink rate relates to the length of
278                 time the cursor is visible and the time the cursor is invisi‐
279                 ble (that is, the time it will take to  blink  the  insertion
280                 cursor on and off will be two times the blink rate). The cur‐
281                 sor will not blink when the blink rate is set  to  0  (zero).
282                 The value must not be negative.
284       XmNcolumns
285                 Specifies  the initial width of the text window as an integer
286                 number of characters. The width equals the number of  charac‐
287                 ters  specified  by  this resource multiplied by the width as
288                 derived from the specified font. If  the  em-space  value  is
289                 available,  it  is used. If not, the width of the numeral "0"
290                 is used. If this is not available, the maximum width is used.
291                 For proportionate fonts, the actual number of characters that
292                 fit on a given line may be greater than the value specified.
294       XmNcursorPosition
295                 Indicates the position in the text where the  current  insert
296                 cursor is to be located. Position is determined by the number
297                 of characters from the beginning of the text.
299       XmNcursorPositionVisible
300                 If the text widget has an XmPrintShell as one of  its  ances‐
301                 tors  (that is, the widget was created on a print server con‐
302                 nection) then the default value is False;  otherwise,  it  is
303                 True.
305       XmNdestinationCallback
306                 Specifies  a  list of callbacks called when the widget is the
307                 destination of a transfer operation.  The type of the  struc‐
308                 ture whose address is passed to these callbacks is XmDestina‐
309                 tionCallbackStruct.  The reason is XmCR_OK.
311       XmNeditable
312                 When set to True, indicates that the user can edit  the  text
313                 string.   A  false  value will prohibit the user from editing
314                 the text.
316                 When XmNeditable is used on a widget it sets the dropsite  to
317                 XmDROP_SITE_ACTIVE.
319       XmNfocusCallback
320                 Specifies the list of callbacks called when TextField accepts
321                 input focus. The type  of  the  structure  whose  address  is
322                 passed  to  this  callback is XmAnyCallbackStruct. The reason
323                 sent by the callback is XmCR_FOCUS.
325       XmNfontList
326                 Specifies the font list to be used for  TextField.  The  font
327                 list  is an obsolete structure, and is retained only for com‐
328                 patibility with earlier releases of Motif. Use the render ta‐
329                 ble (XmNrenderTable) instead of font lists wherever possible.
330                 If both are specified, the render table will take precedence.
331                 If this value is NULL at initialization, the parent hierarchy
332                 of the widget is searched for  an  ancestor  that  holds  the
333                 XmQTspecifyRenderTable  trait.  If such an ancestor is found,
334                 the font list is initialized to the XmTEXT_RENDER_TABLE value
335                 of  the  ancestor  widget.  If no such ancestor is found, the
336                 default is implementation dependent.
338                 TextField searches the font list for the first occurrence  of
339                 a  font  set that has an XmFONTLIST_DEFAULT_TAG. If a default
340                 element is not found, the first font set in the font list  is
341                 used.  If  the  list contains no font sets, the first font in
342                 the font list will be used.  Refer to XmFontList(3) for  more
343                 information on a font list structure.
345       XmNgainPrimaryCallback
346                 Specifies the list of callbacks that are called when the user
347                 invokes an event that causes the text widget to  gain  owner‐
348                 ship  of  the primary selection. The callback reason for this
349                 callback is XmCR_GAIN_PRIMARY.
351       XmNlosePrimaryCallback
352                 Specifies the list of callbacks that are called when the user
353                 invokes an event that cause the text widget to lose ownership
354                 of the primary selection. The callback reason for this  call‐
355                 back is XmCR_LOSE_PRIMARY.
357       XmNlosingFocusCallback
358                 Specifies  the  list  of  callbacks  that  are  called before
359                 TextField widget loses input focus.  The type of  the  struc‐
360                 ture  whose address is passed to this callback is XmTextVeri‐
361                 fyCallbackStruct.   The  reason  sent  by  the  callback   is
362                 XmCR_LOSING_FOCUS.
364       XmNmarginHeight
365                 Specifies  the  distance  between  the top edge of the widget
366                 window and the text, and the bottom edge of the widget window
367                 and the text.
369       XmNmarginWidth
370                 Specifies  the  distance  between the left edge of the widget
371                 window and the text, and the right edge of the widget  window
372                 and the text.
374       XmNmaxLength
375                 Specifies  the  maximum length of the text string that can be
376                 entered into text from the keyboard.  This value must be non‐
377                 negative.   Strings  that  are  entered  using  the  XmNvalue
378                 resource or the  XmTextFieldSetString  function  ignore  this
379                 resource.
381       XmNmodifyVerifyCallback
382                 Specifies the list of callbacks that is called before text is
383                 deleted from or inserted into TextField.   The  type  of  the
384                 structure  whose  address  is  passed  to  this  callback  is
385                 XmTextVerifyCallbackStruct.  The reason sent by the  callback
386                 is  XmCR_MODIFYING_TEXT_VALUE.   When multiple TextField wid‐
387                 gets share the same source, only the  widget  that  initiates
388                 the source change will generate the XmNmodifyVerifyCallback.
390                 If  both XmNmodifyVerifyCallback and XmNmodifyVerifyCallback‐
391                 Wcs are registered callback lists, the  procedure(s)  in  the
392                 XmNmodifyVerifyCallback  list  is  always executed first; and
393                 the resulting data, which may have been modified,  is  passed
394                 to the XmNmodifyVerifyCallbackWcs callback routines.
396       XmNmodifyVerifyCallbackWcs
397                 Specifies the list of callbacks called before text is deleted
398                 from or inserted into Text. The type of the  structure  whose
399                 address  is  passed to this callback is XmTextVerifyCallback‐
400                 StructWcs. The reason sent by the  callback  is  XmCR_MODIFY‐
401                 ING_TEXT_VALUE.   When  multiple  TextField widgets share the
402                 same source, only the widget that initiates the source change
403                 will generate the XmNmodifyVerifyCallbackWcs.
405                 If  both XmNmodifyVerifyCallback and XmNmodifyVerifyCallback‐
406                 Wcs are registered callback lists, the  procedure(s)  in  the
407                 XmNmodifyVerifyCallback  list  is  always executed first; and
408                 the resulting data, which may have been modified,  is  passed
409                 to the XmNmodifyVerifyCallbackWcs callback routines.
411       XmNmotionVerifyCallback
412                 Specifies  the  list  of  callbacks that is called before the
413                 insert cursor is moved to a new position.  The  type  of  the
414                 structure  whose  address  is  passed  to  this  callback  is
415                 XmTextVerifyCallbackStruct.  The reason sent by the  callback
416                 is  XmCR_MOVING_INSERT_CURSOR.   It is possible for more than
417                 one XmNmotionVerifyCallbacks to be generated  from  a  single
418                 action.
420       XmNpendingDelete
421                 Indicates  that pending delete mode is on when the Boolean is
422                 True.   Pending  deletion  is  defined  as  deletion  of  the
423                 selected text when an insertion is made.
425       XmNrenderTable
426                 Specifies  the render table to be used in deriving a font set
427                 or font for displaying text. If both a  render  table  and  a
428                 font  list  are  specified, the render table will take prece‐
429                 dence. If the value of XmNrenderTable is NULL at  initializa‐
430                 tion,  the  parent hierarchy of the widget is searched for an
431                 ancestor that holds the XmQTspecifyRenderTable trait. If such
432                 an  ancestor  is  found,  the font list is initialized to the
433                 XmTEXT_RENDER_TABLE value of the ancestor widget. If no  such
434                 ancestor is found, the default is implementation dependent.
436                 TextField  searches the render table for the first occurrence
437                 of a rendition that has the tag _MOTIF_DEFAULT_LOCALE.  If  a
438                 default  element is not found, the first rendition in the ta‐
439                 ble is used. Refer to XmRenderTable(3) for  more  information
440                 on the render table structure.
442       XmNresizeWidth
443                 Indicates  that  the  TextField widget will attempt to resize
444                 its width to accommodate all the text contained in the widget
445                 when Boolean is True.
447       XmNselectionArray
448                 Defines  the  actions  for  multiple mouse clicks. Each mouse
449                 click performed within some time of the previous mouse  click
450                 will  increment  the  index  into  this array and perform the
451                 defined action for that index. (This  "multi-click"  time  is
452                 specified by the operating environment, and varies among dif‐
453                 ferent systems. In general, it is usually set to  some  frac‐
454                 tion of a second.)  The possible actions are
456                 XmSELECT_POSITION
457                           Resets the insert cursor position
459                 XmSELECT_WORD
460                           Selects a word
462                 XmSELECT_LINE
463                           Selects a line of text
465       XmNselectionArrayCount
466                 Specifies the number of actions that are defined in the XmNs‐
467                 electionArray resource.  The value must not be negative.
469       XmNselectThreshold
470                 Specifies the number of pixels of motion that is required  to
471                 select  the  next character when selection is performed using
472                 the click-drag mode of selection.  The value must not be neg‐
473                 ative.  This resource also specifies whether a drag should be
474                 started and the  number  of  pixels  to  start  a  drag  when
475                 Btn2Down and Btn1Down are integrated.
477       XmNvalue  Specifies the string value of the TextField widget as a char*
478                 data value.  Moves the cursor to position 0 unless a value of
479                 XmNcursorPosition  was  explicitly  supplied  in the argument
480                 list.  If XmNvalue and  XmNvalueWcs  are  both  defined,  the
481                 value of XmNvalueWcs supersedes that of XmNvalue. XtGetValues
482                 returns a copy of the value of the internal buffer and XtSet‐
483                 Values copies the string values into the internal buffer.
485       XmNvalueChangedCallback
486                 Specifies  the list of callbacks that is called after text is
487                 deleted from or inserted into TextField.   The  type  of  the
488                 structure  whose address is passed to this callback is XmAny‐
489                 CallbackStruct.   The  reason  sent  by   the   callback   is
490                 XmCR_VALUE_CHANGED.  The XmNvalueChangedCallback should occur
491                 only in pairs with a XmNmodifyVerifyCallback,  assuming  that
492                 the doit flag in the callback structure of the XmNmodifyVeri‐
493                 fyCallback is not set to False.
495       XmNvalueWcs
496                 Specifies the string value  of  the  TextField  widget  as  a
497                 wchar_t* data value.  Moves the cursor to position 0 unless a
498                 value of XmNcursorPosition was  explicitly  supplied  in  the
499                 argument list.
501                 This resource cannot be specified in a resource file.
503                 If  XmNvalue  and  XmNvalueWcs are both defined, the value of
504                 XmNvalueWcs supersedes that of XmNvalue.  XtGetValues returns
505                 a  copy of the value of the internal buffer encoded as a wide
506                 character string. XtSetValues copies the value  of  the  wide
507                 character string into the internal buffer.
509       XmNverifyBell
510                 Specifies  whether  a  bell  will  sound  when  an  action is
511                 reversed during a verification callback.  The default depends
512                 on  the value of the ancestor VendorShell's XmNaudibleWarning
513                 resource.
515   Inherited Resources
516       TextField widget inherits behavior and resources from the  superclasses
517       in   the  following  tables.   For  a  complete  description  of  these
518       resources, refer to the reference page for that superclass.
520       ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
521       │                        │            XmPrimitiveResource Set      │                      │        │
522Name                    Class                 Type             Default              Access 
523       ├────────────────────────┼───────────────────────┼──────────────────┼──────────────────────┼────────┤
524       │XmNbottomShadowColor    │ XmCBottomShadowColor  │ Pixel            │ dynamic              │ CSG    │
525       ├────────────────────────┼───────────────────────┼──────────────────┼──────────────────────┼────────┤
526       │XmNbottomShadowPixmap   │ XmCBottomShadowPixmap │ Pixmap           │ XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP │ CSG    │
527       ├────────────────────────┼───────────────────────┼──────────────────┼──────────────────────┼────────┤
528       │XmNconvertCallback      │ XmCCallback           │ XtCallbackList   │ NULL                 │ C      │
529       ├────────────────────────┼───────────────────────┼──────────────────┼──────────────────────┼────────┤
530       │XmNforeground           │ XmCForeground         │ Pixel            │ dynamic              │ CSG    │
531       ├────────────────────────┼───────────────────────┼──────────────────┼──────────────────────┼────────┤
532       │XmNhelpCallback         │ XmCCallback           │ XtCallbackList   │ NULL                 │ C      │
533       ├────────────────────────┼───────────────────────┼──────────────────┼──────────────────────┼────────┤
534       │XmNhighlightColor       │ XmCHighlightColor     │ Pixel            │ dynamic              │ CSG    │
535       ├────────────────────────┼───────────────────────┼──────────────────┼──────────────────────┼────────┤
536       │XmNhighlightOnEnter     │ XmCHighlightOnEnter   │ Boolean          │ False                │ CSG    │
537       ├────────────────────────┼───────────────────────┼──────────────────┼──────────────────────┼────────┤
538       │XmNhighlightPixmap      │ XmCHighlightPixmap    │ Pixmap           │ dynamic              │ CSG    │
539       ├────────────────────────┼───────────────────────┼──────────────────┼──────────────────────┼────────┤
540       │XmNhighlightThickness   │ XmCHighlightThickness │ Dimension        │ 2                    │ CSG    │
541       ├────────────────────────┼───────────────────────┼──────────────────┼──────────────────────┼────────┤
542       │XmNlayoutDirection      │ XmCLayoutDirection    │ XmDirection      │ dynamic              │ CG     │
543       ├────────────────────────┼───────────────────────┼──────────────────┼──────────────────────┼────────┤
544       │XmNnavigationType       │ XmCNavigationType     │ XmNavigationType │ XmTAB_GROUP          │ CSG    │
545       ├────────────────────────┼───────────────────────┼──────────────────┼──────────────────────┼────────┤
546       │XmNpopupHandlerCallback │ XmCCallback           │ XtCallbackList   │ NULL                 │ C      │
547       ├────────────────────────┼───────────────────────┼──────────────────┼──────────────────────┼────────┤
548       │XmNshadowThickness      │ XmCShadowThickness    │ Dimension        │ 2                    │ CSG    │
549       ├────────────────────────┼───────────────────────┼──────────────────┼──────────────────────┼────────┤
550       │XmNtopShadowColor       │ XmCTopShadowColor     │ Pixel            │ dynamic              │ CSG    │
551       ├────────────────────────┼───────────────────────┼──────────────────┼──────────────────────┼────────┤
552       │XmNtopShadowPixmap      │ XmCTopShadowPixmap    │ Pixmap           │ dynamic              │ CSG    │
553       ├────────────────────────┼───────────────────────┼──────────────────┼──────────────────────┼────────┤
554       │XmNtraversalOn          │ XmCTraversalOn        │ Boolean          │ True                 │ CSG    │
555       ├────────────────────────┼───────────────────────┼──────────────────┼──────────────────────┼────────┤
556       │XmNunitType             │ XmCUnitType           │ unsigned char    │ dynamic              │ CSG    │
557       ├────────────────────────┼───────────────────────┼──────────────────┼──────────────────────┼────────┤
558       │XmNuserData             │ XmCUserData           │ XtPointer        │ NULL                 │ CSG    │
559       ├────────────────────────┼───────────────────────┼──────────────────┼──────────────────────┼────────┤
560       └────────────────────────┴───────────────────────┴──────────────────┴──────────────────────┴────────┘
561       ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
562       │                              │               Core Resource Se│t                │                      │        │
563Name                          Class                         Type           Default              Access 
564       ├──────────────────────────────┼───────────────────────────────┼────────────────┼──────────────────────┼────────┤
565       │XmNaccelerators               │ XmCAccelerators               │ XtAccelerators │ dynamic              │ CSG    │
566       ├──────────────────────────────┼───────────────────────────────┼────────────────┼──────────────────────┼────────┤
567       │XmNancestorSensitive          │ XmCSensitive                  │ Boolean        │ dynamic              │ G      │
568       ├──────────────────────────────┼───────────────────────────────┼────────────────┼──────────────────────┼────────┤
569       │XmNbackground                 │ XmCBackground                 │ Pixel          │ dynamic              │ CSG    │
570       ├──────────────────────────────┼───────────────────────────────┼────────────────┼──────────────────────┼────────┤
571       │XmNbackgroundPixmap           │ XmCPixmap                     │ Pixmap         │ XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP │ CSG    │
572       ├──────────────────────────────┼───────────────────────────────┼────────────────┼──────────────────────┼────────┤
573       │XmNborderColor                │ XmCBorderColor                │ Pixel          │ XtDefaultForeground  │ CSG    │
574       ├──────────────────────────────┼───────────────────────────────┼────────────────┼──────────────────────┼────────┤
575       │XmNborderPixmap               │ XmCPixmap                     │ Pixmap         │ XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP │ CSG    │
576       ├──────────────────────────────┼───────────────────────────────┼────────────────┼──────────────────────┼────────┤
577       │XmNborderWidth                │ XmCBorderWidth                │ Dimension      │ 0                    │ CSG    │
578       ├──────────────────────────────┼───────────────────────────────┼────────────────┼──────────────────────┼────────┤
579       │XmNcolormap                   │ XmCColormap                   │ Colormap       │ dynamic              │ CG     │
580       ├──────────────────────────────┼───────────────────────────────┼────────────────┼──────────────────────┼────────┤
581       │XmNdepth                      │ XmCDepth                      │ int            │ dynamic              │ CG     │
582       ├──────────────────────────────┼───────────────────────────────┼────────────────┼──────────────────────┼────────┤
583       │XmNdestroyCallback            │ XmCCallback                   │ XtCallbackList │ NULL                 │ C      │
584       ├──────────────────────────────┼───────────────────────────────┼────────────────┼──────────────────────┼────────┤
585       │XmNheight                     │ XmCHeight                     │ Dimension      │ dynamic              │ CSG    │
586       ├──────────────────────────────┼───────────────────────────────┼────────────────┼──────────────────────┼────────┤
587       │XmNinitialResourcesPersistent │ XmCInitialResourcesPersistent │ Boolean        │ True                 │ C      │
588       ├──────────────────────────────┼───────────────────────────────┼────────────────┼──────────────────────┼────────┤
589       │XmNmappedWhenManaged          │ XmCMappedWhenManaged          │ Boolean        │ True                 │ CSG    │
590       ├──────────────────────────────┼───────────────────────────────┼────────────────┼──────────────────────┼────────┤
591       │XmNscreen                     │ XmCScreen                     │ Screen *       │ dynamic              │ CG     │
592       ├──────────────────────────────┼───────────────────────────────┼────────────────┼──────────────────────┼────────┤
593       │XmNsensitive                  │ XmCSensitive                  │ Boolean        │ True                 │ CSG    │
594       ├──────────────────────────────┼───────────────────────────────┼────────────────┼──────────────────────┼────────┤
595       │XmNtranslations               │ XmCTranslations               │ XtTranslations │ dynamic              │ CSG    │
596       ├──────────────────────────────┼───────────────────────────────┼────────────────┼──────────────────────┼────────┤
597       │XmNwidth                      │ XmCWidth                      │ Dimension      │ dynamic              │ CSG    │
598       ├──────────────────────────────┼───────────────────────────────┼────────────────┼──────────────────────┼────────┤
599       │XmNx                          │ XmCPosition                   │ Position       │ 0                    │ CSG    │
600       ├──────────────────────────────┼───────────────────────────────┼────────────────┼──────────────────────┼────────┤
601       │XmNy                          │ XmCPosition                   │ Position       │ 0                    │ CSG    │
602       ├──────────────────────────────┼───────────────────────────────┼────────────────┼──────────────────────┼────────┤
603       └──────────────────────────────┴───────────────────────────────┴────────────────┴──────────────────────┴────────┘
604   Callback Information
605       A pointer to the following structure is passed to each callback:
607       typedef struct
608       {
609               int reason;
610               XEvent * event;
611       } XmAnyCallbackStruct;
613       reason    Indicates why the callback was invoked
615       event     Points to the XEvent that triggered the callback
617       The TextField widget defines a new callback structure for use with ver‐
618       ification  callbacks.  Note that not all of the fields are relevant for
619       every callback reason. The application must first look  at  the  reason
620       field and use only the structure members that are valid for the partic‐
621       ular reason.  The values startPos, endPos, and  text  in  the  callback
622       structure XmTextVerifyCallbackStruct may be modified upon receiving the
623       callback, and these changes will be reflected as the change made to the
624       source  of  the  TextField  widget. (For example, all keystrokes can be
625       converted to spaces or NULL characters when a password is entered  into
626       a  TextField  widget.)  The application programmer should not overwrite
627       the text field, but should attach data to that pointer.
629       A pointer to the following structure is passed  to  the  callbacks  for
630       XmNlosingFocusCallback,  XmNmodifyVerifyCallback,  and XmNmotionVerify‐
631       Callback.
633       typedef struct
634       {
635               int reason;
636               XEvent *event;
637               Boolean doit;
638               XmTextPosition currInsert, newInsert;
639               XmTextPosition startPos, endPos;
640               XmTextBlock text;
641       } XmTextVerifyCallbackStruct, *XmTextVerifyPtr;
643       reason    Indicates why the callback was invoked.
645       event     Points to the XEvent the triggered the callback.  It  can  be
646                 NULL.  For  example, changes made to the Text widget program‐
647                 matically do not have an event that  can  be  passed  to  the
648                 associated callback.
650       doit      Indicates  whether  the action that invoked the callback will
651                 be performed.  Setting doit  to  False  negates  the  action.
652                 Note  that  not  all  actions  may  be  negated. For example,
653                 XmCR_LOSING_FOCUS callbacks may be beyond the control of  the
654                 widget if they are produced by mouse clicks.
656       currInsert
657                 Indicates the current position of the insert cursor.
659       newInsert Indicates the position at which the user attempts to position
660                 the insert cursor.
662       startPos  Indicates the starting position of the text to modify. If the
663                 callback is not a modify verification callback, this value is
664                 the same as currInsert.
666       endPos    Indicates the ending position of the text to  modify.  If  no
667                 text  is  replaced  or deleted, then the value is the same as
668                 startPos. If the callback is not a modify verification  call‐
669                 back, this value is the same as currInsert.
671       text      Points  to  the  following  structure of type XmTextBlockRec.
672                 This structure holds the textual information to be inserted.
674       typedef struct
675       {
676               char *ptr;
677               int length;
678               XmTextFormat format
679       } XmTextBlockRec, *XmTextBlock;
681              ptr       The text to be inserted. ptr  points  to  a  temporary
682                        storage  space  that  is  reused after the callback is
683                        finished. Therefore, if an application needs  to  save
684                        the  text to be inserted, it should copy the text into
685                        its own data space.
687              length    Specifies the length of the text to be inserted.
689              format    Specifies the format of the text,  either  XmFMT_8_BIT
690                        or XmFMT_16_BIT.
692       A pointer to the following structure is passed to callbacks for XmNmod‐
693       ifyVerifyCallbackWcs.
695       typedef struct
696       {
697               int reason;
698               XEvent *event;
699               Boolean doit;
700               XmTextPosition currInsert, newInsert;
701               XmTextPosition startPos, endPos;
702               XmWcsTextBlock text;
703       } XmTextVerifyCallbackStructWcs, *XmTextVerifyPtrWcs;
705       reason    Indicates why the callback was invoked.
707       event     Points to the XEvent that triggered the callback.  It can  be
708                 NULL.  For  example, changes made to the Text widget program‐
709                 matically do not have an event that  can  be  passed  to  the
710                 associated callback.
712       doit      Indicates  whether  the  action  that invoked the callback is
713                 performed.  Setting doit to False negates the  action.   Note
714                 that  not  all actions may be negated. For example, XmCR_LOS‐
715                 ING_FOCUS callbacks may be beyond the control of  the  widget
716                 if they are produced by mouse clicks.
718       currInsert
719                 Indicates the current position of the insert cursor.
721       newInsert Indicates the position at which the user attempts to position
722                 the insert cursor.
724       startPos  Indicates the starting position of the text to modify. If the
725                 callback is not a modify verification callback, this value is
726                 the same as currInsert.
728       endPos    Indicates the ending position of the text to  modify.  If  no
729                 text  is replaced or deleted, the value is the same as start‐
730                 Pos. If the callback is not a modify  verification  callback,
731                 this value is the same as currInsert.
733       text      Points  to the following structure of type XmTextBlockRecWcs.
734                 This structure holds the textual information to be inserted.
736       typedef struct
737       {
738               wchar_t *wcsptr;
739               int length;
740       } XmTextBlockRecWcs, *XmTextBlockWcs;
742              wcsptr    Points to the wide character text to be inserted
744              length    Specifies the number of characters to be inserted
746       The following table describes the reasons for which the individual ver‐
747       ification  callback  structure  fields  are  valid. Note that the event
748       field will never be valid for XmCR_MOVING_INSERT_CURSOR.
750       ┌──────────────────────────┬─────────────────────────────────────┐
751Reason                    Valid Fields                        
752       ├──────────────────────────┼─────────────────────────────────────┤
753       │XmCR_LOSING_FOCUS         │ reason, event, doit
754       ├──────────────────────────┼─────────────────────────────────────┤
755       │XmCR_MODIFYING_TEXT_VALUE │ reason,  event,  doit,  currInsert,
756       │                          │ newInsert, startPos, endPos, text
757       ├──────────────────────────┼─────────────────────────────────────┤
758       │XmCR_MOVING_INSERT_CURSOR │ reason, doit, currInsert, newInsert
759       ├──────────────────────────┼─────────────────────────────────────┤
760       └──────────────────────────┴─────────────────────────────────────┘
761       A  pointer to the following callback structure is passed to the XmNdes‐
762       tinationCallback procedures:
764       typedef struct
765       {
766               int reason;
767               XEvent *event;
768               Atom selection;
769               XtEnum operation;
770               int flags;
771               XtPointer transfer_id;
772               XtPointer destination_data;
773               XtPointer location_data;
774               Time time;
775       } XmDestinationCallbackStruct;
777       reason    Indicates why the callback was invoked.
779       event     Points to the XEvent that triggered the callback.  It can  be
780                 NULL.
782       selection Indicates  the  selection  for  which  data transfer is being
783                 requested.  Possible  values  are  CLIPBOARD,  PRIMARY,  SEC‐
784                 ONDARY, and _MOTIF_DROP.
786       operation Indicates the type of transfer operation requested.
788                    ·  When  the  selection  is PRIMARY or SECONDARY, possible
789                       values are XmMOVE, XmCOPY, and XmLINK.
791                    ·  When the selection is CLIPBOARD,  possible  values  are
792                       XmCOPY and XmLINK.
794                    ·  When  the selection is _MOTIF_DROP, possible values are
795                       XmMOVE,  XmCOPY,  XmLINK,  and  XmOTHER.   A  value  of
796                       XmOTHER means that the callback procedure must get fur‐
797                       ther information from the  XmDropProcCallbackStruct  in
798                       the destination_data member.
800       flags     Indicates  whether  or not the destination widget is also the
801                 source of the data to be transferred.  Following are the pos‐
802                 sible values:
804                 XmCONVERTING_NONE
805                           The  destination  widget  is  not the source of the
806                           data to be transferred.
808                 XmCONVERTING_SAME
809                           The destination widget is the source of the data to
810                           be transferred.
812       transfer_id
813                 Serves as a unique ID to identify the transfer transaction.
815       destination_data
816                 Contains  information about the destination.  When the selec‐
817                 tion is _MOTIF_DROP, the callback procedures  are  called  by
818                 the  drop  site's  XmNdropProc,  and  destination_data  is  a
819                 pointer to the XmDropProcCallbackStruct passed  to  the  XmN‐
820                 dropProc  procedure.  When the selection is SECONDARY, desti‐
821                 nation_data is an Atom representing a target recommmended  by
822                 the  selection  owner  for  use  in converting the selection.
823                 Otherwise, destination_data is NULL.
825       location_data
826                 Contains information about the location where data is  to  be
827                 transferred.   The value is always NULL when the selection is
828                 CLIPBOARD.  If the value is NULL, the data is to be  inserted
829                 at  the  widget's cursor position.  Otherwise, the value is a
830                 pointer to an XPoint structure containing the x and y coordi‐
831                 nates  at  the  location where the data is to be transferred.
832                 Once XmTransferDone procedures  start  to  be  called,  loca‐
833                 tion_data will no longer be stable.
835       time      Indicates the time when the transfer operation began.
837   Translations
838       The  XmTextField translations are described in the following list.  The
839       actions represent the effective behavior of the associated events,  and
840       they may differ in a right-to-left language environment.
842       The following key names are listed in the X standard key event transla‐
843       tion table syntax.  This format is the one used by Motif to specify the
844       widget  actions  corresponding to a given key.  A brief overview of the
845       format is provided under VirtualBindings(3).  For a  complete  descrip‐
846       tion  of the format, please refer to the X Toolkit Instrinsics Documen‐
847       tation.
849       ∼c s ∼m ∼a <Btn1Down>:
850                 extend-start()
852       c ∼s ∼m ∼a <Btn1Down>:
853                 move-destination()
855       ∼c ∼s ∼m ∼a <Btn1Down>:
856                 grab-focus()
858       ∼c ∼m ∼a <Btn1Motion>:
859                 extend-adjust()
861       ∼c ∼m ∼a <Btn1Up>:
862                 extend-end()
864       <Btn2Down>:
865                 process-bdrag()
867       m ∼a <Btn2Motion>:
868                 secondary-adjust()
870       ∼m a <Btn2Motion>:
871                 secondary-adjust()
873       s c <Btn2Up>:
874                 link-to()
876       ∼s <Btn2Up>:
877                 copy-to()
879       ∼c <Btn2Up>:
880                 move-to()
882       :m <Key><osfPrimaryPaste>:
883                 cut-primary()
885       :a <Key><osfPrimaryPaste>:
886                 cut-primary()
888       :<Key><osfPrimaryPaste>:
889                 copy-primary()
891       :m <Key><osfCut>:
892                 cut-primary()
894       :a <Key><osfCut>:
895                 cut-primary()
897       :<Key><osfCut>:
898                 cut-clipboard()
900       :<Key><osfPaste>:
901                 paste-clipboard()
903       :m <Key><osfCopy>:
904                 copy-primary()
906       :a <Key><osfCopy>:
907                 copy-primary()
909       :<Key><osfCopy>:
910                 copy-clipboard()
912       :s <Key><osfBeginLine>:
913                 beginning-of-line(extend)
915       :<Key><osfBeginLine>:
916                 beginning-of-line()
918       :s <Key><osfEndLine>:
919                 end-of-line(extend)
921       :<Key><osfEndLine>:
922                 end-of-line()
924       :s <Key><osfPageLeft>:
925                 page-left(extend)
927       :<Key><osfPageLeft>:
928                 page-left()
930       :s c<Key><osfPageUp>:
931                 page-left(extend)
933       :c <Key><osfPageUp>:
934                 page-left()
936       :s <Key><osfPageRight>:
937                 page-right(extend)
939       :<Key><osfPageRight>:
940                 page-right()
942       s c <Key><osfPageDown>:
943                 page-right(extend)
945       :c <Key><osfPageDown>:
946                 page-right()
948       :<Key><osfClear>:
949                 clear-selection()
951       :<Key><osfBackSpace>:
952                 delete-previous-character()
954       :s m <Key><osfDelete>:
955                 cut-primary()
957       :s a <Key><osfDelete>:
958                 cut-primary()
960       :s <Key><osfDelete>:
961                 cut-clipboard()
963       :c <Key><osfDelete>:
964                 delete-to-end-of-line()
966       :<Key><osfDelete>:
967                 delete-next-character()
969       :c m <Key><osfInsert>:
970                 copy-primary()
972       :c a <Key><osfInsert>:
973                 copy-primary()
975       :s <Key><osfInsert>:
976                 paste-clipboard()
978       :c <Key><osfInsert>:
979                 copy-clipboard()
981       :<Key><osfInsert>:
982                 toggle-overstrike()
984       :s <Key><osfSelect>:
985                 key-select()
987       :<Key><osfSelect>:
988                 set-anchor()
990       :<Key><osfSelectAll>:
991                 select-all()
993       :<Key><osfDeselectAll>:
994                 deselect-all()
996       :<Key><osfActivate>:
997                 activate()
999       :<Key><osfAddMode>:
1000                 toggle-add-mode()
1002       :<Key><osfHelp>:
1003                 Help()
1005       :<Key><osfCancel>:
1006                 process-cancel()
1008       :s c <Key><osfLeft>:
1009                 backward-word(extend)
1011       :c <Key><osfLeft>:
1012                 backward-word()
1014       :s <Key><osfLeft>:
1015                 key-select(left)
1017       :<Key><osfLeft>:
1018                 backward-character()
1020       :s c <Key><osfRight>:
1021                 forward-word(extend)
1023       :c <Key><osfRight>:
1024                 forward-word()
1026       :s <Key><osfRight>:
1027                 key-select(right)
1029       :<Key><osfRight>:
1030                 forward-character()
1032       :<Key><osfUp>:
1033                 traverse-prev()
1035       :<Key><osfDown>:
1036                 traverse-next()
1038       c ∼m ∼a <Key>slash:
1039                 select-all()
1041       c ∼m ∼a <Key>backslash:
1042                 deselect-all()
1044       s ∼m ∼a <Key>Tab:
1045                 prev-tab-group()
1047       ∼m ∼a <Key>Tab:
1048                 next-tab-group()
1050       ∼s ∼m ∼a <Key>Return:
1051                 activate()
1053       c ∼s ∼m ∼a <Key>space:
1054                 set-anchor()
1056       c s ∼m ∼a <Key>space:
1057                 key-select()
1059       s ∼c ∼m ∼a <Key>space:
1060                 self-insert()
1062       <Key>:    self-insert()
1064       The TextField button event translations  are  modified  when  Display's
1065       XmNenableBtn1Transfer resource does not have a value of XmOFF (in other
1066       words, it  is  either  XmBUTTON2_TRANSFER  or  XmBUTTON2_ADJUST).  This
1067       option  allows  the actions for selection and transfer to be integrated
1068       on <Btn1>.  The actions for <Btn1> that are defined above  still  apply
1069       when  the  <Btn1> event occurs over text that is not selected. The fol‐
1070       lowing actions apply when the <Btn1> event occurs  over  text  that  is
1071       selected:
1073       <Btn1Down>:
1074                 process-bdrag().
1076       <Shift><Btn1Down>:
1077                 process-bdrag().
1079       <Btn1Down><Shift><Btn1Up>:
1080                 grab-focus(), extend-end.
1082       <Shift><Btn1Down><Shift><Btn1Up>:
1083                 extend-start(), extend-end().
1085       <Ctrl><Btn1Down><Shift><Btn1Up>:
1086                 move-destination().
1088       <Ctrl><Btn1Down>:
1089                 process-bdrag().
1091       When  Display's  XmNenableBtn1Transfer  resource  has a value of XmBUT‐
1092       TON2_ADJUST, the following actions apply:
1094       <Btn2Down>:
1095                 extend-start().
1097       <Btn2Motion>:
1098                 extend-adjust().
1100       <Btn2Up>: extend-end().
1102   Action Routines
1103       The XmTextField action routines are
1105       activate():
1106                 Calls the callbacks for XmNactivateCallback.  If  the  parent
1107                 is a manager, passes the event to the parent.
1109       backward-character(extend):
1110                 Moves  the  insertion cursor one character to the left.  This
1111                 action may have different behavior in  a  right-to-left  lan‐
1112                 guage environment.
1114                 If  called  with  an  argument of extend, moves the insertion
1115                 cursor as in the case of no argument and extends the  current
1116                 selection.
1118                 The  backward-character() action produces calls to the XmNmo‐
1119                 tionVerifyCallback procedures  with  reason  value  XmCR_MOV‐
1120                 ING_INSERT_CURSOR.   If  called with the extend argument, the
1121                 backward-character() action may produce calls to the XmNgain‐
1122                 PrimaryCallback  procedures.   See  callback  description for
1123                 more information.
1125       backward-word(extend):
1126                 If this action is called with no argument, moves  the  inser‐
1127                 tion  cursor  to the first non-whitespace character after the
1128                 first whitespace character to the left or after the beginning
1129                 of  the  line.   If  the  insertion  cursor is already at the
1130                 beginning of a word, moves the insertion cursor to the begin‐
1131                 ning  of  the  previous word.  This action may have different
1132                 behavior in a locale other than the C locale.
1134                 If called with an argument of  extend,  moves  the  insertion
1135                 cursor  as in the case of no argument and extends the current
1136                 selection.
1138                 The backward-word() action produces calls to  the  XmNmotion‐
1139                 VerifyCallback   procedures   with   reason  value  XmCR_MOV‐
1140                 ING_INSERT_CURSOR.  If called with the extend  argument,  the
1141                 backward-word() action may produce calls to the XmNgainPrima‐
1142                 ryCallback procedures.  See  callback  description  for  more
1143                 information.
1145       beginning-of-line(extend):
1146                 If  this  action is called with no argument, moves the inser‐
1147                 tion cursor to the beginning of the line.
1149                 If called with an argument of  extend,  moves  the  insertion
1150                 cursor  as in the case of no argument and extends the current
1151                 selection.
1153                 The beginning-of-line() action produces calls to  the  XmNmo‐
1154                 tionVerifyCallback  with reason value XmCR_MOVING_INSERT_CUR‐
1155                 SOR.  If called with the extend argument,  the  beginning-of-
1156                 line() action may produce calls to the XmNgainPrimaryCallback
1157                 procedures.  See callback description for more information.
1159       clear-selection():
1160                 Clears the current  selection  by  replacing  each  character
1161                 except <Return> with a <space> character.
1163                 The  clear-selection()  action produces calls to the XmNmodi‐
1164                 fyVerifyCallback procedures with  reason  value  XmCR_MODIFY‐
1165                 ING_TEXT_VALUE  and  the  XmNvalueChangedCallback  procedures
1166                 with reason value XmCR_VALUE_CHANGED.
1168       copy-clipboard():
1169                 If this widget owns the primary selection, this action copies
1170                 the  selection  to the clipboard.  This action calls the XmN‐
1171                 convertCallback procedures, possibly multiple times, for  the
1172                 CLIPBOARD selection.
1174       copy-primary():
1175                 Copies  the  primary  selection  to just before the insertion
1176                 cursor.  This action calls the XmNdestinationCallback  proce‐
1177                 dures for the PRIMARY selection and the XmCOPY operation.  It
1178                 calls the selection  owner's  XmNconvertCallback  procedures,
1179                 possibly multiple times, for the PRIMARY selection.
1181                 In  addition, the copy-primary() action produces calls to the
1182                 XmNmodifyVerifyCallback   procedures   with   reason    value
1183                 XmCR_MODIFYING_TEXT_VALUE,  the  XmNvalueChangedCallback with
1184                 reason value XmCR_VALUE_CHANGED, and the XmNmotionVerifyCall‐
1185                 back  procedures with reason value XmCR_MOVING_INSERT_CURSOR.
1186                 The copy-primary() action may produce calls to  the  XmNgain‐
1187                 PrimaryCallback  procedures.   See  callback  description for
1188                 more information.
1190       copy-to():
1191                 If a secondary selection exists, this action copies the  sec‐
1192                 ondary selection to the insertion position of the destination
1193                 component.  If the primary selection is  in  the  destination
1194                 widget,  it will be deselected. Otherwise, there is no effect
1195                 on the primary selection.
1197                 This action calls  the  destination's  XmNdestinationCallback
1198                 procedures  for the SECONDARY selection and the XmCOPY opera‐
1199                 tion.  The destination's XmNdestinationCallback procedures or
1200                 the   destination  component  itself  invokes  the  selection
1201                 owner's  XmNconvertCallback  procedures,  possibly   multiple
1202                 times, for the SECONDARY selection.
1204                 If no secondary selection exists, this action copies the pri‐
1205                 mary selection to the pointer position.   This  action  calls
1206                 the  XmNdestinationCallback procedures for the PRIMARY selec‐
1207                 tion and  the  XmCOPY  operation.   It  calls  the  selection
1208                 owner's   XmNconvertCallback  procedures,  possibly  multiple
1209                 times, for the PRIMARY selection.
1211                 In addition, the copy-to() action produces calls to the  XmN‐
1212                 modifyVerifyCallback  procedures with reason value XmCR_MODI‐
1213                 FYING_TEXT_VALUE, the XmNvalueChangedCallback procedures with
1214                 reason value XmCR_VALUE_CHANGED, and the XmNmotionVerifyCall‐
1215                 back procedures with reason value  XmCR_MOVING_INSERT_CURSOR.
1216                 If  there is no secondary selection, the copy-to() action may
1217                 produce calls to the XmNgainPrimaryCallback procedures.   See
1218                 callback description for more information.
1220       cut-clipboard():
1221                 If  this  widget owns the primary selection, this action cuts
1222                 the selection to the clipboard.  This action calls  the  XmN‐
1223                 convertCallback  procedures, possibly multiple times, for the
1224                 CLIPBOARD selection.  If the  transfer  is  successful,  this
1225                 action  then  calls the XmNconvertCallback procedures for the
1226                 CLIPBOARD selection and the DELETE target.
1228                 In addition, the cut-clipboard() action produces calls to the
1229                 XmNmodifyVerifyCallback    procedures   with   reason   value
1230                 XmCR_MODIFYING_TEXT_VALUE,  and  the  XmNvalueChangedCallback
1231                 procedures with reason value XmCR_VALUE_CHANGED.
1233       cut-primary():
1234                 Cuts  the  primary  selection  and  pastes it just before the
1235                 insertion cursor.  This action calls the  XmNdestinationCall‐
1236                 back  procedures  for  the  PRIMARY  selection and the XmMOVE
1237                 operation.  It calls the selection owner's XmNconvertCallback
1238                 procedures,  possibly  multiple times, for the PRIMARY selec‐
1239                 tion.  If the transfer is successful, this action then  calls
1240                 the  selection  owner's XmNconvertCallback procedures for the
1241                 PRIMARY selection and the DELETE target.
1243                 In addition, the cut-primary() action produces calls  to  the
1244                 XmNmotionVerifyCallback    procedures   with   reason   value
1245                 XmCR_MOVING_INSERT_CURSOR, the XmNmodifyVerifyCallback proce‐
1246                 dures  with  reason  value XmCR_MODIFYING_TEXT_VALUE, and the
1247                 XmNvalueChangedCallback   procedures   with   reason    value
1248                 XmCR_VALUE_CHANGED.
1250       delete-next-character():
1251                 In  normal mode, if there is a nonnull selection, deletes the
1252                 selection; otherwise, deletes  the  character  following  the
1253                 insertion  cursor.  In add mode, if there is a nonnull selec‐
1254                 tion, the cursor is not disjoint from the selection and  XmN‐
1255                 pendingDelete  is  set to True, deletes the selection; other‐
1256                 wise, deletes the character following the  insertion  cursor.
1257                 This may impact the selection.
1259                 The delete-next-character() action produces calls to the XmN‐
1260                 modifyVerifyCallback procedures with reason value  XmCR_MODI‐
1261                 FYING_TEXT_VALUE,  and the XmNvalueChangedCallback procedures
1262                 with reason value XmCR_VALUE_CHANGED.
1264       delete-next-word():
1265                 In normal mode, if there is a nonnull selection, deletes  the
1266                 selection;  otherwise,  deletes  the characters following the
1267                 insertion cursor to the next space, tab or end-of-line  char‐
1268                 acter.   In  add  mode,  if there is a nonnull selection, the
1269                 cursor is  not  disjoint  from  the  selection  and  XmNpend‐
1270                 ingDelete  is  set to True, deletes the selection; otherwise,
1271                 deletes the characters following the insertion cursor to  the
1272                 next  space,  tab  or end-of-line character.  This may impact
1273                 the selection.  This action may have different behavior in  a
1274                 locale other than the C locale.
1276                 The  delete-next-word() action produces calls to the XmNmodi‐
1277                 fyVerifyCallback procedures with  reason  value  XmCR_MODIFY‐
1278                 ING_TEXT_VALUE,  and  the  XmNvalueChangedCallback procedures
1279                 with reason value XmCR_VALUE_CHANGED.
1281       delete-previous-character():
1282                 In normal mode, if there is a nonnull selection, deletes  the
1283                 selection;  otherwise,  deletes the character of text immedi‐
1284                 ately preceding the insertion cursor.  In add mode, if  there
1285                 is  a  nonnull selection, the cursor is not disjoint from the
1286                 selection and XmNpendingDelete is set to  True,  deletes  the
1287                 selection;  otherwise,  deletes the character of text immedi‐
1288                 ately preceding the insertion cursor.  This  may  impact  the
1289                 selection.
1291                 The  delete-previous-character() action produces calls to the
1292                 XmNmodifyVerifyCallback   procedures   with   reason    value
1293                 XmCR_MODIFYING_TEXT_VALUE, the XmNvalueChangedCallback proce‐
1294                 dures with reason value XmCR_VALUE_CHANGED,  and  the  XmNmo‐
1295                 tionVerifyCallback  procedures  with  reason  value XmCR_MOV‐
1296                 ING_INSERT_CURSOR.
1298       delete-previous-word():
1299                 In normal mode, if there is a nonnull selection, deletes  the
1300                 selection;  otherwise,  deletes  the characters preceding the
1301                 insertion cursor to the next space, tab or  beginning-of-line
1302                 character.  In add mode, if there is a nonnull selection, the
1303                 cursor is  not  disjoint  from  the  selection  and  XmNpend‐
1304                 ingDelete  is  set to True, deletes the selection; otherwise,
1305                 deletes the characters preceding the insertion cursor to  the
1306                 next  space,  tab  or  beginning-of-line character.  This may
1307                 impact the selection.  This action may have different  behav‐
1308                 ior in a locale other than the C locale.
1310                 The  delete-previous-word() action produces calls to the XmN‐
1311                 modifyVerifyCallback procedures with reason value  XmCR_MODI‐
1312                 FYING_TEXT_VALUE, the XmNvalueChangedCallback procedures with
1313                 reason value XmCR_VALUE_CHANGED, and the XmNmotionVerifyCall‐
1314                 back procedures with reason value XmCR_MOVING_INSERT_CURSOR.
1316       delete-selection():
1317                 Deletes the current selection.
1319                 The  delete-selection() action produces calls to the XmNmodi‐
1320                 fyVerifyCallback procedures with  reason  value  XmCR_MODIFY‐
1321                 ING_TEXT_VALUE,  the  XmNvalueChangedCallback procedures with
1322                 reason value XmCR_VALUE_CHANGED, and the XmNmotionVerifyCall‐
1323                 back procedures with reason value XmCR_MOVING_INSERT_CURSOR.
1325       delete-to-end-of-line():
1326                 In  normal mode, if there is a nonnull selection, deletes the
1327                 selection; otherwise, deletes the  characters  following  the
1328                 insertion  cursor  to the next end of line character.  In add
1329                 mode, if there is a nonnull selection, the cursor is not dis‐
1330                 joint from the selection and XmNpendingDelete is set to True,
1331                 deletes the selection; otherwise, deletes the characters fol‐
1332                 lowing  the  insertion cursor to the next end of line charac‐
1333                 ter.  This may impact the selection.
1335                 The delete-to-end-of-line() action produces calls to the XmN‐
1336                 modifyVerifyCallback  procedures with reason value XmCR_MODI‐
1337                 FYING_TEXT_VALUE, and the XmNvalueChangedCallback  procedures
1338                 with reason value XmCR_VALUE_CHANGED.
1340       delete-to-start-of-line():
1341                 In  normal mode, if there is a nonnull selection, deletes the
1342                 selection; otherwise, deletes the  characters  preceding  the
1343                 insertion cursor to the previous beginning-of-line character.
1344                 In add mode, if there is a nonnull selection, the  cursor  is
1345                 not  disjoint  from the selection and XmNpendingDelete is set
1346                 to True, deletes the selection; otherwise, deletes the  char‐
1347                 acters  preceding the insertion cursor to the previous begin‐
1348                 ning-of-line character.  This may impact the selection.
1350                 The delete-to-start-of-line() action produces  calls  to  the
1351                 XmNmodifyVerifyCallback    procedures   with   reason   value
1352                 XmCR_MODIFYING_TEXT_VALUE, the XmNvalueChangedCallback proce‐
1353                 dures  with  reason  value XmCR_VALUE_CHANGED, and the XmNmo‐
1354                 tionVerifyCallback procedures  with  reason  value  XmCR_MOV‐
1355                 ING_INSERT_CURSOR.
1357       deselect-all():
1358                 Deselects the current selection.
1360                 The deselect-all() action produces no callbacks.
1362       end-of-line(extend):
1363                 If  this  action is called with no argument, moves the inser‐
1364                 tion cursor to the end of the line.  If called with an  argu‐
1365                 ment  of extend, moves the insertion cursor as in the case of
1366                 no argument and extends the current selection.
1368                 The end-of-line() action produces calls to the XmNmotionVeri‐
1369                 fyCallback    procedures    with   reason   value   XmCR_MOV‐
1370                 ING_INSERT_CURSOR.  If called with the extend  argument,  the
1371                 end-of-line()  action  may produce calls to the XmNgainPrima‐
1372                 ryCallback procedures.  See  callback  description  for  more
1373                 information.
1375       extend-adjust():
1376                 Selects text from the anchor to the pointer position and des‐
1377                 elects text outside that range.
1379                 The extend-adjust() action produces calls to  the  XmNmotion‐
1380                 VerifyCallback   procedures   with   reason  value  XmCR_MOV‐
1381                 ING_INSERT_CURSOR.  The extend-adjust()  action  may  produce
1382                 calls to the XmNgainPrimaryCallback procedures.  See callback
1383                 description for more information.
1385       extend-end():
1386                 Moves the insertion cursor to the position  of  the  pointer.
1387                 The  extend-end()  action  is  used  to commit the selection.
1388                 After this action has been  done,  process-cancel()  will  no
1389                 longer cancel the selection.
1391                 The  extend-end() action produces calls to the XmNmotionVeri‐
1392                 fyCallback   procedures   with   reason    value    XmCR_MOV‐
1393                 ING_INSERT_CURSOR.  The extend-end() action may produce calls
1394                 to  the  XmNgainPrimaryCallback  procedures.   See   callback
1395                 description for more information.
1397       extend-start():
1398                 Adjusts  the  anchor  using the balance-beam method.  Selects
1399                 text from the anchor to the pointer  position  and  deselects
1400                 text outside that range.
1402                 The  extend-start() action can produce no callbacks, however,
1403                 it may produce calls to the XmNgainPrimaryCallback and XmNmo‐
1404                 tionVerifyCallback  procedures.  See callback description for
1405                 more information.
1407       forward-character(extend):
1408                 Moves the insertion cursor one character to the right.   This
1409                 action  may  have  different behavior in a right-to-left lan‐
1410                 guage environment.
1412                 If called with an argument of  extend,  moves  the  insertion
1413                 cursor  as in the case of no argument and extends the current
1414                 selection.
1416                 The forward-character() action produces calls to  the  XmNmo‐
1417                 tionVerifyCallback  procedures  with  reason  value XmCR_MOV‐
1418                 ING_INSERT_CURSOR.  If called with the extend  argument,  the
1419                 forward-character()  action may produce calls to the XmNgain‐
1420                 PrimaryCallback procedures.   See  callback  description  for
1421                 more information.
1423       forward-word(extend):
1424                 If  this  action is called with no argument, moves the inser‐
1425                 tion cursor to the first whitespace character or  end-of-line
1426                 following  the  next non-whitespace character.  If the inser‐
1427                 tion cursor is already at the end of a word, moves the inser‐
1428                 tion  cursor  to  the  end of the next word.  This action may
1429                 have different behavior in a locale other than the C locale.
1431                 If called with an argument of  extend,  moves  the  insertion
1432                 cursor  as in the case of no argument and extends the current
1433                 selection.
1435                 The forward-word() action produces calls to the XmNmotionVer‐
1436                 ifyCallback    procedures   with   reason   value   XmCR_MOV‐
1437                 ING_INSERT_CURSOR.  If called with the extend  argument,  the
1438                 forward-word()  action may produce calls to the XmNgainPrima‐
1439                 ryCallback procedures.  See  callback  description  for  more
1440                 information.
1442       grab-focus():
1443                 This key binding performs the action defined in the XmNselec‐
1444                 tionArray, depending on the number of multiple mouse  clicks.
1445                 The default selection array ordering is one click to move the
1446                 insertion cursor to  the  pointer  position,  two  clicks  to
1447                 select  a word, and three clicks to select a line of text.  A
1448                 single click also deselects any selected text  and  sets  the
1449                 anchor at the pointer position.  This action may have differ‐
1450                 ent behavior in a locale other than the C locale.
1452                 The grab-focus() action produces calls to the  XmNmotionVeri‐
1453                 fyCallback    procedures    with   reason   value   XmCR_MOV‐
1454                 ING_INSERT_CURSOR.
1456       Help():   Calls the callbacks for XmNhelpCallback  if  any  exist.   If
1457                 there  are  no  help  callbacks  for this widget, this action
1458                 calls the help callbacks for the nearest  ancestor  that  has
1459                 them.
1461       key-select(right|left):
1462                 If called with an argument of right, moves the insertion cur‐
1463                 sor one character to the right and extends the current selec‐
1464                 tion.   If  called with an argument of left, moves the inser‐
1465                 tion cursor one character to the left and extends the current
1466                 selection.   If  called with no argument, extends the current
1467                 selection.
1469                 Note that after a key-select action, the selection will still
1470                 begin at the original anchor, and will extend to the position
1471                 indicated in the action call. If this new position is on  the
1472                 opposite  side  of  the  selection  anchor  from the previous
1473                 selection boundary, the  original  selection  will  be  dese‐
1474                 lected.
1476                 The  key-select() action produces calls to the XmNmotionVeri‐
1477                 fyCallback   procedures   with   reason    value    XmCR_MOV‐
1478                 ING_INSERT_CURSOR.   The key-select() action may also produce
1479                 calls to the XmNgainPrimaryCallback procedures.  See callback
1480                 description for more information.
1482       link-primary():
1483                 Places a link to the primary selection just before the inser‐
1484                 tion cursor.  This action  calls  the  XmNdestinationCallback
1485                 procedures  for  the  PRIMARY selection and the XmLINK opera‐
1486                 tion.  The TextField widget itself performs no transfers; the
1487                 XmNdestinationCallback procedures are responsible for insert‐
1488                 ing the link to the primary  selection  and  for  taking  any
1489                 related actions.
1491       link-to():
1492                 If a secondary selection exists, this action places a link to
1493                 the secondary selection at the insertion position of the des‐
1494                 tination component.  This action calls the destination's XmN‐
1495                 destinationCallback procedures for  the  SECONDARY  selection
1496                 and the XmLINK operation.
1498                 If  no  secondary selection exists, this action places a link
1499                 to the primary  selection  at  the  pointer  position.   This
1500                 action  calls  the  XmNdestinationCallback procedures for the
1501                 PRIMARY selection and the XmLINK operation.
1503                 The TextField widget itself performs no transfers;  the  XmN‐
1504                 destinationCallback  procedures are responsible for inserting
1505                 the link to the primary or secondary selection and for taking
1506                 any related actions.
1508       move-destination():
1509                 Moves  the  insertion  cursor to the pointer position without
1510                 changing any existing current selection.  If there is a  cur‐
1511                 rent  selection,  sets  the widget as the destination widget.
1512                 This also moves the widget focus to match the insertion  cur‐
1513                 sor.
1515                 The  move-destination()  action  produces calls to the XmNmo‐
1516                 tionVerifyCallback procedures  with  reason  value  XmCR_MOV‐
1517                 ING_INSERT_CURSOR.
1519       move-to():
1520                 If  a  secondary selection exists, this action moves the sec‐
1521                 ondary selection to the insertion position of the destination
1522                 component.   If the secondary selection is in the destination
1523                 widget, and the secondary selection and the primary selection
1524                 overlap, the result is undefined.  This action calls the des‐
1525                 tination's XmNdestinationCallback  procedures  for  the  SEC‐
1526                 ONDARY selection and the XmCOPY operation.  The destination's
1527                 XmNdestinationCallback procedures or the  destination  compo‐
1528                 nent  itself invokes the selection owner's XmNconvertCallback
1529                 procedures, possibly multiple times, for the SECONDARY selec‐
1530                 tion.   If the transfer is successful, this action then calls
1531                 the selection owner's XmNconvertCallback procedures  for  the
1532                 SECONDARY selection and the DELETE target.
1534                 If  no secondary selection exists, this action moves the pri‐
1535                 mary selection to the pointer position.   This  action  calls
1536                 the  XmNdestinationCallback procedures for the PRIMARY selec‐
1537                 tion and  the  XmMOVE  operation.   It  calls  the  selection
1538                 owner's   XmNconvertCallback  procedures,  possibly  multiple
1539                 times, for the PRIMARY selection.  If the  transfer  is  suc‐
1540                 cessful, this action then calls the selection owner's XmNcon‐
1541                 vertCallback procedures for the  PRIMARY  selection  and  the
1542                 DELETE target.
1544                 In  addition, the move-to() action produces calls to the XmN‐
1545                 modifyVerifyCallback procedures with reason value  XmCR_MODI‐
1546                 FYING_TEXT_VALUE, the XmNvalueChangedCallback procedures with
1547                 reason value XmCR_VALUE_CHANGED, and the XmNmotionVerifyCall‐
1548                 back  procedures with reason value XmCR_MOVING_INSERT_CURSOR.
1549                 This action may also produce calls to the XmNgainPrimaryCall‐
1550                 back procedures.
1552       next-tab-group():
1553                 Traverses to the next tab group.
1555                 The  next-tab-group() action produces no callbacks, unless it
1556                 results in the widget losing focus, in which case,  the  XmN‐
1557                 losingFocusCallback  procedures  are called with reason value
1558                 XmCR_LOSING_FOCUS.
1560       page-left():
1561                 Scrolls the viewing window left one page of text.
1563                 The page-left() action produces no callbacks.
1565       page-right():
1566                 Scrolls the viewing window right one page of text.
1568                 The page-right() action produces no callbacks.
1570       paste-clipboard():
1571                 Pastes the contents of the  clipboard  before  the  insertion
1572                 cursor.   This action calls the XmNdestinationCallback proce‐
1573                 dures for the CLIPBOARD selection and the XmCOPY operation.
1575                 The paste-clipboard() action produces calls to  the  XmNmodi‐
1576                 fyVerifyCallback  procedures  with  reason value XmCR_MODIFY‐
1577                 ING_TEXT_VALUE, the XmNvalueChangedCallback  procedures  with
1578                 reason value XmCR_VALUE_CHANGED, and the XmNmotionVerifyCall‐
1579                 back procedures with reason value XmCR_MOVING_INSERT_CURSOR.
1581       prev-tab-group():
1582                 Traverses to the previous tab group.
1584                 The prev-tab-group() action produces no callbacks, unless  it
1585                 results  in  the widget losing focus, in which case, the XmN‐
1586                 losingFocusCallback procedures are called with  reason  value
1587                 XmCR_LOSING_FOCUS.
1589       process-bdrag()
1590                 If  the pointer is within the selection, this action starts a
1591                 drag operation for the selection.  This action sets the  XmN‐
1592                 convertProc  of  the DragContext to a function that calls the
1593                 XmNconvertCallback procedures, possibly multiple  times,  for
1594                 the _MOTIF_DROP selection.
1596                 If  no  selection exists or the pointer is outside the selec‐
1597                 tion, this action prepares to start a secondary selection  at
1598                 the pointer position.
1600       process-cancel():
1601                 Cancels  the  current  extend-adjust(), secondary-adjust() or
1602                 process-bdrag() operation and leaves the selection  state  as
1603                 it  was before the operation; otherwise, and if the parent is
1604                 a manager, it passes the event to the parent.
1606       secondary-adjust():
1607                 Extends the secondary selection to the pointer position.
1609                 The secondary-adjust() action produces no callbacks.
1611       secondary-start():
1612                 Marks the beginning of a secondary selection.
1614                 The secondary-start() action produces no callbacks.
1616       select-all():
1617                 Selects all text.
1619                 The select-all() action can produce no callbacks, however, it
1620                 may  produce  calls  to the XmNgainPrimaryCallback and XmNmo‐
1621                 tionVerifyCallback procedures.  See callback description  for
1622                 more information.
1624       self-insert():
1625                 If  XmNpendingDelete  is  True and the cursor is not disjoint
1626                 from the current selection,  deletes  the  entire  selection.
1627                 Inserts  the character associated with the key pressed before
1628                 the insertion cursor.
1630                 The self-insert() action produces calls to the XmNmodifyVeri‐
1631                 fyCallback   procedures   with   reason   value  XmCR_MODIFY‐
1632                 ING_TEXT_VALUE, the XmNvalueChangedCallback  procedures  with
1633                 reason value XmCR_VALUE_CHANGED, and the XmNmotionVerifyCall‐
1634                 back procedures with reason value XmCR_MOVING_INSERT_CURSOR.
1636       set-anchor():
1637                 Resets the anchor point for extended selections.  Resets  the
1638                 destination of secondary selection actions.
1640                 The set-anchor() action produces no callbacks.
1642       toggle-add-mode():
1643                 Toggles the state of Add Mode.
1645                 The toggle-add-mode() action produces no callbacks.
1647       toggle-overstrike():
1648                 Toggles  the  state  of  the text insertion mode. By default,
1649                 characters typed  into  the  TextField  widget  are  inserted
1650                 before  the  position  of the insertion cursor. In overstrike
1651                 mode, characters entered into the  TextField  widget  replace
1652                 the characters that directly follow the insertion cursor.  In
1653                 overstrike mode, when the end of a line is  reached,  charac‐
1654                 ters are appended to the end of the line.
1656                 The  following traversal actions generate no callbacks unless
1657                 they result in the loss of focus by the widget  in  question,
1658                 as  when XmNnavigationType is XmNONE. In this case, they pro‐
1659                 duce calls to  the  XmNlosingFocusCallback  procedures,  with
1660                 reason value XmCR_FOCUS_MOVED.
1662       traverse-home():
1663                 Traverses to the first widget in the tab group.
1665       traverse-next():
1666                 Traverses to the next widget in the tab group.
1668       traverse-prev():
1669                 Traverses to the previous widget in the tab group.
1671   Additional Behavior
1672       This widget has the following additional behavior:
1674       <FocusIn>:
1675                 Draws  the  insertion cursor as solid and starts blinking the
1676                 cursor.
1678       <FocusOut>:
1679                 Displays the insertion cursor as a stippled I-beam unless  it
1680                 is the destination widget.
1682   Virtual Bindings
1683       The  bindings  for  virtual  keys are vendor specific.  For information
1684       about bindings for virtual buttons and keys, see VirtualBindings(3).
1687       Core(3), XmCreateTextField(3), XmFontList(3), XmFontListAppendEntry(3),
1688       XmPrimitive(3),    XmTextFieldClearSelection(3),    XmTextFieldCopy(3),
1689       XmTextFieldCopyLink(3),  XmTextFieldCut(3),  XmTextFieldGetBaseline(3),
1690       XmTextFieldGetEditable(3),          XmTextFieldGetInsertionPosition(3),
1691       XmTextFieldGetLastPosition(3), XmTextFieldGetMaxLength(3), XmTextField‐
1692       GetSelection(3),  XmTextFieldGetSelectionPosition(3), XmTextFieldGetSe‐
1693       lectionWcs(3),   XmTextFieldGetString(3),   XmTextFieldGetStringWcs(3),
1694       XmTextFieldGetSubstring(3), XmTextFieldGetSubstringWcs(3), XmTextField‐
1695       Insert(3), XmTextFieldInsertWcs(3),  XmTextFieldPaste(3),  XmTextField‐
1696       PasteLink(3), XmTextFieldPosToXY(3), XmTextFieldRemove(3), XmTextField‐
1697       Replace(3),     XmTextFieldReplaceWcs(3),     XmTextFieldSetAddMode(3),
1698       XmTextFieldSetEditable(3),   XmTextFieldSetHighlight(3),   XmTextField‐
1699       SetInsertionPosition(3), XmTextFieldSetMaxLength(3),  XmTextFieldSetSe‐
1700       lection(3),     XmTextFieldSetString(3),    XmTextFieldSetStringWcs(3),
1701       XmTextFieldShowPosition(3),     XmTextFieldXYToPos(3),      XmVaCreate‐
1702       TextField(3), and XmVaCreateManagedTextField(3).
1706                                                     XmTextField(library call)