1WATCHDOG.CONF(5)              File Formats Manual             WATCHDOG.CONF(5)


6       watchdog.conf - configuration file for the watchdog daemon


9       This file carries all configuration options for the Linux watchdog dae‐
10       mon.  Each option has to be written on  a  line  for  itself.  Comments
11       start with '#'.  Blanks are ignored except after the '=' sign. An empty
12       text after the '=' sign disables the feature  as  long  as  that  makes
13       sense.


16       interval = <interval>
17              Set  the interval between two writes to the watchdog device. The
18              kernel drivers expects a write command every  minute.  Otherwise
19              the  system  will  be  rebooted. Default value is 10 seconds. An
20              interval of more than a minute can only be used with the -f com‐
21              mand-line option.
23       logtick = <logtick>
24              If  you  enable  verbose  logging, a message is written into the
25              syslog or a logfile. While this is nice, it is not necessary  to
26              get  a  message  every 10 seconds which really fills up disk and
27              needs CPU. logtick allows adjustment of the number of  intervals
28              skipped before a log message is written. If you use logtick = 60
29              and interval = 10, only every 10 minutes (600 seconds) a message
30              is  written.  This  may make the exact time of a crash harder to
31              find but greatly reduces disk usage and administrator nerves  if
32              you're  looking  for  a  particular  syslog  entry in between of
33              watchdog messages.
35       max-load-1 = <load1>
36              Set the maximal allowed load average for a 1 minute  span.  Once
37              this  load  average  is  reached the system is rebooted. Default
38              value is 0. That means the load average check  is  disabled.  Be
39              careful  not to this parameter too low. To set a value less then
40              the predefined minimal value of 2, you have to use the  -f  com‐
41              mandline option.
43       max-load-5 = <load5>
44              Set  the  maximal allowed load average for a 5 minute span. Once
45              this load average is reached the  system  is  rebooted.  Default
46              value  is  3/4*max-load-1.  Be careful not to this parameter too
47              low. To set a value less then the predefined minimal value of 2,
48              you have to use the -f commandline option.
50       max-load-15 = <load15>
51              Set  the maximal allowed load average for a 15 minute span. Once
52              this load average is reached the  system  is  rebooted.  Default
53              value  is  1/2*max-load-1.  Be careful not to this parameter too
54              low. To set a value less then the predefined minimal value of 2,
55              you have to use the -f commandline option.
57       min-memory = <minpage>
58              Set  the minimal amount of virtual memory that has to stay free.
59              Note that this is in pages. Default value is 0 pages which means
60              this  test  is  disabled. The page size is taken from the system
61              include files.
63       max-temperature = <temp>
64              Set the maximal allowed temperature. Once  this  temperature  is
65              reached  the system is halted. Default value is 120. There is no
66              unit conversion, so make sure you use  the  same  unit  as  your
67              hardware.  Watchdog  will  issue  warnings  once the temperature
68              increases 90%, 95% and 98% of this temperature.
70       watchdog-device = <device>
71              Set the watchdog device name. Default is to disable  keep  alive
72              support.
74       watchdog-timeout = <timeout>
75              Set the watchdog device timeout during startup.  If not set, the
76              default is driver-dependent.
78       temperature-device = <temp-dev>
79              Set the temperature device name. Default is to disable  tempera‐
80              ture checking.
82       file = <filename>
83              Set  file name for file mode.  This option can be given as often
84              as you like to check several files.
86       change = <mtime>
87              Set the change interval time for file mode. This options  always
88              belongs  to  the active filename, that is when finding a 'change
89              =' line watchdog assumes it belongs to the  most  recently  read
90              'file  ='  line.   They  don't  neccessarily have to follow each
91              other directly. But you cannot specify a  'change  ='  before  a
92              'file  ='.   The default is to only stat the file and don't look
93              for changes.
95       pidfile = <pidfilename>
96              Set pidfile name for server test mode.  This option can be given
97              as often as you like to check several servers.
99       ping = <ip-addr>
100              Set IP address for ping mode.  This option can be used more than
101              once to check different connections.
103       interface = <if-name>
104              Set interface name for network mode.  This option  can  be  used
105              more than once to check different interfaces.
107       test-binary = <testbin>
108              Execute the given binary to do some user defined tests.
110       test-timeout = <timeout in seconds>
111              User  defined tests may only run for <timeout> seconds. Set to 0
112              for unlimited.
114       repair-binary = <repbin>
115              Execute the given binary in case of a problem instead  of  shut‐
116              ting down the system.
118       admin = <mail-address>
119              Email address to send admin mail to. That is, who shall be noti‐
120              fied that the machine is being halted or  rebooted.  Default  is
121              'root'.  If  you want to disable notification via email just set
122              admin to en empty string.
124       realtime = <yes|no>
125              If set to yes watchdog will lock itself into  memory  so  it  is
126              never swapped out.
128       priority = <schedule priority>
129              Set the schedule priority for realtime mode.
131       test-directory = <test directory>
132              Set  the  directory to run user test/repair scripts.  Default is
133              '/etc/watchdog.d' See the Test Directory section in  watchdog(8)
134              for more information.


137       /etc/watchdog.conf
138              The watchdog configuration file
140       /etc/watchdog.d
141              A  directory  containing  test-or-repair  commands. See the Test
142              Directory section in watchdog(8) for more information.


145       watchdog(8)
1494th Berkeley Distribution        January 2005                 WATCHDOG.CONF(5)