1ttk::treeview(n)               Tk Themed Widget               ttk::treeview(n)


8       ttk::treeview - hierarchical multicolumn data display widget


11       ttk::treeview pathname ?options?


15       The  ttk::treeview  widget displays a hierarchical collection of items.
16       Each item has a textual label, an optional image, and an optional  list
17       of  data  values.   The data values are displayed in successive columns
18       after the tree label.
20       The order in which data values are displayed may be controlled by  set‐
21       ting  the -displaycolumns widget option.  The tree widget can also dis‐
22       play column headings.  Columns may be accessed by number or by symbolic
23       names listed in the -columns widget option; see COLUMN IDENTIFIERS.
25       Each  item  is  identified  by a unique name.  The widget will generate
26       item IDs if they are not supplied by the caller.  There  is  a  distin‐
27       guished  root  item,  named {}.  The root item itself is not displayed;
28       its children appear at the top level of the hierarchy.
30       Each item also has a list of tags, which can be used to associate event
31       bindings with individual items and control the appearance of the item.
33       Treeview  widgets  support  horizontal  and vertical scrolling with the
34       standard -[xy]scrollcommand options and [xy]view widget commands.


37       -class                -cursor              -takefocus
38       -style                -xscrollcommand      -yscrollcommand
40       See the ttk_widget manual entry for details on the standard options.


43       [-columns columns] A list of column identifiers, specifying the  number
44       of columns and their names.  [-displaycolumns displayColumns] A list of
45       column identifiers (either symbolic names or integer indices)  specify‐
46       ing  which  data  columns  are  displayed  and  the order in which they
47       appear, or the string #all.
49              If set to #all (the default), all columns are shown in the order
50              given.
51       [-height height]  Specifies the number of rows which should be visible.
52       Note: the requested width is determined from  the  sum  of  the  column
53       widths.  [-padding padding] Specifies the internal padding for the wid‐
54       get.  The padding is a list of up to four  length  specifications;  see
55       Ttk_GetPaddingFromObj() for details.  [-selectmode selectMode] Controls
56       how the built-in class bindings manage the selection.  One of extended,
57       browse, or none.
59              If  set  to  extended  (the  default),  multiple  items  may  be
60              selected.  If browse, only a single item will be selected  at  a
61              time.  If none, the selection will not be changed.
63              Note  that  application code and tag bindings can set the selec‐
64              tion however they wish, regardless of the value of -selectmode.
65       [-show show] A list containing zero or more of  the  following  values,
66       specifying which elements of the tree to display.
68              tree   Display tree labels in column #0.
70              headings
71                     Display the heading row.
73              The default is tree headings, i.e., show all elements.
75              NOTE:  Column #0 always refers to the tree column, even if -show
76              tree is not specified.


79       pathname bbox item ?column?
80              Returns the bounding box (relative to the treeview widget's win‐
81              dow)  of  the  specified  item in the form x y width height.  If
82              column is specified, returns the bounding box of that cell.   If
83              the item is not visible (i.e., if it is a descendant of a closed
84              item or is scrolled offscreen), returns the empty list.
86       pathname cget option
87              Returns the current value of the specified option; see ttk::wid‐
88              get(n).
90       pathname children item ?newchildren?
91              If  newchildren  is  not specified, returns the list of children
92              belonging to item.
94              If newchildren is specified, replaces  item's  child  list  with
95              newchildren.  Items in the old child list not present in the new
96              child list are detached from the tree.  None  of  the  items  in
97              newchildren may be an ancestor of item.
99       pathname column column ?-option ?value -option value...?
100              Query  or  modify  the  options for the specified column.  If no
101              -option is  specified,  returns  a  dictionary  of  option/value
102              pairs.   If  a single -option is specified, returns the value of
103              that option.  Otherwise, the options are updated with the speci‐
104              fied values.  The following options may be set on each column:
106              -id name
107                     The  column name.  This is a read-only option.  For exam‐
108                     ple, [$pathname column #n -id] returns  the  data  column
109                     associated with display column #n.
111              -anchor
112                     Specifies  how  the text in this column should be aligned
113                     with respect to the cell. One of n, ne, e, se, s, sw,  w,
114                     nw, or center.
116              -minwidth
117                     The  minimum width of the column in pixels.  The treeview
118                     widget will not make the column any  smaller  than  -min‐
119                     width when the widget is resized or the user drags a col‐
120                     umn separator.
122              -stretch
123                     Specifies whether or not the  column's  width  should  be
124                     adjusted when the widget is resized.
126              -width w
127                     The  width of the column in pixels.  Default is something
128                     reasonable, probably 200 or so.
130              Use pathname column #0 to configure the tree column.
132       pathname configure ?option? ?value option value ...?
133              Modify or query widget options; see ttk::widget(n).
135       pathname delete itemList
136              Deletes each of the items in itemList and all of  their  descen‐
137              dants.  The root item may not be deleted.  See also: detach.
139       pathname detach itemList
140              Unlinks  all  of  the specified items in itemList from the tree.
141              The items and all of their descendants are still present and may
142              be  reinserted at another point in the tree but will not be dis‐
143              played.  The root item may not be detached.  See also: delete.
145       pathname exists item
146              Returns 1 if the specified item is present in the tree, 0 other‐
147              wise.
149       pathname focus ?item?
150              If  item  is specified, sets the focus item to item.  Otherwise,
151              returns the current focus item, or {} if there is none.
153       pathname heading column ?-option ?value -option value...?
154              Query or modify the heading options for  the  specified  column.
155              Valid options are:
157              -text text
158                     The text to display in the column heading.
160              -image imageName
161                     Specifies  an image to display to the right of the column
162                     heading.
164              -anchor anchor
165                     Specifies how the heading text should be aligned.  One of
166                     the standard Tk anchor values.
168              -command script
169                     A script to evaluate when the heading label is pressed.
171              Use pathname heading #0 to configure the tree column heading.
173       pathname identify component x y
174              Returns a description of the specified component under the point
175              given by x and y, or the empty string if no  such  component  is
176              present  at  that  position.  The following subcommands are sup‐
177              ported:
179              pathname identify row x y
180                     Returns the item ID of the item at position y.
182              pathname identify column x y
183                     Returns the data column identifier of the cell  at  posi‐
184                     tion x.  The tree column has ID #0.
186              See  COLUMN  IDENTIFIERS for a discussion of display columns and
187              data columns.
189       pathname index item
190              Returns the integer index of item within its  parent's  list  of
191              children.
193       pathname insert parent index ?-id id? options...
194              Creates  a  new item.  parent is the item ID of the parent item,
195              or the empty string {} to create a new top-level item.  index is
196              an  integer,  or  the value end, specifying where in the list of
197              parent's children to insert the new item.  If index is less than
198              or  equal to zero, the new node is inserted at the beginning; if
199              index is greater than or equal to the current  number  of  chil‐
200              dren,  it  is  inserted  at the end.  If -id is specified, it is
201              used as the item identifier; id must not already  exist  in  the
202              tree.  Otherwise, a new unique identifier is generated.
204              pathname insert returns the item identifier of the newly created
205              item.  See ITEM OPTIONS for the list of available options.
207       pathname instate statespec ?script?
208              Test the widget state; see ttk::widget(n).
210       pathname item item ?-option ?value -option value...?
211              Query or modify the options  for  the  specified  item.   If  no
212              -option  is  specified,  returns  a  dictionary  of option/value
213              pairs.  If a single -option is specified, returns the  value  of
214              that option.  Otherwise, the item's options are updated with the
215              specified values.  See ITEM OPTIONS for the  list  of  available
216              options.
218       pathname move item parent index
219              Moves  item  to position index in parent's list of children.  It
220              is illegal to move an item under one of its descendants.
222              If index is less than or equal to zero, item  is  moved  to  the
223              beginning;  if  greater than or equal to the number of children,
224              it is moved to the end.
226       pathname next item
227              Returns the identifier of item's next sibling, or {} if item  is
228              the last child of its parent.
230       pathname parent item
231              Returns  the  ID  of the parent of item, or {} if item is at the
232              top level of the hierarchy.
234       pathname prev item
235              Returns the identifier of item's previous sibling, or {} if item
236              is the first child of its parent.
238       pathname see item
239              Ensure  that  item  is  visible: sets all of item's ancestors to
240              -open true, and scrolls the widget if necessary so that item  is
241              within the visible portion of the tree.
243       pathname selection ?selop itemList?
244              If  selop  is not specified, returns the list of selected items.
245              Otherwise, selop is one of the following:
247              pathname selection set itemList
248                     itemList becomes the new selection.
250              pathname selection add itemList
251                     Add itemList to the selection
253              pathname selection remove itemList
254                     Remove itemList from the selection
256              pathname selection toggle itemList
257                     Toggle the selection state of each item in itemList.
259       pathname set item ?column? ?value?
260              With one argument, returns a dictionary  of  column/value  pairs
261              for the specified item.  With two arguments, returns the current
262              value of the specified column.  With three arguments,  sets  the
263              value of column column in item item to the specified value.  See
264              also COLUMN IDENTIFIERS.
266       pathname state ?stateSpec?
267              Modify or query the widget state; see ttk::widget(n).
269       pathName tag args...
271              pathName tag bind tagName ?sequence? ?script?
272                     Add a Tk binding script for the event  sequence  sequence
273                     to  the  tag tagName.  When an X event is delivered to an
274                     item, binding scripts for each of the  item's  -tags  are
275                     evaluated in order as per bindtags(n).
277                     <KeyPress>,  <KeyRelease>, and virtual events are sent to
278                     the  focus  item.   <ButtonPress>,  <ButtonRelease>,  and
279                     <Motion>  events  are  sent  to  the item under the mouse
280                     pointer.  No other event types are supported.
282                     The binding script undergoes %-substitutions before eval‐
283                     uation; see bind(n) for details.
285              pathName tag configure tagName ?option? ?value option value...?
286                     Query  or  modify  the options for the specified tagName.
287                     If one or more option/value pairs are specified, sets the
288                     value  of those options for the specified tag.  If a sin‐
289                     gle option is specified, returns the value of that option
290                     (or the empty string if the option has not been specified
291                     for tagName).  With no additional  arguments,  returns  a
292                     dictionary  of  the option settings for tagName.  See TAG
293                     OPTIONS for the list of available options.
295       pathName xview args
296              Standard command for horizontal scrolling; see widget(n).
298       pathName yview args
299              Standard command for vertical scrolling; see ttk::widget(n).


302       The following item options may be specified for items in the insert and
303       item  widget  commands.   [-text text] The textual label to display for
304       the item.  [-image image] A Tk image, displayed  to  the  left  of  the
305       label.  [-values values] The list of values associated with the item.
307              Each  item should have the same number of values as the -columns
308              widget option.  If there are  fewer  values  than  columns,  the
309              remaining  values  are  assumed empty.  If there are more values
310              than columns, the extra values are ignored.
311       [-open open] A boolean value indicating  whether  the  item's  children
312       should be displayed (-open true) or hidden (-open false).  [-tags tags]
313       A list of tags associated with this item.


316       The following options may be specified on tags:
318       -foreground
319              Specifies the text foreground color.
321       -background
322              Specifies the cell or item background color.
324       -font  Specifies the font to use when drawing text.
326       -image Specifies the item image, in case the item's  -image  option  is
327              empty.
329       (@@@ TODO: sort out order of precedence for options)


332       Column identifiers take any of the following forms:
334       ·      A symbolic name from the list of -columns.
336       ·      An integer n, specifying the nth data column.
338       ·      A  string  of the form #n, where n is an integer, specifying the
339              nth display column.
341       NOTE: Item -values may be displayed in a different order than the order
342       in which they are stored.
344       NOTE: Column #0 always refers to the tree column, even if -show tree is
345       not specified.
347       A data column number is an index into an item's -values list; a display
348       column  number  is  the  column number in the tree where the values are
349       displayed.  Tree labels are displayed in column #0.  If -displaycolumns
350       is  not  set,  then  data column n is displayed in display column #n+1.
351       Again, column #0 always refers to the tree column.


354       The treeview widget generates the following virtual events.
356       <<TreeviewSelect>>
357              Generated whenever the selection changes.
359       <<TreeviewOpen>>
360              Generated just before setting the focus item to -open true.
362       <<TreeviewClose>>
363              Generated just after setting the focus item to -open false.
365       The focus and selection widget commands can be used  to  determine  the
366       affected item or items.


369       ttk::widget(n), listbox(n), image(n), bind(n)
373Tk                                    8.5                     ttk::treeview(n)