1GRDMATH(1)                   Generic Mapping Tools                  GRDMATH(1)


6       grdmath - Reverse Polish Notation calculator for grid files


9       grdmath  [ -F ] [ -Ixinc[unit][=|+][/yinc[unit][=|+]] ] [ -M ] [ -N ] [
10       -Rwest/east/south/north[r] ] [ -V ] [ -bi[s|S|d|D[ncol]|c[var1/...]]  ]
11       [  -fcolinfo  ] operand [ operand ] OPERATOR [ operand ] OPERATOR ... =
12       outgrdfile


15       grdmath will perform  operations  like  add,  subtract,  multiply,  and
16       divide  on  one  or  more  grid files or constants using Reverse Polish
17       Notation (RPN) syntax (e.g., Hewlett-Packard calculator-style).   Arbi‐
18       trarily  complicated  expressions may therefore be evaluated; the final
19       result is written to an output grid file.  When two grids  are  on  the
20       stack,  each element in file A is modified by the corresponding element
21       in file B.  However, some  operators  only  require  one  operand  (see
22       below).   If  no grid files are used in the expression then options -R,
23       -I must be set (and optionally -F).  The expression  =  outgrdfile  can
24       occur as many times as the depth of the stack allows.
26       operand
27              If  operand  can  be  opened as a file it will be read as a grid
28              file.  If not a file, it is interpreted as a numerical  constant
29              or a special symbol (see below).
31       outgrdfile
32              The  name  of  a  2-D grid file that will hold the final result.
33              (See GRID FILE FORMATS below).
35       OPERATORS
36              Choose among the following 145 operators. "args" are the  number
37              of input and output arguments.
39              Operator  args Returns
41              ABS       1 1  abs (A).
42              ACOS      1 1  acos (A).
43              ACOSH     1 1  acosh (A).
44              ACOT      1 1  acot (A).
45              ACSC      1 1  acsc (A).
46              ADD       2 1  A + B.
47              AND       2 1  NaN if A and B == NaN, B if A == NaN, else A.
48              ASEC      1 1  asec (A).
49              ASIN      1 1  asin (A).
50              ASINH     1 1  asinh (A).
51              ATAN      1 1  atan (A).
52              ATAN2     2 1  atan2 (A, B).
53              ATANH     1 1  atanh (A).
54              BEI       1 1  bei (A).
55              BER       1 1  ber (A).
56              CAZ       2 1  Cartesian azimuth from grid nodes to stack x,y.
57              CBAZ       2  1  Cartesian  backazimuth from grid nodes to stack
58              x,y.
59              CDIST     2 1  Cartesian distance between grid nodes  and  stack
60              x,y.
61              CEIL      1 1  ceil (A) (smallest integer >= A).
62              CHICRIT   2 1  Critical value for chi-squared-distribution, with
63              alpha = A and n = B.
64              CHIDIST   2 1  chi-squared-distribution P(chi2,n), with chi2 = A
65              and n = B.
66              CORRCOEFF 2 1  Correlation coefficient r(A, B).
67              COS       1 1  cos (A) (A in radians).
68              COSD      1 1  cos (A) (A in degrees).
69              COSH      1 1  cosh (A).
70              COT       1 1  cot (A) (A in radians).
71              COTD      1 1  cot (A) (A in degrees).
72              CPOISS    2 1  Cumulative Poisson distribution F(x,lambda), with
73              x = A and lambda = B.
74              CSC       1 1  csc (A) (A in radians).
75              CSCD      1 1  csc (A) (A in degrees).
76              CURV      1 1  Curvature of A (Laplacian).
77              D2DX2     1 1  d^2(A)/dx^2 2nd derivative.
78              D2DXY     1 1  d^2(A)/dxdy 2nd derivative.
79              D2DY2     1 1  d^2(A)/dy^2 2nd derivative.
80              D2R       1 1  Converts Degrees to Radians.
81              DDX       1 1  d(A)/dx Central 1st derivative.
82              DDY       1 1  d(A)/dy Central 1st derivative.
83              DILOG     1 1  dilog (A).
84              DIV       2 1  A / B.
85              DUP       1 2  Places duplicate of A on the stack.
86              EQ        2 1  1 if A == B, else 0.
87              ERF       1 1  Error function erf (A).
88              ERFC      1 1  Complementary Error function erfc (A).
89              ERFINV    1 1  Inverse error function of A.
90              EXCH      2 2  Exchanges A and B on the stack.
91              EXP       1 1  exp (A).
92              EXTREMA   1 1  Local Extrema: +2/-2 is max/min, +1/-1 is  saddle
93              with max/min in x, 0 elsewhere.
94              FACT      1 1  A! (A factorial).
95              FCRIT      3  1  Critical value for F-distribution, with alpha =
96              A, n1 = B, and n2 = C.
97              FDIST     3 1  F-distribution Q(F,n1,n2), with F = A,  n1  =  B,
98              and n2 = C.
99              FLIPLR    1 1  Reverse order of values in each row.
100              FLIPUD    1 1  Reverse order of values in each column.
101              FLOOR     1 1  floor (A) (greatest integer <= A).
102              FMOD      2 1  A % B (remainder after truncated division).
103              GE        2 1  1 if A >= B, else 0.
104              GT        2 1  1 if A > B, else 0.
105              HYPOT     2 1  hypot (A, B) = sqrt (A*A + B*B).
106              I0         1  1  Modified  Bessel function of A (1st kind, order
107              0).
108              I1        1 1  Modified Bessel function of A  (1st  kind,  order
109              1).
110              IN         2  1  Modified  Bessel function of A (1st kind, order
111              B).
112              INRANGE   3 1  1 if B <= A <= C, else 0.
113              INSIDE    1 1  1 when inside or on polygon(s) in A, else 0.
114              INV       1 1  1 / A.
115              ISNAN     1 1  1 if A == NaN, else 0.
116              J0        1 1  Bessel function of A (1st kind, order 0).
117              J1        1 1  Bessel function of A (1st kind, order 1).
118              JN        2 1  Bessel function of A (1st kind, order B).
119              K0        1 1  Modified Kelvin function of A  (2nd  kind,  order
120              0).
121              K1         1  1  Modified  Bessel function of A (2nd kind, order
122              1).
123              KEI       1 1  kei (A).
124              KER       1 1  ker (A).
125              KN        2 1  Modified Bessel function of A  (2nd  kind,  order
126              B).
127              KURT      1 1  Kurtosis of A.
128              LDIST      1  1  Compute  distance  from  lines in multi-segment
129              ASCII file A.
130              LE        2 1  1 if A <= B, else 0.
131              LMSSCL    1 1  LMS scale estimate (LMS STD) of A.
132              LOG       1 1  log (A) (natural log).
133              LOG10     1 1  log10 (A) (base 10).
134              LOG1P     1 1  log (1+A) (accurate for small A).
135              LOG2      1 1  log2 (A) (base 2).
136              LOWER     1 1  The lowest (minimum) value of A.
137              LRAND     2 1  Laplace random noise with mean A and std.  devia‐
138              tion B.
139              LT        2 1  1 if A < B, else 0.
140              MAD       1 1  Median Absolute Deviation (L1 STD) of A.
141              MAX       2 1  Maximum of A and B.
142              MEAN      1 1  Mean value of A.
143              MED       1 1  Median value of A.
144              MIN       2 1  Minimum of A and B.
145              MOD       2 1  A mod B (remainder after floored division).
146              MODE      1 1  Mode value (Least Median of Squares) of A.
147              MUL       2 1  A * B.
148              NAN       2 1  NaN if A == B, else A.
149              NEG       1 1  -A.
150              NEQ       2 1  1 if A != B, else 0.
151              NOT       1 1  NaN if A == NaN, 1 if A == 0, else 0.
152              NRAND     2 1  Normal, random values with mean A and std. devia‐
153              tion B.
154              OR        2 1  NaN if A or B == NaN, else A.
155              PDIST     1 1  Compute distance from points in ASCII file A.
156              PLM       3 1  Associated  Legendre  polynomial  P(A)  degree  B
157              order C.
158              PLMg       3  1  Normalized  associated Legendre polynomial P(A)
159              degree B order C (geophysical convention).
160              POP       1 0  Delete top element from the stack.
161              POW       2 1  A ^ B.
162              PQUANT    2 1  The B'th Quantile (0-100%) of A.
163              PSI       1 1  Psi (or Digamma) of A.
164              PV        3 1  Legendre function Pv(A) of degree v =  real(B)  +
165              imag(C).
166              QV         3  1  Legendre function Qv(A) of degree v = real(B) +
167              imag(C).
168              R2        2 1  R2 = A^2 + B^2.
169              R2D       1 1  Convert Radians to Degrees.
170              RAND      2 1  Uniform random values between A and B.
171              RINT      1 1  rint (A) (nearest integer).
172              ROTX      2 1  Rotate A by the (constant) shift  B  in  x-direc‐
173              tion.
174              ROTY       2  1  Rotate  A by the (constant) shift B in y-direc‐
175              tion.
176              SAZ       2 1  Spherical azimuth from grid nodes to stack x,y.
177              SBAZ      2 1  Spherical backazimuth from grid  nodes  to  stack
178              x,y.
179              SDIST      2  1  Spherical  (Great circle) distance (in degrees)
180              between grid nodes and stack lon,lat (A, B).
181              SEC       1 1  sec (A) (A in radians).
182              SECD      1 1  sec (A) (A in degrees).
183              SIGN      1 1  sign (+1 or -1) of A.
184              SIN       1 1  sin (A) (A in radians).
185              SINC      1 1  sinc (A) (sin (pi*A)/(pi*A)).
186              SIND      1 1  sin (A) (A in degrees).
187              SINH      1 1  sinh (A).
188              SKEW      1 1  Skewness of A.
189              SQR       1 1  A^2.
190              SQRT      1 1  sqrt (A).
191              STD       1 1  Standard deviation of A.
192              STEP      1 1  Heaviside step function: H(A).
193              STEPX     1 1  Heaviside step function in x: H(x-A).
194              STEPY     1 1  Heaviside step function in y: H(y-A).
195              SUB       2 1  A - B.
196              TAN       1 1  tan (A) (A in radians).
197              TAND      1 1  tan (A) (A in degrees).
198              TANH      1 1  tanh (A).
199              TCRIT     2 1  Critical value for Student's t-distribution, with
200              alpha = A and n = B.
201              TDIST      2 1  Student's t-distribution A(t,n), with t = A, and
202              n = B.
203              TN        2 1  Chebyshev polynomial Tn(-1<t<+1,n), with t  =  A,
204              and n = B.
205              UPPER     1 1  The highest (maximum) value of A.
206              XOR       2 1  B if A == NaN, else A.
207              Y0        1 1  Bessel function of A (2nd kind, order 0).
208              Y1        1 1  Bessel function of A (2nd kind, order 1).
209              YLM        2  2  Re  and  Im orthonormalized spherical harmonics
210              degree A order B.
211              YLMg      2 2  Cos and Sin normalized spherical harmonics degree
212              A order B (geophysical convention).
213              YN        2 1  Bessel function of A (2nd kind, order B).
214              ZCRIT      1 1  Critical value for the normal-distribution, with
215              alpha = A.
216              ZDIST     1 1  Cumulative normal-distribution C(x), with x = A.
218       SYMBOLS
219              The following symbols have special meaning:
221              PI   3.1415926...
222              E    2.7182818...
223              EULER     0.5772156...
224              XMIN      Minimum x value
225              XMAX      Maximum x value
226              XINC      x increment
227              NX   The number of x nodes
228              YMIN      Minimum y value
229              YMAX      Maximum y value
230              YINC      y increment
231              NY   The number of y nodes
232              X    Grid with x-coordinates
233              Y    Grid with y-coordinates
234              Xn   Grid with normalized [-1 to +1] x-coordinates
235              Yn   Grid with normalized [-1 to +1] y-coordinates


238       -F     Force pixel node registration  [Default  is  gridline  registra‐
239              tion].  (Node registrations are defined in GMT Cookbook Appendix
240              B on grid file formats.)  Only used with -R -I.
242       -I     x_inc [and optionally y_inc] is the  grid  spacing.  Optionally,
243              append  a  suffix modifier.  Geographical (degrees) coordinates:
244              Append m to indicate arc minutes or c to indicate  arc  seconds.
245              If  one  of  the  units  e,  k, i, or n is appended instead, the
246              increment is assumed to be given in meter, km, miles, or  nauti‐
247              cal miles, respectively, and will be converted to the equivalent
248              degrees longitude at the middle latitude of the region (the con‐
249              version  depends on ELLIPSOID).  If /y_inc is given but set to 0
250              it will be reset equal to x_inc; otherwise it will be  converted
251              to degrees latitude.  All coordinates: If = is appended then the
252              corresponding max x (east) or y (north) may be slightly adjusted
253              to fit exactly the given increment [by default the increment may
254              be adjusted slightly to fit the given domain].  Finally, instead
255              of  giving  an  increment  you  may  specify the number of nodes
256              desired by appending + to the  supplied  integer  argument;  the
257              increment  is then recalculated from the number of nodes and the
258              domain.  The resulting increment value depends  on  whether  you
259              have  selected  a  gridline-registered or pixel-registered grid;
260              see Appendix B for details.  Note: if  -Rgrdfile  is  used  then
261              grid  spacing  has  already been initialized; use -I to override
262              the values.
264       -M     By default any  derivatives  calculated  are  in  z_units/  x(or
265              y)_units.   However,  the user may choose this option to convert
266              dx,dy in degrees of longitude,latitude into meters using a  flat
267              Earth approximation, so that gradients are in z_units/meter.
269       -N     Turn  off  strict  domain match checking when multiple grids are
270              manipulated [Default will insist that each grid domain is within
271              1e-4 * grid_spacing of the domain of the first grid listed].
273       -R     xmin,  xmax, ymin, and ymax specify the Region of interest.  For
274              geographic regions,  these  limits  correspond  to  west,  east,
275              south,  and north and you may specify them in decimal degrees or
276              in [+-]dd:mm[:ss.xxx][W|E|S|N] format.  Append r if  lower  left
277              and  upper  right  map coordinates are given instead of w/e/s/n.
278              The two shorthands -Rg and -Rd stand for  global  domain  (0/360
279              and  -180/+180  in longitude respectively, with -90/+90 in lati‐
280              tude).  Alternatively, specify the name of an existing grid file
281              and the -R settings (and grid spacing, if applicable) are copied
282              from the grid.  For calendar time  coordinates  you  may  either
283              give  (a) relative time (relative to the selected TIME_EPOCH and
284              in the selected TIME_UNIT; append t to -JX|x), or  (b)  absolute
285              time  of  the form [date]T[clock] (append T to -JX|x).  At least
286              one of date and clock must be present; the T is always required.
287              The date string must be of the form [-]yyyy[-mm[-dd]] (Gregorian
288              calendar) or yyyy[-Www[-d]] (ISO week calendar), while the clock
289              string  must  be  of the form hh:mm:ss[.xxx].  The use of delim‐
290              iters and their type and positions must be exactly as  indicated
291              (however,  input,  output and plot formats are customizable; see
292              gmtdefaults).
294       -V     Selects verbose mode, which will send progress reports to stderr
295              [Default runs "silently"].
297       -bi    Selects binary input.  Append s for single precision [Default is
298              d  (double)].   Uppercase  S  or  D  will  force  byte-swapping.
299              Optionally,  append  ncol,  the number of columns in your binary
300              input file if it exceeds the columns needed by the program.   Or
301              append  c  if  the  input  file  is  netCDF.  Optionally, append
302              var1/var2/... to specify the variables to be read.   The  binary
303              input  option only applies to the data files needed by operators
304              LDIST, PDIST, and INSIDE.
306       -f     Special formatting of input and/or output columns (time or  geo‐
307              graphical  data).   Specify  i  or  o to make this apply only to
308              input or output [Default applies to both].   Give  one  or  more
309              columns (or column ranges) separated by commas.  Append T (abso‐
310              lute calendar time), t (relative time in chosen TIME_UNIT  since
311              TIME_EPOCH),  x (longitude), y (latitude), or f (floating point)
312              to each column or column range item.  Shorthand  -f[i|o]g  means
313              -f[i|o]0x,1y (geographic coordinates).


316       (1) The operator SDIST calculates spherical distances between the (lon,
317       lat) point on the stack and all node positions in the grid.   The  grid
318       domain  and  the (lon, lat) point are expected to be in degrees.  Simi‐
319       larly, the SAZ and SBAZ operators calculate spherical azimuth and back-
320       azimuths  in degrees, respectively.  A few operators (PDIST, LDIST, and
321       INSIDE) expects their argument to be a single file with points,  lines,
322       or  polygons,  respectively.   Be aware that LDIST in particular can be
323       slow for large grids and numerous line segments.  Note: If the  current
324       ELLIPSOID is not spherical then geodesics are used in the calculations.
326       (2)  The  operator PLM calculates the associated Legendre polynomial of
327       degree L and order M (0 <= M <= L), and its argument is the sine of the
328       latitude.  PLM is not normalized and includes the Condon-Shortley phase
329       (-1)^M.  PLMg is normalized in the way that is most  commonly  used  in
330       geophysics.   The  C-S phase can be added by using -M as argument.  PLM
331       will overflow at higher degrees, whereas PLMg  is  stable  until  ultra
332       high degrees (at least 3000).
334       (3) The operators YLM and YLMg calculate normalized spherical harmonics
335       for degree L and order M (0 <= M <= L) for all positions in  the  grid,
336       which  is assumed to be in degrees.  YLM and YLMg return two grids, the
337       real (cosine) and imaginary (sine) component of the  complex  spherical
338       harmonic.   Use  the POP operator (and EXCH) to get rid of one of them,
339       or save both by giving two consecutive = file.grd calls.
340       The orthonormalized complex harmonics YLM are  most  commonly  used  in
341       physics  and  seismology.   The  square  of  YLM integrates to 1 over a
342       sphere.  In geophysics, YLMg is normalized to produce unit  power  when
343       averaging  the  cosine and sine terms (separately!) over a sphere (i.e.
344       their squares each integrate  to  4  pi).   The  Condon-Shortley  phase
345       (-1)^M  is not included in YLM or YLMg, but it can be added by using -M
346       as argument.
348       (4) All the derivatives are based on central finite  differences,  with
349       natural boundary conditions.
351       (5)  Files that have the same names as some operators, e.g., ADD, SIGN,
352       =, etc. should be identified by prepending the current directory (i.e.,
353       ./LOG).
355       (6) Piping of files is not allowed.
357       (7) The stack depth limit is hard-wired to 100.
359       (8)  All  functions  expecting a positive radius (e.g., LOG, KEI, etc.)
360       are passed the absolute value of their argument.


363       Regardless of the precision of the input data, GMT programs that create
364       grid  files  will  internally  hold  the grids in 4-byte floating point
365       arrays.  This is done to conserve memory and furthermore  most  if  not
366       all  real  data can be stored using 4-byte floating point values.  Data
367       with higher precision (i.e., double precision values)  will  lose  that
368       precision  once  GMT  operates on the grid or writes out new grids.  To
369       limit loss of precision when processing data you should always consider
370       normalizing the data prior to processing.


373       By  default GMT writes out grid as single precision floats in a COARDS-
374       complaint netCDF file format.  However, GMT is  able  to  produce  grid
375       files  in  many  other commonly used grid file formats and also facili‐
376       tates so called "packing" of grids, writing out floating point data  as
377       2-  or 4-byte integers. To specify the precision, scale and offset, the
378       user should add the suffix =id[/scale/offset[/nan]], where id is a two-
379       letter  identifier of the grid type and precision, and scale and offset
380       are optional scale factor and offset to be applied to all grid  values,
381       and  nan  is  the  value  used  to indicate missing data.  When reading
382       grids, the format is generally automatically recognized.  If  not,  the
383       same  suffix can be added to input grid file names.  See grdreformat(1)
384       and Section 4.17 of the GMT Technical Reference and Cookbook  for  more
385       information.
387       When reading a netCDF file that contains multiple grids, GMT will read,
388       by default, the first 2-dimensional grid that can find in that file. To
389       coax  GMT  into  reading another multi-dimensional variable in the grid
390       file, append ?varname to the file name, where varname is  the  name  of
391       the variable. Note that you may need to escape the special meaning of ?
392       in your shell program by putting a backslash in  front  of  it,  or  by
393       placing  the  filename and suffix between quotes or double quotes.  The
394       ?varname suffix can also be used for output grids to specify a variable
395       name  different  from the default: "z".  See grdreformat(1) and Section
396       4.18 of the GMT Technical Reference and Cookbook for more  information,
397       particularly on how to read splices of 3-, 4-, or 5-dimensional grids.


400       When  the  output  grid type is netCDF, the coordinates will be labeled
401       "longitude", "latitude", or "time" based on the attributes of the input
402       data  or  grid  (if  any) or on the -f or -R options. For example, both
403       -f0x -f1t and -R90w/90e/0t/3t will result  in  a  longitude/time  grid.
404       When  the  x, y, or z coordinate is time, it will be stored in the grid
405       as relative time since epoch as specified by TIME_UNIT  and  TIME_EPOCH
406       in the .gmtdefaults file or on the command line.  In addition, the unit
407       attribute of the time variable will indicate both this unit and epoch.


410       To take log10 of the average of 2 files, use
412       grdmath file1.grd file2.grd ADD 0.5 MUL LOG10 = file3.grd
414       Given the file ages.grd, which holds seafloor ages  in  m.y.,  use  the
415       relation  depth(in  m)  =  2500  +  350 * sqrt (age) to estimate normal
416       seafloor depths:
418       grdmath ages.grd SQRT 350 MUL 2500 ADD = depths.grd
420       To find the angle a (in degrees) of the largest principal  stress  from
421       the  stress  tensor  given  by  the  three files s_xx.grd s_yy.grd, and
422       s_xy.grd from the relation tan (2*a) = 2 * s_xy / (s_xx - s_yy), use
424       grdmath 2 s_xy.grd MUL s_xx.grd s_yy.grd SUB DIV ATAN2 2 DIV  =  direc‐
425       tion.grd
427       To  calculate  the  fully normalized spherical harmonic of degree 8 and
428       order 4 on a 1 by 1 degree world map, using the real amplitude 0.4  and
429       the imaginary amplitude 1.1:
431       grdmath -R0/360/-90/90 -I1 8 4 YML 1.1 MUL EXCH 0.4 MUL ADD = harm.grd
433       To  extract  the  locations of local maxima that exceed 100 mGal in the
434       file faa.grd:
436       grdmath faa.grd DUP EXTREMA 2 EQ MUL DUP 100 GT MUL 0 NAN = z.grd
437       grd2xyz z.grd -S > max.xyz


440       Abramowitz, M., and I. A. Stegun, 1964, Handbook of Mathematical  Func‐
441       tions, Applied Mathematics Series, vol. 55, Dover, New York.
442       Holmes,  S. A., and W. E. Featherstone, 2002, A unified approach to the
443       Clenshaw summation and the recursive computation of  very  high  degree
444       and   order  normalised  associated  Legendre  functions.   Journal  of
445       Geodesy, 76, 279-299.
446       Press, W. H.,  S. A. Teukolsky, W. T. Vetterling, and B.  P.  Flannery,
447       1992, Numerical Recipes, 2nd edition, Cambridge Univ., New York.
448       Spanier,  J., and K. B. Oldman, 1987, An Atlas of Functions, Hemisphere
449       Publishing Corp.


452       GMT(1), gmtmath(1), grd2xyz(1), grdedit(1), grdinfo(1), xyz2grd(1)
456GMT 4.5.6                         10 Mar 2011                       GRDMATH(1)