1MR(1)                                 mr                                 MR(1)


6       mr - a Multiple Repository management tool


9       mr [options] checkout
11       mr [options] update
13       mr [options] status
15       mr [options] commit [-m "message"]
17       mr [options] record [-m "message"]
19       mr [options] diff
21       mr [options] log
23       mr [options] bootstrap url [directory]
25       mr [options] register [repository]
27       mr [options] config section ["parameter=[value]" ...]
29       mr [options] action [params ...]
31       mr [options] [online|offline]
33       mr [options] remember action [params ...]


36       mr is a Multiple Repository management tool. It can checkout, update,
37       or perform other actions on a set of repositories as if they were one
38       combined repository. It supports any combination of subversion, git,
39       cvs, mercurial, bzr, darcs and fossil repositories, and support for
40       other revision control systems can easily be added.
42       mr cds into and operates on all registered repositories at or below
43       your working directory. Or, if you are in a subdirectory of a
44       repository that contains no other registered repositories, it will stay
45       in that directory, and work on only that repository,
47       mr is configured by .mrconfig files, which list the repositories. It
48       starts by reading the .mrconfig file in your home directory, and this
49       can in turn chain load .mrconfig files from repositories.
51       These predefined commands should be fairly familiar to users of any
52       revision control system:
54       checkout (or co)
55           Checks out any repositories that are not already checked out.
57       update
58           Updates each repository from its configured remote repository.
60           If a repository isn't checked out yet, it will first check it out.
62       status
63           Displays a status report for each repository, showing what
64           uncommitted changes are present in the repository.
66       commit (or ci)
67           Commits changes to each repository. (By default, changes are pushed
68           to the remote repository too, when using distributed systems like
69           git. If you don't like this default, you can change it in your
70           .mrconfig, or use record instead.)
72           The optional -m parameter allows specifying a commit message.
74       record
75           Records changes to the local repository, but does not push them to
76           the remote repository. Only supported for distributed revision
77           control systems.
79           The optional -m parameter allows specifying a commit message.
81       push
82           Pushes committed local changes to the remote repository. A no-op
83           for centralized revision control systems.
85       diff
86           Show a diff of uncommitted changes.
88       log Show the commit log.
90       These commands are also available:
92       bootstrap url [directory]
93           Causes mr to download the url, and use it as a .mrconfig file to
94           checkout the repositories listed in it, into the specified
95           directory.
97           The directory will be created if it does not exist. If no directory
98           is specified, the current directory will be used.
100           If the .mrconfig file includes a repository named ".", that is
101           checked out into the top of the specified directory.
103       list (or ls)
104           List the repositories that mr will act on.
106       register
107           Register an existing repository in a mrconfig file. By default, the
108           repository in the current directory is registered, or you can
109           specify a directory to register.
111           The mrconfig file that is modified is chosen by either the -c
112           option, or by looking for the closest known one at or below the
113           current directory.
115       config
116           Adds, modifies, removes, or prints a value from a mrconfig file.
117           The next parameter is the name of the section the value is in. To
118           add or modify values, use one or more instances of
119           "parameter=value". Use "parameter=" to remove a parameter. Use just
120           "parameter" to get the value of a parameter.
122           For example, to add (or edit) a repository in src/foo:
124             mr config src/foo checkout="svn co svn://example.com/foo/trunk foo"
126           To show the command that mr uses to update the repository in
127           src/foo:
129             mr config src/foo update
131           To see the built-in library of shell functions contained in mr:
133             mr config DEFAULT lib
135           The ~/.mrconfig file is used by default. To use a different config
136           file, use the -c option.
138       offline
139           Advises mr that it is in offline mode. Any commands that fail in
140           offline mode will be remembered, and retried when mr is told it's
141           online.
143       online
144           Advices mr that it is in online mode again. Commands that failed
145           while in offline mode will be re-run.
147       remember
148           Remember a command, to be run later when mr re-enters online mode.
149           This implicitly puts mr into offline mode. The command can be any
150           regular mr command. This is useful when you know that a command
151           will fail due to being offline, and so don't want to run it right
152           now at all, but just remember to run it when you go back online.
154       help
155           Displays this help.
157       Actions can be abbreviated to any unambiguous substring, so "mr st" is
158       equivalent to "mr status", and "mr up" is equivalent to "mr update"
160       Additional parameters can be passed to most commands, and are passed on
161       unchanged to the underlying revision control system. This is mostly
162       useful if the repositories mr will act on all use the same revision
163       control system.


166       -d directory
167       --directory directory
168           Specifies the topmost directory that mr should work in. The default
169           is the current working directory.
171       -c mrconfig
172       --config mrconfig
173           Use the specified mrconfig file. The default is ~/.mrconfig
175       -p
176       --path
177           Search in the current directory, and its parent directories and use
178           the first .mrconfig found, instead of the default ~/.mrconfig.
180       -v
181       --verbose
182           Be verbose.
184       -q
185       --quiet
186           Be quiet.
188       -k
189       --insecure
190           Accept untrusted SSL certificates when bootstrapping.
192       -s
193       --stats
194           Expand the statistics line displayed at the end to include
195           information about exactly which repositories failed and were
196           skipped, if any.
198       -i
199       --interactive
200           Interactive mode. If a repository fails to be processed, a subshell
201           will be started which you can use to resolve or investigate the
202           problem. Exit the subshell to continue the mr run.
204       -n [number]
205       --no-recurse [number]
206           If no number if specified, just operate on the repository for the
207           current directory, do not recurse into deeper repositories.
209           If a number is specified, will recurse into repositories at most
210           that many subdirectories deep. For example, with -n 2 it would
211           recurse into ./src/foo, but not ./src/packages/bar.
213       -j [number]
214       --jobs [number]
215           Run the specified number of jobs in parallel, or an unlimited
216           number of jobs with no number specified. This can greatly speed up
217           operations such as updates.  It is not recommended for interactive
218           operations.
220           Note that running more than 10 jobs at a time is likely to run
221           afoul of ssh connection limits. Running between 3 and 5 jobs at a
222           time will yield a good speedup in updates without loading the
223           machine too much.
225       -t
226       --trust-all
227           Trust all mrconfig files even if they are not listed in ~/.mrtrust.
228           Use with caution.


231       Here is an example .mrconfig file:
233         [src]
234         checkout = svn co svn://svn.example.com/src/trunk src
235         chain = true
237         [src/linux-2.6]
238         checkout = git clone git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux-2.6.git &&
239               cd linux-2.6 &&
240               git checkout -b mybranch origin/master
242       The .mrconfig file uses a variant of the INI file format. Lines
243       starting with "#" are comments. Values can be continued to the
244       following line by indenting the line with whitespace.
246       The "DEFAULT" section allows setting default values for the sections
247       that come after it.
249       The "ALIAS" section allows adding aliases for actions. Each parameter
250       is an alias, and its value is the action to use.
252       All other sections add repositories. The section header specifies the
253       directory where the repository is located. This is relative to the
254       directory that contains the mrconfig file, but you can also choose to
255       use absolute paths. (Note that you can use environment variables in
256       section names; they will be passed through the shell for expansion. For
257       example, "[$HOSTNAME]", or "[${HOSTNAME}foo]")
259       Within a section, each parameter defines a shell command to run to
260       handle a given action. mr contains default handlers for "update",
261       "status", "commit", and other standard actions. Normally you only need
262       to specify what to do for "checkout".
264       Note that these shell commands are run in a "set -e" shell environment,
265       where any additional parameters you pass are available in "$@". The
266       "checkout" command is run in the parent of the repository directory,
267       since the repository isn't checked out yet. All other commands are run
268       inside the repository, though not necessarily at the top of it.
270       The "MR_REPO" environment variable is set to the path to the top of the
271       repository. (For the "register" action, "MR_REPO" is instead set to the
272       basename of the directory that should be created when checking the
273       repository out.)
275       The "MR_CONFIG" environment variable is set to the .mrconfig file that
276       defines the repo being acted on, or, if the repo is not yet in a config
277       file, the .mrconfig file that should be modified to register the repo.
279       A few parameters have special meanings:
281       skip
282           If the "skip" parameter is set and its command returns true, then
283           mr will skip acting on that repository. The command is passed the
284           action name in $1.
286           Here are two examples. The first skips the repo unless mr is run by
287           joey. The second uses the hours_since function (included in mr's
288           built-in library) to skip updating the repo unless it's been at
289           least 12 hours since the last update.
291             skip = test `whoami` != joey
292             skip = [ "$1" = update ] && ! hours_since "$1" 12
294       order
295           The "order" parameter can be used to override the default ordering
296           of repositories. The default order value is 10. Use smaller values
297           to make repositories be processed earlier, and larger values to
298           make repositories be processed later.
300           Note that if a repository is located in a subdirectory of another
301           repository, ordering it to be processed earlier is not recommended.
303       chain
304           If the "chain" parameter is set and its command returns true, then
305           mr will try to load a .mrconfig file from the root of the
306           repository.
308       include
309           If the "include" parameter is set, its command is ran, and should
310           output additional mrconfig file content. The content is included as
311           if it were part of the including file.
313           Unlike all other parameters, this parameter does not need to be
314           placed within a section.
316       lib The "lib" parameter can specify some shell code that will be run
317           before each command, this can be a useful way to define shell
318           functions for other commands to use.
320       fixups
321           If the "fixups" parameter is set, its command is run whenever a
322           repository is checked out, or updated. This provides an easy way to
323           do things like permissions fixups, or other tweaks to the
324           repository content, whenever the repository is changed.
326       pre_ and post_
327           If a "pre_action" parameter is set, its command is run before mr
328           performs the specified action. Similarly, "post_action" parameters
329           are run after mr successfully performs the specified action. For
330           example, "pre_commit" is run before committing; "post_update" is
331           run after updating.
333       When looking for a command to run for a given action, mr first looks
334       for a parameter with the same name as the action. If that is not found,
335       it looks for a parameter named "rcs_action" (substituting in the name
336       of the revision control system and the action). The name of the
337       revision control system is itself determined by running each defined
338       "rcs_test" action, until one succeeds.
340       Internally, mr has settings for "git_update", "svn_update", etc. To
341       change the action that is performed for a given revision control
342       system, you can override these rcs specific actions. To add a new
343       revision control system, you can just add rcs specific actions for it.
345       The ~/.mrlog file contains commands that mr has remembered to run
346       later, due to being offline. You can delete or edit this file to remove
347       commands, or even to add other commands for 'mr online' to run. If the
348       file is present, mr assumes it is in offline mode.


351       Since mrconfig files can contain arbitrary shell commands, they can do
352       anything. This flexibility is good, but it also allows a malicious
353       mrconfig file to delete your whole home directory. Such a file might be
354       contained inside a repository that your main ~/.mrconfig checks out and
355       chains to. To avoid worries about evil commands in a mrconfig file, mr
356       has the ability to read mrconfig files in untrusted mode. Such files
357       are limited to running only known safe commands (like "git clone") in a
358       carefully checked manner.
360       By default, mr trusts all mrconfig files. (This default will change in
361       a future release!) But if you have a ~/.mrtrust file, mr will only
362       trust mrconfig files that are listed within it. (One file per line.)
363       All other files will be treated as untrusted.


366       mr can be extended to support things such as unison and git-svn. Some
367       files providing such extensions are available in /usr/share/mr/. See
368       the documentation in the files for details about using them.


371       Copyright 2007-2010 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
373       Licensed under the GNU GPL version 2 or higher.
375       http://kitenet.net/~joey/code/mr/
379perl v5.12.2                      2010-11-02                             MR(1)