1PANDOC(1)                   General Commands Manual                  PANDOC(1)


6       pandoc - general markup converter


9       pandoc [options] [input-file]...


12       Pandoc  is  a  Haskell library for converting from one markup format to
13       another, and a command-line tool that uses this library.  It  can  read
14       markdown  and  (subsets of) Textile, reStructuredText, HTML, and LaTeX;
15       and it can write plain text, markdown, reStructuredText,  HTML,  LaTeX,
16       ConTeXt,  RTF,  DocBook  XML, OpenDocument XML, ODT, GNU Texinfo, Medi‐
17       aWiki markup, EPUB, Textile, groff man pages, Emacs Org-Mode, and Slidy
18       or S5 HTML slide shows.
20       Pandoc's  enhanced  version  of markdown includes syntax for footnotes,
21       tables,  flexible  ordered  lists,  definition  lists,  delimited  code
22       blocks,  superscript,  subscript,  strikeout,  title  blocks, automatic
23       tables of contents, embedded LaTeX math, citations, and markdown inside
24       HTML  block  elements.  (These enhancements, described below under Pan‐
25       doc's markdown, can be disabled using the --strict option.)
27       In contrast to most existing tools for  converting  markdown  to  HTML,
28       which use regex substitutions, Pandoc has a modular design: it consists
29       of a set of readers, which parse text in a given format and  produce  a
30       native representation of the document, and a set of writers, which con‐
31       vert this native representation into a target format.  Thus, adding  an
32       input or output format requires only adding a reader or writer.
34   Using Pandoc
35       If  no  input-file  is specified, input is read from stdin.  Otherwise,
36       the input-files are concatenated (with a blank line between  each)  and
37       used as input.  Output goes to stdout by default (though output to std‐
38       out is disabled for the odt and epub output formats).  For output to  a
39       file, use the -o option:
41              pandoc -o output.html input.txt
43       Instead  of  a file, an absolute URI may be given.  In this case pandoc
44       will fetch the content using HTTP:
46              pandoc -f html -t markdown http://www.fsf.org
48       If multiple input files are given, pandoc  will  concatenate  them  all
49       (with blank lines between them) before parsing.
51       The  format  of  the input and output can be specified explicitly using
52       command-line options.  The input format  can  be  specified  using  the
53       -r/--read  or -f/--from options, the output format using the -w/--write
54       or -t/--to options.  Thus, to convert hello.txt from markdown to LaTeX,
55       you could type:
57              pandoc -f markdown -t latex hello.txt
59       To convert hello.html from html to markdown:
61              pandoc -f html -t markdown hello.html
63       Supported  output  formats  are  listed below under the -t/--to option.
64       Supported input formats are listed below under  the  -f/--from  option.
65       Note  that  the rst, textile, latex, and html readers are not complete;
66       there are some constructs that they do not parse.
68       If the input or output format is not specified explicitly, pandoc  will
69       attempt  to  guess it from the extensions of the input and output file‐
70       names.  Thus, for example,
72              pandoc -o hello.tex hello.txt
74       will convert hello.txt from markdown to LaTeX.  If no  output  file  is
75       specified  (so  that  output  goes  to stdout), or if the output file's
76       extension is unknown, the output format will default to  HTML.   If  no
77       input  file  is  specified  (so that input comes from stdin), or if the
78       input files' extensions are unknown, the input format will  be  assumed
79       to be markdown unless explicitly specified.
81       Pandoc uses the UTF-8 character encoding for both input and output.  If
82       your local character encoding is not UTF-8, you should pipe  input  and
83       output through iconv:
85              iconv -t utf-8 input.txt | pandoc | iconv -f utf-8


88       -f FORMAT, -r FORMAT,
89              --from=FORMAT,  --read=FORMAT  Specify input format.  FORMAT can
90              be native (native Haskell), json (JSON version of  native  AST),
91              markdown  (markdown), textile (Textile), rst (reStructuredText),
92              html (HTML), or latex (LaTeX).  If +lhs is appended to markdown,
93              rst,  or  latex,  the  input will be treated as literate Haskell
94              source: see Literate Haskell support, below.
96       -t FORMAT, -w FORMAT,
97              --to=FORMAT, --write=FORMAT Specify output format.   FORMAT  can
98              be  native  (native Haskell), json (JSON version of native AST),
99              plain (plain text), markdown (markdown), rst (reStructuredText),
100              html  (HTML), latex (LaTeX), context (ConTeXt), man (groff man),
101              mediawiki (MediaWiki markup), textile (Textile), org (Emacs Org-
102              Mode),  texinfo  (GNU Texinfo), docbook (DocBook XML), opendocu‐
103              ment (OpenDocument XML), odt (OpenOffice  text  document),  epub
104              (EPUB  book),  slidy  (Slidy HTML and javascript slide show), s5
105              (S5 HTML and javascript slide show), or rtf (rich text  format).
106              Note that odt and epub output will not be directed to stdout; an
107              output filename must be specified using the -o/--output  option.
108              If +lhs is appended to markdown, rst, latex, or html, the output
109              will be  rendered  as  literate  Haskell  source:  see  Literate
110              Haskell support, below.
112       -s, --standalone
113              Produce  output  with  an appropriate header and footer (e.g.  a
114              standalone HTML, LaTeX, or RTF file, not a fragment).
116       -o FILE, --output=FILE
117              Write output to FILE instead of stdout.  If FILE  is  -,  output
118              will  go  to stdout.  (Exception: if the output format is odt or
119              epub, output to stdout is disabled.)
121       -p, --preserve-tabs
122              Preserve  tabs  instead  of  converting  them  to  spaces   (the
123              default).
125       --tab-stop=NUMBER
126              Specify the number of spaces per tab (default is 4).
128       --strict
129              Use  strict  markdown syntax, with no pandoc extensions or vari‐
130              ants.  When the input format is HTML, this means that constructs
131              that  have no equivalents in standard markdown (e.g.  definition
132              lists or strikeout text) will be parsed as raw HTML.
134       --normalize
135              Normalize the document after reading: merge adjacent Str or Emph
136              elements, for example, and remove repeated Spaces.
138       --reference-links
139              Use  reference-style links, rather than inline links, in writing
140              markdown or reStructuredText.  By default inline links are used.
142       -R, --parse-raw
143              Parse untranslatable HTML codes and LaTeX  environments  as  raw
144              HTML  or LaTeX, instead of ignoring them.  Affects only HTML and
145              LaTeX input.  Raw HTML can be printed in markdown, reStructured‐
146              Text,  HTML,  Slidy,  and S5 output; raw LaTeX can be printed in
147              markdown, reStructuredText,  LaTeX,  and  ConTeXt  output.   The
148              default is for the readers to omit untranslatable HTML codes and
149              LaTeX  environments.   (The  LaTeX  reader  does  pass   through
150              untranslatable LaTeX commands, even if -R is not specified.)
152       -S, --smart
153              Produce  typographically  correct  output,  converting  straight
154              quotes to curly quotes, --- and  --  to  dashes,  ande  ...   to
155              ellipses.   Nonbreaking spaces are inserted after certain abbre‐
156              viations, such as "Mr." (Note: This option is  significant  only
157              when  the  input  format is markdown or textile.  It is selected
158              automatically when the input format is  textile  or  the  output
159              format is latex or context.)
161       -5, --html5
162              Produce  HTML5  instead of HTML4.  This option has no effect for
163              writers other than html.
165       -m [URL], --latexmathml[=URL]
166              Use the LaTeXMathML script to display embedded TeX math in  HTML
167              output.   To insert a link to a local copy of the LaTeXMathML.js
168              script, provide a URL.  If no URL is provided, the  contents  of
169              the  script will be inserted directly into the HTML header, pre‐
170              serving portability at the price of efficiency.  If you plan  to
171              use  math  on several pages, it is much better to link to a copy
172              of the script, so it can be cached.
174       --mathml[=URL]
175              Convert TeX  math  to  MathML.   In  standalone  mode,  a  small
176              javascript  (or  a  link  to such a script if a URL is supplied)
177              will be inserted that allows the MathML to  be  viewed  on  some
178              browsers.
180       --jsmath[=URL]
181              Use jsMath to display embedded TeX math in HTML output.  The URL
182              should   point    to    the    jsMath    load    script    (e.g.
183              jsMath/easy/load.js);  if  provided, it will be linked to in the
184              header of standalone HTML documents.  If a URL is not  provided,
185              no  link  to the jsMath load script will be inserted; it is then
186              up to the author to provide such a link in the HTML template.
188       --mathjax=URL
189              Use MathJax to display embedded TeX math in  HTML  output.   The
190              URL should point to the MathJax.js load script.
192       --gladtex
193              Enclose TeX math in <eq> tags in HTML output.  These can then be
194              processed by gladTeX to produce links to images of  the  typeset
195              formulas.
197       --mimetex[=URL]
198              Render  TeX  math  using  the mimeTeX CGI script.  If URL is not
199              specified, it is assumed that the script  is  at  /cgi-bin/mime‐
200              tex.cgi.
202       --webtex[=URL]
203              Render  TeX  formulas using an external script that converts TeX
204              formulas to images.  The formula will be concatenated  with  the
205              URL  provided.   If  URL  is not specified, the Google Chart API
206              will be used.
208       -i, --incremental
209              Make list items in Slidy or S5  display  incrementally  (one  by
210              one).  The default is for lists to be displayed all at once.
212       --offline
213              Include  all  the  CSS  and  javascript needed for a Slidy or S5
214              slide show in the output, so that the slide show will work  even
215              when no internet connection is available.
217       --xetex
218              Create LaTeX outut suitable for processing by XeTeX.
220       --chapters
221              Treat  top-level headers as chapters in LaTeX, ConTeXt, and Doc‐
222              Book output.
224       -N, --number-sections
225              Number section headings in LaTeX, ConTeXt, or HTML  output.   By
226              default, sections are not numbered.
228       --listings
229              Use listings package for LaTeX code blocks
231       --section-divs
232              Wrap  sections  in  <div> tags (or <section> tags in HTML5), and
233              attach identifiers to the enclosing <div> (or <section>)  rather
234              than the header itself.  See Section identifiers, below.
236       --no-wrap
237              Disable  text  wrapping  in output.  By default, text is wrapped
238              appropriately for the output format.
240       --columns=NUMBER
241              Specify length of lines in characters (for text wrapping).
243       --ascii
244              Use only ascii characters in output.  Currently  supported  only
245              for  HTML output (which uses numerical entities instead of UTF-8
246              when this option is selected).
248       --email-obfuscation=none|javascript|references
249              Specify a method for obfuscating mailto:  links  in  HTML  docu‐
250              ments.   none  leaves  mailto:  links  as  they are.  javascript
251              obfuscates them using javascript.  references obfuscates them by
252              printing  their letters as decimal or hexadecimal character ref‐
253              erences.  If --strict is specified, references is  used  regard‐
254              less of the presence of this option.
256       --id-prefix=STRING
257              Specify  a  prefix  to  be  added to all automatically generated
258              identifiers in HTML  output.   This  is  useful  for  preventing
259              duplicate  identifiers  when generating fragments to be included
260              in other pages.
262       --indented-code-classes=CLASSES
263              Specify classes to use for indented  code  blocks--for  example,
264              perl,numberLines  or haskell.  Multiple classes may be separated
265              by spaces or commas.
267       --toc, --table-of-contents
268              Include an automatically generated table of contents (or, in the
269              case  of  latex, context, and rst, an instruction to create one)
270              in the output document.  This option has no effect on man,  doc‐
271              book, slidy, or s5 output.
273       --base-header-level=NUMBER
274              Specify the base level for headers (defaults to 1).
276       --template=FILE
277              Use  FILE  as  a  custom  template  for  the generated document.
278              Implies --standalone.  See Templates below for a description  of
279              template syntax.  If this option is not used, a default template
280              appropriate for the  output  format  will  be  used.   See  also
281              -D/--print-default-template.
283       -V KEY=VAL, --variable=KEY:VAL
284              Set  the  template  variable KEY to the value VAL when rendering
285              the document in standalone mode.  This is only useful  when  the
286              --template  option  is  used to specify a custom template, since
287              pandoc automatically sets the variables used in the default tem‐
288              plates.
290       -c URL, --css=URL
291              Link to a CSS style sheet.
293       -H FILE, --include-in-header=FILE
294              Include  contents  of  FILE, verbatim, at the end of the header.
295              This can be  used,  for  example,  to  include  special  CSS  or
296              javascript  in  HTML documents.  This option can be used repeat‐
297              edly to include multiple files in  the  header.   They  will  be
298              included in the order specified.  Implies --standalone.
300       -B FILE,
301              --include-before-body=FILE  Include  contents of FILE, verbatim,
302              at the beginning of the document body (e.g.   after  the  <body>
303              tag  in  HTML,  or the \begin{document} command in LaTeX).  This
304              can be used to include navigation bars or banners in HTML  docu‐
305              ments.   This  option can be used repeatedly to include multiple
306              files.  They will be included in the order  specified.   Implies
307              --standalone.
309       -A FILE,
310              --include-after-body=FILE Include contents of FILE, verbatim, at
311              the end of the document body (before the </body> tag in HTML, or
312              the  \end{document}  command  in  LaTeX).  This option can be be
313              used  repeatedly  to  include  multiple  files.   They  will  be
314              included in the order specified.  Implies --standalone.
316       --reference-odt=FILE
317              Use the specified file as a style reference in producing an ODT.
318              For best results, the reference ODT should be a modified version
319              of  an ODT produced using pandoc.  The contents of the reference
320              ODT are ignored, but its stylesheets are used in  the  new  ODT.
321              If  no  reference  ODT  is specified on the command line, pandoc
322              will look for a file reference.odt in the  user  data  directory
323              (see  --data-dir).   If  this  is  not  found  either,  sensible
324              defaults will be used.
326       --epub-stylesheet=FILE
327              Use the specified CSS file to style the EPUB.  If no  stylesheet
328              is  specified,  pandoc will look for a file epub.css in the user
329              data directory (see --data-dir, below).   If  it  is  not  found
330              there, sensible defaults will be used.
332       --epub-metadata=FILE
333              Look  in  the specified XML file for metadata for the EPUB.  The
334              file should contain a series of Dublin Core elements,  as  docu‐
335              mented at http://dublincore.org/documents/dces/.  For example:
337                      <dc:rights>Creative Commons</dc:rights>
338                      <dc:language>es-AR</dc:language>
340              By default, pandoc will include the following metadata elements:
341              <dc:title> (from the document  title),  <dc:creator>  (from  the
342              document   authors),   <dc:language>   (from  the  locale),  and
343              <dc:identifier id="BookId"> (a randomly generated UUID).  Any of
344              these may be overridden by elements in the metadata file.
346       -D FORMAT,
347              --print-default-template=FORMAT  Print  the default template for
348              an output FORMAT.  (See -t for a list of possible FORMATs.)
350       -T STRING, --title-prefix=STRING
351              Specify STRING as a prefix at the beginning of  the  title  that
352              appears  in  the HTML header (but not in the title as it appears
353              at the beginning of the HTML body).  Implies --standalone.
355       --bibliography=FILE
356              Specify bibliography database to be used in resolving citations.
357              The database type will be determined from the extension of FILE,
358              which may be .mods (MODS format),  .bib  (BibTeX  format),  .bbx
359              (BibLaTeX  format),  .ris  (RIS  format), .enl (EndNote format),
360              .xml (EndNote XML format), .wos (ISI format), .medline  (MEDLINE
361              format),  .copac  (Copac  format), or .json (citeproc JSON).  If
362              you want to use multiple bibliographies, just  use  this  option
363              repeatedly.
365       --csl=FILE
366              Specify  CSL  style  to  be used in formatting citations and the
367              bibliography.  If FILE is not found, pandoc will look for it in
369                     $HOME/.csl
371              in unix and
373                     C:\Documents And Settings\USERNAME\Application Data\csl
375              in Windows.  If the --csl option is not specified,  pandoc  will
376              use  a default style: either default.csl in the user data direc‐
377              tory (see --data-dir), or, if that is not present,  the  Chicago
378              author-date style.
380       --data-dir=DIRECTORY
381              Specify the user data directory to search for pandoc data files.
382              If this option is not specified, the default user data directory
383              will be used:
385                     $HOME/.pandoc
387              in unix and
389                     C:\Documents And Settings\USERNAME\Application Data\pandoc
391              in  Windows.  A reference.odt, epub.css, templates directory, or
392              s5 directory placed in this  directory  will  override  pandoc's
393              normal defaults.
395       --dump-args
396              Print  information  about command-line arguments to stdout, then
397              exit.  This option is intended  primarily  for  use  in  wrapper
398              scripts.  The first line of output contains the name of the out‐
399              put file specified with the -o option, or - (for stdout)  if  no
400              output file was specified.  The remaining lines contain the com‐
401              mand-line arguments, one per line, in  the  order  they  appear.
402              These do not include regular Pandoc options and their arguments,
403              but do include any options appearing after a -- separator at the
404              end of the line.
406       --ignore-args
407              Ignore  command-line  arguments  (for  use  in wrapper scripts).
408              Regular Pandoc options are not ignored.  Thus, for example,
410                     pandoc --ignore-args -o foo.html -s foo.txt -- -e latin1
412              is equivalent to
414                     pandoc -o foo.html -s
416       -v, --version
417              Print version.
419       -h, --help
420              Show usage message.


423       When the -s/--standalone option is used, pandoc uses a template to  add
424       header and footer material that is needed for a self-standing document.
425       To see the default template that is used, just type
427              pandoc -D FORMAT
429       where FORMAT is the name of the output format.  A custom  template  can
430       be  specified  using  the --template option.  You can also override the
431       system default templates for a given output format FORMAT by putting  a
432       file  templates/FORMAT.template in the user data directory (see --data-
433       dir, above).
435       Templates may contain  variables.   Variable  names  are  sequences  of
436       alphanumerics,  -, and _, starting with a letter.  A variable name sur‐
437       rounded by $ signs will be replaced by its  value.   For  example,  the
438       string $title$ in
440              <title>$title$</title>
442       will be replaced by the document title.
444       To write a literal $ in a template, use $$.
446       Some  variables  are  set automatically by pandoc.  These vary somewhat
447       depending on the output format, but include:
449       header-includes
450              contents specified by -H/--include-in-header (may have  multiple
451              values)
453       toc    non-null value if --toc/--table-of-contents was specified
455       include-before
456              contents  specified by -B/--include-before-body (may have multi‐
457              ple values)
459       include-after
460              contents specified by -A/--include-after-body (may have multiple
461              values)
463       body   body of document
465       title  title of document, as specified in title block
467       author author of document, as specified in title block (may have multi‐
468              ple values)
470       date   date of document, as specified in title block
472       lang   language code for HTML documents
474       Variables may be set  at  the  command  line  using  the  -V/--variable
475       option.   This  allows  users to include custom variables in their tem‐
476       plates.
478       Templates may contain conditionals.  The syntax is as follows:
480              $if(variable)$
481              X
482              $else$
483              Y
484              $endif$
486       This will include X in the template if variable has a  non-null  value;
487       otherwise  it  will  include Y.  X and Y are placeholders for any valid
488       template text, and may include interpolated variables or  other  condi‐
489       tionals.  The $else$ section may be omitted.
491       When  variables  can  have  multiple  values  (for example, author in a
492       multi-author document), you can use the $for$ keyword:
494              $for(author)$
495              <meta name="author" content="$author$" />
496              $endfor$
498       You can optionally specify a separator to be used  between  consecutive
499       items:
501              $for(author)$$author$$sep$, $endfor$


504       You  can  use Pandoc to produce an HTML + javascript slide presentation
505       that can be viewed via a web browser.  There are two ways to  do  this,
506       using S5 or Slidy.
508       Here's the markdown source for a simple slide show, eating.txt:
510              % Eating Habits
511              % John Doe
512              % March 22, 2005
514              # In the morning
516              - Eat eggs
517              - Drink coffee
519              # In the evening
521              - Eat spaghetti
522              - Drink wine
524              --------------------------
526              ![picture of spaghetti](images/spaghetti.jpg)
528       To produce the slide show, simply type
530              pandoc -w s5 -s eating.txt > eating.html
532       for S5, or
534              pandoc -w slidy -s eating.txt > eating.html
536       for Slidy.
538       A  title  page  is  constructed automatically from the document's title
539       block.  Each level-one header and horizontal rule begins a new slide.
541       The file produced by pandoc with the -s/--standalone  option  embeds  a
542       link to javascripts and CSS files, which are assumed to be available at
543       the relative path ui/default (for S5) or at the Slidy website at w3.org
544       (for Slidy).  If the --offline option is specified, the scripts and CSS
545       will be included directly in the generated file, so that it may be used
546       offline.
548       You  can change the style of the slides by putting customized CSS files
549       in $DATADIR/s5/default (for S5) or $DATADIR/slidy  (for  Slidy),  where
550       $DATADIR is the user data directory (see --data-dir, above).  The orig‐
551       inals may  be  found  in  pandoc's  system  data  directory  (generally
552       $CABALDIR/pandoc-VERSION/s5/default).   Pandoc  will look there for any
553       files it does not find in the user data directory.
555   Incremental lists
556       By default, these writers produces lists that display "all at once." If
557       you  want your lists to display incrementally (one item at a time), use
558       the -i option.  If you want  a  particular  list  to  depart  from  the
559       default  (that  is,  to display incrementally without the -i option and
560       all at once with the -i option), put it in a block quote:
562              > - Eat spaghetti
563              > - Drink wine
565       In this way incremental and nonincremental lists can be mixed in a sin‐
566       gle document.


569       If  you append +lhs to an appropriate input or output format (markdown,
570       rst, or latex for input or output; html for output only),  pandoc  will
571       treat the document as literate Haskell source.  This means that
573       · In  markdown  input,  "bird track" sections will be parsed as Haskell
574         code rather than block quotations.   Text  between  \begin{code}  and
575         \end{code} will also be treated as Haskell code.
577       · In  markdown  output, code blocks with class haskell will be rendered
578         using bird tracks, and block quotations will be indented  one  space,
579         so  they  will  not be treated as Haskell code.  In addition, headers
580         will be rendered setext-style (with underlines) rather than atx-style
581         (with '#' characters).  (This is because ghc treats '#' characters in
582         column 1 as introducing line numbers.)
584       · In restructured text input, "bird track" sections will be  parsed  as
585         Haskell code.
587       · In  restructured  text output, code blocks with class haskell will be
588         rendered using bird tracks.
590       · In LaTeX input, text in code environments will be parsed  as  Haskell
591         code.
593       · In  LaTeX  output,  code  blocks  with class haskell will be rendered
594         inside code environments.
596       · In HTML output, code blocks with class haskell will be rendered  with
597         class literatehaskell and bird tracks.
599       Examples:
601              pandoc -f markdown+lhs -t html
603       reads  literate  Haskell source formatted with markdown conventions and
604       writes ordinary HTML (without bird tracks).
606              pandoc -f markdown+lhs -t html+lhs
608       writes HTML with the Haskell code in bird tracks, so it can  be  copied
609       and pasted as literate Haskell source.


612       ©  2006-2011 John MacFarlane (jgm at berkeley dot edu).  Released under
613       the GPL, version 2 or greater.  This software carries  no  warranty  of
614       any kind.  (See COPYRIGHT for full copyright and warranty notices.)
615        Other  contributors  include  Recai Oktaş, Paulo Tanimoto, Peter Wang,
616       Andrea Rossato, Eric Kow, infinity0x,  Luke  Plant,  shreevatsa.public,
617       Puneeth  Chaganti,  Paul  Rivier, rodja.trappe, Bradley Kuhn, thsutton,
618       Nathan Gass, Jonathan Daugherty, Jérémy Bobbio, Justin Bogner.


621       For a complete description of pandoc's extensions to standard markdown,
622       see pandoc_markdown (5).


625       markdown2pdf (1), pandoc_markdown (5).
627       The  Pandoc  source  code  and all documentation may be downloaded from
628       <http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/>.
632Pandoc                         January 29, 2011                      PANDOC(1)