1PERLUNIPROPS(1)        Perl Programmers Reference Guide        PERLUNIPROPS(1)


6       perluniprops - Index of Unicode Version 5.2.0 properties in Perl


9       There are many properties in Unicode, and Perl provides access to
10       almost all of them, as well as some additional extensions and short-cut
11       synonyms.
13       And just about all of the few that aren't accessible through the Perl
14       core are accessible through the modules: Unicode::Normalize and
15       Unicode::UCD, and for Unihan properties, via the CPAN module
16       Unicode::Unihan.
18       This document merely lists all available properties and does not
19       attempt to explain what each property really means.  There is a brief
20       description of each Perl extension.  There is some detail about Blocks,
21       Scripts, General_Category, and Bidi_Class in perlunicode, but to find
22       out about the intricacies of the Unicode properties, refer to the
23       Unicode standard.  A good starting place is
24       <http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr44/>.  More information on the Perl
25       extensions is in perlrecharclass.
27       Note that you can define your own properties; see "User-Defined
28       Character Properties" in perlunicode.

Properties accessible through \p{} and \P{}

31       The Perl regular expression \p{} and \P{} constructs give access to
32       most of the Unicode character properties.  The table below shows all
33       these constructs, both single and compound forms.
35       Compound forms consist of two components, separated by an equals sign
36       or a colon.  The first component is the property name, and the second
37       component is the particular value of the property to match against, for
38       example, '\p{Script: Greek}' or '\p{Script=Greek}' both mean to match
39       characters whose Script property is Greek.
41       Single forms, like '\p{Greek}', are mostly Perl-defined shortcuts for
42       their equivalent compound forms.  The table shows these equivalences.
43       (In our example, '\p{Greek}' is a just a shortcut for
44       '\p{Script=Greek}'.)  There are also a few Perl-defined single forms
45       that are not shortcuts for a compound form.  One such is \p{Word}.
46       These are also listed in the table.
48       In parsing these constructs, Perl always ignores Upper/lower case
49       differences everywhere within the {braces}.  Thus '\p{Greek}' means the
50       same thing as '\p{greek}'.  But note that changing the case of the 'p'
51       or 'P' before the left brace completely changes the meaning of the
52       construct, from "match" (for '\p{}') to "doesn't match" (for '\P{}').
53       Casing in this document is for improved legibility.
55       Also, white space, hyphens, and underscores are also normally ignored
56       everywhere between the {braces}, and hence can be freely added or
57       removed even if the "/x" modifier hasn't been specified on the regular
58       expression.  But a 'T' at the beginning of an entry in the table below
59       means that tighter (stricter) rules are used for that entry:
61       Single form (\p{name}) tighter rules:
62           White space, hyphens, and underscores ARE significant except for:
64           ·   white space adjacent to a non-word character
66           ·   underscores separating digits in numbers
68           That means, for example, that you can freely add or remove white
69           space adjacent to (but within) the braces without affecting the
70           meaning.
72       Compound form (\p{name=value} or \p{name:value}) tighter rules:
73           The tighter rules given above for the single form apply to
74           everything to the right of the colon or equals; the looser rules
75           still apply to everything to the left.
77           That means, for example, that you can freely add or remove white
78           space adjacent to (but within) the braces and the colon or equal
79           sign.
81       Some properties are considered obsolete, but still available.  There
82       are several varieties of obsolesence:
84       Obsolete
85           Properties marked with an 'O' in the table are considered obsolete.
86           At the time of this writing (Unicode version 5.2) there is no
87           information in the Unicode standard about the implications of a
88           property being obsolete.
90       Stabilized
91           Obsolete properties may be stabilized.  This means that they are
92           not actively maintained by Unicode, and will not be extended as new
93           characters are added to the standard.  Such properties are marked
94           with an 'S' in the table.  At the time of this writing (Unicode
95           version 5.2) there is no further information in the Unicode
96           standard about the implications of a property being stabilized.
98       Deprecated
99           Obsolete properties may be deprecated.  This means that their use
100           is strongly discouraged, so much so that a warning will be issued
101           if used, unless the regular expression is in the scope of a
102           "no warnings 'deprecated'" statement.  A 'D' flags each such entry
103           in the table, and the entry there for the longest, most descriptive
104           version of the property will give the reason it is deprecated, and
105           perhaps advice.  Perl may issue such a warning, even for properties
106           that aren't officially deprecated by Unicode, when there used to be
107           characters or code points that were matched by them, but no longer.
108           This is to warn you that your program may not work like it did on
109           earlier Unicode releases.
111           A deprecated property may be made unavailable in a future Perl
112           version, so it is best to move away from them.
114       Some Perl extensions are present for backwards compatibility and are
115       discouraged from being used, but not obsolete.  An 'X' flags each such
116       entry in the table.
118       Matches in the Block property have shortcuts that begin with 'In_'.
119       For example, \p{Block=Latin1} can be written as \p{In_Latin1}.  For
120       backward compatibility, if there is no conflict with another shortcut,
121       these may also be written as \p{Latin1} or \p{Is_Latin1}.  But, N.B.,
122       there are numerous such conflicting shortcuts.  Use of these forms for
123       Block is discouraged, and are flagged as such, not only because of the
124       potential confusion as to what is meant, but also because a later
125       release of Unicode may preempt the shortcut, and your program would no
126       longer be correct.  Use the 'In_' form instead to avoid this, or even
127       more clearly, use the compound form, e.g., \p{blk:latin1}.  See
128       "Blocks" in perlunicode for more information about this.
130       The table below has two columns.  The left column contains the \p{}
131       constructs to look up, possibly preceeded by the flags mentioned above;
132       and the right column contains information about them, like a
133       description, or synonyms.  It shows both the single and compound forms
134       for each property that has them.  If the left column is a short name
135       for a property, the right column will give its longer, more descriptive
136       name; and if the left column is the longest name, the right column will
137       show any equivalent shortest name, in both single and compound forms if
138       applicable.
140       The right column will also caution you if a property means something
141       different than what might normally be expected.
143       All single forms are Perl extensions; a few compound forms are as well,
144       and are noted as such.
146       Numbers in (parentheses) indicate the total number of code points
147       matched by the property.  For emphasis, those properties that match no
148       code points at all are listed as well in a separate section following
149       the table.
151       There is no description given for most non-Perl defined properties (See
152       http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr44/ for that).
154       For compactness, '*' is used as a wildcard instead of showing all
155       possible combinations.  For example, entries like:
157        \p{Gc: *}                                  \p{General_Category: *}
159       mean that 'Gc' is a synonym for 'General_Category', and anything that
160       is valid for the latter is also valid for the former.  Similarly,
162        \p{Is_*}                                   \p{*}
164       means that if and only if, for example, \p{Foo} exists, then \p{Is_Foo}
165       and \p{IsFoo} are also valid and all mean the same thing.  And
166       similarly, \p{Foo=Bar} means the same as \p{Is_Foo=Bar} and
167       \p{IsFoo=Bar}.  '*' here is restricted to something not beginning with
168       an underscore.
170       Also, in binary properties, 'Yes', 'T', and 'True' are all synonyms for
171       'Y'.  And 'No', 'F', and 'False' are all synonyms for 'N'.  The table
172       shows 'Y*' and 'N*' to indicate this, and doesn't have separate entries
173       for the other possibilities.  Note that not all properties which have
174       values 'Yes' and 'No' are binary, and they have all their values
175       spelled out without using this wild card, and a "NOT" clause in their
176       description that highlights their not being binary.  These also require
177       the compound form to match them, whereas true binary properties have
178       both single and compound forms available.
180       Note that all non-essential underscores are removed in the display of
181       the short names below.
183       Summary legend:
185       * is a wild-card
186       (\d+) in the info column gives the number of code points matched by
187       this property.
188       D means this is deprecated.
189       O means this is obsolete.
190       S means this is stabilized.
191       T means tighter (stricter) name matching applies.
192       X means use of this form is discouraged.
194              NAME                           INFO
196        X \p{Aegean_Numbers}      \p{Block=Aegean_Numbers} (64)
197        T \p{Age: 1.1}            Code point's usage introduced in version
198                                    1.1 (33_979)
199        T \p{Age: 2.0}            Code point's usage was introduced in
200                                    version 2.0; See also Property
201                                    'Present_In' (144_521)
202        T \p{Age: 2.1}            Code point's usage was introduced in
203                                    version 2.1; See also Property
204                                    'Present_In' (2)
205        T \p{Age: 3.0}            Code point's usage was introduced in
206                                    version 3.0; See also Property
207                                    'Present_In' (10_307)
208        T \p{Age: 3.1}            Code point's usage was introduced in
209                                    version 3.1; See also Property
210                                    'Present_In' (44_978)
211        T \p{Age: 3.2}            Code point's usage was introduced in
212                                    version 3.2; See also Property
213                                    'Present_In' (1016)
214        T \p{Age: 4.0}            Code point's usage was introduced in
215                                    version 4.0; See also Property
216                                    'Present_In' (1226)
217        T \p{Age: 4.1}            Code point's usage was introduced in
218                                    version 4.1; See also Property
219                                    'Present_In' (1273)
220        T \p{Age: 5.0}            Code point's usage was introduced in
221                                    version 5.0; See also Property
222                                    'Present_In' (1369)
223        T \p{Age: 5.1}            Code point's usage was introduced in
224                                    version 5.1; See also Property
225                                    'Present_In' (1624)
226        T \p{Age: 5.2}            Code point's usage was introduced in
227                                    version 5.2; See also Property
228                                    'Present_In' (6648)
229          \p{Age: Unassigned}     Code point's usage has not been assigned
230                                    in any Unicode release thus far.
231                                    (867_169)
232          \p{AHex}                \p{ASCII_Hex_Digit} (= \p{ASCII_Hex_Digit=
233                                    Y}) (22)
234          \p{AHex: *}             \p{ASCII_Hex_Digit: *}
235          \p{All}                 \p{Any} (1_114_112)
236          \p{Alnum}               Alphabetic and (Decimal) Numeric (100_931)
237          \p{Alpha}               \p{Alphabetic=Y} (100_520)
238          \p{Alpha: *}            \p{Alphabetic: *}
239          \p{Alphabetic}          \p{Alpha} (= \p{Alphabetic=Y}) (100_520)
240          \p{Alphabetic: N*}      (Short: \p{Alpha=N}, \P{Alpha}) (1_013_592)
241          \p{Alphabetic: Y*}      (Short: \p{Alpha=Y}, \p{Alpha}) (100_520)
242        X \p{Alphabetic_Presentation_Forms} \p{Block=
243                                    Alphabetic_Presentation_Forms} (80)
244        X \p{Ancient_Greek_Musical_Notation} \p{Block=
245                                    Ancient_Greek_Musical_Notation} (80)
246        X \p{Ancient_Greek_Numbers} \p{Block=Ancient_Greek_Numbers} (80)
247        X \p{Ancient_Symbols}     \p{Block=Ancient_Symbols} (64)
248          \p{Any}                 [\x{0000}-\x{10FFFF}] (1_114_112)
249          \p{Arab}                \p{Arabic} (= \p{Script=Arabic}) (NOT
250                                    \p{Block=Arabic}) (1030)
251          \p{Arabic}              \p{Script=Arabic} (Short: \p{Arab}; NOT
252                                    \p{Block=Arabic}) (1030)
253        X \p{Arabic_Presentation_Forms_A} \p{Block=
254                                    Arabic_Presentation_Forms_A} (688)
255        X \p{Arabic_Presentation_Forms_B} \p{Block=
256                                    Arabic_Presentation_Forms_B} (144)
257        X \p{Arabic_Supplement}   \p{Block=Arabic_Supplement} (48)
258          \p{Armenian}            \p{Script=Armenian} (Short: \p{Armn}; NOT
259                                    \p{Block=Armenian}) (90)
260          \p{Armi}                \p{Imperial_Aramaic} (= \p{Script=
261                                    Imperial_Aramaic}) (NOT \p{Block=
262                                    Imperial_Aramaic}) (31)
263          \p{Armn}                \p{Armenian} (= \p{Script=Armenian}) (NOT
264                                    \p{Block=Armenian}) (90)
265        X \p{Arrows}              \p{Block=Arrows} (112)
266          \p{ASCII}               \p{Block=Basic_Latin} [[:ASCII:]] (128)
267          \p{ASCII_Hex_Digit}     \p{ASCII_Hex_Digit=Y} (Short: \p{AHex})
268                                    (22)
269          \p{ASCII_Hex_Digit: N*} (Short: \p{AHex=N}, \P{AHex}) (1_114_090)
270          \p{ASCII_Hex_Digit: Y*} (Short: \p{AHex=Y}, \p{AHex}) (22)
271          \p{Assigned}            All assigned code points (246_877)
272          \p{Avestan}             \p{Script=Avestan} (Short: \p{Avst}; NOT
273                                    \p{Block=Avestan}) (61)
274          \p{Avst}                \p{Avestan} (= \p{Script=Avestan}) (NOT
275                                    \p{Block=Avestan}) (61)
276          \p{Bali}                \p{Balinese} (= \p{Script=Balinese}) (NOT
277                                    \p{Block=Balinese}) (121)
278          \p{Balinese}            \p{Script=Balinese} (Short: \p{Bali}; NOT
279                                    \p{Block=Balinese}) (121)
280          \p{Bamu}                \p{Bamum} (= \p{Script=Bamum}) (NOT
281                                    \p{Block=Bamum}) (88)
282          \p{Bamum}               \p{Script=Bamum} (Short: \p{Bamu}; NOT
283                                    \p{Block=Bamum}) (88)
284        X \p{Basic_Latin}         \p{ASCII} (= \p{Block=Basic_Latin}) (128)
285          \p{Bc: *}               \p{Bidi_Class: *}
286          \p{Beng}                \p{Bengali} (= \p{Script=Bengali}) (NOT
287                                    \p{Block=Bengali}) (92)
288          \p{Bengali}             \p{Script=Bengali} (Short: \p{Beng}; NOT
289                                    \p{Block=Bengali}) (92)
290          \p{Bidi_C}              \p{Bidi_Control} (= \p{Bidi_Control=Y}) (7)
291          \p{Bidi_C: *}           \p{Bidi_Control: *}
292          \p{Bidi_Class: AL}      \p{Bidi_Class=Arabic_Letter} (1116)
293          \p{Bidi_Class: AN}      \p{Bidi_Class=Arabic_Number} (48)
294          \p{Bidi_Class: Arabic_Letter} (Short: \p{Bc=AL}) (1116)
295          \p{Bidi_Class: Arabic_Number} (Short: \p{Bc=AN}) (48)
296          \p{Bidi_Class: B}       \p{Bidi_Class=Paragraph_Separator} (7)
297          \p{Bidi_Class: BN}      \p{Bidi_Class=Boundary_Neutral} (4016)
298          \p{Bidi_Class: Boundary_Neutral} (Short: \p{Bc=BN}) (4016)
299          \p{Bidi_Class: Common_Separator} (Short: \p{Bc=CS}) (15)
300          \p{Bidi_Class: CS}      \p{Bidi_Class=Common_Separator} (15)
301          \p{Bidi_Class: EN}      \p{Bidi_Class=European_Number} (131)
302          \p{Bidi_Class: ES}      \p{Bidi_Class=European_Separator} (12)
303          \p{Bidi_Class: ET}      \p{Bidi_Class=European_Terminator} (63)
304          \p{Bidi_Class: European_Number} (Short: \p{Bc=EN}) (131)
305          \p{Bidi_Class: European_Separator} (Short: \p{Bc=ES}) (12)
306          \p{Bidi_Class: European_Terminator} (Short: \p{Bc=ET}) (63)
307          \p{Bidi_Class: L}       \p{Bidi_Class=Left_To_Right} (1_099_541)
308          \p{Bidi_Class: Left_To_Right} (Short: \p{Bc=L}) (1_099_541)
309          \p{Bidi_Class: Left_To_Right_Embedding} (Short: \p{Bc=LRE}) (1)
310          \p{Bidi_Class: Left_To_Right_Override} (Short: \p{Bc=LRO}) (1)
311          \p{Bidi_Class: LRE}     \p{Bidi_Class=Left_To_Right_Embedding} (1)
312          \p{Bidi_Class: LRO}     \p{Bidi_Class=Left_To_Right_Override} (1)
313          \p{Bidi_Class: Nonspacing_Mark} (Short: \p{Bc=NSM}) (1173)
314          \p{Bidi_Class: NSM}     \p{Bidi_Class=Nonspacing_Mark} (1173)
315          \p{Bidi_Class: ON}      \p{Bidi_Class=Other_Neutral} (3523)
316          \p{Bidi_Class: Other_Neutral} (Short: \p{Bc=ON}) (3523)
317          \p{Bidi_Class: Paragraph_Separator} (Short: \p{Bc=B}) (7)
318          \p{Bidi_Class: PDF}     \p{Bidi_Class=Pop_Directional_Format} (1)
319          \p{Bidi_Class: Pop_Directional_Format} (Short: \p{Bc=PDF}) (1)
320          \p{Bidi_Class: R}       \p{Bidi_Class=Right_To_Left} (4441)
321          \p{Bidi_Class: Right_To_Left} (Short: \p{Bc=R}) (4441)
322          \p{Bidi_Class: Right_To_Left_Embedding} (Short: \p{Bc=RLE}) (1)
323          \p{Bidi_Class: Right_To_Left_Override} (Short: \p{Bc=RLO}) (1)
324          \p{Bidi_Class: RLE}     \p{Bidi_Class=Right_To_Left_Embedding} (1)
325          \p{Bidi_Class: RLO}     \p{Bidi_Class=Right_To_Left_Override} (1)
326          \p{Bidi_Class: S}       \p{Bidi_Class=Segment_Separator} (3)
327          \p{Bidi_Class: Segment_Separator} (Short: \p{Bc=S}) (3)
328          \p{Bidi_Class: White_Space} (Short: \p{Bc=WS}) (18)
329          \p{Bidi_Class: WS}      \p{Bidi_Class=White_Space} (18)
330          \p{Bidi_Control}        \p{Bidi_Control=Y} (Short: \p{BidiC}) (7)
331          \p{Bidi_Control: N*}    (Short: \p{BidiC=N}, \P{BidiC}) (1_114_105)
332          \p{Bidi_Control: Y*}    (Short: \p{BidiC=Y}, \p{BidiC}) (7)
333          \p{Bidi_M}              \p{Bidi_Mirrored} (= \p{Bidi_Mirrored=Y})
334                                    (543)
335          \p{Bidi_M: *}           \p{Bidi_Mirrored: *}
336          \p{Bidi_Mirrored}       \p{Bidi_Mirrored=Y} (Short: \p{BidiM})
337                                    (543)
338          \p{Bidi_Mirrored: N*}   (Short: \p{BidiM=N}, \P{BidiM}) (1_113_569)
339          \p{Bidi_Mirrored: Y*}   (Short: \p{BidiM=Y}, \p{BidiM}) (543)
340          \p{Blank}               \h, Horizontal white space (19)
341          \p{Blk: *}              \p{Block: *}
342          \p{Block: Aegean_Numbers} (Single: \p{InAegeanNumbers}) (64)
343          \p{Block: Alphabetic_Presentation_Forms} (Single:
344                                    \p{InAlphabeticPresentationForms}) (80)
345          \p{Block: Ancient_Greek_Musical_Notation} (Single:
346                                    \p{InAncientGreekMusicalNotation}) (80)
347          \p{Block: Ancient_Greek_Numbers} (Single:
348                                    \p{InAncientGreekNumbers}) (80)
349          \p{Block: Ancient_Symbols} (Single: \p{InAncientSymbols}) (64)
350          \p{Block: Arabic}       (Single: \p{InArabic}; NOT \p{Arabic} NOR
351                                    \p{Is_Arabic}) (256)
352          \p{Block: Arabic_Presentation_Forms_A} (Single:
353                                    \p{InArabicPresentationFormsA}) (688)
354          \p{Block: Arabic_Presentation_Forms_B} (Single:
355                                    \p{InArabicPresentationFormsB}) (144)
356          \p{Block: Arabic_Supplement} (Single: \p{InArabicSupplement}) (48)
357          \p{Block: Armenian}     (Single: \p{InArmenian}; NOT \p{Armenian}
358                                    NOR \p{Is_Armenian}) (96)
359          \p{Block: Arrows}       (Single: \p{InArrows}) (112)
360          \p{Block: ASCII}        \p{Block=Basic_Latin} (128)
361          \p{Block: Avestan}      (Single: \p{InAvestan}; NOT \p{Avestan}
362                                    NOR \p{Is_Avestan}) (64)
363          \p{Block: Balinese}     (Single: \p{InBalinese}; NOT \p{Balinese}
364                                    NOR \p{Is_Balinese}) (128)
365          \p{Block: Bamum}        (Single: \p{InBamum}; NOT \p{Bamum} NOR
366                                    \p{Is_Bamum}) (96)
367          \p{Block: Basic_Latin}  (Short: \p{Blk=ASCII}, \p{ASCII}) (128)
368          \p{Block: Bengali}      (Single: \p{InBengali}; NOT \p{Bengali}
369                                    NOR \p{Is_Bengali}) (128)
370          \p{Block: Block_Elements} (Single: \p{InBlockElements}) (32)
371          \p{Block: Bopomofo}     (Single: \p{InBopomofo}; NOT \p{Bopomofo}
372                                    NOR \p{Is_Bopomofo}) (48)
373          \p{Block: Bopomofo_Extended} (Single: \p{InBopomofoExtended}) (32)
374          \p{Block: Box_Drawing}  (Single: \p{InBoxDrawing}) (128)
375          \p{Block: Braille_Patterns} (Single: \p{InBraillePatterns}) (256)
376          \p{Block: Buginese}     (Single: \p{InBuginese}; NOT \p{Buginese}
377                                    NOR \p{Is_Buginese}) (32)
378          \p{Block: Buhid}        (Single: \p{InBuhid}; NOT \p{Buhid} NOR
379                                    \p{Is_Buhid}) (32)
380          \p{Block: Byzantine_Musical_Symbols} (Single:
381                                    \p{InByzantineMusicalSymbols}) (256)
382          \p{Block: Canadian_Syllabics} \p{Block=
383                                    Unified_Canadian_Aboriginal_Syllabics}
384                                    (640)
385          \p{Block: Carian}       (Single: \p{InCarian}; NOT \p{Carian} NOR
386                                    \p{Is_Carian}) (64)
387          \p{Block: Cham}         (Single: \p{InCham}; NOT \p{Cham} NOR
388                                    \p{Is_Cham}) (96)
389          \p{Block: Cherokee}     (Single: \p{InCherokee}; NOT \p{Cherokee}
390                                    NOR \p{Is_Cherokee}) (96)
391          \p{Block: CJK_Compatibility} (Single: \p{InCJKCompatibility}) (256)
392          \p{Block: CJK_Compatibility_Forms} (Single:
393                                    \p{InCJKCompatibilityForms}) (32)
394          \p{Block: CJK_Compatibility_Ideographs} (Single:
395                                    \p{InCJKCompatibilityIdeographs}) (512)
396          \p{Block: CJK_Compatibility_Ideographs_Supplement} (Single:
397                                    \p{InCJKCompatibilityIdeographs-
398                                    Supplement}) (544)
399          \p{Block: CJK_Radicals_Supplement} (Single:
400                                    \p{InCJKRadicalsSupplement}) (128)
401          \p{Block: CJK_Strokes}  (Single: \p{InCJKStrokes}) (48)
402          \p{Block: CJK_Symbols_And_Punctuation} (Single:
403                                    \p{InCJKSymbolsAndPunctuation}) (64)
404          \p{Block: CJK_Unified_Ideographs} (Single:
405                                    \p{InCJKUnifiedIdeographs}) (20_992)
406          \p{Block: CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_A} (Single:
407                                    \p{InCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionA})
408                                    (6592)
409          \p{Block: CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_B} (Single:
410                                    \p{InCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionB})
411                                    (42_720)
412          \p{Block: CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_C} (Single:
413                                    \p{InCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionC})
414                                    (4160)
415          \p{Block: Combining_Diacritical_Marks} (Single:
416                                    \p{InCombiningDiacriticalMarks}) (112)
417          \p{Block: Combining_Diacritical_Marks_For_Symbols} (Short: \p{Blk=
418                                    CombiningMarksForSymbols},
419                                    \p{InCombiningMarksForSymbols}) (48)
420          \p{Block: Combining_Diacritical_Marks_Supplement} (Single:
421                                    \p{InCombiningDiacriticalMarks-
422                                    Supplement}) (64)
423          \p{Block: Combining_Half_Marks} (Single: \p{InCombiningHalfMarks})
424                                    (16)
425          \p{Block: Combining_Marks_For_Symbols} \p{Block=
426                                    Combining_Diacritical_Marks_For_Symbols}
427                                    (48)
428          \p{Block: Common_Indic_Number_Forms} (Single:
429                                    \p{InCommonIndicNumberForms}) (16)
430          \p{Block: Control_Pictures} (Single: \p{InControlPictures}) (64)
431          \p{Block: Coptic}       (Single: \p{InCoptic}; NOT \p{Coptic} NOR
432                                    \p{Is_Coptic}) (128)
433          \p{Block: Counting_Rod_Numerals} (Single:
434                                    \p{InCountingRodNumerals}) (32)
435          \p{Block: Cuneiform}    (Single: \p{InCuneiform}; NOT
436                                    \p{Cuneiform} NOR \p{Is_Cuneiform})
437                                    (1024)
438          \p{Block: Cuneiform_Numbers_And_Punctuation} (Single:
439                                    \p{InCuneiformNumbersAndPunctuation})
440                                    (128)
441          \p{Block: Currency_Symbols} (Single: \p{InCurrencySymbols}) (48)
442          \p{Block: Cypriot_Syllabary} (Single: \p{InCypriotSyllabary}) (64)
443          \p{Block: Cyrillic}     (Single: \p{InCyrillic}; NOT \p{Cyrillic}
444                                    NOR \p{Is_Cyrillic}) (256)
445          \p{Block: Cyrillic_Extended_A} (Single: \p{InCyrillicExtendedA})
446                                    (32)
447          \p{Block: Cyrillic_Extended_B} (Single: \p{InCyrillicExtendedB})
448                                    (96)
449          \p{Block: Cyrillic_Supplement} (Single: \p{InCyrillicSupplement})
450                                    (48)
451          \p{Block: Cyrillic_Supplementary} \p{Block=Cyrillic_Supplement}
452                                    (48)
453          \p{Block: Deseret}      (Single: \p{InDeseret}) (80)
454          \p{Block: Devanagari}   (Single: \p{InDevanagari}; NOT
455                                    \p{Devanagari} NOR \p{Is_Devanagari})
456                                    (128)
457          \p{Block: Devanagari_Extended} (Single: \p{InDevanagariExtended})
458                                    (32)
459          \p{Block: Dingbats}     (Single: \p{InDingbats}) (192)
460          \p{Block: Domino_Tiles} (Single: \p{InDominoTiles}) (112)
461          \p{Block: Egyptian_Hieroglyphs} (Single:
462                                    \p{InEgyptianHieroglyphs}; NOT
463                                    \p{Egyptian_Hieroglyphs} NOR
464                                    \p{Is_Egyptian_Hieroglyphs}) (1072)
465          \p{Block: Enclosed_Alphanumeric_Supplement} (Single:
466                                    \p{InEnclosedAlphanumericSupplement})
467                                    (256)
468          \p{Block: Enclosed_Alphanumerics} (Single:
469                                    \p{InEnclosedAlphanumerics}) (160)
470          \p{Block: Enclosed_CJK_Letters_And_Months} (Single:
471                                    \p{InEnclosedCJKLettersAndMonths}) (256)
472          \p{Block: Enclosed_Ideographic_Supplement} (Single:
473                                    \p{InEnclosedIdeographicSupplement})
474                                    (256)
475          \p{Block: Ethiopic}     (Single: \p{InEthiopic}; NOT \p{Ethiopic}
476                                    NOR \p{Is_Ethiopic}) (384)
477          \p{Block: Ethiopic_Extended} (Single: \p{InEthiopicExtended}) (96)
478          \p{Block: Ethiopic_Supplement} (Single: \p{InEthiopicSupplement})
479                                    (32)
480          \p{Block: General_Punctuation} (Single: \p{InGeneralPunctuation})
481                                    (112)
482          \p{Block: Geometric_Shapes} (Single: \p{InGeometricShapes}) (96)
483          \p{Block: Georgian}     (Single: \p{InGeorgian}; NOT \p{Georgian}
484                                    NOR \p{Is_Georgian}) (96)
485          \p{Block: Georgian_Supplement} (Single: \p{InGeorgianSupplement})
486                                    (48)
487          \p{Block: Glagolitic}   (Single: \p{InGlagolitic}; NOT
488                                    \p{Glagolitic} NOR \p{Is_Glagolitic})
489                                    (96)
490          \p{Block: Gothic}       (Single: \p{InGothic}; NOT \p{Gothic} NOR
491                                    \p{Is_Gothic}) (32)
492          \p{Block: Greek}        \p{Block=Greek_And_Coptic} (NOT \p{Greek}
493                                    NOR \p{Is_Greek}) (144)
494          \p{Block: Greek_And_Coptic} (Short: \p{Blk=Greek}, \p{InGreek};
495                                    NOT \p{Greek} NOR \p{Is_Greek}) (144)
496          \p{Block: Greek_Extended} (Single: \p{InGreekExtended}) (256)
497          \p{Block: Gujarati}     (Single: \p{InGujarati}; NOT \p{Gujarati}
498                                    NOR \p{Is_Gujarati}) (128)
499          \p{Block: Gurmukhi}     (Single: \p{InGurmukhi}; NOT \p{Gurmukhi}
500                                    NOR \p{Is_Gurmukhi}) (128)
501          \p{Block: Halfwidth_And_Fullwidth_Forms} (Single:
502                                    \p{InHalfwidthAndFullwidthForms}) (240)
503          \p{Block: Hangul_Compatibility_Jamo} (Single:
504                                    \p{InHangulCompatibilityJamo}) (96)
505          \p{Block: Hangul_Jamo}  (Single: \p{InHangulJamo}) (256)
506          \p{Block: Hangul_Jamo_Extended_A} (Single:
507                                    \p{InHangulJamoExtendedA}) (32)
508          \p{Block: Hangul_Jamo_Extended_B} (Single:
509                                    \p{InHangulJamoExtendedB}) (80)
510          \p{Block: Hangul_Syllables} (Single: \p{InHangulSyllables})
511                                    (11_184)
512          \p{Block: Hanunoo}      (Single: \p{InHanunoo}; NOT \p{Hanunoo}
513                                    NOR \p{Is_Hanunoo}) (32)
514          \p{Block: Hebrew}       (Single: \p{InHebrew}; NOT \p{Hebrew} NOR
515                                    \p{Is_Hebrew}) (112)
516          \p{Block: High_Private_Use_Surrogates} (Single:
517                                    \p{InHighPrivateUseSurrogates}) (128)
518          \p{Block: High_Surrogates} (Single: \p{InHighSurrogates}) (896)
519          \p{Block: Hiragana}     (Single: \p{InHiragana}; NOT \p{Hiragana}
520                                    NOR \p{Is_Hiragana}) (96)
521          \p{Block: Ideographic_Description_Characters} (Single:
522                                    \p{InIdeographicDescriptionCharacters})
523                                    (16)
524          \p{Block: Imperial_Aramaic} (Single: \p{InImperialAramaic}; NOT
525                                    \p{Imperial_Aramaic} NOR
526                                    \p{Is_Imperial_Aramaic}) (32)
527          \p{Block: Inscriptional_Pahlavi} (Single:
528                                    \p{InInscriptionalPahlavi}; NOT
529                                    \p{Inscriptional_Pahlavi} NOR
530                                    \p{Is_Inscriptional_Pahlavi}) (32)
531          \p{Block: Inscriptional_Parthian} (Single:
532                                    \p{InInscriptionalParthian}; NOT
533                                    \p{Inscriptional_Parthian} NOR
534                                    \p{Is_Inscriptional_Parthian}) (32)
535          \p{Block: IPA_Extensions} (Single: \p{InIPAExtensions}) (96)
536          \p{Block: Javanese}     (Single: \p{InJavanese}; NOT \p{Javanese}
537                                    NOR \p{Is_Javanese}) (96)
538          \p{Block: Kaithi}       (Single: \p{InKaithi}; NOT \p{Kaithi} NOR
539                                    \p{Is_Kaithi}) (80)
540          \p{Block: Kanbun}       (Single: \p{InKanbun}) (16)
541          \p{Block: Kangxi_Radicals} (Single: \p{InKangxiRadicals}) (224)
542          \p{Block: Kannada}      (Single: \p{InKannada}; NOT \p{Kannada}
543                                    NOR \p{Is_Kannada}) (128)
544          \p{Block: Katakana}     (Single: \p{InKatakana}; NOT \p{Katakana}
545                                    NOR \p{Is_Katakana}) (96)
546          \p{Block: Katakana_Phonetic_Extensions} (Single:
547                                    \p{InKatakanaPhoneticExtensions}) (16)
548          \p{Block: Kayah_Li}     (Single: \p{InKayahLi}) (48)
549          \p{Block: Kharoshthi}   (Single: \p{InKharoshthi}; NOT
550                                    \p{Kharoshthi} NOR \p{Is_Kharoshthi})
551                                    (96)
552          \p{Block: Khmer}        (Single: \p{InKhmer}; NOT \p{Khmer} NOR
553                                    \p{Is_Khmer}) (128)
554          \p{Block: Khmer_Symbols} (Single: \p{InKhmerSymbols}) (32)
555          \p{Block: Lao}          (Single: \p{InLao}; NOT \p{Lao} NOR
556                                    \p{Is_Lao}) (128)
557          \p{Block: Latin_1}      \p{Block=Latin_1_Supplement} (128)
558          \p{Block: Latin_1_Supplement} (Short: \p{Blk=Latin1},
559                                    \p{InLatin1}) (128)
560          \p{Block: Latin_Extended_A} (Single: \p{InLatinExtendedA}) (128)
561          \p{Block: Latin_Extended_Additional} (Single:
562                                    \p{InLatinExtendedAdditional}) (256)
563          \p{Block: Latin_Extended_B} (Single: \p{InLatinExtendedB}) (208)
564          \p{Block: Latin_Extended_C} (Single: \p{InLatinExtendedC}) (32)
565          \p{Block: Latin_Extended_D} (Single: \p{InLatinExtendedD}) (224)
566          \p{Block: Lepcha}       (Single: \p{InLepcha}; NOT \p{Lepcha} NOR
567                                    \p{Is_Lepcha}) (80)
568          \p{Block: Letterlike_Symbols} (Single: \p{InLetterlikeSymbols})
569                                    (80)
570          \p{Block: Limbu}        (Single: \p{InLimbu}; NOT \p{Limbu} NOR
571                                    \p{Is_Limbu}) (80)
572          \p{Block: Linear_B_Ideograms} (Single: \p{InLinearBIdeograms})
573                                    (128)
574          \p{Block: Linear_B_Syllabary} (Single: \p{InLinearBSyllabary})
575                                    (128)
576          \p{Block: Lisu}         (Single: \p{InLisu}) (48)
577          \p{Block: Low_Surrogates} (Single: \p{InLowSurrogates}) (1024)
578          \p{Block: Lycian}       (Single: \p{InLycian}; NOT \p{Lycian} NOR
579                                    \p{Is_Lycian}) (32)
580          \p{Block: Lydian}       (Single: \p{InLydian}; NOT \p{Lydian} NOR
581                                    \p{Is_Lydian}) (32)
582          \p{Block: Mahjong_Tiles} (Single: \p{InMahjongTiles}) (48)
583          \p{Block: Malayalam}    (Single: \p{InMalayalam}; NOT
584                                    \p{Malayalam} NOR \p{Is_Malayalam}) (128)
585          \p{Block: Mathematical_Alphanumeric_Symbols} (Single:
586                                    \p{InMathematicalAlphanumericSymbols})
587                                    (1024)
588          \p{Block: Mathematical_Operators} (Single:
589                                    \p{InMathematicalOperators}) (256)
590          \p{Block: Meetei_Mayek} (Single: \p{InMeeteiMayek}; NOT
591                                    \p{Meetei_Mayek} NOR
592                                    \p{Is_Meetei_Mayek}) (64)
593          \p{Block: Miscellaneous_Mathematical_Symbols_A} (Single:
594                                    \p{InMiscellaneousMathematicalSymbolsA})
595                                    (48)
596          \p{Block: Miscellaneous_Mathematical_Symbols_B} (Single:
597                                    \p{InMiscellaneousMathematicalSymbolsB})
598                                    (128)
599          \p{Block: Miscellaneous_Symbols} (Single:
600                                    \p{InMiscellaneousSymbols}) (256)
601          \p{Block: Miscellaneous_Symbols_And_Arrows} (Single:
602                                    \p{InMiscellaneousSymbolsAndArrows})
603                                    (256)
604          \p{Block: Miscellaneous_Technical} (Single:
605                                    \p{InMiscellaneousTechnical}) (256)
606          \p{Block: Modifier_Tone_Letters} (Single:
607                                    \p{InModifierToneLetters}) (32)
608          \p{Block: Mongolian}    (Single: \p{InMongolian}; NOT
609                                    \p{Mongolian} NOR \p{Is_Mongolian}) (176)
610          \p{Block: Musical_Symbols} (Single: \p{InMusicalSymbols}) (256)
611          \p{Block: Myanmar}      (Single: \p{InMyanmar}; NOT \p{Myanmar}
612                                    NOR \p{Is_Myanmar}) (160)
613          \p{Block: Myanmar_Extended_A} (Single: \p{InMyanmarExtendedA}) (32)
614          \p{Block: New_Tai_Lue}  (Single: \p{InNewTaiLue}; NOT
615                                    \p{New_Tai_Lue} NOR \p{Is_New_Tai_Lue})
616                                    (96)
617          \p{Block: NKo}          (Single: \p{InNKo}; NOT \p{Nko} NOR
618                                    \p{Is_NKo}) (64)
619          \p{Block: No_Block}     (Single: \p{InNoBlock}) (864_192)
620          \p{Block: Number_Forms} (Single: \p{InNumberForms}) (64)
621          \p{Block: Ogham}        (Single: \p{InOgham}; NOT \p{Ogham} NOR
622                                    \p{Is_Ogham}) (32)
623          \p{Block: Ol_Chiki}     (Single: \p{InOlChiki}) (48)
624          \p{Block: Old_Italic}   (Single: \p{InOldItalic}; NOT
625                                    \p{Old_Italic} NOR \p{Is_Old_Italic})
626                                    (48)
627          \p{Block: Old_Persian}  (Single: \p{InOldPersian}; NOT
628                                    \p{Old_Persian} NOR \p{Is_Old_Persian})
629                                    (64)
630          \p{Block: Old_South_Arabian} (Single: \p{InOldSouthArabian}) (32)
631          \p{Block: Old_Turkic}   (Single: \p{InOldTurkic}; NOT
632                                    \p{Old_Turkic} NOR \p{Is_Old_Turkic})
633                                    (80)
634          \p{Block: Optical_Character_Recognition} (Single:
635                                    \p{InOpticalCharacterRecognition}) (32)
636          \p{Block: Oriya}        (Single: \p{InOriya}; NOT \p{Oriya} NOR
637                                    \p{Is_Oriya}) (128)
638          \p{Block: Osmanya}      (Single: \p{InOsmanya}; NOT \p{Osmanya}
639                                    NOR \p{Is_Osmanya}) (48)
640          \p{Block: Phags_Pa}     (Single: \p{InPhagsPa}; NOT \p{Phags_Pa}
641                                    NOR \p{Is_Phags_Pa}) (64)
642          \p{Block: Phaistos_Disc} (Single: \p{InPhaistosDisc}) (48)
643          \p{Block: Phoenician}   (Single: \p{InPhoenician}; NOT
644                                    \p{Phoenician} NOR \p{Is_Phoenician})
645                                    (32)
646          \p{Block: Phonetic_Extensions} (Single: \p{InPhoneticExtensions})
647                                    (128)
648          \p{Block: Phonetic_Extensions_Supplement} (Single:
649                                    \p{InPhoneticExtensionsSupplement}) (64)
650          \p{Block: Private_Use}  \p{Block=Private_Use_Area} (NOT
651                                    \p{Private_Use} NOR \p{Is_Private_Use})
652                                    (6400)
653          \p{Block: Private_Use_Area} (Short: \p{Blk=PrivateUse},
654                                    \p{InPrivateUse}; NOT \p{Private_Use}
655                                    NOR \p{Is_Private_Use}) (6400)
656          \p{Block: Rejang}       (Single: \p{InRejang}; NOT \p{Rejang} NOR
657                                    \p{Is_Rejang}) (48)
658          \p{Block: Rumi_Numeral_Symbols} (Single: \p{InRumiNumeralSymbols})
659                                    (32)
660          \p{Block: Runic}        (Single: \p{InRunic}; NOT \p{Runic} NOR
661                                    \p{Is_Runic}) (96)
662          \p{Block: Samaritan}    (Single: \p{InSamaritan}; NOT
663                                    \p{Samaritan} NOR \p{Is_Samaritan}) (64)
664          \p{Block: Saurashtra}   (Single: \p{InSaurashtra}; NOT
665                                    \p{Saurashtra} NOR \p{Is_Saurashtra})
666                                    (96)
667          \p{Block: Shavian}      (Single: \p{InShavian}) (48)
668          \p{Block: Sinhala}      (Single: \p{InSinhala}; NOT \p{Sinhala}
669                                    NOR \p{Is_Sinhala}) (128)
670          \p{Block: Small_Form_Variants} (Single: \p{InSmallFormVariants})
671                                    (32)
672          \p{Block: Spacing_Modifier_Letters} (Single:
673                                    \p{InSpacingModifierLetters}) (80)
674          \p{Block: Specials}     (Single: \p{InSpecials}) (16)
675          \p{Block: Sundanese}    (Single: \p{InSundanese}; NOT
676                                    \p{Sundanese} NOR \p{Is_Sundanese}) (64)
677          \p{Block: Superscripts_And_Subscripts} (Single:
678                                    \p{InSuperscriptsAndSubscripts}) (48)
679          \p{Block: Supplemental_Arrows_A} (Single:
680                                    \p{InSupplementalArrowsA}) (16)
681          \p{Block: Supplemental_Arrows_B} (Single:
682                                    \p{InSupplementalArrowsB}) (128)
683          \p{Block: Supplemental_Mathematical_Operators} (Single:
684                                    \p{InSupplementalMathematicalOperators})
685                                    (256)
686          \p{Block: Supplemental_Punctuation} (Single:
687                                    \p{InSupplementalPunctuation}) (128)
688          \p{Block: Supplementary_Private_Use_Area_A} (Single:
689                                    \p{InSupplementaryPrivateUseAreaA})
690                                    (65_536)
691          \p{Block: Supplementary_Private_Use_Area_B} (Single:
692                                    \p{InSupplementaryPrivateUseAreaB})
693                                    (65_536)
694          \p{Block: Syloti_Nagri} (Single: \p{InSylotiNagri}; NOT
695                                    \p{Syloti_Nagri} NOR
696                                    \p{Is_Syloti_Nagri}) (48)
697          \p{Block: Syriac}       (Single: \p{InSyriac}; NOT \p{Syriac} NOR
698                                    \p{Is_Syriac}) (80)
699          \p{Block: Tagalog}      (Single: \p{InTagalog}; NOT \p{Tagalog}
700                                    NOR \p{Is_Tagalog}) (32)
701          \p{Block: Tagbanwa}     (Single: \p{InTagbanwa}; NOT \p{Tagbanwa}
702                                    NOR \p{Is_Tagbanwa}) (32)
703          \p{Block: Tags}         (Single: \p{InTags}) (128)
704          \p{Block: Tai_Le}       (Single: \p{InTaiLe}; NOT \p{Tai_Le} NOR
705                                    \p{Is_Tai_Le}) (48)
706          \p{Block: Tai_Tham}     (Single: \p{InTaiTham}; NOT \p{Tai_Tham}
707                                    NOR \p{Is_Tai_Tham}) (144)
708          \p{Block: Tai_Viet}     (Single: \p{InTaiViet}; NOT \p{Tai_Viet}
709                                    NOR \p{Is_Tai_Viet}) (96)
710          \p{Block: Tai_Xuan_Jing_Symbols} (Single:
711                                    \p{InTaiXuanJingSymbols}) (96)
712          \p{Block: Tamil}        (Single: \p{InTamil}; NOT \p{Tamil} NOR
713                                    \p{Is_Tamil}) (128)
714          \p{Block: Telugu}       (Single: \p{InTelugu}; NOT \p{Telugu} NOR
715                                    \p{Is_Telugu}) (128)
716          \p{Block: Thaana}       (Single: \p{InThaana}; NOT \p{Thaana} NOR
717                                    \p{Is_Thaana}) (64)
718          \p{Block: Thai}         (Single: \p{InThai}; NOT \p{Thai} NOR
719                                    \p{Is_Thai}) (128)
720          \p{Block: Tibetan}      (Single: \p{InTibetan}; NOT \p{Tibetan}
721                                    NOR \p{Is_Tibetan}) (256)
722          \p{Block: Tifinagh}     (Single: \p{InTifinagh}; NOT \p{Tifinagh}
723                                    NOR \p{Is_Tifinagh}) (80)
724          \p{Block: Ugaritic}     (Single: \p{InUgaritic}; NOT \p{Ugaritic}
725                                    NOR \p{Is_Ugaritic}) (32)
726          \p{Block: Unified_Canadian_Aboriginal_Syllabics} (Short: \p{Blk=
727                                    CanadianSyllabics},
728                                    \p{InCanadianSyllabics}) (640)
729          \p{Block: Unified_Canadian_Aboriginal_Syllabics_Extended} (Single:
730                                    \p{InUnifiedCanadianAboriginalSyllabics-
731                                    Extended}) (80)
732          \p{Block: Vai}          (Single: \p{InVai}; NOT \p{Vai} NOR
733                                    \p{Is_Vai}) (320)
734          \p{Block: Variation_Selectors} (Single: \p{InVariationSelectors})
735                                    (16)
736          \p{Block: Variation_Selectors_Supplement} (Single:
737                                    \p{InVariationSelectorsSupplement}) (240)
738          \p{Block: Vedic_Extensions} (Single: \p{InVedicExtensions}) (48)
739          \p{Block: Vertical_Forms} (Single: \p{InVerticalForms}) (16)
740          \p{Block: Yi_Radicals}  (Single: \p{InYiRadicals}) (64)
741          \p{Block: Yi_Syllables} (Single: \p{InYiSyllables}) (1168)
742          \p{Block: Yijing_Hexagram_Symbols} (Single:
743                                    \p{InYijingHexagramSymbols}) (64)
744        X \p{Block_Elements}      \p{Block=Block_Elements} (32)
745          \p{Bopo}                \p{Bopomofo} (= \p{Script=Bopomofo}) (NOT
746                                    \p{Block=Bopomofo}) (65)
747          \p{Bopomofo}            \p{Script=Bopomofo} (Short: \p{Bopo}; NOT
748                                    \p{Block=Bopomofo}) (65)
749        X \p{Bopomofo_Extended}   \p{Block=Bopomofo_Extended} (32)
750        X \p{Box_Drawing}         \p{Block=Box_Drawing} (128)
751          \p{Brai}                \p{Braille} (= \p{Script=Braille}) (256)
752          \p{Braille}             \p{Script=Braille} (Short: \p{Brai}) (256)
753        X \p{Braille_Patterns}    \p{Block=Braille_Patterns} (256)
754          \p{Bugi}                \p{Buginese} (= \p{Script=Buginese}) (NOT
755                                    \p{Block=Buginese}) (30)
756          \p{Buginese}            \p{Script=Buginese} (Short: \p{Bugi}; NOT
757                                    \p{Block=Buginese}) (30)
758          \p{Buhd}                \p{Buhid} (= \p{Script=Buhid}) (NOT
759                                    \p{Block=Buhid}) (20)
760          \p{Buhid}               \p{Script=Buhid} (Short: \p{Buhd}; NOT
761                                    \p{Block=Buhid}) (20)
762        X \p{Byzantine_Musical_Symbols} \p{Block=Byzantine_Musical_Symbols}
763                                    (256)
764          \p{C}                   \p{Other} (= \p{General_Category=Other})
765                                    (1_006_956)
766          \p{Canadian_Aboriginal} \p{Script=Canadian_Aboriginal} (Short:
767                                    \p{Cans}) (710)
768        X \p{Canadian_Syllabics}  \p{Unified_Canadian_Aboriginal_Syllabics}
769                                    (= \p{Block=
770                                    Unified_Canadian_Aboriginal_Syllabics})
771                                    (640)
772        T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 0} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
773                                    Not_Reordered} (1_113_518)
774        T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 1} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
775                                    Overlay} (26)
776        T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 7} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
777                                    Nukta} (11)
778        T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 8} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
779                                    Kana_Voicing} (2)
780        T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 9} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
781                                    Virama} (27)
782        T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 10} (Short: \p{Ccc=10}) (1)
783        T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 11} (Short: \p{Ccc=11}) (1)
784        T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 12} (Short: \p{Ccc=12}) (1)
785        T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 13} (Short: \p{Ccc=13}) (1)
786        T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 14} (Short: \p{Ccc=14}) (1)
787        T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 15} (Short: \p{Ccc=15}) (1)
788        T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 16} (Short: \p{Ccc=16}) (1)
789        T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 17} (Short: \p{Ccc=17}) (1)
790        T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 18} (Short: \p{Ccc=18}) (2)
791        T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 19} (Short: \p{Ccc=19}) (2)
792        T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 20} (Short: \p{Ccc=20}) (1)
793        T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 21} (Short: \p{Ccc=21}) (1)
794        T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 22} (Short: \p{Ccc=22}) (1)
795        T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 23} (Short: \p{Ccc=23}) (1)
796        T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 24} (Short: \p{Ccc=24}) (1)
797        T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 25} (Short: \p{Ccc=25}) (1)
798        T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 26} (Short: \p{Ccc=26}) (1)
799        T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 27} (Short: \p{Ccc=27}) (1)
800        T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 28} (Short: \p{Ccc=28}) (1)
801        T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 29} (Short: \p{Ccc=29}) (1)
802        T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 30} (Short: \p{Ccc=30}) (2)
803        T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 31} (Short: \p{Ccc=31}) (2)
804        T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 32} (Short: \p{Ccc=32}) (2)
805        T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 33} (Short: \p{Ccc=33}) (1)
806        T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 34} (Short: \p{Ccc=34}) (1)
807        T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 35} (Short: \p{Ccc=35}) (1)
808        T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 36} (Short: \p{Ccc=36}) (1)
809        T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 84} (Short: \p{Ccc=84}) (1)
810        T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 91} (Short: \p{Ccc=91}) (1)
811        T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 103} (Short: \p{Ccc=103}) (2)
812        T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 107} (Short: \p{Ccc=107}) (4)
813        T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 118} (Short: \p{Ccc=118}) (2)
814        T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 122} (Short: \p{Ccc=122}) (4)
815        T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 129} (Short: \p{Ccc=129}) (1)
816        T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 130} (Short: \p{Ccc=130}) (6)
817        T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 132} (Short: \p{Ccc=132}) (1)
818        T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 200} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
819                                    Attached_Below_Left} (0)
820        T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 202} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
821                                    Attached_Below} (5)
822        T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 214} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
823                                    Attached_Above} (1)
824        T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 216} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
825                                    Attached_Above_Right} (9)
826        T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 218} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
827                                    Below_Left} (1)
828        T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 220} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
829                                    Below} (117)
830        T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 222} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
831                                    Below_Right} (4)
832        T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 224} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
833                                    Left} (2)
834        T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 226} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
835                                    Right} (1)
836        T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 228} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
837                                    Above_Left} (3)
838        T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 230} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
839                                    Above} (318)
840        T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 232} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
841                                    Above_Right} (4)
842        T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 233} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
843                                    Double_Below} (3)
844        T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 234} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
845                                    Double_Above} (5)
846        T \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: 240} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
847                                    Iota_Subscript} (1)
848          \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: A} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
849                                    Above} (318)
850          \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Above} (Short: \p{Ccc=A}) (318)
851          \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Above_Left} (Short: \p{Ccc=AL}) (3)
852          \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Above_Right} (Short: \p{Ccc=AR}) (4)
853          \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: AL} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
854                                    Above_Left} (3)
855          \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: AR} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
856                                    Above_Right} (4)
857          \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: ATA} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
858                                    Attached_Above} (1)
859          \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: ATAR} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
860                                    Attached_Above_Right} (9)
861          \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: ATB} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
862                                    Attached_Below} (5)
863          \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: ATBL} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
864                                    Attached_Below_Left} (0)
865          \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Attached_Above} (Short: \p{Ccc=ATA})
866                                    (1)
867          \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Attached_Above_Right} (Short:
868                                    \p{Ccc=ATAR}) (9)
869          \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Attached_Below} (Short: \p{Ccc=ATB})
870                                    (5)
871          \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Attached_Below_Left} (Short: \p{Ccc=
872                                    ATBL}) (0)
873          \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: B} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
874                                    Below} (117)
875          \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Below} (Short: \p{Ccc=B}) (117)
876          \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Below_Left} (Short: \p{Ccc=BL}) (1)
877          \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Below_Right} (Short: \p{Ccc=BR}) (4)
878          \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: BL} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
879                                    Below_Left} (1)
880          \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: BR} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
881                                    Below_Right} (4)
882          \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: DA} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
883                                    Double_Above} (5)
884          \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: DB} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
885                                    Double_Below} (3)
886          \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Double_Above} (Short: \p{Ccc=DA}) (5)
887          \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Double_Below} (Short: \p{Ccc=DB}) (3)
888          \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Iota_Subscript} (Short: \p{Ccc=IS})
889                                    (1)
890          \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: IS} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
891                                    Iota_Subscript} (1)
892          \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Kana_Voicing} (Short: \p{Ccc=KV}) (2)
893          \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: KV} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
894                                    Kana_Voicing} (2)
895          \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: L} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
896                                    Left} (2)
897          \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Left} (Short: \p{Ccc=L}) (2)
898          \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: NK} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
899                                    Nukta} (11)
900          \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Not_Reordered} (Short: \p{Ccc=NR})
901                                    (1_113_518)
902          \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: NR} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
903                                    Not_Reordered} (1_113_518)
904          \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Nukta} (Short: \p{Ccc=NK}) (11)
905          \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: OV} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
906                                    Overlay} (26)
907          \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Overlay} (Short: \p{Ccc=OV}) (26)
908          \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: R} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
909                                    Right} (1)
910          \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Right} (Short: \p{Ccc=R}) (1)
911          \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: Virama} (Short: \p{Ccc=VR}) (27)
912          \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: VR} \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
913                                    Virama} (27)
914          \p{Cans}                \p{Canadian_Aboriginal} (= \p{Script=
915                                    Canadian_Aboriginal}) (710)
916          \p{Cari}                \p{Carian} (= \p{Script=Carian}) (NOT
917                                    \p{Block=Carian}) (49)
918          \p{Carian}              \p{Script=Carian} (Short: \p{Cari}; NOT
919                                    \p{Block=Carian}) (49)
920          \p{Case_Ignorable}      \p{Case_Ignorable=Y} (Short: \p{CI}) (1632)
921          \p{Case_Ignorable: N*}  (Short: \p{CI=N}, \P{CI}) (1_112_480)
922          \p{Case_Ignorable: Y*}  (Short: \p{CI=Y}, \p{CI}) (1632)
923          \p{Cased}               \p{Cased=Y} (3408)
924          \p{Cased: N*}           (Single: \P{Cased}) (1_110_704)
925          \p{Cased: Y*}           (Single: \p{Cased}) (3408)
926          \p{Cased_Letter}        \p{General_Category=Cased_Letter} (Short:
927                                    \p{LC}) (3207)
928          \p{Category: *}         \p{General_Category: *}
929          \p{Cc}                  \p{Cntrl} (= \p{General_Category=Control})
930                                    (65)
931          \p{Ccc: *}              \p{Canonical_Combining_Class: *}
932          \p{CE}                  \p{Composition_Exclusion} (=
933                                    \p{Composition_Exclusion=Y}) (81)
934          \p{CE: *}               \p{Composition_Exclusion: *}
935          \p{Cf}                  \p{Format} (= \p{General_Category=Format})
936                                    (140)
937          \p{Cham}                \p{Script=Cham} (NOT \p{Block=Cham}) (83)
938          \p{Changes_When_Casefolded} \p{Changes_When_Casefolded=Y} (Short:
939                                    \p{CWCF}) (1093)
940          \p{Changes_When_Casefolded: N*} (Short: \p{CWCF=N}, \P{CWCF})
941                                    (1_113_019)
942          \p{Changes_When_Casefolded: Y*} (Short: \p{CWCF=Y}, \p{CWCF})
943                                    (1093)
944          \p{Changes_When_Casemapped} \p{Changes_When_Casemapped=Y} (Short:
945                                    \p{CWCM}) (2110)
946          \p{Changes_When_Casemapped: N*} (Short: \p{CWCM=N}, \P{CWCM})
947                                    (1_112_002)
948          \p{Changes_When_Casemapped: Y*} (Short: \p{CWCM=Y}, \p{CWCM})
949                                    (2110)
950          \p{Changes_When_Lowercased} \p{Changes_When_Lowercased=Y} (Short:
951                                    \p{CWL}) (1029)
952          \p{Changes_When_Lowercased: N*} (Short: \p{CWL=N}, \P{CWL})
953                                    (1_113_083)
954          \p{Changes_When_Lowercased: Y*} (Short: \p{CWL=Y}, \p{CWL}) (1029)
955          \p{Changes_When_NFKC_Casefolded} \p{Changes_When_NFKC_Casefolded=
956                                    Y} (Short: \p{CWKCF}) (9740)
957          \p{Changes_When_NFKC_Casefolded: N*} (Short: \p{CWKCF=N},
958                                    \P{CWKCF}) (1_104_372)
959          \p{Changes_When_NFKC_Casefolded: Y*} (Short: \p{CWKCF=Y},
960                                    \p{CWKCF}) (9740)
961          \p{Changes_When_Titlecased} \p{Changes_When_Titlecased=Y} (Short:
962                                    \p{CWT}) (1085)
963          \p{Changes_When_Titlecased: N*} (Short: \p{CWT=N}, \P{CWT})
964                                    (1_113_027)
965          \p{Changes_When_Titlecased: Y*} (Short: \p{CWT=Y}, \p{CWT}) (1085)
966          \p{Changes_When_Uppercased} \p{Changes_When_Uppercased=Y} (Short:
967                                    \p{CWU}) (1112)
968          \p{Changes_When_Uppercased: N*} (Short: \p{CWU=N}, \P{CWU})
969                                    (1_113_000)
970          \p{Changes_When_Uppercased: Y*} (Short: \p{CWU=Y}, \p{CWU}) (1112)
971          \p{Cher}                \p{Cherokee} (= \p{Script=Cherokee}) (NOT
972                                    \p{Block=Cherokee}) (85)
973          \p{Cherokee}            \p{Script=Cherokee} (Short: \p{Cher}; NOT
974                                    \p{Block=Cherokee}) (85)
975          \p{CI}                  \p{Case_Ignorable} (= \p{Case_Ignorable=
976                                    Y}) (1632)
977          \p{CI: *}               \p{Case_Ignorable: *}
978        X \p{CJK_Compatibility}   \p{Block=CJK_Compatibility} (256)
979        X \p{CJK_Compatibility_Forms} \p{Block=CJK_Compatibility_Forms} (32)
980        X \p{CJK_Compatibility_Ideographs} \p{Block=
981                                    CJK_Compatibility_Ideographs} (512)
982        X \p{CJK_Compatibility_Ideographs_Supplement} \p{Block=
983                                    CJK_Compatibility_Ideographs_Supplement}
984                                    (544)
985        X \p{CJK_Radicals_Supplement} \p{Block=CJK_Radicals_Supplement} (128)
986        X \p{CJK_Strokes}         \p{Block=CJK_Strokes} (48)
987        X \p{CJK_Symbols_And_Punctuation} \p{Block=
988                                    CJK_Symbols_And_Punctuation} (64)
989        X \p{CJK_Unified_Ideographs} \p{Block=CJK_Unified_Ideographs}
990                                    (20_992)
991        X \p{CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_A} \p{Block=
992                                    CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_A}
993                                    (6592)
994        X \p{CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_B} \p{Block=
995                                    CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_B}
996                                    (42_720)
997        X \p{CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_C} \p{Block=
998                                    CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_C}
999                                    (4160)
1000          \p{Close_Punctuation}   \p{General_Category=Close_Punctuation}
1001                                    (Short: \p{Pe}) (71)
1002          \p{Cn}                  \p{Unassigned} (= \p{General_Category=
1003                                    Unassigned}) (867_235)
1004          \p{Cntrl}               \p{General_Category=Control} Control
1005                                    characters (Short: \p{Cc}) (65)
1006          \p{Co}                  \p{Private_Use} (= \p{General_Category=
1007                                    Private_Use}) (NOT \p{Private_Use_Area})
1008                                    (137_468)
1009        X \p{Combining_Diacritical_Marks} \p{Block=
1010                                    Combining_Diacritical_Marks} (112)
1011        X \p{Combining_Diacritical_Marks_For_Symbols} \p{Block=
1012                                    Combining_Diacritical_Marks_For_Symbols}
1013                                    (Short: \p{InCombiningMarksForSymbols})
1014                                    (48)
1015        X \p{Combining_Diacritical_Marks_Supplement} \p{Block=
1016                                    Combining_Diacritical_Marks_Supplement}
1017                                    (64)
1018        X \p{Combining_Half_Marks} \p{Block=Combining_Half_Marks} (16)
1019        X \p{Combining_Marks_For_Symbols}
1020                                    \p{Combining_Diacritical_Marks_For_-
1021                                    Symbols} (= \p{Block=
1022                                    Combining_Diacritical_Marks_For_-
1023                                    Symbols}) (48)
1024          \p{Common}              \p{Script=Common} (Short: \p{Zyyy}) (5395)
1025        X \p{Common_Indic_Number_Forms} \p{Block=Common_Indic_Number_Forms}
1026                                    (16)
1027          \p{Comp_Ex}             \p{Full_Composition_Exclusion} (=
1028                                    \p{Full_Composition_Exclusion=Y}) (1118)
1029          \p{Comp_Ex: *}          \p{Full_Composition_Exclusion: *}
1030          \p{Composition_Exclusion} \p{Composition_Exclusion=Y} (Short:
1031                                    \p{CE}) (81)
1032          \p{Composition_Exclusion: N*} (Short: \p{CE=N}, \P{CE}) (1_114_031)
1033          \p{Composition_Exclusion: Y*} (Short: \p{CE=Y}, \p{CE}) (81)
1034          \p{Connector_Punctuation} \p{General_Category=
1035                                    Connector_Punctuation} (Short: \p{Pc})
1036                                    (10)
1037          \p{Control}             \p{Cntrl} (= \p{General_Category=Control})
1038                                    (65)
1039        X \p{Control_Pictures}    \p{Block=Control_Pictures} (64)
1040          \p{Copt}                \p{Coptic} (= \p{Script=Coptic}) (NOT
1041                                    \p{Block=Coptic}) (135)
1042          \p{Coptic}              \p{Script=Coptic} (Short: \p{Copt}; NOT
1043                                    \p{Block=Coptic}) (135)
1044        X \p{Counting_Rod_Numerals} \p{Block=Counting_Rod_Numerals} (32)
1045          \p{Cprt}                \p{Cypriot} (= \p{Script=Cypriot}) (55)
1046          \p{Cs}                  \p{Surrogate} (= \p{General_Category=
1047                                    Surrogate}) (2048)
1048          \p{Cuneiform}           \p{Script=Cuneiform} (Short: \p{Xsux}; NOT
1049                                    \p{Block=Cuneiform}) (982)
1050        X \p{Cuneiform_Numbers_And_Punctuation} \p{Block=
1051                                    Cuneiform_Numbers_And_Punctuation} (128)
1052          \p{Currency_Symbol}     \p{General_Category=Currency_Symbol}
1053                                    (Short: \p{Sc}) (46)
1054        X \p{Currency_Symbols}    \p{Block=Currency_Symbols} (48)
1055          \p{CWCF}                \p{Changes_When_Casefolded} (=
1056                                    \p{Changes_When_Casefolded=Y}) (1093)
1057          \p{CWCF: *}             \p{Changes_When_Casefolded: *}
1058          \p{CWCM}                \p{Changes_When_Casemapped} (=
1059                                    \p{Changes_When_Casemapped=Y}) (2110)
1060          \p{CWCM: *}             \p{Changes_When_Casemapped: *}
1061          \p{CWKCF}               \p{Changes_When_NFKC_Casefolded} (=
1062                                    \p{Changes_When_NFKC_Casefolded=Y})
1063                                    (9740)
1064          \p{CWKCF: *}            \p{Changes_When_NFKC_Casefolded: *}
1065          \p{CWL}                 \p{Changes_When_Lowercased} (=
1066                                    \p{Changes_When_Lowercased=Y}) (1029)
1067          \p{CWL: *}              \p{Changes_When_Lowercased: *}
1068          \p{CWT}                 \p{Changes_When_Titlecased} (=
1069                                    \p{Changes_When_Titlecased=Y}) (1085)
1070          \p{CWT: *}              \p{Changes_When_Titlecased: *}
1071          \p{CWU}                 \p{Changes_When_Uppercased} (=
1072                                    \p{Changes_When_Uppercased=Y}) (1112)
1073          \p{CWU: *}              \p{Changes_When_Uppercased: *}
1074          \p{Cypriot}             \p{Script=Cypriot} (Short: \p{Cprt}) (55)
1075        X \p{Cypriot_Syllabary}   \p{Block=Cypriot_Syllabary} (64)
1076          \p{Cyrillic}            \p{Script=Cyrillic} (Short: \p{Cyrl}; NOT
1077                                    \p{Block=Cyrillic}) (404)
1078        X \p{Cyrillic_Extended_A} \p{Block=Cyrillic_Extended_A} (32)
1079        X \p{Cyrillic_Extended_B} \p{Block=Cyrillic_Extended_B} (96)
1080        X \p{Cyrillic_Supplement} \p{Block=Cyrillic_Supplement} (48)
1081        X \p{Cyrillic_Supplementary} \p{Cyrillic_Supplement} (= \p{Block=
1082                                    Cyrillic_Supplement}) (48)
1083          \p{Cyrl}                \p{Cyrillic} (= \p{Script=Cyrillic}) (NOT
1084                                    \p{Block=Cyrillic}) (404)
1085          \p{Dash}                \p{Dash=Y} (25)
1086          \p{Dash: N*}            (Single: \P{Dash}) (1_114_087)
1087          \p{Dash: Y*}            (Single: \p{Dash}) (25)
1088          \p{Dash_Punctuation}    \p{General_Category=Dash_Punctuation}
1089                                    (Short: \p{Pd}) (21)
1090          \p{Decimal_Number}      \p{Digit} (= \p{General_Category=
1091                                    Decimal_Number}) (411)
1092          \p{Decomposition_Type: Can} \p{Decomposition_Type=Canonical}
1093                                    (13_221)
1094          \p{Decomposition_Type: Canonical} (Short: \p{Dt=Can}) (13_221)
1095          \p{Decomposition_Type: Circle} (Short: \p{Dt=Enc}) (238)
1096          \p{Decomposition_Type: Com} \p{Decomposition_Type=Compat} (720)
1097          \p{Decomposition_Type: Compat} (Short: \p{Dt=Com}) (720)
1098          \p{Decomposition_Type: Enc} \p{Decomposition_Type=Circle} (238)
1099          \p{Decomposition_Type: Fin} \p{Decomposition_Type=Final} (240)
1100          \p{Decomposition_Type: Final} (Short: \p{Dt=Fin}) (240)
1101          \p{Decomposition_Type: Font} (Short: \p{Dt=Font}) (1043)
1102          \p{Decomposition_Type: Fra} \p{Decomposition_Type=Fraction} (20)
1103          \p{Decomposition_Type: Fraction} (Short: \p{Dt=Fra}) (20)
1104          \p{Decomposition_Type: Init} \p{Decomposition_Type=Initial} (171)
1105          \p{Decomposition_Type: Initial} (Short: \p{Dt=Init}) (171)
1106          \p{Decomposition_Type: Iso} \p{Decomposition_Type=Isolated} (238)
1107          \p{Decomposition_Type: Isolated} (Short: \p{Dt=Iso}) (238)
1108          \p{Decomposition_Type: Med} \p{Decomposition_Type=Medial} (82)
1109          \p{Decomposition_Type: Medial} (Short: \p{Dt=Med}) (82)
1110          \p{Decomposition_Type: Nar} \p{Decomposition_Type=Narrow} (122)
1111          \p{Decomposition_Type: Narrow} (Short: \p{Dt=Nar}) (122)
1112          \p{Decomposition_Type: Nb} \p{Decomposition_Type=Nobreak} (5)
1113          \p{Decomposition_Type: Nobreak} (Short: \p{Dt=Nb}) (5)
1114          \p{Decomposition_Type: Non_Canon} \p{Decomposition_Type=
1115                                    Non_Canonical} (Perl extension) (3467)
1116          \p{Decomposition_Type: Non_Canonical} Union of all non-canonical
1117                                    decompositions (Short: \p{Dt=NonCanon})
1118                                    (Perl extension) (3467)
1119          \p{Decomposition_Type: None} (Short: \p{Dt=None}) (1_097_424)
1120          \p{Decomposition_Type: Small} (Short: \p{Dt=Sml}) (26)
1121          \p{Decomposition_Type: Sml} \p{Decomposition_Type=Small} (26)
1122          \p{Decomposition_Type: Sqr} \p{Decomposition_Type=Square} (251)
1123          \p{Decomposition_Type: Square} (Short: \p{Dt=Sqr}) (251)
1124          \p{Decomposition_Type: Sub} (Short: \p{Dt=Sub}) (30)
1125          \p{Decomposition_Type: Sup} \p{Decomposition_Type=Super} (142)
1126          \p{Decomposition_Type: Super} (Short: \p{Dt=Sup}) (142)
1127          \p{Decomposition_Type: Vert} \p{Decomposition_Type=Vertical} (35)
1128          \p{Decomposition_Type: Vertical} (Short: \p{Dt=Vert}) (35)
1129          \p{Decomposition_Type: Wide} (Short: \p{Dt=Wide}) (104)
1130          \p{Default_Ignorable_Code_Point} \p{Default_Ignorable_Code_Point=
1131                                    Y} (Short: \p{DI}) (4167)
1132          \p{Default_Ignorable_Code_Point: N*} (Short: \p{DI=N}, \P{DI})
1133                                    (1_109_945)
1134          \p{Default_Ignorable_Code_Point: Y*} (Short: \p{DI=Y}, \p{DI})
1135                                    (4167)
1136          \p{Dep}                 \p{Deprecated} (= \p{Deprecated=Y}) (110)
1137          \p{Dep: *}              \p{Deprecated: *}
1138          \p{Deprecated}          \p{Deprecated=Y} (Short: \p{Dep}) (110)
1139          \p{Deprecated: N*}      (Short: \p{Dep=N}, \P{Dep}) (1_114_002)
1140          \p{Deprecated: Y*}      (Short: \p{Dep=Y}, \p{Dep}) (110)
1141          \p{Deseret}             \p{Script=Deseret} (Short: \p{Dsrt}) (80)
1142          \p{Deva}                \p{Devanagari} (= \p{Script=Devanagari})
1143                                    (NOT \p{Block=Devanagari}) (140)
1144          \p{Devanagari}          \p{Script=Devanagari} (Short: \p{Deva};
1145                                    NOT \p{Block=Devanagari}) (140)
1146        X \p{Devanagari_Extended} \p{Block=Devanagari_Extended} (32)
1147          \p{DI}                  \p{Default_Ignorable_Code_Point} (=
1148                                    \p{Default_Ignorable_Code_Point=Y})
1149                                    (4167)
1150          \p{DI: *}               \p{Default_Ignorable_Code_Point: *}
1151          \p{Dia}                 \p{Diacritic} (= \p{Diacritic=Y}) (639)
1152          \p{Dia: *}              \p{Diacritic: *}
1153          \p{Diacritic}           \p{Diacritic=Y} (Short: \p{Dia}) (639)
1154          \p{Diacritic: N*}       (Short: \p{Dia=N}, \P{Dia}) (1_113_473)
1155          \p{Diacritic: Y*}       (Short: \p{Dia=Y}, \p{Dia}) (639)
1156          \p{Digit}               \p{General_Category=Decimal_Number} \d,
1157                                    extended beyond just [0-9] (Short:
1158                                    \p{Nd}) (411)
1159        X \p{Dingbats}            \p{Block=Dingbats} (192)
1160        X \p{Domino_Tiles}        \p{Block=Domino_Tiles} (112)
1161          \p{Dsrt}                \p{Deseret} (= \p{Script=Deseret}) (80)
1162          \p{Dt: *}               \p{Decomposition_Type: *}
1163          \p{Ea: *}               \p{East_Asian_Width: *}
1164          \p{East_Asian_Width: A} \p{East_Asian_Width=Ambiguous} (138_666)
1165          \p{East_Asian_Width: Ambiguous} (Short: \p{Ea=A}) (138_666)
1166          \p{East_Asian_Width: F} \p{East_Asian_Width=Fullwidth} (104)
1167          \p{East_Asian_Width: Fullwidth} (Short: \p{Ea=F}) (104)
1168          \p{East_Asian_Width: H} \p{East_Asian_Width=Halfwidth} (123)
1169          \p{East_Asian_Width: Halfwidth} (Short: \p{Ea=H}) (123)
1170          \p{East_Asian_Width: N} \p{East_Asian_Width=Neutral} (801_909)
1171          \p{East_Asian_Width: Na} \p{East_Asian_Width=Narrow} (111)
1172          \p{East_Asian_Width: Narrow} (Short: \p{Ea=Na}) (111)
1173          \p{East_Asian_Width: Neutral} (Short: \p{Ea=N}) (801_909)
1174          \p{East_Asian_Width: W} \p{East_Asian_Width=Wide} (173_199)
1175          \p{East_Asian_Width: Wide} (Short: \p{Ea=W}) (173_199)
1176          \p{Egyp}                \p{Egyptian_Hieroglyphs} (= \p{Script=
1177                                    Egyptian_Hieroglyphs}) (NOT \p{Block=
1178                                    Egyptian_Hieroglyphs}) (1071)
1179          \p{Egyptian_Hieroglyphs} \p{Script=Egyptian_Hieroglyphs} (Short:
1180                                    \p{Egyp}; NOT \p{Block=
1181                                    Egyptian_Hieroglyphs}) (1071)
1182        X \p{Enclosed_Alphanumeric_Supplement} \p{Block=
1183                                    Enclosed_Alphanumeric_Supplement} (256)
1184        X \p{Enclosed_Alphanumerics} \p{Block=Enclosed_Alphanumerics} (160)
1185        X \p{Enclosed_CJK_Letters_And_Months} \p{Block=
1186                                    Enclosed_CJK_Letters_And_Months} (256)
1187        X \p{Enclosed_Ideographic_Supplement} \p{Block=
1188                                    Enclosed_Ideographic_Supplement} (256)
1189          \p{Enclosing_Mark}      \p{General_Category=Enclosing_Mark}
1190                                    (Short: \p{Me}) (13)
1191          \p{Ethi}                \p{Ethiopic} (= \p{Script=Ethiopic}) (NOT
1192                                    \p{Block=Ethiopic}) (461)
1193          \p{Ethiopic}            \p{Script=Ethiopic} (Short: \p{Ethi}; NOT
1194                                    \p{Block=Ethiopic}) (461)
1195        X \p{Ethiopic_Extended}   \p{Block=Ethiopic_Extended} (96)
1196        X \p{Ethiopic_Supplement} \p{Block=Ethiopic_Supplement} (32)
1197          \p{Ext}                 \p{Extender} (= \p{Extender=Y}) (28)
1198          \p{Ext: *}              \p{Extender: *}
1199          \p{Extender}            \p{Extender=Y} (Short: \p{Ext}) (28)
1200          \p{Extender: N*}        (Short: \p{Ext=N}, \P{Ext}) (1_114_084)
1201          \p{Extender: Y*}        (Short: \p{Ext=Y}, \p{Ext}) (28)
1202          \p{Final_Punctuation}   \p{General_Category=Final_Punctuation}
1203                                    (Short: \p{Pf}) (10)
1204          \p{Format}              \p{General_Category=Format} (Short:
1205                                    \p{Cf}) (140)
1206          \p{Full_Composition_Exclusion} \p{Full_Composition_Exclusion=Y}
1207                                    (Short: \p{CompEx}) (1118)
1208          \p{Full_Composition_Exclusion: N*} (Short: \p{CompEx=N},
1209                                    \P{CompEx}) (1_112_994)
1210          \p{Full_Composition_Exclusion: Y*} (Short: \p{CompEx=Y},
1211                                    \p{CompEx}) (1118)
1212          \p{Gc: *}               \p{General_Category: *}
1213          \p{GCB: *}              \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break: *}
1214          \p{General_Category: C} \p{General_Category=Other} (1_006_956)
1215          \p{General_Category: Cased_Letter} [\p{Ll}\p{Lu}\p{Lt}] (Short:
1216                                    \p{Gc=LC}, \p{LC}) (3207)
1217          \p{General_Category: Cc} \p{General_Category=Control} (65)
1218          \p{General_Category: Cf} \p{General_Category=Format} (140)
1219          \p{General_Category: Close_Punctuation} (Short: \p{Gc=Pe}, \p{Pe})
1220                                    (71)
1221          \p{General_Category: Cn} \p{General_Category=Unassigned} (867_235)
1222          \p{General_Category: Cntrl} \p{General_Category=Control} (65)
1223          \p{General_Category: Co} \p{General_Category=Private_Use} (137_468)
1224          \p{General_Category: Connector_Punctuation} (Short: \p{Gc=Pc},
1225                                    \p{Pc}) (10)
1226          \p{General_Category: Control} (Short: \p{Gc=Cc}, \p{Cc}) (65)
1227          \p{General_Category: Cs} \p{General_Category=Surrogate} (2048)
1228          \p{General_Category: Currency_Symbol} (Short: \p{Gc=Sc}, \p{Sc})
1229                                    (46)
1230          \p{General_Category: Dash_Punctuation} (Short: \p{Gc=Pd}, \p{Pd})
1231                                    (21)
1232          \p{General_Category: Decimal_Number} (Short: \p{Gc=Nd}, \p{Nd})
1233                                    (411)
1234          \p{General_Category: Digit} \p{General_Category=Decimal_Number}
1235                                    (411)
1236          \p{General_Category: Enclosing_Mark} (Short: \p{Gc=Me}, \p{Me})
1237                                    (13)
1238          \p{General_Category: Final_Punctuation} (Short: \p{Gc=Pf}, \p{Pf})
1239                                    (10)
1240          \p{General_Category: Format} (Short: \p{Gc=Cf}, \p{Cf}) (140)
1241          \p{General_Category: Initial_Punctuation} (Short: \p{Gc=Pi},
1242                                    \p{Pi}) (12)
1243          \p{General_Category: L} \p{General_Category=Letter} (99_537)
1244        X \p{General_Category: L&} \p{General_Category=Cased_Letter} (3207)
1245        X \p{General_Category: L_} \p{General_Category=Cased_Letter} (3207)
1246          \p{General_Category: LC} \p{General_Category=Cased_Letter} (3207)
1247          \p{General_Category: Letter} (Short: \p{Gc=L}, \p{L}) (99_537)
1248          \p{General_Category: Letter_Number} (Short: \p{Gc=Nl}, \p{Nl})
1249                                    (224)
1250          \p{General_Category: Line_Separator} (Short: \p{Gc=Zl}, \p{Zl}) (1)
1251          \p{General_Category: Ll} \p{General_Category=Lowercase_Letter}
1252                                    (1749)
1253          \p{General_Category: Lm} \p{General_Category=Modifier_Letter} (202)
1254          \p{General_Category: Lo} \p{General_Category=Other_Letter} (96_128)
1255          \p{General_Category: Lowercase_Letter} (Short: \p{Gc=Ll}, \p{Ll})
1256                                    (1749)
1257          \p{General_Category: Lt} \p{General_Category=Titlecase_Letter} (31)
1258          \p{General_Category: Lu} \p{General_Category=Uppercase_Letter}
1259                                    (1427)
1260          \p{General_Category: M} \p{General_Category=Mark} (1451)
1261          \p{General_Category: Mark} (Short: \p{Gc=M}, \p{M}) (1451)
1262          \p{General_Category: Math_Symbol} (Short: \p{Gc=Sm}, \p{Sm}) (945)
1263          \p{General_Category: Mc} \p{General_Category=Spacing_Mark} (276)
1264          \p{General_Category: Me} \p{General_Category=Enclosing_Mark} (13)
1265          \p{General_Category: Mn} \p{General_Category=Nonspacing_Mark}
1266                                    (1162)
1267          \p{General_Category: Modifier_Letter} (Short: \p{Gc=Lm}, \p{Lm})
1268                                    (202)
1269          \p{General_Category: Modifier_Symbol} (Short: \p{Gc=Sk}, \p{Sk})
1270                                    (99)
1271          \p{General_Category: N} \p{General_Category=Number} (1064)
1272          \p{General_Category: Nd} \p{General_Category=Decimal_Number} (411)
1273          \p{General_Category: Nl} \p{General_Category=Letter_Number} (224)
1274          \p{General_Category: No} \p{General_Category=Other_Number} (429)
1275          \p{General_Category: Nonspacing_Mark} (Short: \p{Gc=Mn}, \p{Mn})
1276                                    (1162)
1277          \p{General_Category: Number} (Short: \p{Gc=N}, \p{N}) (1064)
1278          \p{General_Category: Open_Punctuation} (Short: \p{Gc=Ps}, \p{Ps})
1279                                    (72)
1280          \p{General_Category: Other} (Short: \p{Gc=C}, \p{C}) (1_006_956)
1281          \p{General_Category: Other_Letter} (Short: \p{Gc=Lo}, \p{Lo})
1282                                    (96_128)
1283          \p{General_Category: Other_Number} (Short: \p{Gc=No}, \p{No}) (429)
1284          \p{General_Category: Other_Punctuation} (Short: \p{Gc=Po}, \p{Po})
1285                                    (389)
1286          \p{General_Category: Other_Symbol} (Short: \p{Gc=So}, \p{So})
1287                                    (3409)
1288          \p{General_Category: P} \p{General_Category=Punctuation} (585)
1289          \p{General_Category: Paragraph_Separator} (Short: \p{Gc=Zp},
1290                                    \p{Zp}) (1)
1291          \p{General_Category: Pc} \p{General_Category=
1292                                    Connector_Punctuation} (10)
1293          \p{General_Category: Pd} \p{General_Category=Dash_Punctuation} (21)
1294          \p{General_Category: Pe} \p{General_Category=Close_Punctuation}
1295                                    (71)
1296          \p{General_Category: Pf} \p{General_Category=Final_Punctuation}
1297                                    (10)
1298          \p{General_Category: Pi} \p{General_Category=Initial_Punctuation}
1299                                    (12)
1300          \p{General_Category: Po} \p{General_Category=Other_Punctuation}
1301                                    (389)
1302          \p{General_Category: Private_Use} (Short: \p{Gc=Co}, \p{Co})
1303                                    (137_468)
1304          \p{General_Category: Ps} \p{General_Category=Open_Punctuation} (72)
1305          \p{General_Category: Punct} \p{General_Category=Punctuation} (585)
1306          \p{General_Category: Punctuation} (Short: \p{Gc=P}, \p{P}) (585)
1307          \p{General_Category: S} \p{General_Category=Symbol} (4499)
1308          \p{General_Category: Sc} \p{General_Category=Currency_Symbol} (46)
1309          \p{General_Category: Separator} (Short: \p{Gc=Z}, \p{Z}) (20)
1310          \p{General_Category: Sk} \p{General_Category=Modifier_Symbol} (99)
1311          \p{General_Category: Sm} \p{General_Category=Math_Symbol} (945)
1312          \p{General_Category: So} \p{General_Category=Other_Symbol} (3409)
1313          \p{General_Category: Space_Separator} (Short: \p{Gc=Zs}, \p{Zs})
1314                                    (18)
1315          \p{General_Category: Spacing_Mark} (Short: \p{Gc=Mc}, \p{Mc}) (276)
1316          \p{General_Category: Surrogate} Mostly not usable in Perl. (Short:
1317                                    \p{Gc=Cs}, \p{Cs}) (2048)
1318          \p{General_Category: Symbol} (Short: \p{Gc=S}, \p{S}) (4499)
1319          \p{General_Category: Titlecase_Letter} (Short: \p{Gc=Lt}, \p{Lt})
1320                                    (31)
1321          \p{General_Category: Unassigned} (Short: \p{Gc=Cn}, \p{Cn})
1322                                    (867_235)
1323          \p{General_Category: Uppercase_Letter} (Short: \p{Gc=Lu}, \p{Lu})
1324                                    (1427)
1325          \p{General_Category: Z} \p{General_Category=Separator} (20)
1326          \p{General_Category: Zl} \p{General_Category=Line_Separator} (1)
1327          \p{General_Category: Zp} \p{General_Category=Paragraph_Separator}
1328                                    (1)
1329          \p{General_Category: Zs} \p{General_Category=Space_Separator} (18)
1330        X \p{General_Punctuation} \p{Block=General_Punctuation} (112)
1331        X \p{Geometric_Shapes}    \p{Block=Geometric_Shapes} (96)
1332          \p{Geor}                \p{Georgian} (= \p{Script=Georgian}) (NOT
1333                                    \p{Block=Georgian}) (120)
1334          \p{Georgian}            \p{Script=Georgian} (Short: \p{Geor}; NOT
1335                                    \p{Block=Georgian}) (120)
1336        X \p{Georgian_Supplement} \p{Block=Georgian_Supplement} (48)
1337          \p{Glag}                \p{Glagolitic} (= \p{Script=Glagolitic})
1338                                    (NOT \p{Block=Glagolitic}) (94)
1339          \p{Glagolitic}          \p{Script=Glagolitic} (Short: \p{Glag};
1340                                    NOT \p{Block=Glagolitic}) (94)
1341          \p{Goth}                \p{Gothic} (= \p{Script=Gothic}) (NOT
1342                                    \p{Block=Gothic}) (27)
1343          \p{Gothic}              \p{Script=Gothic} (Short: \p{Goth}; NOT
1344                                    \p{Block=Gothic}) (27)
1345          \p{Gr_Base}             \p{Grapheme_Base} (= \p{Grapheme_Base=Y})
1346                                    (105_958)
1347          \p{Gr_Base: *}          \p{Grapheme_Base: *}
1348          \p{Gr_Ext}              \p{Grapheme_Extend} (= \p{Grapheme_Extend=
1349                                    Y}) (1198)
1350          \p{Gr_Ext: *}           \p{Grapheme_Extend: *}
1351          \p{Graph}               Characters that are graphical (244_744)
1352          \p{Grapheme_Base}       \p{Grapheme_Base=Y} (Short: \p{GrBase})
1353                                    (105_958)
1354          \p{Grapheme_Base: N*}   (Short: \p{GrBase=N}, \P{GrBase})
1355                                    (1_008_154)
1356          \p{Grapheme_Base: Y*}   (Short: \p{GrBase=Y}, \p{GrBase}) (105_958)
1357          \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break: CN} \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break=Control}
1358                                    (203)
1359          \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break: Control} (Short: \p{GCB=CN}) (203)
1360          \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break: CR} (Short: \p{GCB=CR}) (1)
1361          \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break: EX} \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break=Extend}
1362                                    (1205)
1363          \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break: Extend} (Short: \p{GCB=EX}) (1205)
1364          \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break: L} (Short: \p{GCB=L}) (125)
1365          \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break: LF} (Short: \p{GCB=LF}) (1)
1366          \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break: LV} (Short: \p{GCB=LV}) (399)
1367          \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break: LVT} (Short: \p{GCB=LVT}) (10_773)
1368          \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break: Other} (Short: \p{GCB=XX}) (1_100_901)
1369          \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break: PP} \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break=Prepend}
1370                                    (15)
1371          \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break: Prepend} (Short: \p{GCB=PP}) (15)
1372          \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break: SM} \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break=
1373                                    SpacingMark} (257)
1374          \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break: SpacingMark} (Short: \p{GCB=SM}) (257)
1375          \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break: T} (Short: \p{GCB=T}) (137)
1376          \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break: V} (Short: \p{GCB=V}) (95)
1377          \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break: XX} \p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break=Other}
1378                                    (1_100_901)
1379          \p{Grapheme_Extend}     \p{Grapheme_Extend=Y} (Short: \p{GrExt})
1380                                    (1198)
1381          \p{Grapheme_Extend: N*} (Short: \p{GrExt=N}, \P{GrExt}) (1_112_914)
1382          \p{Grapheme_Extend: Y*} (Short: \p{GrExt=Y}, \p{GrExt}) (1198)
1383          \p{Greek}               \p{Script=Greek} (Short: \p{Grek}; NOT
1384                                    \p{Greek_And_Coptic}) (511)
1385        X \p{Greek_And_Coptic}    \p{Block=Greek_And_Coptic} (Short:
1386                                    \p{InGreek}) (144)
1387        X \p{Greek_Extended}      \p{Block=Greek_Extended} (256)
1388          \p{Grek}                \p{Greek} (= \p{Script=Greek}) (NOT
1389                                    \p{Greek_And_Coptic}) (511)
1390          \p{Gujarati}            \p{Script=Gujarati} (Short: \p{Gujr}; NOT
1391                                    \p{Block=Gujarati}) (83)
1392          \p{Gujr}                \p{Gujarati} (= \p{Script=Gujarati}) (NOT
1393                                    \p{Block=Gujarati}) (83)
1394          \p{Gurmukhi}            \p{Script=Gurmukhi} (Short: \p{Guru}; NOT
1395                                    \p{Block=Gurmukhi}) (79)
1396          \p{Guru}                \p{Gurmukhi} (= \p{Script=Gurmukhi}) (NOT
1397                                    \p{Block=Gurmukhi}) (79)
1398        X \p{Halfwidth_And_Fullwidth_Forms} \p{Block=
1399                                    Halfwidth_And_Fullwidth_Forms} (240)
1400          \p{Han}                 \p{Script=Han} (75_738)
1401          \p{Hang}                \p{Hangul} (= \p{Script=Hangul}) (11_737)
1402          \p{Hangul}              \p{Script=Hangul} (Short: \p{Hang})
1403                                    (11_737)
1404        X \p{Hangul_Compatibility_Jamo} \p{Block=Hangul_Compatibility_Jamo}
1405                                    (96)
1406        X \p{Hangul_Jamo}         \p{Block=Hangul_Jamo} (256)
1407        X \p{Hangul_Jamo_Extended_A} \p{Block=Hangul_Jamo_Extended_A} (32)
1408        X \p{Hangul_Jamo_Extended_B} \p{Block=Hangul_Jamo_Extended_B} (80)
1409          \p{Hangul_Syllable_Type: L} \p{Hangul_Syllable_Type=Leading_Jamo}
1410                                    (125)
1411          \p{Hangul_Syllable_Type: Leading_Jamo} (Short: \p{Hst=L}) (125)
1412          \p{Hangul_Syllable_Type: LV} \p{Hangul_Syllable_Type=LV_Syllable}
1413                                    (399)
1414          \p{Hangul_Syllable_Type: LV_Syllable} (Short: \p{Hst=LV}) (399)
1415          \p{Hangul_Syllable_Type: LVT} \p{Hangul_Syllable_Type=
1416                                    LVT_Syllable} (10_773)
1417          \p{Hangul_Syllable_Type: LVT_Syllable} (Short: \p{Hst=LVT})
1418                                    (10_773)
1419          \p{Hangul_Syllable_Type: NA} \p{Hangul_Syllable_Type=
1420                                    Not_Applicable} (1_102_583)
1421          \p{Hangul_Syllable_Type: Not_Applicable} (Short: \p{Hst=NA})
1422                                    (1_102_583)
1423          \p{Hangul_Syllable_Type: T} \p{Hangul_Syllable_Type=Trailing_Jamo}
1424                                    (137)
1425          \p{Hangul_Syllable_Type: Trailing_Jamo} (Short: \p{Hst=T}) (137)
1426          \p{Hangul_Syllable_Type: V} \p{Hangul_Syllable_Type=Vowel_Jamo}
1427                                    (95)
1428          \p{Hangul_Syllable_Type: Vowel_Jamo} (Short: \p{Hst=V}) (95)
1429        X \p{Hangul_Syllables}    \p{Block=Hangul_Syllables} (11_184)
1430          \p{Hani}                \p{Han} (= \p{Script=Han}) (75_738)
1431          \p{Hano}                \p{Hanunoo} (= \p{Script=Hanunoo}) (NOT
1432                                    \p{Block=Hanunoo}) (21)
1433          \p{Hanunoo}             \p{Script=Hanunoo} (Short: \p{Hano}; NOT
1434                                    \p{Block=Hanunoo}) (21)
1435          \p{Hebr}                \p{Hebrew} (= \p{Script=Hebrew}) (NOT
1436                                    \p{Block=Hebrew}) (133)
1437          \p{Hebrew}              \p{Script=Hebrew} (Short: \p{Hebr}; NOT
1438                                    \p{Block=Hebrew}) (133)
1439          \p{Hex}                 \p{XDigit} (= \p{Hex_Digit=Y}) (44)
1440          \p{Hex: *}              \p{Hex_Digit: *}
1441          \p{Hex_Digit}           \p{XDigit} (= \p{Hex_Digit=Y}) (44)
1442          \p{Hex_Digit: N*}       (Short: \p{Hex=N}, \P{Hex}) (1_114_068)
1443          \p{Hex_Digit: Y*}       (Short: \p{Hex=Y}, \p{Hex}) (44)
1444        X \p{High_Private_Use_Surrogates} \p{Block=
1445                                    High_Private_Use_Surrogates} (128)
1446        X \p{High_Surrogates}     \p{Block=High_Surrogates} (896)
1447          \p{Hira}                \p{Hiragana} (= \p{Script=Hiragana}) (NOT
1448                                    \p{Block=Hiragana}) (90)
1449          \p{Hiragana}            \p{Script=Hiragana} (Short: \p{Hira}; NOT
1450                                    \p{Block=Hiragana}) (90)
1451          \p{HorizSpace}          \p{Blank} (19)
1452          \p{Hst: *}              \p{Hangul_Syllable_Type: *}
1453        S \p{Hyphen}              \p{Hyphen=Y} (11)
1454        S \p{Hyphen: N*}          Use the Line_Break property instead; see
1455                                    www.unicode.org/reports/tr14 (Single:
1456                                    \P{Hyphen}) (1_114_101)
1457        S \p{Hyphen: Y*}          Use the Line_Break property instead; see
1458                                    www.unicode.org/reports/tr14 (Single:
1459                                    \p{Hyphen}) (11)
1460          \p{ID_Continue}         \p{ID_Continue=Y} (Short: \p{IDC})
1461                                    (101_634)
1462          \p{ID_Continue: N*}     (Short: \p{IDC=N}, \P{IDC}) (1_012_478)
1463          \p{ID_Continue: Y*}     (Short: \p{IDC=Y}, \p{IDC}) (101_634)
1464          \p{ID_Start}            \p{ID_Start=Y} (Short: \p{IDS}) (99_764)
1465          \p{ID_Start: N*}        (Short: \p{IDS=N}, \P{IDS}) (1_014_348)
1466          \p{ID_Start: Y*}        (Short: \p{IDS=Y}, \p{IDS}) (99_764)
1467          \p{IDC}                 \p{ID_Continue} (= \p{ID_Continue=Y})
1468                                    (101_634)
1469          \p{IDC: *}              \p{ID_Continue: *}
1470          \p{Ideo}                \p{Ideographic} (= \p{Ideographic=Y})
1471                                    (75_408)
1472          \p{Ideo: *}             \p{Ideographic: *}
1473          \p{Ideographic}         \p{Ideographic=Y} (Short: \p{Ideo})
1474                                    (75_408)
1475          \p{Ideographic: N*}     (Short: \p{Ideo=N}, \P{Ideo}) (1_038_704)
1476          \p{Ideographic: Y*}     (Short: \p{Ideo=Y}, \p{Ideo}) (75_408)
1477        X \p{Ideographic_Description_Characters} \p{Block=
1478                                    Ideographic_Description_Characters} (16)
1479          \p{IDS}                 \p{ID_Start} (= \p{ID_Start=Y}) (99_764)
1480          \p{IDS: *}              \p{ID_Start: *}
1481          \p{IDS_Binary_Operator} \p{IDS_Binary_Operator=Y} (Short:
1482                                    \p{IDSB}) (10)
1483          \p{IDS_Binary_Operator: N*} (Short: \p{IDSB=N}, \P{IDSB})
1484                                    (1_114_102)
1485          \p{IDS_Binary_Operator: Y*} (Short: \p{IDSB=Y}, \p{IDSB}) (10)
1486          \p{IDS_Trinary_Operator} \p{IDS_Trinary_Operator=Y} (Short:
1487                                    \p{IDST}) (2)
1488          \p{IDS_Trinary_Operator: N*} (Short: \p{IDST=N}, \P{IDST})
1489                                    (1_114_110)
1490          \p{IDS_Trinary_Operator: Y*} (Short: \p{IDST=Y}, \p{IDST}) (2)
1491          \p{IDSB}                \p{IDS_Binary_Operator} (=
1492                                    \p{IDS_Binary_Operator=Y}) (10)
1493          \p{IDSB: *}             \p{IDS_Binary_Operator: *}
1494          \p{IDST}                \p{IDS_Trinary_Operator} (=
1495                                    \p{IDS_Trinary_Operator=Y}) (2)
1496          \p{IDST: *}             \p{IDS_Trinary_Operator: *}
1497          \p{Imperial_Aramaic}    \p{Script=Imperial_Aramaic} (Short:
1498                                    \p{Armi}; NOT \p{Block=
1499                                    Imperial_Aramaic}) (31)
1500          \p{In: *}               \p{Present_In: *} (Perl extension)
1501          \p{In_*}                \p{Block: *}
1502          \p{Inherited}           \p{Script=Inherited} (Short: \p{Zinh})
1503                                    (523)
1504          \p{Initial_Punctuation} \p{General_Category=Initial_Punctuation}
1505                                    (Short: \p{Pi}) (12)
1506          \p{Inscriptional_Pahlavi} \p{Script=Inscriptional_Pahlavi} (Short:
1507                                    \p{Phli}; NOT \p{Block=
1508                                    Inscriptional_Pahlavi}) (27)
1509          \p{Inscriptional_Parthian} \p{Script=Inscriptional_Parthian}
1510                                    (Short: \p{Prti}; NOT \p{Block=
1511                                    Inscriptional_Parthian}) (30)
1512        X \p{IPA_Extensions}      \p{Block=IPA_Extensions} (96)
1513          \p{Is_*}                \p{*} (Any exceptions are individually
1514                                    noted beginning with the word NOT.) If
1515                                    an entry has flag(s) at its beginning,
1516                                    like 'D', the 'Is_' form has the same
1517                                    flag(s)
1518          \p{Ital}                \p{Old_Italic} (= \p{Script=Old_Italic})
1519                                    (NOT \p{Block=Old_Italic}) (35)
1520          \p{Java}                \p{Javanese} (= \p{Script=Javanese}) (NOT
1521                                    \p{Block=Javanese}) (91)
1522          \p{Javanese}            \p{Script=Javanese} (Short: \p{Java}; NOT
1523                                    \p{Block=Javanese}) (91)
1524          \p{Jg: *}               \p{Joining_Group: *}
1525          \p{Join_C}              \p{Join_Control} (= \p{Join_Control=Y}) (2)
1526          \p{Join_C: *}           \p{Join_Control: *}
1527          \p{Join_Control}        \p{Join_Control=Y} (Short: \p{JoinC}) (2)
1528          \p{Join_Control: N*}    (Short: \p{JoinC=N}, \P{JoinC}) (1_114_110)
1529          \p{Join_Control: Y*}    (Short: \p{JoinC=Y}, \p{JoinC}) (2)
1530          \p{Joining_Group: Ain}  (Short: \p{Jg=Ain}) (7)
1531          \p{Joining_Group: Alaph} (Short: \p{Jg=Alaph}) (1)
1532          \p{Joining_Group: Alef} (Short: \p{Jg=Alef}) (10)
1533          \p{Joining_Group: Beh}  (Short: \p{Jg=Beh}) (19)
1534          \p{Joining_Group: Beth} (Short: \p{Jg=Beth}) (2)
1535          \p{Joining_Group: Burushaski_Yeh_Barree} (Short: \p{Jg=
1536                                    BurushaskiYehBarree}) (2)
1537          \p{Joining_Group: Dal}  (Short: \p{Jg=Dal}) (14)
1538          \p{Joining_Group: Dalath_Rish} (Short: \p{Jg=DalathRish}) (4)
1539          \p{Joining_Group: E}    (Short: \p{Jg=E}) (1)
1540          \p{Joining_Group: Farsi_Yeh} (Short: \p{Jg=FarsiYeh}) (7)
1541          \p{Joining_Group: Fe}   (Short: \p{Jg=Fe}) (1)
1542          \p{Joining_Group: Feh}  (Short: \p{Jg=Feh}) (9)
1543          \p{Joining_Group: Final_Semkath} (Short: \p{Jg=FinalSemkath}) (1)
1544          \p{Joining_Group: Gaf}  (Short: \p{Jg=Gaf}) (13)
1545          \p{Joining_Group: Gamal} (Short: \p{Jg=Gamal}) (3)
1546          \p{Joining_Group: Hah}  (Short: \p{Jg=Hah}) (17)
1547          \p{Joining_Group: Hamza_On_Heh_Goal} (Short: \p{Jg=
1548                                    HamzaOnHehGoal}) (1)
1549          \p{Joining_Group: He}   (Short: \p{Jg=He}) (1)
1550          \p{Joining_Group: Heh}  (Short: \p{Jg=Heh}) (1)
1551          \p{Joining_Group: Heh_Goal} (Short: \p{Jg=HehGoal}) (2)
1552          \p{Joining_Group: Heth} (Short: \p{Jg=Heth}) (1)
1553          \p{Joining_Group: Kaf}  (Short: \p{Jg=Kaf}) (5)
1554          \p{Joining_Group: Kaph} (Short: \p{Jg=Kaph}) (1)
1555          \p{Joining_Group: Khaph} (Short: \p{Jg=Khaph}) (1)
1556          \p{Joining_Group: Knotted_Heh} (Short: \p{Jg=KnottedHeh}) (2)
1557          \p{Joining_Group: Lam}  (Short: \p{Jg=Lam}) (6)
1558          \p{Joining_Group: Lamadh} (Short: \p{Jg=Lamadh}) (1)
1559          \p{Joining_Group: Meem} (Short: \p{Jg=Meem}) (3)
1560          \p{Joining_Group: Mim}  (Short: \p{Jg=Mim}) (1)
1561          \p{Joining_Group: No_Joining_Group} (Short: \p{Jg=NoJoiningGroup})
1562                                    (1_113_883)
1563          \p{Joining_Group: Noon} (Short: \p{Jg=Noon}) (8)
1564          \p{Joining_Group: Nun}  (Short: \p{Jg=Nun}) (1)
1565          \p{Joining_Group: Nya}  (Short: \p{Jg=Nya}) (1)
1566          \p{Joining_Group: Pe}   (Short: \p{Jg=Pe}) (1)
1567          \p{Joining_Group: Qaf}  (Short: \p{Jg=Qaf}) (4)
1568          \p{Joining_Group: Qaph} (Short: \p{Jg=Qaph}) (1)
1569          \p{Joining_Group: Reh}  (Short: \p{Jg=Reh}) (16)
1570          \p{Joining_Group: Reversed_Pe} (Short: \p{Jg=ReversedPe}) (1)
1571          \p{Joining_Group: Sad}  (Short: \p{Jg=Sad}) (5)
1572          \p{Joining_Group: Sadhe} (Short: \p{Jg=Sadhe}) (1)
1573          \p{Joining_Group: Seen} (Short: \p{Jg=Seen}) (11)
1574          \p{Joining_Group: Semkath} (Short: \p{Jg=Semkath}) (1)
1575          \p{Joining_Group: Shin} (Short: \p{Jg=Shin}) (1)
1576          \p{Joining_Group: Swash_Kaf} (Short: \p{Jg=SwashKaf}) (1)
1577          \p{Joining_Group: Syriac_Waw} (Short: \p{Jg=SyriacWaw}) (1)
1578          \p{Joining_Group: Tah}  (Short: \p{Jg=Tah}) (3)
1579          \p{Joining_Group: Taw}  (Short: \p{Jg=Taw}) (1)
1580          \p{Joining_Group: Teh_Marbuta} (Short: \p{Jg=TehMarbuta}) (3)
1581          \p{Joining_Group: Teth} (Short: \p{Jg=Teth}) (2)
1582          \p{Joining_Group: Waw}  (Short: \p{Jg=Waw}) (15)
1583          \p{Joining_Group: Yeh}  (Short: \p{Jg=Yeh}) (7)
1584          \p{Joining_Group: Yeh_Barree} (Short: \p{Jg=YehBarree}) (2)
1585          \p{Joining_Group: Yeh_With_Tail} (Short: \p{Jg=YehWithTail}) (1)
1586          \p{Joining_Group: Yudh} (Short: \p{Jg=Yudh}) (1)
1587          \p{Joining_Group: Yudh_He} (Short: \p{Jg=YudhHe}) (1)
1588          \p{Joining_Group: Zain} (Short: \p{Jg=Zain}) (1)
1589          \p{Joining_Group: Zhain} (Short: \p{Jg=Zhain}) (1)
1590          \p{Joining_Type: C}     \p{Joining_Type=Join_Causing} (3)
1591          \p{Joining_Type: D}     \p{Joining_Type=Dual_Joining} (188)
1592          \p{Joining_Type: Dual_Joining} (Short: \p{Jt=D}) (188)
1593          \p{Joining_Type: Join_Causing} (Short: \p{Jt=C}) (3)
1594          \p{Joining_Type: L}     \p{Joining_Type=Left_Joining} (0)
1595          \p{Joining_Type: Left_Joining} (Short: \p{Jt=L}) (0)
1596          \p{Joining_Type: Non_Joining} (Short: \p{Jt=U}) (1_112_539)
1597          \p{Joining_Type: R}     \p{Joining_Type=Right_Joining} (74)
1598          \p{Joining_Type: Right_Joining} (Short: \p{Jt=R}) (74)
1599          \p{Joining_Type: T}     \p{Joining_Type=Transparent} (1308)
1600          \p{Joining_Type: Transparent} (Short: \p{Jt=T}) (1308)
1601          \p{Joining_Type: U}     \p{Joining_Type=Non_Joining} (1_112_539)
1602          \p{Jt: *}               \p{Joining_Type: *}
1603          \p{Kaithi}              \p{Script=Kaithi} (Short: \p{Kthi}; NOT
1604                                    \p{Block=Kaithi}) (66)
1605          \p{Kali}                \p{Kayah_Li} (= \p{Script=Kayah_Li}) (48)
1606          \p{Kana}                \p{Katakana} (= \p{Script=Katakana}) (NOT
1607                                    \p{Block=Katakana}) (299)
1608        X \p{Kanbun}              \p{Block=Kanbun} (16)
1609        X \p{Kangxi_Radicals}     \p{Block=Kangxi_Radicals} (224)
1610          \p{Kannada}             \p{Script=Kannada} (Short: \p{Knda}; NOT
1611                                    \p{Block=Kannada}) (84)
1612          \p{Katakana}            \p{Script=Katakana} (Short: \p{Kana}; NOT
1613                                    \p{Block=Katakana}) (299)
1614        X \p{Katakana_Phonetic_Extensions} \p{Block=
1615                                    Katakana_Phonetic_Extensions} (16)
1616          \p{Kayah_Li}            \p{Script=Kayah_Li} (Short: \p{Kali}) (48)
1617          \p{Khar}                \p{Kharoshthi} (= \p{Script=Kharoshthi})
1618                                    (NOT \p{Block=Kharoshthi}) (65)
1619          \p{Kharoshthi}          \p{Script=Kharoshthi} (Short: \p{Khar};
1620                                    NOT \p{Block=Kharoshthi}) (65)
1621          \p{Khmer}               \p{Script=Khmer} (Short: \p{Khmr}; NOT
1622                                    \p{Block=Khmer}) (146)
1623        X \p{Khmer_Symbols}       \p{Block=Khmer_Symbols} (32)
1624          \p{Khmr}                \p{Khmer} (= \p{Script=Khmer}) (NOT
1625                                    \p{Block=Khmer}) (146)
1626          \p{Knda}                \p{Kannada} (= \p{Script=Kannada}) (NOT
1627                                    \p{Block=Kannada}) (84)
1628          \p{Kthi}                \p{Kaithi} (= \p{Script=Kaithi}) (NOT
1629                                    \p{Block=Kaithi}) (66)
1630          \p{L}                   \p{Letter} (= \p{General_Category=Letter})
1631                                    (99_537)
1632          \p{L&}                  \p{Cased_Letter} (= \p{General_Category=
1633                                    Cased_Letter}) (3207)
1634          \p{L_}                  \p{Cased_Letter} (= \p{General_Category=
1635                                    Cased_Letter}) (3207)
1636          \p{Lana}                \p{Tai_Tham} (= \p{Script=Tai_Tham}) (NOT
1637                                    \p{Block=Tai_Tham}) (127)
1638          \p{Lao}                 \p{Script=Lao} (NOT \p{Block=Lao}) (65)
1639          \p{Laoo}                \p{Lao} (= \p{Script=Lao}) (NOT \p{Block=
1640                                    Lao}) (65)
1641          \p{Latin}               \p{Script=Latin} (Short: \p{Latn}) (1244)
1642        X \p{Latin_1}             \p{Latin_1_Supplement} (= \p{Block=
1643                                    Latin_1_Supplement}) (128)
1644        X \p{Latin_1_Supplement}  \p{Block=Latin_1_Supplement} (Short:
1645                                    \p{InLatin1}) (128)
1646        X \p{Latin_Extended_A}    \p{Block=Latin_Extended_A} (128)
1647        X \p{Latin_Extended_Additional} \p{Block=Latin_Extended_Additional}
1648                                    (256)
1649        X \p{Latin_Extended_B}    \p{Block=Latin_Extended_B} (208)
1650        X \p{Latin_Extended_C}    \p{Block=Latin_Extended_C} (32)
1651        X \p{Latin_Extended_D}    \p{Block=Latin_Extended_D} (224)
1652          \p{Latn}                \p{Latin} (= \p{Script=Latin}) (1244)
1653          \p{Lb: *}               \p{Line_Break: *}
1654          \p{LC}                  \p{Cased_Letter} (= \p{General_Category=
1655                                    Cased_Letter}) (3207)
1656          \p{Lepc}                \p{Lepcha} (= \p{Script=Lepcha}) (NOT
1657                                    \p{Block=Lepcha}) (74)
1658          \p{Lepcha}              \p{Script=Lepcha} (Short: \p{Lepc}; NOT
1659                                    \p{Block=Lepcha}) (74)
1660          \p{Letter}              \p{General_Category=Letter} (Short: \p{L})
1661                                    (99_537)
1662          \p{Letter_Number}       \p{General_Category=Letter_Number} (Short:
1663                                    \p{Nl}) (224)
1664        X \p{Letterlike_Symbols}  \p{Block=Letterlike_Symbols} (80)
1665          \p{Limb}                \p{Limbu} (= \p{Script=Limbu}) (NOT
1666                                    \p{Block=Limbu}) (66)
1667          \p{Limbu}               \p{Script=Limbu} (Short: \p{Limb}; NOT
1668                                    \p{Block=Limbu}) (66)
1669          \p{Linb}                \p{Linear_B} (= \p{Script=Linear_B}) (211)
1670          \p{Line_Break: AI}      \p{Line_Break=Ambiguous} (644)
1671          \p{Line_Break: AL}      \p{Line_Break=Alphabetic} (14_092)
1672          \p{Line_Break: Alphabetic} (Short: \p{Lb=AL}) (14_092)
1673          \p{Line_Break: Ambiguous} (Short: \p{Lb=AI}) (644)
1674          \p{Line_Break: B2}      \p{Line_Break=Break_Both} (1)
1675          \p{Line_Break: BA}      \p{Line_Break=Break_After} (137)
1676          \p{Line_Break: BB}      \p{Line_Break=Break_Before} (19)
1677          \p{Line_Break: BK}      \p{Line_Break=Mandatory_Break} (4)
1678          \p{Line_Break: Break_After} (Short: \p{Lb=BA}) (137)
1679          \p{Line_Break: Break_Before} (Short: \p{Lb=BB}) (19)
1680          \p{Line_Break: Break_Both} (Short: \p{Lb=B2}) (1)
1681          \p{Line_Break: Break_Symbols} (Short: \p{Lb=SY}) (1)
1682          \p{Line_Break: Carriage_Return} (Short: \p{Lb=CR}) (1)
1683          \p{Line_Break: CB}      \p{Line_Break=Contingent_Break} (1)
1684          \p{Line_Break: CL}      \p{Line_Break=Close_Punctuation} (87)
1685          \p{Line_Break: Close_Parenthesis} (Short: \p{Lb=CP}) (2)
1686          \p{Line_Break: Close_Punctuation} (Short: \p{Lb=CL}) (87)
1687          \p{Line_Break: CM}      \p{Line_Break=Combining_Mark} (1436)
1688          \p{Line_Break: Combining_Mark} (Short: \p{Lb=CM}) (1436)
1689          \p{Line_Break: Complex_Context} (Short: \p{Lb=SA}) (662)
1690          \p{Line_Break: Contingent_Break} (Short: \p{Lb=CB}) (1)
1691          \p{Line_Break: CP}      \p{Line_Break=Close_Parenthesis} (2)
1692          \p{Line_Break: CR}      \p{Line_Break=Carriage_Return} (1)
1693          \p{Line_Break: EX}      \p{Line_Break=Exclamation} (34)
1694          \p{Line_Break: Exclamation} (Short: \p{Lb=EX}) (34)
1695          \p{Line_Break: GL}      \p{Line_Break=Glue} (16)
1696          \p{Line_Break: Glue}    (Short: \p{Lb=GL}) (16)
1697          \p{Line_Break: H2}      (Short: \p{Lb=H2}) (399)
1698          \p{Line_Break: H3}      (Short: \p{Lb=H3}) (10_773)
1699          \p{Line_Break: HY}      \p{Line_Break=Hyphen} (1)
1700          \p{Line_Break: Hyphen}  (Short: \p{Lb=HY}) (1)
1701          \p{Line_Break: ID}      \p{Line_Break=Ideographic} (161_775)
1702          \p{Line_Break: Ideographic} (Short: \p{Lb=ID}) (161_775)
1703          \p{Line_Break: IN}      \p{Line_Break=Inseparable} (4)
1704          \p{Line_Break: Infix_Numeric} (Short: \p{Lb=IS}) (13)
1705          \p{Line_Break: Inseparable} (Short: \p{Lb=IN}) (4)
1706          \p{Line_Break: Inseperable} \p{Line_Break=Inseparable} (4)
1707          \p{Line_Break: IS}      \p{Line_Break=Infix_Numeric} (13)
1708          \p{Line_Break: JL}      (Short: \p{Lb=JL}) (125)
1709          \p{Line_Break: JT}      (Short: \p{Lb=JT}) (137)
1710          \p{Line_Break: JV}      (Short: \p{Lb=JV}) (95)
1711          \p{Line_Break: LF}      \p{Line_Break=Line_Feed} (1)
1712          \p{Line_Break: Line_Feed} (Short: \p{Lb=LF}) (1)
1713          \p{Line_Break: Mandatory_Break} (Short: \p{Lb=BK}) (4)
1714          \p{Line_Break: Next_Line} (Short: \p{Lb=NL}) (1)
1715          \p{Line_Break: NL}      \p{Line_Break=Next_Line} (1)
1716          \p{Line_Break: Nonstarter} (Short: \p{Lb=NS}) (77)
1717          \p{Line_Break: NS}      \p{Line_Break=Nonstarter} (77)
1718          \p{Line_Break: NU}      \p{Line_Break=Numeric} (403)
1719          \p{Line_Break: Numeric} (Short: \p{Lb=NU}) (403)
1720          \p{Line_Break: OP}      \p{Line_Break=Open_Punctuation} (81)
1721          \p{Line_Break: Open_Punctuation} (Short: \p{Lb=OP}) (81)
1722          \p{Line_Break: PO}      \p{Line_Break=Postfix_Numeric} (28)
1723          \p{Line_Break: Postfix_Numeric} (Short: \p{Lb=PO}) (28)
1724          \p{Line_Break: PR}      \p{Line_Break=Prefix_Numeric} (43)
1725          \p{Line_Break: Prefix_Numeric} (Short: \p{Lb=PR}) (43)
1726          \p{Line_Break: QU}      \p{Line_Break=Quotation} (34)
1727          \p{Line_Break: Quotation} (Short: \p{Lb=QU}) (34)
1728          \p{Line_Break: SA}      \p{Line_Break=Complex_Context} (662)
1729        D \p{Line_Break: SG}      \p{Line_Break=Surrogate} (2048)
1730          \p{Line_Break: SP}      \p{Line_Break=Space} (1)
1731          \p{Line_Break: Space}   (Short: \p{Lb=SP}) (1)
1732        D \p{Line_Break: Surrogate} Deprecated by Unicode because surrogates
1733                                    should never appear in well-formed text,
1734                                    and therefore shouldn't be the basis for
1735                                    line breaking (Short: \p{Lb=SG}) (2048)
1736          \p{Line_Break: SY}      \p{Line_Break=Break_Symbols} (1)
1737          \p{Line_Break: Unknown} (Short: \p{Lb=XX}) (920_933)
1738          \p{Line_Break: WJ}      \p{Line_Break=Word_Joiner} (2)
1739          \p{Line_Break: Word_Joiner} (Short: \p{Lb=WJ}) (2)
1740          \p{Line_Break: XX}      \p{Line_Break=Unknown} (920_933)
1741          \p{Line_Break: ZW}      \p{Line_Break=ZWSpace} (1)
1742          \p{Line_Break: ZWSpace} (Short: \p{Lb=ZW}) (1)
1743          \p{Line_Separator}      \p{General_Category=Line_Separator}
1744                                    (Short: \p{Zl}) (1)
1745          \p{Linear_B}            \p{Script=Linear_B} (Short: \p{Linb}) (211)
1746        X \p{Linear_B_Ideograms}  \p{Block=Linear_B_Ideograms} (128)
1747        X \p{Linear_B_Syllabary}  \p{Block=Linear_B_Syllabary} (128)
1748          \p{Lisu}                \p{Script=Lisu} (48)
1749          \p{Ll}                  \p{Lowercase_Letter} (=
1750                                    \p{General_Category=Lowercase_Letter})
1751                                    (1749)
1752          \p{Lm}                  \p{Modifier_Letter} (=
1753                                    \p{General_Category=Modifier_Letter})
1754                                    (202)
1755          \p{Lo}                  \p{Other_Letter} (= \p{General_Category=
1756                                    Other_Letter}) (96_128)
1757          \p{LOE}                 \p{Logical_Order_Exception} (=
1758                                    \p{Logical_Order_Exception=Y}) (15)
1759          \p{LOE: *}              \p{Logical_Order_Exception: *}
1760          \p{Logical_Order_Exception} \p{Logical_Order_Exception=Y} (Short:
1761                                    \p{LOE}) (15)
1762          \p{Logical_Order_Exception: N*} (Short: \p{LOE=N}, \P{LOE})
1763                                    (1_114_097)
1764          \p{Logical_Order_Exception: Y*} (Short: \p{LOE=Y}, \p{LOE}) (15)
1765        X \p{Low_Surrogates}      \p{Block=Low_Surrogates} (1024)
1766          \p{Lower}               \p{Lowercase=Y} (1908)
1767          \p{Lower: *}            \p{Lowercase: *}
1768          \p{Lowercase}           \p{Lower} (= \p{Lowercase=Y}) (1908)
1769          \p{Lowercase: N*}       (Short: \p{Lower=N}, \P{Lower}) (1_112_204)
1770          \p{Lowercase: Y*}       (Short: \p{Lower=Y}, \p{Lower}) (1908)
1771          \p{Lowercase_Letter}    \p{General_Category=Lowercase_Letter}
1772                                    (Short: \p{Ll}) (1749)
1773          \p{Lt}                  \p{Title} (= \p{General_Category=
1774                                    Titlecase_Letter}) (31)
1775          \p{Lu}                  \p{Uppercase_Letter} (=
1776                                    \p{General_Category=Uppercase_Letter})
1777                                    (1427)
1778          \p{Lyci}                \p{Lycian} (= \p{Script=Lycian}) (NOT
1779                                    \p{Block=Lycian}) (29)
1780          \p{Lycian}              \p{Script=Lycian} (Short: \p{Lyci}; NOT
1781                                    \p{Block=Lycian}) (29)
1782          \p{Lydi}                \p{Lydian} (= \p{Script=Lydian}) (NOT
1783                                    \p{Block=Lydian}) (27)
1784          \p{Lydian}              \p{Script=Lydian} (Short: \p{Lydi}; NOT
1785                                    \p{Block=Lydian}) (27)
1786          \p{M}                   \p{Mark} (= \p{General_Category=Mark})
1787                                    (1451)
1788        X \p{Mahjong_Tiles}       \p{Block=Mahjong_Tiles} (48)
1789          \p{Malayalam}           \p{Script=Malayalam} (Short: \p{Mlym}; NOT
1790                                    \p{Block=Malayalam}) (95)
1791          \p{Mark}                \p{General_Category=Mark} (Short: \p{M})
1792                                    (1451)
1793          \p{Math}                \p{Math=Y} (2161)
1794          \p{Math: N*}            (Single: \P{Math}) (1_111_951)
1795          \p{Math: Y*}            (Single: \p{Math}) (2161)
1796          \p{Math_Symbol}         \p{General_Category=Math_Symbol} (Short:
1797                                    \p{Sm}) (945)
1798        X \p{Mathematical_Alphanumeric_Symbols} \p{Block=
1799                                    Mathematical_Alphanumeric_Symbols} (1024)
1800        X \p{Mathematical_Operators} \p{Block=Mathematical_Operators} (256)
1801          \p{Mc}                  \p{Spacing_Mark} (= \p{General_Category=
1802                                    Spacing_Mark}) (276)
1803          \p{Me}                  \p{Enclosing_Mark} (= \p{General_Category=
1804                                    Enclosing_Mark}) (13)
1805          \p{Meetei_Mayek}        \p{Script=Meetei_Mayek} (Short: \p{Mtei};
1806                                    NOT \p{Block=Meetei_Mayek}) (56)
1807        X \p{Miscellaneous_Mathematical_Symbols_A} \p{Block=
1808                                    Miscellaneous_Mathematical_Symbols_A}
1809                                    (48)
1810        X \p{Miscellaneous_Mathematical_Symbols_B} \p{Block=
1811                                    Miscellaneous_Mathematical_Symbols_B}
1812                                    (128)
1813        X \p{Miscellaneous_Symbols} \p{Block=Miscellaneous_Symbols} (256)
1814        X \p{Miscellaneous_Symbols_And_Arrows} \p{Block=
1815                                    Miscellaneous_Symbols_And_Arrows} (256)
1816        X \p{Miscellaneous_Technical} \p{Block=Miscellaneous_Technical} (256)
1817          \p{Mlym}                \p{Malayalam} (= \p{Script=Malayalam})
1818                                    (NOT \p{Block=Malayalam}) (95)
1819          \p{Mn}                  \p{Nonspacing_Mark} (=
1820                                    \p{General_Category=Nonspacing_Mark})
1821                                    (1162)
1822          \p{Modifier_Letter}     \p{General_Category=Modifier_Letter}
1823                                    (Short: \p{Lm}) (202)
1824          \p{Modifier_Symbol}     \p{General_Category=Modifier_Symbol}
1825                                    (Short: \p{Sk}) (99)
1826        X \p{Modifier_Tone_Letters} \p{Block=Modifier_Tone_Letters} (32)
1827          \p{Mong}                \p{Mongolian} (= \p{Script=Mongolian})
1828                                    (NOT \p{Block=Mongolian}) (153)
1829          \p{Mongolian}           \p{Script=Mongolian} (Short: \p{Mong}; NOT
1830                                    \p{Block=Mongolian}) (153)
1831          \p{Mtei}                \p{Meetei_Mayek} (= \p{Script=
1832                                    Meetei_Mayek}) (NOT \p{Block=
1833                                    Meetei_Mayek}) (56)
1834        X \p{Musical_Symbols}     \p{Block=Musical_Symbols} (256)
1835          \p{Myanmar}             \p{Script=Myanmar} (Short: \p{Mymr}; NOT
1836                                    \p{Block=Myanmar}) (188)
1837        X \p{Myanmar_Extended_A}  \p{Block=Myanmar_Extended_A} (32)
1838          \p{Mymr}                \p{Myanmar} (= \p{Script=Myanmar}) (NOT
1839                                    \p{Block=Myanmar}) (188)
1840          \p{N}                   \p{Number} (= \p{General_Category=Number})
1841                                    (1064)
1842          \p{NChar}               \p{Noncharacter_Code_Point} (=
1843                                    \p{Noncharacter_Code_Point=Y}) (66)
1844          \p{NChar: *}            \p{Noncharacter_Code_Point: *}
1845          \p{Nd}                  \p{Digit} (= \p{General_Category=
1846                                    Decimal_Number}) (411)
1847          \p{New_Tai_Lue}         \p{Script=New_Tai_Lue} (Short: \p{Talu};
1848                                    NOT \p{Block=New_Tai_Lue}) (83)
1849          \p{NFC_QC: *}           \p{NFC_Quick_Check: *}
1850          \p{NFC_Quick_Check: M}  \p{NFC_Quick_Check=Maybe} (103)
1851          \p{NFC_Quick_Check: Maybe} (Short: \p{NFCQC=M}) (103)
1852          \p{NFC_Quick_Check: N}  \p{NFC_Quick_Check=No} (NOT
1853                                    \P{NFC_Quick_Check} NOR \P{NFC_QC} NOR
1854                                    \P{Is_NFC_Quick_Check} NOR
1855                                    \P{Is_NFC_QC}) (1118)
1856          \p{NFC_Quick_Check: No} (Short: \p{NFCQC=N}; NOT
1857                                    \P{NFC_Quick_Check} NOR \P{NFC_QC} NOR
1858                                    \P{Is_NFC_Quick_Check} NOR
1859                                    \P{Is_NFC_QC}) (1118)
1860          \p{NFC_Quick_Check: Y}  \p{NFC_Quick_Check=Yes} (NOT
1861                                    \p{NFC_Quick_Check} NOR \p{NFC_QC} NOR
1862                                    \p{Is_NFC_Quick_Check} NOR
1863                                    \p{Is_NFC_QC}) (1_112_891)
1864          \p{NFC_Quick_Check: Yes} (Short: \p{NFCQC=Y}; NOT
1865                                    \p{NFC_Quick_Check} NOR \p{NFC_QC} NOR
1866                                    \p{Is_NFC_Quick_Check} NOR
1867                                    \p{Is_NFC_QC}) (1_112_891)
1868          \p{NFD_QC: *}           \p{NFD_Quick_Check: *}
1869          \p{NFD_Quick_Check: N}  \p{NFD_Quick_Check=No} (NOT
1870                                    \P{NFD_Quick_Check} NOR \P{NFD_QC} NOR
1871                                    \P{Is_NFD_Quick_Check} NOR
1872                                    \P{Is_NFD_QC}) (13_221)
1873          \p{NFD_Quick_Check: No} (Short: \p{NFDQC=N}; NOT
1874                                    \P{NFD_Quick_Check} NOR \P{NFD_QC} NOR
1875                                    \P{Is_NFD_Quick_Check} NOR
1876                                    \P{Is_NFD_QC}) (13_221)
1877          \p{NFD_Quick_Check: Y}  \p{NFD_Quick_Check=Yes} (NOT
1878                                    \p{NFD_Quick_Check} NOR \p{NFD_QC} NOR
1879                                    \p{Is_NFD_Quick_Check} NOR
1880                                    \p{Is_NFD_QC}) (1_100_891)
1881          \p{NFD_Quick_Check: Yes} (Short: \p{NFDQC=Y}; NOT
1882                                    \p{NFD_Quick_Check} NOR \p{NFD_QC} NOR
1883                                    \p{Is_NFD_Quick_Check} NOR
1884                                    \p{Is_NFD_QC}) (1_100_891)
1885          \p{NFKC_QC: *}          \p{NFKC_Quick_Check: *}
1886          \p{NFKC_Quick_Check: M} \p{NFKC_Quick_Check=Maybe} (103)
1887          \p{NFKC_Quick_Check: Maybe} (Short: \p{NFKCQC=M}) (103)
1888          \p{NFKC_Quick_Check: N} \p{NFKC_Quick_Check=No} (NOT
1889                                    \P{NFKC_Quick_Check} NOR \P{NFKC_QC} NOR
1890                                    \P{Is_NFKC_Quick_Check} NOR
1891                                    \P{Is_NFKC_QC}) (4597)
1892          \p{NFKC_Quick_Check: No} (Short: \p{NFKCQC=N}; NOT
1893                                    \P{NFKC_Quick_Check} NOR \P{NFKC_QC} NOR
1894                                    \P{Is_NFKC_Quick_Check} NOR
1895                                    \P{Is_NFKC_QC}) (4597)
1896          \p{NFKC_Quick_Check: Y} \p{NFKC_Quick_Check=Yes} (NOT
1897                                    \p{NFKC_Quick_Check} NOR \p{NFKC_QC} NOR
1898                                    \p{Is_NFKC_Quick_Check} NOR
1899                                    \p{Is_NFKC_QC}) (1_109_412)
1900          \p{NFKC_Quick_Check: Yes} (Short: \p{NFKCQC=Y}; NOT
1901                                    \p{NFKC_Quick_Check} NOR \p{NFKC_QC} NOR
1902                                    \p{Is_NFKC_Quick_Check} NOR
1903                                    \p{Is_NFKC_QC}) (1_109_412)
1904          \p{NFKD_QC: *}          \p{NFKD_Quick_Check: *}
1905          \p{NFKD_Quick_Check: N} \p{NFKD_Quick_Check=No} (NOT
1906                                    \P{NFKD_Quick_Check} NOR \P{NFKD_QC} NOR
1907                                    \P{Is_NFKD_Quick_Check} NOR
1908                                    \P{Is_NFKD_QC}) (16_688)
1909          \p{NFKD_Quick_Check: No} (Short: \p{NFKDQC=N}; NOT
1910                                    \P{NFKD_Quick_Check} NOR \P{NFKD_QC} NOR
1911                                    \P{Is_NFKD_Quick_Check} NOR
1912                                    \P{Is_NFKD_QC}) (16_688)
1913          \p{NFKD_Quick_Check: Y} \p{NFKD_Quick_Check=Yes} (NOT
1914                                    \p{NFKD_Quick_Check} NOR \p{NFKD_QC} NOR
1915                                    \p{Is_NFKD_Quick_Check} NOR
1916                                    \p{Is_NFKD_QC}) (1_097_424)
1917          \p{NFKD_Quick_Check: Yes} (Short: \p{NFKDQC=Y}; NOT
1918                                    \p{NFKD_Quick_Check} NOR \p{NFKD_QC} NOR
1919                                    \p{Is_NFKD_Quick_Check} NOR
1920                                    \p{Is_NFKD_QC}) (1_097_424)
1921          \p{Nko}                 \p{Script=Nko} (NOT \p{NKo}) (59)
1922          \p{Nkoo}                \p{Nko} (= \p{Script=Nko}) (NOT \p{NKo})
1923                                    (59)
1924          \p{Nl}                  \p{Letter_Number} (= \p{General_Category=
1925                                    Letter_Number}) (224)
1926          \p{No}                  \p{Other_Number} (= \p{General_Category=
1927                                    Other_Number}) (429)
1928        X \p{No_Block}            \p{Block=No_Block} (864_192)
1929          \p{Noncharacter_Code_Point} \p{Noncharacter_Code_Point=Y} (Short:
1930                                    \p{NChar}) (66)
1931          \p{Noncharacter_Code_Point: N*} (Short: \p{NChar=N}, \P{NChar})
1932                                    (1_114_046)
1933          \p{Noncharacter_Code_Point: Y*} (Short: \p{NChar=Y}, \p{NChar})
1934                                    (66)
1935          \p{Nonspacing_Mark}     \p{General_Category=Nonspacing_Mark}
1936                                    (Short: \p{Mn}) (1162)
1937          \p{Nt: *}               \p{Numeric_Type: *}
1938          \p{Number}              \p{General_Category=Number} (Short: \p{N})
1939                                    (1064)
1940        X \p{Number_Forms}        \p{Block=Number_Forms} (64)
1941          \p{Numeric_Type: De}    \p{Numeric_Type=Decimal} (411)
1942          \p{Numeric_Type: Decimal} (Short: \p{Nt=De}) (411)
1943          \p{Numeric_Type: Di}    \p{Numeric_Type=Digit} (118)
1944          \p{Numeric_Type: Digit} (Short: \p{Nt=Di}) (118)
1945          \p{Numeric_Type: None}  (Short: \p{Nt=None}) (1_112_971)
1946          \p{Numeric_Type: Nu}    \p{Numeric_Type=Numeric} (612)
1947          \p{Numeric_Type: Numeric} (Short: \p{Nt=Nu}) (612)
1948        T \p{Numeric_Value: -1/2} (Short: \p{Nv=-1/2}) (1)
1949        T \p{Numeric_Value: 0}    (Short: \p{Nv=0}) (55)
1950        T \p{Numeric_Value: 1/16} (Short: \p{Nv=1/16}) (2)
1951        T \p{Numeric_Value: 1/10} (Short: \p{Nv=1/10}) (1)
1952        T \p{Numeric_Value: 1/9}  (Short: \p{Nv=1/9}) (1)
1953        T \p{Numeric_Value: 1/8}  (Short: \p{Nv=1/8}) (4)
1954        T \p{Numeric_Value: 1/7}  (Short: \p{Nv=1/7}) (1)
1955        T \p{Numeric_Value: 1/6}  (Short: \p{Nv=1/6}) (2)
1956        T \p{Numeric_Value: 3/16} (Short: \p{Nv=3/16}) (2)
1957        T \p{Numeric_Value: 1/5}  (Short: \p{Nv=1/5}) (1)
1958        T \p{Numeric_Value: 1/4}  (Short: \p{Nv=1/4}) (8)
1959        T \p{Numeric_Value: 1/3}  (Short: \p{Nv=1/3}) (4)
1960        T \p{Numeric_Value: 3/8}  (Short: \p{Nv=3/8}) (1)
1961        T \p{Numeric_Value: 2/5}  (Short: \p{Nv=2/5}) (1)
1962        T \p{Numeric_Value: 1/2}  (Short: \p{Nv=1/2}) (9)
1963        T \p{Numeric_Value: 3/5}  (Short: \p{Nv=3/5}) (1)
1964        T \p{Numeric_Value: 5/8}  (Short: \p{Nv=5/8}) (1)
1965        T \p{Numeric_Value: 2/3}  (Short: \p{Nv=2/3}) (5)
1966        T \p{Numeric_Value: 3/4}  (Short: \p{Nv=3/4}) (5)
1967        T \p{Numeric_Value: 4/5}  (Short: \p{Nv=4/5}) (1)
1968        T \p{Numeric_Value: 5/6}  (Short: \p{Nv=5/6}) (2)
1969        T \p{Numeric_Value: 7/8}  (Short: \p{Nv=7/8}) (1)
1970        T \p{Numeric_Value: 1}    (Short: \p{Nv=1}) (91)
1971        T \p{Numeric_Value: 3/2}  (Short: \p{Nv=3/2}) (1)
1972        T \p{Numeric_Value: 2}    (Short: \p{Nv=2}) (94)
1973        T \p{Numeric_Value: 5/2}  (Short: \p{Nv=5/2}) (1)
1974        T \p{Numeric_Value: 3}    (Short: \p{Nv=3}) (96)
1975        T \p{Numeric_Value: 7/2}  (Short: \p{Nv=7/2}) (1)
1976        T \p{Numeric_Value: 4}    (Short: \p{Nv=4}) (87)
1977        T \p{Numeric_Value: 9/2}  (Short: \p{Nv=9/2}) (1)
1978        T \p{Numeric_Value: 5}    (Short: \p{Nv=5}) (84)
1979        T \p{Numeric_Value: 11/2} (Short: \p{Nv=11/2}) (1)
1980        T \p{Numeric_Value: 6}    (Short: \p{Nv=6}) (76)
1981        T \p{Numeric_Value: 13/2} (Short: \p{Nv=13/2}) (1)
1982        T \p{Numeric_Value: 7}    (Short: \p{Nv=7}) (75)
1983        T \p{Numeric_Value: 15/2} (Short: \p{Nv=15/2}) (1)
1984        T \p{Numeric_Value: 8}    (Short: \p{Nv=8}) (71)
1985        T \p{Numeric_Value: 17/2} (Short: \p{Nv=17/2}) (1)
1986        T \p{Numeric_Value: 9}    (Short: \p{Nv=9}) (75)
1987        T \p{Numeric_Value: 10}   (Short: \p{Nv=10}) (38)
1988        T \p{Numeric_Value: 11}   (Short: \p{Nv=11}) (6)
1989        T \p{Numeric_Value: 12}   (Short: \p{Nv=12}) (6)
1990        T \p{Numeric_Value: 13}   (Short: \p{Nv=13}) (4)
1991        T \p{Numeric_Value: 14}   (Short: \p{Nv=14}) (4)
1992        T \p{Numeric_Value: 15}   (Short: \p{Nv=15}) (4)
1993        T \p{Numeric_Value: 16}   (Short: \p{Nv=16}) (5)
1994        T \p{Numeric_Value: 17}   (Short: \p{Nv=17}) (5)
1995        T \p{Numeric_Value: 18}   (Short: \p{Nv=18}) (5)
1996        T \p{Numeric_Value: 19}   (Short: \p{Nv=19}) (5)
1997        T \p{Numeric_Value: 20}   (Short: \p{Nv=20}) (17)
1998        T \p{Numeric_Value: 21}   (Short: \p{Nv=21}) (1)
1999        T \p{Numeric_Value: 22}   (Short: \p{Nv=22}) (1)
2000        T \p{Numeric_Value: 23}   (Short: \p{Nv=23}) (1)
2001        T \p{Numeric_Value: 24}   (Short: \p{Nv=24}) (1)
2002        T \p{Numeric_Value: 25}   (Short: \p{Nv=25}) (1)
2003        T \p{Numeric_Value: 26}   (Short: \p{Nv=26}) (1)
2004        T \p{Numeric_Value: 27}   (Short: \p{Nv=27}) (1)
2005        T \p{Numeric_Value: 28}   (Short: \p{Nv=28}) (1)
2006        T \p{Numeric_Value: 29}   (Short: \p{Nv=29}) (1)
2007        T \p{Numeric_Value: 30}   (Short: \p{Nv=30}) (9)
2008        T \p{Numeric_Value: 31}   (Short: \p{Nv=31}) (1)
2009        T \p{Numeric_Value: 32}   (Short: \p{Nv=32}) (1)
2010        T \p{Numeric_Value: 33}   (Short: \p{Nv=33}) (1)
2011        T \p{Numeric_Value: 34}   (Short: \p{Nv=34}) (1)
2012        T \p{Numeric_Value: 35}   (Short: \p{Nv=35}) (1)
2013        T \p{Numeric_Value: 36}   (Short: \p{Nv=36}) (1)
2014        T \p{Numeric_Value: 37}   (Short: \p{Nv=37}) (1)
2015        T \p{Numeric_Value: 38}   (Short: \p{Nv=38}) (1)
2016        T \p{Numeric_Value: 39}   (Short: \p{Nv=39}) (1)
2017        T \p{Numeric_Value: 40}   (Short: \p{Nv=40}) (8)
2018        T \p{Numeric_Value: 41}   (Short: \p{Nv=41}) (1)
2019        T \p{Numeric_Value: 42}   (Short: \p{Nv=42}) (1)
2020        T \p{Numeric_Value: 43}   (Short: \p{Nv=43}) (1)
2021        T \p{Numeric_Value: 44}   (Short: \p{Nv=44}) (1)
2022        T \p{Numeric_Value: 45}   (Short: \p{Nv=45}) (1)
2023        T \p{Numeric_Value: 46}   (Short: \p{Nv=46}) (1)
2024        T \p{Numeric_Value: 47}   (Short: \p{Nv=47}) (1)
2025        T \p{Numeric_Value: 48}   (Short: \p{Nv=48}) (1)
2026        T \p{Numeric_Value: 49}   (Short: \p{Nv=49}) (1)
2027        T \p{Numeric_Value: 50}   (Short: \p{Nv=50}) (18)
2028        T \p{Numeric_Value: 60}   (Short: \p{Nv=60}) (4)
2029        T \p{Numeric_Value: 70}   (Short: \p{Nv=70}) (4)
2030        T \p{Numeric_Value: 80}   (Short: \p{Nv=80}) (4)
2031        T \p{Numeric_Value: 90}   (Short: \p{Nv=90}) (5)
2032        T \p{Numeric_Value: 100}  (Short: \p{Nv=100}) (19)
2033        T \p{Numeric_Value: 200}  (Short: \p{Nv=200}) (2)
2034        T \p{Numeric_Value: 300}  (Short: \p{Nv=300}) (3)
2035        T \p{Numeric_Value: 400}  (Short: \p{Nv=400}) (2)
2036        T \p{Numeric_Value: 500}  (Short: \p{Nv=500}) (12)
2037        T \p{Numeric_Value: 600}  (Short: \p{Nv=600}) (2)
2038        T \p{Numeric_Value: 700}  (Short: \p{Nv=700}) (2)
2039        T \p{Numeric_Value: 800}  (Short: \p{Nv=800}) (2)
2040        T \p{Numeric_Value: 900}  (Short: \p{Nv=900}) (3)
2041        T \p{Numeric_Value: 1000} (Short: \p{Nv=1000}) (16)
2042        T \p{Numeric_Value: 2000} (Short: \p{Nv=2000}) (1)
2043        T \p{Numeric_Value: 3000} (Short: \p{Nv=3000}) (1)
2044        T \p{Numeric_Value: 4000} (Short: \p{Nv=4000}) (1)
2045        T \p{Numeric_Value: 5000} (Short: \p{Nv=5000}) (5)
2046        T \p{Numeric_Value: 6000} (Short: \p{Nv=6000}) (1)
2047        T \p{Numeric_Value: 7000} (Short: \p{Nv=7000}) (1)
2048        T \p{Numeric_Value: 8000} (Short: \p{Nv=8000}) (1)
2049        T \p{Numeric_Value: 9000} (Short: \p{Nv=9000}) (1)
2050        T \p{Numeric_Value: 10000} (= 1.0e+04) (Short: \p{Nv=10000}) (7)
2051        T \p{Numeric_Value: 20000} (= 2.0e+04) (Short: \p{Nv=20000}) (1)
2052        T \p{Numeric_Value: 30000} (= 3.0e+04) (Short: \p{Nv=30000}) (1)
2053        T \p{Numeric_Value: 40000} (= 4.0e+04) (Short: \p{Nv=40000}) (1)
2054        T \p{Numeric_Value: 50000} (= 5.0e+04) (Short: \p{Nv=50000}) (4)
2055        T \p{Numeric_Value: 60000} (= 6.0e+04) (Short: \p{Nv=60000}) (1)
2056        T \p{Numeric_Value: 70000} (= 7.0e+04) (Short: \p{Nv=70000}) (1)
2057        T \p{Numeric_Value: 80000} (= 8.0e+04) (Short: \p{Nv=80000}) (1)
2058        T \p{Numeric_Value: 90000} (= 9.0e+04) (Short: \p{Nv=90000}) (1)
2059        T \p{Numeric_Value: 100000} (= 1.0e+05) (Short: \p{Nv=100000}) (1)
2060        T \p{Numeric_Value: 100000000} (= 1.0e+08) (Short: \p{Nv=100000000})
2061                                    (2)
2062        T \p{Numeric_Value: 1000000000000} (= 1.0e+12) (Short: \p{Nv=
2063                                    1000000000000}) (1)
2064          \p{Numeric_Value: NaN}  (Short: \p{Nv=NaN}) (1_112_971)
2065          \p{Nv: *}               \p{Numeric_Value: *}
2066        D \p{OAlpha}              \p{Other_Alphabetic} (=
2067                                    \p{Other_Alphabetic=Y}) (759)
2068        D \p{OAlpha: *}           \p{Other_Alphabetic: *}
2069        D \p{ODI}                 \p{Other_Default_Ignorable_Code_Point} (=
2070                                    \p{Other_Default_Ignorable_Code_Point=
2071                                    Y}) (3778)
2072        D \p{ODI: *}              \p{Other_Default_Ignorable_Code_Point: *}
2073          \p{Ogam}                \p{Ogham} (= \p{Script=Ogham}) (NOT
2074                                    \p{Block=Ogham}) (29)
2075          \p{Ogham}               \p{Script=Ogham} (Short: \p{Ogam}; NOT
2076                                    \p{Block=Ogham}) (29)
2077        D \p{OGr_Ext}             \p{Other_Grapheme_Extend} (=
2078                                    \p{Other_Grapheme_Extend=Y}) (23)
2079        D \p{OGr_Ext: *}          \p{Other_Grapheme_Extend: *}
2080        D \p{OIDC}                \p{Other_ID_Continue} (=
2081                                    \p{Other_ID_Continue=Y}) (11)
2082        D \p{OIDC: *}             \p{Other_ID_Continue: *}
2083        D \p{OIDS}                \p{Other_ID_Start} (= \p{Other_ID_Start=
2084                                    Y}) (4)
2085        D \p{OIDS: *}             \p{Other_ID_Start: *}
2086          \p{Ol_Chiki}            \p{Script=Ol_Chiki} (Short: \p{Olck}) (48)
2087          \p{Olck}                \p{Ol_Chiki} (= \p{Script=Ol_Chiki}) (48)
2088          \p{Old_Italic}          \p{Script=Old_Italic} (Short: \p{Ital};
2089                                    NOT \p{Block=Old_Italic}) (35)
2090          \p{Old_Persian}         \p{Script=Old_Persian} (Short: \p{Xpeo};
2091                                    NOT \p{Block=Old_Persian}) (50)
2092          \p{Old_South_Arabian}   \p{Script=Old_South_Arabian} (Short:
2093                                    \p{Sarb}) (32)
2094          \p{Old_Turkic}          \p{Script=Old_Turkic} (Short: \p{Orkh};
2095                                    NOT \p{Block=Old_Turkic}) (73)
2096        D \p{OLower}              \p{Other_Lowercase} (= \p{Other_Lowercase=
2097                                    Y}) (159)
2098        D \p{OLower: *}           \p{Other_Lowercase: *}
2099        D \p{OMath}               \p{Other_Math} (= \p{Other_Math=Y}) (1216)
2100        D \p{OMath: *}            \p{Other_Math: *}
2101          \p{Open_Punctuation}    \p{General_Category=Open_Punctuation}
2102                                    (Short: \p{Ps}) (72)
2103        X \p{Optical_Character_Recognition} \p{Block=
2104                                    Optical_Character_Recognition} (32)
2105          \p{Oriya}               \p{Script=Oriya} (Short: \p{Orya}; NOT
2106                                    \p{Block=Oriya}) (84)
2107          \p{Orkh}                \p{Old_Turkic} (= \p{Script=Old_Turkic})
2108                                    (NOT \p{Block=Old_Turkic}) (73)
2109          \p{Orya}                \p{Oriya} (= \p{Script=Oriya}) (NOT
2110                                    \p{Block=Oriya}) (84)
2111          \p{Osma}                \p{Osmanya} (= \p{Script=Osmanya}) (NOT
2112                                    \p{Block=Osmanya}) (40)
2113          \p{Osmanya}             \p{Script=Osmanya} (Short: \p{Osma}; NOT
2114                                    \p{Block=Osmanya}) (40)
2115          \p{Other}               \p{General_Category=Other} (Short: \p{C})
2116                                    (1_006_956)
2117        D \p{Other_Alphabetic}    \p{Other_Alphabetic=Y} (Short: \p{OAlpha})
2118                                    (759)
2119        D \p{Other_Alphabetic: N*} Used by Unicode internally for generating
2120                                    the Alphabetic property (which should be
2121                                    used instead) and not intended to be
2122                                    used stand-alone (Short: \p{OAlpha=N},
2123                                    \P{OAlpha}) (1_113_353)
2124        D \p{Other_Alphabetic: Y*} Used by Unicode internally for generating
2125                                    the Alphabetic property (which should be
2126                                    used instead) and not intended to be
2127                                    used stand-alone (Short: \p{OAlpha=Y},
2128                                    \p{OAlpha}) (759)
2129        D \p{Other_Default_Ignorable_Code_Point}
2130                                    \p{Other_Default_Ignorable_Code_Point=Y}
2131                                    (Short: \p{ODI}) (3778)
2132        D \p{Other_Default_Ignorable_Code_Point: N*} Used by Unicode
2133                                    internally for generating the
2134                                    Default_Ignorable_Code_Point property
2135                                    (which should be used instead) and not
2136                                    intended to be used stand-alone (Short:
2137                                    \p{ODI=N}, \P{ODI}) (1_110_334)
2138        D \p{Other_Default_Ignorable_Code_Point: Y*} Used by Unicode
2139                                    internally for generating the
2140                                    Default_Ignorable_Code_Point property
2141                                    (which should be used instead) and not
2142                                    intended to be used stand-alone (Short:
2143                                    \p{ODI=Y}, \p{ODI}) (3778)
2144        D \p{Other_Grapheme_Extend} \p{Other_Grapheme_Extend=Y} (Short:
2145                                    \p{OGrExt}) (23)
2146        D \p{Other_Grapheme_Extend: N*} Used by Unicode internally for
2147                                    generating the Grapheme_Extend property
2148                                    (which should be used instead) and not
2149                                    intended to be used stand-alone (Short:
2150                                    \p{OGrExt=N}, \P{OGrExt}) (1_114_089)
2151        D \p{Other_Grapheme_Extend: Y*} Used by Unicode internally for
2152                                    generating the Grapheme_Extend property
2153                                    (which should be used instead) and not
2154                                    intended to be used stand-alone (Short:
2155                                    \p{OGrExt=Y}, \p{OGrExt}) (23)
2156        D \p{Other_ID_Continue}   \p{Other_ID_Continue=Y} (Short: \p{OIDC})
2157                                    (11)
2158        D \p{Other_ID_Continue: N*} Used by Unicode internally for
2159                                    generating the ID_Continue property
2160                                    (which should be used instead) and not
2161                                    intended to be used stand-alone (Short:
2162                                    \p{OIDC=N}, \P{OIDC}) (1_114_101)
2163        D \p{Other_ID_Continue: Y*} Used by Unicode internally for
2164                                    generating the ID_Continue property
2165                                    (which should be used instead) and not
2166                                    intended to be used stand-alone (Short:
2167                                    \p{OIDC=Y}, \p{OIDC}) (11)
2168        D \p{Other_ID_Start}      \p{Other_ID_Start=Y} (Short: \p{OIDS}) (4)
2169        D \p{Other_ID_Start: N*}  Used by Unicode internally for generating
2170                                    the ID_Start property (which should be
2171                                    used instead) and not intended to be
2172                                    used stand-alone (Short: \p{OIDS=N},
2173                                    \P{OIDS}) (1_114_108)
2174        D \p{Other_ID_Start: Y*}  Used by Unicode internally for generating
2175                                    the ID_Start property (which should be
2176                                    used instead) and not intended to be
2177                                    used stand-alone (Short: \p{OIDS=Y},
2178                                    \p{OIDS}) (4)
2179          \p{Other_Letter}        \p{General_Category=Other_Letter} (Short:
2180                                    \p{Lo}) (96_128)
2181        D \p{Other_Lowercase}     \p{Other_Lowercase=Y} (Short: \p{OLower})
2182                                    (159)
2183        D \p{Other_Lowercase: N*} Used by Unicode internally for generating
2184                                    the Lowercase property (which should be
2185                                    used instead) and not intended to be
2186                                    used stand-alone (Short: \p{OLower=N},
2187                                    \P{OLower}) (1_113_953)
2188        D \p{Other_Lowercase: Y*} Used by Unicode internally for generating
2189                                    the Lowercase property (which should be
2190                                    used instead) and not intended to be
2191                                    used stand-alone (Short: \p{OLower=Y},
2192                                    \p{OLower}) (159)
2193        D \p{Other_Math}          \p{Other_Math=Y} (Short: \p{OMath}) (1216)
2194        D \p{Other_Math: N*}      Used by Unicode internally for generating
2195                                    the Math property (which should be used
2196                                    instead) and not intended to be used
2197                                    stand-alone (Short: \p{OMath=N},
2198                                    \P{OMath}) (1_112_896)
2199        D \p{Other_Math: Y*}      Used by Unicode internally for generating
2200                                    the Math property (which should be used
2201                                    instead) and not intended to be used
2202                                    stand-alone (Short: \p{OMath=Y},
2203                                    \p{OMath}) (1216)
2204          \p{Other_Number}        \p{General_Category=Other_Number} (Short:
2205                                    \p{No}) (429)
2206          \p{Other_Punctuation}   \p{General_Category=Other_Punctuation}
2207                                    (Short: \p{Po}) (389)
2208          \p{Other_Symbol}        \p{General_Category=Other_Symbol} (Short:
2209                                    \p{So}) (3409)
2210        D \p{Other_Uppercase}     \p{Other_Uppercase=Y} (Short: \p{OUpper})
2211                                    (42)
2212        D \p{Other_Uppercase: N*} Used by Unicode internally for generating
2213                                    the Uppercase property (which should be
2214                                    used instead) and not intended to be
2215                                    used stand-alone (Short: \p{OUpper=N},
2216                                    \P{OUpper}) (1_114_070)
2217        D \p{Other_Uppercase: Y*} Used by Unicode internally for generating
2218                                    the Uppercase property (which should be
2219                                    used instead) and not intended to be
2220                                    used stand-alone (Short: \p{OUpper=Y},
2221                                    \p{OUpper}) (42)
2222        D \p{OUpper}              \p{Other_Uppercase} (= \p{Other_Uppercase=
2223                                    Y}) (42)
2224        D \p{OUpper: *}           \p{Other_Uppercase: *}
2225          \p{P}                   \p{Punct} (= \p{General_Category=
2226                                    Punctuation}) (585)
2227          \p{Paragraph_Separator} \p{General_Category=Paragraph_Separator}
2228                                    (Short: \p{Zp}) (1)
2229          \p{Pat_Syn}             \p{Pattern_Syntax} (= \p{Pattern_Syntax=
2230                                    Y}) (2760)
2231          \p{Pat_Syn: *}          \p{Pattern_Syntax: *}
2232          \p{Pat_WS}              \p{Pattern_White_Space} (=
2233                                    \p{Pattern_White_Space=Y}) (11)
2234          \p{Pat_WS: *}           \p{Pattern_White_Space: *}
2235          \p{Pattern_Syntax}      \p{Pattern_Syntax=Y} (Short: \p{PatSyn})
2236                                    (2760)
2237          \p{Pattern_Syntax: N*}  (Short: \p{PatSyn=N}, \P{PatSyn})
2238                                    (1_111_352)
2239          \p{Pattern_Syntax: Y*}  (Short: \p{PatSyn=Y}, \p{PatSyn}) (2760)
2240          \p{Pattern_White_Space} \p{Pattern_White_Space=Y} (Short:
2241                                    \p{PatWS}) (11)
2242          \p{Pattern_White_Space: N*} (Short: \p{PatWS=N}, \P{PatWS})
2243                                    (1_114_101)
2244          \p{Pattern_White_Space: Y*} (Short: \p{PatWS=Y}, \p{PatWS}) (11)
2245          \p{Pc}                  \p{Connector_Punctuation} (=
2246                                    \p{General_Category=
2247                                    Connector_Punctuation}) (10)
2248          \p{Pd}                  \p{Dash_Punctuation} (=
2249                                    \p{General_Category=Dash_Punctuation})
2250                                    (21)
2251          \p{Pe}                  \p{Close_Punctuation} (=
2252                                    \p{General_Category=Close_Punctuation})
2253                                    (71)
2254          \p{PerlSpace}           \s, restricted to ASCII (5)
2255          \p{PerlWord}            \w, restricted to ASCII = [A-Za-z0-9_] (63)
2256          \p{Pf}                  \p{Final_Punctuation} (=
2257                                    \p{General_Category=Final_Punctuation})
2258                                    (10)
2259          \p{Phag}                \p{Phags_Pa} (= \p{Script=Phags_Pa}) (NOT
2260                                    \p{Block=Phags_Pa}) (56)
2261          \p{Phags_Pa}            \p{Script=Phags_Pa} (Short: \p{Phag}; NOT
2262                                    \p{Block=Phags_Pa}) (56)
2263        X \p{Phaistos_Disc}       \p{Block=Phaistos_Disc} (48)
2264          \p{Phli}                \p{Inscriptional_Pahlavi} (= \p{Script=
2265                                    Inscriptional_Pahlavi}) (NOT \p{Block=
2266                                    Inscriptional_Pahlavi}) (27)
2267          \p{Phnx}                \p{Phoenician} (= \p{Script=Phoenician})
2268                                    (NOT \p{Block=Phoenician}) (29)
2269          \p{Phoenician}          \p{Script=Phoenician} (Short: \p{Phnx};
2270                                    NOT \p{Block=Phoenician}) (29)
2271        X \p{Phonetic_Extensions} \p{Block=Phonetic_Extensions} (128)
2272        X \p{Phonetic_Extensions_Supplement} \p{Block=
2273                                    Phonetic_Extensions_Supplement} (64)
2274          \p{Pi}                  \p{Initial_Punctuation} (=
2275                                    \p{General_Category=
2276                                    Initial_Punctuation}) (12)
2277          \p{Po}                  \p{Other_Punctuation} (=
2278                                    \p{General_Category=Other_Punctuation})
2279                                    (389)
2280          \p{PosixAlnum}          [A-Za-z0-9] (62)
2281          \p{PosixAlpha}          [A-Za-z] (52)
2282          \p{PosixBlank}          \t and ' ' (2)
2283          \p{PosixCntrl}          [\x00-\x1F] (33)
2284          \p{PosixDigit}          [0-9] (10)
2285          \p{PosixGraph}          [\x21-\x7E] (94)
2286          \p{PosixLower}          [a-z] (26)
2287          \p{PosixPrint}          [\x20-\x7E] (95)
2288          \p{PosixPunct}          Graphical characters that aren't Word
2289                                    characters = [\x21-\x2F\x3A-\x40\x5B-
2290                                    \x60\x7B-\x7E] (32)
2291          \p{PosixSpace}          \t \n, \x0B, \f, \r, and ' ' (6)
2292          \p{PosixUpper}          [A-Z] (26)
2293        T \p{Present_In: 1.1}     \p{Age=1.1} (Short: \p{In=1.1}) (Perl
2294                                    extension) (33_979)
2295        T \p{Present_In: 2.0}     Code point's usage introduced in version
2296                                    2.0 or earlier (Short: \p{In=2.0}) (Perl
2297                                    extension) (178_500)
2298        T \p{Present_In: 2.1}     Code point's usage introduced in version
2299                                    2.1 or earlier (Short: \p{In=2.1}) (Perl
2300                                    extension) (178_502)
2301        T \p{Present_In: 3.0}     Code point's usage introduced in version
2302                                    3.0 or earlier (Short: \p{In=3.0}) (Perl
2303                                    extension) (188_809)
2304        T \p{Present_In: 3.1}     Code point's usage introduced in version
2305                                    3.1 or earlier (Short: \p{In=3.1}) (Perl
2306                                    extension) (233_787)
2307        T \p{Present_In: 3.2}     Code point's usage introduced in version
2308                                    3.2 or earlier (Short: \p{In=3.2}) (Perl
2309                                    extension) (234_803)
2310        T \p{Present_In: 4.0}     Code point's usage introduced in version
2311                                    4.0 or earlier (Short: \p{In=4.0}) (Perl
2312                                    extension) (236_029)
2313        T \p{Present_In: 4.1}     Code point's usage introduced in version
2314                                    4.1 or earlier (Short: \p{In=4.1}) (Perl
2315                                    extension) (237_302)
2316        T \p{Present_In: 5.0}     Code point's usage introduced in version
2317                                    5.0 or earlier (Short: \p{In=5.0}) (Perl
2318                                    extension) (238_671)
2319        T \p{Present_In: 5.1}     Code point's usage introduced in version
2320                                    5.1 or earlier (Short: \p{In=5.1}) (Perl
2321                                    extension) (240_295)
2322        T \p{Present_In: 5.2}     Code point's usage introduced in version
2323                                    5.2 or earlier (Short: \p{In=5.2}) (Perl
2324                                    extension) (246_943)
2325          \p{Present_In: Unassigned} \p{Age=Unassigned} (Short: \p{In=
2326                                    Unassigned}) (Perl extension) (867_169)
2327          \p{Print}               Characters that are graphical plus space
2328                                    characters (but no controls) (244_762)
2329          \p{Private_Use}         \p{General_Category=Private_Use} (Short:
2330                                    \p{Co}; NOT \p{Private_Use_Area})
2331                                    (137_468)
2332        X \p{Private_Use_Area}    \p{Block=Private_Use_Area} (Short:
2333                                    \p{InPrivateUse}) (6400)
2334          \p{Prti}                \p{Inscriptional_Parthian} (= \p{Script=
2335                                    Inscriptional_Parthian}) (NOT \p{Block=
2336                                    Inscriptional_Parthian}) (30)
2337          \p{Ps}                  \p{Open_Punctuation} (=
2338                                    \p{General_Category=Open_Punctuation})
2339                                    (72)
2340          \p{Punct}               \p{General_Category=Punctuation} (Short:
2341                                    \p{P}) (585)
2342          \p{Punctuation}         \p{Punct} (= \p{General_Category=
2343                                    Punctuation}) (585)
2344          \p{Qaac}                \p{Coptic} (= \p{Script=Coptic}) (NOT
2345                                    \p{Block=Coptic}) (135)
2346          \p{Qaai}                \p{Inherited} (= \p{Script=Inherited})
2347                                    (523)
2348          \p{QMark}               \p{Quotation_Mark} (= \p{Quotation_Mark=
2349                                    Y}) (29)
2350          \p{QMark: *}            \p{Quotation_Mark: *}
2351          \p{Quotation_Mark}      \p{Quotation_Mark=Y} (Short: \p{QMark})
2352                                    (29)
2353          \p{Quotation_Mark: N*}  (Short: \p{QMark=N}, \P{QMark}) (1_114_083)
2354          \p{Quotation_Mark: Y*}  (Short: \p{QMark=Y}, \p{QMark}) (29)
2355          \p{Radical}             \p{Radical=Y} (329)
2356          \p{Radical: N*}         (Single: \P{Radical}) (1_113_783)
2357          \p{Radical: Y*}         (Single: \p{Radical}) (329)
2358          \p{Rejang}              \p{Script=Rejang} (Short: \p{Rjng}; NOT
2359                                    \p{Block=Rejang}) (37)
2360          \p{Rjng}                \p{Rejang} (= \p{Script=Rejang}) (NOT
2361                                    \p{Block=Rejang}) (37)
2362        X \p{Rumi_Numeral_Symbols} \p{Block=Rumi_Numeral_Symbols} (32)
2363          \p{Runic}               \p{Script=Runic} (Short: \p{Runr}; NOT
2364                                    \p{Block=Runic}) (78)
2365          \p{Runr}                \p{Runic} (= \p{Script=Runic}) (NOT
2366                                    \p{Block=Runic}) (78)
2367          \p{S}                   \p{Symbol} (= \p{General_Category=Symbol})
2368                                    (4499)
2369          \p{Samaritan}           \p{Script=Samaritan} (Short: \p{Samr}; NOT
2370                                    \p{Block=Samaritan}) (61)
2371          \p{Samr}                \p{Samaritan} (= \p{Script=Samaritan})
2372                                    (NOT \p{Block=Samaritan}) (61)
2373          \p{Sarb}                \p{Old_South_Arabian} (= \p{Script=
2374                                    Old_South_Arabian}) (32)
2375          \p{Saur}                \p{Saurashtra} (= \p{Script=Saurashtra})
2376                                    (NOT \p{Block=Saurashtra}) (81)
2377          \p{Saurashtra}          \p{Script=Saurashtra} (Short: \p{Saur};
2378                                    NOT \p{Block=Saurashtra}) (81)
2379          \p{SB: *}               \p{Sentence_Break: *}
2380          \p{Sc}                  \p{Currency_Symbol} (=
2381                                    \p{General_Category=Currency_Symbol})
2382                                    (46)
2383          \p{Sc: *}               \p{Script: *}
2384          \p{Script: Arab}        \p{Script=Arabic} (1030)
2385          \p{Script: Arabic}      (Short: \p{Sc=Arab}, \p{Arab}) (1030)
2386          \p{Script: Armenian}    (Short: \p{Sc=Armn}, \p{Armn}) (90)
2387          \p{Script: Armi}        \p{Script=Imperial_Aramaic} (31)
2388          \p{Script: Armn}        \p{Script=Armenian} (90)
2389          \p{Script: Avestan}     (Short: \p{Sc=Avst}, \p{Avst}) (61)
2390          \p{Script: Avst}        \p{Script=Avestan} (61)
2391          \p{Script: Bali}        \p{Script=Balinese} (121)
2392          \p{Script: Balinese}    (Short: \p{Sc=Bali}, \p{Bali}) (121)
2393          \p{Script: Bamu}        \p{Script=Bamum} (88)
2394          \p{Script: Bamum}       (Short: \p{Sc=Bamu}, \p{Bamu}) (88)
2395          \p{Script: Beng}        \p{Script=Bengali} (92)
2396          \p{Script: Bengali}     (Short: \p{Sc=Beng}, \p{Beng}) (92)
2397          \p{Script: Bopo}        \p{Script=Bopomofo} (65)
2398          \p{Script: Bopomofo}    (Short: \p{Sc=Bopo}, \p{Bopo}) (65)
2399          \p{Script: Brai}        \p{Script=Braille} (256)
2400          \p{Script: Braille}     (Short: \p{Sc=Brai}, \p{Brai}) (256)
2401          \p{Script: Bugi}        \p{Script=Buginese} (30)
2402          \p{Script: Buginese}    (Short: \p{Sc=Bugi}, \p{Bugi}) (30)
2403          \p{Script: Buhd}        \p{Script=Buhid} (20)
2404          \p{Script: Buhid}       (Short: \p{Sc=Buhd}, \p{Buhd}) (20)
2405          \p{Script: Canadian_Aboriginal} (Short: \p{Sc=Cans}, \p{Cans})
2406                                    (710)
2407          \p{Script: Cans}        \p{Script=Canadian_Aboriginal} (710)
2408          \p{Script: Cari}        \p{Script=Carian} (49)
2409          \p{Script: Carian}      (Short: \p{Sc=Cari}, \p{Cari}) (49)
2410          \p{Script: Cham}        (Short: \p{Sc=Cham}, \p{Cham}) (83)
2411          \p{Script: Cher}        \p{Script=Cherokee} (85)
2412          \p{Script: Cherokee}    (Short: \p{Sc=Cher}, \p{Cher}) (85)
2413          \p{Script: Common}      (Short: \p{Sc=Zyyy}, \p{Zyyy}) (5395)
2414          \p{Script: Copt}        \p{Script=Coptic} (135)
2415          \p{Script: Coptic}      (Short: \p{Sc=Copt}, \p{Copt}) (135)
2416          \p{Script: Cprt}        \p{Script=Cypriot} (55)
2417          \p{Script: Cuneiform}   (Short: \p{Sc=Xsux}, \p{Xsux}) (982)
2418          \p{Script: Cypriot}     (Short: \p{Sc=Cprt}, \p{Cprt}) (55)
2419          \p{Script: Cyrillic}    (Short: \p{Sc=Cyrl}, \p{Cyrl}) (404)
2420          \p{Script: Cyrl}        \p{Script=Cyrillic} (404)
2421          \p{Script: Deseret}     (Short: \p{Sc=Dsrt}, \p{Dsrt}) (80)
2422          \p{Script: Deva}        \p{Script=Devanagari} (140)
2423          \p{Script: Devanagari}  (Short: \p{Sc=Deva}, \p{Deva}) (140)
2424          \p{Script: Dsrt}        \p{Script=Deseret} (80)
2425          \p{Script: Egyp}        \p{Script=Egyptian_Hieroglyphs} (1071)
2426          \p{Script: Egyptian_Hieroglyphs} (Short: \p{Sc=Egyp}, \p{Egyp})
2427                                    (1071)
2428          \p{Script: Ethi}        \p{Script=Ethiopic} (461)
2429          \p{Script: Ethiopic}    (Short: \p{Sc=Ethi}, \p{Ethi}) (461)
2430          \p{Script: Geor}        \p{Script=Georgian} (120)
2431          \p{Script: Georgian}    (Short: \p{Sc=Geor}, \p{Geor}) (120)
2432          \p{Script: Glag}        \p{Script=Glagolitic} (94)
2433          \p{Script: Glagolitic}  (Short: \p{Sc=Glag}, \p{Glag}) (94)
2434          \p{Script: Goth}        \p{Script=Gothic} (27)
2435          \p{Script: Gothic}      (Short: \p{Sc=Goth}, \p{Goth}) (27)
2436          \p{Script: Greek}       (Short: \p{Sc=Grek}, \p{Grek}) (511)
2437          \p{Script: Grek}        \p{Script=Greek} (511)
2438          \p{Script: Gujarati}    (Short: \p{Sc=Gujr}, \p{Gujr}) (83)
2439          \p{Script: Gujr}        \p{Script=Gujarati} (83)
2440          \p{Script: Gurmukhi}    (Short: \p{Sc=Guru}, \p{Guru}) (79)
2441          \p{Script: Guru}        \p{Script=Gurmukhi} (79)
2442          \p{Script: Han}         (Short: \p{Sc=Han}, \p{Han}) (75_738)
2443          \p{Script: Hang}        \p{Script=Hangul} (11_737)
2444          \p{Script: Hangul}      (Short: \p{Sc=Hang}, \p{Hang}) (11_737)
2445          \p{Script: Hani}        \p{Script=Han} (75_738)
2446          \p{Script: Hano}        \p{Script=Hanunoo} (21)
2447          \p{Script: Hanunoo}     (Short: \p{Sc=Hano}, \p{Hano}) (21)
2448          \p{Script: Hebr}        \p{Script=Hebrew} (133)
2449          \p{Script: Hebrew}      (Short: \p{Sc=Hebr}, \p{Hebr}) (133)
2450          \p{Script: Hira}        \p{Script=Hiragana} (90)
2451          \p{Script: Hiragana}    (Short: \p{Sc=Hira}, \p{Hira}) (90)
2452          \p{Script: Imperial_Aramaic} (Short: \p{Sc=Armi}, \p{Armi}) (31)
2453          \p{Script: Inherited}   (Short: \p{Sc=Zinh}, \p{Zinh}) (523)
2454          \p{Script: Inscriptional_Pahlavi} (Short: \p{Sc=Phli}, \p{Phli})
2455                                    (27)
2456          \p{Script: Inscriptional_Parthian} (Short: \p{Sc=Prti}, \p{Prti})
2457                                    (30)
2458          \p{Script: Ital}        \p{Script=Old_Italic} (35)
2459          \p{Script: Java}        \p{Script=Javanese} (91)
2460          \p{Script: Javanese}    (Short: \p{Sc=Java}, \p{Java}) (91)
2461          \p{Script: Kaithi}      (Short: \p{Sc=Kthi}, \p{Kthi}) (66)
2462          \p{Script: Kali}        \p{Script=Kayah_Li} (48)
2463          \p{Script: Kana}        \p{Script=Katakana} (299)
2464          \p{Script: Kannada}     (Short: \p{Sc=Knda}, \p{Knda}) (84)
2465          \p{Script: Katakana}    (Short: \p{Sc=Kana}, \p{Kana}) (299)
2466          \p{Script: Kayah_Li}    (Short: \p{Sc=Kali}, \p{Kali}) (48)
2467          \p{Script: Khar}        \p{Script=Kharoshthi} (65)
2468          \p{Script: Kharoshthi}  (Short: \p{Sc=Khar}, \p{Khar}) (65)
2469          \p{Script: Khmer}       (Short: \p{Sc=Khmr}, \p{Khmr}) (146)
2470          \p{Script: Khmr}        \p{Script=Khmer} (146)
2471          \p{Script: Knda}        \p{Script=Kannada} (84)
2472          \p{Script: Kthi}        \p{Script=Kaithi} (66)
2473          \p{Script: Lana}        \p{Script=Tai_Tham} (127)
2474          \p{Script: Lao}         (Short: \p{Sc=Lao}, \p{Lao}) (65)
2475          \p{Script: Laoo}        \p{Script=Lao} (65)
2476          \p{Script: Latin}       (Short: \p{Sc=Latn}, \p{Latn}) (1244)
2477          \p{Script: Latn}        \p{Script=Latin} (1244)
2478          \p{Script: Lepc}        \p{Script=Lepcha} (74)
2479          \p{Script: Lepcha}      (Short: \p{Sc=Lepc}, \p{Lepc}) (74)
2480          \p{Script: Limb}        \p{Script=Limbu} (66)
2481          \p{Script: Limbu}       (Short: \p{Sc=Limb}, \p{Limb}) (66)
2482          \p{Script: Linb}        \p{Script=Linear_B} (211)
2483          \p{Script: Linear_B}    (Short: \p{Sc=Linb}, \p{Linb}) (211)
2484          \p{Script: Lisu}        (Short: \p{Sc=Lisu}, \p{Lisu}) (48)
2485          \p{Script: Lyci}        \p{Script=Lycian} (29)
2486          \p{Script: Lycian}      (Short: \p{Sc=Lyci}, \p{Lyci}) (29)
2487          \p{Script: Lydi}        \p{Script=Lydian} (27)
2488          \p{Script: Lydian}      (Short: \p{Sc=Lydi}, \p{Lydi}) (27)
2489          \p{Script: Malayalam}   (Short: \p{Sc=Mlym}, \p{Mlym}) (95)
2490          \p{Script: Meetei_Mayek} (Short: \p{Sc=Mtei}, \p{Mtei}) (56)
2491          \p{Script: Mlym}        \p{Script=Malayalam} (95)
2492          \p{Script: Mong}        \p{Script=Mongolian} (153)
2493          \p{Script: Mongolian}   (Short: \p{Sc=Mong}, \p{Mong}) (153)
2494          \p{Script: Mtei}        \p{Script=Meetei_Mayek} (56)
2495          \p{Script: Myanmar}     (Short: \p{Sc=Mymr}, \p{Mymr}) (188)
2496          \p{Script: Mymr}        \p{Script=Myanmar} (188)
2497          \p{Script: New_Tai_Lue} (Short: \p{Sc=Talu}, \p{Talu}) (83)
2498          \p{Script: Nko}         (Short: \p{Sc=Nko}, \p{Nko}) (59)
2499          \p{Script: Nkoo}        \p{Script=Nko} (59)
2500          \p{Script: Ogam}        \p{Script=Ogham} (29)
2501          \p{Script: Ogham}       (Short: \p{Sc=Ogam}, \p{Ogam}) (29)
2502          \p{Script: Ol_Chiki}    (Short: \p{Sc=Olck}, \p{Olck}) (48)
2503          \p{Script: Olck}        \p{Script=Ol_Chiki} (48)
2504          \p{Script: Old_Italic}  (Short: \p{Sc=Ital}, \p{Ital}) (35)
2505          \p{Script: Old_Persian} (Short: \p{Sc=Xpeo}, \p{Xpeo}) (50)
2506          \p{Script: Old_South_Arabian} (Short: \p{Sc=Sarb}, \p{Sarb}) (32)
2507          \p{Script: Old_Turkic}  (Short: \p{Sc=Orkh}, \p{Orkh}) (73)
2508          \p{Script: Oriya}       (Short: \p{Sc=Orya}, \p{Orya}) (84)
2509          \p{Script: Orkh}        \p{Script=Old_Turkic} (73)
2510          \p{Script: Orya}        \p{Script=Oriya} (84)
2511          \p{Script: Osma}        \p{Script=Osmanya} (40)
2512          \p{Script: Osmanya}     (Short: \p{Sc=Osma}, \p{Osma}) (40)
2513          \p{Script: Phag}        \p{Script=Phags_Pa} (56)
2514          \p{Script: Phags_Pa}    (Short: \p{Sc=Phag}, \p{Phag}) (56)
2515          \p{Script: Phli}        \p{Script=Inscriptional_Pahlavi} (27)
2516          \p{Script: Phnx}        \p{Script=Phoenician} (29)
2517          \p{Script: Phoenician}  (Short: \p{Sc=Phnx}, \p{Phnx}) (29)
2518          \p{Script: Prti}        \p{Script=Inscriptional_Parthian} (30)
2519          \p{Script: Qaac}        \p{Script=Coptic} (135)
2520          \p{Script: Qaai}        \p{Script=Inherited} (523)
2521          \p{Script: Rejang}      (Short: \p{Sc=Rjng}, \p{Rjng}) (37)
2522          \p{Script: Rjng}        \p{Script=Rejang} (37)
2523          \p{Script: Runic}       (Short: \p{Sc=Runr}, \p{Runr}) (78)
2524          \p{Script: Runr}        \p{Script=Runic} (78)
2525          \p{Script: Samaritan}   (Short: \p{Sc=Samr}, \p{Samr}) (61)
2526          \p{Script: Samr}        \p{Script=Samaritan} (61)
2527          \p{Script: Sarb}        \p{Script=Old_South_Arabian} (32)
2528          \p{Script: Saur}        \p{Script=Saurashtra} (81)
2529          \p{Script: Saurashtra}  (Short: \p{Sc=Saur}, \p{Saur}) (81)
2530          \p{Script: Shavian}     (Short: \p{Sc=Shaw}, \p{Shaw}) (48)
2531          \p{Script: Shaw}        \p{Script=Shavian} (48)
2532          \p{Script: Sinh}        \p{Script=Sinhala} (80)
2533          \p{Script: Sinhala}     (Short: \p{Sc=Sinh}, \p{Sinh}) (80)
2534          \p{Script: Sund}        \p{Script=Sundanese} (55)
2535          \p{Script: Sundanese}   (Short: \p{Sc=Sund}, \p{Sund}) (55)
2536          \p{Script: Sylo}        \p{Script=Syloti_Nagri} (44)
2537          \p{Script: Syloti_Nagri} (Short: \p{Sc=Sylo}, \p{Sylo}) (44)
2538          \p{Script: Syrc}        \p{Script=Syriac} (77)
2539          \p{Script: Syriac}      (Short: \p{Sc=Syrc}, \p{Syrc}) (77)
2540          \p{Script: Tagalog}     (Short: \p{Sc=Tglg}, \p{Tglg}) (20)
2541          \p{Script: Tagb}        \p{Script=Tagbanwa} (18)
2542          \p{Script: Tagbanwa}    (Short: \p{Sc=Tagb}, \p{Tagb}) (18)
2543          \p{Script: Tai_Le}      (Short: \p{Sc=Tale}, \p{Tale}) (35)
2544          \p{Script: Tai_Tham}    (Short: \p{Sc=Lana}, \p{Lana}) (127)
2545          \p{Script: Tai_Viet}    (Short: \p{Sc=Tavt}, \p{Tavt}) (72)
2546          \p{Script: Tale}        \p{Script=Tai_Le} (35)
2547          \p{Script: Talu}        \p{Script=New_Tai_Lue} (83)
2548          \p{Script: Tamil}       (Short: \p{Sc=Taml}, \p{Taml}) (72)
2549          \p{Script: Taml}        \p{Script=Tamil} (72)
2550          \p{Script: Tavt}        \p{Script=Tai_Viet} (72)
2551          \p{Script: Telu}        \p{Script=Telugu} (93)
2552          \p{Script: Telugu}      (Short: \p{Sc=Telu}, \p{Telu}) (93)
2553          \p{Script: Tfng}        \p{Script=Tifinagh} (55)
2554          \p{Script: Tglg}        \p{Script=Tagalog} (20)
2555          \p{Script: Thaa}        \p{Script=Thaana} (50)
2556          \p{Script: Thaana}      (Short: \p{Sc=Thaa}, \p{Thaa}) (50)
2557          \p{Script: Thai}        (Short: \p{Sc=Thai}, \p{Thai}) (86)
2558          \p{Script: Tibetan}     (Short: \p{Sc=Tibt}, \p{Tibt}) (201)
2559          \p{Script: Tibt}        \p{Script=Tibetan} (201)
2560          \p{Script: Tifinagh}    (Short: \p{Sc=Tfng}, \p{Tfng}) (55)
2561          \p{Script: Ugar}        \p{Script=Ugaritic} (31)
2562          \p{Script: Ugaritic}    (Short: \p{Sc=Ugar}, \p{Ugar}) (31)
2563          \p{Script: Unknown}     (Short: \p{Sc=Zzzz}, \p{Zzzz}) (1_006_751)
2564          \p{Script: Vai}         (Short: \p{Sc=Vai}, \p{Vai}) (300)
2565          \p{Script: Vaii}        \p{Script=Vai} (300)
2566          \p{Script: Xpeo}        \p{Script=Old_Persian} (50)
2567          \p{Script: Xsux}        \p{Script=Cuneiform} (982)
2568          \p{Script: Yi}          (Short: \p{Sc=Yi}, \p{Yi}) (1220)
2569          \p{Script: Yiii}        \p{Script=Yi} (1220)
2570          \p{Script: Zinh}        \p{Script=Inherited} (523)
2571          \p{Script: Zyyy}        \p{Script=Common} (5395)
2572          \p{Script: Zzzz}        \p{Script=Unknown} (1_006_751)
2573          \p{SD}                  \p{Soft_Dotted} (= \p{Soft_Dotted=Y}) (46)
2574          \p{SD: *}               \p{Soft_Dotted: *}
2575          \p{Sentence_Break: AT}  \p{Sentence_Break=ATerm} (4)
2576          \p{Sentence_Break: ATerm} (Short: \p{SB=AT}) (4)
2577          \p{Sentence_Break: CL}  \p{Sentence_Break=Close} (177)
2578          \p{Sentence_Break: Close} (Short: \p{SB=CL}) (177)
2579          \p{Sentence_Break: CR}  (Short: \p{SB=CR}) (1)
2580          \p{Sentence_Break: EX}  \p{Sentence_Break=Extend} (1455)
2581          \p{Sentence_Break: Extend} (Short: \p{SB=EX}) (1455)
2582          \p{Sentence_Break: FO}  \p{Sentence_Break=Format} (138)
2583          \p{Sentence_Break: Format} (Short: \p{SB=FO}) (138)
2584          \p{Sentence_Break: LE}  \p{Sentence_Break=OLetter} (96_405)
2585          \p{Sentence_Break: LF}  (Short: \p{SB=LF}) (1)
2586          \p{Sentence_Break: LO}  \p{Sentence_Break=Lower} (1907)
2587          \p{Sentence_Break: Lower} (Short: \p{SB=LO}) (1907)
2588          \p{Sentence_Break: NU}  \p{Sentence_Break=Numeric} (403)
2589          \p{Sentence_Break: Numeric} (Short: \p{SB=NU}) (403)
2590          \p{Sentence_Break: OLetter} (Short: \p{SB=LE}) (96_405)
2591          \p{Sentence_Break: Other} (Short: \p{SB=XX}) (1_012_008)
2592          \p{Sentence_Break: SC}  \p{Sentence_Break=SContinue} (26)
2593          \p{Sentence_Break: SContinue} (Short: \p{SB=SC}) (26)
2594          \p{Sentence_Break: SE}  \p{Sentence_Break=Sep} (3)
2595          \p{Sentence_Break: Sep} (Short: \p{SB=SE}) (3)
2596          \p{Sentence_Break: Sp}  (Short: \p{SB=Sp}) (21)
2597          \p{Sentence_Break: ST}  \p{Sentence_Break=STerm} (63)
2598          \p{Sentence_Break: STerm} (Short: \p{SB=ST}) (63)
2599          \p{Sentence_Break: UP}  \p{Sentence_Break=Upper} (1500)
2600          \p{Sentence_Break: Upper} (Short: \p{SB=UP}) (1500)
2601          \p{Sentence_Break: XX}  \p{Sentence_Break=Other} (1_012_008)
2602          \p{Separator}           \p{General_Category=Separator} (Short:
2603                                    \p{Z}) (20)
2604          \p{Shavian}             \p{Script=Shavian} (Short: \p{Shaw}) (48)
2605          \p{Shaw}                \p{Shavian} (= \p{Script=Shavian}) (48)
2606          \p{Sinh}                \p{Sinhala} (= \p{Script=Sinhala}) (NOT
2607                                    \p{Block=Sinhala}) (80)
2608          \p{Sinhala}             \p{Script=Sinhala} (Short: \p{Sinh}; NOT
2609                                    \p{Block=Sinhala}) (80)
2610          \p{Sk}                  \p{Modifier_Symbol} (=
2611                                    \p{General_Category=Modifier_Symbol})
2612                                    (99)
2613          \p{Sm}                  \p{Math_Symbol} (= \p{General_Category=
2614                                    Math_Symbol}) (945)
2615        X \p{Small_Form_Variants} \p{Block=Small_Form_Variants} (32)
2616          \p{So}                  \p{Other_Symbol} (= \p{General_Category=
2617                                    Other_Symbol}) (3409)
2618          \p{Soft_Dotted}         \p{Soft_Dotted=Y} (Short: \p{SD}) (46)
2619          \p{Soft_Dotted: N*}     (Short: \p{SD=N}, \P{SD}) (1_114_066)
2620          \p{Soft_Dotted: Y*}     (Short: \p{SD=Y}, \p{SD}) (46)
2621          \p{Space}               \p{White_Space=Y} \s including beyond
2622                                    ASCII plus vertical tab (26)
2623          \p{Space: *}            \p{White_Space: *}
2624          \p{Space_Separator}     \p{General_Category=Space_Separator}
2625                                    (Short: \p{Zs}) (18)
2626          \p{SpacePerl}           \s, including beyond ASCII (25)
2627          \p{Spacing_Mark}        \p{General_Category=Spacing_Mark} (Short:
2628                                    \p{Mc}) (276)
2629        X \p{Spacing_Modifier_Letters} \p{Block=Spacing_Modifier_Letters}
2630                                    (80)
2631        X \p{Specials}            \p{Block=Specials} (16)
2632          \p{STerm}               \p{STerm=Y} (66)
2633          \p{STerm: N*}           (Single: \P{STerm}) (1_114_046)
2634          \p{STerm: Y*}           (Single: \p{STerm}) (66)
2635          \p{Sund}                \p{Sundanese} (= \p{Script=Sundanese})
2636                                    (NOT \p{Block=Sundanese}) (55)
2637          \p{Sundanese}           \p{Script=Sundanese} (Short: \p{Sund}; NOT
2638                                    \p{Block=Sundanese}) (55)
2639        X \p{Superscripts_And_Subscripts} \p{Block=
2640                                    Superscripts_And_Subscripts} (48)
2641        X \p{Supplemental_Arrows_A} \p{Block=Supplemental_Arrows_A} (16)
2642        X \p{Supplemental_Arrows_B} \p{Block=Supplemental_Arrows_B} (128)
2643        X \p{Supplemental_Mathematical_Operators} \p{Block=
2644                                    Supplemental_Mathematical_Operators}
2645                                    (256)
2646        X \p{Supplemental_Punctuation} \p{Block=Supplemental_Punctuation}
2647                                    (128)
2648        X \p{Supplementary_Private_Use_Area_A} \p{Block=
2649                                    Supplementary_Private_Use_Area_A}
2650                                    (65_536)
2651        X \p{Supplementary_Private_Use_Area_B} \p{Block=
2652                                    Supplementary_Private_Use_Area_B}
2653                                    (65_536)
2654          \p{Surrogate}           \p{General_Category=Surrogate} (Short:
2655                                    \p{Cs}) (2048)
2656          \p{Sylo}                \p{Syloti_Nagri} (= \p{Script=
2657                                    Syloti_Nagri}) (NOT \p{Block=
2658                                    Syloti_Nagri}) (44)
2659          \p{Syloti_Nagri}        \p{Script=Syloti_Nagri} (Short: \p{Sylo};
2660                                    NOT \p{Block=Syloti_Nagri}) (44)
2661          \p{Symbol}              \p{General_Category=Symbol} (Short: \p{S})
2662                                    (4499)
2663          \p{Syrc}                \p{Syriac} (= \p{Script=Syriac}) (NOT
2664                                    \p{Block=Syriac}) (77)
2665          \p{Syriac}              \p{Script=Syriac} (Short: \p{Syrc}; NOT
2666                                    \p{Block=Syriac}) (77)
2667          \p{Tagalog}             \p{Script=Tagalog} (Short: \p{Tglg}; NOT
2668                                    \p{Block=Tagalog}) (20)
2669          \p{Tagb}                \p{Tagbanwa} (= \p{Script=Tagbanwa}) (NOT
2670                                    \p{Block=Tagbanwa}) (18)
2671          \p{Tagbanwa}            \p{Script=Tagbanwa} (Short: \p{Tagb}; NOT
2672                                    \p{Block=Tagbanwa}) (18)
2673        X \p{Tags}                \p{Block=Tags} (128)
2674          \p{Tai_Le}              \p{Script=Tai_Le} (Short: \p{Tale}; NOT
2675                                    \p{Block=Tai_Le}) (35)
2676          \p{Tai_Tham}            \p{Script=Tai_Tham} (Short: \p{Lana}; NOT
2677                                    \p{Block=Tai_Tham}) (127)
2678          \p{Tai_Viet}            \p{Script=Tai_Viet} (Short: \p{Tavt}; NOT
2679                                    \p{Block=Tai_Viet}) (72)
2680        X \p{Tai_Xuan_Jing_Symbols} \p{Block=Tai_Xuan_Jing_Symbols} (96)
2681          \p{Tale}                \p{Tai_Le} (= \p{Script=Tai_Le}) (NOT
2682                                    \p{Block=Tai_Le}) (35)
2683          \p{Talu}                \p{New_Tai_Lue} (= \p{Script=New_Tai_Lue})
2684                                    (NOT \p{Block=New_Tai_Lue}) (83)
2685          \p{Tamil}               \p{Script=Tamil} (Short: \p{Taml}; NOT
2686                                    \p{Block=Tamil}) (72)
2687          \p{Taml}                \p{Tamil} (= \p{Script=Tamil}) (NOT
2688                                    \p{Block=Tamil}) (72)
2689          \p{Tavt}                \p{Tai_Viet} (= \p{Script=Tai_Viet}) (NOT
2690                                    \p{Block=Tai_Viet}) (72)
2691          \p{Telu}                \p{Telugu} (= \p{Script=Telugu}) (NOT
2692                                    \p{Block=Telugu}) (93)
2693          \p{Telugu}              \p{Script=Telugu} (Short: \p{Telu}; NOT
2694                                    \p{Block=Telugu}) (93)
2695          \p{Term}                \p{Terminal_Punctuation} (=
2696                                    \p{Terminal_Punctuation=Y}) (161)
2697          \p{Term: *}             \p{Terminal_Punctuation: *}
2698          \p{Terminal_Punctuation} \p{Terminal_Punctuation=Y} (Short:
2699                                    \p{Term}) (161)
2700          \p{Terminal_Punctuation: N*} (Short: \p{Term=N}, \P{Term})
2701                                    (1_113_951)
2702          \p{Terminal_Punctuation: Y*} (Short: \p{Term=Y}, \p{Term}) (161)
2703          \p{Tfng}                \p{Tifinagh} (= \p{Script=Tifinagh}) (NOT
2704                                    \p{Block=Tifinagh}) (55)
2705          \p{Tglg}                \p{Tagalog} (= \p{Script=Tagalog}) (NOT
2706                                    \p{Block=Tagalog}) (20)
2707          \p{Thaa}                \p{Thaana} (= \p{Script=Thaana}) (NOT
2708                                    \p{Block=Thaana}) (50)
2709          \p{Thaana}              \p{Script=Thaana} (Short: \p{Thaa}; NOT
2710                                    \p{Block=Thaana}) (50)
2711          \p{Thai}                \p{Script=Thai} (NOT \p{Block=Thai}) (86)
2712          \p{Tibetan}             \p{Script=Tibetan} (Short: \p{Tibt}; NOT
2713                                    \p{Block=Tibetan}) (201)
2714          \p{Tibt}                \p{Tibetan} (= \p{Script=Tibetan}) (NOT
2715                                    \p{Block=Tibetan}) (201)
2716          \p{Tifinagh}            \p{Script=Tifinagh} (Short: \p{Tfng}; NOT
2717                                    \p{Block=Tifinagh}) (55)
2718          \p{Title}               \p{General_Category=Titlecase_Letter}
2719                                    (Short: \p{Lt}) (31)
2720          \p{Titlecase_Letter}    \p{Title} (= \p{General_Category=
2721                                    Titlecase_Letter}) (31)
2722          \p{Ugar}                \p{Ugaritic} (= \p{Script=Ugaritic}) (NOT
2723                                    \p{Block=Ugaritic}) (31)
2724          \p{Ugaritic}            \p{Script=Ugaritic} (Short: \p{Ugar}; NOT
2725                                    \p{Block=Ugaritic}) (31)
2726          \p{UIdeo}               \p{Unified_Ideograph} (=
2727                                    \p{Unified_Ideograph=Y}) (74_394)
2728          \p{UIdeo: *}            \p{Unified_Ideograph: *}
2729          \p{Unassigned}          \p{General_Category=Unassigned} (Short:
2730                                    \p{Cn}) (867_235)
2731        X \p{Unified_Canadian_Aboriginal_Syllabics} \p{Block=
2732                                    Unified_Canadian_Aboriginal_Syllabics}
2733                                    (Short: \p{InCanadianSyllabics}) (640)
2734        X \p{Unified_Canadian_Aboriginal_Syllabics_Extended} \p{Block=
2735                                    Unified_Canadian_Aboriginal_Syllabics_-
2736                                    Extended} (80)
2737          \p{Unified_Ideograph}   \p{Unified_Ideograph=Y} (Short: \p{UIdeo})
2738                                    (74_394)
2739          \p{Unified_Ideograph: N*} (Short: \p{UIdeo=N}, \P{UIdeo})
2740                                    (1_039_718)
2741          \p{Unified_Ideograph: Y*} (Short: \p{UIdeo=Y}, \p{UIdeo}) (74_394)
2742          \p{Unknown}             \p{Script=Unknown} (Short: \p{Zzzz})
2743                                    (1_006_751)
2744          \p{Upper}               \p{Uppercase=Y} (1469)
2745          \p{Upper: *}            \p{Uppercase: *}
2746          \p{Uppercase}           \p{Upper} (= \p{Uppercase=Y}) (1469)
2747          \p{Uppercase: N*}       (Short: \p{Upper=N}, \P{Upper}) (1_112_643)
2748          \p{Uppercase: Y*}       (Short: \p{Upper=Y}, \p{Upper}) (1469)
2749          \p{Uppercase_Letter}    \p{General_Category=Uppercase_Letter}
2750                                    (Short: \p{Lu}) (1427)
2751          \p{Vai}                 \p{Script=Vai} (NOT \p{Block=Vai}) (300)
2752          \p{Vaii}                \p{Vai} (= \p{Script=Vai}) (NOT \p{Block=
2753                                    Vai}) (300)
2754          \p{Variation_Selector}  \p{Variation_Selector=Y} (Short: \p{VS})
2755                                    (259)
2756          \p{Variation_Selector: N*} (Short: \p{VS=N}, \P{VS}) (1_113_853)
2757          \p{Variation_Selector: Y*} (Short: \p{VS=Y}, \p{VS}) (259)
2758        X \p{Variation_Selectors} \p{Block=Variation_Selectors} (16)
2759        X \p{Variation_Selectors_Supplement} \p{Block=
2760                                    Variation_Selectors_Supplement} (240)
2761        X \p{Vedic_Extensions}    \p{Block=Vedic_Extensions} (48)
2762        X \p{Vertical_Forms}      \p{Block=Vertical_Forms} (16)
2763          \p{VertSpace}           \v (7)
2764          \p{VS}                  \p{Variation_Selector} (=
2765                                    \p{Variation_Selector=Y}) (259)
2766          \p{VS: *}               \p{Variation_Selector: *}
2767          \p{WB: *}               \p{Word_Break: *}
2768          \p{White_Space}         \p{White_Space=Y} (Short: \p{WSpace}) (26)
2769          \p{White_Space: N*}     (Short: \p{Space=N}, \P{WSpace})
2770                                    (1_114_086)
2771          \p{White_Space: Y*}     (Short: \p{Space=Y}, \p{WSpace}) (26)
2772          \p{Word}                \w, including beyond ASCII (101_685)
2773          \p{Word_Break: ALetter} (Short: \p{WB=LE}) (23_694)
2774          \p{Word_Break: CR}      (Short: \p{WB=CR}) (1)
2775          \p{Word_Break: EX}      \p{Word_Break=ExtendNumLet} (10)
2776          \p{Word_Break: Extend}  (Short: \p{WB=Extend}) (1455)
2777          \p{Word_Break: ExtendNumLet} (Short: \p{WB=EX}) (10)
2778          \p{Word_Break: FO}      \p{Word_Break=Format} (137)
2779          \p{Word_Break: Format}  (Short: \p{WB=FO}) (137)
2780          \p{Word_Break: KA}      \p{Word_Break=Katakana} (309)
2781          \p{Word_Break: Katakana} (Short: \p{WB=KA}) (309)
2782          \p{Word_Break: LE}      \p{Word_Break=ALetter} (23_694)
2783          \p{Word_Break: LF}      (Short: \p{WB=LF}) (1)
2784          \p{Word_Break: MB}      \p{Word_Break=MidNumLet} (8)
2785          \p{Word_Break: MidLetter} (Short: \p{WB=ML}) (8)
2786          \p{Word_Break: MidNum}  (Short: \p{WB=MN}) (15)
2787          \p{Word_Break: MidNumLet} (Short: \p{WB=MB}) (8)
2788          \p{Word_Break: ML}      \p{Word_Break=MidLetter} (8)
2789          \p{Word_Break: MN}      \p{Word_Break=MidNum} (15)
2790          \p{Word_Break: Newline} (Short: \p{WB=NL}) (5)
2791          \p{Word_Break: NL}      \p{Word_Break=Newline} (5)
2792          \p{Word_Break: NU}      \p{Word_Break=Numeric} (402)
2793          \p{Word_Break: Numeric} (Short: \p{WB=NU}) (402)
2794          \p{Word_Break: Other}   (Short: \p{WB=XX}) (1_088_067)
2795          \p{Word_Break: XX}      \p{Word_Break=Other} (1_088_067)
2796          \p{WSpace}              \p{White_Space} (= \p{White_Space=Y}) (26)
2797          \p{WSpace: *}           \p{White_Space: *}
2798          \p{XDigit}              \p{Hex_Digit=Y} (Short: \p{Hex}) (44)
2799          \p{XID_Continue}        \p{XID_Continue=Y} (Short: \p{XIDC})
2800                                    (101_615)
2801          \p{XID_Continue: N*}    (Short: \p{XIDC=N}, \P{XIDC}) (1_012_497)
2802          \p{XID_Continue: Y*}    (Short: \p{XIDC=Y}, \p{XIDC}) (101_615)
2803          \p{XID_Start}           \p{XID_Start=Y} (Short: \p{XIDS}) (99_741)
2804          \p{XID_Start: N*}       (Short: \p{XIDS=N}, \P{XIDS}) (1_014_371)
2805          \p{XID_Start: Y*}       (Short: \p{XIDS=Y}, \p{XIDS}) (99_741)
2806          \p{XIDC}                \p{XID_Continue} (= \p{XID_Continue=Y})
2807                                    (101_615)
2808          \p{XIDC: *}             \p{XID_Continue: *}
2809          \p{XIDS}                \p{XID_Start} (= \p{XID_Start=Y}) (99_741)
2810          \p{XIDS: *}             \p{XID_Start: *}
2811          \p{Xpeo}                \p{Old_Persian} (= \p{Script=Old_Persian})
2812                                    (NOT \p{Block=Old_Persian}) (50)
2813          \p{Xsux}                \p{Cuneiform} (= \p{Script=Cuneiform})
2814                                    (NOT \p{Block=Cuneiform}) (982)
2815          \p{Yi}                  \p{Script=Yi} (1220)
2816        X \p{Yi_Radicals}         \p{Block=Yi_Radicals} (64)
2817        X \p{Yi_Syllables}        \p{Block=Yi_Syllables} (1168)
2818          \p{Yiii}                \p{Yi} (= \p{Script=Yi}) (1220)
2819        X \p{Yijing_Hexagram_Symbols} \p{Block=Yijing_Hexagram_Symbols} (64)
2820          \p{Z}                   \p{Separator} (= \p{General_Category=
2821                                    Separator}) (20)
2822          \p{Zinh}                \p{Inherited} (= \p{Script=Inherited})
2823                                    (523)
2824          \p{Zl}                  \p{Line_Separator} (= \p{General_Category=
2825                                    Line_Separator}) (1)
2826          \p{Zp}                  \p{Paragraph_Separator} (=
2827                                    \p{General_Category=
2828                                    Paragraph_Separator}) (1)
2829          \p{Zs}                  \p{Space_Separator} (=
2830                                    \p{General_Category=Space_Separator})
2831                                    (18)
2832          \p{Zyyy}                \p{Common} (= \p{Script=Common}) (5395)
2833          \p{Zzzz}                \p{Unknown} (= \p{Script=Unknown})
2834                                    (1_006_751)
2835        T \p{_CanonDCIJ}          (For internal use by Perl, not necessarily
2836                                    stable) (= \p{Soft_Dotted=Y}) (46)
2837        T \p{_Case_Ignorable}     (For internal use by Perl, not necessarily
2838                                    stable) (= \p{Case_Ignorable=Y}) (1632)
2839        T \p{_CombAbove}          (For internal use by Perl, not necessarily
2840                                    stable) (= \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=
2841                                    Above}) (318)
2842        T \p{_X_Begin}            (For internal use by Perl, not necessarily
2843                                    stable) (1_113_907)
2844        T \p{_X_Extend}           (For internal use by Perl, not necessarily
2845                                    stable) (1462)
2846        T \p{_X_LV_LVT_V}         (For internal use by Perl, not necessarily
2847                                    stable) (11_267)
2849   Legal \p{} and \P{} constructs that match no characters
2850       Unicode has some property-value pairs that currently don't match
2851       anything.  This happens generally either because they are obsolete, or
2852       for symmetry with other forms, but no language has yet been encoded
2853       that uses them.  In this version of Unicode, the following match zero
2854       code points:
2856       \p{Canonical_Combining_Class=Attached_Below_Left}
2857       \p{Joining_Type=Left_Joining}

Properties not accessible through \p{} and \P{}

2860       A few properties are accessible in Perl via various function calls
2861       only.  These are:
2862        Lowercase_Mapping          lc() and lcfirst()
2863        Titlecase_Mapping          ucfirst()
2864        Uppercase_Mapping          uc()
2866       Case_Folding is accessible through the /i modifier in regular
2867       expressions.
2869       The Name property is accessible through the \N{} interpolation in
2870       double-quoted strings and regular expressions, but both usages require
2871       a "use charnames;" to be specified, which also contains related
2872       functions viacode() and vianame().

Unicode regular expression properties that are NOT accepted by Perl

2875       Perl will generate an error for a few character properties in Unicode
2876       when used in a regular expression.  The non-Unihan ones are listed
2877       below, with the reasons they are not accepted, perhaps with work-
2878       arounds.  The short names for the properties are listed enclosed in
2879       (parentheses).
2881       Expands_On_NFC (XO_NFC)
2882       Expands_On_NFD (XO_NFD)
2883       Expands_On_NFKC (XO_NFKC)
2884       Expands_On_NFKD (XO_NFKD)
2885           Easily computed, and yet doesn't cover the common encoding forms
2886           (UTF-16/8)
2888       Grapheme_Link (Gr_Link)
2889           Deprecated by Unicode.  Use ccc=vr
2890           (Canonical_Combining_Class=Virama) instead
2892       Jamo_Short_Name (JSN)
2893           Used by Unicode internally for generating other properties and not
2894           intended to be used stand-alone
2896       Script=Katakana_Or_Hiragana (sc=Hrkt)
2897           Obsolete.  All code points previously matched by this have been
2898           moved to "Script=Common"
2900       An installation can choose to allow any of these to be matched by
2901       changing the controlling lists contained in the program
2902       $Config{privlib}/unicore/lib/unicore/mktables and then re-running
2903       lib/unicore/mktables.  (%Config is available from the Config module).

Files in the To directory (for serious hackers only)

2906       All Unicode properties are really mappings (in the mathematical sense)
2907       from code points to their respective values.  As part of its build
2908       process, Perl constructs tables containing these mappings for all
2909       properties that it deals with.  But only a few of these are written out
2910       into files.  Those written out are in the directory
2911       $Config{privlib}/unicore/To/ (%Config is available from the Config
2912       module).
2914       Those ones written are ones needed by Perl internally during execution,
2915       or for which there is some demand, and those for which there is no
2916       access through the Perl core.  Generally, properties that can be used
2917       in regular expression matching do not have their map tables written,
2918       like Script.  Nor are the simplistic properties that have a better,
2919       more complete version, such as Simple_Uppercase_Mapping
2920       (Uppercase_Mapping is written instead).
2922       None of the properties in the To directory are currently directly
2923       accessible through the Perl core, although some may be accessed
2924       indirectly.  For example, the uc() function implements the
2925       Uppercase_Mapping property and uses the Upper.pl file found in this
2926       directory.
2928       The available files with their properties (short names in parentheses),
2929       and any flags or comments about them, are:
2931          Bmg.pl           Bidi_Mirroring_Glyph (bmg)
2932          Digit.pl         Perl_Decimal_Digit
2933          Fold.pl          Case_Folding (cf)
2934          Lower.pl         Lowercase_Mapping (lc)
2935          NFKCCF.pl        NFKC_Casefold (NFKC_CF)
2936          Title.pl         Titlecase_Mapping (tc)
2937          Upper.pl         Uppercase_Mapping (uc)
2939       An installation can choose to change which files are generated by
2940       changing the controlling lists contained in the program
2941       $Config{privlib}/unicore/lib/unicore/mktables and then re-running
2942       lib/unicore/mktables.
2944       Each of these files defines two hash entries to help reading programs
2945       decipher it.  One of them looks like this:
2947           $utf8::SwashInfo{'ToNAME'}{'format'} = 's';
2949       where 'NAME' is a name to indicate the property.  For backwards
2950       compatibility, this is not necessarily the property's official Unicode
2951       name.  (The 'To' is also for backwards compatibility.)  The hash entry
2952       gives the format of the mapping fields of the table, currently one of
2953       the following:
2955         b    binary
2956         d    single decimal digit
2957         f    floating point number
2958         i    integer
2959         r    rational: an integer or a fraction
2960         s    arbitrary string
2961         x    positive hex whole number; a code point
2963       This format applies only to the entries in the main body of the table.
2964       Entries defined in hashes or ones that are missing from the list can
2965       have a different format.
2967       The value that the missing entries have is given by the other SwashInfo
2968       hash entry line; it looks like this:
2970           $utf8::SwashInfo{'ToNAME'}{'missing'} = 'NaN';
2972       This example line says that any Unicode code points not explicitly
2973       listed in the file have the value 'NaN' under the property indicated by
2974       NAME.  If the value is the special string "<code point>", it means that
2975       the value for any missing code point is the code point itself.  This
2976       happens, for example, in the file for Uppercase_Mapping (To/Upper.pl),
2977       in which code points like the character 'A', are missing because the
2978       uppercase of 'A' is itself.


2981       <http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr44/>
2983       perlrecharclass
2985       perlunicode
2989perl v5.12.4                      2011-11-04                   PERLUNIPROPS(1)