1QMON(1) Grid Engine User Commands QMON(1)
6 qmon - X-Windows OSF/Motif graphical user's interface for Grid Engine
9 qmon [options]
12 Qmon allows administrators and users to manipulate the Grid Engine sys‐
13 tem from an X-Window environment. Qmon provides various dialogues
14 linked together in multiple ways. For each task the user wishes to
15 accomplish via qmon a corresponding dialogue is provided. There are
16 multiple ways to address the proper dialogue for a certain task:
18 · The qmon main window that comes up first on start-up contains icon
19 buttons for all major administrative and user tasks. A functionality
20 tooltip is displayed when pointing at the different icons.
22 · A Task pulldown menu button appears in the qmon main window menu
23 bar. Clicking on it opens a list of available tasks. Selecting one
24 of them opens the corresponding dialogue.
26 · The Task pulldown menu also contains the key accelerators which can
27 be used to invoke the task dialogues directly from the main window
28 by pressing a certain button sequence on the keyboard.
30 · While navigating through a certain dialogue and its dialogue sub‐
31 hierarchy, links to other dialogues occur whenever a connection
32 between both dialogues is obvious. Pushing the buttons that identify
33 the links opens up the other dialogues.
36 The supported options are the standard X Toolkit options as described
37 in X(1) section Options. Furthermore, qmon supports:
39 -cmap Installs a private color map for qmon. This is sometimes useful
40 if other applications have already allocated lots of colors and
41 if qmon, therefore, prints corresponding error messages. Note,
42 however, that using a private color map will result in color map
43 switches whenever you enter or leave qmon windows.
45 -fontFamily {big|medium|small}
46 Notifies qmon to use different sized font families for different
47 resolution sizes.
49 -help Displays usage information.
51 -nologo
52 Startup without logo.
55 Job Control
56 The Job Control dialogue provides a folder of tabulated lists of the
57 still pending jobs, already running jobs and recently finished jobs.
58 The dialogue allows for detailed information on the jobs as well as for
59 the deletion and suspension of jobs being selected. In addition the
60 job control dialogue offers links to the Submit dialogue in order to
61 submit new jobs or to change attributes of pending jobs (Qalter but‐
62 ton). The shown displayed fields in the tabular display and the jobs
63 displayed can be customized by pressing the Customize button. This cus‐
64 tomization can be saved to the ~/.qmon_preferences file and is used on
65 following startups for the initial configuration of the Job Control
66 dialogue.
69 Queue Control
70 The Queue Control dialogue with its sub-dialogue hierarchy enables the
71 user to control the status of the Grid Engine queues being actually
72 configured in the system and allows the administrator to add new queues
73 or to modify or delete already existing ones. The Queue Control dia‐
74 logue shows a tabbed view of Cluster Queues or their corresponding
75 Queue Instances in a tabular way.
77 By pushing the Add, Clone or Modify button, a sub-dialogue for config‐
78 uring Grid Engine queues is opened. A queue needs to be selected to
79 use the clone and modify operation. The configuration sub-dialogue
80 allows for definition of the queue and its attributes. The configura‐
81 tion sub-dialogue contains in the upper section the queue name and a
82 list of hosts or hostgroups for which this queue contains the configu‐
83 ration. The lower section contains a list of hosts or hostgroups at
84 the left, where the default attributes are shown when the "@/" entry is
85 highlighted. These default attributes can be overruled on a hostgroup
86 or host basis by enabling attributes and changing their values after
87 this hostgroup or host entry has been added in the "Attributes for
88 Host/Hostgroup" listbox. The queue configuration parameters (see
89 queue_conf(5)) are subdivided in different categories (General Configu‐
90 ration, Execution Methods, Checkpointing, Load/Suspend Thresholds, Lim‐
91 its, Complexes, User Access, Project Access, Subordinate Queues, Own‐
92 ers) which are selectable by the tab widget area presented in the lower
93 region of the queue configuration sub-dialogue. The administrator may
94 select previously configured settings from already existing queues
95 (Clone button). By pushing the Ok button, the definitions are regis‐
96 tered with [22mge_qmaster(8). The Queue Control dialogue can be customized
97 in a similar way as the Job Control dialogue. The settings applied here
98 are also saved in ~/.qmon_preferences.
100 Submit
101 The Job Submission dialogue serves for submitting batch and interactive
102 jobs and is also invoked when changing attributes of pending jobs from
103 the Job Control dialogue explained above (Qalter button). To toggle
104 between batch and interactive jobs please use the Batch/Interactive
105 button at the top of the button column on the right side of the Job
106 Submission screen.
108 The dialogue consists of a folder containing two job preparation dia‐
109 logue pages. The most frequently used parameters in the course of a job
110 submission are offered on the General page. A job script has to be
111 defined, all other fields are optional. If the job demands for specifi‐
112 cation of advanced requirements, the Advanced tab can be used to switch
113 to an enhanced parameter display.
115 If resource requirements are mandatory for the job, the Request
116 Resources icon button has to be used to pop up the Requested Resources
117 sub-dialogue. This sub-dialogue allows for selection of the required
118 resources of the job and for definition of the quantities in which this
119 resources are to be provided. The Available Resources are constituted
120 by those complex attributes being declared requestable (see complex(5)
121 for details). Resource requirements can be made Hard, i.e. they must be
122 met before a job can be started in a queue, or Soft, i.e. they are
123 granted on an as available basis.
125 Closing the Requested Resources sub-dialogue with the done button books
126 the specified requirement for the job. Pushing the Submit button on the
127 top level Submit dialogue submits the job.
129 Complex Config
130 The Complex Config allows the administrator to add new complex
131 attributes or to modify or delete existing ones (see complex(5)). The
132 complex configuration dialogue provides a tabulated list of the complex
133 attribute entries and an input region for the declaration of new or
134 modified entries. The Add button updates the tabulated list with a new
135 attribute. The Modify button changes a highlighted existing entry.
136 The Delete button removes the highlighted attributes. The Load and
137 Save buttons allow saving or reloading the whole attribute list to or
138 from file. The Ok button registers the additional or modified complex
139 attributes with ge_qmaster(8).
141 Host Config
142 Four types of host related lists can be maintained via the Host Config
143 dialogue:
145 Administration Hosts
146 Submit Hosts
147 Host Groups
148 Execution Hosts
150 The host list to be manipulated is selected via clicking at one of the
151 tabs named correspondingly. The first two host lists only provide for
152 adding or deleting entries, thereby allowing administrative or submit
153 permission for the hosts on the lists, or denying it otherwise respec‐
154 tively. The host group list allows the manipulation of host groups.
155 Host groups can reference either other host groups or hosts. The exe‐
156 cution host list entries in addition provide the ability to define
157 scaling factors for the load sensors, consumable complex attributes and
158 access attributes (access, xaccess and projects, xprojects) as
159 described in complex(5). CPU, memory and I/O usage reported for run‐
160 ning jobs can be scaled in addition and the relative performance of a
161 host can be define with the Resource Capability Factor (see
162 host_conf(5)).
164 Cluster Config
165 This dialogue maintains the cluster global configuration as well as
166 host specific derivatives (see ge_conf(5)). When opened, the dialogue
167 displays a selection list for all hosts which have a configuration
168 assigned. The special name "global" refers to the cluster global con‐
169 figuration. By pushing the Add/Modify button a sub-dialogue is opened,
170 which allows for modification of the cluster configuration. For host
171 specific configurations the 'global' host specific configuration fields
172 are set insensitive and only the allowed parameters can be manipulated.
174 Scheduler Config
175 The Scheduler Configuration dialogue provides the means to change the
176 behavior of the Grid Engine scheduler thread part of ge_qmaster(8)
177 process. The dialogue contains a representation for all scheduler con‐
178 figuration parameters as described in sched_conf(5). It is subdivided
179 in the two sections General Parameters and Load Adjustments which can
180 be selected via the corresponding tabs. The Ok button registers any
181 changes with ge_qmaster(8).
183 Calendar Config
184 The Calendar Config allows the administrator to add new calendars or to
185 modify or delete existing ones (see calendar_conf(5)). The dialogue
186 offers a selection list for the existing calendars and displays the
187 configuration of the one being selected. By pushing the Delete button,
188 the selected calendar is deleted from the configuration. Pushing the
189 Add/Modify button will open a calendar configuration dialogue, which
190 allows to create new calendars or which provides the means to change
191 the existing ones. The Ok button registers the additional or modified
192 calendar with ge_qmaster(8).
194 User Config
195 User permissions are controlled via the User Config dialogue. The tab
196 widget in the left section of the dialogue allows for selecting between
198 Configuration of Manager accounts.
199 Configuration of Operator accounts.
200 Definition of Usersets.
201 Definition of User accounts.
203 Those user accounts added to the list of manager or operator accounts
204 are given permission to act as managers or operators respectively when
205 accessing Grid Engine under their own account.
207 The userset lists are used together with the user_lists and xuser_lists
208 host, queue, project and cluster configuration parameters (see
209 queue_conf(5), project(5) and ge_conf(5)) to control access of users to
210 hosts, queues, projects and the entire cluster. A userset is just a
211 collection of user names and UNIX group names. Group names are identi‐
212 fied by prefixing them with a "@" sign. The already defined usersets
213 are displayed in a selection list. These lists can be modified and new
214 lists can be created using the Userset definition dialogue.
216 Usersets can be used as Access List and/or as Department required for
217 the so called Functional Policy and Override Policy (see Ticket Config
218 below).
220 User names can be added to the system as entries to the Grid Engine
221 user database (see user(5)), This can be done with the User sub-dia‐
222 logue.
224 The Tickets button in the button list on the right side of the dialogue
225 opens the Ticket Config dialogue (see below).
227 PE Config
228 Parallel environment (PE) interfaces can be configured with this dia‐
229 logue. PE interfaces are necessary to describe the way how parallel
230 programming environments like PVM (Parallel Virtual Machine), MPI (Mes‐
231 sage Passing Interface) or shared memory parallel systems are to be
232 instantiated and to impose access restrictions onto the PEs. When the
233 dialogue is opened a list of the already configured PEs is displayed
234 together with the current configuration (see ge_pe(5)) of the selected
235 PE interface. To add new PE interfaces or to modify existing ones, an
236 Add and a Modify button is available which opens a PE interface config‐
237 uration sub-dialogue. After applying the changes and quitting this sub-
238 dialogue with the OK button, the new or modified PE interface is regis‐
239 tered with ge_qmaster(8).
241 Checkpoint Config
242 Checkpointing environment interfaces can be configured with this dia‐
243 logue. Checkpointing environments are necessary to describe the
244 attributes which the different checkpointing methods and their deriva‐
245 tives on various operating system platforms supported by Grid Engine
246 have. When the dialogue is opened a list of the already configured
247 checkpointing environments is displayed together with the current con‐
248 figuration (see checkpoint(5)) of the selected checkpointing environ‐
249 ment. To add new checkpointing environment or to modify existing ones,
250 an Add and a Modify button is available which opens a checkpointing
251 environment configuration sub-dialogue. After applying the changes and
252 quitting this sub-dialogue with the OK button, the new or modified
253 checkpointing environment is registered with ge_qmaster(8).
255 Ticket Conf
256 This dialogue offers an overview and editing screen for allocating
257 tickets to the share-based, functional and override scheduling poli‐
258 cies.
260 The Deadline Job button opens the User Conf dialogue box. Please
261 change to the Userset sub-dialogue and select the userset named "dead‐
262 lineusers". Only users of this userset may submit deadline jobs.
264 The Share Tree Policy button opens the dialogue for creating and edit‐
265 ing the Grid Engine share tree (see share_tree(5) and schedd_conf(5)
266 for a description of the configuration parameters).
268 The Functional Policy button opens the dialogue for creating and edit‐
269 ing the allocation of the functional shares (see sched_conf(5),
270 access_list(5), project(5), queue_conf(5) and user(5) for a description
271 of the different types of functional shares and the configurable
272 weighting parameters).
274 The Override Policy button opens the dialogue for creating and editing
275 the allocation of override tickets (see access_list(5), project(5),
276 queue_conf(5) and user(5) for a description of the different types of
277 override tickets).
279 Project Conf
280 This button opens a dialog for creating projects.
281 The dialogue offers a selection list for the existing projects and dis‐
282 plays the configuration of the one being selected. By pushing the
283 Delete button, the selected project is deleted from the configuration.
284 Pushing the Add/Modify button will open a project configuration dia‐
285 logue, which allows to create new projects or which provides the means
286 to change the existing ones. Project configuration in essence means
287 giving or denying access to a project for usersets (see User Conf above
288 as well as project(5)). The Ok button registers the additional or mod‐
289 ified project with ge_qmaster(8).
291 Browser
292 The Object Browser dialogue's purpose is manifold: First of all, Grid
293 Engine and qmon messages such as notification of error or success con‐
294 cerning a previously taken action can be displayed in the dialogue's
295 output window. Also the standard output and the standard error output
296 of qmon can be diverted to the Object Browser output window.
298 Additionally the Object Browser can be used to display continuous
299 information about Grid Engine objects as the mouse pointer moves over
300 their representation as icons or table entries in other qmon dialogues.
301 Currently, only the display of the configuration of two Grid Engine
302 objects in two separate dialogues is supported:
304 · Queue configurations are displayed as soon as the mouse pointer
305 enters a queue icon in the top level Queue Control dialogue (see
306 above). This facility is activated by pushing the Queue button in
307 the Object Browser dialogue.
309 · Detailed job information is printed as soon as the user moves the
310 mouse pointer over a line in the Job Control dialogue (see above)
311 being assigned to a running or pending job.
313 · Additionally job scheduling information is displayed in the browser
314 if the Why ? button in the Job Control dialogue is pressed. In this
315 case the Browser dialogue is opened implicitly and any scheduling
316 related information is displayed.
318 Exit
319 The Exit icon button is not linked with a dialogue. Its sole purpose is
320 to close all active qmon dialogues and to exit the application.
323 The available resources, their meaning and the syntax to be followed in
324 order to modify them are described in the default qmon resource file
325 (see the section Files below for the location of the resource file).
328 GE_ROOT Specifies the location of the Grid Engine standard con‐
329 figuration files.
331 GE_CELL If set, specifies the default Grid Engine cell. To
332 address a Grid Engine cell qmon uses (in the order of
333 precedence):
335 The name of the cell specified in the environment
336 variable GE_CELL, if it is set.
338 The name of the default cell, i.e. default.
341 GE_DEBUG_LEVEL If set, specifies that debug information should be writ‐
342 ten to stderr. In addition the level of detail in which
343 debug information is generated is defined.
346 If set, specifies the tcp port on which ge_qmaster(8) is
347 expected to listen for communication requests. Most
348 installations will use a services map entry instead to
349 define that port.
352 If the line to be entered in an editing window is longer than the width
353 of the window, then the text just runs off the end of the window.
356 <ge_root>/qmon/Qmon Qmon sample resources file
357 /usr/lib/X11/defaults/Qmon Qmon system resources file
358 $HOME/Qmon Qmon user resources file
359 $HOME/.qmon_preferences Qmon job/queue customization file
363 ge_intro(1), ge_conf(5), access_list(5), ge_pe(5), calendar_conf(5),
364 complex(5), project(5), queue_conf(5), sched_conf(5), user(5), ge_qmas‐
365 ter(8).
368 See ge_intro(1) and the information provided in
369 <ge_root>/3rd_party/qmon for a statement of further rights and permis‐
370 sions and for credits to be given to public domain and freeware widget
371 developers.
375GE 6.2u5 $Date: 2008/05/05 09:03:33 $ QMON(1)