1TCRMGR(1) Tokyo Tyrant TCRMGR(1)
6 tcrmgr - the command line utility of the remote database API
10 The command `tcrmgr' is a utility for test and debugging of the remote
11 database API and its applications. `host' specifies the host name of
12 the server. `key' specifies the key of a record. `value' specifies
13 the value of a record. `params' specifies the tuning parameters.
14 `dpath' specifies the destination file. `func specifies the name of
15 the function. `arg' specifies the arguments of the function. `file'
16 specifies the input file. `upath' specifies the update log directory.
17 `mhost' specifies the host name of the replication master. `url' spec‐
18 ifies the target URL.
20 tcrmgr inform [-port num] [-st] host
21 Print miscellaneous information to the standard output.
22 tcrmgr put [-port num] [-sx] [-sep chr] [-dk|-dc|-dai|-dad] host
23 key value
24 Store a record.
25 tcrmgr out [-port num] [-sx] [-sep chr] host key
26 Remove a record.
27 tcrmgr get [-port num] [-sx] [-sep chr] [-px] [-pz] host key
28 Print the value of a record.
29 tcrmgr mget [-port num] [-sx] [-sep chr] [-px] host [key...]
30 Print keys and values of multiple records.
31 tcrmgr list [-port num] [-sep chr] [-m num] [-pv] [-px] [-fm
32 str] host
33 Print keys of all records, separated by line feeds.
34 tcrmgr ext [-port num] [-xlr|-xlg] [-sx] [-sep chr] [-px] host
35 func [key [value]]
36 Call a script language extension function.
37 tcrmgr sync [-port num] host
38 Synchronize updated contents with the database file.
39 tcrmgr optimize [-port num] host [params]
40 Optimize the database file.
41 tcrmgr vanish [-port num] host
42 Remove all records.
43 tcrmgr copy [-port num] host dpath
44 Copy the database file.
45 tcrmgr misc [-port num] [-mnu] [-sx] [-sep chr] [-px] host func
46 [arg...]
47 Call a versatile function for miscellaneous operations.
48 tcrmgr importtsv [-port num] [-nr] [-sc] host [file]
49 Store records of TSV in each line of a file.
50 tcrmgr restore [-port num] [-ts num] [-rcc] host upath
51 Restore the database with update log.
52 tcrmgr setmst [-port num] [-mport num] [-ts num] [-rcc] host
53 [mhost]
54 Set the replication master.
55 tcrmgr repl [-port num] [-ts num] [-sid num] [-ph] host
56 Replicate the update log.
57 tcrmgr http [-ah name value] [-ih] url
58 Fetch the resource of a URL by HTTP.
59 tcrmgr version
60 Print the version information of Tokyo Tyrant.
62 Options feature the following.
64 -port num : specify the port number.
65 -st : print miscellaneous status data.
66 -sx : input data is evaluated as a hexadecimal data string.
67 -sep chr : specify the separator of the input data.
68 -dk : use the function `tcrdbputkeep' instead of `tcrdbput'.
69 -dc : use the function `tcrdbputcat' instead of `tcrdbput'.
70 -dai : use the function `tcrdbaddint' instead of `tcrdbput'.
71 -dad : use the function `tcrdbadddouble' instead of `tcrdbput'.
72 -px : output data is converted into a hexadecimal data string.
73 -pz : do not append line feed at the end of the output.
74 -m num : specify the maximum number of the output.
75 -pv : print values of records also.
76 -fm str : specify the prefix of keys.
77 -xlr : perform record locking.
78 -xlg : perform global locking.
79 -mnu : omit the update log.
80 -nr : use the function `tcrdbputnr' instead of `tcrdbput'.
81 -sc : normalize keys as lower cases.
82 -mport num : specify the port number of the replication master.
83 -ts num : specify the beginning time stamp.
84 -rcc : check consistency of replication.
85 -sid num : specify the self server ID.
86 -ph : print human-readable data.
87 -ah name value : add a request header.
88 -ih : output response headers also.
90 If the port number is not more than 0, UNIX domain socket is used and
91 the path of the socket file is specified by the host parameter. This
92 command returns 0 on success, another on failure.
96 ttserver(1), ttultest(1), ttulmgr(1), tcrtest(1), tcrmttest(1),
97 ttutil(3), tcrdb(3)
101Man Page 2010-01-20 TCRMGR(1)