1ZARAFA-SERVER(1)             Zarafa user reference            ZARAFA-SERVER(1)


6       zarafa-server - Start the Zarafa storage server.


9       zarafa-server [OPTION]


12       The zarafa-server is the Zafara storage server. It contacts a database
13       server and provides services to Zarafa clients. The user base can be
14       retreived from an external source, like LDAP, or can be setup with a
15       separate list of users.
17       After starting, the server keeps listening for connections on the
18       configured TCP port and/or Unix socket.


21       The Zarafa server program takes the following configuration options:
23       --config, -c file
24           Specify the location of the configuration file.
26           Default: /etc/zarafa/server.cfg
28       --foreground, -F
29           Run in the foreground. Normally the server will daemonize and run
30           in the background.
32       --restart-searches, -R
33           Rebuild all search folders. This may take some time and is only
34           needed when your search folders have become out-of-sync with the
35           actual data in the database. The sync will start synchronously at
36           the start of the server, and you will have to wait for all searches
37           to complete before connecting to the server.
39       --ignore-database-version-conflict
40           Ignore version information from the database. Zarafa will normally
41           not start the server if the database has a newer version than the
42           zarafa-server binary. This makes sure you cannot downgrade your
43           server binary while keeping the same database. If you know what
44           you´re doing, you can use this option to bypass the start-up
45           version check of the database.
47       --ignore-attachment-storage-conflict
48           Override the attachment storage option from the configuration file.
49           When you change the option of the location where to store
50           attachments after you´ve already started the zarafa-server once,
51           this location will conflict. Attachments will not be found when
52           they are stored in a different location.
54       --override-multiserver-lock
55           When you upgrade/downgrade from/to multiserver setups, the server
56           will not start, because of database differences. If you know what
57           you´re doing, and want to circumvent this and start the server
58           anyway, you can use this option.
60       --force-database-upgrade
61           The upgrade from 6.x to 7.0 is blocked, since it will take a long
62           time. We provide 2 methods to upgrade the database. One is using
63           the preferred zarafa7-upgrade python script. This is preferred
64           since it shows the upgrade progress, and you can estimate the time
65           it will take for the upgrade to complete. The second option is
66           letting the zarafa-server do the normal upgrade as usual. Pass this
67           option to use this method. The server will only daemonize when the
68           upgrade is complete. Simple progress can be followed in the log
69           output of the server.
71       -V
72           Print the version and exit.
74       When invoked with no options, the server will search for a
75       configuration file in /etc/zarafa/server.cfg. If no configuration file
76       is found, default values are used. See zarafa-server.cfg(5) for all
77       configuration options and their default values.


80       Starting the server with an alternative configuration:
82       zarafa-server -c /path/to/server.cfg
84       You may also use the init.d scripts:
86       /etc/init.d/zarafa-server [start| stop| restart]


89       /etc/zarafa/server.cfg
90           The server configuration file.
92       /etc/zarafa/license/base, /etc/zarafa/license/*
93           The base file contains your license key. When you have extra CAL
94           license keys, these are found in the other files available in the
95           license/ directory, one key per file. This directory is
96           configurable.
98       Configuration options for user plugins are in their respective
99       configuration file. The name of these files is set in the server.cfg
100       file. See zarafa-server.cfg(5) for information on the server.cfg
101       settings.


104       If you run into problems, check the log for any errors. If you made a
105       mistake in the configuration of the log method, this will be reported
106       on standard error. You can also restart the server with a higher log
107       level. Also, before starting the server, always make sure the database
108       server is running at the right location and no other server is
109       listening on the configured TCP port.


112       The normal way for user clients to connect to the server is over TCP,
113       either direct using the Zarafa port, or over HTTP when Apache is setup
114       as a proxy. Users can only login with their username and password.
116       The normal way for admin clients, like the spooler and admin tool, to
117       connect to the server is through the Unix socket on Unix type servers.
118       The admin clients are able to login when they are run as root or as the
119       user the Zarafa server process is running as. Most of the time this
120       will be root only, since the Zarafa server process runs as root by
121       default.
123       As an exception for the dagent, a unix user can also connect to it´s
124       own store without a password. Any other store cannot be accessed this
125       way.
127       Direct SSL connections are also possible. The server needs to be
128       configured to accept SSL connections on a new port. Login via an SSL
129       key is also possible. Please read the next section on how to setup SSL.


132       To accept SSL connections directly by the server, the Zarafa server
133       will need to listen on a different port to separate the normal
134       connections from the encrypted connections. This is set in the
135       server_ssl_port setting in the configuration file.
137       Then, you must setup a signed SSL certificate. First, we´ll create a
138       Certificate Authority to be able to sign certificate requests. We
139       provide a script which makes it easy to create certificates on any
140       distribution. This script is located in /usr/share/zarafa, called
141       ssl-certificate.sh. Enter the following commands to create a
142       certificate for the Zarafa server.
144        mkdir -p /etc/zarafa/ssl
145        cd /etc/zarafa/ssl
146        sh /usr/share/zarafa/ssl-certificate.sh server
148       Press enter twice to start the creation of a new CA, probably called
149       demoCA. Enter a password when asked for. This is the password later
150       used to sign certificate requests. Then enter your certificate
151       information. Do not leave the Common Name field blank, otherwise the
152       creation will fail. A good example for the Common Name field is your
153       hostname.
155       Now that we have a CA, we can create self-signed certificates. The
156       script will automatically start the creation of this certificate. The
157       CA certificate must be set in the server.cfg file in the
158       server_ssl_ca_file setting. We need a signed certificate for the server
159       to start with SSL support.
161       Enter a password for the request, and enter the certificate details.
162       Some details need to be different from what you typed when creating the
163       CA. Type at least a different name in the ´Organizational Unit Name´
164       field. The challenge password at the end may be left empty.
166       The script will automatically continue with signing this certificate
167       request. You will need to enter your CA certificate password again to
168       sign this request. Then you must accept the new certificate into the
169       CA.
171       After accepting, a new signed certificate is created, with the name
172       server.pem. This file contains the private key, so keep this file safe.
174       The script will ask if a public key should also be created. Since we´re
175       creating the certificate for the server, this is not needed. So enter
176       ´n´ and press enter.
178       The server.pem file should be set in the server.cfg file in the
179       server_ssl_key_file option. See zarafa-server.cfg(5) for information on
180       the possible SSL settings. The password of this key needs to be set in
181       the server_ssl_key_pass option. Do not forget this password in the
182       server.cfg file, otherwise the zarafa-server program will ask for this
183       password when an SSL connection is accepted.
185       To create a new certificate for a client service, run the script again.
186       You can create one new certificate for all clients, or seperate
187       certificates for each client.
189        sh /usr/share/zarafa/ssl-certificates.sh
191       When typing the certificate information, type at least a different
192       ´Organizational Unit Name´ field. When asked for a public key, type ´y´
193       and enter to create the public key.
195       Install the new service.pem on the server that will be logging in.
196       Install the service-public.pem file in the /etc/zarafa/sslkeys
197       directory:
199        mkdir /etc/zarafa/sslkeys
200        mv service-public.pem /etc/zarafa/sslkeys
202       The remote service, which has the service.pem private key, can now
203       login with the certificate, because the known public key matches.


206       The following signals can be sent to the Zarafa server process:
208       HUP
209           When the HUP signal is received, some options from the
210           configuration file are reloaded. The reloadable options are listed
211           in the zarafa-server.cfg(5) manual page.
213           Also, when using log_method = file, the logfile will be closed and
214           a new logfile will be opened. You can use this signal in your
215           logrotate system.
217       TERM
218           To gracefully let the server exit, the normal TERM signal is used.
219           Because of open sessions by clients it may take up to 60 seconds
220           for the server to completely shutdown.


223       Written by Zarafa.


226       zarafa-server.cfg(5) zarafa-admin(1)
230Zarafa 7.0                        August 2011                 ZARAFA-SERVER(1)