1Layout::PatternLayout(3U)ser Contributed Perl DocumentatiLoanyout::PatternLayout(3)


6       Log::Log4perl::Layout::PatternLayout - Pattern Layout


9         use Log::Log4perl::Layout::PatternLayout;
11         my $layout = Log::Log4perl::Layout::PatternLayout->new(
12                                                          "%d (%F:%L)> %m");


15       Creates a pattern layout according to
16       http://jakarta.apache.org/log4j/docs/api/org/apache/log4j/PatternLayout.html
17       and a couple of Log::Log4perl-specific extensions.
19       The "new()" method creates a new PatternLayout, specifying its log
20       format. The format string can contain a number of placeholders which
21       will be replaced by the logging engine when it's time to log the
22       message:
24           %c Category of the logging event.
25           %C Fully qualified package (or class) name of the caller
26           %d Current date in yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss format
27           %F File where the logging event occurred
28           %H Hostname (if Sys::Hostname is available)
29           %l Fully qualified name of the calling method followed by the
30              callers source the file name and line number between
31              parentheses.
32           %L Line number within the file where the log statement was issued
33           %m The message to be logged
34           %m{chomp} The message to be logged, stripped off a trailing newline
35           %M Method or function where the logging request was issued
36           %n Newline (OS-independent)
37           %p Priority of the logging event (%p{1} shows the first letter)
38           %P pid of the current process
39           %r Number of milliseconds elapsed from program start to logging
40              event
41           %R Number of milliseconds elapsed from last logging event to
42              current logging event
43           %T A stack trace of functions called
44           %x The topmost NDC (see below)
45           %X{key} The entry 'key' of the MDC (see below)
46           %% A literal percent (%) sign
48       NDC and MDC are explained in "Nested Diagnostic Context (NDC)" in
49       Log::Log4perl and "Mapped Diagnostic Context (MDC)" in Log::Log4perl.
51       The granularity of time values is milliseconds if Time::HiRes is
52       available.  If not, only full seconds are used.
54       Every once in a while, someone uses the "%m%n" pattern and additionally
55       provides an extra newline in the log message (e.g.
56       "->log("message\n")". To avoid printing an extra newline in this case,
57       the PatternLayout will chomp the message, printing only one newline.
58       This option can be controlled by PatternLayout's
59       "message_chomp_before_newline" option. See "Advanced options" for
60       details.
62   Quantify placeholders
63       All placeholders can be extended with formatting instructions, just
64       like in printf:
66           %20c   Reserve 20 chars for the category, right-justify and fill
67                  with blanks if it is shorter
68           %-20c  Same as %20c, but left-justify and fill the right side
69                  with blanks
70           %09r   Zero-pad the number of milliseconds to 9 digits
71           %.8c   Specify the maximum field with and have the formatter
72                  cut off the rest of the value
74   Fine-tuning with curlies
75       Some placeholders have special functions defined if you add curlies
76       with content after them:
78           %c{1}  Just show the right-most category compontent, useful in large
79                  class hierarchies (Foo::Baz::Bar -> Bar)
80           %c{2}  Just show the two right most category components
81                  (Foo::Baz::Bar -> Baz::Bar)
83           %F     Display source file including full path
84           %F{1}  Just display filename
85           %F{2}  Display filename and last path component (dir/test.log)
86           %F{3}  Display filename and last two path components (d1/d2/test.log)
88           %M     Display fully qualified method/function name
89           %M{1}  Just display method name (foo)
90           %M{2}  Display method name and last path component (main::foo)
92       In this way, you're able to shrink the displayed category or limit
93       file/path components to save space in your logs.
95   Fine-tune the date
96       If you're not happy with the default %d format for the date which looks
97       like
99           yyyy/MM/DD HH:mm:ss
101       (which is slightly different from Log4j which uses "yyyy-MM-dd
102       HH:mm:ss,SSS") you're free to fine-tune it in order to display only
103       certain characteristics of a date, according to the SimpleDateFormat in
104       the Java World
105       (http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.3/docs/api/java/text/SimpleDateFormat.html):
107           %d{HH:mm}     "23:45" -- Just display hours and minutes
108           %d{yy, EEEE}  "02, Monday" -- Just display two-digit year
109                                         and spelled-out weekday
110       Here's the symbols and their meaning, according to the SimpleDateFormat
111       specification:
113           Symbol   Meaning                 Presentation     Example
114           ------   -------                 ------------     -------
115           G        era designator          (Text)           AD
116           y        year                    (Number)         1996
117           M        month in year           (Text & Number)  July & 07
118           d        day in month            (Number)         10
119           h        hour in am/pm (1-12)    (Number)         12
120           H        hour in day (0-23)      (Number)         0
121           m        minute in hour          (Number)         30
122           s        second in minute        (Number)         55
123           E        day in week             (Text)           Tuesday
124           D        day in year             (Number)         189
125           a        am/pm marker            (Text)           PM
127           (Text): 4 or more pattern letters--use full form, < 4--use short or
128                   abbreviated form if one exists.
130           (Number): the minimum number of digits. Shorter numbers are
131                     zero-padded to this amount. Year is handled
132                     specially; that is, if the count of 'y' is 2, the
133                     Year will be truncated to 2 digits.
135           (Text & Number): 3 or over, use text, otherwise use number.
137       There's also a bunch of pre-defined formats:
139           %d{ABSOLUTE}   "HH:mm:ss,SSS"
140           %d{DATE}       "dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss,SSS"
141           %d{ISO8601}    "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS"
143   Custom cspecs
144       First of all, "cspecs" is short for "conversion specifiers", which is
145       the log4j and the printf(3) term for what Mike is calling
146       "placeholders."  I suggested "cspecs" for this part of the api before I
147       saw that Mike was using "placeholders" consistently in the log4perl
148       documentation.  Ah, the joys of collaboration ;=) --kg
150       If the existing corpus of placeholders/cspecs isn't good enough for
151       you, you can easily roll your own:
153           #'U' a global user-defined cspec
154           log4j.PatternLayout.cspec.U = sub { return "UID: $< "}
156           #'K' cspec local to appndr1                 (pid in hex)
157           log4j.appender.appndr1.layout.cspec.K = sub { return sprintf "%1x", $$}
159           #and now you can use them
160           log4j.appender.appndr1.layout.ConversionPattern = %K %U %m%n
162       The benefit of this approach is that you can define and use the cspecs
163       right next to each other in the config file.
165       If you're an API kind of person, there's also this call:
167           Log::Log4perl::Layout::PatternLayout::
168                           add_global_cspec('Z', sub {'zzzzzzzz'}); #snooze?
170       When the log message is being put together, your anonymous sub will be
171       called with these arguments:
173           ($layout, $message, $category, $priority, $caller_level);
175           layout: the PatternLayout object that called it
176           message: the logging message (%m)
177           category: e.g. groceries.beverages.adult.beer.schlitz
178           priority: e.g. DEBUG|WARN|INFO|ERROR|FATAL
179           caller_level: how many levels back up the call stack you have
180               to go to find the caller
182       Please note that the subroutines you're defining in this way are going
183       to be run in the "main" namespace, so be sure to fully qualify
184       functions and variables if they're located in different packages. Also
185       make sure these subroutines aren't using Log4perl, otherwise Log4perl
186       will enter an infinite recursion.
188       With Log4perl 1.20 and better, cspecs can be written with parameters in
189       curly braces. Writing something like
191           log4perl.appender.Screen.layout.ConversionPattern = %U{user} %U{id} %m%n
193       will cause the cspec function defined for %U to be called twice, once
194       with the parameter 'user' and then again with the parameter 'id', and
195       the placeholders in the cspec string will be replaced with the
196       respective return values.
198       The parameter value is available in the 'curlies' entry of the first
199       parameter passed to the subroutine (the layout object reference).  So,
200       if you wanted to map %U{xxx} to entries in the POE session hash, you'd
201       write something like:
203          log4perl.PatternLayout.cspec.U = sub { \
204            POE::Kernel->get_active_session->get_heap()->{ $_[0]->{curlies} } }
208       This feature means arbitrary perl code can be embedded in the config
209       file.  In the rare case where the people who have access to your config
210       file are different from the people who write your code and shouldn't
211       have execute rights, you might want to set
213           $Log::Log4perl::Config->allow_code(0);
215       before you call init().  Alternatively you can supply a restricted set
216       of Perl opcodes that can be embedded in the config file as described in
217       "Restricting what Opcodes can be in a Perl Hook" in Log::Log4perl.
219   Advanced Options
220       The constructor of the "Log::Log4perl::Layout::PatternLayout" class
221       takes an optional hash reference as a first argument to specify
222       additional options in order to (ab)use it in creative ways:
224         my $layout = Log::Log4perl::Layout::PatternLayout->new(
225           { time_function       => \&my_time_func,
226           },
227           "%d (%F:%L)> %m");
229       Here's a list of parameters:
231       time_function
232           Takes a reference to a function returning the time for the
233           time/date fields, either in seconds since the epoch or as an array,
234           carrying seconds and microseconds, just like
235           "Time::HiRes::gettimeofday" does.
237       message_chomp_before_newline
238           If a layout contains the pattern "%m%n" and the message ends with a
239           newline, PatternLayout will chomp the message, to prevent printing
240           two newlines.  If this is not desired, and you want two newlines in
241           this case, the feature can be turned off by setting the
242           "message_chomp_before_newline" option to a false value:
244             my $layout = Log::Log4perl::Layout::PatternLayout->new(
245                 { message_chomp_before_newline => 0
246                 },
247                 "%d (%F:%L)> %m%n");
249           In a Log4perl configuration file, the feature can be turned off
250           like this:
252               log4perl.appender.App.layout   = PatternLayout
253               log4perl.appender.App.layout.ConversionPattern = %d %m%n
254                 # Yes, I want two newlines
255               log4perl.appender.App.layout.message_chomp_before_newline = 0
257   Getting rid of newlines
258       If your code contains logging statements like
260             # WRONG, don't do that!
261           $logger->debug("Some message\n");
263       then it's usually best to strip the newlines from these calls. As
264       explained in "Logging newlines" in Log::Log4perl, logging statements
265       should never contain newlines, but rely on appender layouts to add
266       necessary newlines instead.
268       If changing the code is not an option, use the special PatternLayout
269       placeholder %m{chomp} to refer to the message excluding a trailing
270       newline:
272           log4perl.appender.App.layout.ConversionPattern = %d %m{chomp}%n
274       This will add a single newline to every message, regardless if it
275       complies with the Log4perl newline guidelines or not (thanks to Tim
276       Bunce for this idea).
279       Copyright 2002-2009 by Mike Schilli <m@perlmeister.com> and Kevin Goess
280       <cpan@goess.org>.
282       This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
283       under the same terms as Perl itself.
287perl v5.12.2                      2010-08-31          Layout::PatternLayout(3)