1Moose::Util::TypeConstrUasienrtsC(o3n)tributed Perl DocuMmoeonstea:t:iUotnil::TypeConstraints(3)


6       Moose::Util::TypeConstraints - Type constraint system for Moose


9         use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;
11         subtype 'Natural'
12             => as 'Int'
13             => where { $_ > 0 };
15         subtype 'NaturalLessThanTen'
16             => as 'Natural'
17             => where { $_ < 10 }
18             => message { "This number ($_) is not less than ten!" };
20         coerce 'Num'
21             => from 'Str'
22               => via { 0+$_ };
24         enum 'RGBColors' => qw(red green blue);
26         no Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;


29       This module provides Moose with the ability to create custom type
30       constraints to be used in attribute definition.
32   Important Caveat
33       This is NOT a type system for Perl 5. These are type constraints, and
34       they are not used by Moose unless you tell it to. No type inference is
35       performed, expressions are not typed, etc. etc. etc.
37       A type constraint is at heart a small "check if a value is valid"
38       function. A constraint can be associated with an attribute. This
39       simplifies parameter validation, and makes your code clearer to read,
40       because you can refer to constraints by name.
42   Slightly Less Important Caveat
43       It is always a good idea to quote your type names.
45       This prevents Perl from trying to execute the call as an indirect
46       object call. This can be an issue when you have a subtype with the same
47       name as a valid class.
49       For instance:
51         subtype DateTime => as Object => where { $_->isa('DateTime') };
53       will just work, while this:
55         use DateTime;
56         subtype DateTime => as Object => where { $_->isa('DateTime') };
58       will fail silently and cause many headaches. The simple way to solve
59       this, as well as future proof your subtypes from classes which have yet
60       to have been created, is to quote the type name:
62         use DateTime;
63         subtype 'DateTime' => as 'Object' => where { $_->isa('DateTime') };
65   Default Type Constraints
66       This module also provides a simple hierarchy for Perl 5 types, here is
67       that hierarchy represented visually.
69         Any
70         Item
71             Bool
72             Maybe[`a]
73             Undef
74             Defined
75                 Value
76                     Str
77                         Num
78                             Int
79                         ClassName
80                         RoleName
81                 Ref
82                     ScalarRef[`a]
83                     ArrayRef[`a]
84                     HashRef[`a]
85                     CodeRef
86                     RegexpRef
87                     GlobRef
88                         FileHandle
89                     Object
91       NOTE: Any type followed by a type parameter "[`a]" can be
92       parameterized, this means you can say:
94         ArrayRef[Int]    # an array of integers
95         HashRef[CodeRef] # a hash of str to CODE ref mappings
96         ScalarRef[Int]   # a reference to an integer
97         Maybe[Str]       # value may be a string, may be undefined
99       If Moose finds a name in brackets that it does not recognize as an
100       existing type, it assumes that this is a class name, for example
101       "ArrayRef[DateTime]".
103       NOTE: Unless you parameterize a type, then it is invalid to include the
104       square brackets. I.e. "ArrayRef[]" will be treated as a new type name,
105       not as a parameterization of "ArrayRef".
107       NOTE: The "Undef" type constraint for the most part works correctly
108       now, but edge cases may still exist, please use it sparingly.
110       NOTE: The "ClassName" type constraint does a complex package existence
111       check. This means that your class must be loaded for this type
112       constraint to pass.
114       NOTE: The "RoleName" constraint checks a string is a package name which
115       is a role, like 'MyApp::Role::Comparable'.
117   Type Constraint Naming
118       Type name declared via this module can only contain alphanumeric
119       characters, colons (:), and periods (.).
121       Since the types created by this module are global, it is suggested that
122       you namespace your types just as you would namespace your modules. So
123       instead of creating a Color type for your My::Graphics module, you
124       would call the type My::Graphics::Types::Color instead.
126   Use with Other Constraint Modules
127       This module can play nicely with other constraint modules with some
128       slight tweaking. The "where" clause in types is expected to be a "CODE"
129       reference which checks it's first argument and returns a boolean. Since
130       most constraint modules work in a similar way, it should be simple to
131       adapt them to work with Moose.
133       For instance, this is how you could use it with
134       Declare::Constraints::Simple to declare a completely new type.
136         type 'HashOfArrayOfObjects',
137             {
138             where => IsHashRef(
139                 -keys   => HasLength,
140                 -values => IsArrayRef(IsObject)
141             )
142         };
144       For more examples see the t/200_examples/004_example_w_DCS.t test file.
146       Here is an example of using Test::Deep and it's non-test related
147       "eq_deeply" function.
149         type 'ArrayOfHashOfBarsAndRandomNumbers'
150             => where {
151                 eq_deeply($_,
152                     array_each(subhashof({
153                         bar           => isa('Bar'),
154                         random_number => ignore()
155                     })))
156               };
158       For a complete example see the t/200_examples/005_example_w_TestDeep.t
159       test file.


162   Type Constraint Constructors
163       The following functions are used to create type constraints.  They will
164       also register the type constraints your create in a global registry
165       that is used to look types up by name.
167       See the "SYNOPSIS" for an example of how to use these.
169       subtype 'Name' => as 'Parent' => where { } ...
170           This creates a named subtype.
172           If you provide a parent that Moose does not recognize, it will
173           automatically create a new class type constraint for this name.
175           When creating a named type, the "subtype" function should either be
176           called with the sugar helpers ("where", "message", etc), or with a
177           name and a hashref of parameters:
179            subtype( 'Foo', { where => ..., message => ... } );
181           The valid hashref keys are "as" (the parent), "where", "message",
182           and "optimize_as".
184       subtype as 'Parent' => where { } ...
185           This creates an unnamed subtype and will return the type constraint
186           meta-object, which will be an instance of
187           Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint.
189           When creating an anonymous type, the "subtype" function should
190           either be called with the sugar helpers ("where", "message", etc),
191           or with just a hashref of parameters:
193            subtype( { where => ..., message => ... } );
195       class_type ($class, ?$options)
196           Creates a new subtype of "Object" with the name $class and the
197           metaclass Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Class.
199       role_type ($role, ?$options)
200           Creates a "Role" type constraint with the name $role and the
201           metaclass Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Role.
203       maybe_type ($type)
204           Creates a type constraint for either "undef" or something of the
205           given type.
207       duck_type ($name, \@methods)
208           This will create a subtype of Object and test to make sure the
209           value "can()" do the methods in "\@methods".
211           This is intended as an easy way to accept non-Moose objects that
212           provide a certain interface. If you're using Moose classes, we
213           recommend that you use a "requires"-only Role instead.
215       duck_type (\@methods)
216           If passed an ARRAY reference as the only parameter instead of the
217           $name, "\@methods" pair, this will create an unnamed duck type.
218           This can be used in an attribute definition like so:
220             has 'cache' => (
221                 is  => 'ro',
222                 isa => duck_type( [qw( get_set )] ),
223             );
225       enum ($name, \@values)
226           This will create a basic subtype for a given set of strings.  The
227           resulting constraint will be a subtype of "Str" and will match any
228           of the items in "\@values". It is case sensitive.  See the
229           "SYNOPSIS" for a simple example.
231           NOTE: This is not a true proper enum type, it is simply a
232           convenient constraint builder.
234       enum (\@values)
235           If passed an ARRAY reference as the only parameter instead of the
236           $name, "\@values" pair, this will create an unnamed enum. This can
237           then be used in an attribute definition like so:
239             has 'sort_order' => (
240                 is  => 'ro',
241                 isa => enum([qw[ ascending descending ]]),
242             );
244       as 'Parent'
245           This is just sugar for the type constraint construction syntax.
247           It takes a single argument, which is the name of a parent type.
249       where { ... }
250           This is just sugar for the type constraint construction syntax.
252           It takes a subroutine reference as an argument. When the type
253           constraint is tested, the reference is run with the value to be
254           tested in $_. This reference should return true or false to
255           indicate whether or not the constraint check passed.
257       message { ... }
258           This is just sugar for the type constraint construction syntax.
260           It takes a subroutine reference as an argument. When the type
261           constraint fails, then the code block is run with the value
262           provided in $_. This reference should return a string, which will
263           be used in the text of the exception thrown.
265       optimize_as { ... }
266           This can be used to define a "hand optimized" version of your type
267           constraint which can be used to avoid traversing a subtype
268           constraint hierarchy.
270           NOTE: You should only use this if you know what you are doing, all
271           the built in types use this, so your subtypes (assuming they are
272           shallow) will not likely need to use this.
274       type 'Name' => where { } ...
275           This creates a base type, which has no parent.
277           The "type" function should either be called with the sugar helpers
278           ("where", "message", etc), or with a name and a hashref of
279           parameters:
281             type( 'Foo', { where => ..., message => ... } );
283           The valid hashref keys are "where", "message", and "optimize_as".
285   Type Constraint Utilities
286       match_on_type $value => ( $type => \&action, ... ?\&default )
287           This is a utility function for doing simple type based dispatching
288           similar to match/case in OCaml and case/of in Haskell. It is not as
289           featureful as those languages, nor does not it support any kind of
290           automatic destructuring bind. Here is a simple Perl pretty printer
291           dispatching over the core Moose types.
293             sub ppprint {
294                 my $x = shift;
295                 match_on_type $x => (
296                     HashRef => sub {
297                         my $hash = shift;
298                         '{ '
299                             . (
300                             join ", " => map { $_ . ' => ' . ppprint( $hash->{$_} ) }
301                                 sort keys %$hash
302                             ) . ' }';
303                     },
304                     ArrayRef => sub {
305                         my $array = shift;
306                         '[ ' . ( join ", " => map { ppprint($_) } @$array ) . ' ]';
307                     },
308                     CodeRef   => sub {'sub { ... }'},
309                     RegexpRef => sub { 'qr/' . $_ . '/' },
310                     GlobRef   => sub { '*' . B::svref_2object($_)->NAME },
311                     Object    => sub { $_->can('to_string') ? $_->to_string : $_ },
312                     ScalarRef => sub { '\\' . ppprint( ${$_} ) },
313                     Num       => sub {$_},
314                     Str       => sub { '"' . $_ . '"' },
315                     Undef     => sub {'undef'},
316                     => sub { die "I don't know what $_ is" }
317                 );
318             }
320           Or a simple JSON serializer:
322             sub to_json {
323                 my $x = shift;
324                 match_on_type $x => (
325                     HashRef => sub {
326                         my $hash = shift;
327                         '{ '
328                             . (
329                             join ", " =>
330                                 map { '"' . $_ . '" : ' . to_json( $hash->{$_} ) }
331                                 sort keys %$hash
332                             ) . ' }';
333                     },
334                     ArrayRef => sub {
335                         my $array = shift;
336                         '[ ' . ( join ", " => map { to_json($_) } @$array ) . ' ]';
337                     },
338                     Num   => sub {$_},
339                     Str   => sub { '"' . $_ . '"' },
340                     Undef => sub {'null'},
341                     => sub { die "$_ is not acceptable json type" }
342                 );
343             }
345           The matcher is done by mapping a $type to an "\&action". The $type
346           can be either a string type or a Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint
347           object, and "\&action" is a subroutine reference. This function
348           will dispatch on the first match for $value. It is possible to have
349           a catch-all by providing an additional subroutine reference as the
350           final argument to "match_on_type".
352   Type Coercion Constructors
353       You can define coercions for type constraints, which allow you to
354       automatically transform values to something valid for the type
355       constraint. If you ask your accessor to coerce, then Moose will run the
356       type-coercion code first, followed by the type constraint check. This
357       feature should be used carefully as it is very powerful and could
358       easily take off a limb if you are not careful.
360       See the "SYNOPSIS" for an example of how to use these.
362       coerce 'Name' => from 'OtherName' => via { ... }
363           This defines a coercion from one type to another. The "Name"
364           argument is the type you are coercing to.
366       from 'OtherName'
367           This is just sugar for the type coercion construction syntax.
369           It takes a single type name (or type object), which is the type
370           being coerced from.
372       via { ... }
373           This is just sugar for the type coercion construction syntax.
375           It takes a subroutine reference. This reference will be called with
376           the value to be coerced in $_. It is expected to return a new value
377           of the proper type for the coercion.
379   Creating and Finding Type Constraints
380       These are additional functions for creating and finding type
381       constraints. Most of these functions are not available for importing.
382       The ones that are importable as specified.
384       find_type_constraint($type_name)
385           This function can be used to locate the Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint
386           object for a named type.
388           This function is importable.
390       register_type_constraint($type_object)
391           This function will register a Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint with the
392           global type registry.
394           This function is importable.
396       normalize_type_constraint_name($type_constraint_name)
397           This method takes a type constraint name and returns the normalized
398           form. This removes any whitespace in the string.
400       create_type_constraint_union($pipe_separated_types |
401       @type_constraint_names)
402           This can take a union type specification like 'Int|ArrayRef[Int]',
403           or a list of names. It returns a new
404           Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Union object.
406       create_parameterized_type_constraint($type_name)
407           Given a $type_name in the form of 'BaseType[ContainerType]', this
408           will create a new Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Parameterized
409           object. The "BaseType" must exist already exist as a
410           parameterizable type.
412       create_class_type_constraint($class, $options)
413           Given a class name this function will create a new
414           Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Class object for that class name.
416           The $options is a hash reference that will be passed to the
417           Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Class constructor (as a hash).
419       create_role_type_constraint($role, $options)
420           Given a role name this function will create a new
421           Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Role object for that role name.
423           The $options is a hash reference that will be passed to the
424           Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Role constructor (as a hash).
426       create_enum_type_constraint($name, $values)
427           Given a enum name this function will create a new
428           Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Enum object for that enum name.
430       create_duck_type_constraint($name, $methods)
431           Given a duck type name this function will create a new
432           Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::DuckType object for that enum name.
434       find_or_parse_type_constraint($type_name)
435           Given a type name, this first attempts to find a matching
436           constraint in the global registry.
438           If the type name is a union or parameterized type, it will create a
439           new object of the appropriate, but if given a "regular" type that
440           does not yet exist, it simply returns false.
442           When given a union or parameterized type, the member or base type
443           must already exist.
445           If it creates a new union or parameterized type, it will add it to
446           the global registry.
448       find_or_create_isa_type_constraint($type_name)
449       find_or_create_does_type_constraint($type_name)
450           These functions will first call "find_or_parse_type_constraint". If
451           that function does not return a type, a new anonymous type object
452           will be created.
454           The "isa" variant will use "create_class_type_constraint" and the
455           "does" variant will use "create_role_type_constraint".
457       get_type_constraint_registry
458           Returns the Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Registry object which
459           keeps track of all type constraints.
461       list_all_type_constraints
462           This will return a list of type constraint names in the global
463           registry. You can then fetch the actual type object using
464           "find_type_constraint($type_name)".
466       list_all_builtin_type_constraints
467           This will return a list of builtin type constraints, meaning those
468           which are defined in this module. See the "Default Type
469           Constraints" section for a complete list.
471       export_type_constraints_as_functions
472           This will export all the current type constraints as functions into
473           the caller's namespace ("Int()", "Str()", etc). Right now, this is
474           mostly used for testing, but it might prove useful to others.
476       get_all_parameterizable_types
477           This returns all the parameterizable types that have been
478           registered, as a list of type objects.
480       add_parameterizable_type($type)
481           Adds $type to the list of parameterizable types


484       See "BUGS" in Moose for details on reporting bugs.


487       Stevan Little <stevan@iinteractive.com>
490       Copyright 2006-2010 by Infinity Interactive, Inc.
492       <http://www.iinteractive.com>
494       This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
495       under the same terms as Perl itself.
499perl v5.12.2                      2010-08-28   Moose::Util::TypeConstraints(3)