1Net::SFTP(3)          User Contributed Perl Documentation         Net::SFTP(3)


6       Net::SFTP - Secure File Transfer Protocol client


9           use Net::SFTP;
10           my $sftp = Net::SFTP->new($host);
11           $sftp->get("foo", "bar");
12           $sftp->put("bar", "baz");


15       Net::SFTP is a pure-Perl implementation of the Secure File Transfer
16       Protocol (SFTP) - file transfer built on top of the SSH2 protocol.
17       Net::SFTP uses Net::SSH::Perl to build a secure, encrypted tunnel
18       through which files can be transferred and managed. It provides a
19       subset of the commands listed in the SSH File Transfer Protocol IETF
20       draft, which can be found at
21       http://www.openssh.com/txt/draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer-00.txt.
23       SFTP stands for Secure File Transfer Protocol and is a method of
24       transferring files between machines over a secure, encrypted connection
25       (as opposed to regular FTP, which functions over an insecure
26       connection). The security in SFTP comes through its integration with
27       SSH, which provides an encrypted transport layer over which the SFTP
28       commands are executed, and over which files can be transferred. The
29       SFTP protocol defines a client and a server; only the client, not the
30       server, is implemented in Net::SFTP.
32       Because it is built upon SSH, SFTP inherits all of the built-in
33       functionality provided by Net::SSH::Perl: encrypted communications
34       between client and server, multiple supported authentication methods
35       (eg. password, public key, etc.).


38   Net::SFTP->new($host, %args)
39       Opens a new SFTP connection with a remote host $host, and returns a
40       Net::SFTP object representing that open connection.
42       %args can contain:
44       ·   user
46           The username to use to log in to the remote server. This should be
47           your SSH login, and can be empty, in which case the username is
48           drawn from the user executing the process.
50           See the login method in Net::SSH::Perl for more details.
52       ·   password
54           The password to use to log in to the remote server. This should be
55           your SSH password, if you use password authentication in SSH; if
56           you use public key authentication, this argument is unused.
58           See the login method in Net::SSH::Perl for more details.
60       ·   debug
62           If set to a true value, debugging messages will be printed out for
63           both the SSH and SFTP protocols. This automatically turns on the
64           debug parameter in Net::SSH::Perl.
66           The default is false.
68       ·   warn
70           If given a sub ref, the sub is called with $self and any warning
71           message; if set to false, warnings are supressed; otherwise they
72           are output with 'warn' (default).
74       ·   ssh_args
76           Specifies a reference to a list or hash of named arguments that
77           should be given to the constructor of the Net::SSH::Perl object
78           underlying the Net::SFTP connection.
80           For example, you could use this to set up your authentication
81           identity files, to set a specific cipher for encryption, etc., e.g.
82           "ssh_args => [ cipher => 'arcfour' ]".
84           See the new method in Net::SSH::Perl for more details.
86   $sftp->status
87       Returns the last remote SFTP status value.  Only useful after one of
88       the following methods has failed.  Returns SSH2_FX_OK if there is no
89       remote error (e.g. local file not found).  In list context, returns a
90       list of (status code, status text from "fx2txt").
92       If a low-level protocol error or unexpected local error occurs, we die
93       with an error message.
95   $sftp->get($remote [, $local [, \&callback ] ])
96       Downloads a file $remote from the remote host. If $local is specified,
97       it is opened/created, and the contents of the remote file $remote are
98       written to $local. In addition, its filesystem attributes (atime,
99       mtime, permissions, etc.)  will be set to those of the remote file.
101       If get is called in a non-void context, returns the contents of $remote
102       (as well as writing them to $local, if $local is provided.  Undef is
103       returned on failure.
105       $local is optional. If not provided, the contents of the remote file
106       $remote will be either discarded, if get is called in void context, or
107       returned from get if called in a non-void context. Presumably, in the
108       former case, you will use the callback function \&callback to "do
109       something" with the contents of $remote.
111       If \&callback is specified, it should be a reference to a subroutine.
112       The subroutine will be executed at each iteration of the read loop
113       (files are generally read in 8192-byte blocks, although this depends on
114       the server implementation).  The callback function will receive as
115       arguments: a Net::SFTP object with an open SFTP connection; the data
116       read from the SFTP server; the offset from the beginning of the file
117       (in bytes); and the total size of the file (in bytes). You can use this
118       mechanism to provide status messages, download progress meters, etc.:
120           sub callback {
121               my($sftp, $data, $offset, $size) = @_;
122               print "Read $offset / $size bytes\r";
123           }
125   $sftp->put($local, $remote [, \&callback ])
126       Uploads a file $local from the local host to the remote host, and saves
127       it as $remote.
129       If \&callback is specified, it should be a reference to a subroutine.
130       The subroutine will be executed at each iteration of the write loop,
131       directly after the data has been read from the local file. The callback
132       function will receive as arguments: a Net::SFTP object with an open
133       SFTP connection; the data read from $local, generally in 8192-byte
134       chunks;; the offset from the beginning of the file (in bytes); and the
135       total size of the file (in bytes). You can use this mechanism to
136       provide status messages, upload progress meters, etc.:
138           sub callback {
139               my($sftp, $data, $offset, $size) = @_;
140               print "Wrote $offset / $size bytes\r";
141           }
143       Returns true on success, undef on error.
145   $sftp->ls($remote [, $subref ])
146       Fetches a directory listing of $remote.
148       If $subref is specified, for each entry in the directory, $subref will
149       be called and given a reference to a hash with three keys: filename,
150       the name of the entry in the directory listing; longname, an entry in a
151       "long" listing like "ls -l"; and a, a Net::SFTP::Attributes object,
152       which contains the file attributes of the entry (atime, mtime,
153       permissions, etc.).
155       If $subref is not specified, returns a list of directory entries, each
156       of which is a reference to a hash as described in the previous
157       paragraph.


160       Net::SFTP supports all of the commands listed in the SFTP version 3
161       protocol specification. Each command is available for execution as a
162       separate method, with a few exceptions: SSH_FXP_INIT, SSH_FXP_VERSION,
163       and SSH_FXP_READDIR.
165       These are the available command methods:
167   $sftp->do_open($path, $flags [, $attrs ])
168       Sends the SSH_FXP_OPEN command to open a remote file $path, and returns
169       an open handle on success. On failure returns undef. The "open handle"
170       is not a Perl filehandle, nor is it a file descriptor; it is merely a
171       marker used to identify the open file between the client and the
172       server.
174       $flags should be a bitmask of open flags, whose values can be obtained
175       from Net::SFTP::Constants:
177           use Net::SFTP::Constants qw( :flags );
179       $attrs should be a Net::SFTP::Attributes object, specifying the initial
180       attributes for the file $path. If you're opening the file for reading
181       only, $attrs can be left blank, in which case it will be initialized to
182       an empty set of attributes.
184   $sftp->do_read($handle, $offset, $copy_size)
185       Sends the SSH_FXP_READ command to read from an open file handle
186       $handle, starting at $offset, and reading at most $copy_size bytes.
188       Returns a two-element list consisting of the data read from the SFTP
189       server in the first slot, and the status code (if any) in the second.
190       In the case of a successful read, the status code will be undef, and
191       the data will be defined and true. In the case of EOF, the status code
192       will be SSH2_FX_EOF, and the data will be undef. And in the case of an
193       error in the read, a warning will be emitted, the status code will
194       contain the error code, and the data will be undef.
196   $sftp->do_write($handle, $offset, $data)
197       Sends the SSH_FXP_WRITE command to write to an open file handle
198       $handle, starting at $offset, and where the data to be written is in
199       $data.
201       Returns the status code. On a successful write, the status code will be
202       equal to SSH2_FX_OK; in the case of an unsuccessful write, a warning
203       will be emitted, and the status code will contain the error returned
204       from the server.
206   $sftp->do_close($handle)
207       Sends the SSH_FXP_CLOSE command to close either an open file or open
208       directory, identified by $handle (the handle returned from either
209       do_open or do_opendir).
211       Emits a warning if the CLOSE fails.
213       Returns the status code for the operation. To turn the status code into
214       a text message, take a look at the "fx2txt" function in
215       Net::SFTP::Util.
217   $sftp->do_lstat($path)
218   $sftp->do_fstat($handle)
219   $sftp->do_stat($path)
220       These three methods all perform similar functionality: they run a stat
221       on a remote file and return the results in a Net::SFTP::Attributes
222       object on success.
224       On failure, all three methods return undef, and emit a warning.
226       do_lstat sends a SSH_FXP_LSTAT command to obtain file attributes for a
227       named file $path. do_stat sends a SSH_FXP_STAT command, and differs
228       from do_lstat only in that do_stat follows symbolic links on the
229       server, whereas do_lstat does not follow symbolic links.
231       do_fstat sends a SSH_FXP_FSTAT command to obtain file attributes for an
232       open file handle $handle.
234   $sftp->do_setstat($path, $attrs)
235   $sftp->do_fsetstat($handle, $attrs)
236       These two methods both perform similar functionality: they set the file
237       attributes of a remote file. In both cases $attrs should be a
238       Net::SFTP::Attributes object.
240       do_setstat sends a SSH_FXP_SETSTAT command to set file attributes for a
241       remote named file $path to $attrs.
243       do_fsetstat sends a SSH_FXP_FSETSTAT command to set the attributes of
244       an open file handle $handle to $attrs.
246       Both methods emit a warning if the operation failes, and both return
247       the status code for the operation. To turn the status code into a text
248       message, take a look at the "fx2txt" function in Net::SFTP::Util.
250   $sftp->do_opendir($path)
251       Sends a SSH_FXP_OPENDIR command to open the remote directory $path, and
252       returns an open handle on success.  On failure returns undef.
254   $sftp->do_remove($path)
255       Sends a SSH_FXP_REMOVE command to remove the remote file $path.
257       Emits a warning if the operation fails.
259       Returns the status code for the operation. To turn the status code into
260       a text message, take a look at the "fx2txt" function in
261       Net::SFTP::Util.
263   $sftp->do_mkdir($path, $attrs)
264       Sends a SSH_FXP_MKDIR command to create a remote directory $path whose
265       attributes should be initialized to $attrs, a Net::SFTP::Attributes
266       object.
268       Emits a warning if the operation fails.
270       Returns the status code for the operation. To turn the status code into
271       a text message, take a look at the "fx2txt" function in
272       Net::SFTP::Util.
274   $sftp->do_rmdir($path)
275       Sends a SSH_FXP_RMDIR command to remove a remote directory $path.
277       Emits a warning if the operation fails.
279       Returns the status code for the operation. To turn the status code into
280       a text message, take a look at the "fx2txt" function in
281       Net::SFTP::Util.
283   $sftp->do_realpath($path)
284       Sends a SSH_FXP_REALPATH command to canonicalise $path to an absolute
285       path. This can be useful for turning paths containing '..' into
286       absolute paths.
288       Returns the absolute path on success, undef on failure.
290   $sftp->do_rename($old, $new)
291       Sends a SSH_FXP_RENAME command to rename $old to $new.
293       Emits a warning if the operation fails.
295       Returns the status code for the operation. To turn the status code into
296       a text message, take a look at the "fx2txt" function in
297       Net::SFTP::Util.


300       For samples/tutorials, take a look at the scripts in eg/ in the
301       distribution directory.
303       There is a mailing list for development discussion and usage questions.
304       Posting is limited to subscribers only.  You can sign up at
305       http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/ssh-sftp-perl-users
307       Please report all bugs via rt.cpan.org at
308       https://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/ReportBug.html?Queue=net%3A%3Asftp


311       Current maintainer is David Robins, dbrobins@cpan.org.
313       Previous maintainer was Dave Rolsky, autarch@urth.org.
315       Originally written by Benjamin Trott.
318       Copyright (c) 2001-2003 Benjamin Trott, Copyright (c) 2003-2004 David
319       Rolsky.  Copyright (c) David Robins.  All rights reserved.  This
320       program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
321       under the same terms as Perl itself.
323       The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included
324       with this module.
328perl v5.12.0                      2005-10-05                      Net::SFTP(3)