1Tree::DAG_Node(3)     User Contributed Perl Documentation    Tree::DAG_Node(3)


6       Tree::DAG_Node - (super)class for representing nodes in a tree


9       Using as a base class:
11         package Game::Tree::Node; # or whatever you're doing
12         use Tree::DAG_Node;
13         @ISA = qw(Tree::DAG_Node);
14         ...your own methods overriding/extending
15           the methods in Tree::DAG_Node...
17       Using as a class of its own:
19         use Tree::DAG_Node;
20         my $root = Tree::DAG_Node->new();
21         $root->name("I'm the tops");
22         my $new_daughter = $root->new_daughter;
23         $new_daughter->name("More");
24         ...


27       This class encapsulates/makes/manipulates objects that represent nodes
28       in a tree structure. The tree structure is not an object itself, but is
29       emergent from the linkages you create between nodes.  This class
30       provides the methods for making linkages that can be used to build up a
31       tree, while preventing you from ever making any kinds of linkages which
32       are not allowed in a tree (such as having a node be its own mother or
33       ancestor, or having a node have two mothers).
35       This is what I mean by a "tree structure", a bit redundantly stated:
37       * A tree is a special case of an acyclic directed graph.
39       * A tree is a network of nodes where there's exactly one root node
40       (i.e., 'the top'), and the only primary relationship between nodes is
41       the mother-daugher relationship.
43       * No node can be its own mother, or its mother's mother, etc.
45       * Each node in the tree has exactly one "parent" (node in the "up"
46       direction) -- except the root, which is parentless.
48       * Each node can have any number (0 to any finite number) of daughter
49       nodes.  A given node's daughter nodes constitute an ordered list.
50       (However, you are free to consider this ordering irrelevant.  Some
51       applications do need daughters to be ordered, so I chose to consider
52       this the general case.)
54       * A node can appear in only one tree, and only once in that tree.
55       Notably (notable because it doesn't follow from the two above points),
56       a node cannot appear twice in its mother's daughter list.
58       * In other words, there's an idea of up (toward the root) versus down
59       (away from the root), and left (i.e., toward the start (index 0) of a
60       given node's daughter list) versus right (toward the end of a given
61       node's daughter list).
63       Trees as described above have various applications, among them:
64       representing syntactic constituency, in formal linguistics;
65       representing contingencies in a game tree; representing abstract syntax
66       in the parsing of any computer language -- whether in expression trees
67       for programming languages, or constituency in the parse of a markup
68       language document.  (Some of these might not use the fact that
69       daughters are ordered.)
71       (Note: B-Trees are a very special case of the above kinds of trees, and
72       are best treated with their own class.  Check CPAN for modules
73       encapsulating B-Trees; or if you actually want a database, and for some
74       reason ended up looking here, go look at AnyDBM_File.)
76       Many base classes are not usable except as such -- but Tree::DAG_Node
77       can be used as a normal class.  You can go ahead and say:
79         use Tree::DAG_Node;
80         my $root = Tree::DAG_Node->new();
81         $root->name("I'm the tops");
82         $new_daughter = Tree::DAG_Node->new();
83         $new_daughter->name("More");
84         $root->add_daughter($new_daughter);
86       and so on, constructing and linking objects from Tree::DAG_Node and
87       making useful tree structures out of them.


90       This class is big and provides lots of methods.  If your problem is
91       simple (say, just representing a simple parse tree), this class might
92       seem like using an atomic sledgehammer to swat a fly.  But the
93       complexity of this module's bells and whistles shouldn't detract from
94       the efficiency of using this class for a simple purpose.  In fact, I'd
95       be very surprised if any one user ever had use for more that even a
96       third of the methods in this class.  And remember: an atomic
97       sledgehammer will kill that fly.


100       Implementationally, each node in a tree is an object, in the sense of
101       being an arbitrarily complex data structure that belongs to a class
102       (presumably Tree::DAG_Node, or ones derived from it) that provides
103       methods.
105       The attributes of a node-object are:
107       mother -- this node's mother.  undef if this is a root.
108       daughters -- the (possibly empty) list of daughters of this node.
109       name -- the name for this node.
110           Need not be unique, or even printable.  This is printed in some of
111           the various dumper methods, but it's up to you if you don't put
112           anything meaningful or printable here.
114       attributes -- whatever the user wants to use it for.
115           Presumably a hashref to whatever other attributes the user wants to
116           store without risk of colliding with the object's real attributes.
117           (Example usage: attributes to an SGML tag -- you definitely
118           wouldn't want the existence of a "mother=foo" pair in such a tag to
119           collide with a node object's 'mother' attribute.)
121           Aside from (by default) initializing it to {}, and having the
122           access method called "attributes" (described a ways below), I don't
123           do anything with the "attributes" in this module.  I basically
124           intended this so that users who don't want/need to bother deriving
125           a class from Tree::DAG_Node, could still attach whatever data they
126           wanted in a node.
128       "mother" and "daughters" are attributes that relate to linkage -- they
129       are never written to directly, but are changed as appropriate by the
130       "linkage methods", discussed below.
132       The other two (and whatever others you may add in derived classes) are
133       simply accessed thru the same-named methods, discussed further below.
136       Stick to the documented interface (and comments in the source --
137       especially ones saying "undocumented!" and/or "disfavored!" -- do not
138       count as documentation!), and don't rely on any behavior that's not in
139       the documented interface.
141       Specifically, unless the documentation for a particular method says
142       "this method returns thus-and-such a value", then you should not rely
143       on it returning anything meaningful.
145       A passing acquintance with at least the broader details of the source
146       code for this class is assumed for anyone using this class as a base
147       class -- especially if you're overriding existing methods, and
148       definitely if you're overriding linkage methods.


151       the constructor CLASS->new() or CLASS->new({...options...})
152           This creates a new node object, calls
153           $object->_init({...options...}) to provide it sane defaults (like:
154           undef name, undef mother, no daughters, 'attributes' setting of a
155           new empty hashref), and returns the object created.  (If you just
156           said "CLASS->new()" or "CLASS->new", then it pretends you called
157           "CLASS->new({})".)
159           Currently no options for putting in {...options...} are part of the
160           documented interface, but the options is here in case you want to
161           add such behavior in a derived class.
163           Read on if you plan on using Tree::DAG_New as a base class.
164           (Otherwise feel free to skip to the description of _init.)
166           There are, in my mind, two ways to do object construction:
168           Way 1: create an object, knowing that it'll have certain
169           uninteresting sane default values, and then call methods to change
170           those values to what you want.  Example:
172               $node = Tree::DAG_Node->new;
173               $node->name('Supahnode!');
174               $root->add_daughter($node);
175               $node->add_daughters(@some_others)
177           Way 2: be able to specify some/most/all the object's attributes in
178           the call to the constructor.  Something like:
180               $node = Tree::DAG_Node->new({
181                 name => 'Supahnode!',
182                 mother => $root,
183                 daughters => \@some_others
184               });
186           After some deliberation, I've decided that the second way is a Bad
187           Thing.  First off, it is not markedly more concise than the first
188           way.  Second off, it often requires subtly different syntax (e.g.,
189           \@some_others vs @some_others).  It just complicates things for the
190           programmer and the user, without making either appreciably happier.
192           (This is not to say that options in general for a constructor are
193           bad -- "random_network", discussed far below, necessarily takes
194           options.  But note that those are not options for the default
195           values of attributes.)
197           Anyway, if you use Tree::DAG_Node as a superclass, and you add
198           attributes that need to be initialized, what you need to do is
199           provide an _init method that calls $this->SUPER::_init($options) to
200           use its superclass's _init method, and then initializes the new
201           attributes:
203             sub _init {
204               my($this, $options) = @_[0,1];
205               $this->SUPER::_init($options); # call my superclass's _init to
206                 # init all the attributes I'm inheriting
208               # Now init /my/ new attributes:
209               $this->{'amigos'} = []; # for example
210             }
212           ...or, as I prefer when I'm being a neat freak:
214             sub _init {
215               my($this, $options) = @_[0,1];
216               $this->SUPER::_init($options);
218               $this->_init_amigos($options);
219             }
221             sub _init_amigos {
222               my $this = $_[0];
223               # Or my($this,$options) = @_[0,1]; if I'm using $options
224               $this->{'amigos'} = [];
225             }
227           In other words, I like to have each attribute initialized thru a
228           method named _init_[attribute], which should expect the object as
229           $_[0] and the the options hashref (or {} if none was given) as
230           $_[1].  If you insist on having your _init recognize options for
231           setting attributes, you might as well have them dealt with by the
232           appropriate _init_[attribute] method, like this:
234             sub _init {
235               my($this, $options) = @_[0,1];
236               $this->SUPER::_init($options);
238               $this->_init_amigos($options);
239             }
241             sub _init_amigos {
242               my($this,$options) = @_[0,1]; # I need options this time
243               $this->{'amigos'} = [];
244               $this->amigos(@{$options->{'amigos'}}) if $options->{'amigos'};
245             }
247           All this bookkeeping looks silly with just one new attribute in a
248           class derived straight from Tree::DAG_Node, but if there's lots of
249           new attributes running around, and if you're deriving from a class
250           derived from a class derived from Tree::DAG_Node, then tidy
251           stratification/modularization like this can keep you sane.
253       the constructor $obj->new() or $obj->new({...options...})
254           Just another way to get at the "new" method. This does not copy
255           $obj, but merely constructs a new object of the same class as it.
256           Saves you the bother of going $class = ref $obj; $obj2 =
257           $class->new;
259       the method $node->_init({...options...})
260           Initialize the object's attribute values.  See the discussion
261           above.  Presumably this should be called only by the guts of the
262           "new" constructor -- never by the end user.
264           Currently there are no documented options for putting in
265           {...options...}, but (in case you want to disregard the above rant)
266           the option exists for you to use {...options...} for something
267           useful in a derived class.
269           Please see the source for more information.
271       see also (below) the constructors "new_daughter" and
272       "new_daughter_left"
275       $node->daughters
276           This returns the (possibly empty) list of daughters for $node.
278       $node->mother
279           This returns what node is $node's mother.  This is undef if $node
280           has no mother -- i.e., if it is a root.
282       $mother->add_daughters( LIST )
283           This method adds the node objects in LIST to the (right) end of
284           $mother's "daughter" list.  Making a node N1 the daughter of
285           another node N2 also means that N1's "mother" attribute is
286           "automatically" set to N2; it also means that N1 stops being
287           anything else's daughter as it becomes N2's daughter.
289           If you try to make a node its own mother, a fatal error results.
290           If you try to take one of a a node N1's ancestors and make it also
291           a daughter of N1, a fatal error results.  A fatal error results if
292           anything in LIST isn't a node object.
294           If you try to make N1 a daughter of N2, but it's already a daughter
295           of N2, then this is a no-operation -- it won't move such nodes to
296           the end of the list or anything; it just skips doing anything with
297           them.
299       $node->add_daughter( LIST )
300           An exact synonym for $node->add_daughters(LIST)
302       $mother->add_daughters_left( LIST )
303           This method is just like "add_daughters", except that it adds the
304           node objects in LIST to the (left) beginning of $mother's daughter
305           list, instead of the (right) end of it.
307       $node->add_daughter_left( LIST )
308           An exact synonym for $node->add_daughters_left( LIST )
310       Note:
311           The above link-making methods perform basically an "unshift" or
312           "push" on the mother node's daughter list.  To get the full range
313           of list-handling functionality, copy the daughter list, and change
314           it, and then call "set_daughters" on the result:
316                     @them = $mother->daughters;
317                     @removed = splice(@them, 0,2, @new_nodes);
318                     $mother->set_daughters(@them);
320           Or consider a structure like:
322                     $mother->set_daughters(
323                                            grep($_->name =~ /NP/ ,
324                                                 $mother->daughters
325                                                )
326                                           );
328       the constructor $daughter = $mother->new_daughter, or
329       the constructor $daughter = $mother->new_daughter({...options...})
330           This constructs a new node (of the same class as $mother), and adds
331           it to the (right) end of the daughter list of $mother. This is
332           essentially the same as going
334                 $daughter = $mother->new;
335                 $mother->add_daughter($daughter);
337           but is rather more efficient because (since $daughter is guaranteed
338           new and isn't linked to/from anything), it doesn't have to check
339           that $daughter isn't an ancestor of $mother, isn't already daughter
340           to a mother it needs to be unlinked from, isn't already in
341           $mother's daughter list, etc.
343           As you'd expect for a constructor, it returns the node-object
344           created.
346       the constructor $mother->new_daughter_left, or
347       $mother->new_daughter_left({...options...})
348           This is just like $mother->new_daughter, but adds the new daughter
349           to the left (start) of $mother's daughter list.
351       $mother->remove_daughters( LIST )
352           This removes the nodes listed in LIST from $mother's daughter list.
353           This is a no-operation if LIST is empty.  If there are things in
354           LIST that aren't a current daughter of $mother, they are ignored.
356           Not to be confused with $mother->clear_daughters.
358       $node->remove_daughter( LIST )
359           An exact synonym for $node->remove_daughters( LIST )
361       $node->unlink_from_mother
362           This removes node from the daughter list of its mother.  If it has
363           no mother, this is a no-operation.
365           Returns the mother unlinked from (if any).
367       $mother->clear_daughters
368           This unlinks all $mother's daughters.  Returns the the list of what
369           used to be $mother's daughters.
371           Not to be confused with $mother->remove_daughters( LIST ).
373       $mother->set_daughters( LIST )
374           This unlinks all $mother's daughters, and replaces them with the
375           daughters in LIST.
377           Currently implemented as just $mother->clear_daughters followed by
378           $mother->add_daughters( LIST ).
380       $node->replace_with( LIST )
381           This replaces $node in its mother's daughter list, by unlinking
382           $node and replacing it with the items in LIST.  This returns a list
383           consisting of $node followed by LIST, i.e., the nodes that replaced
384           it.
386           LIST can include $node itself (presumably at most once).  LIST can
387           also be empty-list.  However, if any items in LIST are sisters to
388           $node, they are ignored, and are not in the copy of LIST passed as
389           the return value.
391           As you might expect for any linking operation, the items in LIST
392           cannot be $node's mother, or any ancestor to it; and items in LIST
393           are, of course, unlinked from their mothers (if they have any) as
394           they're linked to $node's mother.
396           (In the special (and bizarre) case where $node is root, this simply
397           calls $this->unlink_from_mother on all the items in LIST, making
398           them roots of their own trees.)
400           Note that the daughter-list of $node is not necessarily affected;
401           nor are the daughter-lists of the items in LIST.  I mention this in
402           case you think replace_with switches one node for another, with
403           respect to its mother list and its daughter list, leaving the rest
404           of the tree unchanged. If that's what you want, replacing $Old with
405           $New, then you want:
407             $New->set_daughters($Old->clear_daughters);
408             $Old->replace_with($New);
410           (I can't say $node's and LIST-items' daughter lists are never
411           affected my replace_with -- they can be affected in this case:
413             $N1 = ($node->daughters)[0]; # first daughter of $node
414             $N2 = ($N1->daughters)[0];   # first daughter of $N1;
415             $N3 = Tree::DAG_Node->random_network; # or whatever
416             $node->replace_with($N1, $N2, $N3);
418           As a side affect of attaching $N1 and $N2 to $node's mother,
419           they're unlinked from their parents ($node, and $N1, replectively).
420           But N3's daughter list is unaffected.
422           In other words, this method does what it has to, as you'd expect it
423           to.
425       $node->replace_with_daughters
426           This replaces $node in its mother's daughter list, by unlinking
427           $node and replacing it with its daughters.  In other words, $node
428           becomes motherless and daughterless as its daughters move up and
429           take its place.  This returns a list consisting of $node followed
430           by the nodes that were its daughters.
432           In the special (and bizarre) case where $node is root, this simply
433           unlinks its daughters from it, making them roots of their own
434           trees.
436           Effectively the same as $node->replace_with($node->daughters), but
437           more efficient, since less checking has to be done.  (And I also
438           think $node->replace_with_daughters is a more common operation in
439           tree-wrangling than $node->replace_with(LIST), so deserves a named
440           method of its own, but that's just me.)
442       $node->add_left_sisters( LIST )
443           This adds the elements in LIST (in that order) as immediate left
444           sisters of $node.  In other words, given that B's mother's
445           daughter-list is (A,B,C,D), calling B->add_left_sisters(X,Y) makes
446           B's mother's daughter-list (A,X,Y,B,C,D).
448           If LIST is empty, this is a no-op, and returns empty-list.
450           This is basically implemented as a call to
451           $node->replace_with(LIST, $node), and so all replace_with's
452           limitations and caveats apply.
454           The return value of $node->add_left_sisters( LIST ) is the elements
455           of LIST that got added, as returned by replace_with -- minus the
456           copies of $node you'd get from a straight call to
457           $node->replace_with(LIST, $node).
459       $node->add_left_sister( LIST )
460           An exact synonym for $node->add_left_sisters(LIST)
462       $node->add_right_sisters( LIST )
463           Just like add_left_sisters (which see), except that the the
464           elements in LIST (in that order) as immediate right sisters of
465           $node;
467           In other words, given that B's mother's daughter-list is (A,B,C,D),
468           calling B->add_right_sisters(X,Y) makes B's mother's daughter-list
469           (A,B,X,Y,C,D).
471       $node->add_right_sister( LIST )
472           An exact synonym for $node->add_right_sisters(LIST)


475       $node->name or $node->name(SCALAR)
476           In the first form, returns the value of the node object's "name"
477           attribute.  In the second form, sets it to the value of SCALAR.
479       $node->attributes or $node->attributes(SCALAR)
480           In the first form, returns the value of the node object's
481           "attributes" attribute.  In the second form, sets it to the value
482           of SCALAR.  I intend this to be used to store a reference to a
483           (presumably anonymous) hash the user can use to store whatever
484           attributes he doesn't want to have to store as object attributes.
485           In this case, you needn't ever set the value of this.  (_init has
486           already initialized it to {}.)  Instead you can just do...
488             $node->attributes->{'foo'} = 'bar';
490           ...to write foo => bar.
492       $node->attribute or $node->attribute(SCALAR)
493           An exact synonym for $node->attributes or $node->attributes(SCALAR)


496       $node->is_node
497           This always returns true.  More pertinently,
498           $object->can('is_node') is true (regardless of what "is_node" would
499           do if called) for objects belonging to this class or for any class
500           derived from it.
502       $node->ancestors
503           Returns the list of this node's ancestors, starting with its
504           mother, then grandmother, and ending at the root.  It does this by
505           simply following the 'mother' attributes up as far as it can.  So
506           if $item IS the root, this returns an empty list.
508           Consider that scalar($node->ancestors) returns the ply of this node
509           within the tree -- 2 for a granddaughter of the root, etc., and 0
510           for root itself.
512       $node->root
513           Returns the root of whatever tree $node is a member of.  If $node
514           is the root, then the result is $node itself.
516       $node->is_daughter_of($node2)
517           Returns true iff $node is a daughter of $node2.  Currently
518           implemented as just a test of ($it->mother eq $node2).
520       $node->self_and_descendants
521           Returns a list consisting of itself (as element 0) and all the
522           descendants of $node.  Returns just itself if $node is a
523           terminal_node.
525           (Note that it's spelled "descendants", not "descendents".)
527       $node->descendants
528           Returns a list consisting of all the descendants of $node.  Returns
529           empty-list if $node is a terminal_node.
531           (Note that it's spelled "descendants", not "descendents".)
533       $node->leaves_under
534           Returns a list (going left-to-right) of all the leaf nodes under
535           $node.  ("Leaf nodes" are also called "terminal nodes" -- i.e.,
536           nodes that have no daughters.)  Returns $node in the degenerate
537           case of $node being a leaf itself.
539       $node->depth_under
540           Returns an integer representing the number of branches between this
541           $node and the most distant leaf under it.  (In other words, this
542           returns the ply of subtree starting of $node.  Consider
543           scalar($it->ancestors) if you want the ply of a node within the
544           whole tree.)
546       $node->generation
547           Returns a list of all nodes (going left-to-right) that are in
548           $node's generation -- i.e., that are the some number of nodes down
549           from the root.  $root->generation is just $root.
551           Of course, $node is always in its own generation.
553       $node->generation_under(NODE2)
554           Like $node->generation, but returns only the nodes in $node's
555           generation that are also descendants of NODE2 -- in other words,
557               @us = $node->generation_under( $node->mother->mother );
559           is all $node's first cousins (to borrow yet more kinship
560           terminology) -- assuming $node does indeed have a grandmother.
561           Actually "cousins" isn't quite an apt word, because @us ends up
562           including $node's siblings and $node.
564           Actually, "generation_under" is just an alias to "generation", but
565           I figure that this:
567              @us = $node->generation_under($way_upline);
569           is a bit more readable than this:
571              @us = $node->generation($way_upline);
573           But it's up to you.
575           $node->generation_under($node) returns just $node.
577           If you call $node->generation_under($node) but NODE2 is not $node
578           or an ancestor of $node, it behaves as if you called just
579           $node->generation().
581       $node->self_and_sisters
582           Returns a list of all nodes (going left-to-right) that have the
583           same mother as $node -- including $node itself. This is just like
584           $node->mother->daughters, except that that fails where $node is
585           root, whereas $root->self_and_siblings, as a special case, returns
586           $root.
588           (Contrary to how you may interpret how this method is named, "self"
589           is not (necessarily) the first element of what's returned.)
591       $node->sisters
592           Returns a list of all nodes (going left-to-right) that have the
593           same mother as $node -- not including $node itself.  If $node is
594           root, this returns empty-list.
596       $node->left_sister
597           Returns the node that's the immediate left sister of $node.  If
598           $node is the leftmost (or only) daughter of its mother (or has no
599           mother), then this returns undef.
601           (See also $node->add_left_sisters(LIST).)
603       $node->left_sisters
604           Returns a list of nodes that're sisters to the left of $node.  If
605           $node is the leftmost (or only) daughter of its mother (or has no
606           mother), then this returns an empty list.
608           (See also $node->add_left_sisters(LIST).)
610       $node->right_sister
611           Returns the node that's the immediate right sister of $node.  If
612           $node is the rightmost (or only) daughter of its mother (or has no
613           mother), then this returns undef.
615           (See also $node->add_right_sisters(LIST).)
617       $node->right_sisters
618           Returns a list of nodes that're sisters to the right of $node. If
619           $node is the rightmost (or only) daughter of its mother (or has no
620           mother), then this returns an empty list.
622           (See also $node->add_right_sisters(LIST).)
624       $node->my_daughter_index
625           Returns what index this daughter is, in its mother's "daughter"
626           list.  In other words, if $node is ($node->mother->daughters)[3],
627           then $node->my_daughter_index returns 3.
629           As a special case, returns 0 if $node has no mother.
631       $node->address or $anynode->address(ADDRESS)
632           With the first syntax, returns the address of $node within its
633           tree, based on its position within the tree.  An address is formed
634           by noting the path between the root and $node, and concatenating
635           the daughter-indices of the nodes this passes thru (starting with 0
636           for the root, and ending with $node).
638           For example, if to get from node ROOT to node $node, you pass thru
639           ROOT, A, B, and $node, then the address is determined as:
641           * ROOT's my_daughter_index is 0.
643           * A's my_daughter_index is, suppose, 2. (A is index 2 in ROOT's
644           daughter list.)
646           * B's my_daughter_index is, suppose, 0. (B is index 0 in A's
647           daughter list.)
649           * $node's my_daughter_index is, suppose, 4. ($node is index 4 in
650           B's daughter list.)
652           The address of the above-described $node is, therefore, "0:2:0:4".
654           (As a somewhat special case, the address of the root is always "0";
655           and since addresses start from the root, all addresses start with a
656           "0".)
658           The second syntax, where you provide an address, starts from the
659           root of the tree $anynode belongs to, and returns the node
660           corresponding to that address.  Returns undef if no node
661           corresponds to that address.  Note that this routine may be
662           somewhat liberal in its interpretation of what can constitute an
663           address; i.e., it accepts "", besides "0:2:0:4".
665           Also note that the address of a node in a tree is meaningful only
666           in that tree as currently structured.
668           (Consider how ($address1 cmp $address2) may be magically meaningful
669           to you, if you mant to figure out what nodes are to the right of
670           what other nodes.)
672       $node->common(LIST)
673           Returns the lowest node in the tree that is ancestor-or-self to the
674           nodes $node and LIST.
676           If the nodes are far enough apart in the tree, the answer is just
677           the root.
679           If the nodes aren't all in the same tree, the answer is undef.
681           As a degenerate case, if LIST is empty, returns $node.
683       $node->common_ancestor(LIST)
684           Returns the lowest node that is ancestor to all the nodes given (in
685           nodes $node and LIST).  In other words, it answers the question:
686           "What node in the tree, as low as possible, is ancestor to the
687           nodes given ($node and LIST)?"
689           If the nodes are far enough apart, the answer is just the root --
690           except if any of the nodes are the root itself, in which case the
691           answer is undef (since the root has no ancestor).
693           If the nodes aren't all in the same tree, the answer is undef.
695           As a degenerate case, if LIST is empty, returns $node's mother;
696           that'll be undef if $node is root.


699       $node->walk_down({ callback => \&foo, callbackback => \&foo, ... })
700           Performs a depth-first traversal of the structure at and under
701           $node.  What it does at each node depends on the value of the
702           options hashref, which you must provide.  There are three options,
703           "callback" and "callbackback" (at least one of which must be
704           defined, as a sub reference), and "_depth".  This is what
705           "walk_down" does, in pseudocode form:
707           * Start at the $node given.
709           * If there's a "callback", call it with $node as the first
710           argument, and the options hashref as the second argument (which
711           contains the potentially useful "_depth", remember).  This function
712           must return true or false -- if false, it will block the next step:
714           * If $node has any daughter nodes, increment "_depth", and call
715           $daughter->walk_down(options_hashref) for each daughter (in order,
716           of course), where options_hashref is the same hashref it was called
717           with.  When this returns, decrements "_depth".
719           * If there's a "callbackback", call just it as with "callback" (but
720           tossing out the return value).  Note that "callback" returning
721           false blocks traversal below $node, but doesn't block calling
722           callbackback for $node.  (Incidentally, in the unlikely case that
723           $node has stopped being a node object, "callbackback" won't get
724           called.)
726           * Return.
728           $node->walk_down is the way to recursively do things to a tree (if
729           you start at the root) or part of a tree; if what you're doing is
730           best done via pre-pre order traversal, use "callback"; if what
731           you're doing is best done with post-order traversal, use
732           "callbackback".  "walk_down" is even the basis for plenty of the
733           methods in this class.  See the source code for examples both
734           simple and horrific.
736           Note that if you don't specify "_depth", it effectively defaults to
737           0.  You should set it to scalar($node->ancestors) if you want
738           "_depth" to reflect the true depth-in-the-tree for the nodes
739           called, instead of just the depth below $node.  (If $node is the
740           root, there's difference, of course.)
742           And by the way, it's a bad idea to modify the tree from the
743           callback.  Unpredictable things may happen.  I instead suggest
744           having your callback add to a stack of things that need changing,
745           and then, once "walk_down" is all finished, changing those nodes
746           from that stack.
748           Note that the existence of "walk_down" doesn't mean you can't write
749           you own special-use traversers.
751       @lines = $node->dump_names({ ...options... });
752           Dumps, as an indented list, the names of the nodes starting at
753           $node, and continuing under it.  Options are:
755           * _depth -- A nonnegative number.  Indicating the depth to consider
756           $node as being at (and so the generation under that is that plus
757           one, etc.).  Defaults to 0.  You may choose to use set _depth =>
758           scalar($node->ancestors).
760           * tick -- a string to preface each entry with, between the
761           indenting-spacing and the node's name.  Defaults to empty-string.
762           You may prefer "*" or "-> " or someting.
764           * indent -- the string used to indent with.  Defaults to "  " (two
765           spaces).  Another sane value might be ". " (period, space).
766           Setting it to empty-string suppresses indenting.
768           The dump is not printed, but is returned as a list, where each item
769           is a line, with a "\n" at the end.
771       the constructor CLASS->random_network({...options...})
772       the method $node->random_network({...options...})
773           In the first case, constructs a randomly arranged network under a
774           new node, and returns the root node of that tree.  In the latter
775           case, constructs the network under $node.
777           Currently, this is implemented a bit half-heartedly, and half-
778           wittedly.  I basically needed to make up random-looking networks to
779           stress-test the various tree-dumper methods, and so wrote this.  If
780           you actually want to rely on this for any application more serious
781           than that, I suggest examining the source code and seeing if this
782           does really what you need (say, in reliability of randomness); and
783           feel totally free to suggest changes to me (especially in the form
784           of "I rewrote "random_network", here's the code...")
786           It takes four options:
788           * max_node_count -- maximum number of nodes this tree will be
789           allowed to have (counting the root).  Defaults to 25.
791           * min_depth -- minimum depth for the tree.  Defaults to 2.  Leaves
792           can be generated only after this depth is reached, so the tree will
793           be at least this deep -- unless max_node_count is hit first.
795           * max_depth -- maximum depth for the tree.  Defaults to 3 plus
796           min_depth.  The tree will not be deeper than this.
798           * max_children -- maximum number of children any mother in the tree
799           can have.  Defaults to 4.
801       the constructor CLASS->lol_to_tree($lol);
802           Converts something like bracket-notation for "Chomsky trees" (or
803           rather, the closest you can come with Perl
804           list-of-lists(-of-lists(-of-lists))) into a tree structure.
805           Returns the root of the tree converted.
807           The conversion rules are that:  1) if the last (possibly the only)
808           item in a given list is a scalar, then that is used as the "name"
809           attribute for the node based on this list.  2) All other items in
810           the list represent daughter nodes of the current node --
811           recursively so, if they are list references; otherwise, (non-
812           terminal) scalars are considered to denote nodes with that name.
813           So ['Foo', 'Bar', 'N'] is an alternate way to represent [['Foo'],
814           ['Bar'], 'N'].
816           An example will illustrate:
818             use Tree::DAG_Node;
819             $lol =
820               [
821                 [
822                   [ [ 'Det:The' ],
823                     [ [ 'dog' ], 'N'], 'NP'],
824                   [ '/with rabies\\', 'PP'],
825                   'NP'
826                 ],
827                 [ 'died', 'VP'],
828                 'S'
829               ];
830              $tree = Tree::DAG_Node->lol_to_tree($lol);
831              $diagram = $tree->draw_ascii_tree;
832              print map "$_\n", @$diagram;
834           ...returns this tree:
836                              |
837                             <S>
838                              |
839                           /------------------\
840                           |                  |
841                         <NP>                <VP>
842                           |                  |
843                   /---------------\        <died>
844                   |               |
845                 <NP>            <PP>
846                   |               |
847                /-------\   </with rabies\>
848                |       |
849            <Det:The>  <N>
850                        |
851                      <dog>
853           By the way (and this rather follows from the above rules), when
854           denoting a LoL tree consisting of just one node, this:
856             $tree = Tree::DAG_Node->lol_to_tree( 'Lonely' );
858           is okay, although it'd probably occur to you to denote it only as:
860             $tree = Tree::DAG_Node->lol_to_tree( ['Lonely'] );
862           which is of course fine, too.
864       $node->tree_to_lol_notation({...options...})
865           Dumps a tree (starting at $node) as the sort of LoL-like bracket
866           notation you see in the above example code.  Returns just one big
867           block of text.  The only option is "multiline" -- if true, it dumps
868           the text as the sort of indented structure as seen above; if false
869           (and it defaults to false), dumps it all on one line (with no
870           indenting, of course).
872           For example, starting with the tree from the above example, this:
874             print $tree->tree_to_lol_notation, "\n";
876           prints the following (which I've broken over two lines for sake of
877           printablitity of documentation):
879             [[[['Det:The'], [['dog'], 'N'], 'NP'], [["/with rabies\x5c"],
880             'PP'], 'NP'], [['died'], 'VP'], 'S'],
882           Doing this:
884             print $tree->tree_to_lol_notation({ multiline => 1 });
886           prints the same content, just spread over many lines, and prettily
887           indented.
889       $node->tree_to_lol
890           Returns that tree (starting at $node) represented as a LoL, like
891           what $lol, above, holds.  (This is as opposed to
892           "tree_to_lol_notation", which returns the viewable code like what
893           gets evaluated and stored in $lol, above.)
895           Lord only knows what you use this for -- maybe for feeding to
896           Data::Dumper, in case "tree_to_lol_notation" doesn't do just what
897           you want?
899       the constructor CLASS->simple_lol_to_tree($simple_lol);
900           This is like lol_to_tree, except that rule 1 doesn't apply -- i.e.,
901           all scalars (or really, anything not a listref) in the LoL-
902           structure end up as named terminal nodes, and only terminal nodes
903           get names (and, of course, that name comes from that scalar value).
904           This method is useful for making things like expression trees, or
905           at least starting them off.  Consider that this:
907               $tree = Tree::DAG_Node->simple_lol_to_tree(
908                 [ 'foo', ['bar', ['baz'], 'quux'], 'zaz', 'pati' ]
909               );
911           converts from something like a Lispish or Iconish tree, if you
912           pretend the brackets are parentheses.
914           Note that there is a (possibly surprising) degenerate case of what
915           I'm calling a "simple-LoL", and it's like this:
917             $tree = Tree::DAG_Node->simple_lol_to_tree('Lonely');
919           This is the (only) way you can specify a tree consisting of only a
920           single node, which here gets the name 'Lonely'.
922       $node->tree_to_simple_lol
923           Returns that tree (starting at $node) represented as a simple-LoL
924           -- i.e., one where non-terminal nodes are represented as listrefs,
925           and terminal nodes are gotten from the contents of those nodes'
926           "name' attributes.
928           Note that in the case of $node being terminal, what you get back is
929           the same as $node->name.
931           Compare to tree_to_simple_lol_notation.
933       $node->tree_to_simple_lol_notation({...options...})
934           A simple-LoL version of tree_to_lol_notation (which see); takes the
935           same options.
937       $list_r = $node->draw_ascii_tree({ ... options ... })
938           Draws a nice ASCII-art representation of the tree structure at-and-
939           under $node, with $node at the top.  Returns a reference to the
940           list of lines (with no "\n"s or anything at the end of them) that
941           make up the picture.
943           Example usage:
945             print map("$_\n", @{$tree->draw_ascii_tree});
947           draw_ascii_tree takes parameters you set in the options hashref:
949           * "no_name" -- if true, "draw_ascii_tree" doesn't print the name of
950           the node; simply prints a "*".  Defaults to 0 (i.e., print the node
951           name.)
953           * "h_spacing" -- number 0 or greater.  Sets the number of spaces
954           inserted horizontally between nodes (and groups of nodes) in a
955           tree.  Defaults to 1.
957           * "h_compact" -- number 0 or 1.  Sets the extent to which
958           "draw_ascii_tree" tries to save horizontal space.  Defaults to 1.
959           If I think of a better scrunching algorithm, there'll be a "2"
960           setting for this.
962           * "v_compact" -- number 0, 1, or 2.  Sets the degree to which
963           "draw_ascii_tree" tries to save vertical space.  Defaults to 1.
965           This occasionally returns trees that are a bit cock-eyed in parts;
966           if anyone can suggest a better drawing algorithm, I'd be
967           appreciative.
969       $node->copy_tree or $node->copy_tree({...options...})
970           This returns the root of a copy of the tree that $node is a member
971           of.  If you pass no options, copy_tree pretends you've passed {}.
973           This method is currently implemented as just a call to
974           $this->root->copy_at_and_under({...options...}), but magic may be
975           added in the future.
977           Options you specify are passed down to calls to $node->copy.
979       $node->copy_at_and_under or $node->copy_at_and_under({...options...})
980           This returns a copy of the subtree consisting of $node and
981           everything under it.
983           If you pass no options, copy_at_and_under pretends you've passed
984           {}.
986           This works by recursively building up the new tree from the leaves,
987           duplicating nodes using $orig_node->copy($options_ref) and then
988           linking them up into a new tree of the same shape.
990           Options you specify are passed down to calls to $node->copy.
992       the constructor $node->copy or $node->copy({...options...})
993           Returns a copy of $node, minus its daughter or mother attributes
994           (which are set back to default values).
996           If you pass no options, "copy" pretends you've passed {}.
998           Magic happens with the 'attributes' attribute: if it's a hashref
999           (and it usually is), the new node doesn't end up with the same
1000           hashref, but with ref to a hash with the content duplicated from
1001           the original's hashref.  If 'attributes' is not a hashref, but
1002           instead an object that belongs to a class that provides a method
1003           called "copy", then that method is called, and the result saved in
1004           the clone's 'attribute' attribute.  Both of these kinds of magic
1005           are disabled if the options you pass to "copy" (maybe via
1006           "copy_tree", or "copy_at_and_under") includes ("no_attribute_copy"
1007           => 1).
1009           The options hashref you pass to "copy" (derictly or indirectly)
1010           gets changed slightly after you call "copy" -- it gets an entry
1011           called "from_to" added to it.  Chances are you would never know nor
1012           care, but this is reserved for possible future use.  See the source
1013           if you are wildly curious.
1015           Note that if you are using $node->copy (whether directly or via
1016           $node->copy_tree or $node->copy_at_or_under), and it's not properly
1017           copying object attributes containing references, you probably
1018           shouldn't fight it or try to fix it -- simply override copy_tree
1019           with:
1021             sub copy_tree {
1022               use Storable qw(dclone);
1023               my $this = $_[0];
1024               return dclone($this->root);
1025                # d for "deep"
1026             }
1028           or
1030             sub copy_tree {
1031               use Data::Dumper;
1032               my $this = $_[0];
1033               $Data::Dumper::Purity = 1;
1034               return eval(Dumper($this->root));
1035             }
1037           Both of these avoid you having to reinvent the wheel.
1039           How to override copy_at_or_under with something that uses Storable
1040           or Data::Dumper is left as an exercise to the reader.
1042           Consider that if in a derived class, you add attributes with really
1043           bizarre contents (like a unique-for-all-time-ID), you may need to
1044           override "copy".  Consider:
1046             sub copy {
1047               my($it, @etc) = @_;
1048               $it->SUPER::copy(@etc);
1049               $it->{'UID'} = &get_new_UID;
1050             }
1052           ...or the like.  See the source of Tree::DAG_Node::copy for
1053           inspiration.
1055       $node->delete_tree
1056           Destroys the entire tree that $node is a member of (starting at the
1057           root), by nulling out each node-object's attributes (including,
1058           most importantly, its linkage attributes -- hopefully this is more
1059           than sufficient to eliminate all circularity in the data
1060           structure), and then moving it into the class DEADNODE.
1062           Use this when you're finished with the tree in question, and want
1063           to free up its memory.  (If you don't do this, it'll get freed up
1064           anyway when your program ends.)
1066           If you try calling any methods on any of the node objects in the
1067           tree you've destroyed, you'll get an error like:
1069             Can't locate object method "leaves_under"
1070               via package "DEADNODE".
1072           So if you see that, that's what you've done wrong.  (Actually, the
1073           class DEADNODE does provide one method: a no-op method
1074           "delete_tree".  So if you want to delete a tree, but think you may
1075           have deleted it already, it's safe to call $node->delete_tree on it
1076           (again).)
1078           The "delete_tree" method is needed because Perl's garbage collector
1079           would never (as currently implemented) see that it was time to de-
1080           allocate the memory the tree uses -- until either you call
1081           $node->delete_tree, or until the program stops (at "global
1082           destruction" time, when everything is unallocated).
1084           Incidentally, there are better ways to do garbage-collecting on a
1085           tree, ways which don't require the user to explicitly call a method
1086           like "delete_tree" -- they involve dummy classes, as explained at
1087           "http://mox.perl.com/misc/circle-destroy.pod"
1089           However, introducing a dummy class concept into Tree::DAG_Node
1090           would be rather a distraction.  If you want to do this with your
1091           derived classes, via a DESTROY in a dummy class (or in a tree-
1092           metainformation class, maybe), then feel free to.
1094           The only case where I can imagine "delete_tree" failing to totally
1095           void the tree, is if you use the hashref in the "attributes"
1096           attribute to store (presumably among other things) references to
1097           other nodes' "attributes" hashrefs -- which 1) is maybe a bit odd,
1098           and 2) is your problem, because it's your hash structure that's
1099           circular, not the tree's.  Anyway, consider:
1101                 # null out all my "attributes" hashes
1102                 $anywhere->root->walk_down({
1103                   'callback' => sub {
1104                     $hr = $_[0]->attributes; %$hr = (); return 1;
1105                   }
1106                 });
1107                 # And then:
1108                 $anywhere->delete_tree;
1110           (I suppose "delete_tree" is a "destructor", or as close as you can
1111           meaningfully come for a circularity-rich data structure in Perl.)
1113   When and How to Destroy
1114       It should be clear to you that if you've built a big parse tree or
1115       something, and then you're finished with it, you should call
1116       $some_node->delete_tree on it if you want the memory back.
1118       But consider this case:  you've got this tree:
1120             A
1121           / | \
1122          B  C  D
1123          |     | \
1124          E     X  Y
1126       Let's say you decide you don't want D or any of its descendants in the
1127       tree, so you call D->unlink_from_mother.  This does NOT automagically
1128       destroy the tree D-X-Y.  Instead it merely splits the tree into two:
1130            A                        D
1131           / \                      / \
1132          B   C                    X   Y
1133          |
1134          E
1136       To destroy D and its little tree, you have to explicitly call
1137       delete_tree on it.
1139       Note, however, that if you call C->unlink_from_mother, and if you don't
1140       have a link to C anywhere, then it does magically go away.  This is
1141       because nothing links to C -- whereas with the D-X-Y tree, D links to X
1142       and Y, and X and Y each link back to D. Note that calling
1143       C->delete_tree is harmless -- after all, a tree of only one node is
1144       still a tree.
1146       So, this is a surefire way of getting rid of all $node's children and
1147       freeing up the memory associated with them and their descendants:
1149         foreach my $it ($node->clear_daughters) { $it->delete_tree }
1151       Just be sure not to do this:
1153         foreach my $it ($node->daughters) { $it->delete_tree }
1154         $node->clear_daughters;
1156       That's bad; the first call to $_->delete_tree will climb to the root of
1157       $node's tree, and nuke the whole tree, not just the bits under $node.
1158       You might as well have just called $node->delete_tree.  (Moreavor, once
1159       $node is dead, you can't call clear_daughters on it, so you'll get an
1160       error there.)


1163       If you find a bug in this library, report it to me as soon as possible,
1164       at the address listed in the MAINTAINER section, below.  Please try to
1165       be as specific as possible about how you got the bug to occur.


1168       If you develop a given routine for dealing with trees in some way, and
1169       use it a lot, then if you think it'd be of use to anyone else, do email
1170       me about it; it might be helpful to others to include that routine, or
1171       something based on it, in a later version of this module.
1173       It's occurred to me that you might like to (and might yourself develop
1174       routines to) draw trees in something other than ASCII art.  If you do
1175       so -- say, for PostScript output, or for output interpretable by some
1176       external plotting program --  I'd be most interested in the results.


1179       This module uses "strict", but I never wrote it with -w warnings in
1180       mind -- so if you use -w, do not be surprised if you see complaints
1181       from the guts of DAG_Node.  As long as there is no way to turn off -w
1182       for a given module (instead of having to do it in every single
1183       subroutine with a "local $^W"), I'm not going to change this. However,
1184       I do, at points, get bursts of ambition, and I try to fix code in
1185       DAG_Node that generates warnings, as I come across them -- which is
1186       only occasionally.  Feel free to email me any patches for any such
1187       fixes you come up with, tho.
1189       Currently I don't assume (or enforce) anything about the class
1190       membership of nodes being manipulated, other than by testing whether
1191       each one provides a method "is_node", a la:
1193         die "Not a node!!!" unless UNIVERSAL::can($node, "is_node");
1195       So, as far as I'm concerned, a given tree's nodes are free to belong to
1196       different classes, just so long as they provide/inherit "is_node", the
1197       few methods that this class relies on to navigate the tree, and have
1198       the same internal object structure, or a superset of it. Presumably
1199       this would be the case for any object belonging to a class derived from
1200       "Tree::DAG_Node", or belonging to "Tree::DAG_Node" itself.
1202       When routines in this class access a node's "mother" attribute, or its
1203       "daughters" attribute, they (generally) do so directly (via
1204       $node->{'mother'}, etc.), for sake of efficiency.  But classes derived
1205       from this class should probably do this instead thru a method (via
1206       $node->mother, etc.), for sake of portability, abstraction, and general
1207       goodness.
1209       However, no routines in this class (aside from, necessarily, "_init",
1210       "_init_name", and "name") access the "name" attribute directly;
1211       routines (like the various tree draw/dump methods) get the "name" value
1212       thru a call to $obj->name().  So if you want the object's name to not
1213       be a real attribute, but instead have it derived dynamically from some
1214       feature of the object (say, based on some of its other attributes, or
1215       based on its address), you can to override the "name" method, without
1216       causing problems.  (Be sure to consider the case of $obj->name as a
1217       write method, as it's used in "lol_to_tree" and "random_network".)


1220       HTML::Element
1222       Wirth, Niklaus.  1976.  Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs
1223       Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.
1225       Knuth, Donald Ervin.  1997.  Art of Computer Programming, Volume 1,
1226       Third Edition: Fundamental Algorithms.  Addison-Wesley,  Reading, MA.
1228       Wirth's classic, currently and lamentably out of print, has a good
1229       section on trees.  I find it clearer than Knuth's (if not quite as
1230       encyclopedic), probably because Wirth's example code is in a block-
1231       structured high-level language (basically Pascal), instead of in
1232       assembler (MIX).
1234       Until some kind publisher brings out a new printing of Wirth's book,
1235       try poking around used bookstores (or "www.abebooks.com") for a copy.
1236       I think it was also republished in the 1980s under the title Algorithms
1237       and Data Structures, and in a German edition called Algorithmen und
1238       Datenstrukturen.  (That is, I'm sure books by Knuth were published
1239       under those titles, but I'm assuming that they're just later
1240       printings/editions of Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs.)


1243       David Hand, "<cogent@cpan.org>"


1246       Sean M. Burke, "<sburke@cpan.org>"


1249       Copyright 1998-2001, 2004, 2007 by Sean M. Burke and David Hand.
1251       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
1252       under the same terms as Perl itself.
1254       This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
1255       without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
1256       merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
1260perl v5.12.0                      2007-12-09                 Tree::DAG_Node(3)