1STAR(4L)                    Schily´s USER COMMANDS                    STAR(4L)


6       star - tape archive file format


9       Tar  Archives  are layered archives.  The basic structure is defined by
10       the POSIX.1-1988 archive format and documented in the BASIC TAR  HEADER
11       DESCRIPTION  section  below.   The higher level structure is defined by
12       the POSIX.1-2001 extended headers and documented in  the  EXTENDED  TAR
13       (PAX)  HEADER  STRUCTURE  section below.  POSIX.1-2001 extended headers
14       are pseudo files that contain an unlimited number  of  extended  header
15       keywords  and  associated values. The header keywords are documented in
16       the EXTENDED TAR (PAX) HEADER KEYWORDS section below.


19       Physically, a POSIX.1-1988 tar archive consists of a  series  of  fixed
20       sized  blocks of TBLOCK (512) characters.  It contains a series of file
21       entries terminated by a logical end-of-archive marker,  which  consists
22       of two blocks of 512 bytes of binary zeroes.  Each file entry is repre‐
23       sented by a header block that describes the file  followed  by  one  or
24       more  blocks  with  the content of the file. The length of each file is
25       rounded up to a multiple of 512 bytes.
27       A number of TBLOCK sizes blocks are grouped together to a  tape  record
28       for  physical I/O operations. Each record of n blocks is written with a
29       single write(2) operation.  On magnetic tapes, this results in a single
30       tape record.
32       The header block is defined in star.h as follows:
33       /*
34        * POSIX.1-1988 field size values and magic.
35        */
36       #define   TBLOCK         512
37       #define   NAMSIZ         100
38       #define   PFXSIZ         155
40       #define   TMODLEN        8
41       #define   TUIDLEN        8
42       #define   TGIDLEN        8
43       #define   TSIZLEN        12
44       #define   TMTMLEN        12
45       #define   TCKSLEN        8
47       #define   TMAGIC         "ustar"   /* ustar magic 6 chars + '\0' */
48       #define   TMAGLEN        6         /* "ustar" including '\0' */
49       #define   TVERSION       "00"
50       #define   TVERSLEN       2
51       #define   TUNMLEN        32
52       #define   TGNMLEN        32
53       #define   TDEVLEN        8
55       /*
56        * POSIX.1-1988 typeflag values
57        */
58       #define   REGTYPE        '0'  /* Regular File          */
59       #define   AREGTYPE       '\0' /* Regular File (outdated) */
60       #define   LNKTYPE        '1'  /* Hard Link             */
61       #define   SYMTYPE        '2'  /* Symbolic Link         */
62       #define   CHRTYPE        '3'  /* Character Special     */
63       #define   BLKTYPE        '4'  /* Block Special         */
64       #define   DIRTYPE        '5'  /* Directory             */
65       #define   FIFOTYPE       '6'  /* FIFO (named pipe)     */
66       #define   CONTTYPE       '7'  /* Contiguous File       */
68       /*
69        * POSIX.1-2001 typeflag extensions.
70        * POSIX.1-2001 calls the extended USTAR format PAX although it is
71        * definitely derived from and based on USTAR. The reason may be that
72        * POSIX.1-2001 calls the tar program outdated and lists the
73        * pax program as the successor.
74        */
75       #define   LF_GHDR        'g'  /* POSIX.1-2001 global extended header */
76       #define   LF_XHDR        'x'  /* POSIX.1-2001 extended header */
78       See  section  EXTENDED  TAR  (PAX) HEADER KEYWORDS for more information
79       about the structure of a POSIX.1-2001 header.
81       /*
82        * star/gnu/Sun tar extensions:
83        *
84        * Note that the standards committee allows only capital A through
85        * capital Z for user-defined expansion.  This means that defining
86        * something as, say '8' is a *bad* idea.
87        */
89       #define   LF_ACL         'A'  /* Solaris Access Control List     */
90       #define   LF_DUMPDIR     'D'  /* GNU dump dir                    */
91       #define   LF_EXTATTR     'E'  /* Solaris Extended Attribute File */
92       #define   LF_META        'I'  /* Inode (metadata only) no file content */
93       #define   LF_LONGLINK    'K'  /* NEXT file has a long linkname   */
94       #define   LF_LONGNAME    'L'  /* NEXT file has a long name       */
95       #define   LF_MULTIVOL    'M'  /* Continuation file rest to be skipped */
96       #define   LF_NAMES       'N'  /* OLD GNU for names > 100 characters   */
97       #define   LF_SPARSE      'S'  /* This is for sparse files        */
98       #define   LF_VOLHDR      'V'  /* tape/volume header Ignore on extraction */
99       #define   LF_VU_XHDR     'X'  /* POSIX.1-2001 xtended (Sun VU version) */
101       /*
102        * Definitions for the t_mode field
103        */
104       #define   TSUID     04000     /* Set UID on execution  */
105       #define   TSGID     02000     /* Set GID on execution  */
106       #define   TSVTX     01000     /* On directories, restricted deletion flag */
107       #define   TUREAD    00400     /* Read by owner         */
108       #define   TUWRITE   00200     /* Write by owner special */
109       #define   TUEXEC    00100     /* Execute/search by owner */
110       #define   TGREAD    00040     /* Read by group         */
111       #define   TGWRITE   00020     /* Write by group        */
112       #define   TGEXEC    00010     /* Execute/search by group */
113       #define   TOREAD    00004     /* Read by other         */
114       #define   TOWRITE   00002     /* Write by other        */
115       #define   TOEXEC    00001     /* Execute/search by other */
117       #define   TALLMODES 07777     /* The low 12 bits       */
119       /*
120        * This is the ustar (Posix 1003.1) header.
121        */
122       struct header {
123            char t_name[NAMSIZ];     /*   0 Filename               */
124            char t_mode[8];          /* 100 Permissions            */
125            char t_uid[8];           /* 108 Numerical User ID      */
126            char t_gid[8];           /* 116 Numerical Group ID     */
127            char t_size[12];         /* 124 Filesize               */
128            char t_mtime[12];        /* 136 st_mtime               */
129            char t_chksum[8];        /* 148 Checksum               */
130            char t_typeflag;         /* 156 Typ of File            */
131            char t_linkname[NAMSIZ]; /* 157 Target of Links        */
132            char t_magic[TMAGLEN];   /* 257 "ustar"                */
133            char t_version[TVERSLEN]; /* 263 Version fixed to 00   */
134            char t_uname[TUNMLEN];   /* 265 User Name              */
135            char t_gname[TGNMLEN];   /* 297 Group Name             */
136            char t_devmajor[8];      /* 329 Major for devices      */
137            char t_devminor[8];      /* 337 Minor for devices      */
138            char t_prefix[PFXSIZ];   /* 345 Prefix for t_name      */
139                                     /* 500 End                    */
140            char t_mfill[12];        /* 500 Filler up to 512       */
141       };
143       /*
144        * star header specific definitions
145        */
146       #define   STMAGIC        "tar"     /* star magic */
147       #define   STMAGLEN       4         /* "tar" including '\0' */
149       /*
150        * This is the new (post Posix 1003.1-1988) xstar header
151        * defined in 1994.
152        *
153        * t_prefix[130]    is guaranteed to be ' ' to prevent ustar
154        *                  compliant implementations from failing.
155        * t_mfill & t_xmagic need to be zero for a 100% ustar compliant
156        *                  implementation, so setting t_xmagic to
157        *                  "tar" should be avoided in the future.
158        *
159        * A different method to recognize this format is to verify that
160        * t_prefix[130]              is equal to ' ' and
161        * t_atime[0]/t_ctime[0]      is an octal number and
162        * t_atime[11]                is equal to ' ' and
163        * t_ctime[11]                is equal to ' '.
164        *
165        * Note that t_atime[11]/t_ctime[11] may be changed in future.
166        */
167       struct xstar_header {
168            char t_name[NAMSIZ];     /*   0 Filename               */
169            char t_mode[8];          /* 100 Permissions            */
170            char t_uid[8];           /* 108 Numerical User ID      */
171            char t_gid[8];           /* 116 Numerical Group ID     */
172            char t_size[12];         /* 124 Filesize               */
173            char t_mtime[12];        /* 136 st_mtime               */
174            char t_chksum[8];        /* 148 Checksum               */
175            char t_typeflag;         /* 156 Typ of File            */
176            char t_linkname[NAMSIZ]; /* 157 Target of Links        */
177            char t_magic[TMAGLEN];   /* 257 "ustar"                */
178            char t_version[TVERSLEN]; /* 263 Version fixed to 00   */
179            char t_uname[TUNMLEN];   /* 265 User Name              */
180            char t_gname[TGNMLEN];   /* 297 Group Name             */
181            char t_devmajor[8];      /* 329 Major for devices      */
182            char t_devminor[8];      /* 337 Minor for devices      */
183            char t_prefix[131];      /* 345 Prefix for t_name      */
184            char t_atime[12];        /* 476 st_atime               */
185            char t_ctime[12];        /* 488 st_ctime               */
186            char t_mfill[8];         /* 500 Filler up to star magic     */
187            char t_xmagic[4];        /* 508 "tar"                  */
188       };
190       struct sparse {
191            char t_offset[12];
192            char t_numbytes[12];
193       };
195       #define   SPARSE_EXT_HDR  21
197       struct xstar_ext_header {
198            struct sparse t_sp[21];
199            char t_isextended;
200       };
202       typedef union hblock {
203            char dummy[TBLOCK];
204            long ldummy[TBLOCK/sizeof (long)]; /* force long alignment */
205            struct header            dbuf;
206            struct xstar_header      xstar_dbuf;
207            struct xstar_ext_header  xstar_ext_dbuf;
208       } TCB;
210       For maximum portability, all  fields  that  contain  character  strings
211       should be limited to use the low 7 bits of a character.
213       The  name,  linkname  and  prefix  field contain character strings. The
214       strings are null terminated except when they use the full space of  100
215       characters  for  the  name  or linkname field or 155 characters for the
216       prefix field.
218       If the prefix does not start with a null  character,  then  prefix  and
219       name  need  to  be  concatenated  by using the prefix, followed a slash
220       character followed by the name field.  If a null character  appears  in
221       name  or  prefix before the maximum size is reached, the field in ques‐
222       tion is terminated.  This way file names up to 256  characters  may  be
223       archived.   The prefix is not used together with the linkname field, so
224       the maximum length of a link name is 100 characters.
226       The fields magic, uname and gname  contain  null  terminated  character
227       strings.
229       The  version field contains the string "00" without a trailing zero. It
230       cannot be set to different values as POSIX.1-1988 did not specify a way
231       to  handle  different  version  strings.  The typeflag field contains a
232       single character.
234       All numeric fields contain size-1  leading  zero-filled  numbers  using
235       octal  digits.   They are followed by one or more space or null charac‐
236       ters.  All recent implementations only use one space or null  character
237       at the end of a numerical field to get maximum space for the octal num‐
238       ber.  Star always uses a space character as terminator.  Numeric fields
239       with 8 characters may hold up to 7 octal digits (7777777) which results
240       is a maximum value of 2097151.  Numeric fields with 12  characters  may
241       hold  up  to  11  octal digits (77777777777) which results is a maximum
242       value of 8589934591.
244       Star implements a vendor specific (and thus non-POSIX) extension to put
245       bigger  numbers  into  the numeric fields. This is done by using a base
246       256 coding.  The top bit of the first character in  the  appropriate  8
247       character  or  12  character field is set to flag non octal coding.  If
248       base 256 coding is in use, then all remaining characters  are  used  to
249       code  the  number.  This  results  in  7 base 256 digits in 8 character
250       fields and in 11 base 256 digits in 12 character fields.  All base  256
251       numbers  are two's complement numbers. A base 256 number in a 8 charac‐
252       ter field may hold 56 bits, a base 256 number in a 12  character  field
253       may  hold  88 bits. This may extended to 64 bits for 8 character fields
254       and to 95 bits for 12 character fields. For a negative number the first
255       character currently is set to a value of 255 (all 8 bits are set).  The
256       rightmost character in a 8 or 12 character  field  contains  the  least
257       significant  base  256  number.   Recent GNU tar versions implement the
258       same extension.
260       While the POSIX standard makes obvious that the fields mode, uid, gid,
261       size,  chksum, devmajor and devminor should be treated as unsigned num‐
262       bers, there is no such definition for the time field.
264       The mode field contains 12 bits holding permissions, see above for  the
265       definitions for each of the permission bits.
267       The uid and gid fields contain the numerical user id of the file.
269       The size field contains the size of the file in characters.  If the tar
270       header is followed by file data, then the amount of data  that  follows
271       is computed by (size + 511) / 512.
273       The mtime filed contains the number of seconds since Jan 1st 1970 00:00
274       UTC as retrived via stat(2) in st_mtime.
276       The chksum field contains a simple  checksum  over  all  bytes  of  the
277       header.  To compute the value, all characters in the header are treated
278       as unsigned integers and the characters in the chksum field are treated
279       as  if  they were all spaces. When the computation starts, the checksum
280       value is initialized to 0.
282       The typeflag field specifies the type of the file that is archived.  If
283       a  specific  tar implementation does not include support for a specific
284       typeflag value, this implementation will extract the unknown file types
285       as if they were plain files.
287       '0' REGTYPE
288              A  regular  file.  If the size field is non zero, then file data
289              follows the header.
291       '\0' AREGTYPE
292              For backwards compatibility with pre POSIX.1-1988 tar  implemen‐
293              tations,  a nul character is also recognized as marker for plain
294              files.  It is not generated by recent tar  implementations.   If
295              the size field is non zero, then file data follows the header.
297       '1' LNKTYPE
298              The  file  is a hard link to another file.  The name of the file
299              that the file is linked to  is  in  the  linkname  part  of  the
300              header.   For tar archives written by pre POSIX.1-1988 implemen‐
301              tations, the size field usually contains the size  of  the  file
302              and  needs to be ignored as no data may follow this header type.
303              For POSIX.1-1988 compliant archives, the size field needs to  be
304              0.   For  POSIX.1-2001 compliant archives, the size field may be
305              non zero, indicating that file data is included in the archive.
307       '2' SYMTYPE
308              The file is a symbolic link to another file.  The  name  of  the
309              file  that  the file is linked to is in the linkname part of the
310              header.  The size field needs to be 0.  No file data may  follow
311              the header.
313       '3' CHRTYPE
314              A character special file.  The fields devmajor and devminor con‐
315              tain information that defines the file.  The meaning of the size
316              field  is  unspecified  by the POSIX standard.  No file data may
317              follow the header.
319       '4' BLKTYPE
320              A block special file.  The fields devmajor and devminor  contain
321              information  that  defines  the  file.   The meaning of the size
322              field is unspecified by the POSIX standard.  No  file  data  may
323              follow the header.
325       '5' DIRTYPE
326              A  directory or sub directory. Old (pre POSIX.1-1988) tar imple‐
327              mentations did use the same typeflag value as  for  plain  files
328              and  added  a  slash to the name.  If the size field is non zero
329              then it indicates the maximum size in characters the system  may
330              allocate  for  this  directory. If the size field is 0, then the
331              system shall not limit the size of the directory.  On  operating
332              systems  where  the  disk  allocation is not done on a directory
333              base, the size field is ignored on extraction.  No file data may
334              follow the header.
336       '6' FIFOTYPE
337              A  named  pipe.  The meaning of the size field is unspecified by
338              the POSIX standard.  The size field must be ignored  on  extrac‐
339              tion.  No file data may follow the header.
341       '7' CONTTYPE
342              A  contiguous  file.   This is a file that gives special perfor‐
343              mance attributes.  Operating systems  that  don't  support  this
344              file  type  extract  this file type as plain files.  If the size
345              field is non zero, then file data follows the header.
347       'g' GLOBAL POSIX.1-2001 HEADER
348              With POSIX.1-2001 pax  archives,  this  type  defines  a  global
349              extended  header.   The  size is always non zero and denotes the
350              sum of the length fields in the extended header data.  The  data
351              that  follows  the  header is in the pax extended header format.
352              The extended header records in this header type affect all  fol‐
353              lowing  files  in the archive unless they are overwritten by new
354              values.  See EXTENDED TAR (PAX) HEADER FORMAT section below.
356       'x' EXTENDED POSIX.1-2001 HEADER
357              With POSIX.1-2001 pax archives, this type  defines  an  extended
358              header.   The size is always non zero and denotes the sum of the
359              length fields in the extended header data.  The data  that  fol‐
360              lows  the  header  is  in  the  pax extended header format.  The
361              extended header records in this header type only affect the fol‐
362              lowing  file in the archive.  See EXTENDED TAR (PAX) HEADER FOR‐
363              MAT section below.
365       'A' - 'Z'
366              Reserved for vendor specific implementations.
368       'A'    A Solaris ACL entry as used by the tar implementation from  Sun.
369              The  size  is always non zero and denotes the length of the data
370              that follows the header.  Star currently is not able  to  handle
371              this header type.
373       'D'    A  GNU  dump directory.  This header type is not created by star
374              and handled like a directory during an extract operation, so the
375              content  is  ignored by star.  The size field denotes the length
376              of the data that follows the header.
378       'E'    A Solaris Extended Attribute File.  The size field  denotes  the
379              length  of  the data that follows the header.  Star currently is
380              not able to handle this header type.
382       'I'    A inode metadata entry.  This header type is used by star to ar‐
383              chive  inode  meta  data  only.  To archive more inode meta data
384              than possible with a POSIX-1.1988 tar header, a header with type
385              'I' is usually preceded by a 'x' header.  It is used with incre‐
386              mental backups.  The size field holds the length  of  the  file.
387              No file data follows this header.
389       'K'    A  long  link name.  Star is able to read and write this type of
390              header. With the xustar and exustar  formats,  star  prefers  to
391              store  long  link names using the POSIX.1-2001 method.  The size
392              is always non zero and denotes the length of the long link  name
393              including  the  trailing null byte. The link name is in the data
394              that follows the header.
396       'L'    A long file name.  Star is able to read and write this  type  of
397              header.  With  the  xustar  and exustar formats, star prefers to
398              store long file names using the POSIX.1-2001 method.   The  size
399              is  always non zero and denotes the length of the long file name
400              including the trailing null byte. The file name is in  the  data
401              that follows the header.
403       'M'    A  multi  volume continuation entry.  It is used by star to tell
404              the extraction program via the size field when the next  regular
405              archive  header  will  follow.   This allows to start extracting
406              multi volume archives with a volume number greater than one.  It
407              is  used by GNU tar to verify multi volume continuation volumes.
408              Other fields in the GNU multi volume continuation header  are  a
409              result  of a GNU tar miss conception and cannot be used.  If the
410              size field is non zero the data following the header is  skipped
411              by  star  if  the  volume  that starts with it is mounted as the
412              first volume.  This header is ignored if the volume that  starts
413              with it is mounted as continuation volume.
415       'N'    An  outdated linktype used by old GNU tar versions to store long
416              file names.  This type is unsupported by star.
418       'S'    A sparse file.  This header type is used by star and GNU tar.  A
419              sparse header is uses instead of a plain file header to denote a
420              sparse file that follows. Directly after the header, a  list  of
421              sparse  hole  descriptors follows followed by the compacted file
422              data.  With star formats, the size field holds a size that  rep‐
423              resents  the sum of the sparse hole descriptors plus the size of
424              the compacted file data. This allows other  tar  implementations
425              to correctly skip to the next tar header.  With GNU tar, up to 4
426              sparse hole descriptors fit into the sparse header.   Additional
427              hole  descriptors  are  not  needed  if the file has less than 4
428              holes.  With GNU tar, the size field breaks general  tar  header
429              rules  and  is  meaningless  because the size of the sparse hole
430              descriptors does not count.
432       'V'    A volume header.  The name field is is used to hold  the  volume
433              name.   Star  uses  the atime field to hold the volume number in
434              case there is no POSIX.1-2001 extended header.  This header type
435              is  used by star and GNU tar.  If the size field is non zero the
436              data following the header is skipped by star.
438       'X'    A vendor unique variant  of  the  POSIX.1-2001  extended  header
439              type.   It  has  been  implemented  by Sun many years before the
440              POSIX.1-2001 standard has been approved.  See also the  typeflag
441              'x'  header  type.   Star is able to read and write this type of
442              header.


445       Block type                            Description
447       Ustar Header [typeflag='g']      Global Extended Header
448       Global Extended Data
449       Ustar Header [typeflag='h']         Extended Header
450       Extended Data
451       Ustar header [typeflag='0']    File with Extended Header
452       Data for File #1
453       Ustar header [typeflag='0']   File without Extended Header
454       Data for File #2
455       Block of binary zeroes              First EOF Block
456       Block of binary zeroes              Second EOF Block


460       The data block that follows a tar archive header with typeflag  'g'  or
461       'x' contains one or more records in the following format:
463              "%d %s=%s\n", <length>, <keyword>, <value>
465       Each  record  starts with a a decimal length field. The length includes
466       the total size of a record including the length field  itself  and  the
467       trailing new line.
469       The keyword may not include an equal sign.  All keywords beginning with
470       lower case letters and digits are reserved for future use by the  POSIX
471       standard.
473       If  the  value  field is of zero length, it deletes any header field of
474       the same name that is in effect from the same extended header or from a
475       previous global header.
477       Null  characters do not delimit any value. The value is only limited by
478       its implicit length.


481       POSIX.1-2001 extended pax header keywords.  All  numerical  values  are
482       represented  as  decimal  strings.   All texts are represented as 7-bit
483       ascii or UTF-8:
485       atime  The time from st_atime in sub  second  granularity.   Star  cur‐
486              rently supports a nanosecond granularity.
488       charset
489              The  name  of  the  character set used to encode the data in the
490              following file(s).  This keyword is currently ignored by star.
492       comment
493              Any number of characters that  should  be  treated  as  comment.
494              Star ignores the comment as documented by the POSIX standard.
496       ctime  The  time  from  st_ctime  in sub second granularity.  Star cur‐
497              rently supports a nanosecond granularity.
499       gid    The group ID of the group that owns the file.  The argument is a
500              decimal number.  This field is used if the group ID of a file is
501              greater than 2097151 (octal 7777777).
503       gname  The group name of the following file(s) coded in  UTF-8  if  the
504              group  name  does  not  fit  into  323  characters  or cannot be
505              expressed in 7-Bit ASCII.
507       linkpath
508              The name of the linkpath coded in UTF-8 if it is longer than 100
509              characters or cannot be expressed in 7-Bit ASCII.
511       mtime  The  time  from  st_mtime  in sub second granularity.  Star cur‐
512              rently supports a nanosecond granularity.
514       path   The name of the linkpath coded in UTF-8 if it does not fit  into
515              100 characters + 155 characters prefix or cannot be expressed in
516              7-Bit ASCII.
518       realtime.any
519              The keywords prefixed by  realtime.   are  reserved  for  future
520              standardization.
522       security.any
523              The  keywords  prefixed  by  security.   are reserved for future
524              standardization.
526       size   The size of the file as decimal  number  if  the  file  size  is
527              greater  than  8589934591 (octal 77777777777).  The size keyword
528              may not refer to the real file size but is related to  the  size
529              if  the  file in the archive.  See also SCHILY.realsize for more
530              information.
532       uid    The uid ID of the group that owns the file.  The argument  is  a
533              decimal  number.   This field is used if the uid ID of a file is
534              greater than 2097151 (octal 7777777).
536       uname  The user name of the following file(s) coded  in  UTF-8  if  the
537              user  name  does  not  fit  into  323  characters  or  cannot be
538              expressed in 7-Bit ASCII.
540       VENDOR.keyword
541              Any keyword that starts with a vendor name in capital letters is
542              reserved  for  vendor specific extensions by the standard.  Star
543              uses a lot of these vendor specific  extension.  See  below  for
544              more informations.


547       Star  uses  own  vendor specific extensions. The SCHILY vendor specific
548       extended pax header keywords are:
550       SCHILY.acl.access
551              The ACL for a file.
553              Since no official backup format for POSIX access  control  lists
554              has  been  defined,  star  uses  the  vendor  defined attributes
555              SCHILY.acl.access and SCHILY.acl.default for storing the ACL and
556              Default  ACL  of a file, respectively.  The access control lists
557              are stored in the short text form as defined  in  POSIX  1003.1e
558              draft standard 17.
560              To  each  named  user  ACL  entry a fourth colon separated field
561              field containing the user identifier  (UID)  of  the  associated
562              user is appended.  To each named group entry a fourth colon sep‐
563              arated field containing the group identifier (GID) of the  asso‐
564              ciated  group  is  appended.   (POSIX  1003.1e draft standard 17
565              allows to add fields to ACL entries.)
567              This is an example of the format used for  SCHILY.acl.access  (a
568              space  has been inserted after the equal sign and lines are bro‐
569              ken [marked with '\' ] for  readability,  additional  fields  in
570              bold):
572              SCHILY.acl.access= user::rwx,user:lisa:r-x:502, \
573                                 group::r-x,group:toolies:rwx:102, \
574                                 mask::rwx,other::r--x
576              The  numerical  user  and  group  identifiers are essential when
577              restoring a system completely from a backup,  as  initially  the
578              name-to-identifier  mappings may not be available, and then file
579              ownership restoration would not work.
581              As the archive format that is used for backing up access control
582              lists  is  compatible with the pax archive format, archives cre‐
583              ated that way can be restored by star or a POSIX.1-2001  compli‐
584              ant pax.  Note that programs other than star will ignore the ACL
585              information.
587       SCHILY.acl.default
588              The default ACL for  a  file.  See  SCHILY.acl.access  for  more
589              information.
591              This  is an example of the format used for SCHILY.acl.default (a
592              space has been inserted after the equal sign and lines are  bro‐
593              ken  [marked  with  '\'  ] for readability, additional fields in
594              bold):
596              SCHILY.acl.default= user::rwx,user:lisa:r-x:502, \
597                                  group::r-x,mask::r-x,other::r-x
599       SCHILY.acl.type
600              The ACL type used for coding access control lists.
602              The following ACL types are possible:
604              POSIX draft
605                     ACLs as defined in POSIX 1003.1e draft standard 17.
607              NFSv4  ACLs as used by NFSv4, NTFS and ZFS.
609       Star   currently   only   implements   POSIX draft   ACLs.    If    the
610       SCHILY.acl.type keyword is missing, POSIX draft ACLs are asumed.
612       SCHILY.ddev
613              The  device  ids for names used is the SCHILY.dir dump directory
614              list from st_dev of the file as decimal number.  The SCHILY.ddev
615              keyword  is followed by a space separated list of device id num‐
616              bers. Each corresponds exactly to a name in the  list  found  in
617              SCHILY.dir.  If a specific device id number is repeated, a comma
618              (,) without a following space may be use to denote that the cur‐
619              rent device id number is identical to the previous number.  This
620              keyword is used in dump mode.  This keyword is  not  yet  imple‐
621              mented.
623              The  value is a signed int.  An implementation should be able to
624              handle at least 64 bit values.  Note that the  value  is  signed
625              because  POSIX  does not specify more than the type should be an
626              int.
628       SCHILY.dev
629              The device id from st_dev of the file as decimal  number.   This
630              keyword is used in dump mode.
632              The  value is a signed int.  An implementation should be able to
633              handle at least 64 bit values.  Note that the  value  is  signed
634              because  POSIX  does not specify more than the type should be an
635              int.
637       SCHILY.devmajor
638              The device major number of the file if  it  is  a  character  or
639              block  special  file.   The  argument is a decimal number.  This
640              field is used if the device major of the file  is  greater  than
641              2097151 (octal 7777777).
643              The  value is a signed int.  An implementation should be able to
644              handle at least 64 bit values.  Note that the  value  is  signed
645              because  POSIX  does not specify more than the type should be an
646              int.
648       SCHILY.devminor
649              The device minor number of the file if  it  is  a  character  or
650              block  special  file.   The  argument is a decimal number.  This
651              field is used if the device minor of the file  is  greater  than
652              2097151 (octal 7777777).
654              The  value is a signed int.  An implementation should be able to
655              handle at least 64 bit values.  Note that the  value  is  signed
656              because  POSIX  does not specify more than the type should be an
657              int.
659       SCHILY.dino
660              The inode numbers for names used is the SCHILY.dir  dump  direc‐
661              tory  list  from  st_ino  of  the  file  as decimal number.  The
662              SCHILY.dino keyword is followed by a  space  separated  list  of
663              inode  numbers.  Each  corresponds exactly to a name in the list
664              found in SCHILY.dir.  This keyword is used in dump mode.
666              The values are unsigned int.  An implementation should  be  able
667              to handle at least 64 bit unsigned values.
669       SCHILY.dir
670              A  list  of  filenames  (the content) for the current directory.
671              The names are coded in UTF-8.  Each file name is prefixed  by  a
672              single character that is used as a flag.  Each file name is lim‐
673              ited by a null character.  The null character is  directly  fol‐
674              lowed  by  he  flag character for the next file name in case the
675              list is not terminated by the current file name.  The flag char‐
676              acter  must  not  be  a null character.  By default, a ^A (octal
677              001) is used.  The following flags are defined:
679              \000   This is the list terminator character - the  second  null
680                     byte, see below.
682              ^A     The  default  flag that is used in case the dump dir fea‐
683                     tures have not been active.
685              Y      A non directory file that is in the current (incremental)
686                     dump.
688              N      A  non  directory file that is not in the current (incre‐
689                     mental) dump.
691              D      A directory that is in the current (incremental) dump.
693              d      A directory that is  not  in  the  current  (incremental)
694                     dump.
696              The  list is terminated by two successive null bytes.  The first
697              is the null byte for the last file name.  The second  null  byte
698              is  at the position where a flag character would be expected, it
699              acts ad a list terminator. The length  tag  for  the  SCHILY.dir
700              data includes both null bytes.
702              If  a  dump  mode has been selected that writes compact complete
703              directory information to the beginning of the archive, the  flag
704              character  may contain values different from ^A.  Star implemen‐
705              tations up to star-1.5 do not include this feature.  Tar  imple‐
706              mentations  that  like  to read archives that use the SCHILY.dir
707              keyword, shall not rely on values other than \000 (^@)  or  \001
708              (^A).
710              This keyword is used in dump mode.
712       SCHILY.fflags
713              A  textual  version of the BSD or Linux extended file flags.  As
714              this tag has not yet been documented, please look into the  star
715              source, file fflags.c for more information.
717       SCHILY.filetype
718              A  textual  version of the real file type of the file.  The fol‐
719              lowing names are used:
721              unallocated             An unknown  file  type  that  may  be  a
722                                      result  of  a unlink(2) operation.  This
723                                      should never happen.
725              regular                 A regular file.
727              contiguous              A contiguous file. On operating  systems
728                                      or  file systems that don't support this
729                                      file type, it is handled like a  regular
730                                      file.
732              symlink                 A symbolic link to any file type.
734              directory               A directory.
736              character special       A character special file.
738              block special           A block special file.
740              fifo                    A named pipe.
742              socket                  A UNIX domain socket.
744              mpx character special   A multiplexed character special file.
746              mpx block special       A multiplexed block special file.
748              XENIX nsem              A XENIX named semaphore.
750              XENIX nshd              XENIX shared data.
752              door                    A Solaris door.
754              eventcount              A UNOS event count.
756              whiteout                A BSD whiteout directory entry.
758              sparse                  A sparse regular file.
760              volheader               A volume header.
762              unknown/bad             Any   other  unknown  file  type.   This
763                                      should never happen.
766       SCHILY.ino
767              The inode number from st_ino of  the  file  as  decimal  number.
768              This keyword is used in dump mode.
770              The  value is an unsigned int.  An implementation should be able
771              to handle at least 64 bit unsigned values.
773       SCHILY.nlink
774              The link count of the file as decimal number.  This  keyword  is
775              used in dump mode.
777              The  value is an unsigned int.  An implementation should be able
778              to handle at least 32 bit unsigned values.
780       SCHILY.offset
781              The offset value for a multi volume continuation  header.   This
782              keyword  is  used with multi volume continuation headers.  Multi
783              volume continuation headers are used to allow to start reading a
784              multi volume archive past the first volume.
786              The  value is an unsigned int.  An implementation should be able
787              to handle at least 64 bit unsigned values.
789       SCHILY.realsize
790              The real size of the file as decimal number.   This  keyword  is
791              used  if the real size of the file differs from the visible size
792              of the file in the archive.  The real file size differs from the
793              size in the archive if the file type is sparse or if the file is
794              a continuation file on a multi  volume  archive.   In  case  the
795              SCHILY.realsize keyword is needed, it must be past any size key‐
796              word in case a size keyword is also present.
798              The value is an unsigned int.  An implementation should be  able
799              to handle at least 64 bit unsigned values.
801       SCHILY.tarfiletype
802              The  following additional file types are used in SCHILY.tarfile‐
803              type:
805              hardlink
806                     A hard link to any file type.
808              dumpdir
809                     A directory with dump entries
811              multivol continuation
812                     A multi volume continuation for any file type.
814              meta   A meta entry (inode meta data only) for any file type.
816       SCHILY.xattr.attr
817              A  POSIX.1-2001  coded  version  of  the  Linux  extended   file
818              attributes.   Linux  extended  file  attributes  are  name/value
819              pairs. Every attribute name results in a  SCHILY.xattr.name  tag
820              and  the value of the extended attribute is used as the value of
821              the POSIX.1-2001 header tag.  Note that this way  of  coding  is
822              not portable across platforms.  A version for BSD may be created
823              but Solaris includes far more features with  extended  attribute
824              files than Linux does.
826              A  future version of star will implement a similar method as the
827              tar program on Solaris currently uses. When this  implementation
828              is  ready, the SCHILY.xattr.name feature may be removed in favor
829              of a truly portable implementation that supports Solaris also.


833       The following star vendor unique extensions may only appear in 'g'lobal
834       extended pax headers:
836       SCHILY.archtype
837              The  textual version of the archive type used.  The textual val‐
838              ues used for SCHILY.archtype are the same names that are used in
839              the star command line options to set up a specific archive type.
841              In  order  to  allow archive type recognition from this keyword,
842              the minimum tape block size must be 2x512 bytes (1024 bytes) and
843              the  SCHILY.archtype  keyword needs to be in the first 512 bytes
844              of the content of the first 'g'lobal pax header. Then the  first
845              tape block may be scanned to recognize the archive type.
847       SCHILY.release
848              The  textual version of the star version string and the platform
849              name where this star has been compiled.  The same  text  appears
850              when calling star -version.
852       SCHILY.volhdr.blockoff
853              This  keyword  is used for multi volume archives.  It represents
854              the offset within the whole archive expressed in 512 byte units.
856              The value is an unsigned int with a valid range  between  1  and
857              infinity. An implementation should be able to handle at least 64
858              bit unsigned values.
860       SCHILY.volhdr.blocksize
861              The tape blocksize expressed in 512 byte  units  that  was  used
862              when writing the archive.
864              The  value  is  an unsigned int with a valid range between 1 and
865              infinity. An implementation should be able to handle at least 31
866              bit unsigned values.
868       SCHILY.volhdr.cwd
869              This  keyword  is used in dump mode.  It is only used to contain
870              the real backup working directory if the fs-name= option of star
871              is used to overwrite the SCHILY.volhdr.filesys value.  Overwrit‐
872              ing SCHILY.volhdr.filesys is needed when backups are run on file
873              system snapshots rather than on the real file system.
875       SCHILY.volhdr.device
876              This  keyword  is  used in dump mode.  It represents the name of
877              the device that holds the file system data. For disk based  file
878              systems, this is the device name of the mounted device.
880              This  keyword  is  optional.  It helps to correctly identify the
881              file system from which this dump has been made.
883       SCHILY.volhdr.dumpdate
884              This keyword is used in dump mode.  It represents the  time  the
885              current dump did start.
887       SCHILY.volhdr.dumplevel
888              This  keyword  is used in dump mode.  It represents the level of
889              the current dump.  Dump levels are  small  numbers,  the  lowest
890              possible  number  is  0.  Dump level 0 represents a full backup.
891              Dump level 1 represents a backup that contains all changes  that
892              did  occur since the last level 0 dump.  Dump level 2 represents
893              a backup that contains all changes that did occur since the last
894              level  1  dump.   Star  does  not specify a maximum allowed dump
895              level but you should try to keep the numbers less than 100.
897              The value is an unsigned int with a valid range between 0 and at
898              least 100.
900       SCHILY.volhdr.dumptype
901              This  keyword  is  used in dump mode.  If the dump is a complete
902              dump of a file system, then the argument is the text full,  else
903              the argument is the text partial.
905       SCHILY.volhdr.filesys
906              This  keyword is used in dump mode.  It represents the top level
907              directory for the file system from  which  this  dump  has  been
908              made.   If  the  dump  represents  a dump that has an associated
909              level, then the this directory needs to be identical to the root
910              directory of this file system which is the mount point.
912       SCHILY.volhdr.hostname
913              This  keyword is used in dump mode.  The value is retrieved from
914              gethostname(3) or uname(2).
916       SCHILY.volhdr.label
917              The textual volume label.  The volume label  must  be  identical
918              within a set of multi volume archives.
920       SCHILY.volhdr.refdate
921              This  keyword  is  used  in  dump mode if the current dump is an
922              incremental dump with a level > 0.  It represents the  time  the
923              related dump did start.
925       SCHILY.volhdr.reflevel
926              This  keyword  is  used  in  dump mode if the current dump is an
927              incremental dump with a level > 0.  It represents the  level  of
928              the  related  dump.   The  related  dump is the last dump with a
929              level that is lower that the level of this dump.  If a dump with
930              the  level  of  the  current  dump  -1  exists, then this is the
931              related dump level. Otherwise, the  dump  level  is  decremented
932              until a valid dump level could be found in the dump database.
934              The value is an unsigned int with a valid range between 0 and at
935              least 100.
937       SCHILY.volhdr.tapesize
938              This keyword is used for multi volume archives and may  be  used
939              to  verify the volume size on read back.  It represents the tape
940              size expressed in 512 byte units.  If this  keyword  is  set  in
941              multi  volume mode, the size of the tape is not autodetected but
942              set from a command line option.
944              The value is an unsigned int with a valid range  between  1  and
945              infinity. An implementation should be able to handle at least 64
946              bit unsigned values.
948       SCHILY.volhdr.volume
949              This keyword is used for multi volume archives.   It  represents
950              the  volume number within a volume set.  The number used for the
951              first volume is 1.
953              The value is an unsigned int with a valid range  between  1  and
954              infinity. An implementation should be able to handle at least 31
955              bit unsigned values.


958       To be documented in the future.





964Joerg Schilling                    09/04/10                           STAR(4L)