1COLLECTD-UNIXSOCK(5)               collectd               COLLECTD-UNIXSOCK(5)


6       collectd-unixsock - Documentation of collectd's "unixsock plugin"


9         # See collectd.conf(5)
10         LoadPlugin unixsock
11         # ...
12         <Plugin unixsock>
13           SocketFile "/path/to/socket"
14           SocketGroup "collectd"
15           SocketPerms "0770"
16         </Plugin>


19       The "unixsock plugin" opens an UNIX-socket over which one can interact
20       with the daemon. This can be used to use the values collected by
21       collectd in other applications, such as monitoring solutions, or submit
22       externally collected values to collectd.
24       For example, this plugin is used by collectd-nagios(1) to check if some
25       value is in a certain range and exit with a Nagios-compatible exit
26       code.


29       Upon start the "unixsock plugin" opens a UNIX-socket and waits for
30       connections. Once a connection is established the client can send
31       commands to the daemon which it will answer, if it understand them.
33       In general the plugin answers with a status line of the following form:
35       Status Message
37       If Status is greater than or equal to zero the message indicates
38       success, if Status is less than zero the message indicates failure.
39       Message is a human-readable string that further describes the return
40       value.
42       On success, Status furthermore indicates the number of subsequent lines
43       of output (not including the status line). Each such lines usually
44       contains a single return value. See the description of each command for
45       details.
47       The following commands are implemented:
49       GETVAL Identifier
50           If the value identified by Identifier (see below) is found the
51           complete value-list is returned. The response is a list of name-
52           value-pairs, each pair on its own line (the number of lines is
53           indicated by the status line - see above). Each name-value-pair is
54           of the form name=value.  Counter-values are converted to a rate,
55           e. g. bytes per second.  Undefined values are returned as NaN.
57           Example:
58             -> | GETVAL myhost/cpu-0/cpu-user
59             <- | 1 Value found
60             <- | value=1.260000e+00
62       LISTVAL
63           Returns a list of the values available in the value cache together
64           with the time of the last update, so that querying applications can
65           issue a GETVAL command for the values that have changed. Each
66           return value consists of the update time as an epoch value and the
67           identifier, separated by a space. The update time is the time of
68           the last value, as provided by the collecting instance and may be
69           very different from the time the server considers to be "now".
71           Example:
72             -> | LISTVAL
73             <- | 69 Values found
74             <- | 1182204284 myhost/cpu-0/cpu-idle
75             <- | 1182204284 myhost/cpu-0/cpu-nice
76             <- | 1182204284 myhost/cpu-0/cpu-system
77             <- | 1182204284 myhost/cpu-0/cpu-user
78             ...
80       PUTVAL Identifier [OptionList] Valuelist
81           Submits one or more values (identified by Identifier, see below) to
82           the daemon which will dispatch it to all it's write-plugins.
84           An Identifier is of the form "host/plugin-instance/type-instance"
85           with both instance-parts being optional. If they're omitted the
86           hyphen must be omitted, too. plugin and each instance-part may be
87           chosen freely as long as the tuple (plugin, plugin instance, type
88           instance) uniquely identifies the plugin within collectd. type
89           identifies the type and number of values (i. e. data-set) passed to
90           collectd. A large list of predefined data-sets is available in the
91           types.db file.
93           The OptionList is an optional list of Options, where each option is
94           a key-value-pair. A list of currently understood options can be
95           found below, all other options will be ignored. Values that contain
96           spaces must be quoted with double quotes.
98           Valuelist is a colon-separated list of the time and the values,
99           each either an integer if the data-source is a counter, or a double
100           if the data-source is of type "gauge". You can submit an undefined
101           gauge-value by using U. When submitting U to a counter the behavior
102           is undefined. The time is given as epoch (i. e. standard UNIX
103           time).
105           You can mix options and values, but the order is important: Options
106           only effect following values, so specifying an option as last field
107           is allowed, but useless. Also, an option applies to all following
108           values, so you don't need to re-set an option over and over again.
110           The currently defined Options are:
112           interval=seconds
113               Gives the interval in which the data identified by Identifier
114               is being collected.
116           Please note that this is the same format as used in the exec
117           plugin, see collectd-exec(5).
119           Example:
120             -> | PUTVAL testhost/interface/if_octets-test0 interval=10
121           1179574444:123:456
122             <- | 0 Success
124       PUTNOTIF [OptionList] message=Message
125           Submits a notification to the daemon which will then dispatch it to
126           all plugins which have registered for receiving notifications.
128           The PUTNOTIF command is followed by a list of options which further
129           describe the notification. The message option is special in that it
130           will consume the rest of the line as its value. The message,
131           severity, and time options are mandatory.
133           Valid options are:
135           message=Message (REQUIRED)
136               Sets the message of the notification. This is the message that
137               will be made accessible to the user, so it should contain some
138               useful information. As with all options: If the message
139               includes spaces, it must be quoted with double quotes. This
140               option is mandatory.
142           severity=failure|warning|okay (REQUIRED)
143               Sets the severity of the notification. This option is
144               mandatory.
146           time=Time (REQUIRED)
147               Sets the time of the notification. The time is given as
148               "epoch", i. e. as seconds since January 1st, 1970, 00:00:00.
149               This option is mandatory.
151           host=Hostname
152           plugin=Plugin
153           plugin_instance=Plugin-Instance
154           type=Type
155           type_instance=Type-Instance
156               These "associative" options establish a relation between this
157               notification and collected performance data. This connection is
158               purely informal, i. e. the daemon itself doesn't do anything
159               with this information. However, websites or GUIs may use this
160               information to place notifications near the affected graph or
161               table. All the options are optional, but plugin_instance
162               without plugin or type_instance without type doesn't make much
163               sense and should be avoided.
165               Please note that this is the same format as used in the exec
166               plugin, see collectd-exec(5).
168           Example:
169             -> | PUTNOTIF type=temperature severity=warning time=1201094702
170           message=The roof is on fire!
171             <- | 0 Success
173       FLUSH [timeout=Timeout] [plugin=Plugin [...]] [identifier=Ident [...]]
174           Flushes all cached data older than Timeout seconds. If no timeout
175           has been specified, it defaults to -1 which causes all data to be
176           flushed.
178           If the plugin option has been specified, only the Plugin plugin
179           will be flushed. You can have multiple plugin options to flush
180           multiple plugins in one go. If the plugin option is not given all
181           plugins providing a flush callback will be flushed.
183           If the identifier option is given only the specified values will be
184           flushed.  This is meant to be used by graphing or displaying
185           frontends which want to have the latest values for a specific
186           graph. Again, you can specify the identifier option multiple times
187           to flush several values. If this option is not specified at all,
188           all values will be flushed.
190           Example:
191             -> | FLUSH plugin=rrdtool identifier=localhost/df/df-root
192           identifier=localhost/df/df-var
193             <- | 0 Done: 2 successful, 0 errors
195   Identifiers
196       Value or value-lists are identified in a uniform fashion:
198       Hostname/Plugin/Type
200       Where Plugin and Type are both either of type "Name" or
201       "Name-Instance". If the identifier includes spaces, it must be quoted
202       using double quotes. This sounds more complicated than it is, so here
203       are some examples:
205         myhost/cpu-0/cpu-user
206         myhost/load/load
207         myhost/memory/memory-used
208         myhost/disk-sda/disk_octets
209         "myups/snmp/temperature-Outlet 1"


212       collectd ships the Perl-Module Collectd::Unixsock which provides an
213       abstraction layer over the actual socket connection. It can be found in
214       the directory bindings/perl/ in the source distribution or (usually)
215       somewhere near /usr/share/perl5/ if you're using a package. If you want
216       to use Perl to communicate with the daemon, you're encouraged to use
217       and expand this module.


220       collectd(1), collectd.conf(5), collectd-nagios(1), unix(7)


223       Florian Forster <octo@verplant.org>
2274.9.5                             2011-03-26              COLLECTD-UNIXSOCK(5)