1READERS.CONF(5)           InterNetNews Documentation           READERS.CONF(5)


6       readers.conf - Access control and configuration for nnrpd


9       readers.conf in pathetc specifies access control for nnrpd(8).  It
10       controls who is allowed to connect as a news reader and what they're
11       allowed to do after they connect.  nnrpd reads this file when it starts
12       up.  This generally means that any changes take effect immediately on
13       all subsequent connections, but nnrpd may have to be restarted if you
14       use the -D option.  (The location pathetc/readers.conf is only the
15       default; the same format applies to any file specified with "nnrpd
16       -c".)
18       There are two types of entries in readers.conf:  parameter/value pairs
19       and configuration groups.  Blank lines and anything after a number sign
20       ("#") are ignored, unless the character "#" is escaped with "\".  The
21       maximum number of characters on each line is 8,191.
23       Parameter/value pairs consist of a keyword immediately followed by a
24       colon, at least one whitespace character, and a value.  The case of the
25       parameter is significant (parameter should generally be in all
26       lowercase), and a parameter may contain any characters except colon,
27       "#", and whitespace.  An example:
29           hosts: *.example.com
31       Values that contain whitespace should be quoted with double quotes, as
32       in:
34           hosts: "*.example.com, *.example.net"
36       If the parameter does not contain whitespace, such as:
38           hosts: *.example.com,*.example.net
40       it's not necessary to quote it, although you may wish to anyway for
41       clarity.
43       There is no way to continue a line on the next line, and therefore no
44       way to have a single parameter with a value longer than about 8,180
45       characters.
47       Many parameters take a boolean value.  For all such parameters, the
48       value may be specified as "true", "yes", or "on" to turn it on and may
49       be any of "false", "no", or "off" to turn it off.  The case of these
50       values is not significant.
52       There are two basic types of configuration groups, auth and access.
53       The auth group provides mechanisms to establish the identity of the
54       user, who they are.  The access group determines, given the user's
55       identity, what that user is permitted to do.  Writing a readers.conf
56       file for your setup is a two-step process: first assigning an identity
57       to each incoming connection using auth groups, and then giving each
58       identity appropriate privileges with access group.  We recommend not
59       intermingling auth groups and access groups in the config file; it is
60       often more sensible (in the absence of the key parameter) to put all of
61       the auth groups first, and all of the access groups below.
63       A user identity, as established by an auth group, looks like an e-mail
64       address; in other words, it's in the form "<username>@<domain>" (or
65       sometimes just "<username>" if no domain is specified.
67       If nnrpdauthsender is set in inn.conf, the user identity is also put
68       into the Sender: header of posts made by that user.  See the
69       documentation of that option in inn.conf(5) for more details.
71       An auth group definition looks like:
73           auth <name> {
74               hosts: <host-wildmat>
75               auth: <auth-program>
76               res: <res-program>
77               default: <defuser>
78               default-domain: <defdomain>
79               # ...possibly other settings
80           }
82       The <name> is used as a label for the group and is only for
83       documentation purposes.  (If your syslog configuration records the
84       "news.debug" facility, the <name> will appear in the debugging output
85       of nnrpd.  Examining that output can be very helpful in understanding
86       why your configuration doesn't do what you expect it to.)
88       A given auth group applies only to hosts whose name or IP address
89       matches the wildmat expression given with the hosts: parameter (comma-
90       separated wildmat expressions allowed, but "@" is not supported).
91       Rather than wildmat expressions, you may also use CIDR notation to
92       match any IP address in a netblock; for example, "" will
93       match any IP address between and inclusive.
95       If compiled against the TLS/SSL libraries, an auth group with the
96       require_ssl parameter set to true only applies if the incoming
97       connection is using TLS, either from the beginning if the -S flag was
98       passed to nnrpd or after a successful use of STARTTLS.
100       For any connection from a host that matches that wildmat expression or
101       netblock, each <res-program> (multiple res: lines may be present in a
102       block; they are run in sequence until one succeeds), if any, is run to
103       determine the identity of the user just from the connection
104       information.  If all the resolvers fail, or if the res: parameter isn't
105       present, the user is assigned an identity of "<defuser>@<defdomain>";
106       in other words, the values of the default: and default-domain:
107       parameters are used.  If <res-program> only returns a username,
108       <defdomain> is used as the domain.
110       If the user later authenticates via the AUTHINFO USER/PASS commands,
111       the provided username and password are passed to each <auth-program>
112       (multiple auth, perl_auth, or python_auth lines may be present in a
113       block; they are run in sequence until one succeeds), if any.  If one
114       succeeds and returns a different identity than the one assigned at the
115       time of the connection, it is matched against the available access
116       groups again and the actions the user is authorized to do may change.
117       The most common <auth-program> to use is ckpasswd, which supports
118       several ways of checking passwords including using PAM.  See the
119       ckpasswd(8) man page for more details.
121       When matching auth groups, the last auth group in the file that matches
122       a given connection and username/password combination is used.
124       An access group definition usually looks like:
126           access <name> {
127               users: <identity-wildmat>
128               newsgroups: <group-wildmat>
129               # ...possibly other settings
130           }
132       Again, <name> is just for documentation purposes.  This says that all
133       users whose identity matches <identity-wildmat> can read and post to
134       all newsgroups matching <group-wildmat> (as before, comma-separated
135       wildmat expressions are allowed, but "@" is not supported).
136       Alternately, you can use the form:
138           access <name> {
139               users: <identity-wildmat>
140               read: <read-wildmat>
141               post: <post-wildmat>
142           }
144       and matching users will be able to read any group that matches
145       <read-wildmat> and post to any group that matches <post-wildmat>.  You
146       can also set several other things in the access group as well as
147       override various inn.conf(5) parameters for just a particular group of
148       users.
150       Just like with auth groups, when matching access groups the last
151       matching one in the file is used to determine the user's permissions.
152       There is an exception to this rule: if the auth group which matched the
153       client contains a perl_access: or python_access: parameter, then the
154       script given as argument is used to dynamically generate an access
155       group.  This new access group is then used to determine the access
156       rights of the client; the access groups in the file are ignored.
158       There is one additional special case to be aware of.  When forming
159       particularly complex authentication and authorization rules, it is
160       sometimes useful for the identities provided by a given auth group to
161       only apply to particular access groups; in other words, rather than
162       checking the identity against the users: parameter of every access
163       group, it's checked against the users: parameter of only some specific
164       access groups.  This is done with the key: parameter.  For example:
166           auth example {
167               key: special
168               hosts: *.example.com
169               default: <SPECIAL>
170           }
172           access example {
173               key: special
174               users: <SPECIAL>
175               newsgroups: *
176           }
178       In this case, the two key: parameters bind this auth group with this
179       access group.  For any incoming connection matching "*.example.com"
180       (assuming there isn't any later auth group that also matches such
181       hosts), no access group that doesn't have "key: special" will even be
182       considered.  Similarly, the above access group will only be checked if
183       the user was authenticated with an auth group containing "key:
184       special".  This mechanism normally isn't useful; there is almost always
185       a better way to achieve the same result.
187       Also note in the example that there's no default-domain: parameter,
188       which means that no domain is appended to the default username and the
189       identity for such connections is just "<SPECIAL>".  Note that some
190       additional add-ons to INN may prefer that authenticated identities
191       always return a full e-mail address (including a domain), so you may
192       want to set up your system that way.
194       Below is the full list of allowable parameters for auth groups and
195       access groups, and after that are some examples that may make this
196       somewhat clearer.


199       An access group without at least one of the res:, auth:, perl_auth:,
200       python_auth:, or default: parameters makes no sense (and in practice
201       will just be ignored).
203       hosts:
204           A comma-separated list of remote hosts, wildmat patterns matching
205           either hostnames or IP addresses, or IP netblocks specified in CIDR
206           notation.  If a user connects from a host that doesn't match this
207           parameter, this auth group will not match the connection and is
208           ignored.
210           Note that if you have a large number of patterns that can't be
211           merged into broader patterns (such as a large number of individual
212           systems scattered around the net that should have access), the
213           hosts: parameter may exceed the maximum line length of 8,192
214           characters.  In that case, you'll need to break that auth group
215           into multiple auth groups, each with a portion of the hosts listed
216           in its hosts: parameter, and each assigning the same user identity.
218           All hosts match if this parameter is not given.
220       localaddress:
221           A comma-separated list of local host or address patterns with the
222           same syntax as the same as with the hosts: parameter.  If this
223           parameter is specified, its auth group will only match connections
224           made to a matching local interface.  (Obviously, this is only
225           useful for servers with multiple interfaces.)
227           All local addresses match if this parameter is not given.
229       res:
230           A simple command line for a user resolver (shell metacharacters are
231           not supported).  If a full path is not given, the program executed
232           must be in the pathbin/auth/resolv directory.  A resolver is an
233           authentication program which attempts to figure out the identity of
234           the connecting user using nothing but the connection information
235           (in other words, the user has not provided a username and
236           password).  An examples of a resolver would be a program that
237           assigns an identity from an ident callback or from the user's
238           hostname.
240           One auth group can have multiple res: parameters, and they will be
241           tried in the order they're listed.  The results of the first
242           successful one will be used.
244       auth:
245           A simple command line for a user authenticator (shell
246           metacharacters are not supported).  If a full path is not given,
247           the program executed must be located in the pathbin/auth/passwd
248           directory.  An authenticator is a program used to handle a user-
249           supplied username and password, via a mechanism such as AUTHINFO
250           USER/PASS.  Like with res:, one auth group can have multiple auth:
251           parameters; they will be tried in order and the results of the
252           first successful one will be used.  See also perl_auth: below.
254           The most common authenticator to use is ckpasswd(8); see its man
255           page for more information.
257       perl_auth:
258           A path to a perl script for authentication.  The perl_auth:
259           parameter works exactly like auth:, except that it calls the named
260           script using the perl hook rather then an external program.
261           Multiple/mixed use of the auth, perl_auth, and python_auth
262           parameters is permitted within any auth group; each line is tried
263           in the order it appears.  perl_auth: has more power than auth: in
264           that it provides the authentication program with additional
265           information about the client and the ability to return an error
266           string and a username.  This parameter is only valid if INN is
267           compiled with Perl support (--with-perl passed to configure).  More
268           information may be found in doc/hook-perl.
270       python_auth:
271           A Python script for authentication.  The python_auth parameter
272           works exactly like auth, except that it calls the named script
273           (without its ".py" extension) using the Python hook rather then an
274           external program.  Multiple/mixed use of the auth, perl_auth, and
275           python_auth parameters is permitted within any auth group; each
276           line is tried in the order it appears.  python_auth has more power
277           than auth in that it provides the authentication program with
278           additional information about the client and the ability to return
279           an error string and a username.  This parameter is only valid if
280           INN is compiled with Python support (--with-python passed to
281           configure).  More information may be found in doc/hook-python.
283       default:
284           The default username for connections matching this auth group.
285           This is the username assigned to the user at connection time if all
286           resolvers fail or if there are no res: parameters.  Note that it
287           can be either a bare username, in which case default-domain: (if
288           present) is appended after an "@", or a full identity string
289           containing an "@", in which case it will be used verbatim.
291       default-domain:
292           The default domain string for this auth group.  If a user resolver
293           or authenticator doesn't provide a domain, or if the default
294           username is used and it doesn't contain a "@", this domain is used
295           to form the user identity.  (Note that for a lot of setups, it's
296           not really necessary for user identities to be qualified with a
297           domain name, in which case there's no need to use this parameter.)
299       key:
300           If this parameter is present, any connection matching this auth
301           group will have its privileges determined only by the subset of
302           access groups containing a matching key parameter.
304       require_ssl:
305           If set to true, an incoming connection only matches this auth group
306           if it is encrypted using TLS/SSL, either from the beginning if the
307           -S flag was passed to nnrpd or after a successful use of STARTTLS.
308           This parameter is only valid if INN is compiled with TLS/SSL
309           support (--with-openssl passed to configure).
311       perl_access:
312           A path to a perl script for dynamically generating an access group.
313           If an auth group matches successfully and contains a perl_access
314           parameter, then the argument perl script will be used to create an
315           access group.  This group will then determine the access rights of
316           the client, overriding any access groups in readers.conf.  If and
317           only if a sucessful auth group contains the perl_access parameter,
318           readers.conf access groups are ignored and the client's rights are
319           instead determined dynamically.  This parameter is only valid if
320           INN is compiled with Perl support (--with-perl passed to
321           configure).  More information may be found in the file
322           doc/hook-perl.
324       python_access:
325           A Python script for dynamically generating an access group.  If an
326           auth group matches successfully and contains a python_access
327           parameter, then the argument script (without its ".py" extension)
328           will be used to create an access group.  This group will then
329           determine the access rights of the client, overriding any access
330           groups in readers.conf.  If and only if a successful auth group
331           contains the python_access parameter, readers.conf access groups
332           are ignored and the client's rights are instead determined
333           dynamically.  This parameter is only valid if INN is compiled with
334           Python support (--with-python passed to configure).  More
335           information may be found in the file doc/hook-python.
337       python_dynamic:
338           A Python script for applying access control dynamically on a per
339           newsgroup basis.  If an auth group matches successfully and
340           contains a python_dynamic parameter, then the argument script
341           (without its ".py" extension) will be used to determine the clients
342           rights each time the user attempts to view a newsgroup, or read or
343           post an article.  Access rights as determined by python_dynamic
344           override the values of access group parameters such as newsgroups,
345           read and post.  This parameter is only valid if INN is compiled
346           with Python support (--with-python passed to configure).  More
347           information may be found in the file doc/hook-python.


350       users:
351           The privileges given by this access group apply to any user
352           identity which matches this comma-separated list of wildmat
353           patterns.  If this parameter isn't given, the access group applies
354           to all users (and is essentially equivalent to "users: *").
356       newsgroups:
357           Users that match this access group are allowed to read and post to
358           all newsgroups matching this comma-separated list of wildmat
359           patterns.  The empty string is equivalent to "newsgroups: *"; if
360           this parameter is missing, the connection will be rejected (unless
361           read: and/or post: are used instead, see below).
363       read:
364           Like the newsgroups: parameter, but the client is only given
365           permission to read the matching newsgroups.  This parameter is
366           often used with post: (below) to specify some read-only groups; it
367           cannot be used in the same access group with a newsgroups:
368           parameter.  (If read: is used and post: is missing, the client will
369           have only read-only access.)
371       post:
372           Like the newsgroups: parameter, but the client is only given
373           permission to post to the matching newsgroups.  This parameter is
374           often used with read: (above) to define the patterns for reading
375           and posting separately (usually to give the user permission to read
376           more newsgroups than they're permitted to post to).  It cannot be
377           used in the same access group with a newsgroups: parameter.
379       access:
380           A set of letters specifying the permissions granted to the client.
381           The letters are chosen from the following set:
383           R  The client may read articles.
385           P  The client may post articles.
387           I  The client may inject articles with IHAVE.  Note that in order
388              to inject articles with the IHAVE the user must also have POST
389              permission (the "P" option).
391           A  The client may post articles with Approved: headers (in other
392              words, may approve articles for moderated newsgroups).  By
393              default, this is not allowed.
395           N  The client may use the NEWNEWS command, overriding the global
396              setting.
398           L  The client may post to newsgroups that are set to disallow local
399              posting (status fields "j", "n" and "x" in the active(5) file).
401           Note that if this parameter is given, allownewnews in inn.conf is
402           ignored for connections matching this access group and the ability
403           of the client to use NEWNEWS is entirely determined by the presence
404           of "N" in the access string.  If you want to support NEWNEWS, make
405           sure to include "N" in the access string when you use this
406           parameter.
408           Note that if this parameter is given and "R" isn't present in the
409           access string, the client cannot read regardless of newsgroups: or
410           read: parameters.  Similarly, if this parameter is given and "P"
411           isn't present, the client cannot post.  This use of access: is
412           deprecated and confusing; it's strongly recommended that if the
413           access: parameter is used, "R" and "P" always be included in the
414           access string and newsgroups:, read:, and post: be used to control
415           access.  (To grant read access but no posting access, one can have
416           just a read: parameter and no post: parameter.)
418       key:
419           If this parameter is present, this access group is only considered
420           when finding privileges for users matching auth groups with this
421           same key: parameter.
423       reject_with:
424           If this parameter is present, a client matching this block will be
425           disconnected with a "Permission denied" message containing the
426           contents (a "reason" string) of this parameter.  Some newsreaders
427           will then display the reason to the user.
429       max_rate:
430           If this parameter is present (and nonzero), it is used for nnrpd's
431           rate-limiting code.  The client will only be able to download at
432           this speed (in bytes/second).  Note that if TLS/SSL is being used,
433           limiting is applied to the pre-encryption datastream.
435       localtime:
436           If a Date: header is not included in a posted article, nnrpd(8)
437           normally adds a new Date: header in UTC.  If this is set to true,
438           the Date: header will be formatted in local time instead.  This is
439           a boolean value and the default is false.
441       newsmaster:
442           Used as the contact address in the help message returned by
443           nnrpd(8), if the virtualhost: parameter is set to true.
445       strippath:
446           If set to true, any Path: header provided by a user in a post is
447           stripped rather than used as the beginning of the Path: header of
448           the article.  This is a boolean value and the default is false.
450       perlfilter:
451           If set to false, posts made by these users do not pass through the
452           Perl filter even if it is otherwise enabled.  This is a boolean
453           value and the default is true.
455       pythonfilter:
456           If set to false, posts made by these users do not pass through the
457           Python filter even if it is otherwise enabled.  This is a boolean
458           value and the default is true.
460       virtualhost:
461           Set this parameter to true in order to make nnrpd behave as if it
462           is running on a server with a different name than it actually is.
463           If you set this parameter to true, you must also set either
464           pathhost: or domain: in the relevant access group in readers.conf
465           to something different than is set in inn.conf.  All articles
466           displayed to clients will then have their Path: and Xref: headers
467           altered to appear to be from the server named in pathhost: or
468           domain: (whichever is set), and posted articles will use that
469           server name in the Path:, Message-ID:, and X-Trace: headers.
471           Note that setting this parameter requires the server modify all
472           posts before presenting them to the client and therefore may
473           decrease performance slightly.
475       In addition, all of the following parameters are valid in access groups
476       and override the global setting in inn.conf.  See inn.conf(5) for the
477       descriptions of these parameters:
479           addnntppostingdate, addnntppostinghost, backoff_auth, backoff_db,
480           backoff_k, backoff_postfast, backoff_postslow, backoff_trigger,
481           checkincludedtext, clienttimeout, complaints, domain,
482           fromhost, localmaxartsize, moderatormailer, nnrpdauthsender,
483           nnrpdcheckart, nnrpdoverstats, nnrpdposthost, nnrpdpostport, organization,
484           pathhost, readertrack, spoolfirst, strippostcc.


487       Here's a basic summary of what happens when a client connects:
489       · All auth groups are scanned and the ones that don't match the client
490         (due to hosts, localaddress, require_ssl, etc.) are eliminated.
492       · The remaining auth groups are scanned from the last to the first, and
493         an attempt is made to apply it to the current connection.  This means
494         running res: programs, if any, and otherwise applying default:.  The
495         first auth group (starting from the bottom) to return a valid user is
496         kept as the active auth group.
498       · If no auth groups yield a valid user (none have default: parameters
499         or successful res: programs) but some of the auth groups have auth:
500         lines (indicating a possibility that the user can authenticate and
501         then obtain permissions), the connection is considered to have no
502         valid auth group (which means that the access groups are ignored
503         completely) but the connection isn't closed.  Instead, 480 is
504         returned for everything until the user authenticates.
506       · When the user authenticates, the auth groups are rescanned, and only
507         the matching ones which contain at least one auth, perl_auth, or
508         python_auth line are considered.  These auth groups are scanned from
509         the last to the first, running auth: programs and perl_auth: or
510         python_auth: scripts.  The first auth group (starting from the
511         bottom) to return a valid user is kept as the active auth group.
513       · Regardless of how an auth group is established, as soon as one is,
514         that auth group is used to assign a user identity by taking the
515         result of the successful res, auth, perl_auth, or python_auth line
516         (or the default: if necessary), and appending the default-domain if
517         necessary.  (If the perl_access: or python_access: parameter is
518         present, see below.)
520       · Finally, an access group is selected by scanning the access groups
521         from bottom up and finding the first match.  (If the established auth
522         group contained a perl_access: or python_access line, the dynamically
523         generated access group returned by the script is used instead.)  User
524         permissions are granted based on the established access group.


527       Probably the simplest useful example of a complete readers.conf, this
528       gives permissions to read and post to all groups to any connections
529       from the "example.com" domain, and no privileges for anyone connecting
530       elsewhere:
532           auth example.com {
533               hosts: "*.example.com, example.com"
534               default: <LOCAL>
535           }
537           access full {
538               newsgroups: *
539           }
541       Note that the access realm has no users: key and therefore applies to
542       any user identity.  The only available auth realm only matches hosts in
543       the "example.com" domain, though, so any connections from other hosts
544       will be rejected immediately.
546       If you have some systems that should only have read-only access to the
547       server, you can modify the example above slightly by adding an
548       additional auth and access group:
550           auth lab {
551               hosts: "*.lab.example.com"
552               default: <LAB>
553           }
555           access lab {
556               users: <LAB>
557               read: *
558           }
560       If those are put in the file after the above example, they'll take
561       precedence (because they're later in the file) for any user coming from
562       a machine in the lab.example.com domain, everyone will only have read
563       access, not posting access.
565       Here's a similar example for a news server that accepts connections
566       from anywhere but requires the user to specify a username and password.
567       The username and password are first checked against an external
568       database of usernames and passwords, and then against the system shadow
569       password file:
571           auth all {
572               auth: "ckpasswd -d <pathdb in inn.conf>/newsusers"
573               auth: "ckpasswd -s"
574           }
576           access full {
577               users: *
578               newsgroups: *
579           }
581       When the user first connects, there are no res: keys and no default, so
582       they don't receive any valid identity and the connection won't match
583       any access groups (even ones with "users: *").  Such users receive
584       nothing but authentication-required responses from nnrpd until they
585       authenticate.
587       If they then later authenticate, the username and password are checked
588       first by running ckpasswd with the -d option for an external dbm file
589       of encrypted passwords, and then with the -s option to check the shadow
590       password database (note that this option may require ckpasswd to be
591       setgid to a shadow group, and there are security considerations; see
592       ckpasswd(8) for details).  If both of those fail, the user will
593       continue to have no identity; otherwise, an identity will be assigned
594       (usually the supplied username, perhaps with a domain appended,
595       although an authenticator technically can provide a completely
596       different username for the identity), and the access group will match,
597       giving full access.
599       It may be educational to consider how to combine the above examples;
600       general groups always go first.  The order of the auth groups actually
601       doesn't matter, since the "hosts: example.com" one only matches
602       connections before username/password is sent, and the "auth: ckpasswd"
603       one only matches after; order would matter if either group applied to
604       both cases.  The order of the access groups in this case does matter,
605       provided the newsgroups: lines differ; the access group with no users:
606       line needs to be first, with the "users: <LOCAL>" group after.
608       Here's an example of another common case: a server that only allows
609       connections from a local domain and has an additional hierarchy that's
610       password-restricted.
612           auth "example.com" {
613               hosts: "*.example.com"
614               auth: "ckpasswd -d <pathdb in inn.conf>/newsusers"
615               default: "anonymous"
616           }
618           access regular {
619               newsgroups: "*,!example.restricted.*"
620           }
622           access full {
623               users: "*,!anonymous"
624               newsgroups: *
625           }
627       In this example, unauthenticated users get the identity "anonymous",
628       which matches only the first access group and hence doesn't get access
629       to the example.restricted.* hierarchy.  Anyone who authenticates using
630       a password in the newsusers file gets full access to all groups.
631       However, note that the only authentication block is limited to
632       hostnames in the example.com domain; connections outside of that domain
633       will never be allowed access or an opportunity to authenticate.
635       Here's a very complicated example.  This is for an organization that
636       has an internal hierarchy "example.*" only available to local shell
637       users, who are on machines where identd can be trusted.  Dialup users
638       must provide a username and password, which is then checked against
639       RADIUS.  Remote users have to use a username and password that's
640       checked against a database on the news server.  Finally, the admin
641       staff (users "joe" and "jane") can post anywhere (including the
642       "example.admin.*" groups that are read-only for everyone else), and are
643       exempted from the Perl filter.  For an additional twist, posts from
644       dialup users have their Sender: header replaced by their authenticated
645       identity.
647       Since this organization has some internal moderated newsgroups, the
648       admin staff can also post messages with Approved: headers, but other
649       users cannot.
651           auth default {
652               auth: "ckpasswd -f <pathdb in inn.conf>/newsusers"
653               default: <FAIL>
654               default-domain: example.com
655           }
657           auth shell {
658               hosts: *.shell.example.com
659               res: ident
660               auth: "ckpasswd -s"
661               default: <FAIL>
662               default-domain: shell.example.com
663           }
665           auth dialup {
666               hosts: *.dialup.example.com
667               auth: radius
668               default: <FAIL>
669               default-domain: dialup.example.com
670           }
672           access shell {
673               users: *@shell.example.com
674               read: *
675               post: "*, !example.admin.*"
676           }
678           access dialup {
679               users: *@dialup.example.com
680               newsgroups: *,!example.*
681               nnrpdauthsender: true
682           }
684           access other {
685               users: "*@example.com, !<FAIL>@example.com"
686               newsgroups: *,!example.*
687           }
689           access fail {
690               users: "<FAIL>@*"
691               newsgroups: !*
692           }
694           access admin {
695               users: "joe@*,jane@*"
696               newsgroups: *
697               access: "RPA"
698               perlfilter: false
699           }
701       Note the use of different domains to separate dialup from shell users
702       easily.  Another way to do that would be with key: parameters, but this
703       way provides slightly more intuitive identity strings.  Note also that
704       the fail access group catches not only failing connections from
705       external users but also failed authentication of shell and dialup users
706       and dialup users before they've authenticated.  The identity string
707       given for, say, dialup users before RADIUS authentication has been
708       attempted matches both the dialup access group and the fail access
709       group, since it's "<FAIL>@dialup.example.com", but the fail group is
710       last so it takes precedence.
712       The shell auth group has an auth: parameter so that users joe and jane
713       can, if they choose, use username and password authentication to gain
714       their special privileges even if they're logged on as a different user
715       on the shell machines (or if ident isn't working).  When they first
716       connect, they'd have the default access for that user, but they could
717       then send AUTHINFO USER and AUTHINFO PASS in order to get their
718       extended access.
720       Also note that if the users joe and jane are using their own accounts,
721       they get their special privileges regardless of how they connect,
722       whether the dialups, the shell machines, or even externally with a
723       username and password.
725       Finally, here's a very simple example of a configuration for a public
726       server for a particular hierarchy.
728           auth default {
729               hosts: *
730               default: <PUBLIC>
731           }
733           access default {
734               users: <PUBLIC>
735               newsgroups: example.*
736           }
738       Notice that clients aren't allowed to read any other groups; this keeps
739       them from getting access to administrative groups or reading control
740       messages, just as a precaution.  When running a public server like
741       this, be aware that many public hierarchies will later be pulled down
742       and reinjected into the main Usenet, so it's highly recommended that
743       you also run a Perl or Python filter to reject any messages crossposted
744       out of your local hierarchy and any messages containing a Supersedes:
745       header.  This will keep messages posted to your public hierarchy from
746       hurting any of the rest of Usenet if they leak out.


749       In general, separate passwords should be used for NNTP wherever
750       possible; the NNTP protocol itself does not protect passwords from
751       casual interception, and many implementations (including this one) do
752       not "lock out" accounts or otherwise discourage password-guessing
753       attacks.  So it is best to ensure that a compromised password has
754       minimal effects.
756       Authentication using the AUTHINFO USER/PASS commands passes unencrypted
757       over the network.  Extreme caution should therefore be used especially
758       with system passwords (e.g. "auth: ckpasswd -s").  Passwords can be
759       protected by using NNTP over TLS/SSL or through ssh tunnels, and this
760       usage can be enforced by a well-considered server configuration that
761       only permits certain auth groups to be applied in certain cases.  Here
762       are some ideas:
764       ·   To restrict connections on the standard NNTP port (119) to use TLS
765           for some (or all) of the auth groups to match, use the require_ssl
766           parameter.  Note that a client can use STARTTLS to negotiate an
767           encrypted connection.  A secure layer can also be negotiated during
768           authentication via AUTHINFO SASL.
770       ·   If you consider your local network (but not the internet) secure,
771           have some auth groups with a restrictive hosts: parameter; they
772           would go above, with ones having global applicability below.
774       ·   Consider running nnrpd with the -S flag (either also with -D, or
775           out of "super-server" like inetd) on the NNTPS port (563) for
776           clients that support TLS/SSL.  See nnrpd(8) for more details about
777           how to configure that.  You can use the require_ssl parameter or
778           the -c flag to specify an alternate readers.conf file if you want a
779           substantially different configuration for this case.
781       ·   If you want to restrict an auth group to only match loopback
782           connections (for users running newsreaders on localhost or
783           connecting via an ssh tunnel), use the localaddress: parameter.


786       Written by Aidan Cully <aidan@panix.com> for InterNetNews.
787       Substantially expanded by Russ Allbery <rra@stanford.edu>.
789       $Id: readers.conf.pod 9031 2010-03-23 18:31:55Z iulius $


792       auth_krb5(8), ckpasswd(8), inn.conf(5), innd(8), newsfeeds(5),
793       nnrpd(8), uwildmat(3).
797INN 2.5.2                         2010-08-11                   READERS.CONF(5)