1SLAPD-LDAP(5)                 File Formats Manual                SLAPD-LDAP(5)


6       slapd-ldap - LDAP backend to slapd


9       /etc/openldap/slapd.conf


12       The LDAP backend to slapd(8) is not an actual database; instead it acts
13       as a proxy to forward incoming requests to another LDAP  server.  While
14       processing requests it will also chase referrals, so that referrals are
15       fully processed instead of being returned to the slapd client.
17       Sessions that explicitly Bind to the back-ldap database  always  create
18       their  own private connection to the remote LDAP server. Anonymous ses‐
19       sions will share a single anonymous connection to  the  remote  server.
20       For sessions bound through other mechanisms, all sessions with the same
21       DN will share the same connection. This connection pooling strategy can
22       enhance  the  proxy's efficiency by reducing the overhead of repeatedly
23       making/breaking multiple connections.
25       The ldap database can also act as  an  information  service,  i.e.  the
26       identity  of  locally  authenticated  clients is asserted to the remote
27       server, possibly in some modified form.  For this  purpose,  the  proxy
28       binds  to  the remote server with some administrative identity, and, if
29       required, authorizes the asserted identity.  See the  idassert-*  rules
30       below.  The administrative identity of the proxy, on the remote server,
31       must be allowed to authorize by means of appropriate authzTo rules; see
32       slapd.conf(5) for details.
34       The  proxy instance of slapd(8) must contain schema information for the
35       attributes and objectClasses used in filters, request DN  and  request-
36       related data in general.  It should also contain schema information for
37       the data returned by the proxied server.  It is the  responsibility  of
38       the  proxy  administrator to keep the schema of the proxy lined up with
39       that of the proxied server.
42       Note: When looping back to the same instance of slapd(8), each  connec‐
43       tion requires a new thread; as a consequence, slapd(8) must be compiled
44       with thread support, and the threads parameter may need some tuning; in
45       those  cases, one may consider using slapd-relay(5) instead, which per‐
46       forms the relayed operation internally and thus reuses the same connec‐
47       tion.


51       These  slapd.conf options apply to the LDAP backend database.  That is,
52       they must follow a "database ldap" line and come before any  subsequent
53       "backend" or "database" lines.  Other database options are described in
54       the slapd.conf(5) manual page.
57       Note: In early versions of back-ldap it was recommended to always set
59              lastmod  off
61       for ldap and meta databases.  This  was  required  because  operational
62       attributes  related  to  entry  creation and modification should not be
63       proxied, as they could be mistakenly written to the  target  server(s),
64       generating  an  error.   The  current implementation automatically sets
65       lastmod to off, so its use is redundant and should be omitted.
68       uri <ldapurl>
69              LDAP server to use.  Multiple URIs can be set in a  single  lda‐
70              purl argument, resulting in the underlying library automatically
71              call the first server of the list that responds, e.g.
73              uri "ldap://host/ ldap://backup-host/"
75              The URI list is space- or comma-separated.  Whenever the  server
76              that  responds  is  not  the  first one in the list, the list is
77              rearranged and the responsive server is moved to  the  head,  so
78              that it will be first contacted the next time a connection needs
79              be created.
81       acl-bind       bindmethod=simple|sasl       [binddn=<simple        DN>]
82              [credentials=<simple     password>]    [saslmech=<SASL    mech>]
83              [secprops=<properties>] [realm=<realm>] [authcId=<authentication
84              ID>]   [authzId=<authorization  ID>]  [starttls=no|yes|critical]
85              [tls_cert=<file>]      [tls_key=<file>]      [tls_cacert=<file>]
86              [tls_cacertdir=<path>]      [tls_reqcert=never|allow|try|demand]
87              [tls_ciphersuite=<ciphers>]         [tls_protocol_min=<version>]
88              [tls_crlcheck=none|peer|all]
89              Allows  to  define  the  parameters of the authentication method
90              that is internally used by the proxy to collect info related  to
91              access  control,  and  whenever  an  operation  occurs  with the
92              identity of the rootdn of the LDAP proxy database.  The identity
93              defined   by   this   directive,  according  to  the  properties
94              associated to the authentication method,  is  supposed  to  have
95              read access on the target server to attributes used on the proxy
96              for ACL checking.
98              There is no risk of giving away such values; they are only  used
99              to  check  permissions.  The default is to use simple bind, with
100              empty binddn and  credentials,  which  means  that  the  related
101              operations  will  be  performed anonymously.  If not set, and if
102              idassert-bind is defined, this latter identity is used  instead.
103              See idassert-bind for details.
105              The  connection between the proxy database and the remote server
106              associated to this identity is cached regardless of the lifespan
107              of the client-proxy connection that first established it.
109              This  identity  is by no means implicitly used by the proxy when
110              the client connects  anonymously.   The  idassert-bind  feature,
111              instead,  in  some  cases  can  be  crafted  to  implement  that
112              behavior, which is intrinsically unsafe and should be used  with
113              extreme   care.    This  directive  obsoletes  acl-authcDN,  and
114              acl-passwd.
116              The TLS settings default to the  same  as  the  main  slapd  TLS
117              settings, except for tls_reqcert which defaults to "demand".
120       cancel {ABANDON|ignore|exop[-discover]}
121              Defines  how  to  handle  operation  cancellation.   By default,
122              abandon is invoked, so the operation is  abandoned  immediately.
123              If set to ignore, no action is taken and any further response is
124              ignored; this may result in  further  response  messages  to  be
125              queued  for  that  connection,  so  it  is recommended that long
126              lasting connections are timed  out  either  by  idle-timeout  or
127              conn-ttl,  so that resources eventually get released.  If set to
128              exop, a cancel operation (RFC 3909) is issued, resulting in  the
129              cancellation  of  the  current  operation;  the cancel operation
130              waits for  remote  server  response,  so  its  use  may  not  be
131              recommended.   If  set  to  exop-discover, support of the cancel
132              extended operation is detected by reading  the  remote  server's
133              root DSE.
136       chase-referrals {YES|no}
137              enable/disable automatic referral chasing, which is delegated to
138              the underlying libldap, with rebinding eventually  performed  if
139              the  rebind-as-user  directive is used.  The default is to chase
140              referrals.
143       conn-ttl <time>
144              This directive causes a  cached  connection  to  be  dropped  an
145              recreated after a given ttl, regardless of being idle or not.
148       idassert-authzFrom <authz-regexp>
149              if  defined,  selects  what  local  identities are authorized to
150              exploit the identity  assertion  feature.   The  string  <authz-
151              regexp>  follows  the rules defined for the authzFrom attribute.
152              See slapd.conf(5), section related to authz-policy, for  details
153              on the syntax of this field.
156       idassert-bind    bindmethod=none|simple|sasl    [binddn=<simple    DN>]
157              [credentials=<simple    password>]    [saslmech=<SASL     mech>]
158              [secprops=<properties>] [realm=<realm>] [authcId=<authentication
159              ID>]  [authzId=<authorization  ID>]  [authz={native|proxyauthz}]
160              [mode=<mode>]     [flags=<flags>]     [starttls=no|yes|critical]
161              [tls_cert=<file>]      [tls_key=<file>]      [tls_cacert=<file>]
162              [tls_cacertdir=<path>]      [tls_reqcert=never|allow|try|demand]
163              [tls_ciphersuite=<ciphers>]         [tls_protocol_min=<version>]
164              [tls_crlcheck=none|peer|all]
165              Allows  to  define  the  parameters of the authentication method
166              that is internally used by the proxy  to  authorize  connections
167              that are authenticated by other databases.  The identity defined
168              by this directive, according to the properties associated to the
169              authentication  method,  is  supposed to have auth access on the
170              target server to attributes used on the proxy for authentication
171              and  authorization,  and  to  be allowed to authorize the users.
172              This requires to have proxyAuthz privileges on  a  wide  set  of
173              DNs,  e.g.  authzTo=dn.subtree:"", and the remote server to have
174              authz-policy set to to or both.  See slapd.conf(5)  for  details
175              on  these  statements  and for remarks and drawbacks about their
176              usage.  The supported bindmethods are
178              none|simple|sasl
180              where none  is  the  default,  i.e.  no  identity  assertion  is
181              performed.
183              The authz parameter is used to instruct the SASL bind to exploit
184              native SASL authorization, if available; since  connections  are
185              cached,  this  should only be used when authorizing with a fixed
186              identity (e.g. by means of the authzDN or  authzID  parameters).
187              Otherwise,  the  default proxyauthz is used, i.e. the proxyAuthz
188              control (Proxied  Authorization,  RFC  4370)  is  added  to  all
189              operations.
191              The supported modes are:
193              <mode> := {legacy|anonymous|none|self}
195              If <mode> is not present, and authzId is given, the proxy always
196              authorizes that identity.  <authorization ID> can be
198              u:<user>
200              [dn:]<DN>
202              The former is supposed to  be  expanded  by  the  remote  server
203              according to the authz rules; see slapd.conf(5) for details.  In
204              the latter case, whether or not the dn: prefix is  present,  the
205              string must pass DN validation and normalization.
207              The  default  mode  is legacy, which implies that the proxy will
208              either perform a simple bind as the authcDN or a  SASL  bind  as
209              the  authcID  and  assert  the  client's identity when it is not
210              anonymous.  Direct binds are always proxied.   The  other  modes
211              imply that the proxy will always either perform a simple bind as
212              the authcDN or a SASL bind as the authcID, unless restricted  by
213              idassert-authzFrom   rules   (see  below),  in  which  case  the
214              operation will fail;  eventually,  it  will  assert  some  other
215              identity  according  to  <mode>.  Other identity assertion modes
216              are anonymous and self, which respectively mean that  the  empty
217              or  the  client's  identity  will be asserted; none, which means
218              that no proxyAuthz control will be used, so the authcDN  or  the
219              authcID  identity  will be asserted.  For all modes that require
220              the use of the proxyAuthz control,  on  the  remote  server  the
221              proxy identity must have appropriate authzTo permissions, or the
222              asserted identities must have appropriate authzFrom permissions.
223              Note,  however,  that  the ID assertion feature is mostly useful
224              when the asserted identities do not exist on the remote server.
226              Flags can be
228              override,[non-]prescriptive,proxy-authz-[non-]critical
230              When the override flag is used, identity assertion  takes  place
231              even  when  the  database is authorizing for the identity of the
232              client, i.e. after binding with the provided identity, and  thus
233              authenticating  it,  the  proxy  performs the identity assertion
234              using the configured identity and authentication method.
236              When the prescriptive flag is  used  (the  default),  operations
237              fail with inappropriateAuthentication for those identities whose
238              assertion is not allowed by the idassert-authzFrom patterns.  If
239              the  non-prescriptive  flag  is  used,  operations are performed
240              anonymously for those identities whose assertion is not  allowed
241              by the idassert-authzFrom patterns.
243              When  the  proxy-authz-non-critical  flag is used (the default),
244              the proxyAuthz control is not marked as critical,  in  violation
245              of RFC 4370.  Use of proxy-authz-critical is recommended.
247              The  TLS  settings  default  to  the  same as the main slapd TLS
248              settings, except for tls_reqcert which defaults to "demand".
250              The identity associated to  this  directive  is  also  used  for
251              privileged  operations  whenever  idassert-bind  is  defined and
252              acl-bind is not.  See acl-bind for details.
254              This  directive  obsoletes  idassert-authcDN,   idassert-passwd,
255              idassert-mode, and idassert-method.
258       idassert-passthru <authz-regexp>
259              if  defined,  selects  what local identities bypass the identity
260              assertion feature.  Those identities need to  be  known  by  the
261              remote  host.   The  string  <authz-regexp>  follows  the  rules
262              defined for the authzFrom attribute.  See slapd.conf(5), section
263              related  to  authz-policy,  for  details  on  the syntax of this
264              field.
268       idle-timeout <time>
269              This directive causes a  cached  connection  to  be  dropped  an
270              recreated after it has been idle for the specified time.
273       network-timeout <time>
274              Sets  the  network  timeout  value after which poll(2)/select(2)
275              following a connect(2) returns in  case  of  no  activity.   The
276              value   is   in   seconds,  and  it  can  be  specified  as  for
277              idle-timeout.
280       norefs <NO|yes>
281              If yes, do not return search reference responses.   By  default,
282              they are returned unless request is LDAPv2.
285       noundeffilter <NO|yes>
286              If  yes,  return  success  instead  of  searching if a filter is
287              undefined or  contains  undefined  portions.   By  default,  the
288              search  is  propagated  after  replacing undefined portions with
289              (!(objectClass=*)), which corresponds to the empty result set.
292       protocol-version {0,2,3}
293              This directive indicates what protocol version must be  used  to
294              contact the remote server.  If set to 0 (the default), the proxy
295              uses the same protocol version used by the client, otherwise the
296              requested    protocol    is    used.     The    proxy    returns
297              unwillingToPerform if an operation that is incompatible with the
298              requested protocol is attempted.
301       proxy-whoami {NO|yes}
302              Turns  on  proxying  of  the  WhoAmI extended operation. If this
303              option is given, back-ldap will replace slapd's original  WhoAmI
304              routine  with its own. On slapd sessions that were authenticated
305              by back-ldap, the WhoAmI request will be forwarded to the remote
306              LDAP  server. Other sessions will be handled by the local slapd,
307              as before. This option is  mainly  useful  in  conjunction  with
308              Proxy Authorization.
311       quarantine <interval>,<num>[;<interval>,<num>[...]]
312              Turns  on  quarantine of URIs that returned LDAP_UNAVAILABLE, so
313              that an attempt to reconnect  only  occurs  at  given  intervals
314              instead of any time a client requests an operation.  The pattern
315              is: retry only after at least  interval  seconds  elapsed  since
316              last  attempt, for exactly num times; then use the next pattern.
317              If num  for  the  last  pattern  is  "+",  it  retries  forever;
318              otherwise,  no more retries occur.  The process can be restarted
319              by resetting the olcDbQuarantine attribute of the database entry
320              in the configuration backend.
323       rebind-as-user {NO|yes}
324              If  this  option  is  given,  the  client's bind credentials are
325              remembered for rebinds, when trying  to  re-establish  a  broken
326              connection,  or  when  chasing a referral, if chase-referrals is
327              set to yes.
330       session-tracking-request {NO|yes}
331              Adds session tracking control for all requests.  The client's IP
332              and  hostname,  and  the identity associated to each request, if
333              known, are sent to the remote server for informational purposes.
334              This  directive is incompatible with setting protocol-version to
335              2.
338       single-conn {NO|yes}
339              Discards current cached connection when the client rebinds.
342       t-f-support {NO|yes|discover}
343              enable if the  remote  server  supports  absolute  filters  (see
344              draft-zeilenga-ldap-t-f  for  details).   If  set  to  discover,
345              support is detected by reading the remote server's root DSE.
348       timeout [<op>=]<val> [...]
349              This directive allows to set per-operation timeouts.  Operations
350              can be
352              <op> ::= bind, add, delete, modrdn, modify, compare, search
354              The  overall  duration  of  the  search  operation is controlled
355              either by the timelimit parameter  or  by  server-side  enforced
356              time  limits  (see  timelimit  and  limits  in slapd.conf(5) for
357              details).  This timeout parameter controls how long  the  target
358              can be irresponsive before the operation is aborted.  Timeout is
359              meaningless for the remaining operations,  unbind  and  abandon,
360              which do not imply any response, while it is not yet implemented
361              in currently supported extended operations.  If no operation  is
362              specified, the timeout val affects all supported operations.
364              Note:  if  the timelimit is exceeded, the operation is cancelled
365              (according to the  cancel  directive);  the  protocol  does  not
366              provide any means to rollback operations, so the client will not
367              be notified  about  the  result  of  the  operation,  which  may
368              eventually  succeeded  or  not.  In case the timeout is exceeded
369              during a bind operation, the connection is destroyed,  according
370              to RFC4511.
372              Note: in some cases, this backend may issue binds prior to other
373              operations (e.g. to bind anonymously  or  with  some  prescribed
374              identity  according  to  the  idassert-bind directive).  In this
375              case, the timeout of the operation that resulted in the bind  is
376              used.
379       tls        {[try-]start|[try-]propagate|ldaps}        [tls_cert=<file>]
380              [tls_key=<file>]   [tls_cacert=<file>]    [tls_cacertdir=<path>]
381              [tls_reqcert=never|allow|try|demand] [tls_ciphersuite=<ciphers>]
382              [tls_crlcheck=none|peer|all]
383              Specify the use of TLS when a regular connection is initialized.
384              The  StartTLS  extended  operation  will  be used unless the URI
385              directive protocol scheme is ldaps://. In that case this keyword
386              may  only  be set to "ldaps" and the StartTLS operation will not
387              be used.  propagate issues the StartTLS operation  only  if  the
388              original connection did.  The try- prefix instructs the proxy to
389              continue operations if the StartTLS operation failed; its use is
390              not recommended.
392              The  TLS  settings  default  to  the  same as the main slapd TLS
393              settings, except for tls_reqcert which defaults to "demand".
396       use-temporary-conn {NO|yes}
397              when  set  to  yes,  create  a  temporary  connection   whenever
398              competing  with  other threads for a shared one; otherwise, wait
399              until the shared connection is available.


403       The LDAP backend has been heavily reworked  between  releases  2.2  and
404       2.3,  and  subsequently between 2.3 and 2.4.  As a side-effect, some of
405       the traditional directives have been deprecated and should be no longer
406       used, as they might disappear in future releases.
409       acl-authcDN <administrative DN for access control purposes>
410              Formerly known as the binddn, it is the DN that is used to query
411              the target server for acl checking; it is supposed to have  read
412              access  on the target server to attributes used on the proxy for
413              acl checking.  There is no risk of giving away such values; they
414              are only used to check permissions.
416              The  acl-authcDN  identity is by no means implicitly used by the
417              proxy when the  client  connects  anonymously.   The  idassert-*
418              feature can be used (at own risk) for that purpose instead.
420              This  directive  is obsoleted by the binddn arg of acl-bind when
421              bindmethod=simple, and will be dismissed in the future.
424       acl-passwd <password>
425              Formerly known as the bindpw, it is the password used  with  the
426              above acl-authcDN directive.  This directive is obsoleted by the
427              credentials arg of acl-bind when bindmethod=simple, and will  be
428              dismissed in the future.
431       idassert-authcDN <administrative DN for proxyAuthz purposes>
432              DN  which  is  used  to  propagate  the client's identity to the
433              target by means of the proxyAuthz control when the  client  does
434              not  belong  to  the DIT fragment that is being proxied by back-
435              ldap.   This  directive  is  obsoleted  by  the  binddn  arg  of
436              idassert-bind  when  bindmethod=simple, and will be dismissed in
437              the future.
440       idassert-passwd <password>
441              Password used with the idassert-authcDN above.   This  directive
442              is  obsoleted  by  the  crendentials  arg  of idassert-bind when
443              bindmethod=simple, and will be dismissed in the future.
446       idassert-mode <mode> [<flags>]
447              defines what type of identity assertion is used.  This directive
448              is  obsoleted  by  the  mode  arg  of idassert-bind, and will be
449              dismissed in the future.
452       idassert-method <method> [<saslargs>]
453              This  directive  is  obsoleted  by   the   bindmethod   arg   of
454              idassert-bind, and will be dismissed in the future.
457       port <port>
458              this directive is no longer supported.  Use the uri directive as
459              described above.
462       server <hostname[:port]>
463              this directive is no longer supported.  Use the uri directive as
464              described above.
467       suffixmassage, map, rewrite*
468              These  directives  are  no  longer supported by back-ldap; their
469              functionality is now delegated to the rwm overlay.  Essentially,
470              add a statement
472              overlay rwm
474              first, and prefix all rewrite/map statements with rwm- to obtain
475              the original behavior.  See slapo-rwm(5) for details.


479       The ldap backend does not honor  all  ACL  semantics  as  described  in
480       slapd.access(5).   In  general,  access  checking  is  delegated to the
481       remote server(s).  Only read (=r) access to the entry  pseudo-attribute
482       and to the other attribute values of the entries returned by the search
483       operation is honored, which is performed by the frontend.


487       The LDAP  backend  provides  basic  proxying  functionalities  to  many
488       overlays.   The  chain  overlay,  described  in slapo-chain(5), and the
489       translucent  overlay,  described  in  slapo-translucent(5),  deserve  a
490       special mention.
492       Conversely,  there  are many overlays that are best used in conjunction
493       with the LDAP backend.  The proxycache overlay allows caching  of  LDAP
494       search requests (queries) in a local database.  See slapo-pcache(5) for
495       details.  The rwm overlay provides DN rewrite and attribute/objectClass
496       mapping  capabilities to the underlying database.  See slapo-rwm(5) for
497       details.


501       /etc/openldap/slapd.conf
502              default slapd configuration file


505       slapd.conf(5),    slapd-config(5),    slapd-meta(5),    slapo-chain(5),
506       slapo-pcache(5), slapo-rwm(5), slapo-translucent(5), slapd(8), ldap(3).


509       Howard Chu, with enhancements by Pierangelo Masarati
513OpenLDAP 2.4.23                   2010/06/30                     SLAPD-LDAP(5)