1FWKNOP(8)                   System Manager's Manual                  FWKNOP(8)


6       fwknop - Firewall Knock Operator


9       fwknop -A <ports> -R|-a|-s -D <host> [options]


12       fwknop implements an authorization scheme known as Single Packet Autho‐
13       rization (SPA) for Linux systems running iptables, and for Mac OS X and
14       FreeBSD  systems  running  ipfw.  This mechanism requires only a single
15       encrypted and non-replayed packet  to  communicate  various  pieces  of
16       information  including  desired access through an iptables or ipfw pol‐
17       icy.  The main application of this program is to use iptables  or  ipfw
18       in  a default-drop stance to protect services such as SSH with an addi‐
19       tional layer of security in order to make the exploitation of  vulnera‐
20       bilities  (both  0-day  and  unpatched  code)  much more difficult.  An
21       authorization server fwknopd passively monitors  authorization  packets
22       via  libpcap  and hence there is no "server" to which to connect in the
23       traditional sense.  Any service protected by fwknop is inaccessible (by
24       using  iptables  or ipfw to intercept packets within the kernel) before
25       authenticating; anyone scanning for the service will  not  be  able  to
26       detect  that  it is even listening.  Single Packet Authorization offers
27       many advantages over port knocking, including non-replayability of  SPA
28       packets,  ability  to use asymmetric ciphers (such as Elgamal), and SPA
29       cannot be broken by simply spoofing packets to duplicate  ports  within
30       the knock sequence on the server to break port knocking authentication.
31       SPA packets can easily be spoofed as well (this is a good thing in this
32       context),  and this makes it possible to make it appear as though, say,
33       www.yahoo.com is trying to authenticate to a target system but in real‐
34       ity  the  actual  connection  will  come from a seemingly unrelated IP.
35       Although the default data collection method in Single Packet Authoriza‐
36       tion  mode  is to use libpcap to sniff packets off the wire, fwknop can
37       also read packets out of a file that is written by the  iptables  ulogd
38       pcap  writer (or a separate sniffer process that is writing packet data
39       to a file).
41       Authorization packets are either  encrypted  with  the  Rijndael  block
42       cipher  or via GnuPG and associated asymmetric ciphers.  If the symmet‐
43       ric encryption method is chosen, then  the  encryption  key  is  shared
44       between  the  client and server (see the /etc/fwknop/access.conf file).
45       If the GnuPG method is chosen, then the  encryption  keys  are  derived
46       from  GnuPG  key  rings.   SPA packets generated by fwknop running as a
47       client adhere to the following format (before they are encrypted):
49           random number (16 bytes)
50           username
51           timestamp
52           software version
53           mode (command mode (0) or access mode (1))
54           if command mode => command to execute
55           else access mode  => IP,proto,port
56           message digest (SHA256 / SHA1 / MD5)
58       Each of the above fields are separated by a ":" character  due  to  the
59       variable  length of several of the fields, and those that might contain
60       ":" characters are base64  encoded.   The  message  digest  (SHA256  by
61       default in all versions of fwknop greater than 1.9.1) allows the server
62       to check message integrity after decryption, and the 16 bytes of random
63       data  ensures  (with high probability) that no two messages are identi‐
64       cal.  This ensures that replay attacks are not possible against fwknop.
65       For each packet coming from an fwknop client, the fwknopd server caches
66       the SHA256 digest  calculated  over  the  entire  packet  and  compares
67       against  previous  packet  digests  in order to detect attempted replay
68       attacks.     The    digest     cache     file     is     located     at
69       /var/log/fwknop/digest.cache  and  is not rotated so that the detection
70       of duplicate SPA messages is maximized.  Both syslog and  email  alerts
71       are  generated  if a replay is detected (although this can be tuned via
72       the ALERTING_METHODS variable in the /etc/fwknop/fwknop.conf file).  By
73       default,  the  fwknop  client sends authorization packets over UDP port
74       62201, but this can be altered with  the  --Server-port  argument.  The
75       server  must first be configured to acquire the SPA data on the changed
76       protocol-port.  Also, fwknop can send the SPA packet over a random port
77       via the --rand-port argument.  See fwknopd(8) for further details.  See
78       the EXAMPLES section for example invocations of the fwknop client.


82       -D, --Destination <IP-address>
83              Direct the fwknop client to authenticate with the  fwknopd  dae‐
84              mon/service  at  the  destination address <IP> .  The connection
85              mode  is  discovered  by  the  fwknopd  daemon/service  when  it
86              decrypts and parses the authentication packet.
88       -A, --Access <port list>
89              Provide a list of ports and protocols to access on a remote com‐
90              puter  running  fwknopd.    The   format   of   this   list   is
91              '<proto>/<port>...<proto>/<port>,  e.g.  "tcp/22,udp/53".  NOTE:
92              The vast majority of usages for fwknop require the -A  argument,
93              but  sending full commands with the --Server-cmd argument via an
94              SPA packet to be executed by fwknopd does not require this argu‐
95              ment.
97       -R|-a|-s
98              One  of these options (see below) is required to tell the remote
99              fwknopd daemon what IP should be let through the local firewall.
100              It  is  recommend  to  use the -R or -a options instead of -s in
101              order  to  harden  SPA  communications  against  possible   MITM
102              attacks.


106       -a, --allow-IP <IP-address>
107              Specify IP address that should be permitted through the destina‐
108              tion fwknopd server firewall (this IP is  encrypted  within  the
109              SPA  packet itself). This is useful to prevent a Man-In-The-Mid‐
110              dle (MTIM) attack where an SPA packet  can  be  intercepted  en-
111              route  and sent from a different IP than the original. Hence, if
112              the fwknopd server trusts the source address on the  SPA  packet
113              IP  header  then  the attacker gains access.  The -a option puts
114              the source address within  the  encrypted  SPA  packet,  and  so
115              thwarts  this  attack.   The -a option is also useful to specify
116              the IP that will be granted access when  SPA  packet  itself  is
117              spoofed  with the --Spoof-src option.  Another related option is
118              -R (see below) which instructs the fwknop  client  to  automati‐
119              cally  resolve the externally routable IP address the local sys‐
120              tem is connected to by  querying  the  http://www.whatismyip.com
121              website.
123       -R, --Resolve-external-IP
124              This is an important option, and instructs the fwknop client and
125              the fwknopd daemon/service to query http://www.whatismyip.com to
126              determine the IP address that should be allowed through the ipt‐
127              ables policy at the remote fwknopd server side.  This is  useful
128              if the fwknop client is being used on a system that is behind an
129              obscure NAT address.  Note that you can use the --URL option  to
130              have  fwknop resolve an externally routable address by using the
131              specific web service instead of  http://www.whatismyip.org  (see
132              below).
135       --NAT-access <internalIP:forwardPort>
136              The  fwknopd  server  offers  the  ability to provide SPA access
137              through an iptables firewall to an internal service by interfac‐
138              ing  with  the  iptables  NAT  capabilities.  So, if the fwknopd
139              server is protecting an internal network  on  RFC  1918  address
140              space,  an  external  fwknop  client can request that the server
141              port forward an external port to an internal  IP,  i.e.  "--NAT-
142              access".  In this case access will be granted
143              to via port 55000 to whatever service is  requested
144              via the --Access argument (usually tcp/22). Hence, after sending
145              such an SPA packet, one would then do "ssh -p  55000  user@host"
146              and the connection would be forwarded on through to the internal
147     system automatically.  Note that the  port  "55000"
148              can  be  randomly  generated  via  the  --NAT-rand-port argument
149              (described later).
151       --NAT-local
152              On the fwknopd server, a NAT operation can apply  to  the  local
153              system  instead of being forwarded through the system.  That is,
154              for iptables firewalls, a connection to, say, port 55,000 can be
155              translated to port 22 on the local system.  By making use of the
156              --NAT-local argument, the fwknop client can be made  to  request
157              such  access.   This means that any external attacker would only
158              see a connection over port 55,000 instead of the  expected  port
159              22 after the SPA packet is sent.
161       --URL <web resolution URL>
162              This  option  is  used in conjunction with the -R option so that
163              fwknop will resolve the externally routable IP  address  (useful
164              if  fwknop is run on a system being a NAT) via a web service URL
165              supplied on the command line. A custom web resolution CGI script
166              is  available  at  the URL below if http://www.whatismyip.org is
167              not available: http://www.cipherdyne.org/cgi/clientip.cgi
169       --gpg-agent
170              Instruct fwknop to acquire GnuPG key  password  from  a  running
171              gpg-agent instance.
173       --gpg-agent-info <connection info>
174              Specify  the value of the GPG_AGENT_INFO environment variable as
175              returned by the gpg-agent --daemon command. If the fwknop --gpg-
176              agent command line argument is used instead of --gpg-agent-info,
177              then fwknop assumes that the GPG_AGENT_INFO environment variable
178              has already been set in the current shell.
180       --gpg-default-key
181              Use the key that GnuPG defines as the default, i.e. the key that
182              is specified by the default-key  variable  in  ~/.gnupg/options.
183              If    the   default-key   variable   is   not   defined   within
184              ~/.gnupg/options , then GnuPG tries to use  the  first  suitable
185              key on its key ring.  If the user does not know the password for
186              this key, then the standard password error  will  be  thrown  by
187              GnuPG and reported back to the user.
189       --gpg-home-dir <dir>
190              Specify  the  path to the GnuPG directory; normally this path is
191              derived from the home directory of the user that is running  the
192              fwknop  client.  This is useful when a 'root' user wishes to log
193              into a remote machine whose sshd daemon/service does not  permit
194              'root' login.
196       --gpg-recipient <key ID>
197              Specify  the  GnuPG  key  ID, e.g. "1234ABCD" (see the output of
198              "gpg --list-keys") of the recipient of the Single Packet  Autho‐
199              rization  message.   This  key is imported by the fwknopd server
200              and the associated private  key  is  used  to  decrypt  the  SPA
201              packet.   The  recipient's  key  must first be imported into the
202              client GnuPG key ring.
204       --gpg-signing-key <key ID>
205              Specify the GnuPG key ID, e.g. "ABCD1234"  (see  the  output  of
206              "gpg  --list-keys")  to  use  when signing the SPA message.  The
207              user is prompted for the associated GnuPG password to create the
208              signature.   This  adds  a cryptographically strong mechanism to
209              allow the fwknopd daemon on the remote  server  to  authenticate
210              who created the SPA message.
212       --gpg-verbose
213              Instruct fwknop to allow all output from the gpg process that is
214              used by fwknop in GnuPG mode.  This is primarily used for debug‐
215              ging  purposes  if  it appears that the GnuPG encrypt/decrypt is
216              not performing correctly.
218       --gpg-use-options
219              By default the fwknop client instructs gpg to not reference  any
220              options  file in gpg mode, but this command line argument can be
221              used to re-enable them.
223       --Home-dir <dir>
224              Specify the path to the user home directory where files such  as
225              .fwknop.hosts or .fwknop.run should be stored or retrieved.
227       -l, --last-cmd
228              Instruct  fwknop  client to run with the same command line argu‐
229              ments that were used in a previous execution.   This  option  is
230              useful  because  the clients' fwknop command line can be complex
231              and difficult to recall.
233       --Last-host <host>
234              Instruct fwknop to use the same command line arguments that were
235              used to authenticate to host.
237       -q, --quiet
238              This  option instructs the fwknop to be as quiet as possible and
239              only print absolutely necessary information to the terminal.
241       -s, --source-ip
242              Instruct the fwknop client to form an SPA packet  that  contains
243              the special-case IP address "" which will inform the des‐
244              tination fwknopd SPA server to use the source  IP  address  from
245              which  the  SPA packet originates as the IP that will be allowed
246              through upon modification of the firewall ruleset.  This  option
247              is  useful if the fwknop client is deployed on a machine that is
248              behind a NAT device. The permit-address options -s (default), -R
249              and -a are mutually exclusive.
251       --Server-port <port>
252              Specify  the port number where fwknopd accepts packets via libp‐
253              cap or ulogd pcap writer.  By default fwknopd looks  for  autho‐
254              rization packets over UDP port 62201.
256       --rand-port
257              Instruct  the  fwknop client to send an SPA packet over a random
258              destination port between 10,000 and 65535.  The  fwknopd  server
259              must  use  a  PCAP_FILTER  variable that is configured to accept
260              such packets.  For example, the PCAP_FILTER  variable  could  be
261              set to: udp dst portrange 10000-65535
263       --NAT-rand-port
264              Usually fwknop is used to request access to a specific port such
265              as tcp/22 on a system running fwknopd.  However,  by  using  the
266              --NAT-rand-port  argument, it is possible to request access to a
267              particular service (again, such as tcp/22), but have this access
268              granted  via a random translated port.  That is, once the fwknop
269              client has been executed  in  this  mode  and  the  random  port
270              selected  by  fwknop  is displayed, the destination port used by
271              the follow-on client must be changed to match this random  port.
272              For  SSH,  this  is  accomplished  via the -p argument.  See the
273              --NAT-local and --NAT-access command line  arguments  to  fwknop
274              for  additional  details on gaining access to services via a NAT
275              operation.
277       --Save-packet
278              Instruct the fwknop client to write a newly created  SPA  packet
279              out  to a file so that it can be examined off-line.  The default
280              path is ~/fwknop_save_packet.<pid> where <pid> is the process ID
281              of  the  fwknop client process, but this can be changed with the
282              --Save-packet-file argument (see below).
284       --Save-packet-file <file>
285              Specify the file to write a new SPA packet to  in  --Save-packet
286              mode.
288       --Save-packet-append
289              In --Save-packet mode fwknop normally overwrite the file used to
290              save a new SPA packet, but this command line argument  instructs
291              fwknop  to append a new SPA packet to the file instead.  This is
292              useful for generating large sets of SPA packets in order to test
293              randomness or encryption properties.
295       --time-offset-plus <time>
296              By  default, the fwknopd daemon on the server side enforces time
297              synchronization between the clocks running on client and  server
298              systems.   The  fwknop  client places the local time within each
299              SPA packet as a time stamp to be validated by the fwknopd server
300              after decryption.  However, in some circumstances, if the clocks
301              are out of sync and the user on the client system does not  have
302              the required access to change the local clock setting, it can be
303              difficult to construct and SPA packet  with  a  time  stamp  the
304              server  will  accept.  In this situation, the --time-offset-plus
305              option can allow the user to specify an offset  (e.g.   "60sec",
306              "60min", "2days", etc.) that is added to the local time.
308       --time-offset-minus <time>
309              This  is  similar  to the --time-offset-plus option (see above),
310              but subtracts the specified time offset instead of adding it  to
311              the local time stamp.
313       --Show-last-cmd
314              Display the last command-line arguments used by fwknop.
316       --Show-host-cmd <host>
317              Display  the  last  command-line arguments used to contact a SPA
318              server running on a specific host.
320       --Spoof-proto <protocol>
321              Send an SPA packet over a raw socket of the specified  protocol.
322              Accepted  values  are tcp, udp, and icmp.  This is useful if you
323              want to send the SPA packet over an orphaned TCP ACK or an  ICMP
324              packet.
326       --Spoof-src <IP>
327              Spoof  the source address from which the fwknop client sends SPA
328              packets.  This requires root on the client side access  since  a
329              raw  socket  is  required  to  accomplish  this.   Note that the
330              --Spoof-user argument can be given in this mode in order to pass
331              any   REQUIRE_USERNAME   keyword  that  might  be  specified  in
332              /etc/fwknop/access.conf.
334       --Spoof-user <user>
335              Specify the username that is included within SPA  packet.   This
336              allows  the  fwknop client to satisfy any non-root REQUIRE_USER‐
337              NAME keyword on the fwknopd server ( --Spoof-src  mode  requires
338              that the fwknop client is executed as root).
340       --icmp-type <type>
341              When using the --Spoof-proto argument to send an SPA packet over
342              and ICMP packet, the ICMP type may be set with this command line
343              argument.  The default is "8" for an ICMP echo-request (see also
344              the --icmp-code argument below).
346       --icmp-code <code>
347              When using the --Spoof-proto argument to send an SPA packet over
348              and ICMP packet, the ICMP code may be set with this command line
349              argument.  The default is "0" for an ICMP echo-request (see also
350              the --icmp-type argument above).
352       --Max-packet-size <size>
353              Instruct  fwknop  to  restrict message length to size bytes, and
354              the client will not send an SPA packet that is larger than  this
355              (i.e. perhaps a long command was included in --Server-cmd mode).
356              This alters the default  value  of  1500  bytes.  See  also  the
357              MAX_SNIFF_BYTES variable in fwknop.conf on the SPA server.
359       --HTTP Have  the fwknop client send an SPA packet as a web request over
360              HTTP.  This requires that the system  running  fwknopd  is  also
361              running  a  webserver  to  receive the SPA web request.  The web
362              request is built as a modified version  of  base64-encoded  data
363              where the "+" and "/" chars are replace with "-" and "_" respec‐
364              tively (to avoid URL encoding issues).
366       --HTTP-proxy <proxy host>
367              The HTTP-proxy option allows the fwknop client to send SPA pack‐
368              ets  through  an HTTP proxy when the --HTTP option is also used.
369              The expected format for the argument is http://some.host.com and
370              an    optional    port    number    is    supported   with   the
371              http://some.host.com:PORT format.
373       --HTTP-user-agent <agent string>
374              Specify the HTTP user-agent whenver the fwknop client is used to
375              send  an SPA packet over an HTTP request, or when the --Resolve-
376              external-IP  option  is  used.   The   default   user-agent   is
377              "Fwknop/VERSION", so "Fwknop/1.9.12" for the 1.9.12 release.
379       -T, --TCP-sock
380              Have  the  fwknop  client send an SPA packet over an established
381              TCP connection (created by the fwknop client  to  the  specified
382              listening  port  on the server with the --Server-port argument).
383              This is not normally done, but is useful for compatibility  with
384              the  Tor for strong anonymity; see http://tor.eff.org/.  In this
385              case, the fwknopd server uses the fwknop_serv daemon  to  listen
386              on a TCP port (62201 by default).
388       -h, --help
389              Display usage information and exit.
391       -V, --Version
392              Display version information and exit.
394       -v, --verbose
395              Run the fwknop client in verbose mode.
397       --locale <locale>
398              Provide a locale setting other than the default "C" locale.
400       --no-locale
401              Do  not  set the locale at all so that the default system locale
402              will apply.
404       --Server-cmd <cmd>
405              NOTE: This is for command mode only (i.e. when you want to  send
406              a command across to a system running fwknopd and have it execute
407              the command). This option is not  needed  when  trying  to  gain
408              access to a service via the SPA mechanism.  To use this feature,
409              please  ensure  that  ENABLE_CMD_EXEC;  is  set  in   the   file
410              /etc/fwknop/access.conf  on  the  fwknopd server you are sending
411              the command to.  The --Server-cmd  argument  allows  a  complete
412              command  (e.g. "ping -c 1 www.yahoo.com", or "iptables -t nat -A
413              PREROUTING -p tcp -s 65.x.x.x --dport 443 -i eth0 -j  DNAT  --to
414    ")  to  be send to an fwknop server, which will
415              execute the command as root.  Command execution is enabled  only
416              if     the     ENABLE_CMD_EXEC     keyword     is    given    in
417              /etc/fwknop/access.conf  (note  that  commands  can  easily   be
418              restricted with the CMD_REGEX keyword as well).
421       Legacy Port-knock mode only
423              All  of the following options in this section are for the tradi‐
424              tional port knocking mode mode.  This is a legacy  mode  and  is
425              not  the  preferred  or  recommended  mode next to Single Packet
426              Authorization         (          see          http://www.cipher
427              dyne.org/fwknop/docs/SPA.html for details on why).
429              --offset <port>
430                     Specify  a  port  offset  to  use  when running fwknop in
431                     encrypted knock mode.  The default is 61000.
433              -r, --rotate-proto
434                     Rotate the protocol across  tcp  and  udp  for  encrypted
435                     sequences.   This  just adds one more additional layer of
436                     obfuscation to an encrypted sequence.
438              --Server-mode <mode>
439                     This command line switch provides an interface to the old
440                     port knocking method if the mode argument is "knock".  If
441                     the --Server-mode argument is not given then  the  fwknop
442                     client  defaults  to  using the SPA method which provides
443                     much better security characteristics than  port  knocking
444                     (encrypted or not).
446              -t, --time-delay <seconds>
447                     Specify a time delay to introduce between successive con‐
448                     nection attempts.  This option  is  used  by  the  fwknop
449                     client.   On  the server side, fwknopd uses the variables
450                     MIN_TIME_DIFF and MAX_TIME_DIFF to  control  whether  the
451                     time   delay   actually  means  something  (i.e.  if  the
452                     MIN_TIME_DIFF is 2 seconds for a SOURCE block,  then  the
453                     argument to the --time-delay option must be at least 2 at
454                     the client side).
456              -u, --user-rc <rc-file>
457                     The default connection rc file the fwknop client uses  to
458                     know what shared port knocking sequence to send to a des‐
459                     tination machine is defined in the file ~/.fwknoprc.  The
460                     path  to this file can be changed with the --user-rc com‐
461                     mand line option.


465       ~/.fwknop.run
466              Contains the last command line arguments that the fwknop  client
467              was invoked with.
470       ~/.fwknop.hosts
471              Contains  the  last  command line arguments for individual hosts
472              that the fwknop client has been used  to  gain  access  to.   By
473              using  the  --Last-host  switch, these arguments can be recalled
474              and used.


478       GPG_AGENT_INFO (only used in --gpg-agent mode).


482       The following examples illustrate the command line arguments that could
483       be supplied to the fwknop client in a few situations:
485       Access mode examples
486              Packet contents printed to stdout at the fwknop client when cre‐
487              ating a 'access mode' SPA packet:
489                      Random data:    6565240948266426
490                      Username:       mbr
491                      Timestamp:      1203863233
492                      Version:        1.9.2
493                      Type:           1 (access mode)
494                      Access:,tcp/22
495                      SHA256                                              sum:
496              gngquSL8AuM7r27XsR4qPmJhuBo9pG2PYwII06AaJHw
498              Use  the  Single  Packet  Authorization  mode  to gain access to
499              tcp/22 (ssh) and udp/53 running on the  system  from
500              the IP
502              $ fwknop -A 'tcp/22,udp/53' -a -D
504              Same  as  above example, but gain access from whatever source IP
505              is seen by the fwknop server (useful if  the  fwknop  client  is
506              behind a NAT device):
508              $ fwknop -A 'tcp/22,udp/53' -s -D
510              Same  as  above  example,  but use the IP identification website
511              http://www.whatismyip.com/ to  derive  the  client  IP  address.
512              This  is  a safer method of acquiring the client IP address than
513              using the -s option because the source  IP  is  put  within  the
514              encrypted  packet instead of having the fwknopd daemon grant the
515              requested access from whatever IP address the SPA packet  origi‐
516              nates:
518              $ fwknop -A 'tcp/22,udp/53' -R -D
520              Use  the  Single  Packet  Authorization  mode  to gain access to
521              tcp/22 (ssh) and udp/53 running on the  system,  and
522              use GnuPG keys to encrypt and decrypt:
524              $ fwknop -A 'tcp/22,udp/53' --gpg-sign ABCD1234 --gpg--recipient
525              1234ABCD -R -D
527              Instruct the  fwknop  server  running  at  to  allow
528      to  connect  to  TCP/22, but spoof the authorization
529              packet from an IP associated with www.yahoo.com:
531              # fwknop --Spoof-src 'www.yahoo.com' -A tcp/22 -a  -D
534       Command mode examples
535              NOTE:  Please  ensure  that  ENABLE_CMD_EXEC; is set in the file
536              /etc/fwknop/access.conf on the fwknopd server you are attempting
537              to  connect to.  Packet contents printed to stdout at the fwknop
538              client when creating a 'command mode' SPA packet:
540                      Random data:    4621962433020664
541                      Username:       mbr
542                      Timestamp:      1203864394
543                      Version:        1.9.2
544                      Type:           0 (command mode)
545                      Cmd:            echo "The commands sent  -  minus  quote
546              charaters around the command" & sleep 10; echo "The End"
547                      SHA256    sum:       eN8c8mNArZxF066iulbxlTK4Gt/EO0ALLY‐
548              wzVzCkXww
550              Instruct the fwknop server running at to send a  sin‐
551              gle ICMP echo request to www.yahoo.com:
553              $ fwknop --Server-cmd 'ping -c 1 www.yahoo.com' -D
555       Port-knock mode (legacy) examples
556              This  connection  mode is a legacy mode and is not the preferred
557              or recommended mode.
559              Packet contents printed to stdout at the fwknop client  when  in
560              'port-knock mode': <TODO>
562              Send   an  encrypted  knock  sequence  to  the  IP  ""
563              instructing the fwknop daemon running there to open tcp port  22
564              to source address
566              $  fwknop  --Server-mode  'knock'  -A  tcp/22 -a -D
569              Same as above, but this time instruct the remote  fwknop  daemon
570              to  open  tcp  port  22 to whatever source address the encrypted
571              sequence originates from (useful if the fwknop client is  behind
572              a NAT device):
574              $ fwknop --Server-mode 'knock' -A tcp/22 -s -D
576              Same as above, but rotate the knock sequence through the tcp and
577              udp protocols (remember that iptables must be configured to  log
578              both   tcp  and  udp  packets  to  the  default  port  range  of
579              61000-61255):
581              $ fwknop --Server-mode 'knock' -A tcp/22 -s -r -D
583              Same as above, but  change  the  base  port  for  the  encrypted
584              sequence to 55000 (the default is 61000):
586              $ fwknop --Server-mode 'knock' -A tcp/22 -s -r --offset 55000 -D
589              Send a shared knock sequence to the IP  The fwknop
590              client  will  read  the sequence out of the file ~/.fwknoprc and
591              the    server    will    read    the     sequence     out     of
592              /etc/fwknop/access.conf:
594              $ fwknop --Server-mode 'knock' -D


598       fwknop  requires  perl.  To take advantage of all of the authentication
599       and access management features of the fwknopd  daemon/service  a  func‐
600       tioning  iptables firewall is required on the underlying operating sys‐
601       tem.  If fwknop is being run in the legacy  port  knocking  mode,  then
602       iptables must log packets via syslog, and ideally the --log-tcp-options
603       argument will be specified in the iptables logging  rule  so  that  the
604       fwknopd daemon/service will be able to use a strategy similar to p0f to
605       passively fingerprint operating systems.


609       fwknop can be run in debug mode with the --debug command  line  option.
610       This  will disable daemon mode execution, and print verbose information
611       to the screen on STDERR as packets are received.


615       fwknopd(8), iptables(8), gpg(1), gpg-agent(1), knopmd(8), knopwatchd(8)
616       p0f(1),  More  information on the differences between port knocking and
617       Single Packet Authorization can be found in the  paper  "Single  Packet
618       Authorization   with   fwknop"   available   here:   http://www.cipher
619       dyne.org/fwknop/docs/SPA.html


623       Michael Rash <mbr@cipherdyne.org>


627       Many people who are active in the open source community  have  contrib‐
628       uted  to  fwknop.  See the CREDITS file in the fwknop sources, or visit
629       http://www.cipherdyne.org/fwknop/docs/contributors.html  to  view   the
630       online list of contributors.
632       The  phrase "Single Packet Authorization" was coined by MadHat and Sim‐
633       ple   Nomad   at    the    BlackHat    Briefings    of    2005    (see:
634       http://www.nmrc.org/).   The  term "port knocking" was coined by Martin
635       Krzywinski (see: http://www.portknocking.org/).  The original p0f  pas‐
636       sive  OS fingerprinter was written by Michal Zalewski, and is available
637       here: http://lcamtuf.coredump.cx/p0f.shtml


641       Send bug reports to mbr@cipherdyne.org.   Suggestions  and/or  comments
642       are always welcome as well.


646       fwknop  is  distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL), and
647       the latest version may be downloaded from http://www.cipherdyne.org/
653Linux                            August, 2009                        FWKNOP(8)