1DGESVJ(1)LAPACK routine (version 3.2)                                 DGESVJ(1)


6       DGESVJ  -  computes the singular value decomposition (SVD) of a real M-
7       by-N matrix A, where M >= N


12           +              LDV, WORK, LWORK, INFO )
14           IMPLICIT       NONE
16           INTEGER        INFO, LDA, LDV, LWORK, M, MV, N
18           CHARACTER*1    JOBA, JOBU, JOBV
20           DOUBLE         PRECISION A( LDA, * ), SVA( N ), V( LDV, * ),
22           +              WORK( LWORK )


25       DGESVJ computes the singular value decomposition (SVD) of a real M-by-N
26       matrix A, where M >= N. The SVD of A is written as
27                                          [++]   [xx]   [x0]   [xx]
28                    A = U * SIGMA * V^t,  [++] = [xx] * [ox] * [xx]
29                                          [++]   [xx]
30       where  SIGMA  is  an N-by-N diagonal matrix, U is an M-by-N orthonormal
31       matrix, and V is an N-by-N orthogonal matrix. The diagonal elements  of
32       SIGMA are the singular values of A. The columns of U and V are the left
33       and the right singular vectors of A, respectively.
34       Further Details
35       The orthogonal N-by-N matrix V is obtained as a product of Jacobi plane
36       rotations.  The  rotations  are implemented as fast scaled rotations of
37       Anda and Park [1]. In the case of underflow of the Jacobi angle, a mod‐
38       ified  Jacobi  transformation of Drmac [4] is used. Pivot strategy uses
39       column interchanges of de Rijk [2]. The relative accuracy of  the  com‐
40       puted singular values and the accuracy of the computed singular vectors
41       (in angle metric) is as guaranteed by the theory of Demmel and  Veselic
42       [3].   The  condition  number  that determines the accuracy in the full
43       rank case is essentially min_{D=diag} kappa(A*D), where kappa(.) is the
44       spectral condition number. The best performance of this Jacobi SVD pro‐
45       cedure is achieved if used in an   accelerated  version  of  Drmac  and
46       Veselic  [5,6],  and it is the kernel routine in the SIGMA library [7].
47       Some tunning parameters (marked with [TP]) are available for the imple‐
48       menter.
49       The computational range for the nonzero singular values is the  machine
50       number interval ( UNDERFLOW , OVERFLOW ). In extreme cases, even denor‐
51       malized  singular values can be computed with the corresponding gradual
52       loss of accurate digits.
53       Contributors
54       ~~~~~~~~~~~~
55       Zlatko Drmac (Zagreb, Croatia) and Kresimir  Veselic  (Hagen,  Germany)
56       References
57       ~~~~~~~~~~
58          SIAM J. matrix Anal. Appl., Vol. 15 (1994), pp. 162-174.
59          singular value decomposition on a vector computer.
60          SIAM J. Sci. Stat. Comp., Vol. 10 (1998), pp. 359-371.
61          value computation in floating point arithmetic.
62          SIAM J. Sci. Comp., Vol. 18 (1997), pp. 1200-1222.
63          SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl. Vol. 35, No. 2 (2008), pp. 1322-1342.
64          LAPACK Working note 169.
65          SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl. Vol. 35, No. 2 (2008), pp. 1343-1362.
66          LAPACK Working note 170.
67          QSVD, (H,K)-SVD computations.
68          Department  of Mathematics, University of Zagreb, 2008.  Bugs, Exam‐
69       ples and Comments
70       ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
71       Please report all bugs and send interesting test examples and  comments
72       to drmac@math.hr. Thank you.


75       JOBA    (input) CHARACTER* 1
76               Specifies  the  structure  of  A.  = 'L': The input matrix A is
77               lower triangular;
78               = 'U': The input matrix A is upper triangular;
79               = 'G': The input matrix A is general M-by-N matrix, M >= N.
81       JOBU    (input) CHARACTER*1
82               Specifies whether to compute the left singular vectors (columns
83               of U):
84               =  'U':  The left singular vectors corresponding to the nonzero
85               singular values are computed and returned in the  leading  col‐
86               umns  of  A.  See  more  details  in the description of A.  The
87               default numerical orthogonality threshold is  set  to  approxi‐
88               mately  TOL=CTOL*EPS,  CTOL=DSQRT(M),  EPS=DLAMCH('E').  = 'C':
89               Analogous to JOBU='U', except that user can control  the  level
90               of  numerical  orthogonality of the computed left singular vec‐
91               tors. TOL can be set to TOL = CTOL*EPS, where CTOL is given  on
92               input  in the array WORK.  No CTOL smaller than ONE is allowed.
93               CTOL greater than 1 / EPS is meaningless. The option 'C' can be
94               used  if  M*EPS  is  satisfactory orthogonality of the computed
95               left singular vectors, so  CTOL=M  could  save  few  sweeps  of
96               Jacobi  rotations.   See  the descriptions of A and WORK(1).  =
97               'N': The matrix U is not computed. However, see the description
98               of A.
100       JOBV    (input) CHARACTER*1
101               Specifies  whether  to compute the right singular vectors, that
102               is, the matrix V:
103               = 'V' : the matrix V is computed and returned in the array V
104               = 'A' : the Jacobi rotations are applied to the  MV-by-N  array
105               V.  In  other  words, the right singular vector matrix V is not
106               computed explicitly, instead it is applied to an MV-by-N matrix
107               initially stored in the first MV rows of V.  = 'N' : the matrix
108               V is not computed and the array V is not referenced
110       M       (input) INTEGER
111               The number of rows of the input matrix A.  M >= 0.
113       N       (input) INTEGER
114               The number of columns of the input matrix A.  M >= N >= 0.
116       A       (input/output) REAL array, dimension (LDA,N)
117               On entry, the M-by-N matrix A.  On exit :
118               If JOBU .EQ. 'U' .OR. JOBU .EQ. 'C' :
119               If INFO .EQ. 0 : RANKA orthonormal columns of U are returned in
120               the  leading  RANKA  columns of the array A. Here RANKA <= N is
121               the number of computed singular values of A that are above  the
122               underflow  threshold  DLAMCH('S').  The singular vectors corre‐
123               sponding to underflowed or zero singular values  are  not  com‐
124               puted.  The  value  of  RANKA  is returned in the array WORK as
125               RANKA=NINT(WORK(2)). Also see the descriptions of SVA and WORK.
126               The  computed  columns of U are mutually numerically orthogonal
127               up to approximately TOL=DSQRT(M)*EPS (default); or TOL=CTOL*EPS
128               (JOBU.EQ.'C'),  see  the description of JOBU.  If INFO .GT. 0 :
129               the procedure DGESVJ did not converge in the  given  number  of
130               iterations  (sweeps).  In  that case, the computed columns of U
131               may not be orthogonal up to TOL. The output U  (stored  in  A),
132               SIGMA (given by the computed singular values in SVA(1:N)) and V
133               is still a decomposition of the input matrix  A  in  the  sense
134               that the residual ||A-SCALE*U*SIGMA*V^T||_2 / ||A||_2 is small.
135               If JOBU .EQ. 'N' : If INFO .EQ. 0 : Note that the left singular
136               vectors  are  'for free' in the one-sided Jacobi SVD algorithm.
137               However, if only the singular values are needed, the  level  of
138               numerical orthogonality of U is not an issue and iterations are
139               stopped when the columns of the iterated matrix are numerically
140               orthogonal up to approximately M*EPS. Thus, on exit, A contains
141               the columns of U scaled with the corresponding singular values.
142               If  INFO  .GT. 0 : the procedure DGESVJ did not converge in the
143               given number of iterations (sweeps).
145       LDA     (input) INTEGER
146               The leading dimension of the array A.  LDA >= max(1,M).
148       SVA     (workspace/output) REAL array, dimension (N)
149               On exit :
150               If INFO .EQ. 0 :
151               depending on the value SCALE = WORK(1), we have:
152               If SCALE .EQ. ONE :
153               SVA(1:N) contains the computed singular values  of  A.   During
154               the  computation SVA contains the Euclidean column norms of the
155               iterated matrices in the array A.  If SCALE .NE. ONE :
156               The singular values of A are SCALE*SVA(1:N), and this  factored
157               representation  is  due  to  the fact that some of the singular
158               values of A might underflow or overflow.  If INFO .GT. 0 :  the
159               procedure DGESVJ did not converge in the given number of itera‐
160               tions (sweeps) and SCALE*SVA(1:N) may not be accurate.
162       MV      (input) INTEGER
163               If JOBV .EQ. 'A', then  the  product  of  Jacobi  rotations  in
164               DGESVJ  is  applied to the first MV rows of V. See the descrip‐
165               tion of JOBV.
167       V       (input/output) REAL array, dimension (LDV,N)
168               If JOBV = 'V', then V contains on exit the N-by-N matrix of the
169               right  singular  vectors;  If  JOBV  = 'A', then V contains the
170               product of the computed right singular vector  matrix  and  the
171               initial  matrix  in  the array V.  If JOBV = 'N', then V is not
172               referenced.
174       LDV     (input) INTEGER
175               The leading dimension of the array V, LDV .GE. 1.  If JOBV .EQ.
176               'V',  then  LDV .GE. max(1,N).  If JOBV .EQ. 'A', then LDV .GE.
177               max(1,MV) .
179       WORK    (input/workspace/output) REAL array, dimension max(4,M+N).
180               On entry :
181               If JOBU .EQ. 'C' : WORK(1)  =  CTOL,  where  CTOL  defines  the
182               threshold for convergence.  The process stops if all columns of
183               A are mutually orthogonal up to CTOL*EPS, EPS=DLAMCH('E').   It
184               is  required  that CTOL >= ONE, i.e. it is not allowed to force
185               the routine to obtain orthogonality below EPSILON.  On exit :
186               WORK(1) = SCALE is the scaling factor such that  SCALE*SVA(1:N)
187               are  the  computed  singular  values of A.  (See description of
188               SVA().)  WORK(2) = NINT(WORK(2)) is the number of the  computed
189               nonzero singular values.  WORK(3) = NINT(WORK(3)) is the number
190               of the computed singular values that are larger than the under‐
191               flow  threshold.   WORK(4)  =  NINT(WORK(4))  is  the number of
192               sweeps of Jacobi rotations needed  for  numerical  convergence.
193               WORK(5)  = max_{i.NE.j} |COS(A(:,i),A(:,j))| in the last sweep.
194               This is useful information in cases when DGESVJ  did  not  con‐
195               verge, as it can be used to estimate whether the output is stil
196               useful and for post festum analysis.   WORK(6)  =  the  largest
197               absolute  value over all sines of the Jacobi rotation angles in
198               the last sweep. It can be useful for a post festum analysis.
200       LWORK   length of WORK, WORK >= MAX(6,M+N)
202       INFO    (output) INTEGER
203               = 0 : successful exit.
204               < 0 : if INFO = -i, then the i-th argument had an illegal value
205               > 0 : DGESVJ did not converge in  the  maximal  allowed  number
206               (30)  of  sweeps.  The  output  may  still  be  useful. See the
207               description of WORK.
211 LAPACK routine (version 3.2)    November 2008                       DGESVJ(1)