1ILAENV(1)           LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.2)           ILAENV(1)


6       ILAENV - is called from the LAPACK routines to choose problem-dependent
7       parameters for the local environment


12           CHARACTER*(  * ) NAME, OPTS
14           INTEGER      ISPEC, N1, N2, N3, N4


17       ILAENV is called from the LAPACK routines to  choose  problem-dependent
18       parameters  for  the local environment.  See ISPEC for a description of
19       the parameters.
20       ILAENV returns an INTEGER
21       if ILAENV >= 0: ILAENV returns the value of the parameter specified  by
22       ISPEC  if ILAENV < 0:  if ILAENV = -k, the k-th argument had an illegal
23       value.  This version provides a set of  parameters  which  should  give
24       good,  but  not optimal, performance on many of the currently available
25       computers.  Users are encouraged to modify this subroutine to  set  the
26       tuning  parameters  for  their  particular machine using the option and
27       problem size information in the arguments.
28       This routine will not function correctly if  it  is  converted  to  all
29       lower case.  Converting it to all upper case is allowed.


32       ISPEC   (input) INTEGER
33               Specifies  the parameter to be returned as the value of ILAENV.
34               = 1: the optimal blocksize; if this value is  1,  an  unblocked
35               algorithm  will  give  the  best performance.  = 2: the minimum
36               block size for which the block routine should be used;  if  the
37               usable block size is less than this value, an unblocked routine
38               should be used.  = 3: the crossover point (in a block  routine,
39               for  N  less  than  this  value, an unblocked routine should be
40               used) = 4: the number of shifts, used in the  nonsymmetric  ei‐
41               genvalue  routines  (DEPRECATED) = 5: the minimum column dimen‐
42               sion for blocking to be  used;  rectangular  blocks  must  have
43               dimension  at  least  k by m, where k is given by ILAENV(2,...)
44               and m by ILAENV(5,...)  = 6: the crossover point  for  the  SVD
45               (when  reducing  an  m  by  n  matrix  to  bidiagonal  form, if
46               max(m,n)/min(m,n) exceeds this value,  a  QR  factorization  is
47               used  first  to  reduce the matrix to a triangular form.)  = 7:
48               the number of processors
49               = 8: the crossover point for the multishift QR method for  non‐
50               symmetric eigenvalue problems (DEPRECATED) = 9: maximum size of
51               the subproblems at the bottom of the computation  tree  in  the
52               divide-and-conquer  algorithm  (used by xGELSD and xGESDD) =10:
53               ieee NaN arithmetic can be trusted not to trap
54               =11: infinity arithmetic can be trusted not to trap
55               12 <= ISPEC <= 16: xHSEQR or one of its subroutines, see IPARMQ
56               for detailed explanation
58       NAME    (input) CHARACTER*(*)
59               The  name  of  the  calling subroutine, in either upper case or
60               lower case.
62       OPTS    (input) CHARACTER*(*)
63               The character options to the subroutine NAME, concatenated into
64               a  single  character  string.  For example, UPLO = 'U', TRANS =
65               'T', and DIAG = 'N' for a triangular routine would be specified
66               as OPTS = 'UTN'.
68       N1      (input) INTEGER
69               N2      (input) INTEGER N3      (input) INTEGER N4      (input)
70               INTEGER Problem dimensions for the subroutine NAME;  these  may
71               not all be required.


74       The  following  conventions have been used when calling ILAENV from the
75       LAPACK routines:
76       1)  OPTS is a concatenation of all of the character options to
77           subroutine NAME, in the same order that they appear in the
78           argument list for NAME, even if they are not used in determining
79           the value of the parameter specified by ISPEC.
80       2)  The problem dimensions N1, N2, N3, N4 are specified in the order
81           that they appear in the argument list for NAME.  N1 is used
82           first, N2 second, and so on, and unused problem dimensions are
83           passed a value of -1.
84       3)  The parameter value returned by ILAENV is checked for validity in
85           the calling subroutine.  For example, ILAENV is used to retrieve
86           the optimal blocksize for STRTRI as follows:
87           NB = ILAENV( 1, 'STRTRI', UPLO // DIAG, N, -1, -1, -1 )
88           IF( NB.LE.1 ) NB = MAX( 1, N )
92 LAPACK auxiliary routine (versionNo3v.e2m)ber 2008                       ILAENV(1)