1IPARMQ(1)           LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.2)           IPARMQ(1)


6       IPARMQ  -  This  program  sets problem and machine dependent parameters
7       useful for xHSEQR and its subroutines


12           INTEGER      IHI, ILO, ISPEC, LWORK, N
14           CHARACTER    NAME*( * ), OPTS*( * )


17            This program sets problem and machine dependent parameters
18            useful for xHSEQR and its subroutines. It is called whenever
19            ILAENV is called with 12 <= ISPEC <= 16


22       ISPEC  (input) integer scalar
23              ISPEC specifies which tunable parameter  IPARMQ  should  return.
24              ISPEC=12:  (INMIN)   Matrices  of  order  nmin  or less are sent
25              directly to xLAHQR, the  implicit  double  shift  QR  algorithm.
26              NMIN must be at least 11.  ISPEC=13: (INWIN)  Size of the defla‐
27              tion window.  This is best set greater than or equal to the num‐
28              ber  of  simultaneous  shifts  NS.  Larger matrices benefit from
29              larger deflation windows.  ISPEC=14: (INIBL) Determines when  to
30              stop nibbling and invest in an (expensive) multi-shift QR sweep.
31              If the aggressive early deflation subroutine finds LD  converged
32              eigenvalues from an order NW deflation window and LD.GT.(NW*NIB‐
33              BLE)/100, then the next QR sweep is skipped and early  deflation
34              is  applied  immediately to the remaining active diagonal block.
35              Setting IPARMQ(ISPEC=14) = 0 causes TTQRE to skip a  multi-shift
36              QR  sweep whenever early deflation finds a converged eigenvalue.
37              Setting IPARMQ(ISPEC=14) greater than or equal to  100  prevents
38              TTQRE  from skipping a multi-shift QR sweep.  ISPEC=15: (NSHFTS)
39              The number of simultaneous shifts in a multi-shift QR iteration.
40              ISPEC=16: (IACC22) IPARMQ is set to 0, 1 or 2 with the following
41              meanings.  0:  During the multi-shift QR sweep, xLAQR5 does  not
42              accumulate  reflections  and does not use matrix-matrix multiply
43              to update the far-from-diagonal matrix entries.  1:  During  the
44              multi-shift QR sweep, xLAQR5 and/or xLAQRaccumulates reflections
45              and uses matrix-matrix multiply to update the  far-from-diagonal
46              matrix  entries.   2:   During the multi-shift QR sweep.  xLAQR5
47              accumulates reflections and  takes  advantage  of  2-by-2  block
48              structure  during matrix-matrix multiplies.  (If xTRMM is slower
49              than xGEMM, then IPARMQ(ISPEC=16)=1 may be more  efficient  than
50              IPARMQ(ISPEC=16)=2  despite the greater level of arithmetic work
51              implied by the latter choice.)
53       NAME    (input) character string
54               Name of the calling subroutine
56       OPTS    (input) character string
57               This is a concatenation of the string arguments to TTQRE.
59       N       (input) integer scalar
60               N is the order of the Hessenberg matrix H.
62       ILO     (input) INTEGER
63               IHI     (input) INTEGER It is assumed that H is  already  upper
64               triangular in rows and columns 1:ILO-1 and IHI+1:N.
66       LWORK   (input) integer scalar
67               The amount of workspace available.


70            Little is known about how best to choose these parameters.
71            It is possible to use different values of the parameters
72            for each of CHSEQR, DHSEQR, SHSEQR and ZHSEQR.
73            It is probably best to choose different parameters for
74            different matrices and different parameters at different
75            times during the iteration, but this has not been
76            implemented --- yet.
77            The best choices of most of the parameters depend
78            in an ill-understood way on the relative execution
79            rate of xLAQR3 and xLAQR5 and on the nature of each
80            particular eigenvalue problem.  Experiment may be the
81            only practical way to determine which choices are most
82            effective.
83            Following is a list of default values supplied by IPARMQ.
84            These defaults may be adjusted in order to attain better
85            performance in any particular computational environment.
86            IPARMQ(ISPEC=12) The xLAHQR vs xLAQR0 crossover point.
87                             Default: 75. (Must be at least 11.)
88            IPARMQ(ISPEC=13) Recommended deflation window size.
89                             This depends on ILO, IHI and NS, the
90                             number of simultaneous shifts returned
91                             by IPARMQ(ISPEC=15).  The default for
92                             (IHI-ILO+1).LE.500 is NS.  The default
93                             for (IHI-ILO+1).GT.500 is 3*NS/2.
94            IPARMQ(ISPEC=14) Nibble crossover point.  Default: 14.
95            IPARMQ(ISPEC=15) Number of simultaneous shifts, NS.
96                             a multi-shift QR iteration.
97                             If IHI-ILO+1 is ...
98                             greater than      ...but less    ... the
99                             or equal to ...      than        default is
100                                     0               30       NS =   2+
101                                    30               60       NS =   4+
102                                    60              150       NS =  10
103                                   150              590       NS =  **
104                                   590             3000       NS =  64
105                                  3000             6000       NS = 128
106                                  6000             infinity   NS = 256
107                         (+)  By default matrices of this order are
108                              passed to the implicit double shift routine
109                              xLAHQR.  See IPARMQ(ISPEC=12) above.   These
110                              values of NS are used only in case of a rare
111                              xLAHQR failure.
112                         (**) The asterisks (**) indicate an ad-hoc
113                              function increasing from 10 to 64.
114            IPARMQ(ISPEC=16) Select structured matrix multiply.
115                             (See ISPEC=16 above for details.)
116                             Default: 3.
120 LAPACK auxiliary routine (versionNo3v.e2m)ber 2008                       IPARMQ(1)