1STGSEN(1)                LAPACK routine (version 3.2)                STGSEN(1)


6       STGSEN  -  reorders  the generalized real Schur decomposition of a real
7       matrix pair (A, B) (in terms of an orthonormal equivalence trans-  for‐
8       mation  Q'  *  (A,  B)  * Z), so that a selected cluster of eigenvalues
9       appears in the leading diagonal blocks of  the  upper  quasi-triangular
10       matrix A and the upper triangular B


14                          ALPHAR, ALPHAI, BETA, Q, LDQ, Z,  LDZ,  M,  PL,  PR,
15                          DIF, WORK, LWORK, IWORK, LIWORK, INFO )
17           LOGICAL        WANTQ, WANTZ
21           REAL           PL, PR
23           LOGICAL        SELECT( * )
25           INTEGER        IWORK( * )
27           REAL           A(  LDA, * ), ALPHAI( * ), ALPHAR( * ), B( LDB, * ),
28                          BETA( * ), DIF( * ), Q( LDQ, * ), WORK( * ), Z( LDZ,
29                          * )


32       STGSEN  reorders  the  generalized  real  Schur decomposition of a real
33       matrix pair (A, B) (in terms of an orthonormal equivalence trans-  for‐
34       mation  Q'  *  (A,  B)  * Z), so that a selected cluster of eigenvalues
35       appears in the leading diagonal blocks of  the  upper  quasi-triangular
36       matrix  A  and  the  upper triangular B. The leading columns of Q and Z
37       form orthonormal bases of the corresponding left and right eigen-  spa‐
38       ces  (deflating  subspaces).  (A,  B) must be in generalized real Schur
39       canonical form (as returned by SGGES), i.e. A is block upper triangular
40       with 1-by-1 and 2-by-2 diagonal blocks. B is upper triangular.
41       STGSEN also computes the generalized eigenvalues
42                   w(j) = (ALPHAR(j) + i*ALPHAI(j))/BETA(j)
43       of the reordered matrix pair (A, B).
44       Optionally,  STGSEN computes the estimates of reciprocal condition num‐
45       bers  for  eigenvalues  and  eigenspaces.  These  are   Difu[(A11,B11),
46       (A22,B22)]  and  Difl[(A11,B11),  (A22,B22)],  i.e.  the  separation(s)
47       between the matrix pairs (A11, B11) and (A22,B22)  that  correspond  to
48       the  selected  cluster  and the eigenvalues outside the cluster, resp.,
49       and norms of "projections" onto left and right eigenspaces w.r.t.   the
50       selected cluster in the (1,1)-block.


53       IJOB    (input) INTEGER
54               Specifies  whether condition numbers are required for the clus‐
55               ter of eigenvalues (PL and PR) or the deflating subspaces (Difu
56               and Difl):
57               =0: Only reorder w.r.t. SELECT. No extras.
58               =1:  Reciprocal  of  norms of "projections" onto left and right
59               eigenspaces w.r.t. the selected cluster (PL and PR).  =2: Upper
60               bounds on Difu and Difl. F-norm-based estimate
61               (DIF(1:2)).
62               =3: Estimate of Difu and Difl. 1-norm-based estimate
63               (DIF(1:2)).   About 5 times as expensive as IJOB = 2.  =4: Com‐
64               pute PL, PR and DIF (i.e. 0, 1 and 2 above):  Economic  version
65               to  get  it  all.   =5: Compute PL, PR and DIF (i.e. 0, 1 and 3
66               above)
68       WANTQ   (input) LOGICAL
70       WANTZ   (input) LOGICAL
72       SELECT  (input) LOGICAL array, dimension (N)
73               SELECT specifies the eigenvalues in the selected  cluster.   To
74               select a real eigenvalue w(j), SELECT(j) must be set to .TRUE..
75               To select a complex conjugate  pair  of  eigenvalues  w(j)  and
76               w(j+1),  corresponding  to  a  2-by-2  diagonal  block,  either
77               SELECT(j) or SELECT(j+1) or both must be set to .TRUE.; a  com‐
78               plex conjugate pair of eigenvalues must be either both included
79               in the cluster or both excluded.
81       N       (input) INTEGER
82               The order of the matrices A and B. N >= 0.
84       A       (input/output) REAL array, dimension(LDA,N)
85               On entry, the upper quasi-triangular matrix A, with (A,  B)  in
86               generalized real Schur canonical form.  On exit, A is overwrit‐
87               ten by the reordered matrix A.
89       LDA     (input) INTEGER
90               The leading dimension of the array A. LDA >= max(1,N).
92       B       (input/output) REAL array, dimension(LDB,N)
93               On entry, the upper triangular matrix B, with (A, B) in  gener‐
94               alized real Schur canonical form.  On exit, B is overwritten by
95               the reordered matrix B.
97       LDB     (input) INTEGER
98               The leading dimension of the array B. LDB >= max(1,N).
100       ALPHAR  (output) REAL array, dimension (N)
101               ALPHAI  (output) REAL array,  dimension  (N)  BETA     (output)
102               REAL    array,    dimension   (N)   On   exit,   (ALPHAR(j)   +
103               ALPHAI(j)*i)/BETA(j), j=1,...,N, will be the generalized eigen‐
104               values.  ALPHAR(j) + ALPHAI(j)*i and BETA(j),j=1,...,N  are the
105               diagonals of the complex Schur form (S,T) that would result  if
106               the  2-by-2  diagonal blocks of the real generalized Schur form
107               of (A,B) were further reduced to triangular form using  complex
108               unitary  transformations.   If ALPHAI(j) is zero, then the j-th
109               eigenvalue is real; if positive, then the j-th and (j+1)-st ei‐
110               genvalues  are a complex conjugate pair, with ALPHAI(j+1) nega‐
111               tive.
113       Q       (input/output) REAL array, dimension (LDQ,N)
114               On entry, if WANTQ = .TRUE., Q is an N-by-N matrix.  On exit, Q
115               has  been  postmultiplied by the left orthogonal transformation
116               matrix which reorder (A, B); The leading M columns  of  Q  form
117               orthonormal  bases  for  the specified pair of left eigenspaces
118               (deflating subspaces).  If WANTQ = .FALSE.,  Q  is  not  refer‐
119               enced.
121       LDQ     (input) INTEGER
122               The leading dimension of the array Q.  LDQ >= 1; and if WANTQ =
123               .TRUE., LDQ >= N.
125       Z       (input/output) REAL array, dimension (LDZ,N)
126               On entry, if WANTZ = .TRUE., Z is an N-by-N matrix.  On exit, Z
127               has  been  postmultiplied by the left orthogonal transformation
128               matrix which reorder (A, B); The leading M columns  of  Z  form
129               orthonormal  bases  for  the specified pair of left eigenspaces
130               (deflating subspaces).  If WANTZ = .FALSE.,  Z  is  not  refer‐
131               enced.
133       LDZ     (input) INTEGER
134               The  leading  dimension  of  the  array Z. LDZ >= 1; If WANTZ =
135               .TRUE., LDZ >= N.
137       M       (output) INTEGER
138               The dimension of the specified pair of left  and  right  eigen-
139               spaces (deflating subspaces). 0 <= M <= N.
141       PL      (output) REAL
142               PR       (output)  REAL  If  IJOB = 1, 4 or 5, PL, PR are lower
143               bounds on the reciprocal of the norm of "projections" onto left
144               and  right eigenspaces with respect to the selected cluster.  0
145               < PL, PR <= 1.  If M = 0 or M = N, PL = PR  = 1.  If IJOB =  0,
146               2 or 3, PL and PR are not referenced.
148       DIF     (output) REAL array, dimension (2).
149               If IJOB >= 2, DIF(1:2) store the estimates of Difu and Difl.
150               If IJOB = 2 or 4, DIF(1:2) are F-norm-based upper bounds on
151               Difu  and  Difl.  If  IJOB  = 3 or 5, DIF(1:2) are 1-norm-based
152               estimates of Difu and Difl.  If M =  0  or  N,  DIF(1:2)  =  F-
153               norm([A, B]).  If IJOB = 0 or 1, DIF is not referenced.
155       WORK    (workspace/output) REAL array, dimension (MAX(1,LWORK))
156               On exit, if INFO = 0, WORK(1) returns the optimal LWORK.
158       LWORK   (input) INTEGER
159               The  dimension  of the array WORK. LWORK >=  4*N+16.  If IJOB =
160               1, 2 or 4, LWORK >= MAX(4*N+16, 2*M*(N-M)).  If IJOB = 3 or  5,
161               LWORK  >=  MAX(4*N+16,  4*M*(N-M)).   If  LWORK  =  -1,  then a
162               workspace query is assumed; the  routine  only  calculates  the
163               optimal size of the WORK array, returns this value as the first
164               entry of the WORK array, and no error message related to  LWORK
165               is issued by XERBLA.
167       IWORK   (workspace/output) INTEGER array, dimension (MAX(1,LIWORK))
168               IF  IJOB  = 0, IWORK is not referenced.  Otherwise, on exit, if
169               INFO = 0, IWORK(1) returns the optimal LIWORK.
171       LIWORK  (input) INTEGER
172               The dimension of the array IWORK. LIWORK >= 1.  If IJOB = 1,  2
173               or  4, LIWORK >=  N+6.  If IJOB = 3 or 5, LIWORK >= MAX(2*M*(N-
174               M), N+6).  If LIWORK = -1, then a workspace query  is  assumed;
175               the  routine  only  calculates  the  optimal  size of the IWORK
176               array, returns this value as  the  first  entry  of  the  IWORK
177               array,  and  no  error  message  related to LIWORK is issued by
178               XERBLA.
180       INFO    (output) INTEGER
181               =0: Successful exit.
182               <0: If INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value.
183               =1: Reordering of (A, B) failed because the transformed  matrix
184               pair  (A,  B) would be too far from generalized Schur form; the
185               problem is very ill-conditioned.  (A, B)  may  have  been  par‐
186               tially  reordered.   If  requested, 0 is returned in DIF(*), PL
187               and PR.


190       STGSEN first collects the selected eigenvalues by computing  orthogonal
191       U  and  W  that  move  them to the top left corner of (A, B).  In other
192       words, the selected eigenvalues are the eigenvalues of (A11, B11) in:
193                     U'*(A, B)*W = (A11 A12) (B11 B12) n1
194                                   ( 0  A22),( 0  B22) n2
195                                     n1  n2    n1  n2
196       where N = n1+n2 and U' means the transpose of U. The first  n1  columns
197       of  U  and  W  span  the  specified  pair of left and right eigenspaces
198       (deflating subspaces) of (A, B).
199       If (A, B) has been obtained from the generalized real Schur  decomposi‐
200       tion of a matrix pair (C, D) = Q*(A, B)*Z', then the reordered general‐
201       ized real Schur form of (C, D) is given by
202                (C, D) = (Q*U)*(U'*(A, B)*W)*(Z*W)',
203       and the first n1 columns of Q*U and Z*W span the corresponding  deflat‐
204       ing  subspaces of (C, D) (Q and Z store Q*U and Z*W, resp.).  Note that
205       if the selected eigenvalue is sufficiently  ill-conditioned,  then  its
206       value may differ significantly from its value before reordering.
207       The  reciprocal  condition  numbers  of  the left and right eigenspaces
208       spanned by the first n1 columns of U and W (or  Q*U  and  Z*W)  may  be
209       returned  in  DIF(1:2), corresponding to Difu and Difl, resp.  The Difu
210       and Difl are defined as:
211            Difu[(A11, B11), (A22, B22)] = sigma-min( Zu )
212       and
213            Difl[(A11, B11), (A22, B22)] = Difu[(A22, B22), (A11, B11)], where
214       sigma-min(Zu)    is    the    smallest    singular    value    of   the
215       (2*n1*n2)-by-(2*n1*n2) matrix
216            Zu = [ kron(In2, A11)  -kron(A22', In1) ]
217                 [ kron(In2, B11)  -kron(B22', In1) ].
218       Here, Inx is the identity matrix of size nx and A22' is  the  transpose
219       of  A22. kron(X, Y) is the Kronecker product between the matrices X and
220       Y.
221       When DIF(2) is small, small changes in (A, B) can cause  large  changes
222       in  the  deflating  subspace.  An approximate (asymptotic) bound on the
223       maximum angular error in the computed deflating subspaces is
224            EPS * norm((A, B)) / DIF(2),
225       where EPS is the machine precision.
226       The reciprocal norm of the projectors on the left and right eigenspaces
227       associated with (A11, B11) may be returned in PL and PR.  They are com‐
228       puted as follows. First we compute L and R so that P*(A, B)*Q is  block
229       diagonal, where
230            P = ( I -L ) n1           Q = ( I R ) n1
231                ( 0  I ) n2    and        ( 0 I ) n2
232                  n1 n2                    n1 n2
233       and (L, R) is the solution to the generalized Sylvester equation
234            A11*R - L*A22 = -A12
235            B11*R - L*B22 = -B12
236       Then  PL  = (F-norm(L)**2+1)**(-1/2) and PR = (F-norm(R)**2+1)**(-1/2).
237       An approximate (asymptotic) bound on the average absolute error of  the
238       selected eigenvalues is
239            EPS * norm((A, B)) / PL.
240       There  are also global error bounds which valid for perturbations up to
241       a certain restriction:  A lower bound (x) on the  smallest  F-norm(E,F)
242       for which an eigenvalue of (A11, B11) may move and coalesce with an ei‐
243       genvalue of (A22, B22) under perturbation (E,F), (i.e. (A + E, B +  F),
244       is
245        x   =  min(Difu,Difl)/((1/(PL*PL)+1/(PR*PR))**(1/2)+2*max(1/PL,1/PR)).
246       An approximate bound on x can be computed from DIF(1:2), PL and PR.  If
247       y  = ( F-norm(E,F) / x) <= 1, the angles between the perturbed (L', R')
248       and unperturbed (L, R) left and right  deflating  subspaces  associated
249       with the selected cluster in the (1,1)-blocks can be bounded as
250        max-angle(L, L') <= arctan( y * PL / (1 - y * (1 - PL * PL)**(1/2))
251        max-angle(R,  R')  <=  arctan( y * PR / (1 - y * (1 - PR * PR)**(1/2))
252       See LAPACK User's Guide section 4.11 or the  following  references  for
253       more information.
254       Note that if the default method for computing the Frobenius-norm- based
255       estimate DIF is not wanted (see SLATDF), then the parameter IDIFJB (see
256       below)  should be changed from 3 to 4 (routine SLATDF (IJOB = 2 will be
257       used)). See STGSYL for more details.
258       Based on contributions by
259          Bo Kagstrom and Peter Poromaa, Department of Computing Science,
260          Umea University, S-901 87 Umea, Sweden.
261       References
262       ==========
263       [1] B. Kagstrom; A Direct Method for Reordering Eigenvalues in the
264           Generalized Real Schur Form of a Regular Matrix Pair (A, B), in
265           M.S. Moonen et al (eds), Linear Algebra for Large Scale and
266           Real-Time Applications, Kluwer Academic  Publ.  1993,  pp  195-218.
267       [2] B. Kagstrom and P. Poromaa; Computing Eigenspaces with Specified
268           Eigenvalues of a Regular Matrix Pair (A, B) and Condition
269           Estimation: Theory, Algorithms and Software,
270           Report UMINF - 94.04, Department of Computing Science, Umea
271           University, S-901 87 Umea, Sweden, 1994. Also as LAPACK Working
272           Note 87. To appear in Numerical Algorithms, 1996.
273       [3] B. Kagstrom and P. Poromaa, LAPACK-Style Algorithms and Software
274           for Solving the Generalized Sylvester Equation and Estimating the
275           Separation between Regular Matrix Pairs, Report UMINF - 93.23,
276           Department of Computing Science, Umea University, S-901 87 Umea,
277           Sweden, December 1993, Revised April 1994, Also as LAPACK Working
278           Note 75. To appear in ACM Trans. on Math. Software, Vol 22, No 1,
279           1996.
283 LAPACK routine (version 3.2)    November 2008                       STGSEN(1)