1tixFileEntry(n)              Tix Built-In Commands             tixFileEntry(n)


6       tixFileEntry - Create and manipulate tixFileEntry widgets


9       tixFileEntry pathName ?options?


12       The  TixFileEntry  class  is  derived from the TixLabelWidget class and
13       inherits all the commands, options and subwidgets of its super-class.


16       The FileEntry widget supports all the standard options of a frame  wid‐
17       get.  See  the  options(n)  manual  entry  for  details on the standard
18       options.


21       [-activatecmd activateCmd] Specifies the command to be called when  the
22       user  activates the button subwidget. This command is called before the
23       file dialog is popped up and can be used to customize the  file  dialog
24       (which  may  be  shared by several FileEnt widget).  [-command command]
25       Specifies the command to be  called  when  the  -value  option  of  the
26       FileEntry is changed. This usually happens when the user inputs a file‐
27       name into the entry subwidget and hits the <Return>  key.  The  command
28       will  be  called  with  one arguments -- the new value of the FileEntry
29       widget.  [-dialogtype dialogType] Specifies which type of  file  selec‐
30       tion  dialog  should be popped up when the user invokes the button sub‐
31       widget. Currently the following values are valid:  tixFileSelectDialog,
32       tixExFileSelectDialog,  tk_getOpenFile,  tk_getSaveFile or tk_chooseDi‐
33       rectory.  [-disablecallback disableCallback] A boolean value indicating
34       whether callbacks should be disabled. When set to true, the TCL command
35       specified by the -command option is not executed when the -value of the
36       FileEntry  widget  changes.  [-disableforeground disableForeground] The
37       foreground color to use for of the entry subwidget when  the  FileEntry
38       widget  is  disabled.  [-filebitmap fileBitmap] Specifies the bitmap to
39       display in side the button  subwidget.   [-label label]  Specifies  the
40       string  to  display  as  the  label of this FileEntry widget.  [-label‐
41       side labelSide] Specifies where the label should be displayed  relative
42       to  the  entry  subwidget. Valid options are: top, left, right, bottom,
43       none or acrosstop.  [-selectmode selectMode] Specifies how the  FileEn‐
44       try  widget should react to <KeyPress> events. When set to "immediate",
45       any user keyboard inputs will immediately  change  the  -value  option.
46       When  set  to  "normal", the user keyboard inputs will be copied to the
47       -value option only if the <Return> key is pressed or the keyboard focus
48       is changed. The use of the immediate mode is discouraged. For effective
49       use of the FileEntry widget, one should use the  normal  mode  together
50       with  the  update widget command (see below).  [-state state] Specifies
51       the whether the FileEntry widget is normal or disabled. Only the values
52       "normal"  and  "disabled"  are  recognized.  [-validatecmd validateCmd]
53       Specifies a TCL command to be called when the -value of  the  FileEntry
54       widget is about to change. This command is called with one parameter --
55       the new -value entered by the user. This command is  to  validate  this
56       new  value  by returning a value it deems valid.  [-value value] Speci‐
57       fies the value of the FileEntry.   [-variable variable]  Specifies  the
58       global  variable  in which the value of the FileEntry should be stored.
59       The value of the FileEntry will  be  automatically  updated  when  this
60       variable is changed.


63       Name:          button
64       Class:         Button
66              The button subwidget next to the entry subwidget.
68       Name:          entry
69       Class:         Entry
71              The entry subwidget in which the user can type in a filename.


74       The  tixFileEntry  command  creates a new window (given by the pathName
75       argument) and makes it into a  FileEntry  widget.  Additional  options,
76       described  above, may be specified on the command line or in the option
77       database to configure aspects of the FileEntry such as its  cursor  and
78       relief.
80       The FileEntry widget can be used to input a filename. The user can type
81       in the filename manually. Alternatively, the user can press the  button
82       widget  that  sits next to the entry, which will bring up a file selec‐
83       tion dialog of the type specified by the -dialogtype option.


86       The tixFileEntry command creates a new Tcl command whose  name  is  the
87       same  as  the  path name of the FileEntry's window. This command may be
88       used to invoke various operations on the widget. It has  the  following
89       general form:
90              pathName option ?arg arg ...?
91       PathName is the name of the command, which is the same as the FileEntry
92       widget's path name. Option and the args determine the exact behavior of
93       the command. The following commands are possible for FileEntry widgets:
95       pathName cget option
96              Returns  the  current value of the configuration option given by
97              option. Option may have any of the values accepted by  the  tix‐
98              FileEntry command.
100       pathName configure ?option? ?value option value ...?
101              Query  or modify the configuration options of the widget.  If no
102              option is specified, returns a list describing all of the avail‐
103              able  options for pathName (see Tk_ConfigureInfo for information
104              on the format of this list).  If option  is  specified  with  no
105              value,  then the command returns a list describing the one named
106              option (this list will be identical to the corresponding sublist
107              of  the  value  returned  if no option is specified).  If one or
108              more option-value pairs are specified, then the command modifies
109              the  given  widget option(s) to have the given value(s); in this
110              case the command returns an empty string.  Option may  have  any
111              of the values accepted by the tixFileEntry command.
113       pathName invoke
114              Forces  the  FileEntry  widget to act as if the user has pressed
115              the <return> key inside the entry subwidget.
117       pathName filedialog ?args?
118              When no additional arguments are given, this command returns the
119              pathname  of  the  file  dialog box associated with this FileEnt
120              widget. When additional arguments are given, the widget  command
121              of the file dialog will be called with these arguments.
123       pathName subwidget name ?args?
124              When  no options are given, this command returns the pathname of
125              the subwidget of the specified name. When options are given, the
126              widget  command  of  the specified subwidget will be called with
127              these options.
129       pathName update
130              If the user has modified the entry using  keyboard  inputs,  the
131              update  command will update the -value of this FileEntry widget.
132              When the FileEntry widget's -selectmode option is set  to  "nor‐
133              mal",  one  should call the update command on this widget before
134              examining its -value option. This command has no  effect  in  if
135              the -selectmode option is set to "immediate".


138       Tix(n)
145Tix                                   4.0                      tixFileEntry(n)