1IMG2GRD(1)                            GMT                           IMG2GRD(1)


6       img2grd - Extract subset of img file in Mercator or Geographic format


9       img2grd imgfile  -Ggrdfile
10        -Rregion
11        -Ttype [  -C ] [  -D[minlat/maxlat] ] [  -E ] [  -Iminutes ] [  -M ] [
12       -Nnavg ] [  -S[scale] ] [  -V[level] ] [  -Wmaxlon ] [ -nflags ]
14       Note: No space is allowed between the option flag  and  the  associated
15       arguments.


18       img2grd reads an img format file, extracts a subset, and writes it to a
19       grid file. The -M option dictates whether or not the Spherical Mercator
20       projection  of the img file is preserved or if a Geographic grid should
21       be written by undoing the Mercator projection. If  geographic  grid  is
22       selected you can also request a resampling onto the exact -R given.


25       imgfile
26              A  Mercator  img  format  file  such  as  the  marine gravity or
27              seafloor topography fields estimated  from  satellite  altimeter
28              data  by  Sandwell and Smith. If the user has set an environment
29              variable $GMT_DATADIR, then img2grd will try to find imgfile  in
30              $GMT_DATADIR; else it will try to open imgfile directly.
32       -Ggrdfile
33              grdfile is the name of the output grid file.
35       -Rwest/east/south/north[/zmin/zmax][+r][+uunit]
36              west, east, south, and north specify the region of interest, and
37              you   may   specify   them   in   decimal    degrees    or    in
38              [±]dd:mm[:ss.xxx][W|E|S|N]  format  Append  +r if lower left and
39              upper right map coordinates are given instead  of  w/e/s/n.  The
40              two  shorthands  -Rg  and -Rd stand for global domain (0/360 and
41              -180/+180 in longitude respectively, with -90/+90 in  latitude).
42              Alternatively  for grid creation, give Rcodelon/lat/nx/ny, where
43              code is a 2-character combination of L, C, R (for left,  center,
44              or  right)  and T, M, B for top, middle, or bottom. e.g., BL for
45              lower left.  This indicates which point on a rectangular  region
46              the lon/lat coordinate refers to, and the grid dimensions nx and
47              ny with grid spacings via -I is used to create the corresponding
48              region.   Alternatively,  specify  the  name of an existing grid
49              file and the -R settings (and grid spacing, if  applicable)  are
50              copied from the grid. Appending +uunit expects projected (Carte‐
51              sian) coordinates compatible with chosen  -J  and  we  inversely
52              project  to determine actual rectangular geographic region.  For
53              perspective view (-p), optionally append /zmin/zmax.  In case of
54              perspective view (-p), a z-range (zmin, zmax) can be appended to
55              indicate the third dimension. This needs to be  done  only  when
56              using  the -Jz option, not when using only the -p option. In the
57              latter case a perspective view of the plane is plotted, with  no
58              third dimension.


61       -C     Set the x and y Mercator coordinates relative to projection cen‐
62              ter [Default is relative to lower left corner of grid]. Requires
63              -M.
65       -D[minlat/maxlat]
66              Use  the extended latitude range -80.738/+80.738. Alternatively,
67              append minlat/maxlat as the latitude extent  of  the  input  img
68              file.   [Default  is -72.006/72.006]. Not usually required since
69              we can determine the extent from inspection of the file size.
71       -E     Can be used when -M is not set to force the final grid  to  have
72              the  exact  same  region  as  requested with -R. By default, the
73              final region is a direct projection  of  the  original  Mercator
74              region  and  will typically extend slightly beyond the requested
75              latitude range, and furthermore the grid increment  in  latitude
76              does  not  match  the  longitude  increment.  However, the extra
77              resampling introduces small interpolation errors and should only
78              be  used  if the output grid must match the requested region and
79              have x_inc = y_inc. In this case the region set by  -R  must  be
80              given in multiples of the increment (.e.g, -R0/45/45/72).
82       -I     Indicate  minutes  as the width of an input img pixel in minutes
83              of longitude. [Default is 2.0]. Not usually  required  since  we
84              can determine the pixel size from inspection of the size.
86       -M     Output  a  Spherical  Mercator  grid  [Default  is  a geographic
87              lon/lat grid]. The Spherical Mercator projection of the img file
88              is  preserved, so that the region -R set by the user is modified
89              slightly; the modified region corresponds to the edges of pixels
90              [or  groups of navg pixels]. The grid file header is set so that
91              the x and y axis lengths represent distance from  the  west  and
92              south  edges  of the image, measured in user default units, with
93              -Jm1 and the adjusted -R. By setting the default PROJ_ ELLIPSOID
94              =  Sphere,  the  user  can make overlays with the adjusted -R so
95              that they match. See EXAMPLES below. The  adjusted  -R  is  also
96              written in the grid header remark, so it can be found later. See
97              -C to set coordinates relative to projection center.
99       -Nnavg Average the values in the input img pixels  into  navg  by  navg
100              squares,  and  create  one output pixel for each such square. If
101              used with -T3 it will report an average constraint between 0 and
102              1. If used with -T2 the output will be average data value or NaN
103              according to whether average constraint  is  >  0.5.  navg  must
104              evenly  divide  into  the  dimensions  of the imgfile in pixels.
105              [Default 1 does no averaging].
107       -S[scale]
108              Multiply the img file values by scale  before  storing  in  grid
109              file.   [Default  is  1.0]. For recent img files: img topo files
110              are stored in (corrected) meters [-S1]; free-air  gravity  files
111              in  mGal*10  [-S0.1  to  get mGal]; vertical deflection files in
112              micro-radians*10 [-S0.1 to get micro-radians], vertical  gravity
113              gradient  files  in Eotvos*10 [-S0.1 to get Eotvos, or -S0.01 to
114              get mGal/km]). If no scale is given  we  try  to  determine  the
115              scale by examining the file name for clues.
117       -Ttype type  handles  the  encoding of constraint information. type = 0
118              indicates that no such information is encoded in  the  img  file
119              (used  for  pre-1995  versions of the gravity data) and gets all
120              data. type > 0 indicates that constraint information is  encoded
121              (1995 and later (current) versions of the img files) so that one
122              may produce a grid file as follows: -T1 gets data values at  all
123              points,  -T2  gets  data values at constrained points and NaN at
124              interpolated points; -T3 gets 1 at constrained points and  0  at
125              interpolated points [Default is 1].
127       -V[level] (more ...)
128              Select verbosity level [c]. Particularly recommended here, as it
129              is helpful to see how the coordinates are adjusted.
131       -Wmaxlon
132              Indicate maxlon as the maximum longitude extent of the input img
133              file.  Versions  since  1995 have had maxlon = 360.0, while some
134              earlier files had maxlon = 390.0. [Default is 360.0].
136       -n[b|c|l|n][+a][+bBC][+c][+tthreshold] (more ...)
137              Select interpolation mode for grids.
139       -^ or just -
140              Print a short message about the  syntax  of  the  command,  then
141              exits (NOTE: on Windows just use -).
143       -+ or just +
144              Print  an extensive usage (help) message, including the explana‐
145              tion of any module-specific  option  (but  not  the  GMT  common
146              options), then exits.
148       -? or no arguments
149              Print a complete usage (help) message, including the explanation
150              of all options, then exits.


153       The -M option should be excluded if you need the output grid to  be  in
154       geographic  coordinates. To extract data in the region -R-40/40/-70/-30
155       from world_grav.img.7.2 and reproject to yield geographic  coordinates,
156       you can try
158              img2grd world_grav.img.16.1 -Gmerc_grav.nc -R-40/40/-70/-30 -V
160       Because the latitude spacing in the img file is equidistant in Mercator
161       units, the resulting grid will not match the specified -R exactly,  and
162       the  latitude spacing will not equal the longitude spacing. If you need
163       an exact match with your -R and the same spacing in longitude and lati‐
164       tude, use the -E option:
166              img2grd world_grav.img.16.1 -Gmerc_grav.nc -R-40/40/-70/-30 -E -V


169       Since  the  img  files  are  in  a  Mercator projection, you should NOT
170       extract a geographic grid if your plan is to make a  Mercator  map.  If
171       you  did  that  you end of projecting and reprojection the grid, losing
172       short-wavelength detail. Better to use -M and plot  the  grid  using  a
173       linear  projection  with the same scale as the desired Mercator projec‐
174       tion  (see  GMT  Example  29).   To  extract   data   in   the   region
175       -R-40/40/-70/-30 from world_grav.img.7.2, run
177              gmt img2grd -M world_grav.img.7.2 -Gmerc_grav.nc -R-40/40/-70/-30 -V
179       Note  that  the  -V  option  tells  us  that  the range was adjusted to
180       -R-40/40/-70.0004681551/-29.9945810754. For scripting purposes  we  can
181       extract this original region string using grdinfo -Ii.  Furthermore, we
182       can also use grdinfo to find that the grid file header shows its region
183       to  be -R0/80/0/67.9666667. This is the range of x,y we will get from a
184       Spherical             Mercator             projection             using
185       -R-40/40/-70.0004681551/-29.9945810754   and   -Jm1.   Thus,   to  take
186       ship.lonlatgrav and use it to sample the merc_grav.nc, we can do this:
188              gmt set PROJ_ELLIPSOID Sphere
190              gmt mapproject -R-40/40/-70.0004681551/-29.9945810754 -Jm1i ship.lonlatgrav | \
191                        gmt grdtrack -Gmerc_grav.nc | gmt mapproject \
192                        -R-40/40/-70.0004681551/-29.9945810754 -Jm1i -I > ship.lonlatgravsat
194       It is recommended to use the above method of projecting and  unproject‐
195       ing  the  data  in  such an application, because then there is only one
196       interpolation step (in grdtrack). If one first  tries  to  convert  the
197       grid  file  to  lon,lat and then sample it, there are two interpolation
198       steps (in conversion and in sampling).
200       To make a lon,lat grid from the above grid we can use
202              gmt grdproject merc_grav.nc -R-40/40/-70.0004681551/-29.9945810754 -Jm1i -I -D2m -Ggrav.nc
204       In some cases this will not be easy as the -R  in  the  two  coordinate
205       systems  may  not  align  well.  When this happens, we can also use (in
206       fact, it may be always better to use)
208              gmt grd2xyz merc_grav.nc | gmt mapproject \
209                  -R-40/40/-70.0004681551/-29.994581075 -Jm1i -I | \
210                  gmt surface -R-40/40/-70/70 -I2m -Ggrav.nc
212       To make a Mercator map of the above region, suppose our gmt.conf  value
213       for PROJ_LENGTH_UNIT is inch. Then since the above merc_grav.nc file is
214       projected with -Jm1i it is 80 inches wide. We can make a map  8  inches
215       wide  by  using -Jx0.1i on any map programs applied to this grid (e.g.,
216       grdcontour, grdimage, grdview), and then for  overlays  which  work  in
217       lon,lat  (e.g.,  psxy,  pscoast)  we  can use the above adjusted -R and
218       -Jm0.1 to get the two systems to match up.
220       However, we can be smarter than this. Realizing that the input img file
221       had  pixels  2.0  minutes  wide (or checking the nx and ny with grdinfo
222       merc_grav.nc) we realize that merc_grav.nc used the full resolution  of
223       the  img file and it has 2400 by 2039 pixels, and at 8 inches wide this
224       is 300 pixels per inch. We decide we do not need that many and we  will
225       be  satisfied  with 100 pixels per inch, so we want to average the data
226       into 3 by 3 squares. (If we want a contour plot we will probably choose
227       to  average  the data much more (e.g., 6 by 6) to get smooth contours.)
228       Since 2039 isn't divisible by 3 we will get  a  different  adjusted  -R
229       this time:
231              gmt img2grd -M world_grav.img.7.2 -Gmerc_grav_2.nc -R-40/40/-70/-30 -N3 -V
233       This      time      we      find     the     adjusted     region     is
234       -R-40/40/-70.023256525/-29.9368261101 and the output is 800 by 601 pix‐
235       els, a better size for us. Now we can create an artificial illumination
236       file for this using grdgradient:
238              gmt grdgradient merc_grav_2.nc -Gillum.nc -A0/270 -Ne0.6
240       and if we also have a CPT called  "grav.cpt"  we  can  create  a  color
241       shaded relief map like this:
243              gmt grdimage merc_grav_2.nc -Iillum.nc -Cgrav.cpt -Jx0.1i -K > map.ps
244              gmt psbasemap -R-40/40/-70.023256525/-29.9368261101 -Jm0.1i -Ba10 -O >> map.ps
246       Suppose you want to obtain only the constrained data values from an img
247       file, in lat/lon coordinates. Then run img2grd with the -T2 option, use
248       grd2xyz to dump the values, pipe through grep -v NaN to eliminate NaNs,
249       and pipe through mapproject with the inverse projection as above.


252       gmt
255       2019, P. Wessel, W. H. F. Smith, R. Scharroo, J. Luis, and F. Wobbe
2605.4.5                            Feb 24, 2019                       IMG2GRD(1)