1MMG3D(1)                  BSD General Commands Manual                 MMG3D(1)


4     mmg3d — Adaptation and optimization of a tetrahedral mesh and implicit
5     domain meshing.


8     mmg3d mesh_file⟩ [output_file] [-sol solution_file⟩] [-h] [-v] [-m n⟩]
9           [-d] [-val] [-ar x⟩] [-nr] [-hmin x⟩] [-hmax x⟩] [-hsiz x⟩]
10           [-hausd x⟩] [-hgrad x⟩] [-A] [-opnbdy] [-lag n⟩] [-ls x]
11           [-nofem] [-optim] [-optimLES] [-noswap] [-nomove] [-noinsert]
12           [-nosurf] [-octree n⟩] [-rn n⟩]


15     The mmg3d application is dedicated to tetrahedral remeshing.  Both sur‐
16     face and volume mesh are modified.
18     By defaults it performs mesh modifications in order to control the sur‐
19     face approximation.
20     Providing a metric file, it adapts the mesh to the prescribed sizes at
21     nodes.
22     Providing a level-set file containing the values of the level-set func‐
23     tion at the mesh nodes, the -ls option allows to explicitly mesh an
24     implicit domain.
25     Without metric file, the -optim option allow to improve the mesh quality
26     with respect to the initial mesh size.  -optimLES option allow to improve
27     strongly the isotropic mesh quality for LES simulations.


30     1.   Generic options:
31          -h                      Print help.
32          -v ⟨n⟩                  Tune level of verbosity.
33                                  Takes values between -10 and 10.
34          -m ⟨n⟩                  Set maximal memory size to n MBytes.
35          -d                      Turn on debug mode.
36          -val                    Print the default parameters values.
38     2.   File specifications:
39          -in ⟨mesh_file⟩         Input triangulation.
40          -out ⟨output_file⟩      Output triangulation.
41          -sol ⟨solution_file⟩    Load metric or level-set file.
43     3.   Parameters:
44          -ar ⟨x⟩                 Angle detection.
45          -nr                     Disable automatic detection of sharp feature
46                                  (ridges, corners).
47          -hmin ⟨x⟩               Minimal mesh size.
48          -hmax ⟨x⟩               Maximal mesh size.
49          -hsiz ⟨x⟩               Constant mesh size.
50          -hausd ⟨x⟩              Control the Hausdorff distance between the
51                                  surface mesh and the underlying surface
52                                  geometry.
53          -hgrad ⟨x⟩              Control the gradation.
54          -A                      Enable anisotropy (without metric file).
55          -opnbdy                 Preserve input triangles at the interface of
56                                  two domains of the same reference.
57          -ls x                   Create mesh of isovalue x (0.0 if x is not
58                                  provided).
59          -nofem                  Do not force Mmg to create a finite element
60                                  mesh.
61          -optim                  Mesh improvement with respect to the initial
62                                  mesh size.
63          -optimLES               Strong isotropic mesh optimization for LES
64                                  computations.
65          -noswap                 No edge or face flipping.
66          -nomove                 No point relocation
67          -noinsert               No point insertion/deletion.
68          -nosurf                 No surface modifications.
70     4.   Additional parameters depending on compilation flags:
71          -lag ⟨n⟩                Lagrangian mesh displacement according to
72                                  mode 0 ( n=0 ), 1 ( n=1 ) or 2 ( n=2 ). This
73                                  option is only available with the
74                                  USE_SUSCELAS compilation flag. This flag
75                                  need to find the SUscElas library to remain
76                                  activated.
77          -octree ⟨n⟩             Specify the maximal number of point per
78                                  octree cell (only available without the
79                                  PATTERN compilation flag).
80          -rn ⟨n⟩                 Turn on ( n=1 ) or off ( n=0 ) the renumber‐
81                                  ing using the SCOTCH library (only available
82                                  with the USE_SCOTCH compilation flag).


85     mmg3d returns:
86     ·   the 0 value if successful;
87     ·   the 1 value if the process fail but can save a conform mesh;
88     ·   the 2 value if the process fail and can't save a comform mesh.


91     mmgs(1) mmg2d(1)
93mmg3d                            May 04, 2015                            mmg3d