1PYTHONIVI(1)                      Python IVI                      PYTHONIVI(1)


6       pythonivi - Python IVI Documentation
8       Python IVI is a Python-based interpretation of the Interchangeable Vir‐
9       tual Instrument standard from the IVI foundation.
11       See also:
13       · Python IVI home page
15       · GitHub repository
17       · IVI Foundation
19       Contents:


22   Overview
23       Python IVI is a Python-based interpretation of the Interchangeable Vir‐
24       tual  Instrument  standard from the IVI foundation.  The implementation
25       is pure Python and highly portable.
27       It is released under the MIT license, see LICENSE for more details.
29       Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Alex Forencich <alex@alexforencich.com>
31       See also:
33       · Python IVI home page
35       · GitHub repository
37       · IVI Foundation
39   Features
40       · Supports Python 2 and Python 3
42       · Pure Python
44       · Highly portable
46       · Communicates with instruments with various add-on modules
48   Requirements
49       · Python 2 or Python 3
51       · One or more communication extensions
53   Installation
54       To install the module for all users on the system, administrator rights
55       (root) are required.
57   From source
58       Download the archive, extract, and run:
60          python setup.py install
62   Packages
63       There are also packaged versions for some Linux distributions:
65       Arch Linux
66              Python  IVI  is available under the name "python-ivi-git" in the
67              AUR.
69   Instrument Communication Extensions
70       Python IVI does not contain any IO drivers itself.  In order to  commu‐
71       nicate  with an instrument, you must install one or more of the follow‐
72       ing drivers:
74   Python VXI11
75       Python VXI11 provides a pure python TCP/IP driver for LAN based instru‐
76       ments  that support the VXI11 protocol.  This includes most LXI instru‐
77       ments and also devices like the Agilent E2050 GPIB to LAN converter.
79       Home page: http://www.alexforencich.com/wiki/en/python-vxi11/start
81       GitHub repository: https://github.com/alexforencich/python-vxi11
83   Python USBTMC
84       Python USBTMC provides a pure python USBTMC driver for instruments that
85       support  the  USB Test and Measurement Class.  Python USBTMC uses PyUSB
86       to connect to the instrument in a platform-independent manner.
88       Home page: http://alexforencich.com/wiki/en/python-usbtmc/start
90       GitHub repository: https://github.com/alexforencich/python-usbtmc
92   Linux GPIB
93       Python IVI provides an interface wrapper for the Linux GPIB driver.  If
94       the  Linux  GPIB  driver  and  its included Python interface available,
95       Python IVI can use it to communicate  with  instruments  via  any  GPIB
96       interface supported by Linux GPIB.
98       Home page: http://linux-gpib.sourceforge.net/
100   pySerial
101       Python  IVI provides an interface wrapper for the pySerial library.  If
102       pySerial is installed, Python  IVI  can  use  it  to  communicate  with
103       instruments via the serial port.
105       Home page: http://pyserial.sourceforge.net/


108   Connecting to an Instrument
109       Connect  to  an  Agilent  MSO7104A  oscilloscope over LXI (VXI11) on IP
110       address
112          >>> import ivi
113          >>> mso = ivi.agilent.agilentMSO7104A("TCPIP::")
114          >>> mso.identity.instrument_model
115          'MSO7104A'
117       Connect to an Agilent E3649A via an HP 2050A GPIB LAN bridge:
119          >>> import ivi
120          >>> psu = ivi.agilent.agilentE3649A("TCPIP::,5::INSTR")
121          >>> psu.identity.instrument_model
122          'E3649A'
124   Configuring instruments
125       Connect to an Agilent MSO7104A oscilloscope over LXI (VXI11)  and  con‐
126       figure a channel:
128          >>> import ivi
129          >>> mso = ivi.agilent.agilentMSO7104A("TCPIP0::")
130          >>> #mso = ivi.agilent.agilentMSO7104A("USB0::2391::5973::MY********::INSTR")
131          >>> mso.acquisition.time_per_record = 1e-3
132          >>> mso.trigger.type = 'edge'
133          >>> mso.trigger.source = 'channel1'
134          >>> mso.trigger.coupling = 'dc'
135          >>> mso.trigger.edge.slope = 'positive'
136          >>> mso.trigger.level = 0
137          >>> mso.channels['channel1'].enabled = True
138          >>> mso.channels['channel1'].offset = 0
139          >>> mso.channels['channel1'].range = 4
140          >>> mso.channels['channel1'].coupling = 'dc'
141          >>> mso.measurement.initiate()
142          >>> waveform = mso.channels[0].measurement.fetch_waveform()
143          >>> vpp = mso.channels[0].measurement.fetch_waveform_measurement("voltage_peak_to_peak")
144          >>> phase = mso.channels['channel1'].measurement.fetch_waveform_measurement("phase", "channel2")
146       Connect  to  a  Tektronix  AWG2021, generate a sinewave with numpy, and
147       transfer it to channel 1:
149          >>> import ivi
150          >>> from numpy import *
151          >>> #awg = ivi.tektronix.tektronixAWG2021("GPIB0::25::INSTR")
152          >>> awg = ivi.tektronix.tektronixAWG2021("TCPIP0::,25::INSTR")
153          >>> #awg = ivi.tektronix.tektronixAWG2021("ASRL::/dev/ttyUSB0,9600::INSTR")
154          >>> n = 128
155          >>> f = 1
156          >>> a = 1
157          >>> wfm = a*sin(2*pi/n*f*arange(0,n))
158          >>> awg.outputs[0].arbitrary.create_waveform(wfm)
159          >>> awg.outputs[0].arbitrary.gain = 2.0
160          >>> awg.outputs[0].arbitrary.gain = 0.0
161          >>> arb.arbitrary.sample_rate = 128e6
162          >>> awg.outputs[0].enabled = True
164       Connect to an Agilent E3649A and configure an output:
166          >>> import ivi
167          >>> #psu = ivi.agilent.agilentE3649A("GPIB0::5::INSTR")
168          >>> psu = ivi.agilent.agilentE3649A("TCPIP0::,5::INSTR")
169          >>> #psu = ivi.agilent.agilentE3649A("ASRL::/dev/ttyUSB0,9600::INSTR")
170          >>> psu.outputs[0].configure_range('voltage', 12)
171          >>> psu.outputs[0].voltage_level = 12.0
172          >>> psu.outputs[0].current_limit = 1.0
173          >>> psu.outputs[0].ovp_limit = 14.0
174          >>> psu.outputs[0].ovp_enabled = True
175          >>> psu.outptus[0].enabled = True


178       This module provides  the  base  functionality  of  an  IVI  instrument
179       driver.
181   Functions and Exceptions
182       exception ivi.IviException
183              Exception  raised  on  various  occasions;  argument is a string
184              describing what is wrong.
186   DriverOperation class
187       class ivi.DriverOperation(*args, **kwargs)
188              Bases: ivi.ivi.IviContainer
190              Inherent IVI methods for driver operation
192   DriverIdentity class
193       class ivi.DriverIdentity(*args, **kwargs)
194              Bases: ivi.ivi.IviContainer
196              Inherent IVI methods for identification
198   DriverUtility class
199       class ivi.DriverUtility(*args, **kwargs)
200              Bases: ivi.ivi.IviContainer
202              Inherent IVI utility methods
204   Driver class
205       class  ivi.Driver(resource=None,  id_query=False,  reset=False,  *args,
206       **kwargs)
207              Bases:      ivi.ivi.DriverOperation,     ivi.ivi.DriverIdentity,
208              ivi.ivi.DriverUtility
210              Inherent IVI methods for all instruments
212              doc(obj=None, itm=None, docs=None, prefix=None)
213                     Python IVI documentation generator
215              help(itm=None, complete=False, indent=0)
216                     Python IVI help system
218          ivi.close
219                 When the user finishes using a Python IVI  driver,  the  user
220                 should  call  either  the Close method or __del__.  Note that
221                 __del__ will call close automatically.
223                 This function also does the following:
225                 · Prevents the user  from  calling  other  functions  in  the
226                   driver  that access the instrument until the user calls the
227                   Initialize function again.
229                 · May deallocate internal resources used by the IVI session.
231          driver_operation.cache
232                 If True, the specific driver caches the value of  attributes,
233                 and  the  IVI  specific  driver  keeps  track  of the current
234                 instrument settings so that it can  avoid  sending  redundant
235                 commands  to  the  instrument.  If False, the specific driver
236                 does not cache the value of attributes.
238                 The default value is True. When the user opens an  instrument
239                 session through an IVI class driver or uses a logical name to
240                 initialize a specific driver,  the  user  can  override  this
241                 value  by  specifying a value in the IVI configuration store.
242                 The Initialize function allows the user to override both  the
243                 default  value  and  the value that the user specifies in the
244                 IVI configuration store.
246          driver_operation.clear_interchange_warnings
247                 This function clears the list of interchangeability  warnings
248                 that the IVI specific driver maintains.
250                 When  this function is called on an IVI class driver session,
251                 the function clears the list of  interchangeability  warnings
252                 that the class driver and the specific driver maintain.
254                 Refer to the Interchange Check attribute for more information
255                 on interchangeability checking.
257          driver_operation.driver_setup
258                 Returns the driver setup string that the  user  specified  in
259                 the  IVI  configuration store when the instrument driver ses‐
260                 sion was initialized or passes in the OptionString  parameter
261                 of  the  Initialize function. Refer to Section 6.14, Initial‐
262                 ize, for the restrictions on the format of the  driver  setup
263                 string.
265                 The string that this attribute returns does not have a prede‐
266                 fined maximum length.
268          driver_operation.get_next_coercion_record
269                 If the Record Value Coercions attribute is set to  True,  the
270                 IVI  specific  driver  keeps a list of all value coercions it
271                 makes on integer and floating point attributes. This function
272                 obtains the coercion information associated with the IVI ses‐
273                 sion. It retrieves and clears the oldest  instance  in  which
274                 the  specific  driver  coerced  a value the user specified to
275                 another value.
277                 The function returns an empty string  in  the  CoercionRecord
278                 parameter if no coercion records remain for the session.
280                 The coercion record string shall contain the following infor‐
281                 mation:
283                 · The name of the attribute that was coerced. This can be the
284                   generic  name, the COM property name, or the C defined con‐
285                   stant.
287                 · If the attribute applies to a repeated capability, the name
288                   of the virtual or physical repeated capability identifier.
290                 · The value that the user specified for the attribute.
292                 · The value to which the attribute was coerced.
294                 A  recommended  format  for  the coercion record string is as
295                 follows:
297                     " Attribute " + <attribute name> + [" on <repeated capability> " +
298                     <repeated capability identifier>] + " was coerced from " +
299                     <desiredVal> + " to " + <coercedVal>
301                 .
303                 And example coercion record string is as follows:
305                     Attribute TKTDS500_ATTR_VERTICAL_RANGE on channel ch1 was coerced from
306                     9.0 to 10.0.
308          driver_operation.get_next_interchange_warning
309                 If the Interchange Check attribute is set to  True,  the  IVI
310                 specific  driver keeps a list of all interchangeability warn‐
311                 ings that it encounters. This  function  returns  the  inter‐
312                 changeability  warnings  associated  with the IVI session. It
313                 retrieves and clears the  oldest  interchangeability  warning
314                 from  the  list.  Interchangeability  warnings  indicate that
315                 using the application with a different instrument might cause
316                 different behavior.
318                 When  this function is called on an IVI class driver session,
319                 it may return interchangeability warnings  generated  by  the
320                 IVI  class driver as well as interchangeability warnings gen‐
321                 erated by the IVI  specific  driver.  The  IVI  class  driver
322                 determines  the  relative order in which the IVI class driver
323                 warnings are returned in relation to the IVI specific  driver
324                 warnings.
326                 The  function returns an empty string in the InterchangeWarn‐
327                 ing parameter if no interchangeability  warnings  remain  for
328                 the session.
330                 Refer to the Interchange Check attribute for more information
331                 on interchangeability checking.
333          driver_operation.interchange_check
334                 If True,  the  specific  driver  performs  interchangeability
335                 checking.  If the Interchange Check attribute is enabled, the
336                 specific driver maintains a record of each interchangeability
337                 warning  that  it  encounters.  The  user  calls the Get Next
338                 Interchange Warning function to extract and delete the oldest
339                 interchangeability  warning  from  the list. Refer to Section
340                 6.11, Get Next Interchange Warning, Section 6.2, Clear Inter‐
341                 change  Warnings,  and Section 6.18, Reset Interchange Check,
342                 for more information. If False, the specific driver does  not
343                 perform interchangeability checking.
345                 If  the user opens an instrument session through an IVI class
346                 driver and the Interchange Check attribute  is  enabled,  the
347                 IVI  class  driver  may perform additional interchangeability
348                 checking. The IVI class driver maintains a list of the inter‐
349                 changeability  warnings  that  it  encounters.   The user can
350                 retrieve both class driver  interchangeability  warnings  and
351                 specific  driver  interchangeability  warnings by calling the
352                 Get Next Interchange Warning function  on  the  class  driver
353                 session.
355                 If  the  IVI  specific driver does not implement interchange‐
356                 ability checking, the specific driver returns the  Value  Not
357                 Supported error when the user attempts to set the Interchange
358                 Check attribute to True. If the specific driver  does  imple‐
359                 ment  interchangeability  checking  and  the  user  opens  an
360                 instrument session through an IVI class driver, the IVI class
361                 driver  accepts  True  as  a  valid value for the Interchange
362                 Check attribute even if the class driver does  not  implement
363                 interchangeability checking capabilities of its own.
365                 The  default  value is False. If the user opens an instrument
366                 session through an IVI class driver  or  initializes  an  IVI
367                 specific  driver  with  a logical name, the user can override
368                 this value in the IVI  configuration  store.  The  Initialize
369                 function  allows  the user to override both the default value
370                 and the value that the userspecifies in the IVI configuration
371                 store.
373          driver_operation.invalidate_all_attributes
374                 This function invalidates the cached values of all attributes
375                 for the session.
377          driver_operation.io_resource_descriptor
378                 Returns the resource descriptor that the user  specified  for
379                 the physical device. The user specifies the resource descrip‐
380                 tor by editing the IVI configuration store or  by  passing  a
381                 resource  descriptor  to  the Initialize function of the spe‐
382                 cific driver. Refer to  Section  6.14,  Initialize,  for  the
383                 restrictions  on  the  contents  of  the  resource descriptor
384                 string.
386                 The string that this attribute returns contains a maximum  of
387                 256 characters including the NULL character.
389          driver_operation.logical_name
390                 Returns the IVI logical name that the user passed to the Ini‐
391                 tialize function. If the user initialized  the  IVI  specific
392                 driver  directly  and  did not pass a logical name, then this
393                 attribute returns an empty string.  Refer to IVI-3.5: Config‐
394                 uration  Server  Specification for restrictions on the format
395                 of IVI logical names.
397                 The string that this attribute returns contains a maximum  of
398                 256 characters including the NULL character.
400          driver_operation.query_instrument_status
401                 If  True, the IVI specific driver queries the instrument sta‐
402                 tus at the end of each user operation. If False, the IVI spe‐
403                 cific  driver does not query the instrument status at the end
404                 of each user operation. Querying  the  instrument  status  is
405                 very  useful for debugging. After validating the program, the
406                 user can set this attribute to False to disable status check‐
407                 ing  and  maximize performance. The user specifies this value
408                 for the entire IVI driver session.
410                 The default value is False. When the user opens an instrument
411                 session through an IVI class driver or uses a logical name to
412                 initialize an IVI specific driver, the user can override this
413                 value  by  specifying a value in the IVI configuration store.
414                 The Initialize function allows the user to override both  the
415                 default  value  and  the value that the user specifies in the
416                 IVI configuration store.
418          driver_operation.range_check
419                 If True, the IVI specific driver validates  attribute  values
420                 and  function  parameters.  If False, the IVI specific driver
421                 does not validate attribute values and function parameters.
423                 If range check is enabled, the specific driver validates  the
424                 parameter  values  that users pass to driver functions. Vali‐
425                 dating attribute values and function parameters is useful for
426                 debugging.  After  validating  the  program, the user can set
427                 this attribute to False to disable range checking  and  maxi‐
428                 mize  performance.  The  default value is True. When the user
429                 opens an instrument session through an IVI  class  driver  or
430                 uses a logical name to initialize an IVI specific driver, the
431                 user can override this value by specifying a value in the IVI
432                 configuration  store. The Initialize function allows the user
433                 to override both the default value and  the  value  that  the
434                 user specifies in the IVI configuration store.
436          driver_operation.record_coercions
437                 If  True,  the  IVI specific driver keeps a list of the value
438                 coercions it makes for ViInt32 and  ViReal64  attributes.  If
439                 False,  the  IVI  specific driver does not keep a list of the
440                 value coercions it makes for ViInt32 and ViReal64 attributes.
442                 If the Record Value Coercions attribute is enabled, the  spe‐
443                 cific  driver  maintains  a record of each coercion. The user
444                 calls the Get Next Coercion Record function  to  extract  and
445                 delete  the  oldest  coercion  record from the list. Refer to
446                 Section 6.10, Get Next Coercion Record, for more information.
448                 If the  IVI  specific  driver  does  not  implement  coercion
449                 recording,  the  specific  driver  returns the Value Not Sup‐
450                 ported error when the user attempts to set the  Record  Value
451                 Coercions attribute to True.
453                 The default value is False. When the user opens an instrument
454                 session through an IVI class driver or uses a logical name to
455                 initialize  a IVI specific driver, the user can override this
456                 value by specifying a value in the IVI  configuration  store.
457                 The  Initialize function allows the user to override both the
458                 default value and the value that the user  specifies  in  the
459                 IVI configuration store.
461          driver_operation.reset_interchange_check
462                 This  function  resets  the interchangeability checking algo‐
463                 rithms of the IVI specific driver  so  that  specific  driver
464                 functions that execute prior to calling this function have no
465                 effect on whether future calls to the specific driver  gener‐
466                 ate interchangeability warnings.
468                 When developing a complex test system that consists of multi‐
469                 ple test modules, it is generally a good idea to  design  the
470                 test  modules  so  that  they  can run in any order. To do so
471                 requires ensuring that each test module completely configures
472                 the  state  of  each instrument it uses. If a particular test
473                 module does not completely configure the state of an  instru‐
474                 ment,  the  state of the instrument depends on the configura‐
475                 tion from a previously executed test module. If the test mod‐
476                 ules  execute  in  a  different  order,  the  behavior of the
477                 instrument and therefore the entire test module is likely  to
478                 change.  This change in behavior is generally instrument spe‐
479                 cific and represents an interchangeability problem.
481                 Users can use this function to test for such cases. By  call‐
482                 ing  this  function  at the beginning of a test module, users
483                 can determine whether the test module has dependencies on the
484                 operation  of  previously  executed  test modules. Any inter‐
485                 changeability warnings that occur after the user  calls  this
486                 function  indicate  that the section of the test program that
487                 executes after this function and prior to the  generation  of
488                 the  warning does not completely configure the instrument and
489                 that the user is likely to experience different  behavior  if
490                 the  user  changes the execution order of the test modules or
491                 if the user changes instruments.
493                 Note: This function does not clear  interchangeability  warn‐
494                 ings from the list of interchangeability warnings. To guaran‐
495                 tee that the Get Next Interchange  Warning  function  returns
496                 interchangeability warnings that occur only after the program
497                 calls function, the user must clear the list of  interchange‐
498                 ability  warnings  by  calling the Clear Interchange Warnings
499                 function.
501                 Refer to the Interchange Check attribute for more information
502                 on interchangeability checking.
504          driver_operation.simulate
505                 If  True, the IVI specific driver simulates instrument driver
506                 I/O operations. If False, the IVI  specific  driver  communi‐
507                 cates directly with the instrument.
509                 If  simulation  is  enabled, the specific driver functions do
510                 not perform instrument I/O. For output parameters that repre‐
511                 sent  instrument  data,  the specific driver functions return
512                 simulated values.
514                 The default value is False. When the user opens an instrument
515                 session through an IVI class driver or uses a logical name to
516                 initialize an IVI specific driver, the user can override this
517                 value  by  specifying a value in the IVI configuration store.
518                 The Initialize function allows the user to override both  the
519                 default  value  and  the value that the user specifies in the
520                 IVI configuration store.
522          identity.description
523                 Returns a brief description of the IVI software component.
525                 The string that this attribute returns has no maximum size.
527          identity.get_group_capabilities
528                 Returns a list of names of class capability groups  that  the
529                 IVI  specific  driver  implements.  The items in the list are
530                 capability group names  that  the  IVI  class  specifications
531                 define. The list is returned as a list of strings.
533                 If  the IVI specific driver does not comply with an IVI class
534                 specification, the specific driver returns an array with zero
535                 elements.
537          identity.get_supported_instrument_models
538                 Returns  a  list of names of instrument models with which the
539                 IVI specific driver is compatible. The list is returned as  a
540                 list of strings. For example, this attribute might return the
541                 strings "TKTDS3012", "TKTDS3014", and "TKTDS3016" .
543                 It is not necessary for the string to include  the  abbrevia‐
544                 tion  for  the manufacturer if it is the same for all models.
545                 In the example above, it is valid for the attribute to return
546                 the strings "TDS3012", "TDS3014", and "TDS3016".
548          identity.group_capabilities
549                 Returns  a  comma-separated  list  that  identifies the class
550                 capability groups that the IVI  specific  driver  implements.
551                 The items in the list are capability group names that the IVI
552                 class specifications define. The string has  no  white  space
553                 except for white space that might be embedded in a capability
554                 group name.
556                 If the IVI specific driver does not comply with an IVI  class
557                 specification, the specific driver returns an empty string as
558                 the value of this attribute.
560                 The string that this attribute returns does not have a prede‐
561                 fined maximum length.
563          identity.identifier
564                 Returns the case-sensitive unique identifier of the IVI soft‐
565                 ware component. The string that this attribute  returns  con‐
566                 tains  a  maximum of 32 characters including the NULL charac‐
567                 ter.
569          identity.instrument_firmware_revision
570                 Returns an  instrument  specific  string  that  contains  the
571                 firmware revision information of the physical instrument. The
572                 IVI specific driver returns the value  it  queries  from  the
573                 instrument  as  the value of this attribute or a string indi‐
574                 cating that it cannot query the instrument identity.
576                 In some cases, it is not possible for the specific driver  to
577                 query the firmware revision of the instrument. This can occur
578                 when the Simulate attribute is set to True or if the  instru‐
579                 ment  is  not capable of returning the firmware revision. For
580                 these cases, the specific driver returns defined strings  for
581                 this attribute. If the Simulate attribute is set to True, the
582                 specific driver returns "Not available while  simulating"  as
583                 the value of this attribute. If the instrument is not capable
584                 of returning the firmware version and the Simulate  attribute
585                 is  set  to  False, the specific driver returns "Cannot query
586                 from instrument" as the value of this attribute.
588                 The string that this attribute returns does not have a prede‐
589                 fined maximum length.
591          identity.instrument_manufacturer
592                 Returns  the  name of the manufacturer of the instrument. The
593                 IVI specific driver returns the value  it  queries  from  the
594                 instrument  as  the value of this attribute or a string indi‐
595                 cating that it cannot query the instrument identity.
597                 In some cases, it is not possible for the specific driver  to
598                 query the manufacturer of the instrument. This can occur when
599                 the Simulate attribute is set to True or if the instrument is
600                 not  capable  of returning the manufacturer. For these cases,
601                 the  specific  driver  returns  defined  strings   for   this
602                 attribute. If the Simulate attribute is set to True, the spe‐
603                 cific driver returns "Not available while simulating" as  the
604                 value  of this attribute. If the instrument is not capable of
605                 returning the manufacturer and the Simulate attribute is  set
606                 to  False,  the  specific  driver  returns "Cannot query from
607                 instrument" as the value of this attribute.
609                 The string that this attribute returns does not have a prede‐
610                 fined maximum length.
612          identity.instrument_model
613                 Returns  the model number or name of the physical instrument.
614                 The IVI specific driver returns the value it queries from the
615                 instrument  or  a  string indicating that it cannot query the
616                 instrument identity.
618                 In some cases, it is not possible for the specific driver  to
619                 query  the  model  of the instrument. This can occur when the
620                 Simulate attribute is set to True or if the instrument is not
621                 capable  of  returning  the model.  For these cases, the spe‐
622                 cific driver returns defined strings for this  attribute.  If
623                 the  Simulate  attribute  is set to True, the specific driver
624                 returns "Not available while simulating" as the value of this
625                 attribute.  If the instrument is not capable of returning the
626                 model and the Simulate attribute is set to  False,  the  spe‐
627                 cific  driver  returns  "Cannot query from instrument" as the
628                 value of this attribute.
630                 The string that this attribute returns does not have a prede‐
631                 fined maximum length.
633          identity.revision
634                 Returns version information about the IVI software component.
635                 Refer to Section,  Additional  Compliance  Rules  for
636                 Revision  String  Attributes,  for additional rules regarding
637                 this attribute.
639                 The string that this attribute returns has no maximum size.
641          identity.specification_major_version
642                 Returns the major version number of the  class  specification
643                 in  accordance  with  which  the  IVI  software component was
644                 developed. The value is a positive integer value.
646                 If the software component is not compliant with a class spec‐
647                 ification,  the  software component returns zero as the value
648                 of this attribute.
650          identity.specification_minor_version
651                 Returns the minor version number of the  class  specification
652                 in  accordance  with  which  the  IVI  software component was
653                 developed. The value is a positive integer value.
655                 If the software component is not compliant with a class spec‐
656                 ification,  the  software component returns zero as the value
657                 of this attribute.
659          identity.supported_instrument_models
660                 Returns a comma-separated list of names of instrument  models
661                 with  which the IVI specific driver is compatible. The string
662                 has no white space except possibly embedded in the instrument
663                 model names. An example of a string that this attribute might
664                 return is "TKTDS3012,TKTDS3014,TKTDS3016".
666                 It is not necessary for the string to include  the  abbrevia‐
667                 tion  for  the manufacturer if it is the same for all models.
668                 In the example above, it is valid for the attribute to return
669                 the string "TDS3012,TDS3014,TDS3016".
671                 The string that this attribute returns does not have a prede‐
672                 fined maximum length.
674          identity.vendor
675                 Returns the name of the vendor that supplies the IVI software
676                 component.
678                 The string that this attribute returns has no maximum size.
680          ivi.initialize
681                 The  user  must call the Initialize function prior to calling
682                 other IVI driver functions that access  the  instrument.  The
683                 Initialize  function is called automatically by the construc‐
684                 tor if a resource string is passed as the first  argument  to
685                 the constructor.
687                 If  simulation is disabled when the user calls the Initialize
688                 function, the function performs the following actions:
690                 · Opens and configures an I/O session to the instrument.
692                 · If the user passes True  for  the  IdQuery  parameter,  the
693                   function  queries  the  instrument  for its ID and verifies
694                   that  the  IVI  specific  driver  supports  the  particular
695                   instrument  model.  If the instrument cannot return its ID,
696                   the specific driver returns  the  ID  Query  Not  Supported
697                   warning.
699                 · If  the user passes True for the Reset parameter, the func‐
700                   tion places the instrument in a known  state.  In  an  IEEE
701                   488.2 instrument, the function sends the command string "
702                   *
703                   RST"  to the instrument. If the instrument cannot perform a
704                   reset, the IVI specific driver returns the Reset  Not  Sup‐
705                   ported warning.
707                 · Configures  instrument  options  on  which the IVI specific
708                   driver depends.   For  example,  a  specific  driver  might
709                   enable  or  disable headers or enable binary mode for wave‐
710                   form transfers.
712                 ·
714                   Performs the following operations in the given order:
716                          1. Disables the class  extension  capability  groups
717                             that the IVI specific driver does not implement.
719                          2. If  the  class  specification  with which the IVI
720                             specific driver is compliant defines initial val‐
721                             ues   for  attributes,  this  function  sets  the
722                             attributes to the values that the class  specifi‐
723                             cation defines.
725                          3. If  the ResourceName parameter is a logical name,
726                             the IVI specific driver  configures  the  initial
727                             settings  for  the specific driver and instrument
728                             based on the configuration of the logical name in
729                             the IVI configuration store.
731                 If  simulation  is enabled when the user calls the Initialize
732                 function, the function performs the following actions:
734                 · If the user passes True for the IdQuery parameter  and  the
735                   instrument  cannot  return  its ID, the IVI specific driver
736                   returns the ID Query Not Supported warning.
738                 · If the user passes True for the  Reset  parameter  and  the
739                   instrument  cannot perform a reset, the IVI specific driver
740                   returns the Reset Not Supported warning.
742                 · If the ResourceName parameter is a logical  name,  the  IVI
743                   specific  driver  configures  the  initial settings for the
744                   specific driver based on the configuration of  the  logical
745                   name in the IVI configuration store.
747                 Some  instrument  driver  operations  require  or  take  into
748                 account information from the IVI configuration  store.  Exam‐
749                 ples of such information are virtual repeated capability name
750                 mappings and the value of certain inherent attributes. An IVI
751                 driver  shall retrieve all the information for a session from
752                 the IVI configuration store during the  Initialization  func‐
753                 tion.  The IVI driver shall not read any information from the
754                 IVI configuration store for a session after  the  Initializa‐
755                 tion  function completes. Refer to Section 3.2.3, Instantiat‐
756                 ing the Right Configuration Store From Software  Modules,  of
757                 IVI-3.5:  Configuration  Server  Specification for details on
758                 how to correctly instantiate the configuration store.
760                 The ResourceName parameter must contain either a logical name
761                 that  is defined in the IVI configuration store or an instru‐
762                 ment specific string that identifies the I/O address  of  the
763                 instrument,  such as a VISA resource descriptor string. Refer
764                 to IVI-3.5: Configuration Server Specification  for  restric‐
765                 tions  on  the format of IVI logical names. Refer to the VXI‐
766                 plug&play specifications for the  grammar  of  VISA  resource
767                 descriptor strings.
769                 Example resource strings:
771                     'TCPIP::'
772                     'TCPIP0::'
773                     'TCPIP::,5::INSTR'
774                     'TCPIP0::,5::INSTR'
775                     'TCPIP0::'
776                     'TCPIP0::[1234::5678::MYSERIAL::0]::INSTR'
777                     'USB::1234::5678::INSTR'
778                     'USB::1234::5678::SERIAL::INSTR'
779                     'USB0::0x1234::0x5678::INSTR'
780                     'USB0::0x1234::0x5678::SERIAL::INSTR'
781                     'GPIB::10::INSTR'
782                     'GPIB0::10::INSTR'
783                     'ASRL1::INSTR'
784                     'ASRL::COM1,9600,8n1::INSTR'
785                     'ASRL::/dev/ttyUSB0,9600::INSTR'
786                     'ASRL::/dev/ttyUSB0,9600,8n1::INSTR'
788                 The user can use additional parameters to specify the initial
789                 values of certain IVI inherent attributes  for  the  session.
790                 The  following  table  lists the inherent attributes that the
791                 user can set through these named parameters.  The  user  does
792                 not have to specify all or any of the attributes. If the user
793                 does not specify the initial value of an inherent  attribute,
794                 the  initial  value  of the attribute depends on the value of
795                 the ResourceName parameter:
797                 · If the ResourceName parameter contains an IVI logical name,
798                   the  IVI  specific  driver  configures the initial settings
799                   based on the configuration of the logical name in  the  IVI
800                   configuration store.
802                 · If  the ResourceName parameter contains a resource descrip‐
803                   tor string that identifies the I/O address of  the  instru‐
804                   ment,  the  IVI specific driver sets inherent attributes to
805                   their default initial values. The following table shows the
806                   default initial value for each attribute.
808                 The  following  table  lists the IVI inherent attributes that
809                 the user can set, their default initial values, and the  name
810                 that  represents  each attribute. These options are passed to
811                 the initialize  function  or  the  constructor  as  key-value
812                 pairs.
814               ┌────────────────────┬─────────────────────┬─────────────────────┐
815               │Attribute           │ Default      Inital │ Options String Name │
816               │                    │ Value               │                     │
817               ├────────────────────┼─────────────────────┼─────────────────────┤
818               │Range Check         │ True                │ range_check         │
819               └────────────────────┴─────────────────────┴─────────────────────┘
823               │Query    Instrument │ False               │ query_instr_status  │
824               │Status              │                     │                     │
825               ├────────────────────┼─────────────────────┼─────────────────────┤
826               │Cache               │ True                │ cache               │
827               ├────────────────────┼─────────────────────┼─────────────────────┤
828               │Simulate            │ False               │ simulate            │
829               ├────────────────────┼─────────────────────┼─────────────────────┤
830               │Record  Value Coer‐ │ False               │ record_coercions    │
831               │cions               │                     │                     │
832               ├────────────────────┼─────────────────────┼─────────────────────┤
833               │Interchange Check   │ False               │ interchange_check   │
834               ├────────────────────┼─────────────────────┼─────────────────────┤
835               │Driver Setup        │ ''                  │ driver_setup        │
836               ├────────────────────┼─────────────────────┼─────────────────────┤
837               │Prefer PyVISA       │ False               │ prefer_pyvisa       │
838               └────────────────────┴─────────────────────┴─────────────────────┘
840                 Each IVI specific driver defines it  own  meaning  and  valid
841                 values  for the Driver Setup attribute. Many specific drivers
842                 ignore the value of the Driver Setup  attribute.  Other  spe‐
843                 cific  drivers  use  the  Driver  Setup  string  to configure
844                 instrument specific features at initialization. For  example,
845                 if  a specific driver supports a family of instrument models,
846                 the driver can use the Driver Setup attribute  to  allow  the
847                 user to specify a particular instrument model to simulate.
849                 If  the  user  attempts to initialize the instrument a second
850                 time without first calling the Close function, the Initialize
851                 function returns the Already Initialized error.
853          ivi.initialized
854                 Returns  a  value  that  indicates  whether  the IVI specific
855                 driver is in the initialized state. After the specific driver
856                 is  instantiated  and before the Initialize function success‐
857                 fully executes, this attribute returns False. After the  Ini‐
858                 tialize  function successfully executes and prior to the exe‐
859                 cution of the Close function, this  attribute  returns  True.
860                 After  the  Close  function  executes, this attribute returns
861                 False.
863                 The Initialized attribute is one  of  the  few  IVI  specific
864                 driver  attributes  that  can  be accessed while the specific
865                 driver is not in the initialized state. All the attributes of
866                 an  IVI  specific  driver that can be accessed while the spe‐
867                 cific driver is not  in  the  initialized  state  are  listed
868                 below.
870                 · Component Class Spec Major Version
872                 · Component Class Spec Minor Version
874                 · Component Description
876                 · Component Prefix
878                 · Component Identifier
880                 · Component Revision
882                 · Component Vendor
884                 · Initialized
886                 · Supported Instrument Models
888          utility.disable
889                 The  Disable  operation  places the instrument in a quiescent
890                 state as quickly  as  possible.  In  a  quiescent  state,  an
891                 instrument has no or minimal effect on the external system to
892                 which it is connected. The Disable operation might be similar
893                 to  the Reset operation in that it places the instrument in a
894                 known state. However, the Disable operation does not  perform
895                 the  other  operations that the Reset operation performs such
896                 as configuring the instrument options on which the  IVI  spe‐
897                 cific driver depends. For some instruments, the disable func‐
898                 tion may do nothing.
900                 The IVI class specifications define  the  exact  behavior  of
901                 this  function  for  each  instrument class. Refer to the IVI
902                 class specifications for more information on the behavior  of
903                 this function.
905          utility.error_query
906                 Queries  the instrument and returns instrument specific error
907                 information.
909                 Generally, the user calls this function after  another  func‐
910                 tion  in  the IVI driver returns the Instrument Status error.
911                 The IVI specific driver returns the Instrument  Status  error
912                 when  the  instrument  indicates that it encountered an error
913                 and its error queue is not empty.  Error  Query  extracts  an
914                 error out of the instrument's error queue.
916                 For  instruments  that  have  status  registers  but no error
917                 queue, the IVI specific driver emulates  an  error  queue  in
918                 software.
920                 The  method  returns  a  tuple  containing the error code and
921                 error message.
923          utility.lock_object
924                 This function obtains a multithread lock for this instance of
925                 the  driver.  Before it does so, Lock Session waits until all
926                 other execution threads have released their locks or for  the
927                 length  of  time  specified  by  the  maximum time parameter,
928                 whichever come first. The type of lock obtained depends  upon
929                 the parameters passed to the specific driver constructor.
931                 The  user  can  use Lock Session with IVI specific drivers to
932                 protect a section of code that requires exclusive  access  to
933                 the  instrument.  This  occurs  when  the user takes multiple
934                 actions that affect the instrument  and  the  user  wants  to
935                 ensure  that  other  execution  threads  do  not  disturb the
936                 instrument state until all the actions execute. For  example,
937                 if the user sets various instrument attributes and then trig‐
938                 gers a measurement, the user must ensure no  other  execution
939                 thread  modifies the attribute values until the user finishes
940                 taking the measurement.
942                 It is important to note that this lock is not related to  I/O
943                 locks such as the VISA resource locking mechanism.
945                 The  user can safely make nested calls to Lock Session within
946                 the same thread. To completely unlock the session,  the  user
947                 must  balance each call to Lock Session with a call to Unlock
948                 Session. Calls to Lock Session must always  obtain  the  same
949                 lock that is used internally by the IVI driver to guard indi‐
950                 vidual method calls.
952          utility.reset
953                 This function performs the following actions:
955                 · Places the instrument in a known state. In  an  IEEE  488.2
956                   instrument,  the  Reset  function  sends the command string
957                   *RST to the instrument.
959                 · Configures instrument options on  which  the  IVI  specific
960                   driver  depends.  A specific driver might enable or disable
961                   headers or enable binary mode for waveform transfers.
963                 The user can either call the  Reset  function  separately  or
964                 specify  that  it be called from the Initialize function. The
965                 Initialize function performs additional operations after per‐
966                 forming  the  reset  operation  to  place the instrument in a
967                 state more suitable for interchangeable programming. To reset
968                 the  device and perform these additional operations, call the
969                 Reset With Defaults function instead of the Reset function.
971          utility.reset_with_defaults
972                 The Reset With Defaults function performs the same operations
973                 that  the  Reset function performs and then performs the fol‐
974                 lowing additional operations in the specified order:
976                 · Disables the class extension capability groups that the IVI
977                   specific driver implements.
979                 · If  the  class  specification  with  which the IVI specific
980                   driver is compliant defines initial values for  attributes,
981                   this  function  sets those attributes to the initial values
982                   that the class specification defines.
984                 · Configures the initial settings for the specific driver and
985                   instrument  based on the information retrieved from the IVI
986                   configuration store when the instrument driver session  was
987                   initialized.
989                 Notice that the Initialize function also performs these func‐
990                 tions. To place the instrument and the IVI specific driver in
991                 the exact same state that they attain when the user calls the
992                 Initialize function, the user must first call the Close func‐
993                 tion and then the Initialize function.
995          utility.self_test
996                 Causes the instrument to perform a self test. Self Test waits
997                 for the instrument to complete the test. It then queries  the
998                 instrument  for  the results of the self test and returns the
999                 results to the user.
1001                 If the instrument passes the self test, this function returns
1002                 the tuple:
1004                     (0, 'Self test passed')
1006                 Otherwise,  the  function  returns a tuple of the result code
1007                 and message.
1009          utility.unlock_object
1010                 This function releases a lock that the Lock Session  function
1011                 acquires.
1013                 Refer  to Lock Session for additional information on IVI ses‐
1014                 sion locks.
1016   Helper Classes
1017   PropertyCollection class
1018       class ivi.PropertyCollection
1019              A building block to create hierarchical  trees  of  methods  and
1020              properties
1022              _add_method(name, f=None, doc=None)
1023                     Add a managed method
1025              _add_property(name, fget=None, fset=None, fdel=None, doc=None)
1026                     Add a managed property
1028              _del_property(name)
1029                     Remove managed property or method
1031              _lock(lock=True)
1032                     Set  lock state to prevent creation or deletion of unman‐
1033                     aged members
1035              _unlock()
1036                     Unlock object to allow creation or deletion of  unmanaged
1037                     members, equivalent to _lock(False)
1039   IndexedPropertyCollection class
1040       class ivi.IndexedPropertyCollection
1041              A  building  block  to  create hierarchical trees of methods and
1042              properties with an index that is converted to a parameter
1044              _add_method(name, f=None, doc=None, props=None, docs=None)
1045                     Add a managed method
1047              _add_property(name, fget=None, fset=None,  fdel=None,  doc=None,
1048              props=None, docs=None)
1049                     Add a managed property
1051              _add_sub_method(sub, name, f=None, doc=None)
1052                     Add  a  sub-method (equivalent to _add_method('sub.name',
1053                     ...))
1055              _add_sub_property(sub, name,  fget=None,  fset=None,  fdel=None,
1056              doc=None)
1057                     Add    a    sub-property    (equivalent   to   _add_prop‐
1058                     erty('sub.name', ...))
1060              _build_obj(props, docs, i)
1061                     Build a  tree  of  PropertyCollection  objects  with  the
1062                     proper index associations
1064              _del_property(name)
1065                     Delete property
1067              _set_list(l)
1068                     Set a list of allowable indicies as an associative array


1071       This module provides the base functionality for Oscilloscopes.
1073   Functions and Exceptions
1074       exception ivi.scope.IviException
1075              Exception  raised  on  various  occasions;  argument is a string
1076              describing what is wrong.
1078   Base class
1079       class ivi.scope.Base(*args, **kwargs)
1080              Bases: ivi.ivi.IviContainer
1082              Base IVI methods for all oscilloscopes
1084       acquisition.configure_record
1085              IVI class IviScope, capability group IviScopeBase, section 4.3.4
1087              This function configures the most commonly configured attributes
1088              of the oscilloscope acquisition sub-system. These attributes are
1089              the time per record, minimum record length, and the  acquisition
1090              start time.
1092       acquisition.number_of_points_minimum
1093              IVI class IviScope, capability group IviScopeBase, section 4.2.8
1095              Specifies  the minimum number of points the end-user requires in
1096              the waveform record for each channel. The instrument driver uses
1097              the  value the end-user specifies to configure the record length
1098              that the oscilloscope uses  for  waveform  acquisition.  If  the
1099              instrument  cannot  support  the  requested  record  length, the
1100              driver shall configure the  instrument  to  the  closest  bigger
1101              record  length.  The  Horizontal Record Length attribute returns
1102              the actual record length.
1104       acquisition.record_length
1105              IVI class IviScope, capability group IviScopeBase, section 4.2.9
1107              Returns the actual number of points  the  oscilloscope  acquires
1108              for each channel. The value is equal to or greater than the min‐
1109              imum number of points the end-user specifies with the Horizontal
1110              Minimum Number of Points attribute.
1112              Note:  Oscilloscopes may use different size records depending on
1113              the value the user specifies for the Acquisition Type attribute.
1115       acquisition.sample_rate
1116              IVI  class  IviScope,  capability  group  IviScopeBase,  section
1117              4.2.10
1119              Returns the effective sample rate of the acquired waveform using
1120              the current configuration. The units are samples per second.
1122       acquisition.start_time
1123              IVI class IviScope, capability group IviScopeBase, section 4.2.1
1125              Specifies the length of time from the trigger event to the first
1126              point  in  the  waveform  record.  If the value is positive, the
1127              first point in the waveform  record  occurs  after  the  trigger
1128              event. If the value is negative, the first point in the waveform
1129              record occurs before the trigger event.  The units are seconds.
1131       acquisition.time_per_record
1132              IVI  class  IviScope,  capability  group  IviScopeBase,  section
1133              4.2.11
1135              Specifies  the  length  of  time  that corresponds to the record
1136              length. The units are seconds.
1138       acquisition.type
1139              IVI class IviScope, capability group IviScopeBase, section 4.2.3
1141              Specifies how the oscilloscope acquires data and fills the wave‐
1142              form record.
1144              Values:   *   'normal'   *   'high_resolution'   *  'average'  *
1145              'peak_detect' * 'envelope'
1147       channels[].configure
1148              IVI class IviScope, capability group IviScopeBase, section 4.3.6
1150              This function configures the most commonly configured attributes
1151              of the oscilloscope channel sub-system. These attributes are the
1152              range, offset, coupling,  probe  attenuation,  and  whether  the
1153              channel is enabled.
1155       channels[].configure_characteristics
1156              IVI class IviScope, capability group IviScopeBase, section 4.3.8
1158              This  function  configures the attributes that control the elec‐
1159              trical characteristics of the channel. These attributes are  the
1160              input impedance and the maximum frequency of the input signal.
1162       channels[].coupling
1163              IVI  class  IviScope,  capability  group  IviScopeBase,  section
1164              4.2.23
1166              Specifies how the oscilloscope couples the input signal for  the
1167              channel.
1169              Values:
1171              · 'ac'
1173              · 'dc'
1175              · 'gnd'
1177       channels[].enabled
1178              IVI class IviScope, capability group IviScopeBase, section 4.2.5
1180              If  set  to  True,  the oscilloscope acquires a waveform for the
1181              channel. If set to False, the oscilloscope does  not  acquire  a
1182              waveform for the channel.
1184       channels[].input_frequency_max
1185              IVI  class  IviScope,  capability  group  IviScopeBase,  section
1186              4.2.13
1188              Specifies the maximum frequency for the input  signal  you  want
1189              the  instrument  to  accommodate  without attenuating it by more
1190              than 3dB. If the bandwidth limit frequency of the instrument  is
1191              greater  than  this  maximum  frequency,  the driver enables the
1192              bandwidth limit. This attenuates the input signal  by  at  least
1193              3dB at frequencies greater than the bandwidth limit.
1195       channels[].input_impedance
1196              IVI  class  IviScope,  capability  group  IviScopeBase,  section
1197              4.2.12
1199              Specifies the input impedance for the channel in Ohms.
1201              Common values are 50.0, 75.0, and 1,000,000.0.
1203       channels[].measurement.fetch_waveform
1204              IVI  class  IviScope,  capability  group  IviScopeBase,  section
1205              4.3.13
1207              This function returns the waveform the oscilloscope acquires for
1208              the specified channel. The waveform is from a previously  initi‐
1209              ated acquisition.
1211              You  use  the Initiate Acquisition function to start an acquisi‐
1212              tion on the channels that the end-user configures with the  Con‐
1213              figure Channel function.  The oscilloscope acquires waveforms on
1214              the concurrently  enabled  channels.   If  the  channel  is  not
1215              enabled  for  the acquisition, this function returns the Channel
1216              Not Enabled error.
1218              Use this function only when the acquisition mode is  Normal,  Hi
1219              Res,  or  Average.  If  the  acquisition  type is not one of the
1220              listed types, the function returns the Invalid Acquisition  Type
1221              error.
1223              You  use  the  Acquisition Status function to determine when the
1224              acquisition is complete. You must call this function  separately
1225              for each enabled channel to obtain the waveforms.
1227              You  can call the Read Waveform function instead of the Initiate
1228              Acquisition function.  The  Read  Waveform  function  starts  an
1229              acquisition  on  all enabled channels, waits for the acquisition
1230              to complete, and returns the waveform for the specified channel.
1231              You  call  this function to obtain the waveforms for each of the
1232              remaining channels.
1234              The return value is a list of (x, y) tuples that  represent  the
1235              time  and voltage of each data point.  The y point may be NaN in
1236              the case that the oscilloscope could not sample the voltage.
1238              The end-user configures the interpolation  method  the  oscillo‐
1239              scope  uses  with  the  Acquisition.Interpolation  property.  If
1240              interpolation is disabled, the oscilloscope does not interpolate
1241              points  in  the  waveform.  If  the oscilloscope cannot sample a
1242              value for a point in the waveform, the driver  sets  the  corre‐
1243              sponding  element  in  the  waveformArray to an IEEE-defined NaN
1244              (Not a Number) value. Check for this value with math.isnan()  or
1245              numpy.isnan().
1247              This  function  does not check the instrument status. Typically,
1248              the end-user calls this function only in a sequence of calls  to
1249              other  low-level  driver  functions.  The  sequence performs one
1250              operation. The end-user uses the low-level functions to optimize
1251              one or more aspects of interaction with the instrument. Call the
1252              Error Query function at the conclusion of the sequence to  check
1253              the instrument status.
1255       channels[].measurement.read_waveform
1256              IVI  class  IviScope,  capability  group  IviScopeBase,  section
1257              4.3.16
1259              This function initiates an acquisition on the channels that  the
1260              end-user  configures with the Configure Channel function. If the
1261              channel is  not  enabled  for  the  acquisition,  this  function
1262              returns  Channel Not Enabled error. It then waits for the acqui‐
1263              sition to complete, and returns the waveform for the channel the
1264              end-user  specifies.  If  the  oscilloscope did not complete the
1265              acquisition within the time period the user specified  with  the
1266              max_time  parameter,  the function returns the Max Time Exceeded
1267              error.
1269              Use this function only when the acquisition mode is  Normal,  Hi
1270              Res,  or  Average.  If  the  acquisition  type is not one of the
1271              listed types, the function returns the Invalid Acquisition  Type
1272              error.
1274              You call the Fetch Waveform function to obtain the waveforms for
1275              each  of  the  remaining  enabled  channels  without  initiating
1276              another acquisition.  After this function executes, each element
1277              in the WaveformArray parameter is either a voltage  or  a  value
1278              indicating that the oscilloscope could not sample a voltage.
1280              The  end-user  configures  the interpolation method the oscillo‐
1281              scope  uses  with  the  Acquisition.Interpolation  property.  If
1282              interpolation is disabled, the oscilloscope does not interpolate
1283              points in the waveform. If  the  oscilloscope  cannot  sample  a
1284              value  for  a  point in the waveform, the driver sets the corre‐
1285              sponding element in the waveformArray  to  an  IEEE-defined  NaN
1286              (Not  a Number) value. Check for this value with math.isnan() or
1287              numpy.isnan(). Check an entire array with
1289              any(any(math.isnan(b) for b in a) for a in waveform)
1291       channels[].name
1292              IVI class IviScope, capability group IviScopeBase, section 4.2.7
1294              This  attribute  returns  the  repeated  capability   identifier
1295              defined  by  specific driver for the channel that corresponds to
1296              the index that the user specifies. If the driver defines a qual‐
1297              ified channel name, this property returns the qualified name.
1299              If  the  value  that  the user passes for the Index parameter is
1300              less than zero or greater than the value of the  channel  count,
1301              the attribute raises a SelectorRangeException.
1303       channels[].offset
1304              IVI  class  IviScope,  capability  group  IviScopeBase,  section
1305              4.2.24
1307              Specifies the location of the center of the range that the  Ver‐
1308              tical  Range  attribute  specifies. The value is with respect to
1309              ground and is in volts.
1311              For example, to acquire a sine wave that spans  between  on  0.0
1312              and 10.0 volts, set this attribute to 5.0 volts.
1314       channels[].probe_attenuation
1315              IVI  class  IviScope,  capability  group  IviScopeBase,  section
1316              4.2.16
1318              Specifies the scaling factor by which  the  probe  the  end-user
1319              attaches to the channel attenuates the input. For example, for a
1320              10:1 probe, the end-user sets this attribute to 10.0.
1322              Note that if the probe is changed to one with a different atten‐
1323              uation,  and  this  attribute is not set, the amplitude calcula‐
1324              tions will be incorrect.
1326              Querying this value will return  the  probe  attenuation  corre‐
1327              sponding  to  the instrument's actual probe attenuation. Setting
1328              this property sets Probe Attenuation Auto to False Negative val‐
1329              ues are not valid.
1331       channels[].range
1332              IVI  class  IviScope,  capability  group  IviScopeBase,  section
1333              4.2.25
1335              Specifies the absolute value of the full-scale input range for a
1336              channel.  The units are volts.
1338              For  example, to acquire a sine wave that spans between -5.0 and
1339              5.0 volts, set the Vertical Range attribute to 10.0 volts.
1341       measurement.abort
1342              IVI class IviScope, capability group IviScopeBase, section 4.3.1
1344              This function aborts an acquisition and returns the oscilloscope
1345              to  the  Idle state. This function does not check the instrument
1346              status.
1348              Typically, the end-user calls this function only in  a  sequence
1349              of  calls to other low-level driver functions. The sequence per‐
1350              forms one operation. The end-user uses the  low-level  functions
1351              to  optimize one or more aspects of interaction with the instru‐
1352              ment. Call the Error Query function at  the  conclusion  of  the
1353              sequence to check the instrument status.
1355              If  the  instrument  cannot  abort an initiated acquisition, the
1356              driver shall return the Function Not Supported error.
1358       measurement.initiate
1359              IVI  class  IviScope,  capability  group  IviScopeBase,  section
1360              4.3.14
1362              This  function  initiates  a waveform acquisition. After calling
1363              this function, the oscilloscope leaves the idle state and  waits
1364              for  a  trigger.   The oscilloscope acquires a waveform for each
1365              channel the end-user has  enabled  with  the  Configure  Channel
1366              function.
1368              This  function  does not check the instrument status. Typically,
1369              the end-user calls this function only in a sequence of calls  to
1370              other  low-level  driver  functions.  The  sequence performs one
1371              operation. The end-user uses the low-level functions to optimize
1372              one or more aspects of interaction with the instrument. Call the
1373              Error Query function at the conclusion of the sequence to  check
1374              the instrument status.
1376       measurement.status
1377              IVI class IviScope, capability group IviScopeBase, section 4.2.2
1379              Acquisition  status  indicates  whether  an  acquisition  is  in
1380              progress, complete, or if the status is unknown.
1382              Acquisition status is not the same  as  instrument  status,  and
1383              does  not  necessarily check for instrument errors. To make sure
1384              that the instrument is checked  for  errors  after  getting  the
1385              acquisition  status, call the Error Query method. (Note that the
1386              end user may want to call Error Query at the end of  a  sequence
1387              of other calls which include getting the acquisition status - it
1388              does not necessarily need to be called immediately.)
1390              If the driver cannot determine whether the acquisition  is  com‐
1391              plete or not, it returns the Acquisition Status Unknown value.
1393              Values: * 'compete' * 'in_progress' * 'unknown'
1395       trigger.configure
1396              IVI  class  IviScope,  capability  group  IviScopeBase,  section
1397              4.3.10
1399              This function configures the common attributes  of  the  trigger
1400              subsystem.   These  attributes  are the trigger type and trigger
1401              holdoff.
1403              When the end-user calls Read Waveform,  Read  Waveform  Measure‐
1404              ment, Read Min Max Waveform, or Initiate Acquisition, the oscil‐
1405              loscope waits for a trigger. The end-user specifies the type  of
1406              trigger  for  which  the oscilloscope waits with the TriggerType
1407              parameter.
1409              If the oscilloscope requires multiple waveform  acquisitions  to
1410              build  a  complete waveform, it waits for the length of time the
1411              end-user specifies with the Holdoff parameter  to  elapse  since
1412              the  previous  trigger. The oscilloscope then waits for the next
1413              trigger. Once the oscilloscope acquires a complete waveform,  it
1414              returns to the idle state.
1416       trigger.coupling
1417              IVI  class  IviScope,  capability  group  IviScopeBase,  section
1418              4.2.17
1420              Specifies how the oscilloscope couples the trigger source.
1422              Values:
1424              · 'ac'
1426              · 'dc'
1428              · 'lf_reject'
1430              · 'hf_reject'
1432              · 'noise_reject'
1434       trigger.edge.configure
1435              IVI class IviScope, capability group IviScopeBase, section 4.3.9
1437              This function sets the edge triggering attributes. An edge trig‐
1438              ger  occurs  when the trigger signal that the end-user specifies
1439              with the Source parameter passes through the  voltage  threshold
1440              that the end-user specifies with the level parameter and has the
1441              slope that the end-user specifies with the Slope parameter.
1443              This function affects instrument behavior only  if  the  Trigger
1444              Type  is Edge Trigger. Set the Trigger Type and Trigger Coupling
1445              before calling this function.
1447              If the trigger source is one of the analog  input  channels,  an
1448              application  program should configure the vertical range, verti‐
1449              cal offset, vertical coupling, probe attenuation, and the  maxi‐
1450              mum input frequency before calling this function.
1452       trigger.edge.slope
1453              IVI  class  IviScope,  capability  group  IviScopeBase,  section
1454              4.2.20
1456              Specifies whether a rising or a falling edge triggers the oscil‐
1457              loscope.
1459              This  attribute affects instrument operation only when the Trig‐
1460              ger Type attribute is set to Edge Trigger.
1462              Values:
1464                     · 'positive'
1466                     · 'negative'
1468       trigger.holdoff
1469              IVI  class  IviScope,  capability  group  IviScopeBase,  section
1470              4.2.18
1472              Specifies  the  length  of  time the oscilloscope waits after it
1473              detects a trigger until the  oscilloscope  enables  the  trigger
1474              subsystem  to detect another trigger. The units are seconds. The
1475              Trigger Holdoff attribute affects instrument operation only when
1476              the  oscilloscope requires multiple acquisitions to build a com‐
1477              plete waveform.  The  oscilloscope  requires  multiple  waveform
1478              acquisitions  when  it uses equivalent-time sampling or when the
1479              Acquisition Type attribute is set to Envelope or Average.
1481              Note: Many scopes have a small, non-zero value  as  the  minimum
1482              value for this attribute. To configure the instrument to use the
1483              shortest trigger hold-off, the user can specify a value of  zero
1484              for this attribute.
1486              Therefore,  the IVI Class-Compliant specific driver shall coerce
1487              any value between zero and the  minimum  value  to  the  minimum
1488              value. No other coercion is allowed on this attribute.
1490       trigger.level
1491              IVI  class  IviScope,  capability  group  IviScopeBase,  section
1492              4.2.19
1494              Specifies the voltage threshold for the trigger sub-system.  The
1495              units are volts. This attribute affects instrument behavior only
1496              when the Trigger Type is set to one  of  the  following  values:
1497              Edge Trigger, Glitch Trigger, or Width Trigger.
1499              This  attribute,  along  with the Trigger Slope, Trigger Source,
1500              and Trigger Coupling attributes, defines the trigger event  when
1501              the Trigger Type is set to Edge Trigger.
1503       trigger.source
1504              IVI  class  IviScope,  capability  group  IviScopeBase,  section
1505              4.2.21
1507              Specifies the source the oscilloscope monitors for  the  trigger
1508              event.  The value can be a channel name alias, a driver-specific
1509              channel string, or one of the values below.
1511              This attribute affects the instrument operation  only  when  the
1512              Trigger  Type  is set to one of the following values: Edge Trig‐
1513              ger, TV Trigger, Runt Trigger, Glitch Trigger, or Width Trigger.
1515       trigger.type
1516              IVI  class  IviScope,  capability  group  IviScopeBase,  section
1517              4.2.22
1519              Specifies the event that triggers the oscilloscope.
1521              Values:
1523              · 'edge'
1525              · 'tv'
1527              · 'runt'
1529              · 'glitch'
1531              · 'width'
1533              · 'immediate'
1535              · 'ac_line'
1537   Interpolation class
1538       class ivi.scope.Interpolation(*args, **kwargs)
1539              Bases: ivi.ivi.IviContainer
1541              Extension IVI methods for oscilloscopes supporting interpolation
1543       acquisition.interpolation
1544              IVI class IviScope, capability group IviScopeInterpolation, sec‐
1545              tion 5.2.1
1547              Specifies the interpolation method the oscilloscope uses when it
1548              cannot resolve a voltage for every point in the waveform record.
1550              Values: * 'none' * 'sinex' * 'linear'
1552   TVTrigger class
1553       class ivi.scope.TVTrigger(*args, **kwargs)
1554              Bases: ivi.ivi.IviContainer
1556              Extension IVI methods for oscilloscopes supporting TV triggering
1558       trigger.tv.configure
1559              IVI  class IviScope, capability group IviScopeTVTrigger, section
1560              6.3.2
1562              This function configures the oscilloscope for TV triggering.  It
1563              configures the TV signal format, the event and the signal polar‐
1564              ity.
1566              This function affects instrument behavior only  if  the  trigger
1567              type  is  TV  Trigger. Set the Trigger Type and Trigger Coupling
1568              before calling this function.
1570       trigger.tv.line_number
1571              IVI class IviScope, capability group IviScopeTVTrigger,  section
1572              6.2.2
1574              Specifies  the  line  on  which  the  oscilloscope triggers. The
1575              driver uses this attribute when the TV Trigger Event is  set  to
1576              TV Event Line Number.  The line number setting is independent of
1577              the field. This means that to trigger on the first line  of  the
1578              second  field,  the  user  must configure the line number to the
1579              value of 263 (if we presume that field one had 262 lines).
1581       trigger.tv.polarity
1582              IVI class IviScope, capability group IviScopeTVTrigger,  section
1583              6.2.3
1585              Specifies the polarity of the TV signal.
1587              Values: * 'positive' * 'negative'
1589       trigger.tv.signal_format
1590              IVI  class IviScope, capability group IviScopeTVTrigger, section
1591              6.2.4
1593              Specifies the format of TV  signal  on  which  the  oscilloscope
1594              triggers.
1596              Values: * 'ntsc' * 'pal' * 'secam'
1598       trigger.tv.trigger_event
1599              IVI  class IviScope, capability group IviScopeTVTrigger, section
1600              6.2.1
1602              Specifies the event on which the oscilloscope triggers.
1604              Values: * 'field1' *  'field2'  *  'any_field'  *  'any_line'  *
1605              'line_number'
1607   RuntTrigger class
1608       class ivi.scope.RuntTrigger(*args, **kwargs)
1609              Bases: ivi.ivi.IviContainer
1611              Extension IVI methods for oscilloscopes supporting runt trigger‐
1612              ing
1614       trigger.runt.configure
1615              IVI class IviScope, capability group  IviScopeRuntTrigger,  sec‐
1616              tion 7.3.1
1618              This function configures the runt trigger. A runt trigger occurs
1619              when the trigger signal crosses one of the runt thresholds twice
1620              without  crossing  the other runt threshold. The end-user speci‐
1621              fies the runt thresholds with the RuntLowThreshold and RuntHigh‐
1622              Threshold parameters. The end-user specifies the polarity of the
1623              runt with the RuntPolarity parameter.
1625              This function affects instrument behavior only  if  the  trigger
1626              type  is Runt Trigger. Set the trigger type and trigger coupling
1627              before calling this function.
1629       trigger.runt.polarity
1630              IVI class IviScope, capability group  IviScopeRuntTrigger,  sec‐
1631              tion 7.2.3
1633              Specifies  the  polarity  of the runt that triggers the oscillo‐
1634              scope.
1636              Values: * 'positive' * 'negative' * 'either'
1638       trigger.runt.threshold_high
1639              IVI class IviScope, capability group  IviScopeRuntTrigger,  sec‐
1640              tion 7.2.1
1642              Specifies  the  high  threshold  the  oscilloscope uses for runt
1643              triggering.  The units are volts.
1645       trigger.runt.threshold_low
1646              IVI class IviScope, capability group  IviScopeRuntTrigger,  sec‐
1647              tion 7.2.2
1649              Specifies the low threshold the oscilloscope uses for runt trig‐
1650              gering.  The units are volts.
1652   GlitchTrigger class
1653       class ivi.scope.GlitchTrigger(*args, **kwargs)
1654              Bases: ivi.ivi.IviContainer
1656              Extension IVI methods for oscilloscopes supporting glitch  trig‐
1657              gering
1659       trigger.glitch.condition
1660              IVI class IviScope, capability group IviScopeGlitchTrigger, sec‐
1661              tion 8.2.1
1663              Specifies  the  glitch  condition.  This  attribute   determines
1664              whether the glitch trigger happens when the oscilloscope detects
1665              a pulse with a width less than or greater than the width value.
1667              Values: * 'greater_than' * 'less_than'
1669       trigger.glitch.configure
1670              IVI class IviScope, capability group IviScopeGlitchTrigger, sec‐
1671              tion 8.3.1
1673              This  function  configures  the glitch trigger. A glitch trigger
1674              occurs when the trigger signal has a pulse with a width that  is
1675              less  than or greater than the glitch width. The end user speci‐
1676              fies which comparison criterion to use with the  GlitchCondition
1677              parameter.  The  end-user  specifies  the  glitch width with the
1678              GlitchWidth parameter. The end-user specifies  the  polarity  of
1679              the  pulse  with  the GlitchPolarity parameter. The trigger does
1680              not actually occur until the edge of a pulse that corresponds to
1681              the  GlitchWidth  and  GlitchPolarity  crosses the threshold the
1682              end-user specifies in the TriggerLevel parameter.
1684              This function affects instrument behavior only  if  the  trigger
1685              type  is  Glitch  Trigger. Set the trigger type and trigger cou‐
1686              pling before calling this function.
1688       trigger.glitch.polarity
1689              IVI class IviScope, capability group IviScopeGlitchTrigger, sec‐
1690              tion 8.2.2
1692              Specifies  the polarity of the glitch that triggers the oscillo‐
1693              scope.
1695              Values: * 'positive' * 'negative' * 'either'
1697       trigger.glitch.width
1698              IVI class IviScope, capability group IviScopeGlitchTrigger, sec‐
1699              tion 8.2.3
1701              Specifies  the glitch width. The units are seconds. The oscillo‐
1702              scope triggers when it detects a pulse with a width less than or
1703              greater  than  this  value,  depending  on  the Glitch Condition
1704              attribute.
1706   WidthTrigger class
1707       class ivi.scope.WidthTrigger(*args, **kwargs)
1708              Bases: ivi.ivi.IviContainer
1710              Extension IVI methods for oscilloscopes supporting  width  trig‐
1711              gering
1713       trigger.width.condition
1714              IVI  class IviScope, capability group IviScopeWidthTrigger, sec‐
1715              tion 9.2.1
1717              Specifies whether a pulse that is within or outside the high and
1718              low thresholds triggers the oscilloscope. The end-user specifies
1719              the high and low thresholds with the Width  High  Threshold  and
1720              Width Low Threshold attributes.
1722              Values: * 'within' * 'outside'
1724       trigger.width.configure
1725              IVI  class IviScope, capability group IviScopeWidthTrigger, sec‐
1726              tion 9.3.1
1728              This function configures the  width  trigger.  A  width  trigger
1729              occurs  when  the  oscilloscope  detects  a positive or negative
1730              pulse with a width between, or  optionally  outside,  the  width
1731              thresholds. The end-user specifies the width thresholds with the
1732              WidthLowThreshold   and   WidthHighThreshold   parameters.   The
1733              end-user  specifies  whether  the oscilloscope triggers on pulse
1734              widths that are within or outside the width thresholds with  the
1735              WidthCondition parameter. The end-user specifies the polarity of
1736              the pulse with the WidthPolarity parameter. The trigger does not
1737              actually occur until the edge of a pulse that corresponds to the
1738              WidthLowThreshold,   WidthHighThreshold,   WidthCondition,   and
1739              WidthPolarity  crosses the threshold the end-user specifies with
1740              the TriggerLevel parameter.
1742              This function affects instrument behavior only  if  the  trigger
1743              type is Width Trigger. Set the trigger type and trigger coupling
1744              before calling this function.
1746       trigger.width.polarity
1747              IVI class IviScope, capability group IviScopeWidthTrigger,  sec‐
1748              tion 9.2.4
1750              Specifies  the  polarity of the pulse that triggers the oscillo‐
1751              scope.
1753              Values: * 'positive' * 'negative' * 'either'
1755       trigger.width.threshold_high
1756              IVI class IviScope, capability group IviScopeWidthTrigger,  sec‐
1757              tion 9.2.2
1759              Specifies the high width threshold time. Units are seconds.
1761       trigger.width.threshold_low
1762              IVI  class IviScope, capability group IviScopeWidthTrigger, sec‐
1763              tion 9.2.3
1765              Specifies the low width threshold time. Units are seconds.
1767   AcLineTrigger class
1768       class ivi.scope.AcLineTrigger(*args, **kwargs)
1769              Bases: ivi.ivi.IviContainer
1771              Extension IVI methods for oscilloscopes supporting AC line trig‐
1772              gering
1774       trigger.ac_line.slope
1775              IVI class IviScope, capability group IviScopeAcLineTrigger, sec‐
1776              tion 10.2.1
1778              Specifies the slope of the zero crossing upon  which  the  scope
1779              triggers.
1781              Values: * 'positive' * 'negative' * 'either'
1783   WaveformMeasurement class
1784       class ivi.scope.WaveformMeasurement(*args, **kwargs)
1785              Bases: ivi.ivi.IviContainer
1787              Extension IVI methods for oscilloscopes supporting waveform mea‐
1788              surements
1790       channels[].measurement.fetch_waveform_measurement
1791              IVI class IviScope,  capability  group  IviScopeWaveformMeasure‐
1792              ment, section 11.3.2
1794              This  function  fetches  a specified waveform measurement from a
1795              specific channel from a previously initiated  waveform  acquisi‐
1796              tion.  If  the  channel is not enabled for the acquisition, this
1797              function returns the Channel Not Enabled error.
1799              This function obtains a waveform  measurement  and  returns  the
1800              measurement  value. The end-user specifies a particular measure‐
1801              ment  type,  such  as  rise   time,   frequency,   and   voltage
1802              peak-to-peak.  The waveform on which the oscilloscope calculates
1803              the waveform measurement is from an acquisition that was  previ‐
1804              ously initiated.
1806              Use the Initiate Acquisition function to start an acquisition on
1807              the channels that were enabled with the Configure Channel  func‐
1808              tion.  The oscilloscope acquires waveforms for the enabled chan‐
1809              nels concurrently. Use the Acquisition Status function to deter‐
1810              mine  when the acquisition is complete. Call this function sepa‐
1811              rately for each waveform measurement on a specific channel.
1813              The end-user can call the  Read  Waveform  Measurement  function
1814              instead  of the Initiate Acquisition function. The Read Waveform
1815              Measurement function starts an acquisition on all enabled  chan‐
1816              nels.  It  then waits for the acquisition to complete, obtains a
1817              waveform measurement on the specified channel, and  returns  the
1818              measurement  value.  Call this function separately to obtain any
1819              other waveform measurements on a specific channel.
1821              Configure the appropriate reference levels before  calling  this
1822              function  to  take a rise time, fall time, width negative, width
1823              positive, duty cycle negative, or duty cycle  positive  measure‐
1824              ment.
1826              The  end-user  can  configure  the low, mid, and high references
1827              either by calling the Configure Reference Levels function or  by
1828              setting the following attributes.
1830              · Measurement High Reference
1832              · Measurement Low Reference
1834              · Measurement Mid Reference
1836              This  function  does not check the instrument status. Typically,
1837              the end-user calls this function only in a sequence of calls  to
1838              other  low-level  driver  functions.  The  sequence performs one
1839              operation. The end-user uses the low-level functions to optimize
1840              one or more aspects of interaction with the instrument. Call the
1841              Error Query function at the conclusion of the sequence to  check
1842              the instrument status.
1844              Values  for  measurement_function: * 'rise_time' * 'fall_time' *
1845              'frequency' * 'period' * 'voltage_rms' *  'voltage_peak_to_peak'
1846              * 'voltage_max' * 'voltage_min' * 'voltage_high' * 'voltage_low'
1847              * 'voltage_average'  *  'width_negative'  *  'width_positive'  *
1848              'duty_cycle_negative'  *  'duty_cycle_positive'  * 'amplitude' *
1849              'voltage_cycle_rms' * 'voltage_cycle_average'  *  'overshoot'  *
1850              'preshoot'
1852       channels[].measurement.read_waveform_measurement
1853              IVI  class  IviScope,  capability group IviScopeWaveformMeasure‐
1854              ment, section 11.3.3
1856              This function initiates a new waveform acquisition and returns a
1857              specified waveform measurement from a specific channel.
1859              This  function initiates an acquisition on the channels that the
1860              end-user enables with the Configure  Channel  function.  If  the
1861              channel  is  not  enabled  for  the  acquisition,  this function
1862              returns Channel Not Enabled error. It then waits for the  acqui‐
1863              sition  to complete, obtains a waveform measurement on the chan‐
1864              nel the end-user specifies, and returns the  measurement  value.
1865              The  end-user  specifies  a particular measurement type, such as
1866              rise time, frequency, and voltage peak-to-peak.
1868              If the oscilloscope did not complete the acquisition within  the
1869              time  period  the  user  specified  with the MaxTimeMilliseconds
1870              parameter, the function returns the Max Time Exceeded error.
1872              The end-user can call the Fetch  Waveform  Measurement  function
1873              separately  to  obtain  any other waveform measurement on a spe‐
1874              cific channel without initiating another acquisition.
1876              The end-user must configure  the  appropriate  reference  levels
1877              before  calling  this function. Configure the low, mid, and high
1878              references either by  calling  the  Configure  Reference  Levels
1879              function  or  by  setting  the  following attributes.  following
1880              attributes.
1882              · Measurement High Reference
1884              · Measurement Low Reference
1886              · Measurement Mid Reference
1888       reference_level.configure
1889              IVI class IviScope,  capability  group  IviScopeWaveformMeasure‐
1890              ment, section 11.3.1
1892              This  function configures the reference levels for waveform mea‐
1893              surements.  Call this function before calling the Read  Waveform
1894              Measurement  or Fetch Waveform Measurement to take waveform mea‐
1895              surements.
1897       reference_level.high
1898              IVI class IviScope,  capability  group  IviScopeWaveformMeasure‐
1899              ment, section 11.2.1
1901              Specifies  the high reference the oscilloscope uses for waveform
1902              measurements. The  value  is  a  percentage  of  the  difference
1903              between the Voltage High and Voltage Low.
1905       reference_level.low
1906              IVI  class  IviScope,  capability group IviScopeWaveformMeasure‐
1907              ment, section 11.2.2
1909              Specifies the low reference the oscilloscope uses  for  waveform
1910              measurements.  The  value  is  a  percentage  of  the difference
1911              between the Voltage High and Voltage Low.
1913       reference_level.middle
1914              IVI class IviScope,  capability  group  IviScopeWaveformMeasure‐
1915              ment, section 11.2.3
1917              Specifies  the  middle reference the oscilloscope uses for wave‐
1918              form measurements. The value is a percentage of  the  difference
1919              between the Voltage High and Voltage Low.
1921   MinMaxWaveform class
1922       class ivi.scope.MinMaxWaveform(*args, **kwargs)
1923              Bases: ivi.ivi.IviContainer
1925              Extension  IVI  methods for oscilloscopes supporting minimum and
1926              maximum waveform acquisition
1928       acquisition.number_of_envelopes
1929              IVI class  IviScope,  capability  group  IviScopeMinMaxWaveform,
1930              section 12.2.1
1932              When  the  end-user sets the Acquisition Type attribute to Enve‐
1933              lope, the oscilloscope acquires multiple waveforms.  After  each
1934              waveform  acquisition,  the  oscilloscope  keeps the minimum and
1935              maximum values it finds for each point in the  waveform  record.
1936              This  attribute  specifies  the number of waveforms the oscillo‐
1937              scope acquires and analyzes to create the  minimum  and  maximum
1938              waveforms.  After the oscilloscope acquires as many waveforms as
1939              this attribute specifies, it returns to  the  idle  state.  This
1940              attribute affects instrument operation only when the Acquisition
1941              Type attribute is set to Envelope.
1943       channels[].measurement.fetch_waveform_min_max
1944              IVI class  IviScope,  capability  group  IviScopeMinMaxWaveform,
1945              section 12.3.2
1947              This function returns the minimum and maximum waveforms that the
1948              oscilloscope acquires for the specified channel. If the  channel
1949              is  not  enabled  for the acquisition, this function returns the
1950              Channel Not Enabled error.
1952              The waveforms are from a previously initiated  acquisition.  Use
1953              this  function  to  fetch waveforms when the acquisition type is
1954              set to Peak Detect or Envelope. If the acquisition type  is  not
1955              one of the listed types, the function returns the Invalid Acqui‐
1956              sition Type error.
1958              Use the Initiate Acquisition function to start an acquisition on
1959              the  enabled  channels.  The  oscilloscope  acquires the min/max
1960              waveforms for the enabled channels concurrently. Use the  Acqui‐
1961              sition Status function to determine when the acquisition is com‐
1962              plete. The end-user must call this function separately for  each
1963              enabled channel to obtain the min/max waveforms.
1965              The end-user can call the Read Min Max Waveform function instead
1966              of the Initiate Acquisition function. The Read Min Max  Waveform
1967              function  starts  an  acquisition on all enabled channels, waits
1968              for the acquisition to complete, and returns the  min/max  wave‐
1969              forms  for  the  specified  channel.  You  call this function to
1970              obtain the min/max waveforms for each of the remaining channels.
1972              After this function executes, each element  in  the  MinWaveform
1973              and  MaxWaveform parameters is either a voltage or a value indi‐
1974              cating that the oscilloscope could not sample a voltage.
1976              The return value is a list of (x, y_min, y_max) tuples that rep‐
1977              resent the time and voltage of each data point.  Either of the y
1978              points may be NaN in the case that the  oscilloscope  could  not
1979              sample the voltage.
1981              The  end-user  configures  the interpolation method the oscillo‐
1982              scope  uses  with  the  Acquisition.Interpolation  property.  If
1983              interpolation is disabled, the oscilloscope does not interpolate
1984              points in the waveform. If  the  oscilloscope  cannot  sample  a
1985              value  for  a  point in the waveform, the driver sets the corre‐
1986              sponding element in the waveformArray  to  an  IEEE-defined  NaN
1987              (Not  a Number) value. Check for this value with math.isnan() or
1988              numpy.isnan(). Check an entire array with
1990              any(any(math.isnan(b) for b in a) for a in waveform)
1992              This function does not check the instrument  status.  Typically,
1993              the  end-user calls this function only in a sequence of calls to
1994              other low-level driver  functions.  The  sequence  performs  one
1995              operation. The end-user uses the low-level functions to optimize
1996              one or more aspects of interaction with the instrument. Call the
1997              Error  Query function at the conclusion of the sequence to check
1998              the instrument status.
2000       channels[].measurement.read_waveform_min_max
2001              IVI class  IviScope,  capability  group  IviScopeMinMaxWaveform,
2002              section 12.3.3
2004              This  function  initiates  new  waveform acquisition and returns
2005              minimum and maximum waveforms from a specific  channel.  If  the
2006              channel  is  not  enabled  for  the  acquisition,  this function
2007              returns the Channel Not Enabled error.
2009              This function is used when the Acquisition Type is  Peak  Detect
2010              or  Envelope.  If  the acquisition type is not one of the listed
2011              types, the function returns the Invalid Acquisition Type error.
2013              This function initiates an acquisition on the enabled  channels.
2014              It  then  waits for the acquisition to complete, and returns the
2015              min/max waveforms for the specified channel. Call the Fetch  Min
2016              Max  Waveform  function to obtain the min/max waveforms for each
2017              of the remaining enabled  channels  without  initiating  another
2018              acquisition.  If  the oscilloscope did not complete the acquisi‐
2019              tion within the time period the user specified with the max_time
2020              parameter, the function returns the Max Time Exceeded error.
2022              The return value is a list of (x, y_min, y_max) tuples that rep‐
2023              resent the time and voltage of each data point.  Either of the y
2024              points  may  be  NaN in the case that the oscilloscope could not
2025              sample the voltage.
2027              The end-user configures the interpolation  method  the  oscillo‐
2028              scope  uses  with  the  Acquisition.Interpolation  property.  If
2029              interpolation is disabled, the oscilloscope does not interpolate
2030              points  in  the  waveform.  If  the oscilloscope cannot sample a
2031              value for a point in the waveform, the driver  sets  the  corre‐
2032              sponding  element  in  the  waveformArray to an IEEE-defined NaN
2033              (Not a Number) value. Check for this value with math.isnan()  or
2034              numpy.isnan(). Check an entire array with
2036              any(any(math.isnan(b) for b in a) for a in waveform)
2038              This  function  does not check the instrument status. Typically,
2039              the end-user calls this function only in a sequence of calls  to
2040              other  low-level  driver  functions.  The  sequence performs one
2041              operation. The end-user uses the low-level functions to optimize
2042              one or more aspects of interaction with the instrument. Call the
2043              Error Query function at the conclusion of the sequence to  check
2044              the instrument status.
2046   ProbeAutoSense class
2047       class ivi.scope.ProbeAutoSense(*args, **kwargs)
2048              Bases: ivi.ivi.IviContainer
2050              Extension IVI methods for oscilloscopes supporting probe attenu‐
2051              ation sensing
2053       channels[].probe_attenuation_auto
2054              IVI class  IviScope,  capability  group  IviScopeProbeAutoSense,
2055              section 13.2.1
2057              If  this  attribute  is True, the driver configures the oscillo‐
2058              scope to sense the attenuation of the probe automatically.
2060              If this attribute is False, the driver  disables  the  automatic
2061              probe  sense and configures the oscilloscope to use the value of
2062              the Probe Attenuation attribute.
2064              The actual probe attenuation the oscilloscope is currently using
2065              can be determined from the Probe Attenuation attribute.
2067              Setting  the  Probe  Attenuation  attribute  also sets the Probe
2068              Attenuation Auto attribute to false.
2070   ContinuousAcquisition class
2071       class ivi.scope.ContinuousAcquisition(*args, **kwargs)
2072              Bases: ivi.ivi.IviContainer
2074              Extension IVI methods for  oscilloscopes  supporting  continuous
2075              acquisition
2077       trigger.continuous
2078              IVI  class IviScope, capability group IviScopeContinuousAcquisi‐
2079              tion, section 14.2.1
2081              Specifies whether the oscilloscope continuously initiates  wave‐
2082              form  acquisition.  If the end-user sets this attribute to True,
2083              the oscilloscope immediately waits for another trigger after the
2084              previous   waveform   acquisition   is  complete.  Setting  this
2085              attribute to True is useful when the end-user requires  continu‐
2086              ous updates of the oscilloscope display. This specification does
2087              not define the behavior of the read waveform and fetch  waveform
2088              functions  when  this  attribute is set to True. The behavior of
2089              these functions is instrument specific.
2091   AverageAcquisition class
2092       class ivi.scope.AverageAcquisition(*args, **kwargs)
2093              Bases: ivi.ivi.IviContainer
2095              Extension  IVI  methods  for  oscilloscopes  supporting  average
2096              acquisition
2098       acquisition.number_of_averages
2099              IVI class IviScope, capability group IviScopeAverageAcquisition,
2100              section 15.2.1
2102              Specifies the number of waveform the oscilloscope  acquires  and
2103              averages.   After the oscilloscope acquires as many waveforms as
2104              this attribute specifies, it returns to  the  idle  state.  This
2105              attribute  affects instrument behavior only when the Acquisition
2106              Type attribute is set to Average.
2108   SampleMode class
2109       class ivi.scope.SampleMode(*args, **kwargs)
2110              Bases: ivi.ivi.IviContainer
2112              Extension IVI methods for  oscilloscopes  supporting  equivalent
2113              and real time acquisition
2115       acquisition.sample_mode
2116              IVI class IviScope, capability group IviScopeSampleMode, section
2117              16.2.1
2119              Returns the sample mode the oscilloscope is currently using.
2121              Values: * 'real_time' * 'equivalent_time'
2123   TriggerModifier class
2124       class ivi.scope.TriggerModifier(*args, **kwargs)
2125              Bases: ivi.ivi.IviContainer
2127              Extension IVI  methods  for  oscilloscopes  supporting  specific
2128              triggering subsystem behavior in the absence of a trigger
2130       trigger.modifier
2131              IVI  class  IviScope,  capability group IviScopeTriggerModifier,
2132              section 17.2.1
2134              Specifies the trigger modifier. The trigger modifier  determines
2135              the  oscilloscope's  behavior  in  the absence of the configured
2136              trigger.
2138              Values: * 'none' * 'auto' * 'auto_level'
2140   AutoSetup class
2141       class ivi.scope.AutoSetup(*args, **kwargs)
2142              Bases: ivi.ivi.IviContainer
2144              Extension IVI methods  for  oscilloscopes  supporting  automatic
2145              setup
2147       measurement.auto_setup
2148              IVI  class IviScope, capability group IviScopeAutoSetup, section
2149              18.2.1
2151              This function performs an auto-setup on the instrument.


2154       This module provides the base functionality for Function Generators.
2156   Functions and Exceptions
2157       exception ivi.fgen.IviException
2158              Exception raised on various  occasions;  argument  is  a  string
2159              describing what is wrong.
2161   Base class
2162       class ivi.fgen.Base(*args, **kwargs)
2163              Bases: ivi.ivi.IviContainer
2165              Base IVI methods for all function generators
2167          ivi.fgen.abort_generation
2168                 Aborts a previously initiated signal generation. If the func‐
2169                 tion generator is in the Output Generation State, this  func‐
2170                 tion moves the function generator to the Configuration State.
2171                 If the function generator is  already  in  the  Configuration
2172                 State, the function does nothing and returns Success.
2174                 This  specification requires that the user be able to config‐
2175                 ure the  output  of  the  function  generator  regardless  of
2176                 whether  the function generator is in the Configuration State
2177                 or the Generation State. This means  that  the  user  is  not
2178                 required  to  call  Abort Generation prior to configuring the
2179                 output of the function generator.
2181                 Many function generators constantly generate an  output  sig‐
2182                 nal,  and  do not require the user to abort signal generation
2183                 prior to configuring the instrument. If  a  function  genera‐
2184                 tor's  output cannot be aborted (i.e., the function generator
2185                 cannot stop generating a signal) this function  does  nothing
2186                 and returns Success.
2188                 Some  function  generators require that the user abort signal
2189                 generation prior to configuring the instrument. The  specific
2190                 drivers  for  these  types of instruments must compensate for
2191                 this restriction and allow the user to configure the  instru‐
2192                 ment without requiring the user to call Abort Generation. For
2193                 these types of instruments, there is often a significant per‐
2194                 formance increase if the user configures the output while the
2195                 instrument is not generating a signal.
2197                 The user is not required to call Abort Generation or Initiate
2198                 Generation.  Whether the user chooses to call these functions
2199                 in an application program has no impact  on  interchangeabil‐
2200                 ity.  The user can choose to use these functions if they want
2201                 to optimize their application for  instruments  that  exhibit
2202                 increased  performance when output configuration is performed
2203                 while the instrument is not generating a signal.
2205          ivi.fgen.initiate_generation
2206                 Initiates signal generation. If the function generator is  in
2207                 the  Configuration  State,  this  function moves the function
2208                 generator to the Output Generation  State.  If  the  function
2209                 generator  is  already  in  the Output Generation State, this
2210                 function does nothing and returns Success.
2212                 This specification requires that the  instrument  be  in  the
2213                 Generation State after the user calls the Initialize or Reset
2214                 functions. This specification also requires that the user  be
2215                 able  to  configure  the  output  of  the  function generator
2216                 regardless of whether the function generator is in  the  Con‐
2217                 figuration State or the Generation State. This means that the
2218                 user is only required to call  Initiate  Generation  if  they
2219                 abort signal generation by calling Abort Generation.
2221                 Many  function  generators constantly generate an output sig‐
2222                 nal, and do not require the user to abort  signal  generation
2223                 prior  to  configuring  the instrument. If a function genera‐
2224                 tor's output cannot be aborted (i.e., the function  generator
2225                 cannot  stop  generating a signal) this function does nothing
2226                 and returns Success.
2228                 Some function generators require that the user  abort  signal
2229                 generation  prior to configuring the instrument. The specific
2230                 drivers for these types of instruments  must  compensate  for
2231                 this  restriction and allow the user to configure the instru‐
2232                 ment without requiring the user to call Abort Generation. For
2233                 these types of instruments, there is often a significant per‐
2234                 formance increase if the user configures the output while the
2235                 instrument is not generating a signal.
2237                 The user is not required to call Abort Generation or Initiate
2238                 Generation.  Whether the user chooses to call these functions
2239                 in  an  application program has no impact on interchangeabil‐
2240                 ity. The user can choose to use these functions if they  want
2241                 to  optimize  their  application for instruments that exhibit
2242                 increased performance when output configuration is  performed
2243                 while the instrument is not generating a signal.
2245          outputs.enabled
2246                 If  set  to  True, the signal the function generator produces
2247                 appears at the output connector. If set to False, the  signal
2248                 the function generator produces does not appear at the output
2249                 connector.
2251          outputs.impedance
2252                 Specifies the impedance of the output channel. The units  are
2253                 Ohms.
2255          outputs.name
2256                 This  property  returns the physical name defined by the spe‐
2257                 cific driver for the output channel that corresponds  to  the
2258                 0-based  index that the user specifies. If the driver defines
2259                 a qualified channel name, this property returns the qualified
2260                 name. If the value that the user passes for the Index parame‐
2261                 ter is less than zero or greater than  the  value  of  Output
2262                 Count,  the  property  returns an empty string and returns an
2263                 error.
2265          outputs.operation_mode
2266                 Specifies how the function generator  produces  output  on  a
2267                 channel.
2269                 Values for operation_mode:
2271                 · 'continuous'
2273                 · 'burst'
2275          outputs.output_mode
2276                 Determines  how  the  function  generator produces waveforms.
2277                 This attribute determines which extension  group's  functions
2278                 and  attributes  are used to configure the waveform the func‐
2279                 tion generator produces.
2281                 Values for output_mode:
2283                 · 'function'
2285                 · 'arbitrary'
2287                 · 'sequence'
2289          outputs.reference_clock_source
2290                 Specifies the source of the  reference  clock.  The  function
2291                 generator  derives  frequencies and sample rates that it uses
2292                 to generate waveforms from the reference clock.
2294                 The source of the reference clock is  a  string.  If  an  IVI
2295                 driver  supports  a  reference clock source and the reference
2296                 clock source is listed in IVI-3.3  Cross  Class  Capabilities
2297                 Specification,  Section  3,  then the IVI driver shall accept
2298                 the standard string for that reference clock. This  attribute
2299                 is  case  insensitive, but case preserving. That is, the set‐
2300                 ting is case insensitive but when reading it  back  the  pro‐
2301                 grammed case is returned. IVI specific drivers may define new
2302                 reference clock source strings for  reference  clock  sources
2303                 that  are  not  defined  by  IVI-3.3 Cross Class Capabilities
2304                 Specification if needed.
2306   StdFunc class
2307       class ivi.fgen.StdFunc(*args, **kwargs)
2308              Bases: ivi.ivi.IviContainer
2310              Extension IVI methods for function generators that  can  produce
2311              manufacturer-supplied periodic waveforms
2313          outputs.standard_waveform.amplitude
2314                 Specifies the amplitude of the standard waveform the function
2315                 generator produces. When the Waveform  attribute  is  set  to
2316                 Waveform  DC,  this  attribute does not affect signal output.
2317                 The units are volts.
2319          outputs.standard_waveform.configure
2320                 This function configures the attributes of the function  gen‐
2321                 erator   that  affect  standard  waveform  generation.  These
2322                 attributes are the Waveform, Amplitude, DC Offset, Frequency,
2323                 and Start Phase.
2325                 When the Waveform parameter is set to Waveform DC, this func‐
2326                 tion ignores the Amplitude, Frequency, and Start Phase param‐
2327                 eters  and  does  not set the Amplitude, Frequency, and Start
2328                 Phase attributes.
2330          outputs.standard_waveform.dc_offset
2331                 Specifies the DC offset of the standard waveform the function
2332                 generator produces. If the Waveform attribute is set to Wave‐
2333                 form DC, this attribute specifies the DC level  the  function
2334                 generator produces. The units are volts.
2336          outputs.standard_waveform.duty_cycle_high
2337                 Specifies   the  duty  cycle  for  a  square  waveform.  This
2338                 attribute affects function generator behavior only  when  the
2339                 Waveform  attribute  is  set to Waveform Square. The value is
2340                 expressed as a percentage.
2342          outputs.standard_waveform.frequency
2343                 Specifies the frequency of the standard waveform the function
2344                 generator  produces.  When  the  Waveform attribute is set to
2345                 Waveform DC, this attribute does not  affect  signal  output.
2346                 The units are Hertz.
2348          outputs.standard_waveform.start_phase
2349                 Specifies  the start phase of the standard waveform the func‐
2350                 tion generator produces. When the Waveform attribute  is  set
2351                 to Waveform DC, this attribute does not affect signal output.
2352                 The units are degrees.
2354          outputs.standard_waveform.waveform
2355                 Specifies which standard waveform the function generator pro‐
2356                 duces.
2358                 Values for waveform:
2360                 · 'sine'
2362                 · 'square'
2364                 · 'triangle'
2366                 · 'ramp_up'
2368                 · 'ramp_down'
2370                 · 'dc'
2372   ArbWfm class
2373       class ivi.fgen.ArbWfm(*args, **kwargs)
2374              Bases: ivi.ivi.IviContainer
2376              Extension  IVI  methods for function generators that can produce
2377              arbitrary waveforms
2379          arbitrary.sample_rate
2380                 Specifies the sample rate  of  the  arbitrary  waveforms  the
2381                 function  generator  produces. The units are samples per sec‐
2382                 ond.
2384          arbitrary.waveform.clear
2385                 Removes a previously  created  arbitrary  waveform  from  the
2386                 function  generator's  memory  and invalidates the waveform's
2387                 handle.
2389                 If the waveform cannot be cleared  because  it  is  currently
2390                 being  generated,  or  it is specified as part of an existing
2391                 arbitrary waveform sequence, this function returns the  Wave‐
2392                 form In Use error.
2394          arbitrary.waveform.configure
2395                 Configures  the  attributes  of  the  function generator that
2396                 affect arbitrary waveform generation.  These  attributes  are
2397                 the arbitrary waveform handle, gain, and offset.
2399          arbitrary.waveform.create
2400                 Creates  an  arbitrary waveform from an array of data points.
2401                 The function returns a handlethat  identifies  the  waveform.
2402                 You  pass  a  waveform  handle to the Handle parameter of the
2403                 Configure Arbitrary Waveform function to produce  that  wave‐
2404                 form.
2406          arbitrary.waveform.number_waveforms_max
2407                 Returns  the  maximum  number of arbitrary waveforms that the
2408                 function generator allows.
2410          arbitrary.waveform.quantum
2411                 The size of each arbitrary waveform shall be a multiple of  a
2412                 quantum  value.  This attribute returns the quantum value the
2413                 function generator allows. For  example,  if  this  attribute
2414                 returns  a  value of 8, all waveform sizes must be a multiple
2415                 of 8.
2417          arbitrary.waveform.size_max
2418                 Returns the maximum number of points the  function  generator
2419                 allows in an arbitrary waveform.
2421          arbitrary.waveform.size_min
2422                 Returns  the  minimum number of points the function generator
2423                 allows in an arbitrary waveform.
2425          outputs.arbitrary.configure
2426                 Configures the attributes  of  the  function  generator  that
2427                 affect  arbitrary  waveform  generation. These attributes are
2428                 the arbitrary waveform handle, gain, and offset.
2430          outputs.arbitrary.gain
2431                 Specifies the gain of the  arbitrary  waveform  the  function
2432                 generator produces. This value is unitless.
2434          outputs.arbitrary.offset
2435                 Specifies  the  offset of the arbitrary waveform the function
2436                 generator produces. The units are volts.
2438          outputs.arbitrary.waveform
2440   ArbChannelWfm class
2441       class ivi.fgen.ArbChannelWfm(*args, **kwargs)
2442              Bases: ivi.ivi.IviContainer
2444              Extension IVI  methods  for  function  generators  that  support
2445              user-defined arbitrary waveform generation
2447          arbitrary.waveform.create_channel_waveform
2448                 Creates  a  channel-specific arbitrary waveform and returns a
2449                 handle that identifies that waveform.  You  pass  a  waveform
2450                 handle as the waveformHandle parameter of the Configure Arbi‐
2451                 trary Waveform function to produce that  waveform.  You  also
2452                 use the handles this function returns to create a sequence of
2453                 arbitrary waveforms with the Create Arbitrary Sequence  func‐
2454                 tion.
2456                 If  the  instrument  has multiple channels, it is possible to
2457                 create multi-channel waveforms: the channel names are  passed
2458                 as  a comma-separated list of channel names, and the waveform
2459                 arrays are concatenated into a single array.  In  this  case,
2460                 all waveforms must be of the same length.
2462                 If  the  function  generator  cannot store any more arbitrary
2463                 waveforms, this  function  returns  the  error  No  Waveforms
2464                 Available.
2466          outputs.arbitrary.create_waveform
2467                 Creates  a  channel-specific arbitrary waveform and returns a
2468                 handle that identifies that waveform.  You  pass  a  waveform
2469                 handle as the waveformHandle parameter of the Configure Arbi‐
2470                 trary Waveform function to produce that  waveform.  You  also
2471                 use the handles this function returns to create a sequence of
2472                 arbitrary waveforms with the Create Arbitrary Sequence  func‐
2473                 tion.
2475                 If  the  instrument  has multiple channels, it is possible to
2476                 create multi-channel waveforms: the channel names are  passed
2477                 as  a comma-separated list of channel names, and the waveform
2478                 arrays are concatenated into a single array.  In  this  case,
2479                 all waveforms must be of the same length.
2481                 If  the  function  generator  cannot store any more arbitrary
2482                 waveforms, this  function  returns  the  error  No  Waveforms
2483                 Available.
2485   ArbWfmBinary class
2486       class ivi.fgen.ArbWfmBinary(*args, **kwargs)
2487              Bases: ivi.ivi.IviContainer
2489              Extension  IVI  methods  for  function  generators  that support
2490              user-defined arbitrary binary waveform generation
2492          arbitrary.binary_alignment
2493                 Identifies whether the arbitrary  waveform  generator  treats
2494                 binary data provided to the Create Channel Arbitrary Waveform
2495                 Int16 or Create Channel Arbitrary Waveform Int32 functions as
2496                 left-justified  or right-justified.  Binary Alignment is only
2497                 relevant if the generator supports bit-depths less  than  the
2498                 size  of  the binarydata type of the create waveform function
2499                 being used. For a 16-bit or a 32-bit generator, this function
2500                 can return either value.
2502          arbitrary.sample_bit_resolution
2503                 Returns  the  number  of  significant bits that the generator
2504                 supports in an arbitrary waveform. Together with  the  binary
2505                 alignment, this allows the user to know the range and resolu‐
2506                 tion of the integers in the waveform.
2508          arbitrary.waveform.create_channel_waveform_int16
2509                 Creates a channel-specific arbitrary waveform and  returns  a
2510                 handle  that  identifies  that waveform. Data is passed in as
2511                 16-bit binary data. If the arbitrary waveform generator  sup‐
2512                 ports  formats  less  than  16 bits, call the BinaryAlignment
2513                 property to determine whether to left or  right  justify  the
2514                 data before passing it to this call. You pass a waveform han‐
2515                 dle as the waveformHandle parameter of  the  Configure  Arbi‐
2516                 trary  Waveform  function  to produce that waveform. You also
2517                 use the handles this function returns to create a sequence of
2518                 arbitrary  waveforms with the Create Arbitrary Sequence func‐
2519                 tion.
2521                 If the instrument has multiple channels, it  is  possible  to
2522                 create  multi-channel waveforms: the channel names are passed
2523                 as a comma-separated list of channel names, and the  waveform
2524                 arrays  are  concatenated  into a single array. In this case,
2525                 all waveforms must be of the same length.
2527                 If the function generator cannot  store  any  more  arbitrary
2528                 waveforms,  this  function  returns  the  error  No Waveforms
2529                 Available.
2531          arbitrary.waveform.create_channel_waveform_int32
2532                 Creates a channel-specific arbitrary waveform and  returns  a
2533                 handle  that  identifies  that waveform. Data is passed in as
2534                 32-bit binary data. If the arbitrary waveform generator  sup‐
2535                 ports  formats  less  than  32 bits, call the BinaryAlignment
2536                 property to determine whether to left or  right  justify  the
2537                 data before passing it to this call. You pass a waveform han‐
2538                 dle as the waveformHandle parameter of  the  Configure  Arbi‐
2539                 trary  Waveform  function  to produce that waveform. You also
2540                 use the handles this function returns to create a sequence of
2541                 arbitrary  waveforms with the Create Arbitrary Sequence func‐
2542                 tion.
2544                 If the instrument has multiple channels, it  is  possible  to
2545                 create  multi-channel waveforms: the channel names are passed
2546                 as a comma-separated list of channel names, and the  waveform
2547                 arrays  are  concatenated  into a single array. In this case,
2548                 all waveforms must be of the same length.
2550                 If the function generator cannot  store  any  more  arbitrary
2551                 waveforms,  this  function  returns  the  error  No Waveforms
2552                 Available.
2554          outputs.arbitrary.waveform.create_channel_waveform_int16
2555                 Creates a channel-specific arbitrary waveform and  returns  a
2556                 handle  that  identifies  that waveform. Data is passed in as
2557                 16-bit binary data. If the arbitrary waveform generator  sup‐
2558                 ports  formats  less  than  16 bits, call the BinaryAlignment
2559                 property to determine whether to left or  right  justify  the
2560                 data before passing it to this call. You pass a waveform han‐
2561                 dle as the waveformHandle parameter of  the  Configure  Arbi‐
2562                 trary  Waveform  function  to produce that waveform. You also
2563                 use the handles this function returns to create a sequence of
2564                 arbitrary  waveforms with the Create Arbitrary Sequence func‐
2565                 tion.
2567                 If the instrument has multiple channels, it  is  possible  to
2568                 create  multi-channel waveforms: the channel names are passed
2569                 as a comma-separated list of channel names, and the  waveform
2570                 arrays  are  concatenated  into a single array. In this case,
2571                 all waveforms must be of the same length.
2573                 If the function generator cannot  store  any  more  arbitrary
2574                 waveforms,  this  function  returns  the  error  No Waveforms
2575                 Available.
2577          outputs.arbitrary.waveform.create_channel_waveform_int32
2578                 Creates a channel-specific arbitrary waveform and  returns  a
2579                 handle  that  identifies  that waveform. Data is passed in as
2580                 32-bit binary data. If the arbitrary waveform generator  sup‐
2581                 ports  formats  less  than  32 bits, call the BinaryAlignment
2582                 property to determine whether to left or  right  justify  the
2583                 data before passing it to this call. You pass a waveform han‐
2584                 dle as the waveformHandle parameter of  the  Configure  Arbi‐
2585                 trary  Waveform  function  to produce that waveform. You also
2586                 use the handles this function returns to create a sequence of
2587                 arbitrary  waveforms with the Create Arbitrary Sequence func‐
2588                 tion.
2590                 If the instrument has multiple channels, it  is  possible  to
2591                 create  multi-channel waveforms: the channel names are passed
2592                 as a comma-separated list of channel names, and the  waveform
2593                 arrays  are  concatenated  into a single array. In this case,
2594                 all waveforms must be of the same length.
2596                 If the function generator cannot  store  any  more  arbitrary
2597                 waveforms,  this  function  returns  the  error  No Waveforms
2598                 Available.
2600   DataMarker class
2601       class ivi.fgen.DataMarker(*args, **kwargs)
2602              Bases: ivi.ivi.IviContainer
2604              Extension IVI methods for function generators that support  out‐
2605              put of particular waveform data bits as markers
2607          data_markers.amplitude
2608                 Specifies  the amplitude of the data marker output. The units
2609                 are volts.
2611          data_markers.bit_position
2612                 Specifies the bit position of the  binary  representation  of
2613                 the  waveform  data  that  will be output as a data marker. A
2614                 value of 0 indicates the least significant bit.
2616          data_markers.clear
2617                 Disables all of the data markers by setting their Data Marker
2618                 Destination attribute to None.
2620          data_markers.configure
2621                 Configures some of the common data marker attributes.
2623          data_markers.delay
2624                 Specifies the amount of delay applied to the data marker out‐
2625                 put with respect to the analog data output. A value  of  zero
2626                 indicates  the marker is aligned with the analog data output.
2627                 The units are seconds.
2629          data_markers.destination
2630                 Specifies the destination terminal for the data  marker  out‐
2631                 put.
2633          data_markers.name
2634                 This  attribute  returns  the  repeated capability identifier
2635                 defined by specific driver for the data  marker  that  corre‐
2636                 sponds  to  the  index that the user specifies. If the driver
2637                 defines a qualified Data Marker name, this  property  returns
2638                 the qualified name.
2640                 If  the value that the user passes for the Index parameter is
2641                 less than zero or greater than the value of the  Data  Marker
2642                 Count,  the  attribute  returns an empty string for the value
2643                 and returns an error.
2645          data_markers.polarity
2646                 Specifies the polarity of the data marker output.
2648                 Values for polarity:
2650                 · 'active_high'
2652                 · 'active_low'
2654          data_markers.source_channel
2655                 Specifies the channel whose data bit  will  be  output  as  a
2656                 marker.
2658   SparseMarker class
2659       class ivi.fgen.SparseMarker(*args, **kwargs)
2660              Bases: ivi.ivi.IviContainer
2662              Extension  IVI methods for function generators that support out‐
2663              put of markers associated with output data samples
2665          sparse_markers.amplitude
2666                 Specifies the amplitude of  the  sparse  marker  output.  The
2667                 units are volts.
2669          sparse_markers.clear
2670                 Disables  all  of  the sparse markers by setting their Sparse
2671                 Marker Destination attribute to None.
2673          sparse_markers.configure
2674                 Configures some of the common sparse marker attributes.
2676          sparse_markers.delay
2677                 Specifies the amount of delay applied to  the  sparse  marker
2678                 output  with  respect  to  the analog data output. A value of
2679                 zero indicates the marker is aligned  with  the  analog  data
2680                 output. The units are seconds.
2682          sparse_markers.destination
2683                 Specifies the destination terminal for the sparse marker out‐
2684                 put.
2686          sparse_markers.get_indexes
2687                 Gets the coerced indexes associated with the  sparse  marker.
2688                 These  indexes  are specified by either the Configure Sparse‐
2689                 Marker function or the Set Sparse Marker Indexes function.
2691          sparse_markers.name
2692                 This attribute returns  the  repeated  capability  identifier
2693                 defined  by specific driver for the sparse marker that corre‐
2694                 sponds to the index that the user specifies.  If  the  driver
2695                 defines a qualified Sparse Marker name, this property returns
2696                 the qualified name.
2698                 If the value that the user passes for the Index parameter  is
2699                 less  than one or greater than the value of the Sparse Marker
2700                 Count, the attribute returns an empty string  for  the  value
2701                 and returns an error.
2703          sparse_markers.polarity
2704                 Specifies the polarity of the sparse marker output.
2706                 Values for polarity:
2708                 · 'active_high'
2710                 · 'active_low'
2712          sparse_markers.set_indexes
2713                 Sets  the  indexes  associated  with the sparse marker. These
2714                 indexes may be coerced by the  driver.  Use  the  Get  Sparse
2715                 Marker Indexes function to find the coerced values.
2717          sparse_markers.waveform_handle
2718                 Specifies the waveform whose indexes the sparse marker refers
2719                 to.
2721   ArbDataMask class
2722       class ivi.fgen.ArbDataMask(*args, **kwargs)
2723              Bases: ivi.ivi.IviContainer
2725              Extension IVI methods for function generators that support mask‐
2726              ing of waveform data bits
2728          arbitrary.data_mask
2729                 Determines which bits of the output data are masked out. This
2730                 is especially useful when combined with Data Markers so  that
2731                 the  bits  embedded  with the data to be used for markers are
2732                 not actually output by the generator.
2734                 A value of 1 for a particular bit indicates that the data bit
2735                 should  be  output.  A value of 0 indicates that the data bit
2736                 should be masked out. For example, if the value of this prop‐
2737                 erty is 0xFFFFFFFF (all bits are 1), no masking is applied.
2739   ArbFrequency class
2740       class ivi.fgen.ArbFrequency(*args, **kwargs)
2741              Bases: ivi.ivi.IviContainer
2743              Extension  IVI  methods for function generators that can produce
2744              arbitrary waveforms with variable rate
2746          outputs.arbitrary.frequency
2747                 Specifies the rate in Hertz  at  which  an  entire  arbitrary
2748                 waveform is generated.
2750   ArbSeq class
2751       class ivi.fgen.ArbSeq(*args, **kwargs)
2752              Bases: ivi.ivi.IviContainer
2754              Extension  IVI  methods for function generators that can produce
2755              sequences of arbitrary waveforms
2757          arbitrary.clear_memory
2758                 Removes  all  previously  created  arbitrary  waveforms   and
2759                 sequences  from  the  function generator's memory and invali‐
2760                 dates all waveform and sequence handles.
2762                 If a waveform cannot be cleared because it is currently being
2763                 generated, this function returns the error Waveform In Use.
2765                 If a sequence cannot be cleared because it is currently being
2766                 generated, this function returns the error Sequence In Use.
2768          arbitrary.sequence.clear
2769                 Removes a previously  created  arbitrary  sequence  from  the
2770                 function  generator's  memory  and invalidates the sequence's
2771                 handle.
2773                 If the sequence cannot be cleared  because  it  is  currently
2774                 being  generated, this function returns the error Sequence In
2775                 Use.
2777          arbitrary.sequence.configure
2778                 Configures the attributes  of  the  function  generator  that
2779                 affect  arbitrary  sequence  generation. These attributes are
2780                 the arbitrary sequence handle, gain, and offset.
2782          arbitrary.sequence.create
2783                 Creates an arbitrary waveform sequence from an array of wave‐
2784                 form  handles  and  a corresponding array of loop counts. The
2785                 function returns a handle that identifies the  sequence.  You
2786                 pass a sequence handle to the Handle parameter of the Config‐
2787                 ure Arbitrary Sequence function to produce that sequence.
2789                 If the function generator cannot  store  any  more  arbitrary
2790                 sequences,  this  function  returns  the  error  No Sequences
2791                 Available.
2793          arbitrary.sequence.length_max
2794                 Returns the maximum number of arbitrary  waveforms  that  the
2795                 function generator allows in an arbitrary sequence.
2797          arbitrary.sequence.length_min
2798                 Returns  the  minimum  number of arbitrary waveforms that the
2799                 function generator allows in an arbitrary sequence.
2801          arbitrary.sequence.loop_count_max
2802                 Returns the maximum number of times that the function genera‐
2803                 tor can repeat a waveform in a sequence.
2805          arbitrary.sequence.number_sequences_max
2806                 Returns  the  maximum  number of arbitrary sequences that the
2807                 function generator allows.
2809          outputs.arbitrary.sequence.configure
2810                 Configures the attributes  of  the  function  generator  that
2811                 affect  arbitrary  sequence  generation. These attributes are
2812                 the arbitrary sequence handle, gain, and offset.
2814   ArbSeqDepth class
2815       class ivi.fgen.ArbSeqDepth(*args, **kwargs)
2816              Bases: ivi.ivi.IviContainer
2818              Extension IVI methods for function generators that support  pro‐
2819              ducing sequences of sequences of waveforms
2821          arbitrary.sequence.depth_max
2822                 Returns  the  maximum sequence depth - that is, the number of
2823                 times a sequence can include other sequences  recursively.  A
2824                 depth  of  zero  indicates  the  generator supports waveforms
2825                 only. A depth of 1 indicates a generator  supports  sequences
2826                 of  waveforms,  but not sequences of sequences.  A depth of 2
2827                 or greater indicates that the generator supports sequences of
2828                 sequences. Note that if the MaxSequenceDepth is 2 or greater,
2829                 the driver must  return  unique  handles  for  waveforms  and
2830                 sequences  so  that  a sequence may contain both waveform and
2831                 sequence handles.
2833   Trigger class
2834       class ivi.fgen.Trigger(*args, **kwargs)
2835              Bases: ivi.ivi.IviContainer
2837              Extension IVI methods for function generators that support trig‐
2838              gering
2840          outputs.trigger.source
2841                 Specifies  the  trigger  source. After the function generator
2842                 receives a trigger from this source, it produces a signal.
2844   InternalTrigger class
2845       class ivi.fgen.InternalTrigger(*args, **kwargs)
2846              Bases: ivi.ivi.IviContainer
2848              Extension IVI  methods  for  function  generators  that  support
2849              internal triggering
2851          trigger.internal_rate
2852                 Specifies the rate at which the function generator's internal
2853                 trigger source produces a trigger, in triggers per second.
2855   SoftwareTrigger class
2856       class ivi.fgen.SoftwareTrigger(*args, **kwargs)
2857              Bases: ivi.ivi.IviContainer
2859              Extension IVI methods for function generators that support soft‐
2860              ware triggering
2862          ivi.fgen.send_software_trigger
2863                 This  function  sends  a  software-generated  trigger  to the
2864                 instrument. It  is  only  applicable  for  instruments  using
2865                 interfaces  or  protocols  which  support an explicit trigger
2866                 function. For example, with GPIB this function could  send  a
2867                 group  execute  trigger  to the instrument. Other implementa‐
2868                 tions might send a *TRG command.
2870                 Since instruments interpret a software-generated trigger in a
2871                 wide  variety of ways, the precise response of the instrument
2872                 to this trigger is not defined. Note that SCPI details a pos‐
2873                 sible implementation.
2875                 This  function should not use resources which are potentially
2876                 shared by other devices (for example, the VXI trigger lines).
2877                 Use  of such shared resources may have undesirable effects on
2878                 other devices.
2880                 This function should not check the instrument  status.  Typi‐
2881                 cally, the end-user calls this function only in a sequence of
2882                 calls to other low-level driver functions. The sequence  per‐
2883                 forms  one  operation.  The end-user uses the low-level func‐
2884                 tions to optimize one or more aspects of interaction with the
2885                 instrument.  To  check the instrument status, call the appro‐
2886                 priate  error  query  function  at  the  conclusion  of   the
2887                 sequence.
2889                 The  trigger source attribute must accept Software Trigger as
2890                 a valid setting for this function to  work.  If  the  trigger
2891                 source  is  not  set  to Software Trigger, this function does
2892                 nothing and returns the error Trigger Not Software.
2894   Burst class
2895       class ivi.fgen.Burst(*args, **kwargs)
2896              Bases: ivi.ivi.IviContainer
2898              Extension IVI methods for function generators that support trig‐
2899              gered burst output
2901          outputs.burst_count
2902                 Specifies  the  number  of  waveform cycles that the function
2903                 generator produces after it receives a trigger.
2905   ModulateAM class
2906       class ivi.fgen.ModulateAM(*args, **kwargs)
2907              Bases: ivi.ivi.IviContainer
2909              Extension IVI  methods  for  function  generators  that  support
2910              amplitude modulation
2912          am.configure_internal
2913                 Configures  the  attributes that control the function genera‐
2914                 tor's internal amplitude modulating  waveform  source.  These
2915                 attributes are the modulation depth, waveform, and frequency.
2917          am.internal_depth
2918                 Specifies  the  extent  of  modulation the function generator
2919                 applies to the carrier waveform when the AM Source  attribute
2920                 is set to AM Internal. The unit is percentage.
2922                 This  attribute  affects  the behavior of the instrument only
2923                 when the AM ource attribute is set to AM Internal.
2925          am.internal_frequency
2926                 Specifies the frequency of the internal  modulating  waveform
2927                 source. The units are Hertz.
2929                 This  attribute  affects  the behavior of the instrument only
2930                 when the AM ource attribute is set to AM Internal.
2932          am.internal_waveform
2933                 Specifies the waveform of the  internal  modulating  waveform
2934                 source.
2936                 This  attribute  affects  the behavior of the instrument only
2937                 when the AM ource attribute is set to AM Internal.
2939                 Values for internal_waveform:
2941                 · 'sine'
2943                 · 'square'
2945                 · 'triangle'
2947                 · 'ramp_up'
2949                 · 'ramp_down'
2951                 · 'dc'
2953          outputs.am.enabled
2954                 Specifies whether the function  generator  applies  amplitude
2955                 modulation to the signal that the function generator produces
2956                 with  the  IviFgenStdFunc,  IviFgenArbWfm,  or  IviFgenArbSeq
2957                 capability  groups.  If  set  to True, the function generator
2958                 applies amplitude modulation to the output signal. If set  to
2959                 False,  the function generator does not apply amplitude modu‐
2960                 lation to the output signal.
2962          outputs.am.source
2963                 Specifies the source of the signal that the function  genera‐
2964                 tor uses as the modulating waveform.
2966                 This  attribute  affects instrument behavior only when the AM
2967                 Enabled attribute is set to True.
2969   ModulateFM class
2970       class ivi.fgen.ModulateFM(*args, **kwargs)
2971              Bases: ivi.ivi.IviContainer
2973              Extension IVI methods for function generators that support  fre‐
2974              quency modulation
2976          fm.configure_internal
2977                 Specifies  the source of the signal that the function genera‐
2978                 tor uses as the modulating waveform.
2980                 This attribute affects instrument behavior only when  the  FM
2981                 Enabled attribute is set to True.
2983          fm.internal_deviation
2984                 Specifies the maximum frequency deviation, in Hertz, that the
2985                 function generator applies to the carrier waveform  when  the
2986                 FM Source attribute is set to FM Internal.
2988                 This  attribute  affects  the behavior of the instrument only
2989                 when the FM Source attribute is set to FM Internal.
2991          fm.internal_frequency
2992                 Specifies the frequency of the internal  modulating  waveform
2993                 source. The units are hertz.
2995                 This  attribute  affects  the behavior of the instrument only
2996                 when the FM Source attribute is set to FM Internal.
2998          fm.internal_waveform
2999                 Specifies the waveform of the  internal  modulating  waveform
3000                 source.
3002                 This  attribute  affects  the behavior of the instrument only
3003                 when the FM Source attribute is set to FM Internal.
3005                 Values for internal_waveform:
3007                 · 'sine'
3009                 · 'square'
3011                 · 'triangle'
3013                 · 'ramp_up'
3015                 · 'ramp_down'
3017                 · 'dc'
3019          outputs.fm.enabled
3020                 Specifies whether the function  generator  applies  amplitude
3021                 modulation to the carrier waveform. If set to True, the func‐
3022                 tion generator applies frequency  modulation  to  the  output
3023                 signal.  If  set  to  False,  the function generator does not
3024                 apply frequency modulation to the output signal.
3026          outputs.fm.source
3028   SampleClock class
3029       class ivi.fgen.SampleClock(*args, **kwargs)
3030              Bases: ivi.ivi.IviContainer
3032              Extension IVI  methods  for  function  generators  that  support
3033              external sample clocks
3035          sample_clock.output_enabled
3036                 Specifies whether or not the sample clock appears at the sam‐
3037                 ple clock output of the generator.
3039          sample_clock.source
3040                 Specifies the clock used for the  waveform  generation.  Note
3041                 that  when using an external sample clock, the Arbitrary Sam‐
3042                 ple Rate attribute must be set to the corresponding frequency
3043                 of the external sample clock.
3045   TerminalConfiguration class
3046       class ivi.fgen.TerminalConfiguration(*args, **kwargs)
3047              Bases: ivi.ivi.IviContainer
3049              Extension  IVI methods for function generators that support sin‐
3050              gle ended or differential output selection
3052          outputs.terminal_configuration
3053                 Determines whether the generator will run in single-ended  or
3054                 differential  mode,  and  whether  the output gain and offset
3055                 values will be analyzed based on single-ended or differential
3056                 operation.
3058                 Values for terminal_configuration:
3060                 · 'single_ended'
3062                 · 'differential'
3064   StartTrigger class
3065       class ivi.fgen.StartTrigger(*args, **kwargs)
3066              Bases: ivi.ivi.IviContainer
3068              Extension IVI methods for function generators that support start
3069              triggering
3071          outputs.trigger.start.configure
3072                 This function configures the start trigger properties.
3074          outputs.trigger.start.delay
3075                 Specifies an additional length of  time  to  delay  from  the
3076                 start  trigger to the first point in the waveform generation.
3077                 The units are seconds.
3079          outputs.trigger.start.slope
3080                 Specifies the slope of the trigger that starts the generator.
3082                 Values for slope:
3084                 · 'positive'
3086                 · 'negative'
3088                 · 'either'
3090          outputs.trigger.start.source
3091                 Specifies the source of the start trigger.
3093          outputs.trigger.start.threshold
3094                 Specifies the voltage threshold for the  start  trigger.  The
3095                 units are volts.
3097          trigger.start.configure
3098                 This function configures the start trigger properties.
3100          trigger.start.send_software_trigger
3101                 This function sends a software-generated start trigger to the
3102                 instrument.
3104   StopTrigger class
3105       class ivi.fgen.StopTrigger(*args, **kwargs)
3106              Bases: ivi.ivi.IviContainer
3108              Extension IVI methods for function generators that support  stop
3109              triggering
3111       ERROR:
3112          Unable to execute python code at fgen.rst:1194:
3114          _add_method() takes at most 4 arguments (5 given)
3116   HoldTrigger class
3117       class ivi.fgen.HoldTrigger(*args, **kwargs)
3118              Bases: ivi.ivi.IviContainer
3120              Extension  IVI methods for function generators that support hold
3121              triggering
3123          outputs.trigger.hold.configure
3124                 This function configures the hold trigger properties.
3126          outputs.trigger.hold.delay
3127                 Specifies an additional length of time to delay from the hold
3128                 trigger  to  the  pause of the generation. The units are sec‐
3129                 onds.
3131          outputs.trigger.hold.slope
3132                 Specifies the slope of the hold trigger.
3134                 Values for slope:
3136                 · 'positive'
3138                 · 'negative'
3140                 · 'either'
3142          outputs.trigger.hold.source
3143                 Specifies the source of the hold trigger.
3145          outputs.trigger.hold.threshold
3146                 Specifies the voltage threshold for  the  hold  trigger.  The
3147                 units are volts.
3149          trigger.hold.configure
3150                 This function configures the hold trigger properties.
3152          trigger.hold.send_software_trigger
3153                 This  function sends a software-generated hold trigger to the
3154                 instrument.
3156   ResumeTrigger class
3157       class ivi.fgen.ResumeTrigger(*args, **kwargs)
3158              Bases: ivi.ivi.IviContainer
3160              Extension IVI  methods  for  function  generators  that  support
3161              resume triggering
3163          outputs.trigger.resume.configure
3164                 This function configures the resume trigger properties.
3166          outputs.trigger.resume.delay
3167                 Specifies  an  additional  length  of  time to delay from the
3168                 resume trigger to the resumption of the generation. The units
3169                 are seconds.
3171          outputs.trigger.resume.slope
3172                 Specifies the slope of the resume trigger.
3174                 Values for slope:
3176                 · 'positive'
3178                 · 'negative'
3180                 · 'either'
3182          outputs.trigger.resume.source
3183                 Specifies the source of the resume trigger.
3185          outputs.trigger.resume.threshold
3186                 Specifies  the  voltage threshold for the resume trigger. The
3187                 units are volts.
3189          trigger.resume.configure
3190                 This function configures the resume trigger properties.
3192          trigger.resume.send_software_trigger
3193                 This function sends a software-generated  resume  trigger  to
3194                 the instrument.
3196   AdvanceTrigger class
3197       class ivi.fgen.AdvanceTrigger(*args, **kwargs)
3198              Bases: ivi.ivi.IviContainer
3200              Extension  IVI  methods  for  function  generators  that support
3201              advance triggering
3203          outputs.trigger.advance.configure
3204                 This function configures the advance trigger properties.
3206          outputs.trigger.advance.delay
3207                 Specifies an additional length of  time  to  delay  from  the
3208                 advance  trigger  to  the advancing to the end of the current
3209                 waveform. Units are seconds.
3211          outputs.trigger.advance.slope
3212                 Specifies the slope of the advance trigger.
3214                 Values for slope:
3216                 · 'positive'
3218                 · 'negative'
3220                 · 'either'
3222          outputs.trigger.advance.source
3223                 Specifies the source of the advance trigger.
3225          outputs.trigger.advance.threshold
3226                 Specifies the voltage threshold for the advance trigger.  The
3227                 units are volts.
3229          trigger.advance.configure
3230                 This function configures the advance trigger properties.
3232          trigger.advance.send_software_trigger
3233                 This  function  sends a software-generated advance trigger to
3234                 the instrument.


3237       This module provides the base functionality for DC power supplies.
3239   Functions and Exceptions
3240       exception ivi.dcpwr.IviException
3241              Exception raised on various  occasions;  argument  is  a  string
3242              describing what is wrong.
3244   Base class
3245       class ivi.dcpwr.Base(*args, **kwargs)
3246              Bases: ivi.ivi.IviContainer
3248              Base IVI methods for all DC power supplies
3250       outputs[].configure_current_limit
3251              IVI class IviDCPwr, capability group IviDCPwrBase, section 4.3.1
3253              This  function  configures  the  current limit. It specifies the
3254              output current limit value and the behavior of the power  supply
3255              when the output current is greater than or equal to that value.
3257              See  the  definition of the Current Limit Behavior attribute for
3258              defined values for the behavior parameter.
3260       outputs[].configure_ovp
3261              IVI class IviDCPwr, capability group IviDCPwrBase, section 4.3.4
3263              Configures  the  over-voltage  protection.  It   specifies   the
3264              over-voltage limit and the behavior of the power supply when the
3265              output voltage is greater than or equal to that value.
3267              When the Enabled parameter is False, the  Limit  parameter  does
3268              not  affect  the  instrument's behavior, and the driver does not
3269              set the OVP Limit attribute.
3271       outputs[].configure_range
3272              IVI class IviDCPwr, capability group IviDCPwrBase, section 4.3.3
3274              Configures the power supply's output range  on  an  output.  One
3275              parameter  specifies whether to configure the voltage or current
3276              range, and the other parameter is the value to which to set  the
3277              range.
3279              Setting  a  voltage range can invalidate a previously configured
3280              current range. Setting a current range can invalidate  a  previ‐
3281              ously configured voltage range.
3283       outputs[].current_limit
3284              IVI class IviDCPwr, capability group IviDCPwrBase, section 4.2.1
3286              Specifies the output current limit. The units are Amps.
3288              The value of the Current Limit Behavior attribute determines the
3289              behavior of the power supply when the output current is equal to
3290              or greater than the value of this attribute.
3292       outputs[].current_limit_behavior
3293              IVI class IviDCPwr, capability group IviDCPwrBase, section 4.2.2
3295              Specifies  the behavior of the power supply when the output cur‐
3296              rent is equal to or greater than the value of the Current  Limit
3297              attribute.
3299              Values
3301              · 'trip'  - The power supply disables the output when the output
3302                current is equal to or greater than the value of  the  Current
3303                Limit attribute.
3305              · 'regulate'  -  The  power  supply restricts the output voltage
3306                such that the output current is not greater than the value  of
3307                the Current Limit attribute.
3309       outputs[].enabled
3310              IVI class IviDCPwr, capability group IviDCPwrBase, section 4.2.3
3312              If  true,  the  signal  the power supply produces appears at the
3313              output connector. If false, the signal the power supply produces
3314              does not appear at the output connector.
3316       outputs[].name
3317              IVI class IviDCPwr, capability group IviDCPwrBase, section 4.2.9
3319              This   attribute  returns  the  repeated  capability  identifier
3320              defined by specific driver for the output  channel  that  corre‐
3321              sponds  to  the  index  that  the  user specifies. If the driver
3322              defines a qualified Output Channel name, this  property  returns
3323              the qualified name.
3325              If  the  value  that  the user passes for the Index parameter is
3326              less than zero or greater than the value of the  Output  Channel
3327              Count, the attribute raises a SelectorRangeException.
3329       outputs[].ovp_enabled
3330              IVI class IviDCPwr, capability group IviDCPwrBase, section 4.2.4
3332              Specifies whether the power supply provides over-voltage protec‐
3333              tion. If this attribute is set to True, the  power  supply  dis‐
3334              ables  the  output  when  the  output voltage is greater than or
3335              equal to the value of the OVP Limit attribute.
3337       outputs[].ovp_limit
3338              IVI class IviDCPwr, capability group IviDCPwrBase, section 4.2.5
3340              Specifies the voltage the power supply  allows.  The  units  are
3341              Volts.
3343              If  the  OVP  Enabled attribute is set to True, the power supply
3344              disables the output when the output voltage is greater  than  or
3345              equal to the value of this attribute.
3347              If  the  OVP  Enabled  is  set to False, this attribute does not
3348              affect the behavior of the instrument.
3350       outputs[].query_current_limit_max
3351              IVI class IviDCPwr, capability group IviDCPwrBase, section 4.3.7
3353              This function returns the  maximum  programmable  current  limit
3354              that  the power supply accepts for a particular voltage level on
3355              an output.
3357       outputs[].query_output_state
3358              IVI class IviDCPwr, capability group IviDCPwrBase, section 4.3.9
3360              This function returns whether the power supply is in a  particu‐
3361              lar output state.
3363              A  constant  voltage condition occurs when the output voltage is
3364              equal to the value of the Voltage Level attribute and  the  cur‐
3365              rent  is  less  than  or equal to the value of the Current Limit
3366              attribute.
3368              A constant current condition occurs when the output  current  is
3369              equal  to  the value of the Current Limit attribute and the Cur‐
3370              rent Limit Behavior attribute is set  to  the  Current  Regulate
3371              defined value.
3373              An  unregulated condition occurs when the output voltage is less
3374              than the value of the Voltage Level attribute and the current is
3375              less than the value of the Current Limit attribute.
3377              An  over-voltage  condition  occurs  when  the output voltage is
3378              equal to or greater than the value of the  OVP  Limit  attribute
3379              and the OVP Enabled attribute is set to True.
3381              An  over-current  condition  occurs  when  the output current is
3382              equal to  or  greater  than  the  value  of  the  Current  Limit
3383              attribute and the Current Limit Behavior attribute is set to the
3384              Current Trip defined value.
3386              When either an over-voltage condition or an over-current  condi‐
3387              tion  occurs,  the power supply's output protection disables the
3388              output. If the power supply is in an over-voltage  or  over-cur‐
3389              rent  state,  it does not produce power until the output protec‐
3390              tion is reset. The Reset Output Protection function  resets  the
3391              output  protection.  Once  the  output  protection is reset, the
3392              power supply resumes generating a power signal.
3394              Values for output_state:
3396              · 'constant_voltage'
3398              · 'constant_current'
3400              · 'over_voltage'
3402              · 'over_current'
3404              · 'unregulated'
3406       outputs[].query_voltage_level_max
3407              IVI class IviDCPwr, capability group IviDCPwrBase, section 4.3.8
3409              This function returns the  maximum  programmable  voltage  level
3410              that  the power supply accepts for a particular current limit on
3411              an output.
3413       outputs[].reset_output_protection
3414              IVI  class  IviDCPwr,  capability  group  IviDCPwrBase,  section
3415              4.3.10
3417              This function resets the power supply output protection after an
3418              over-voltage or over-current condition occurs.
3420              An over-voltage condition occurs  when  the  output  voltage  is
3421              equal  to  or  greater than the value of the OVP Limit attribute
3422              and the OVP Enabled attribute is set to True.
3424              An over-current condition occurs  when  the  output  current  is
3425              equal  to  or  greater  than  the  value  of  the  Current Limit
3426              attribute and the Current Limit Behavior  attribute  is  set  to
3427              Current Trip.
3429              When  either an over-voltage condition or an over-current condi‐
3430              tion occurs, the output protection of the power supply  disables
3431              the output.  Once the output protection is reset, the power sup‐
3432              ply resumes generating a power signal.
3434              Use the Query Output State function to determine  if  the  power
3435              supply is in an over-voltage or over-current state.
3437       outputs[].voltage_level
3438              IVI class IviDCPwr, capability group IviDCPwrBase, section 4.2.6
3440              Specifies the voltage level the DC power supply attempts to gen‐
3441              erate. The units are Volts.
3443   Trigger class
3444       class ivi.dcpwr.Trigger(*args, **kwargs)
3445              Bases: ivi.ivi.IviContainer
3447              Extension IVI methods  for  power  supplies  supporting  trigger
3448              based output changes
3450       outputs[].trigger_source
3451              IVI  class  IviDCPwr,  capability group IviDCPwrTrigger, section
3452              5.2.1
3454              Specifies the trigger source. After an Initiate call, the  power
3455              supply  waits for a trigger event from the source specified with
3456              this attribute.  After a trigger event occurs, the power  supply
3457              changes  the voltage level to the value of the Triggered Voltage
3458              Level attribute and the current limit to the value of the  Trig‐
3459              gered Current Limit attribute.
3461       outputs[].triggered_current_limit
3462              IVI  class  IviDCPwr,  capability group IviDCPwrTrigger, section
3463              5.2.2
3465              Specifies the value to which the power supply sets  the  current
3466              limit after a trigger event occurs. The units are Amps.
3468              After  an  Initiate  call,  the power supply waits for a trigger
3469              event  from  the  source  specified  with  the  Trigger   Source
3470              attribute.  After  a trigger event occurs, the power supply sets
3471              the current limit to the value of this attribute.
3473              After a trigger occurs, the value of the Current Limit attribute
3474              reflects the new value to which the current limit has been set.
3476       outputs[].triggered_voltage_level
3477              IVI  class  IviDCPwr,  capability group IviDCPwrTrigger, section
3478              5.2.3
3480              Specifies the value to which the power supply sets  the  voltage
3481              level after a trigger event occurs. The units are Volts.
3483              After  an  Initiate  call,  the power supply waits for a trigger
3484              event  from  the  source  specified  with  the  Trigger   Source
3485              attribute.  After  a trigger event occurs, the power supply sets
3486              the voltage level to the value of this attribute.
3488              After a trigger occurs, the value of the Voltage Level attribute
3489              reflects the new value to which the voltage level has been set.
3491       trigger.abort
3492              IVI  class  IviDCPwr,  capability group IviDCPwrTrigger, section
3493              5.3.1
3495              If the power supply is currently waiting for a trigger to change
3496              the output signal, this function returns the power supply to the
3497              ignore triggers state.
3499              If the power supply is not waiting for a trigger, this  function
3500              does nothing and returns Success.
3502       trigger.initiate
3503              IVI  class  IviDCPwr,  capability group IviDCPwrTrigger, section
3504              5.3.5
3506              If the power supply is not currently waiting for a trigger, this
3507              function causes the power supply to wait for a trigger.
3509              If the power supply is already waiting for a trigger, this func‐
3510              tion does nothing and returns Success.
3512   SoftwareTrigger class
3513       class ivi.dcpwr.SoftwareTrigger(*args, **kwargs)
3514              Bases: ivi.ivi.IviContainer
3516              Extension IVI methods for  power  supplies  supporting  software
3517              triggering
3519       ivi.dcpwr.send_software_trigger
3520              IVI  class  IviDCPwr,  capability group IviDCPwrSoftwareTrigger,
3521              section 6.2.1
3523              This function sends a software-generated trigger to the  instru‐
3524              ment.  It is only applicable for instruments using interfaces or
3525              protocols which support an explicit trigger function. For  exam‐
3526              ple,  with GPIB this function could send a group execute trigger
3527              to the instrument. Other implementations might send a *TRG  com‐
3528              mand.
3530              Since  instruments  interpret  a software-generated trigger in a
3531              wide variety of ways, the precise response of the instrument  to
3532              this  trigger  is not defined. Note that SCPI details a possible
3533              implementation.
3535              This function should not use  resources  which  are  potentially
3536              shared  by  other  devices (for example, the VXI trigger lines).
3537              Use of such shared resources may  have  undesirable  effects  on
3538              other devices.
3540              This function should not check the instrument status. Typically,
3541              the end-user calls this function only in a sequence of calls  to
3542              other  low-level  driver  functions.  The  sequence performs one
3543              operation. The end-user uses the low-level functions to optimize
3544              one or more aspects of interaction with the instrument. To check
3545              the instrument status, call the appropriate error query function
3546              at the conclusion of the sequence.
3548              The  trigger  source attribute must accept Software Trigger as a
3549              valid setting for this function to work. If the  trigger  source
3550              is  not  set to Software Trigger, this function does nothing and
3551              returns the error Trigger Not Software.
3553   Measurement class
3554       class ivi.dcpwr.Measurement(*args, **kwargs)
3555              Bases: ivi.ivi.IviContainer
3557              Extension IVI methods for power supplies supporting  measurement
3558              of the output signal
3560       outputs[].measure
3561              IVI  class  IviDCPwr, capability group IviDCPwrMeasurement, sec‐
3562              tion 7.2.1
3564              Takes a measurement on the output signal and  returns  the  mea‐
3565              sured value.
3567              Values for measurement_type:
3569              · 'voltage'
3571              · 'current'


3574       First,  you're  going to need to download the IVI specification for the
3575       type of instrument you have from the IVI foundation.  This  isn't  com‐
3576       pletely  necessary, but there is a lot of information in the spec about
3577       the specific functionality of various commands that isn't in the source
3578       code. I suppose this should probably be changed, but the spec is freely
3579       available so it isn't that big of an issue. You only need  to  download
3580       the  spec  for  your  type of device (IviFgen, IviScope, etc.).  You're
3581       also going to need to download the programming guide for  your  instru‐
3582       ment, if you haven't already.
3584       Now  that you know what instrument class your instrument is, you should
3585       create a file for it in the proper subdirectory with the  proper  name.
3586       Note  that  supporting  several  instruments in the same line is pretty
3587       easy, just look at some of the  other  files  for  reference.  I  would
3588       highly  recommend  creating  wrappers for all of the instruments in the
3589       series even if you don't have any on hand for testing.  You  also  will
3590       need to add a line (or several lines) to __init__.py in the same direc‐
3591       tory so  that  the  instrument  files  are  loaded  automatically  with
3592       python-ivi and don't need to be loaded individually.
3594       The  structure  of  the individual driver files is quite simple. Take a
3595       look at the existing files for reference. Start by  adding  the  header
3596       comment and license information. Then add the correct includes. At min‐
3597       imum, you will need to include ivi and the particular instrument  class
3598       that  you  need  from the parent directory (from .. include ivi). After
3599       that, you can specify any constants and/or mappings that the instrument
3600       requires.  IVI specifies one set of standard configuration values for a
3601       lot of functions and this does not necessarily agree with  the  instru‐
3602       ment's  firmware,  so  it's likely you will need to redefine several of
3603       these lists as mappings to make writing the code easier.  This  can  be
3604       done incrementally while the driver functionality is being implemented.
3606       Next,  you  need to add the class definition. The name should match the
3607       file name, and it will derive from ivi.Driver and  the  supported  sub‐
3608       classes  of  your  instrument. Go over the IVI spec and the programming
3609       guide and see what subclasses are supported by seeing  which  functions
3610       are  supported  by the instrument. There isn't always going to be a 1:1
3611       mapping - there will likely be functions that the instrument  does  not
3612       support  but  IVI has a wrapper for, and there will likely be functions
3613       that IVI does not have a wrapper for but the  instrument  does  support
3614       that  may  be  very useful. You should add a subclass if any portion of
3615       its functionality is supported by the instrument.
3617       After that, you need to define the functions common to all IVI drivers.
3618       You can just copy everything from init to utility_unlock_object from an
3619       existing driver and then update everything for your instrument.  Gener‐
3620       ally  all  this  code  will be very similar. Take a look at some of the
3621       existing drivers for reference. Very important: any super() calls  must
3622       be  updated  so that the class name matches (requirement for Python 2).
3623       You should also remove all of the initialization in __init__  that  you
3624       don't  need  - the bare minimum is _instrument_id and all of the _iden‐
3625       tity values. For some instruments, you're  going  to  need  to  specify
3626       channel  counts  as  well as an _init_channels or _init_outputs method.
3627       Note that if one of these methods is needed, it cannot be empty  as  it
3628       must at least have a call to super so that all of the proper init meth‐
3629       ods are called. At this point, you  can  test  the  connection  to  the
3630       equipment to make sure it is communicating and reading out the ID prop‐
3631       erly.
3633       Testing you code is actually pretty straightforward; you don't need  to
3634       re-install  the  library  to  test it; just make sure to instantiate it
3635       while you're running in the same  directory  as  the  ivi  folder  (not
3636       inside). I recommend ipython for testing. Unfortulatey, the auto reload
3637       doesn't work very well  for  python-ivi,  so  you'll  need  to  restart
3638       ipython  every  time you change something. However, it supports history
3639       and autocompletion, so after you import IVI once,  you  can  just  type
3640       'imp' and hit the up arrow until 'import ivi' shows up.
3642       Test  the interface and identity query by instantiating your driver and
3643       connecting to the instrument by running something like this in ipython:
3645          >>> import ivi
3646          >>> mso = ivi.agilent.agilentMSO7104A("TCPIP0::")
3647          >>> mso.identity.instrument_model
3649       If everything is working, the instrument's model number  will  be  dis‐
3650       played.  Once you get this working, you can move on to implementing the
3651       actual functionality.
3653       Start by copying in all of  the  bare  function  definitions  from  the
3654       driver file. Copy all of the get and _set function definitions from the
3655       ivi driver file for the Base class and all of the subclasses  that  you
3656       are  implementing.  You also need any methods whose only implementation
3657       is 'pass'. The ones that call other methods can generally be  left  out
3658       as the default implementation should be fine. You may also want to copy
3659       some of the instance variable initializations from the __init__  method
3660       as  well  if  you need different defaults. These should be added to the
3661       init method you created earlier for your instrument.
3663       Finally, you need to go write python code for all of the functions that
3664       the  instrument  supports. Take a look at some _get/_set pairs for some
3665       of the existing drivers to see the format. It's rather  straightforward
3666       but quite tedious.
3668   Driver Template
3669       This  is  a  sample  template driver that incorporates all of the major
3670       components.  It is drawn from the Agilent  7000  series  driver.   Tem‐
3671       plate:
3673          """
3675          Python Interchangeable Virtual Instrument Library
3677          Copyright (c) 2012 Alex Forencich
3679          Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
3680          of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
3681          in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
3682          to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
3683          copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
3684          furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
3686          The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
3687          all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
3695          THE SOFTWARE.
3697          """
3699          import struct
3701          from .. import ivi
3702          from .. import scope
3704          AcquisitionTypeMapping = {
3705                  'normal': 'norm',
3706                  'peak_detect': 'peak',
3707                  'high_resolution': 'hres',
3708                  'average': 'aver'}
3709          # more instrument-specific sets and mappings
3711          class agilent7000(ivi.Driver, scope.Base, scope.TVTrigger,
3712                          scope.GlitchTrigger, scope.WidthTrigger, scope.AcLineTrigger,
3713                          scope.WaveformMeasurement, scope.MinMaxWaveform,
3714                          scope.ContinuousAcquisition, scope.AverageAcquisition,
3715                          scope.SampleMode, scope.AutoSetup):
3716              "Agilent InfiniiVision 7000 series IVI oscilloscope driver"
3718              def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
3719                  self._analog_channel_name = list()
3720                  self._analog_channel_count = 4
3721                  self._digital_channel_name = list()
3722                  self._digital_channel_count = 16
3723                  self._channel_label = list()
3724                  # other per-channel instrument-specific variables that are
3725                  # referenced in _init_channels
3727                  super(agilent7000, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
3729                  self._instrument_id = 'AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES'
3730                  self._analog_channel_name = list()
3731                  self._analog_channel_count = 4
3732                  self._digital_channel_name = list()
3733                  self._digital_channel_count = 16
3734                  self._channel_count = 20
3735                  self._bandwidth = 1e9
3736                  # initialize other instrument-specific variables
3738                  self._identity_description = "Agilent InfiniiVision 7000 series IVI oscilloscope driver"
3739                  self._identity_identifier = ""
3740                  self._identity_revision = ""
3741                  self._identity_vendor = ""
3742                  self._identity_instrument_manufacturer = "Agilent Technologies"
3743                  self._identity_instrument_model = ""
3744                  self._identity_instrument_firmware_revision = ""
3745                  self._identity_specification_major_version = 4
3746                  self._identity_specification_minor_version = 1
3747                  self._identity_supported_instrument_models =['DSO7012A','DSO7014A','DSO7032A',
3748                          'DSO7034A','DSO7052A','DSO7054A','DSO7104A','MSO7012A','MSO7014A','MSO7032A',
3749                          'MSO7034A','MSO7052A','MSO7054A','MSO7104A','DSO7012B','DSO7014B','DSO7032B',
3750                          'DSO7034B','DSO7052B','DSO7054B','DSO7104B','MSO7012B','MSO7014B','MSO7032B',
3751                          'MSO7034B','MSO7052B','MSO7054B','MSO7104B']
3753                  self.channels._add_property('label',
3754                                  self._get_channel_label,
3755                                  self._set_channel_label,
3756                                  None,
3757                                  """
3758                                  Custom property documentation
3759                                  """)
3760                  # other instrument specific properties
3762                  self._init_channels()
3764              def initialize(self, resource = None, id_query = False, reset = False, **keywargs):
3765                  "Opens an I/O session to the instrument."
3767                  self._channel_count = self._analog_channel_count + self._digital_channel_count
3769                  super(agilent7000, self).initialize(resource, id_query, reset, **keywargs)
3771                  # interface clear
3772                  if not self._driver_operation_simulate:
3773                      self._clear()
3775                  # check ID
3776                  if id_query and not self._driver_operation_simulate:
3777                      id = self.identity.instrument_model
3778                      id_check = self._instrument_id
3779                      id_short = id[:len(id_check)]
3780                      if id_short != id_check:
3781                          raise Exception("Instrument ID mismatch, expecting %s, got %s", id_check, id_short)
3783                  # reset
3784                  if reset:
3785                      self.utility.reset()
3788              def _load_id_string(self):
3789                  if self._driver_operation_simulate:
3790                      self._identity_instrument_manufacturer = "Not available while simulating"
3791                      self._identity_instrument_model = "Not available while simulating"
3792                      self._identity_instrument_firmware_revision = "Not available while simulating"
3793                  else:
3794                      lst = self._ask("*IDN?").split(",")
3795                      self._identity_instrument_manufacturer = lst[0]
3796                      self._identity_instrument_model = lst[1]
3797                      self._identity_instrument_firmware_revision = lst[3]
3798                      self._set_cache_valid(True, 'identity_instrument_manufacturer')
3799                      self._set_cache_valid(True, 'identity_instrument_model')
3800                      self._set_cache_valid(True, 'identity_instrument_firmware_revision')
3802              def _get_identity_instrument_manufacturer(self):
3803                  if self._get_cache_valid():
3804                      return self._identity_instrument_manufacturer
3805                  self._load_id_string()
3806                  return self._identity_instrument_manufacturer
3808              def _get_identity_instrument_model(self):
3809                  if self._get_cache_valid():
3810                      return self._identity_instrument_model
3811                  self._load_id_string()
3812                  return self._identity_instrument_model
3814              def _get_identity_instrument_firmware_revision(self):
3815                  if self._get_cache_valid():
3816                      return self._identity_instrument_firmware_revision
3817                  self._load_id_string()
3818                  return self._identity_instrument_firmware_revision
3820              def _utility_disable(self):
3821                  pass
3823              def _utility_error_query(self):
3824                  error_code = 0
3825                  error_message = "No error"
3826                  if not self._driver_operation_simulate:
3827                      error_code, error_message = self._ask(":system:error?").split(',')
3828                      error_code = int(error_code)
3829                      error_message = error_message.strip(' "')
3830                  return (error_code, error_message)
3832              def _utility_lock_object(self):
3833                  pass
3835              def _utility_reset(self):
3836                  if not self._driver_operation_simulate:
3837                      self._write("*RST")
3838                      self.driver_operation.invalidate_all_attributes()
3840              def _utility_reset_with_defaults(self):
3841                  self._utility_reset()
3843              def _utility_self_test(self):
3844                  code = 0
3845                  message = "Self test passed"
3846                  if not self._driver_operation_simulate:
3847                      code = int(self._ask("*TST?"))
3848                      if code != 0:
3849                          message = "Self test failed"
3850                  return (code, message)
3852              def _utility_unlock_object(self):
3853                  pass
3855              def _init_channels(self):
3856                  super(agilent7000, self)._init_channels()
3858                  self._channel_name = list()
3859                  self._channel_label = list()
3860                  # init per-channel instrument-specific variables
3862                  for i in range(self._channel_count):
3863                      self._channel_name.append("channel%d" % (i+1))
3864                      self._channel_label.append("%d" % (i+1))
3865                      # init per-channel instrument-specific variables
3867                  self.channels._set_list(self._channel_name)
3869              def _get_acquisition_start_time(self):
3870                  pos = 0
3871                  if not self._driver_operation_simulate and not self._get_cache_valid():
3872                      pos = float(self._ask(":timebase:position?"))
3873                      self._set_cache_valid()
3874                  self._acquisition_start_time = pos - self._get_acquisition_time_per_record() * 5 / 10
3875                  return self._acquisition_start_time
3877              def _set_acquisition_start_time(self, value):
3878                  value = float(value)
3879                  value = value + self._get_acquisition_time_per_record() * 5 / 10
3880                  if not self._driver_operation_simulate:
3881                      self._write(":timebase:position %e" % value)
3882                  self._acquisition_start_time = value
3883                  self._set_cache_valid()
3885              # more definitions


3888   License
3889       Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Alex Forencich
3891       Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
3892       copy of this software and associated documentation  files  (the  "Soft‐
3893       ware"),  to deal in the Software without restriction, including without
3894       limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute,
3895       sublicense,  and/or  sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons
3896       to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject  to  the  following
3897       conditions:
3899       The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
3900       in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
3910       · genindex
3912       · modindex
3914       · search


3917       Alex Forencich
3920       2012-2014, Alex Forencich
39250.1                              Jul 15, 2018                     PYTHONIVI(1)