1NLOPT(3)                   NLopt programming manual                   NLOPT(3)


6       nlopt - Nonlinear optimization library


9       #include <nlopt.h>
11       nlopt_opt opt = nlopt_create(algorithm, n);
12       nlopt_set_min_objective(opt, f, f_data);
13       nlopt_set_ftol_rel(opt, tol);
14       ...
15       nlopt_optimize(opt, x , &opt_f);
16       nlopt_destroy(opt);
18       The "..." indicates any number of calls to NLopt functions, below, to
19       set parameters of the optimization, constraints, and stopping
20       criteria.  Here, nlopt_set_ftol_rel is merely an example of a
21       possible stopping criterion.  You should link the resulting program
22       with the linker flags -lnlopt -lm on Unix.


25       NLopt is a library for nonlinear optimization.  It attempts to minimize
26       (or maximize) a given nonlinear objective function f of n design  vari‐
27       ables,  using  the  specified  algorithm, possibly subject to linear or
28       nonlinear constraints.  The optimum function value found is returned in
29       opt_f  (type  double)  with  the  corresponding  design variable values
30       returned in the (double) array x of length n.  The input  values  in  x
31       should be a starting guess for the optimum.
33       The parameters of the optimization are controlled via the object opt of
34       type nlopt_opt, which is created by the function nlopt_create and  dis‐
35       posed  of  by nlopt_destroy.  By calling various functions in the NLopt
36       library, one can specify stopping criteria (e.g., a relative  tolerance
37       on  the  objective  function value is specified by nlopt_set_ftol_rel),
38       upper and/or lower bounds on the design parameters x,  and  even  arbi‐
39       trary nonlinear inequality and equality constraints.
41       By  changing the parameter algorithm among several predefined constants
42       described below, one can switch easily between a variety  of  minimiza‐
43       tion algorithms.  Some of these algorithms require the gradient (deriv‐
44       atives) of the function to be supplied via f, and other  algorithms  do
45       not  require  derivatives.   Some  of  the algorithms attempt to find a
46       global optimum within the given bounds, and others find  only  a  local
47       optimum.   Most  of the algorithms only handle the case where there are
48       no nonlinear constraints.  The NLopt library is a wrapper  around  sev‐
49       eral free/open-source minimization packages, as well as some new imple‐
50       mentations of published optimization algorithms.  You could, of course,
51       compile and call these packages separately, and in some cases this will
52       provide greater flexibility than  is  available  via  NLopt.   However,
53       depending  upon  the  specific  function being optimized, the different
54       algorithms will vary in effectiveness.  The intent of NLopt is to allow
55       you  to  quickly  switch between algorithms in order to experiment with
56       them for your problem, by providing a simple unified interface to these
57       subroutines.


60       The objective function is specified by calling one of:
62         nlopt_result nlopt_set_min_objective(nlopt_opt opt,
63                                              nlopt_func f,
64                                              void* f_data);
65         nlopt_result nlopt_set_max_objective(nlopt_opt opt,
66                                              nlopt_func f,
67                                              void* f_data);
69       depending  on  whether one wishes to minimize or maximize the objective
70       function f, respectively.  The function f should be of the form:
72         double f(unsigned n,
73                  const double* x,
74                  double* grad,
75                  void* f_data);
77       The return value should be the value of the function at  the  point  x,
78       where  x  points  to an array of length n of the design variables.  The
79       dimension n is identical to the one passed to nlopt_create.
81       In addition, if the argument grad is not NULL, then grad points  to  an
82       array  of length n which should (upon return) be set to the gradient of
83       the function with respect to the  design  variables  at  x.   That  is,
84       grad[i] should upon return contain the partial derivative df/dx[i], for
85       0 <= i < n, if grad is non-NULL.  Not all  of  the  optimization  algo‐
86       rithms  (below)  use the gradient information: for algorithms listed as
87       "derivative-free," the grad argument will always be NULL and need never
88       be  computed.   (For  algorithms that do use gradient information, how‐
89       ever, grad may still be NULL for some calls.)
91       The  f_data   argument   is   the   same   as   the   one   passed   to
92       nlopt_set_min_objective  or nlopt_set_max_objective, and may be used to
93       pass any additional data through to the function.  (That is, it may  be
94       a  pointer to some caller-defined data structure/type containing infor‐
95       mation your function needs, which you convert from  void*  by  a  type‐
96       cast.)


99       Most  of the algorithms in NLopt are designed for minimization of func‐
100       tions with simple bound constraints on the inputs.  That is, the  input
101       vectors  x[i] are constrainted to lie in a hyperrectangle lb[i] <= x[i]
102       <= ub[i] for 0 <= i < n.  These bounds are specified by passing  arrays
103       lb and ub of length n to one or both of the functions:
105         nlopt_result nlopt_set_lower_bounds(nlopt_opt opt,
106                                             const double* lb);
107         nlopt_result nlopt_set_upper_bounds(nlopt_opt opt,
108                                             const double* ub);
110       If  a  lower/upper  bound  is  not set, the default is no bound (uncon‐
111       strained, i.e. a bound of infinity);  it  is  possible  to  have  lower
112       bounds but not upper bounds or vice versa.  Alternatively, the user can
113       call one of the above functions and explicitly pass a  lower  bound  of
114       -HUGE_VAL  and/or an upper bound of +HUGE_VAL for some design variables
115       to make them have no lower/upper bound, respectively.  (HUGE_VAL is the
116       standard  C constant for a floating-point infinity, found in the math.h
117       header file.)
119       Note, however, that some of the algorithms in NLopt, in particular most
120       of  the  global-optimization  algorithms,  do not support unconstrained
121       optimization and will return an error if you do not supply finite lower
122       and upper bounds.
124       For  convenience,  the following two functions are supplied in order to
125       set the lower/upper bounds for all design variables to  a  single  con‐
126       stant (so that you don't have to fill an array with a constant value):
128         nlopt_result nlopt_set_lower_bounds1(nlopt_opt opt,
129                                              double lb);
130         nlopt_result nlopt_set_upper_bounds1(nlopt_opt opt,
131                                              double ub);


135       Several  of  the algorithms in NLopt (MMA and ORIG_DIRECT) also support
136       arbitrary nonlinear inequality constraints, and some also allow nonlin‐
137       ear equality constraints (COBYLA, SLSQP, ISRES, and AUGLAG).  For these
138       algorithms, you can specify as many nonlinear constraints as  you  wish
139       by calling the following functions multiple times.
141       In  particular,  a nonlinear inequality constraint of the form fc(x) <=
142       0, where the function fc is of the same form as the objective  function
143       described above, can be specified by calling:
145         nlopt_result nlopt_add_inequality_constraint(nlopt_opt opt,
146                                                      nlopt_func fc,
147                                                      void* fc_data,
148                                                      double tol);
150       Just  as  for the objective function, fc_data is a pointer to arbitrary
151       user data that will be passed through to the fc function whenever it is
152       called.   The parameter tol is a tolerance that is used for the purpose
153       of stopping criteria only: a point x is considered feasible for judging
154       whether  to stop the optimization if fc(x) <= tol.  A tolerance of zero
155       means that NLopt will try not to consider any x to be converged  unless
156       fc  is strictly non-positive; generally, at least a small positive tol‐
157       erance is advisable to reduce sensitivity to rounding errors.
159       A nonlinear equality constraint of the form h(x) = 0, where  the  func‐
160       tion  h  is of the same form as the objective function described above,
161       can be specified by calling:
163         nlopt_result nlopt_add_equality_constraint(nlopt_opt opt,
164                                                    nlopt_func h,
165                                                    void* h_data,
166                                                    double tol);
168       Just as for the objective function, h_data is a  pointer  to  arbitrary
169       user  data that will be passed through to the h function whenever it is
170       called.  The parameter tol is a tolerance that is used for the  purpose
171       of stopping criteria only: a point x is considered feasible for judging
172       whether to stop the optimization if |h(x)| <= tol.  For  equality  con‐
173       straints,  a  small  positive tolerance is strongly advised in order to
174       allow NLopt to converge even if the  equality  constraint  is  slightly
175       nonzero.
177       (For any algorithm listed as "derivative-free" below, the grad argument
178       to fc or h will always be NULL and need never be computed.)
180       To remove all of the inequality  and/or  equality  constraints  from  a
181       given problem opt, you can call the following functions:
183         nlopt_result nlopt_remove_inequality_constraints(nlopt_opt opt);
184         nlopt_result nlopt_remove_equality_constraints(nlopt_opt opt);


187       The  algorithm parameter specifies the optimization algorithm (for more
188       detail on these, see the README files in  the  source-code  subdirecto‐
189       ries), and can take on any of the following constant values.
191       Constants  with  _G{N,D}_  in  their names refer to global optimization
192       methods, whereas _L{N,D}_ refers to local  optimization  methods  (that
193       try  to find a local optimum starting from the starting guess x).  Con‐
194       stants with _{G,L}N_ refer to non-gradient (derivative-free) algorithms
195       that  do  not  require  the  objective  function  to supply a gradient,
196       whereas _{G,L}D_ refers to derivative-based algorithms that require the
197       objective  function  to supply a gradient.  (Especially for local opti‐
198       mization, derivative-based algorithms are generally superior to deriva‐
199       tive-free  ones:  the  gradient  is  good to have if you can compute it
200       cheaply, e.g. via an adjoint method.)
202       The algorithm specified for a given problem  opt  is  returned  by  the
203       function:
205         nlopt_algorithm nlopt_get_algorithm(nlopt_opt opt);
207       The available algorithms are:
210              Perform  a global (G) derivative-free (N) optimization using the
211              DIRECT-L search algorithm by Jones et al. as modified by Gablon‐
212              sky  et  al. to be more weighted towards local search.  Does not
213              support unconstrainted optimization.   There  are  also  several
214              other  variants  of  the  DIRECT  algorithm  that are supported:
215              NLOPT_GLOBAL_DIRECT, which is  the  original  DIRECT  algorithm;
216              NLOPT_GLOBAL_DIRECT_L_RAND,  a  slightly  randomized  version of
217              DIRECT-L that may be better in high-dimensional  search  spaces;
219              NLOPT_GLOBAL_DIRECT_L_RAND_NOSCAL, which are versions of  DIRECT
220              where the dimensions are not rescaled to a unit hypercube (which
221              means that dimensions with larger bounds are given more weight).
224              A global (G) derivative-free  optimization  using  the  DIRECT-L
225              algorithm as above, along with NLOPT_GN_ORIG_DIRECT which is the
226              original  DIRECT  algorithm.   Unlike  NLOPT_GN_DIRECT_L  above,
227              these two algorithms refer to code based on the original Fortran
228              code of Gablonsky et al., which has some hard-coded  limitations
229              on  the  number of subdivisions etc. and does not support all of
230              the NLopt stopping criteria, but on the other hand  it  supports
231              arbitrary nonlinear inequality constraints.
233       NLOPT_GD_STOGO
234              Global  (G)  optimization using the StoGO algorithm by Madsen et
235              al.  StoGO exploits gradient information (D) (which must be sup‐
236              plied by the objective) for its local searches, and performs the
237              global search by a branch-and-bound technique.  Only  bound-con‐
238              strained optimization is supported.  There is also another vari‐
239              ant of this algorithm, NLOPT_GD_STOGO_RAND, which is  a  random‐
240              ized  version  of the StoGO search scheme.  The StoGO algorithms
241              are only available if NLopt is compiled with C++  code  enabled,
242              and  should  be linked via -lnlopt_cxx instead of -lnlopt (via a
243              C++ compiler, in order to link the C++ standard libraries).
246              Perform a local (L) derivative-free (N)  optimization,  starting
247              at  x, using the Nelder-Mead simplex algorithm, modified to sup‐
248              port bound constraints.  Nelder-Mead, while popular, is known to
249              occasionally  fail  to converge for some objective functions, so
250              it should be used with  caution.   Anecdotal  evidence,  on  the
251              other  hand,  suggests  that it works fairly well for some cases
252              that are hard  to  handle  otherwise,  e.g.  noisy/discontinuous
253              objectives.  See also NLOPT_LN_SBPLX below.
255       NLOPT_LN_SBPLX
256              Perform  a  local (L) derivative-free (N) optimization, starting
257              at x, using an algorithm based on the Subplex algorithm of Rowan
258              et  al.,  which  is  an improved variant of Nelder-Mead (above).
259              Our implementation does not use Rowan's original code,  and  has
260              some minor modifications such as explicit support for bound con‐
261              straints.  (Like Nelder-Mead, Subplex often works well in  prac‐
262              tice,  even  for noisy/discontinuous objectives, but there is no
263              rigorous guarantee that it will converge.)
266              Local (L) derivative-free (N) optimization using the  principal-
267              axis  method,  based  on  code  by  Richard Brent.  Designed for
268              unconstrained optimization, although bound constraints are  sup‐
269              ported  too  (via  the inefficient method of returning +Inf when
270              the constraints are violated).
272       NLOPT_LD_LBFGS
273              Local (L) gradient-based (D) optimization using the limited-mem‐
274              ory  BFGS (L-BFGS) algorithm.  (The objective function must sup‐
275              ply the gradient.)  Unconstrained optimization is  supported  in
276              addition  to  simple bound constraints (see above).  Based on an
277              implementation by Luksan et al.
279       NLOPT_LD_VAR2
280              Local (L) gradient-based (D) optimization using a  shifted  lim‐
281              ited-memory  variable-metric  method  based on code by Luksan et
282              al., supporting both unconstrained and  bound-constrained  opti‐
283              mization.    NLOPT_LD_VAR2   uses  a  rank-2  method,  while  .B
284              NLOPT_LD_VAR1 is another variant using a rank-1 method.
287              Local (L) gradient-based (D) optimization using an LBFGS-precon‐
288              ditioned  truncated Newton method with steepest-descent restart‐
289              ing, based on code by Luksan  et  al.,  supporting  both  uncon‐
290              strained  and bound-constrained optimization.  There are several
291              other variants of this algorithm: NLOPT_LD_TNEWTON_PRECOND (same
292              without restarting), NLOPT_LD_TNEWTON_RESTART (same without pre‐
293              conditioning), and NLOPT_LD_TNEWTON (same without restarting  or
294              preconditioning).
296       NLOPT_GN_CRS2_LM
297              Global (G) derivative-free (N) optimization using the controlled
298              random search (CRS2) algorithm of Price, with the  "local  muta‐
299              tion" (LM) modification suggested by Kaelo and Ali.
301       NLOPT_GN_ISRES
302              Global  (G)  derivative-free  (N)  optimization  using a genetic
303              algorithm (mutation and differential evolution),  using  a  sto‐
304              chastic ranking to handle nonlinear inequality and equality con‐
305              straints as suggested by Runarsson and Yao.
308              Global (G) optimization  using  the  multi-level  single-linkage
309              (MLSL)  algorithm with a low-discrepancy sequence (LDS) or pseu‐
310              dorandom numbers, respectively.  This algorithm executes a  low-
311              discrepancy  or  pseudorandom sequence of local searches, with a
312              clustering heuristic to avoid multiple local  searches  for  the
313              same  local  optimum.  The local search algorithm must be speci‐
314              fied, along with termination criteria/tolerances for  the  local
315              searches,  by nlopt_set_local_optimizer.  (This subsidiary algo‐
316              rithm can be with or without derivatives, and determines whether
317              the objective function needs gradients.)
320              Local  (L)  gradient-based  (D) optimization using the method of
321              moving asymptotes (MMA), or rather  a  refined  version  of  the
322              algorithm as published by Svanberg (2002).  (NLopt uses an inde‐
323              pendent free-software/open-source implementation  of  Svanberg's
324              algorithm.)  CCSAQ  is a related algorithm from Svanberg's paper
325              which uses a local quadratic approximation rather than the more-
326              complicated  MMA model; the two usually have similar convergence
327              rates.  The  NLOPT_LD_MMA  algorithm  supports  both  bound-con‐
328              strained  and  unconstrained  optimization, and also supports an
329              arbitrary number (m) of nonlinear inequality (not equality) con‐
330              straints as described above.
332       NLOPT_LD_SLSQP
333              Local  (L) gradient-based (D) optimization using sequential qua‐
334              dratic programming and BFGS updates, supporting  arbitrary  non‐
335              linear inequality and equality constraints, based on the code by
336              Dieter Kraft (1988) adapted for use by the SciPy project.   Note
337              that  this  algorithm uses dense-matrix methods requiring O(n^2)
338              storage and O(n^3) time, making it less practical  for  problems
339              involving more than a few thousand parameters.
342              Local  (L)  derivative-free  (N)  optimization  using the COBYLA
343              algorithm of Powell (Constrained Optimization BY Linear Approxi‐
344              mations).   The  NLOPT_LN_COBYLA  algorithm supports both bound-
345              constrained and unconstrained optimization, and also supports an
346              arbitrary  number  (m)  of  nonlinear  inequality/equality  con‐
347              straints as described above.
350              Local (L) derivative-free (N) optimization using  a  variant  of
351              the  NEWUOA  algorithm  of Powell, based on successive quadratic
352              approximations of the objective function. We have  modified  the
353              algorithm  to  support  bound  constraints.  The original NEWUOA
354              algorithm is also available, as NLOPT_LN_NEWUOA, but this  algo‐
355              rithm  ignores the bound constraints lb and ub, and so it should
356              only be used for unconstrained problems.  Mostly  superseded  by
357              BOBYQA.
360              Local  (L)  derivative-free  (N)  optimization  using the BOBYQA
361              algorithm of Powell, based on  successive  quadratic  approxima‐
362              tions of the objective function, supporting bound constraints.
364       NLOPT_AUGLAG
365              Optimize  an  objective  with nonlinear inequality/equality con‐
366              straints via an unconstrained (or  bound-constrained)  optimiza‐
367              tion   algorithm,   using   a  gradually  increasing  "augmented
368              Lagrangian" penalty for violated constraints.  Requires  you  to
369              specify another optimization algorithm for optimizing the objec‐
370              tive+penalty function, using  nlopt_set_local_optimizer.   (This
371              subsidiary  algorithm can be global or local and with or without
372              derivatives, but you must specify its own termination criteria.)
373              A  variant,  NLOPT_AUGLAG_EQ, only uses the penalty approach for
374              equality constraints, while inequality constraints  are  handled
375              directly  by the subsidiary algorithm (restricting the choice of
376              subsidiary algorithms to those that can handle  inequality  con‐
377              straints).


380       Multiple stopping criteria for the optimization are supported, as spec‐
381       ified by the functions to modify a given optimization problem opt.  The
382       optimization halts whenever any one of these criteria is satisfied.  In
383       some cases,  the  precise  interpretation  of  the  stopping  criterion
384       depends  on the optimization algorithm above (although we have tried to
385       make them as consistent as reasonably possible), and some algorithms do
386       not support all of the stopping criteria.
388       Important:  you  do  not  need to use all of the stopping criteria!  In
389       most cases, you only need one or two, and can omit the  remainder  (all
390       criteria are disabled by default).
392       nlopt_result nlopt_set_stopval(nlopt_opt opt,
393                                      double stopval);
395              Stop  when an objective value of at least stopval is found: stop
396              minimizing when a value <= stopval is found, or stop  maximizing
397              when a value >= stopval is found.  (Setting stopval to -HUGE_VAL
398              for minimizing or +HUGE_VAL for maximizing disables  this  stop‐
399              ping criterion.)
401       nlopt_result nlopt_set_ftol_rel(nlopt_opt opt,
402                                       double tol);
404              Set relative tolerance on function value: stop when an optimiza‐
405              tion step (or an estimate of the optimum) changes  the  function
406              value  by  less than tol multiplied by the absolute value of the
407              function value.  (If there is any chance that your optimum func‐
408              tion  value  is close to zero, you might want to set an absolute
409              tolerance with nlopt_set_ftol_abs as well.)  Criterion  is  dis‐
410              abled if tol is non-positive.
412       nlopt_result nlopt_set_ftol_abs(nlopt_opt opt,
413                                       double tol);
415              Set absolute tolerance on function value: stop when an optimiza‐
416              tion step (or an estimate of the optimum) changes  the  function
417              value  by  less  than tol.  Criterion is disabled if tol is non-
418              positive.
420       nlopt_result nlopt_set_xtol_rel(nlopt_opt opt,
421                                       double tol);
423              Set relative tolerance on design variables: stop when  an  opti‐
424              mization  step  (or  an  estimate  of the optimum) changes every
425              design variable by less than  tol  multiplied  by  the  absolute
426              value  of  the design variable.  (If there is any chance that an
427              optimal design variable is close to zero, you might want to  set
428              an  absolute tolerance with nlopt_set_xtol_abs as well.)  Crite‐
429              rion is disabled if tol is non-positive.
431       nlopt_result nlopt_set_xtol_abs(nlopt_opt opt,
432                                       const double* tol);
434              Set absolute tolerances on design variables.  tol is  a  pointer
435              to  an  array  of  length  n giving the tolerances: stop when an
436              optimization step (or an estimate of the optimum) changes  every
437              design variable x[i] by less than tol[i].
439              For  convenience,  the following function may be used to set the
440              absolute tolerances in all n design variables to the same value:
442                nlopt_result nlopt_set_xtol_abs1(nlopt_opt opt,
443                                                 double tol);
445              Criterion is disabled if tol is non-positive.
447       nlopt_result nlopt_set_maxeval(nlopt_opt opt,
448                                      int maxeval);
450              Stop when the number of function  evaluations  exceeds  maxeval.
451              (This  is  not  a strict maximum: the number of function evalua‐
452              tions may exceed maxeval  slightly,  depending  upon  the  algo‐
453              rithm.)  Criterion is disabled if maxeval is non-positive.
455       nlopt_result nlopt_set_maxtime(nlopt_opt opt,
456                                      double maxtime);
458              Stop  when  the  optimization time (in seconds) exceeds maxtime.
459              (This is not a strict  maximum:  the  time  may  exceed  maxtime
460              slightly,  depending  upon  the  algorithm  and on how slow your
461              function evaluation is.)  Criterion is disabled  if  maxtime  is
462              non-positive.


465       Most  of  the  NLopt  functions  return  an enumerated constant of type
466       nlopt_result, which takes on one of the following values:
468   Successful termination (positive return values):
470              Generic success return value.
473              Optimization stopped because stopval (above) was reached.
476              Optimization stopped because ftol_rel or  ftol_abs  (above)  was
477              reached.
480              Optimization  stopped  because  xtol_rel or xtol_abs (above) was
481              reached.
484              Optimization stopped because maxeval (above) was reached.
487              Optimization stopped because maxtime (above) was reached.
489   Error codes (negative return values):
491              Generic failure code.
494              Invalid arguments (e.g.  lower  bounds  are  bigger  than  upper
495              bounds, an unknown algorithm was specified, etcetera).
498              Ran out of memory.
501              Halted because roundoff errors limited progress.
504              Halted  because  the  user  called  nlopt_force_stop(opt) on the
505              optimization's nlopt_opt object opt from  the  user's  objective
506              function.


509       Some  of  the  algorithms,  especially MLSL and AUGLAG, use a different
510       optimization algorithm as a subroutine, typically for  local  optimiza‐
511       tion.   You can change the local search algorithm and its tolerances by
512       calling:
514         nlopt_result nlopt_set_local_optimizer(nlopt_opt opt,
515                                                const nlopt_opt local_opt);
517       Here, local_opt is another nlopt_opt object whose parameters  are  used
518       to  determine  the  local search algorithm and stopping criteria.  (The
519       objective function,  bounds,  and  nonlinear-constraint  parameters  of
520       local_opt  are  ignored.)  The dimension n of local_opt must match that
521       of opt.
523       This function makes a copy of the local_opt object, so you  can  freely
524       destroy your original local_opt afterwards.


527       For  derivative-free  local-optimization algorithms, the optimizer must
528       somehow decide on some initial step size to perturb x by when it begins
529       the  optimization.   This step size should be big enough that the value
530       of the objective changes significantly, but not too big if you want  to
531       find  the  local  optimum nearest to x.  By default, NLopt chooses this
532       initial step size heuristically from the bounds, tolerances, and  other
533       information, but this may not always be the best choice.
535       You can modify the initial step size by calling:
537         nlopt_result nlopt_set_initial_step(nlopt_opt opt,
538                                             const double* dx);
540       Here,  dx is an array of length n containing the (nonzero) initial step
541       size for each component of the design parameters x.   For  convenience,
542       if  you  want  to  set the step sizes in every direction to be the same
543       value, you can instead call:
545         nlopt_result nlopt_set_initial_step1(nlopt_opt opt,
546                                              double dx);


549       Several of the stochastic  search  algorithms  (e.g.,  CRS,  MLSL,  and
550       ISRES)  start  by generating some initial "population" of random points
551       x.  By default, this initial population size is chosen heuristically in
552       some  algorithm-specific way, but the initial population can by changed
553       by calling:
555         nlopt_result nlopt_set_population(nlopt_opt opt,
556                                           unsigned pop);
558       (A pop of zero implies that the heuristic default will be used.)


561       For stochastic optimization algorithms,  we  use  pseudorandom  numbers
562       generated  by the Mersenne Twister algorithm, based on code from Makoto
563       Matsumoto.  By default, the seed for the random  numbers  is  generated
564       from  the system time, so that they will be different each time you run
565       the program.  If you want to use deterministic random numbers, you  can
566       set the seed by calling:
568                   void nlopt_srand(unsigned long seed);
570       Some  of  the  algorithms  also support using low-discrepancy sequences
571       (LDS), sometimes known as quasi-random numbers.  NLopt uses  the  Sobol
572       LDS, which is implemented for up to 1111 dimensions.


575       Written by Steven G. Johnson.
577       Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Massachusetts Institute of Technology.


580       nlopt_minimize(3)
584MIT                               2007-08-23                          NLOPT(3)