1POSTSCRIPTLIGHT(3)                    GMT                   POSTSCRIPTLIGHT(3)


6       postscriptlight - A PostScript based plotting library


9       PSL  (PostScriptLight) was created to make the generation of PostScript
10       page description code easier. PS is a page description language  devel‐
11       oped  by the Adobe for specifying how a printer should render a page of
12       text or graphics. It uses a reverse Polish notation that puts and  gets
13       items  from  a stack to draws lines, text, and images and even performs
14       calculations. PSL is a self-contained library that presents a series of
15       functions  that  can  be used to create plots. The resulting PostScript
16       code is ASCII text (with some exceptions for images if so desired)  and
17       can  thus be edited using any text editor. Thus, it is possible to mod‐
18       ify a plot file even after it has been created, e.g.,  to  change  text
19       strings,  set  new  gray  shades or colors, experiment with various pen
20       widths, etc. Furthermore, various tools exist that can parse PostScript
21       and let you make such edits via a graphical user interface (e.g., Adobe
22       Illustrator). PSL is written in C but includes FORTRAN bindings and can
23       therefore  be  called  from  both  C and FORTRAN programs.  To use this
24       library, you must link your plotting program with PSL.  PSL is used  by
25       the  GMT graphics programs to generate PS. PSL output is freeform Post‐
26       Script that conforms to the Adobe PostScript File Specification Version
27       3.0.
29       Before  any  PSL  calls can be issued, the plotting system must be ini‐
30       tialized. This is done by calling PSL_beginsession, which initializes a
31       new  PSL  session;  then call PSL_setdefaults which sets internal vari‐
32       ables and default settings, accepts settings for measurement units  and
33       character  encoding,  and  returns a pointer to a struct PSL_CTRL which
34       must be passed as first argument to all other PSL functions.  The  mea‐
35       sure unit for sizes and positions can be set to be centimeter (c), inch
36       (i), meter (m), or points (p). A PSL session is terminated  by  calling
37       PSL_endsession.  You  may create one or more plots within the same ses‐
38       sion. A new plot is started by  calling  PSL_beginplot,  which  defines
39       macros,  sets  up  the plot-coordinate system, scales, and [optionally]
40       opens a file where all the PS code will be written.  Normally, the plot
41       code  is written to stdout. When all plotting to this file is done, you
42       finalize the plot by calling PSL_endplot.
44       A wide variety of output devices that support PostScript exist, includ‐
45       ing  many printers and large-format plotters. Many tools exists to dis‐
46       play PostScript on a computer screen. Open source tools such as  ghost‐
47       script  can  be  used  to  convert PostScript into PDF or raster images
48       (e.g., TIFF, JPEG) at a user-defined resolution (DPI).  In  particular,
49       the  GMT  tool  psconvert is a front-end to ghostscript and pre-selects
50       the optimal options for ghostscript that will render  quality  PDF  and
51       images.
53       The  PSL  is fully 64-bit compliant. Integer parameters are here speci‐
54       fied by the type long to distinguish them from  the  32-bit  int.  Note
55       that  under  standard  32-bit compilation they are equivalent. Users of
56       this library under 64-bit mode must make sure  they  pass  proper  long
57       variables (under Unix flavors) or __int64 under Windows 64.


60       PSL  can  be instructed to use centimeters, inches, meters or points as
61       input units for the coordinates and sizes of elements  to  be  plotted.
62       Any  dimension  that  takes this setting as a unit is specified as user
63       units or plot units in this manual. Excluded from this are line  widths
64       and  font sizes which are always measured in points. The user units can
65       be further refined by calling PSL_beginaxes, giving the user the oppor‐
66       tunity  to specify any linear coordinate frame. Changing the coordinate
67       frame only affects the coordinates of  plotted  material  indicated  as
68       measured  in plot units, not the sizes of symbols (which remain in user
69       units), nor line widths or font sizes (which remain in points).


72       PSL uses the direct color model where red, green, and  blue  are  given
73       separately,  each  must  be  in the range from 0-1. If red = -1 then no
74       fill operation takes place. If red = -3,  then  pattern  fill  will  be
75       used,  and  the  green value will indicate the pattern to be used. Most
76       plot-items can be plotted with  or  without  outlines.  If  outline  is
77       desired (i.e., set to 1), it will be drawn using the current line width
78       and pattern.  PSL uses highly optimized macro substitutions and  scales
79       the  coordinates  depending on the resolution of the hardcopy device so
80       that the output file is kept as compact as possible.


83       Text strings, text boxes and images can be  "justified"  by  specifying
84       the  corner  to  which  the  x and y coordinates of the subroutine call
85       apply. Nine different values are possible, as  shown  schematically  in
86       this diagram:
87          9------------10----------- 11
89          |                         |
91          5             6             7
93          |                          |
95          1------------ 2------------ 3
97       The  box represents the text or image. E.g., to plot a text string with
98       its center at (x, y), you must use justify == 6. justify == 0 means "no
99       justification",  which  generally  means  (x, y) is at the bottom left.
100       Convenience values PSL_NONE, PSL_BL, PSL_BC,  PSL_BL,  PSL_ML,  PSL_MC,
101       PSL_MR, PSL_TL, PSL_TC and PSL_TR are available.


104       These functions initialize or terminate the PSL system. We use the term
105       PSL session to indicate one instance of the PSL system  (a  complicated
106       program  could run many PSL sessions concurrently as each would operate
107       via its own control structure). During a single session,  one  or  more
108       plots  may  be  created. Here are the functions involved in initializa‐
109       tion:
111       struct PSL_CTRL *New_PSL_Ctrl (char *session)
112          This is the first function that must be called as it creates  a  new
113          PSL session. Specifically, it will allocate a new PSL control struc‐
114          ture and initialize the session default parameters. The pointer that
115          is returned must be passed to all subsequent PSL functions.
117       long   *PSL_beginsession  (struct  PSL_CTRL  *PSL,  long  search,  char
118       *sharedir, char *userdir)
119          This is the second function that must be called  as  it  initializes
120          the  new PSL session. Here, search is an integer that is passed as 0
121          in GMT but should be 1 for other users. If so we will search for the
122          environmental  parameters  PSL_SHAREDIR  and  PSL_USERDIR should the
123          corresponding arguments sharedir and userdir be NULL.
125       long PSL_endsession (struct PSL_CTRL *PSL)
126          This function terminates the active PSL  session;  it  is  the  last
127          function  you must call in your program. Specifically, this function
128          will deallocate memory used and free up resources.
130       struct PSL_CTRL *PSL_beginlayer (struct PSL_CTRL *PSL, long layer)
131          Adds a DSC comment by naming  this  layer;  give  a  unique  integer
132          value. Terminate layer with PSL_endlayer
134       struct PSL_CTRL *PSL_endlayer (struct PSL_CTRL *PSL)
135          Terminate current layer with a DSC comment.
137       long PSL_fopen (char *file, char *mode)
138          This function simply opens a file, just like fopen. The reason it is
139          replicated here  is  that  under  Windows,  file  pointers  must  be
140          assigned  within  the  same DLL as they are being used. Yes, this is
141          retarded but if we do not do so then PSL will not  work  well  under
142          Windows.  Under  non-Windows  this  functions  is  just a macro that
143          becomes fopen.
145       void PSL_free (void *ptr)
146          This function frees up the memory allocated inside PSL.  Programmers
147          using  C/C++ should now this is a macro and there is no need to cast
148          the pointer to void * as this will be done  by  the  macro.  Fortran
149          programmers should instead call PSL_freefunction.
151       void  PSL_beginaxes (struct PSL_CTRL *PSL, double llx, double lly, dou‐
152       ble width, double height, double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1)
153          This function sets up the mapping that takes the users data  coordi‐
154          nates  and  converts them to the positions on the plot in PostScript
155          units. This should be used when plotting  data  coordinates  and  is
156          terminated  with  PSL_endaxes, which returns PSL to the default mea‐
157          surement units and scaling. Here, llx and lly sets  the  lower  left
158          position  of  the  mapping  region,  while width and height sets the
159          dimension of the plot area in user units. Finally, x0, x1 and y0, y1
160          indicate  the range of the users x- and y-coordinates, respectively.
161          Specify a reverse axis direction (e.g., to let the y-axis  be  posi‐
162          tive down) by setting y0 larger than y1, and similarly for an x-axis
163          that increases to the left.
165       void PSL_endaxes (struct PSL_CTRL *PSL)
166          Terminates the map scalings initialized by PSL_beginaxes and returns
167          PSL to standard scaling in measurement units.
169       long  PSL_beginplot  (struct  PSL_CTRL  *P, FILE *fp, long orientation,
170       long overlay, long color_mode, char origin[], double  offset[],  double
171       page_size[], char *title, long font_no[])
172          Controls  the  initiation  (or  continuation)  of  a particular plot
173          within the current session. Pass file pointer  fp  where  the  Post‐
174          Script  code  will be written; if NULL then the output is written to
175          stdout. The Fortran interface always sends to stdout.  If  you  want
176          to  receive  the  PostScript  back  in  memory  then you need to add
177          PSL_MEMORY to orientation and call PSL_getplot to retrieve the  plot
178          after  you finish the plot with PSL_endplot.  The orientation may be
179          landscape (PSL_LANDSCAPE or 0) or portrait (PSL_PORTRAIT or 1).  Set
180          overlay  to  PSL_OVERLAY (0) if the following PostScript code should
181          be appended to an existing plot;  otherwise  pass  PSL_INIT  (1)  to
182          start  a  new  plot.   Let colormode be one of PSL_RGB (0), PSL_CMYK
183          (1), PSL_HSV (2) or PSL_GRAY (3); this setting controls  how  colors
184          are  presented in the PostScript code. The origin setting determines
185          for x and y separately the origin of  the  specified  offsets  (next
186          argument).  Each  of  the  two characters are either r for an offset
187          relative to the current origin, a for a temporary adjustment of  the
188          origin  which is undone during BD(PSL_endplot), f for a placement of
189          the origin relative to the lower left corner of the page,  c  for  a
190          placement  of  the  origin  relative  to the center of the page. The
191          array offset specifies the offset of the new origin relative to  the
192          position  indicated  by  origin.  page_size means the physical width
193          and height of the plotting media in points (typically 612 by 792 for
194          Letter  or 595 by 842 for A4 format). The character string title can
195          be used to specify the %%Title: header in the  PostScript  file  (or
196          use  NULL  for  the  default). The array font_no specifies all fonts
197          used in the plot (by number), or use NULL to leave out  the  %%Docu‐
198          mentNeededResources: comment in the PostScript file.
200       long PSL_endplot (struct PSL_CTRL *P, long last_page)
201          Terminates the plotting sequence and closes plot file (if other than
202          stdout). If last_page == PSL_FINALIZE (1), then a  PostScript  show‐
203          page  command  is  issued,  which  initiates the printing process on
204          hardcopy devices.  Otherwise, pass PSL_OVERLAY (0).
206       long PSL_setorigin (struct PSL_CTRL *P, double xorigin, double yorigin,
207       double angle, long mode)
208          Changes  the  coordinate  system by translating by (xorigin,yorigin)
209          followed by a angle-degree rotation (mode=PSL_FWD or 0) or  alterna‐
210          tively the rotation followed by translation (mode=PSL_INV or 1).


213       Normally,  PSL  will write all PostScript to the designated file stream
214       set in PSL_beginplot.  Alternatively, PSL can write all the  PostScript
215       to  an  internal char * buffer which can be retrieved at the end of the
216       plotting.  This mode can be enabled on a plot-by-plot basis  by  adding
217       the  flag  PSL_MEMORY  to the variable orientation passed to PSL_begin‐
218       plot.  Once we reach the end of the plot with  PSL_endplot  the  buffer
219       will  be available (see below).  One function provide the functionality
220       for memory output.
222       char * PSL_getplot (struct PSL_CTRL *P)
223          Retrieves the pointer to the PostScript plot that is kept in  memory
224          when  PSL_beginplot  was instructed to use memory rather than stream
225          output.  Note: It is the responsibility of the programmer to  ensure
226          that the object retrieved is duplicated or written or otherwise pro‐
227          cessed before the  next  call  to  PSL_beginplot  or  PSL_endsession
228          either of which will destroy the memory pointed to.


231       The  following  functions  are  used to change various PSL settings and
232       affect  the  current  state  of  parameters  such  as  line  and   fill
233       attributes.
235       long  PSL_define_pen  (struct PSL_CTRL *P, char *name, long width, char
236       *style, double offset, double rgb[])
237          Stores the specified pen characteristics in  a  PostScript  variable
238          called name. This can be used to place certain pen attributes in the
239          PostScript file and then retrieve them later with PSL_load_pen. This
240          makes the stored pen the current pen.
242       long PSL_define_rgb (struct PSL_CTRL *P, char *name, double rgb[])
243          Stores  the  specified  color  in a PostScript variable called name.
244          This can be used to place certain color  values  in  the  PostScript
245          file  and then retrieve them later with PSL_load_rgb. This makes the
246          stored color the current color.
248       long PSL_setcolor (struct PSL_CTRL *P, double rgb[], long mode)
249          Sets the current color for all stroked (mode = PSL_IS_STROKE (0)) or
250          filled  (mode  =  PSL_IS_FILL (1)) material to follow (lines, symbol
251          outlines, text). rgb is a triplet of red, green and blue  values  in
252          the  range  0.0 through 1.0. Set the red color to -3.0 and the green
253          color to the pattern number returned by PSL_setpattern to  select  a
254          pattern  as current paint color. For PDF transparency, set rgb[3] to
255          a value between 0 (opaque) and 1 (fully transparent).
257       long PSL_setpattern (struct PSL_CTRL *P, long  image_no,  char  *image‐
258       file, long dpi, double f_rgb[], double b_rgb[])
259          Sets  up the specified image pattern as the fill to use for polygons
260          and symbols. Here, image_no is the number of the standard  PSL  fill
261          patterns  (1-90;  use  a  negative  number when you specify an image
262          filename instead. The scaling (i.e., resolution in dots per inch) of
263          the  pattern  is controlled by the image dpi; if set to 0 it will be
264          plotted at the device resolution. The two remaining  settings  apply
265          to  1-bit images only and are otherwise ignored: You may replace the
266          foreground color (the set bits) with the f_rgb color and  the  back‐
267          ground  color  (the  unset  bits)  with  b_rgb.  Alternatively, pass
268          either color with the red component set to -1.0 and we will  instead
269          issue  an  image mask that is see-through for the specified fore- or
270          background component. To subsequently use the pattern as  a  pen  or
271          fill color, use PSL_setcolor or DB(PSL_setfill) with the a color rgb
272          code made up of r = -3, and b  =  the  pattern  number  returned  by
273          PSL_setpattern.
275       long PSL_setdash (struct PSL_CTRL *P, char *pattern, double offset)
276          Changes  the current pen style attributes. The character string pat‐
277          tern contains the desired pattern  using  a  series  of  lengths  in
278          points  specifying  the  alternating  lengths  of dashes and gaps in
279          points. E.g., "4 2" and offset = 1 will plot like
280              x ---- ---- ----
282          where x is starting point of a line (The x is not plotted). That is,
283          the  line is made up of a repeating pattern of a 4 points long solid
284          line and a 2 points long gap, starting 1 point after the x. To reset
285          to solid line, specify pattern = NULL ("") and offset = 0.
287       long PSL_setfill (struct PSL_CTRL *P, double rgb[], long outline)
288          Sets the current fill color and whether or not outline is needed for
289          symbols. Special cases are handled by passing the red color as  -1.0
290          (no  fill), -2.0 (do not change the outline setting) or -3.0 (select
291          the image pattern indicated by the second (green) element  of  rgb).
292          For PDF transparency, set rgb[3] to a value between 0 (opaque) and 1
293          (fully transparent). Set outline to PSL_OUTLINE (1) to draw the out‐
294          lines of polygons and symbols using the current pen.
296       long PSL_setfont (struct PSL_CTRL *P, long fontnr)
297          Changes  the current font number to fontnr. The fonts available are:
298          0 = Helvetica, 1 = H. Bold, 2 = H. Oblique, 3 = H.  Bold-Oblique,  4
299          =  Times,  5  =  T.  Bold,  6  =  T. Italic, 7 = T. Bold Italic, 8 =
300          Courier, 9 = C. Bold, 10 = C Oblique, 11 = C Bold Oblique, 12 = Sym‐
301          bol,  13  = AvantGarde-Book, 14 = A.-BookOblique, 15 = A.-Demi, 16 =
302          A.-DemiOblique,  17  =  Bookman-Demi,  18  =  B.-DemiItalic,  19   =
303          B.-Light, 20 = B.-LightItalic, 21 = Helvetica-Narrow, 22 = H-N-Bold,
304          23 = H-N-Oblique, 24 = H-N-BoldOblique, 25 = NewCenturySchlbk-Roman,
305          26  =  N.-Italic,  27  =  N.-Bold,  28  =  N.-BoldItalic, 29 = Pala‐
306          tino-Roman, 30 = P.-Italic, 31 = P.-Bold, 32 = P.-BoldItalic,  33  =
307          ZapfChancery-MediumItalic,    34   =   ZapfDingbats,   35   =   Ryu‐
308          min-Light-EUC-H,   36   =    Ryumin-Light-EUC-V,    37    =    Goth‐
309          icBBB-Medium-EUC-H,  and  38  = GothicBBB-Medium-EUC-V. If fontnr is
310          outside this range, it is reset to 0.
312       long PSL_setfontdims (struct PSL_CTRL *P, double supsub, double  scaps,
313       double sup, double sdown)
314          Changes the settings for a variety of relative font sizes and shifts
315          pertaining to sub-scripts, super-scripts, and small  caps.   Default
316          settings are given in brackets.  Here, supsub sets the relative size
317          of sub- and super-scripts [0.58], scaps sets the  relative  size  of
318          small caps [0.8], sup indicates the upward baseline shift for place‐
319          ment of super-scripts [0.33], while sdown sets the downward baseline
320          shift for sub-scripts [0.33].
322       long PSL_setformat (struct PSL_CTRL *P, long n_decimals)
323          Sets  the  number  of decimals to be used when writing color or gray
324          values. The default setting of 3 gives 1000 choices per red,  green,
325          and  blue  value, which is more than the 255 choices offered by most
326          24-bit platforms. Choosing a lower value will make the  output  file
327          smaller at the expense of less color resolution. Still, a value of 2
328          gives 100 x 100 x 100 = 1 million colors, more than  most  eyes  can
329          distinguish.  For  a setting of 1, you will have 10 nuances per pri‐
330          mary color and a total of 1000 unique combinations.
332       long PSL_setlinewidth (struct PSL_CTRL *P, double linewidth)
333          Changes the current line width in points.  Specifying  0  gives  the
334          thinnest  line possible, but this is implementation-dependent (seems
335          to work fine on most PostScript printers).
337       long PSL_setlinecap (struct PSL_CTRL *P, long cap)
338          Changes the current line cap, i.e., what happens  at  the  beginning
339          and  end  of  a  line segment. PSL_BUTT_CAP (0) gives butt line caps
340          [Default],   PSL_ROUND_CAP   (1)   selects   round    caps,    while
341          PSL_SQUARE_CAP  (2)  results  in  square  caps.  Thus,  the two last
342          options will visually lengthen a straight line-segment by  half  the
343          line width at either end.
345       long PSL_setlinejoin (struct PSL_CTRL *P, long join)
346          Changes  the  current  linejoin  setting, which handles how lines of
347          finite thickness are joined together  when  the  meet  at  different
348          angles.   PSL_MITER_JOIN   (0)  gives  a  mitered  joint  [Default],
349          PSL_ROUND_JOIN (1) makes them round, while PSL_BEVEL_JOIN  (2)  pro‐
350          duces bevel joins.
352       long PSL_setmiterlimit (struct PSL_CTRL *P, long limit)
353          Changes   the   current   miter   limit   used  for  mitered  joins.
354          PSL_MITER_DEFAULT (35) gives the default PS miter; other values  are
355          interpreted  as  the  cutoff  acute angle (in degrees) when mitering
356          becomes active.
358       long PSL_settransparencymode (struct PSL_CTRL *P, char *mode)
359          Changes the current PDF transparency rendering mode [Default is Nor‐
360          mal]. Choose among Color, ColorBurn, ColorDodge, Darken, Difference,
361          Exclusion, HardLight, Hue, Lighten,  Luminosity,  Multiply,  Normal,
362          Overlay, Saturation, SoftLight, and Screen.
364       long  PSL_setdefaults  (struct  PSL_CTRL  *P, double xyscales[], double
365       pagergb[], char *encoding)
366          Allows changes to the PSL session  settings  and  should  be  called
367          immediately  after  PSL_beginsession.  The  xyscales array affect an
368          overall magnification of your plot [1,1]. This can be useful if  you
369          design  a page-sized plot but would then like to magnify (or shrink)
370          it by a given factor. Change the default paper media  color  [white;
371          1/1/1]  by specifying an alternate page color. Passing zero (or NULL
372          for pagergb) will leave the setting  unchanged.  Finally,  pass  the
373          name of the character set encoding (if NULL we select Standard).
375       long PSL_defunits (struct PSL_CTRL *P, char *name, double value)
376          Creates  a PostScript variable called name and initializes it to the
377          equivalent of value user units.
379       long PSL_defpoints (struct PSL_CTRL *P, char *name, double fontsize)
380          Creates a PostScript variable called name and initializes it to  the
381          value  that  corresponds to the font size (in points) given by font‐
382          size.


385       Here are functions used to plot lines and closed  polygons,  which  may
386       optionally  be  filled. The attributes used for drawing and filling are
387       set prior to calling these functions; see CHANGING SETTINGS above.
389       long PSL_plotarc (struct  PSL_CTRL  *P,  double  x,  double  y,  double
390       radius, double angle1, double angle2, long type)
391          Draws  a  circular  arc  with its center at plot coordinates (x, y),
392          starting from angle angle1 and end at angle2. Angles must  be  given
393          in decimal degrees. If angle1 > angle2, a negative arc is drawn. The
394          radius is in user units. The type determines how the arc  is  inter‐
395          preted:  PSL_MOVE  (1)  means  set  new anchor point, PSL_STROKE (2)
396          means stroke the arc, PSL_MOVE + PSL_STROKE (3) means both,  whereas
397          PSL_DRAW (0) just adds to arc path to the current path.
399       long PSL_plotline (struct PSL_CTRL *P, double x, double y, long n, long
400       type)
401          Assemble a continuous line through n points whose the  plot  coordi‐
402          nates are in the x, y arrays. To continue an existing line, use type
403          = PSL_DRAW (0), or if this is the first segment  in  a  multisegment
404          path,  set  type  =  PSL_MOVE (1).  To end the segments and draw the
405          lines, add PSL_STROKE (2). Thus, for a single segment, type must  be
406          PSL_MOVE  +  PSL_STROKE (3). The line is drawn using the current pen
407          attributes. Add PSL_CLOSE (8) to type to close the  first  and  last
408          point by the PostScript operators; this is done automatically if the
409          first and last point are equal.
411       long PSL_plotpoint (struct PSL_CTRL *P, double x, double y, long type)
412          Moves the pen from the current to the specified plot coordinates (x,
413          y)  and  optionally  draws  and strokes the line, depending on type.
414          Specify type as either a move (PSL_MOVE, 1), or draw (PSL_DRAW,  2),
415          or  draw  and  stroke  (PSL_DRAW  +  PSL_STOKE, 3) using current pen
416          attributes. It the coordinates are relative to the current point add
417          PSL_REL (4) to type.
419       long  PSL_plotbox (struct PSL_CTRL *P, double x0, double y0, double x1,
420       double y1)
421          Creates a closed box  with  opposite  corners  at  plot  coordinates
422          (x0,y1)  and  (x1,y1). The box may be filled and its outline stroked
423          depending on the current settings for fill and pen attributes.
425       long PSL_plotpolygon (struct PSL_CTRL *P, double x, double y, long n)
426          Creates a closed polygon through n points whose plot coordinates are
427          in  the  x,  y  arrays.  The  polygon  may be filled and its outline
428          stroked  depending  on  the  current  settings  for  fill  and   pen
429          attributes.
431       long  PSL_plotsegment (struct PSL_CTRL *P, double x0, double y0, double
432       x1, double y1)
433          Draws a line segment between the two points (plot coordinates) using
434          the current pen attributes.


437       Here  are  functions  used  to  plot  various geometric symbols or con‐
438       structs.
440       long PSL_plotaxis (struct PSL_CTRL *P,  double  tickval,  char  *label,
441       double fontsize, long side)
442          Plots  a basic axis with tick marks, annotations, and label. Assumes
443          that PSL_beginaxes has been called to set up  positioning  and  user
444          data  ranges.  Annotations will be set using the fontsize in points.
445          side can be 0, 1, 2, or 3, which selects lower x-axis, right y-axis,
446          upper  x-axis,  or left y-axis, respectively. The label font size is
447          set to 1.5 times the fontsize.
449       long PSL_plotsymbol (struct PSL_CTRL *P, double  x,  double  y,  double
450       size[], long symbol)
451          Plots a simple geometric symbol centered on plot coordinates (x, y).
452          The argument symbol selects the geometric symbol to use.  Most  sym‐
453          bols are scaled to fit inside a circle of diameter given as size[0],
454          but some symbols  take  additional  parameters.  Choose  from  these
455          1-parameter  symbols  using  the predefined self-explanatory integer
458          these may all be filled and stroked if PSL_setfill has  been  called
459          first.  In  addition,  you can choose several line-only symbols that
460          cannot be filled. They are PSL_CROSS, PSL_DOT, PSL_PLUS,  PSL_XDASH,
461          and  PSL_YDASH.  Finally, more complicated symbols require more than
462          one parameter to be passed via size. These are PSL_ELLIPSE (size  is
463          expected  to  contain  the  three  parameter angle, major, and minor
464          axes, which defines an ellipse with its major axis rotated by  angle
465          degrees),  PSL_MANGLE (size is expected to contain the 10 parameters
466          radius, angle1, and angle2 for the math  angle  specification,  fol‐
467          lowed  by tailwidth, headlength, headwidth, shape, status, trim1 and
468          trim2 (see PSL_VECTOR below for  explanation),  PSL_WEDGE  (size  is
469          expected  to  contain the three parameter radius, angle1, and angle2
470          for the sector specification), PSL_RECT (size is expected to contain
471          the  two dimensions width and height), PSL_RNDRECT (size is expected
472          to contain the two dimensions width and height and the radius of the
473          corners), PSL_ROTRECT (size is expected to contain the three parame‐
474          ter angle, width, and height, with rotation relative to the horizon‐
475          tal),  and  PSL_VECTOR (size is expected to contain the 9 parameters
476          x_tip,  y_tip,  tailwidth,  headlength,  headwidth,  shape,  status,
477          head1,  head2, trim1, and trim2.  Here (x_tip,y_tip) are the coordi‐
478          nates to the head of the vector, while (x, y) are those of the tail.
479          shape  can  take on values from 0-1 and specifies how far the inter‐
480          section point between the base of a straight  vector  head  and  the
481          vector  line  is  moved toward the tip. 0.0 gives a triangular head,
482          1.0 gives an arrow shaped head. The status value is a bit-flag being
483          the  sum of several possible contributions: PSL_VEC_RIGHT (2) = only
484          draw right half of vector head, PSL_VEC_BEGIN  (4)  =  place  vector
485          head  at beginning of vector, PSL_VEC_END (8) = place vector head at
486          end of vector, PSL_VEC_JUST_B (0) = align vector beginning at (x,y),
487          PSL_VEC_JUST_C  (16)  = align vector center at (x,y), PSL_VEC_JUST_E
488          (32) = align vector end at (x,y), PSL_VEC_JUST_S (64) = align vector
489          center  at  (x,y),  PSL_VEC_OUTLINE (128) = draw vector head outline
490          using default pen, PSL_VEC_FILL  (512)  =  fill  vector  head  using
491          default  fill,  PSL_VEC_MARC90  (2048)  = if angles subtend 90, draw
492          straight angle symbol (PSL_MANGLE only). The symbol  may  be  filled
493          and  its  outline stroked depending on the current settings for fill
494          and pen attributes.  The parameters head1 and head2 determines  what
495          kind  of  vector head will be plotted at the two ends (if selected).
496          0 = normal vector head, 1 = circle, 2 = terminal crossbar.  Finally,
497          trim1 and trim2 adjust the start and end location of the vector.


500       Here are functions used to read and plot various images.
502       long  PSL_plotbitimage  (struct PSL_CTRL *P, double x, double y, double
503       xsize, double ysize, int justify, unsigned char buffer, long  nx,  long
504       ny, double f_rgb[], double b_rgb[])
505          Plots  a  1-bit  image image at plot coordinates (x, y) justified as
506          per the argument justify (see JUSTIFICATION for details).  The  tar‐
507          get  size of the image is given by xsize and ysize in user units. If
508          one of these  is  specified  as  zero,  the  corresponding  size  is
509          adjusted  to  the  other  such that the aspect ratio of the original
510          image is retained. buffer is an unsigned character array in scanline
511          orientation  with  8 pixels per byte. nx, ny refers to the number of
512          pixels in the image. The rowlength of buffer  must  be  an  integral
513          number of 8; pad with zeros. buffer[0] is upper left corner. You may
514          replace the foreground color (the set bits) with the f_rgb color and
515          the  background  color  (the  unset bits) with b_rgb. Alternatively,
516          pass either color with the red component set to  -1.0  and  we  will
517          instead  issue  an  image mask that is see-through for the specified
518          fore- or background component. See the Adobe Systems PostScript Ref‐
519          erence Manual for more details.
521       long PSL_plotcolorimage (struct PSL_CTRL *P, double x, double y, double
522       xsize, double ysize, int justify, unsigned char *buffer, long nx,  long
523       ny, long depth)
524          Plots a 1-, 2-, 4-, 8-, or 24-bit deep image at plot coordinates (x,
525          y) justified as per the  argument  justify  (see  JUSTIFICATION  for
526          details).  The  target size of the image is given by xsize and ysize
527          in user units. If one of these is specified as zero, the correspond‐
528          ing  size is adjusted to the other such that the aspect ratio of the
529          original image is retained. This functions sets up  a  call  to  the
530          PostScript  colorimage  or  image  operators.  The  pixel values are
531          stored in buffer, an unsigned character array in  scanline  orienta‐
532          tion with gray shade or r/g/b values (0-255). buffer[0] is the upper
533          left corner. depth is number of bits per pixel (24, 8, 4, 2, or  1).
534          nx,  ny  refers  to  the number of pixels in image. The rowlength of
535          buffer must be an integral number of 8/Idepth. E.g. if  depth  =  4,
536          then  buffer[j]/16  gives shade for pixel[2j-1] and buffer[j%16 (mod
537          16) gives shade for pixel[2j]. When -depth is  passed  instead  then
538          "hardware"  interpolation  of the image is requested (this is imple‐
539          mentation dependent). If -nx is passed with 8- (or 24-)  bit  images
540          then  the  first  one  (or three) bytes of buffer holds the gray (or
541          r/g/b) color for pixels that are to be masked out using the PS Level
542          3 Color Mask method. See the Adobe Systems PostScript Reference Man‐
543          ual for more details.
545       long PSL_plotepsimage (struct PSL_CTRL *P, double x, double  y,  double
546       xsize,  double  ysize,  int  justify, unsigned char *buffer, long size,
547       long nx, long ny, long ox, long oy)
548          Plots an Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) image at plot coordinates (x,
549          y)  justified  as  per  the  argument justify (see JUSTIFICATION for
550          details). The target size of the image is given by xsize  and  ysize
551          in user units. If one of these is specified as zero, the correspond‐
552          ing size is adjusted to the other such that the aspect ratio of  the
553          original image is retained. The EPS file is stored in buffer and has
554          size bytes. This function simply includes the  image  in  the  Post‐
555          Script output stream within an appropriate wrapper. Specify position
556          of lower left corner and size of image. nx, ny, ox, oy refers to the
557          width,  height  and origin (lower left corner) of the BoundingBox in
558          points.
560       long PSL_loadimage (struct PSL_CTRL  *P,  FILE  *fp,  struct  imageinfo
561       *header, unsigned char **image)
562          Reads  the  image contents of the EPS file or a raster image pointed
563          to by the open file pointer fp. The routine can handle  Encapsulated
564          PostScript  files  or  1-,  8-, 24-, or 32-bit raster images in old,
565          standard, run-length  encoded,  or  RGB-style  Sun  format.  Non-Sun
566          rasters  are  automatically  reformatted to Sun rasters via a system
567          call to GraphicsMagick's or ImageMagick's convert, if installed. The
568          image is returned via the image pointer.


571       Here  are  functions used to read and plot text strings and paragraphs.
572       This can be somewhat complicated since we rely on the PostScript inter‐
573       preter  to  determine the exact dimensions of text items given the font
574       chosen. For perfect alignment you may have to resort to calculate  off‐
575       sets  explicitly  using  long PSL_deftextdim, PSL_set_height and others
576       and issue calculations with PSL_setcommand.
578       long PSL_plottext (struct PSL_CTRL *P, double x, double y, double font‐
579       size, char *text, double angle, long justify, long mode)
580          The  text  is  plotted  starting at plot coordinates (x, y) and will
581          make an angle with the horizontal. The point (x, y) maps  onto  dif‐
582          ferent  points  of the text-string by giving various values for jus‐
583          tify (see JUSTIFICATION for details). If justify is  negative,  then
584          all  leading  and trailing blanks are stripped before plotting. Cer‐
585          tain character sequences (flags) have special meaning  to  PSL_plot‐
586          text.  @~  toggles between current font and the Mathematical Symbols
587          font. @%no% selects font no while @%% resets to the  previous  font.
588          @-  turns  subscript  on/off,  @+ turns superscript on/off, @# turns
589          small caps on/off, and @\ will make a  composite  character  of  the
590          following  two  character. @;r/g/b; changes the font color while @;;
591          resets it [optionally append  =transparency  to  change  the  trans‐
592          parency  (0--100) of the text (the Default is opaque or 0)], @:size:
593          changes the font size (@:: resets  it),  and  @_  toggles  underline
594          on/off.  If  text  is NULL then we assume PSL_plottextbox was called
595          first. Give fontsize in points. Normally, the text  is  typed  using
596          solid characters in the current color (set by PSL_setcolor). To draw
597          outlined characters, set mode == 1; the outline will get the current
598          color  and  the  text  is filled with the current fill color (set by
599          PSL_setfill). Use mode == 2 if the current fill is  a  pattern.  Use
600          mode  ==  3  to  achieve the same as mode == 1, while preventing the
601          outline from obsuring any filled text font; the outline  will  hence
602          be  reduced  to  half the selected width. If the text is not filled,
603          mode == 3 operates the same as mode == 1.  If fontsize  is  negative
604          it  means  that  the  current  point  has  already  been  set before
605          PSL_plottext was called and that (x, y) should be ignored.
607       long PSL_plottextbox (struct PSL_CTRL *P, double x,  double  y,  double
608       fontsize, char *text, double angle, long justify, double offset[], long
609       mode)
610          This function is used in conjugation with PSL_plottext  when  a  box
611          surrounding the text string is desired. Taking most of the arguments
612          of PSL_plottext, the user must also specify mode to indicate whether
613          the  box  needs  rounded (PSL_YES = 1) or straight (PSL_NO = 0) cor‐
614          ners. The box will be colored with the current  fill  style  set  by
615          PSL_setfill.  That means, if an outline is desired, and the color of
616          the inside of the box should be set with that routine.  The  outline
617          will  be  drawn  with  the current pen color (and width). The offset
618          array holds the horizontal and vertical distance gaps  between  text
619          and  the  surrounding text box in distance units. The smaller of the
620          two determined the radius of the rounded corners (if requested).
622       long PSL_deftextdim (struct PSL_CTRL *P, char *prefix, double fontsize,
623       char *text)
624          Computes  the dimensions (width and height) required by the selected
625          text given the current font and its fontsize (in points). The values
626          are  stored  as  PostScript  variables called prefix_w and prefix_h,
627          respectively. This function can be used to compute  dimensions  and,
628          via  BF(PSL_setcommand),  calculate chances to position a particular
629          item should be plotted. For instance, if you compute a position this
630          way  and  wish  to  plot  the  text  there,  pass the coordinates to
631          PSL_plottext as NaNs. If prefix is BF(-w), BF(-h), BF(-d) or BF(-b),
632          no  PostScript  variables will be assigned, but the values of width,
633          height, depth, or both width and height will be left  on  the  Post‐
634          Script stack.
636       long  PSL_setparagraph  (struct  PSL_CTRL *P, double line_space, double
637       par_width, long par_just)
638          Initialize common settings to be used when typesetting paragraphs of
639          text  with PSL_plotparagraph. Specify the line spacing (1 equals the
640          font size) and paragraph width (in  distance  units).  Text  can  be
641          aligned  left (PSL_BL), centered (PSL_BC), right (PSL_BR), or justi‐
642          fied (PSL_JUST) and is controlled by par_just.
644       long PSL_plotparagraphbox (struct PSL_CTRL *P, double x, double y, dou‐
645       ble  fontsize, char *text, double angle, long justify, double offset[],
646       long mode)
647          Computes and plots the text rectangle  for  a  paragraph  using  the
648          specified  fontsize  (in points). Here, text is an array of the text
649          to be typeset, using the settings initialized  by  PSL_setparagraph.
650          The  escape sequences described for PSL_plottext can be used to mod‐
651          ify the text. Separate text into several paragraphs by appending  \r
652          to  the last item in a paragraph. The whole text block is positioned
653          at plot coordinates x, y, which is mapped to a point  on  the  block
654          specified  by  justify  (see  JUSTIFICATION  for details). The whole
655          block is then shifted by the amounts shift[]. The box will be  plot‐
656          ted  using  the  current fill and outline settings. The offset array
657          holds the horizontal and vertical distance gaps between text and the
658          surrounding text box in distance units. Use mode to indicate whether
659          the  box  should  be  straight  (PSL_RECT_STRAIGHT  =  0),   rounded
660          (PSL_RECT_ROUNDED  =  1),  convex  (PSL_RECT_CONVEX  = 2) or concave
661          (PSL_RECT_CONCAVE = 3).
663       long PSL_plotparagraph (struct PSL_CTRL *P, double x, double y,  double
664       fontsize, char *text, double angle, long justify, long mode)
665          Typesets  paragraphs  of  text  using  the  specified  fontsize  (in
666          points). Here, text is an array of the text to be typeset, using the
667          settings  initialized  by  PSL_setparagraph.  The  escape  sequences
668          described for PSL_plottext can be used to modify the text.  Separate
669          text  into  several paragraphs by appending \r to the last item in a
670          paragraph. The whole text block is positioned at plot coordinates x,
671          y, which is mapped to a point on the block specified by justify (see
672          JUSTIFICATION for details). See PSL_plotparagraphbox for laying down
673          the surrounding text rectangle first.
675       long  PSL_plottextline  (struct  PSL_CTRL  *P,  double  *xpath,  double
676       *ypath, long *np, long nseg, void *arg1, void *arg2, char *text[], dou‐
677       ble angle[], long n_per_seg[], double fontsize, **long* justify, double
678       offset[], long mode)
679          Please text along one or more path segments. The function does  dif‐
680          ferent  things depending on the bit flags in mode. A key distinction
681          occurs if the bit flag contains the bit  PSL_TXT_CURVED  (64)  which
682          means  we wish to typeset the text along a variable and curved base‐
683          line given by  the  segments  in  xpath,  ypath;  otherwise  we  set
684          straight  text  (possibly  at an angle) and the xpath, ypath are not
685          considered for text placement [If no line drawing  is  desired  then
686          these  two  arrays  may be NULL].  We will describe the action taken
687          for each bit value.  Multiple values may be passed at the same  time
688          and  we  processes  from  low to hight bit.  PSL_TXT_INIT: When mode
689          contains this bit (1) we will initialize all the required  variables
690          and store them in the PostScript file.  PSL_TXT_SHOW: We wish to see
691          the text strings (otherwise they may only serve as guides to set  up
692          clip  paths).  PSL_TXT_CLIP_ON: Use the text and the paths to set up
693          clip paths.  PSL_TXT_DRAW: Draw the  lines  defined  by  the  xpath,
694          ypath  arrays.   PSL_TXT_CLIP_OFF:  Turn the text path clipping off.
695          We pass the text strings via text.  The locations of  text  plotting
696          depends  on  whether  PSL_TXT_CURVED is selected.  If it is then you
697          must pass as arg1 the node array indicating at  which  node  in  the
698          xpath,  ypath  array the text will be plotted; let arg2 be NULL. For
699          straight baselines you must instead pass another set of x,y  coordi‐
700          nates  with  the  locations  of  the text label placements via arg1,
701          arg2.  Each label has its own entry in the angle array. The text  is
702          an  array  of text pointers to the individual text items. The offset
703          array holds the x and y distance gaps between text and the surround‐
704          ing  text box in user units (the clip path is the combination of all
705          these text boxes). Use  justify  to  specify  how  the  text  string
706          relates  to  the  coordinates  (see  BF(JUSTIFICATION) for details).
707          PSL_TXT_FILLBOX (128) will fill the text box (this requires  you  to
708          first define the text box rgb color with PSL_define_rgb by setting a
709          local  PostScript  variable  that  must  be  called  PSL_setboxrgb).
710          PSL_TXT_DRAWBOX (256) will draw the text box outlines (this requires
711          you to first define the text box pen with PSL_define_pen by  setting
712          a  local  PostScript  variable  that  must be called PSL_setboxpen).
713          Before calling this function you must also initialize  a  PSL  array
714          for line pens and text fonts.


717       Here are functions used to activate and deactivate clipping regions.
719       long PSL_beginclipping (struct PSL_CTRL *P, double x, double y, long n,
720       double rgb[], long flag)
721          Sets up a user-definable clip path as a series on n points with plot
722          coordinates  (x,  y).  Plotting outside this polygon will be clipped
723          until PSL_endclipping is called. If rgb[0] = -1 the  inside  of  the
724          path is left empty, otherwise it is filled with the specified color.
725          flag is used to create complex clip paths consisting of several dis‐
726          connected regions, and takes on values 0-3.  flag = PSL_PEN_MOVE_ABS
727          (1) means this is the first path in a multisegment clip path. flag =
728          PSL_PEN_DRAW_ABS  (2)  means  this  is the last segment. Thus, for a
729          single path, flag = PSL_PEN_DRAW_AND_STROKE_ABS (3).
731       long PSL_endclipping (struct PSL_CTRL *P, long mode)
732          Depending on the mode it restores the clip path. The mode values can
733          be:  -n will restore n levels of text-based clipping, n will restore
734          n levels of polygon clipping, PSL_ALL_CLIP_TXT will undo all  levels
735          of text-based clipping, and PSL_ALL_CLIP_POL will undo all levels of
736          polygon-based clipping.


739       Here are functions used to issue comments or to pass custom  PostScript
740       commands  directly  to the output PostScript file. In C these functions
741       are declared as macros and they can accept a variable number  of  argu‐
742       ments. However, from FORTRAN only a single text argument may be passed.
744       long PSL_setcommand (struct PSL_CTRL *P, char *text)
745              Writes  a  raw PostScript command to the PostScript output file,
746              e.g., "1 setlinejoin.
748       long PSL_comment (struct PSL_CTRL *P, char *text)
749              Writes a comment (text) to the  PostScript  output  file,  e.g.,
750              "Start of graph 20. The comment are prefixed with with %% .


753       Paul  Wessel,  School  of  Ocean  and  Earth  Science  and  Technology,
754       http://www.soest.hawaii.edu.
756       Remko Scharroo, EUMETSAT, Darmstadt, Germany, http://www.eumetsat.int.


759       Caveat Emptor: The authors are not responsible for any disasters,  sui‐
760       cide  attempts, or ulcers caused by correct or incorrect use of PSL. If
761       you find bugs, please report them to the authors by electronic mail. Be
762       sure to provide enough detail so that we can recreate the problem.


765       psconvert


768       Adobe  Systems  Inc.,  1990,  PostScript language reference manual, 2nd
769       edition, Addison-Wesley, (ISBN 0-201-18127-4).
772       2019, P. Wessel, W. H. F. Smith, R. Scharroo, J. Luis, and F. Wobbe
7775.4.5                            Feb 24, 2019               POSTSCRIPTLIGHT(3)