1Maypole::Manual::View(3U)ser Contributed Perl DocumentatiMoanypole::Manual::View(3)


6       Maypole::Manual::View - Maypole View Classes


9       In a large application, you will almost certainly want to customize the
10       layout and design of the output pages. This task may even be the
11       purview of a separate team of HTML designers rather than the
12       programmers. Since a typical programmer will try to avoid touching HTML
13       as much as possible and a typical designer will try to avoid touching
14       Perl code, programmers have evolved a system of templating to separate
15       the concerns of programming and designing.
17       One of the core concepts in Maypole is the view class, and this is
18       responsible for routing the data produced in the model class into the
19       templates produced by the designers. Of course, there are a great many
20       possible templating systems and styles, and so there can be a great
21       many possible Maypole view classes. Each view class will take the data
22       from the controller, locate a template to be processed, and hand the
23       whole lot to its preferred templating module, which will then do the
24       hard work of filling in the template and coming up with the output.
26       You can choose whatever Maypole view class you want, but the default
27       view class is Maypole::View::TT, and it feeds its data and templates to
28       a module called the Template Toolkit.
30   The Template Toolkit
31       The Template Toolkit, written by Andy Wardley, is a very powerful and
32       generic templating system. It provides its own little formatting
33       language which supports loops, conditionals, hash and array
34       dereferences and method calls, macro processing and a plug-in system to
35       connect it to external Perl modules.  Its homepage is
36       "http://www.template-toolkit.org/".  There are several good
37       introductions to the Template Toolkit available: you should have one
38       installed as Template::Tutorial::Datafile; there's one at
39       <http://www.perl.com/pub/a/2003/07/15/nocode.html>, and of course
40       there's the "Badger Book" - The Perl Template Toolkit, by Andy et al.
41       "http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/perltt/index.html"
43       We'll present a brief introduction here by deconstructing some of the
44       templates used by Maypole applications. For more deconstruction, see
45       Standard Templates and Actions, which is an entire chapter dealing with
46       the factory supplied templates.
48       Here's a template that could be called for the front page of the
49       example beer database application, "custom/frontpage".
51           [% INCLUDE header %]
53           <h2> The beer database </h2>
55           <TABLE BORDER="0" ALIGN="center" WIDTH="70%">
56           [% FOR table = config.display_tables %]
57           <TR>
58           <TD>
59           <A HREF="[%table%]/list">List by [%table %]</A>
60           </TD>
61           </TR>
62           [% END %]
63           </TABLE>
65       The first thing to note about this is that everything outside of the
66       Template Toolkit tags ("[%" and "%]") is output verbatim. That is,
67       somewhere in the output you're guaranteed to see
69           <h2> The beer database </h2>
71           <TABLE BORDER="0" ALIGN="center" WIDTH="70%">
73       Inside the tags, magic happens. The first piece of magic is the "[%
74       INCLUDE header %]" directive. This goes away and finds a file called
75       header - don't worry about how it finds that yet, we'll come to that
76       later on - and processes the file's contents as though they were right
77       there in the template. Our header file happens not to contain any "[%
78       %]" tags, but if it did, they would be processed in the same way as the
79       ones in frontpage.
81       The next piece of magic is this line:
83           [% FOR table = config.display_tables %]
85       We're seeing a lot of things here at once. "config" is where we should
86       start looking. This is a template variable, which is what templates are
87       all about - templating means getting data from somewhere outside and
88       presenting it to the user in a useful way, and "config" is a prime
89       example of data that we want to use. It's actually an object containing
90       configuration parameters for this Maypole application, and one of the
91       methods is "display_tables", which returns a list of the database
92       tables that we're supposed to show. In the application, we probably
93       said something like
95           BeerDB->config->display_tables([qw[beer brewery pub style]]);
97       This stores the four values - "beer", "brewery", "pub" and "style" - in
98       an array, which is placed in the config object using the
99       accessor/mutator method "display_tables". Now we're getting them back
100       again. Note that we're not going to show the handpump table.
102       The Template Toolkit's dot operator is a sort of do-the-right-thing
103       operator; we can say "array.0" to get the first element of an array,
104       "hash.key" to look up the "key" key in a hash, and "object.method" to
105       call "method" on an object. So, for instance, if we said
106       "config.display_tables.2", we'd look up the "display_tables" method in
107       the configuration object and get our array back, then look up the 3rd
108       element and get "pub".  Thing is, you don't have to care whether
109       "display_tables" is an object or a hash. You can pretend it's a hash if
110       you want. The syntax is the same, and Template Toolkit knows the right
111       thing to do.
113       The "FOR" loop will repeat the code four times, setting our new
114       variable "table" to the appropriate array element. This code:
116           [% FOR table = config.display_tables %]
117               Hello [% table %]!
118           [% END %]
120       will produce something like
122           Hello beer!
123           Hello brewery!
124           Hello pub!
125           Hello style!
127       In our case, though, we're printing out a table element linking to each
128       database table in turn.
130       Here's a slightly more complicated example, adapted from factory/pager.
131       This template is responsible for printing the little page menu at the
132       bottom of a listing if there are more rows in the listing than we want
133       on a single page.
135           [% PROCESS macros %]
136           <P ALIGN="center">Pages:
137           [%
138                FOREACH num = [pager.first_page .. pager.last_page];
139                     IF num == pager.current_page;
140                       "["; num; "] ";
141                     ELSE;
142                       SET args = "?page=" _ num;
143                       SET label = "[" _ num _ "]";
144                       link(classmetadata.table, "list", args, label);
145                     END;
146                END;
147           %]
148           </P>
150       Maypole will be providing a whole bunch of variables to this template,
151       and we'll look at them all in a moment, but the only ones we need to
152       care about are "pager" and "classmetadata".
154       We start by loading in a bunch of macros. Macros are Template Toolkit's
155       functions - you can provide them some parameters and they'll run a
156       little sub-template based on them. The "macros" file contains some
157       handy macros that I've found useful for constructing Maypole templates;
158       again, these will be covered in full detail in Standard Templates and
159       Actions.
161       We're going to be displaying something like this:
163           Pages: [1] [2] [3] [4]
165       with most of those numbers being a link to the appropriate page. This
166       mean we're going to have to have a list of numbers, and the "FOREACH"
167       loop provides this: ("FOREACH" and "FOR" are identical, just like in
168       Perl.)
170                FOREACH num = [pager.first_page .. pager.last_page];
172       Here we're manually constructing an array of numbers, using the range
173       operator ("..") to fill in all the numbers from the "first_page" (1) to
174       the "last_page" (4). The same dot operator is used to ask the "pager"
175       object what its "first_page" and "last_page" are.
177       Now we're going to be executing this loop four times, once each for
178       "num" being set to 1, 2, 3, and 4. At some point, we'll come across the
179       page that we're actually on right now:
181             IF num == pager.current_page;
183       and in that case, we don't want to produce a link to it. We just want
184       to output it as text, surrounded by square brackets:
186                       "["; num; "] ";
188       We're using string literals to output the brackets. We don't have to do
189       that. We could say it this way:
191           [% ...
192             IF num == pager.current_page;
193           %]
194               [ [% num %] ]
195           [% ELSE %]
196              ...
197           [% END %]
199       But you know, I quite like it my way.
201       Now if the number we're printing isn't the number of the current page,
202       we want to make a link. Here's how we do it:
204           SET args = "?page=" _ num;
205           SET label = "[" _ num _ "]";
206           link(classmetadata.table, "list", args, label);
208       "SET" declares a new variable of our own. If there was anything called
209       "args" before, there isn't now. It's going to be the result of our
210       statement ""?page=" _ num". "_" is the concatenation operator, and
211       glues "?page=" onto the front of our number. So if we want to link to
212       page 4, then the "args" variable will contain "?page=4". Similarly, the
213       "label" variable will be "[4]".
215       Now we call a macro, "link" with these two variables and the value of
216       "classmetadata.table". This macro takes four arguments, "table",
217       "action", "args" and "label", and constructs a link of the form
219           <A HREF="[% base %]/[% table %]/[% action %][% args %]">
220           [% label %]
221           </A>
223       In our case, it'll be filled in like so:
225           <A HREF="[% base %]/[% classmetadata.table %]/list?page=4">
226           [ 4 ]
227           </A>
229       Where "classmetadata.table" will actually be the name of the current
230       table, and "base" will be replaced by the appropriate URL for this
231       application.
233   Locating Templates
234       Another feature of "Maypole::View::TT" which may not be present in
235       alternate view class implementations - although they are strongly
236       encouraged to provide it - is the way that templates are located.
237       (Remember, I did say I'd tell you about that later.) Template Toolkit
238       allows whatever uses it to provide a path for template files to be
239       located in. "Maypole::View::TT" feeds it up to three possible
240       directories to look things up in, and it will try to find a template in
241       each of these in turn.
243       When you configure a Maypole application, you can tell it the base
244       directory of your templates like so:
246           BeerDB->config->template_root("/var/www/beerdb/templates");
248       If you don't do this, most Maypole front-ends will use the current
249       directory, which may be what you want anyway. Off this directory,
250       Maypole will look for a set of subdirectories.
252       For instance, I said we were in the middle of processing the front page
253       and looking up a template file called header. Maypole will first look
254       for this file in the custom subdirectory. (say,
255       /var/www/beerdb/templates/custom) If it doesn't find one, then it looks
256       in the factory subdirectory. If it doesn't find one there, then it
257       gives up and dies with an error. But that's your fault, since you've
258       called for a template which doesn't exist. Don't do that.
260       This behaviour means that you can provide your own site-specific
261       templates, but if you don't do so, then you get to use a generic one
262       provided by Maypole. Maypole's "factory setting" templates are written
263       in such a way as to try and do the right thing no matter what your
264       application does. They are occasionally successful at this.
266       Now the front page was a pretty simple example, since Maypole only
267       looks up two directories. In most cases, it checks an additional
268       directory, and this directory depends entirely on what Maypole is
269       doing.
271       If you're writing an e-commerce application, for example, you may well
272       have a table which represents the product catalogue and all the
273       products you can buy. Let's call this the "product" table. You'll also
274       have a data source which is specific to the user which contains all the
275       products that they're buying on this particular visit to the site. In
276       time-honoured tradition, we'll call this the "basket" table.
278       Now it ought to be reasonably apparent that you don't want the basket
279       to be displayed in exactly the same way as the product catalogue. The
280       templates for "product/list" and "basket/list" need to be different.
281       This is where the third directory comes in. The other directory, which
282       Maypole checks very first of all, is specific to the table that you're
283       viewing. So if you go to "http://your.shop.com/basket/list", Maypole
284       will look in the basket directory first for a file called list, and
285       second in the custom directory for a site-wide list template, and then
286       fall-back to the factory directory for a generic list template. It
287       should be obvious that you probably want to provide all of basket/list,
288       basket/view, product/list, product/view and any other combination of
289       classes and actions that you can think of.
291   What Maypole provides to a template
292       "Maypole::View::TT" provides quite a variety of template variables to
293       the template. As these are the building blocks of your pages, it's
294       worth looking at precisely what variables are available.
296       objects
298       The most important variable is called "objects", and is a list of all
299       the objects that this page is going to deal with. For instance, if the
300       URL is "http://localhost/beerdb/beer/view/23", then in the template
301       /beer/view, "objects" will contain the "BeerDB::Beer" object for the
302       23rd item in the database, while for the /brewery/list template, the
303       view will fill "objects" with all the breweries; or at least, all the
304       breweries on the current page.
306       breweries!
308       This variable is so important that to help design templates with it,
309       "Maypole::View::TT" provides a helpful alias to it depending on
310       context. For instance, if you're writing your own /brewery/list
311       template, the data in "objects" is also available in a template
312       variable called "breweries". If you're working on /brewery/view,
313       though, it's available in "brewery", since there's only one brewery to
314       be displayed.
316       base
318       Additionally, you can get the base URL for the application from the
319       "base" template variable; this allows you to construct links, as we saw
320       earlier:
322           <A HREF="[% base %]/brewery/edit/[% brewery.id %]">Edit this brewery</A>
324       config
326       You can also get at the rest of the configuration for the site with the
327       "config" variable as we saw above.
329       request
331       The entire request object is made available in "request", should you
332       really need to poke at it. (I've only found this useful when working
333       with authentication modules which stash a current user object in
334       "request.user".)
336       classmetadata
338       To allow the construction of the "generic" templates which live in
339       factory, Maypole also passes in a hash called "classmetadata", which
340       contains all sorts of useful information about the class under
341       examination:
343       "table"
344          This is the name of the table that is represented by the class.
346       "name"
347          This is the Perl's idea of the class; you don't need this unless
348          you're doing really tricky things.
350       "moniker"
351          This is a more human-readable version of the table name, that can be
352          used for display. "brewery" for example.
354       "plural"
355          The same, but a correctly-formed plural. For instance, "breweries".
357       "columns"
358          The list of columns for display; see the hard way section in the
359          Beer Database chapter.
361       "list_columns"
362          As for "columns", but these are the columns to be displayed on a
363          list page.
365       "colnames"
366          This is a hash mapping the database's name for a column to a more
367          human-readable name. Again, see "Customizing Generic CRUD
368          Applications".
370       "cgi"
371          This is a slightly trickier one. It is a hash mapping column names
372          to a "HTML::Element" suitable for entering data into a new instance
373          of that class. That is, for the "beer" table,
374          "classmetadata.cgi.style" should be a "HTML::Element" object
375          containing a drop-down list of beer styles.
377       "related_accessors"
378          This is a list of accessors which can be called on an object to get
379          lists of other things that this object "has". For instance, on a
380          brewery, it would return "beers", since calling "brewery.beers"
381          would give you a list of beers produced by the brewery. Note that
382          this only caters for accessors defining one-to-many relationships,
383          not the ordinary one-to-one relationships, such as "style".
385       Additional variables and overrides
387       You can pass additional data to templates by creating new variables.
388       You'd typically do this in your view class.  Just add the name of your
389       template variable as a key to the "template_args" hash in the request
390       object, and supply its value:
392         $r->template_args->{your_variable_name} = 'some_value';
394       You can also override the value of any of the standard variables by
395       giving their name as the key.
397   Accessing other classes
398       When building a frontpage, login or other template that isn't directly
399       linked to a particular table, (and therefore it's class,) that you wish
400       to use, you can access the classes directly.
402       When using "Maypole::View::TT" you are reccomended to use Richard
403       Clamp's incredibly useful Template::Plugin::Class -- see the and
404       Template::Plugin::Class and "Maypole::View::TT" documentation for
405       details.
407       Mason and MasonX views also allow you to pull in arbitary classes, see
408       the relevent Mason and Plugin/View documentation for details.
410       If you are using HTML::Template you are out of luck on this front due
411       to philosophy and architecture this templating system cannot call code,
412       and only reads the data provided when the template is processed.
414   Other view classes
415       Please note that these template variables, "config", "classmetadata",
416       "objects" and its user-friendly alias, as well as the rest of them are
417       a function of one particular view class, the default
418       "Maypole::View::TT" class. Other view classes may need to present an
419       entirely different set of template variables, since the default ones
420       might not make sense. The templates may look wildly different in other
421       view class implementations. But that's OK, because you couldn't
422       necessarily use the same templates with a different templating system
423       anyway.
425       For instance, in really dumb templating languages which can't handle
426       dereferencing hashes or arrays - no wait, that's most of them - passing
427       in a hash reference like "classmetadata" won't help you since you can't
428       get at any of its elements. So you'll need to take a look at the
429       documentation for the appropriate view class to see what template
430       variables it provides.
432       So if, for some perverse reason, the Template Toolkit just isn't good
433       enough for you, then you can set your own view class while configuring
434       your application:
436          package BeerDB;
437          use base Maypole::Application;
438          ...
439          BeerDB->setup("dbi:SQLite:t/beerdb.db");
440          BeerDB->config->uri_base(http://localhost/beerdb/");
441          BeerDB->config->rows_per_page(10);
442          BeerDB->config->view("Maypole::View::Mason");
444       Where do these alternate view classes come from? Gentle reader, they
445       come from you.
447   Building your own view class
448       You should probably skip this section for the first few readings of
449       this manual. It's only intended for people extending Maypole.
451       Imagine you've found a brand new templating system that's much better
452       than the Template Toolkit. I know I'm stretching your imagination a bit
453       here, but try. You'd like to use it with Maypole, which means writing
454       your own view class. How is it done?
456       We'll demonstrate by implementing a view class for HTML::Mason,
457       although no value judgement is implied. "HTML::Mason" is a templating
458       system which embeds pure Perl code inside its magic tags. The good side
459       of this is that it can get into hash references and objects, and so
460       providing "classmetadata", "config" and the Maypole request object will
461       work out just fine. The down side is that "HTML::Mason" is used to
462       running more or less standalone, and having all the template variables
463       it wants already at its disposal through CGI parameters and the like,
464       so we have to fiddle a bit to get these variables into our template.
466       The key to building view classes is Maypole::View::Base. This is the
467       base class that you're going to inherit from and, to be honest, it does
468       pretty much everything you need. It provides a method called "vars"
469       which returns a hash of all the template variables described above, so
470       it would be good to feed those into "HTML::Mason". It also provides a
471       "paths" method which turns returns the full filesystem path of the
472       three possible template paths as shown above. Again, it would be good
473       to use this as our component paths if we can. It also has some methods
474       we can override if we want to, but they're not massively important, so
475       you can see Maypole::View::Base for more about them.
477       The module will do the right thing for us if we agree to provide a
478       method called "template". This is responsible for taking the Maypole
479       request object $r (of which more later) and putting the appropriate
480       output either into "$r->output" or "$r->error", depending, of course,
481       whether things are OK or whether we got an error.
483       Thankfully, "HTML::Mason" makes things really easy for us. We can use
484       multiple template roots, so we can use the "paths" method; we can pass
485       in a hash full of interesting data structures, so we can use the "vars"
486       method too. In fact, we have to do very little to make
487       "Maypole::View::Mason" work. Which is somewhat annoying, because it
488       makes a boring example. But it means I can leave the fun ones to you!
490       The doing-the-templating, in Mason and in any templating system,
491       depends on three things: the paths that we're going to use to find our
492       templates, the template name that we've been asked to fill out, and the
493       set of variables that are going to be fed to the template. We'll
494       assemble these for reference:
496           sub template {
497               my ($self, $r) = @_;
498               my @paths = $self->paths($r);
499               my $template = $r->template;
500               my %vars = $self->args($r);
502       We'll also declare somewhere to temporarily store the output:
504               my $output;
506       Now comes the part where we have to actually do something templating-
507       language specific, so we open up our copy of "Embedding Perl in HTML
508       with Mason" and find the bit where it talks about running Mason
509       standalone. We find that the first thing we need to do is create a
510       "HTML::Mason::Interp" object which knows about the component roots.
511       There's a slight subtlety in that the component roots have to be
512       specified as an array of arrays, with each array being a two-element
513       list of label and path, like so:
515           comproot => [
516               [ class   => "/var/www/beerdb/templates/brewery" ],
517               [ custom  => "/var/www/beerdb/templates/custom" ],
518               [ factory => "/var/www/beerdb/templates/factory" ],
519           ]
521       We also find that we can set the output method here to capture Mason's
522       output into a scalar, and also that we can tell Mason to generate
523       sensible error messages itself, which saves us from having to worry
524       about catching errors. At the end of all this, we come up with a
525       constructor for our "HTML::Mason::Interp" object which looks like this:
527           my $label = "path0";
528           my $mason = HTML::Mason::Interp->new(
529               comproot => [ map { [ $label++ => $_ ] } @paths ],
530               output_method => \$output,
531               error_mode => "output"
532           );
534       The next thing we need to do is run the template with the appropriate
535       template variables. This turns out to be really easy:
537           $mason->exec($template, %vars);
539       Now we've got the data in $output, we can put it into the request
540       object, and return a true value to indicate that we processed
541       everything OK. (If there was an error, then Mason will have produced
542       some suitable output, so we can pretend that everything's OK anyway.)
544           $r->output($output);
545           return 1;
547       And that's all we need to do. Barely twenty lines of code for the
548       finished product. Wasn't that easy? Don't you feel inspired to write
549       Maypole view classes for your favourite templating language? Well,
550       don't let me stop you!  Patches are always welcome!
552   Links
553       Contents, Next Standard Templates and Actions, Previous Maypole Model
554       Classes,
558perl v5.28.0                      2005-11-23          Maypole::Manual::View(3)