1KDC.CONF(5)                      MIT Kerberos                      KDC.CONF(5)


6       kdc.conf - Kerberos V5 KDC configuration file
8       The kdc.conf file supplements krb5.conf(5) for programs which are typi‐
9       cally only used on a KDC, such as the krb5kdc(8) and kadmind(8) daemons
10       and  the  kdb5_util(8)  program.  Relations documented here may also be
11       specified in krb5.conf; for the KDC programs mentioned,  krb5.conf  and
12       kdc.conf will be merged into a single configuration profile.
14       Normally,  the  kdc.conf  file  is  found  in  the KDC state directory,
15       /var/kerberos/krb5kdc.  You can override the default location  by  set‐
16       ting the environment variable KRB5_KDC_PROFILE.
18       Please  note that you need to restart the KDC daemon for any configura‐
19       tion changes to take effect.


22       The kdc.conf file is set up in the  same  format  as  the  krb5.conf(5)
23       file.


26       The kdc.conf file may contain the following sections:
28                    ┌──────────────┬────────────────────────────┐
29[kdcdefaults] │ Default   values  for  KDC │
30                    │              │ behavior                   │
31                    ├──────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
32[realms]      │ Realm-specific    database │
33                    │              │ configuration and settings │
34                    ├──────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
35[dbdefaults]  │ Default database settings  │
36                    ├──────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
37[dbmodules]   │ Per-database settings      │
38                    ├──────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
39[logging]     │ Controls how Kerberos dae‐ │
40                    │              │ mons perform logging       │
41                    └──────────────┴────────────────────────────┘
43   [kdcdefaults]
44       Some relations in the [kdcdefaults] section specify default values  for
45       realm variables, to be used if the [realms] subsection does not contain
46       a relation for the tag.  See the [realms] section for  the  definitions
47       of these relations.
49       · host_based_services
51       · kdc_listen
53       · kdc_ports
55       · kdc_tcp_listen
57       · kdc_tcp_ports
59       · no_host_referral
61       · restrict_anonymous_to_tgt
63       The following [kdcdefaults] variables have no per-realm equivalent:
65       kdc_max_dgram_reply_size
66              Specifies  the  maximum  packet  size that can be sent over UDP.
67              The default value is 4096 bytes.
69       kdc_tcp_listen_backlog
70              (Integer.)  Set the size of the listen queue length for the  KDC
71              daemon.   The  value may be limited by OS settings.  The default
72              value is 5.
74       spake_preauth_kdc_challenge
75              (String.)  Specifies the group for a SPAKE optimistic challenge.
76              See  the spake_preauth_groups variable in libdefaults for possi‐
77              ble values.  The default is not to  issue  an  optimistic  chal‐
78              lenge.  (New in release 1.17.)
80   [realms]
81       Each  tag in the [realms] section is the name of a Kerberos realm.  The
82       value of the tag is a subsection where the relations define KDC parame‐
83       ters  for  that  particular  realm.  The following example shows how to
84       define one parameter for the ATHENA.MIT.EDU realm:
86          [realms]
87              ATHENA.MIT.EDU = {
88                  max_renewable_life = 7d 0h 0m 0s
89              }
91       The following tags may be specified in a [realms] subsection:
93       acl_file
94              (String.)  Location of the access control list  file  that  kad‐
95              mind(8)  uses  to  determine  which principals are allowed which
96              permissions on the Kerberos database.  To operate without an ACL
97              file,  set this relation to the empty string with acl_file = "".
98              The default value is /var/kerberos/krb5kdc/kadm5.acl.  For  more
99              information on Kerberos ACL file see kadm5.acl(5).
101       database_module
102              (String.)  This relation indicates the name of the configuration
103              section under [dbmodules] for database-specific parameters  used
104              by  the  loadable  database  library.   The default value is the
105              realm name.  If  this  configuration  section  does  not  exist,
106              default values will be used for all database parameters.
108       database_name
109              (String,  deprecated.)   This relation specifies the location of
110              the Kerberos database for this realm, if the DB2 module is being
111              used  and the [dbmodules] configuration section does not specify
112              a   database   name.    The   default   value    is    /var/ker‐
113              beros/krb5kdc/principal.
115       default_principal_expiration
116              (abstime  string.)   Specifies  the  default  expiration date of
117              principals created in this realm.  The default value is 0, which
118              means no expiration date.
120       default_principal_flags
121              (Flag  string.)   Specifies the default attributes of principals
122              created in  this  realm.   The  format  for  this  string  is  a
123              comma-separated  list  of  flags, with '+' before each flag that
124              should be enabled and '-' before each flag that should  be  dis‐
125              abled.   The  postdateable,  forwardable,  tgt-based, renewable,
126              proxiable, dup-skey, allow-tickets, and service flags default to
127              enabled.
129              There are a number of possible flags:
131              allow-tickets
132                     Enabling  this flag means that the KDC will issue tickets
133                     for this  principal.   Disabling  this  flag  essentially
134                     deactivates the principal within this realm.
136              dup-skey
137                     Enabling  this flag allows the principal to obtain a ses‐
138                     sion  key  for  another  user,  permitting   user-to-user
139                     authentication for this principal.
141              forwardable
142                     Enabling  this  flag  allows the principal to obtain for‐
143                     wardable tickets.
145              hwauth If this flag is enabled, then the principal  is  required
146                     to preauthenticate using a hardware device before receiv‐
147                     ing any tickets.
149              no-auth-data-required
150                     Enabling this flag prevents  PAC  or  AD-SIGNEDPATH  data
151                     from being added to service tickets for the principal.
153              ok-as-delegate
154                     If this flag is enabled, it hints the client that creden‐
155                     tials can and should be delegated when authenticating  to
156                     the service.
158              ok-to-auth-as-delegate
159                     Enabling  this  flag  allows the principal to use S4USelf
160                     tickets.
162              postdateable
163                     Enabling this flag allows the principal to  obtain  post‐
164                     dateable tickets.
166              preauth
167                     If  this flag is enabled on a client principal, then that
168                     principal is  required  to  preauthenticate  to  the  KDC
169                     before  receiving  any  tickets.  On a service principal,
170                     enabling this flag means that service  tickets  for  this
171                     principal  will only be issued to clients with a TGT that
172                     has the preauthenticated bit set.
174              proxiable
175                     Enabling this flag allows the principal to  obtain  proxy
176                     tickets.
178              pwchange
179                     Enabling  this  flag  forces  a  password change for this
180                     principal.
182              pwservice
183                     If this flag is enabled, it marks  this  principal  as  a
184                     password  change  service.   This  should only be used in
185                     special cases, for example,  if  a  user's  password  has
186                     expired,  then the user has to get tickets for that prin‐
187                     cipal without going through the normal password authenti‐
188                     cation in order to be able to change the password.
190              renewable
191                     Enabling  this flag allows the principal to obtain renew‐
192                     able tickets.
194              service
195                     Enabling this flag allows the the KDC  to  issue  service
196                     tickets for this principal.
198              tgt-based
199                     Enabling  this  flag allows a principal to obtain tickets
200                     based on a ticket-granting-ticket, rather than  repeating
201                     the  authentication  process  that was used to obtain the
202                     TGT.
204       dict_file
205              (String.)  Location of the dictionary  file  containing  strings
206              that  are not allowed as passwords.  The file should contain one
207              string per line, with no  additional  whitespace.   If  none  is
208              specified or if there is no policy assigned to the principal, no
209              dictionary checks of passwords will be performed.
211       encrypted_challenge_indicator
212              (String.)  Specifies the authentication indicator value that the
213              KDC asserts into tickets obtained using FAST encrypted challenge
214              pre-authentication.  New in 1.16.
216       host_based_services
217              (Whitespace- or comma-separated  list.)   Lists  services  which
218              will get host-based referral processing even if the server prin‐
219              cipal is not marked as host-based by the client.
221       iprop_enable
222              (Boolean value.)  Specifies whether incremental database  propa‐
223              gation is enabled.  The default value is false.
225       iprop_master_ulogsize
226              (Integer.)   Specifies  the  maximum number of log entries to be
227              retained for incremental  propagation.   The  default  value  is
228              1000.  Prior to release 1.11, the maximum value was 2500.
230       iprop_slave_poll
231              (Delta  time  string.)   Specifies how often the slave KDC polls
232              for new updates from the master.  The default value is 2m  (that
233              is, two minutes).
235       iprop_listen
236              (Whitespace-  or comma-separated list.)  Specifies the iprop RPC
237              listening addresses and/or  ports  for  the  kadmind(8)  daemon.
238              Each  entry  may  be  an interface address, a port number, or an
239              address and port number separated by a colon.   If  the  address
240              contains  colons,  enclose it in square brackets.  If no address
241              is specified, the wildcard address is used.  If kadmind fails to
242              bind  to  any of the specified addresses, it will fail to start.
243              The default (when iprop_enable is true) is to bind to the  wild‐
244              card  address  at  the  port  specified  in  iprop_port.  New in
245              release 1.15.
247       iprop_port
248              (Port number.)  Specifies the port number to be used for  incre‐
249              mental propagation.  When iprop_enable is true, this relation is
250              required in the slave configuration file, and this  relation  or
251              iprop_listen  is  required  in the master configuration file, as
252              there is no default port  number.   Port  numbers  specified  in
253              iprop_listen entries will override this port number for the kad‐
254              mind(8) daemon.
256       iprop_resync_timeout
257              (Delta time string.)  Specifies the amount of time to wait for a
258              full propagation to complete.  This is optional in configuration
259              files, and is used by slave KDCs only.  The default value  is  5
260              minutes (5m).  New in release 1.11.
262       iprop_logfile
263              (File  name.)  Specifies where the update log file for the realm
264              database is to be stored.  The  default  is  to  use  the  data‐
265              base_name entry from the realms section of the krb5 config file,
266              with .ulog appended.  (NOTE: If database_name isn't specified in
267              the  realms  section, perhaps because the LDAP database back end
268              is being used, or the file name is specified in the  [dbmodules]
269              section,  then the hard-coded default for database_name is used.
270              Determination of the iprop_logfile default value  will  not  use
271              values from the [dbmodules] section.)
273       kadmind_listen
274              (Whitespace- or comma-separated list.)  Specifies the kadmin RPC
275              listening addresses and/or  ports  for  the  kadmind(8)  daemon.
276              Each  entry  may  be  an interface address, a port number, or an
277              address and port number separated by a colon.   If  the  address
278              contains  colons,  enclose it in square brackets.  If no address
279              is specified, the wildcard address is used.  If kadmind fails to
280              bind  to  any of the specified addresses, it will fail to start.
281              The default is to bind to the wildcard address at the port spec‐
282              ified  in  kadmind_port, or the standard kadmin port (749).  New
283              in release 1.15.
285       kadmind_port
286              (Port number.)  Specifies the port on which the kadmind(8)  dae‐
287              mon is to listen for this realm.  Port numbers specified in kad‐
288              mind_listen  entries  will  override  this  port  number.    The
289              assigned port for kadmind is 749, which is used by default.
291       key_stash_file
292              (String.)   Specifies the location where the master key has been
293              stored  (via  kdb5_util  stash).   The  default   is   /var/ker‐
294              beros/krb5kdc/.k5.REALM, where REALM is the Kerberos realm.
296       kdc_listen
297              (Whitespace-  or  comma-separated list.)  Specifies the UDP lis‐
298              tening addresses and/or ports for the krb5kdc(8)  daemon.   Each
299              entry  may be an interface address, a port number, or an address
300              and port number separated by a colon.  If the  address  contains
301              colons,  enclose it in square brackets.  If no address is speci‐
302              fied, the wildcard address is used.  If no  port  is  specified,
303              the standard port (88) is used.  If the KDC daemon fails to bind
304              to any of the specified addresses, it will fail to  start.   The
305              default is to bind to the wildcard address on the standard port.
306              New in release 1.15.
308       kdc_ports
309              (Whitespace- or comma-separated  list,  deprecated.)   Prior  to
310              release  1.15,  this relation lists the ports for the krb5kdc(8)
311              daemon to listen on for  UDP  requests.   In  release  1.15  and
312              later, it has the same meaning as kdc_listen if that relation is
313              not defined.
315       kdc_tcp_listen
316              (Whitespace- or comma-separated list.)  Specifies the  TCP  lis‐
317              tening  addresses  and/or ports for the krb5kdc(8) daemon.  Each
318              entry may be an interface address, a port number, or an  address
319              and  port  number separated by a colon.  If the address contains
320              colons, enclose it in square brackets.  If no address is  speci‐
321              fied,  the  wildcard  address is used.  If no port is specified,
322              the standard port (88) is used.  To disable  listening  on  TCP,
323              set  this relation to the empty string with kdc_tcp_listen = "".
324              If the KDC  daemon  fails  to  bind  to  any  of  the  specified
325              addresses, it will fail to start.  The default is to bind to the
326              wildcard address on the standard port.  New in release 1.15.
328       kdc_tcp_ports
329              (Whitespace- or comma-separated  list,  deprecated.)   Prior  to
330              release  1.15,  this relation lists the ports for the krb5kdc(8)
331              daemon to listen on for  UDP  requests.   In  release  1.15  and
332              later,  it  has the same meaning as kdc_tcp_listen if that rela‐
333              tion is not defined.
335       kpasswd_listen
336              (Comma-separated  list.)   Specifies   the   kpasswd   listening
337              addresses  and/or  ports  for the kadmind(8) daemon.  Each entry
338              may be an interface address, a port number, or  an  address  and
339              port  number  separated  by  a  colon.   If the address contains
340              colons, enclose it in square brackets.  If no address is  speci‐
341              fied, the wildcard address is used.  If kadmind fails to bind to
342              any of the specified addresses, it  will  fail  to  start.   The
343              default is to bind to the wildcard address at the port specified
344              in kpasswd_port, or the standard kpasswd  port  (464).   New  in
345              release 1.15.
347       kpasswd_port
348              (Port  number.)  Specifies the port on which the kadmind(8) dae‐
349              mon is to listen for password change requests  for  this  realm.
350              Port  numbers  specified in kpasswd_listen entries will override
351              this  port  number.   The  assigned  port  for  password  change
352              requests is 464, which is used by default.
354       master_key_name
355              (String.)   Specifies  the name of the principal associated with
356              the master key.  The default is K/M.
358       master_key_type
359              (Key type string.)  Specifies the master key's  key  type.   The
360              default  value  for this is aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96.  For a list
361              of all possible values, see Encryption types.
363       max_life
364              (duration string.)  Specifies the maximum time period for  which
365              a  ticket  may  be valid in this realm.  The default value is 24
366              hours.
368       max_renewable_life
369              (duration string.)  Specifies the  maximum  time  period  during
370              which  a valid ticket may be renewed in this realm.  The default
371              value is 0.
373       no_host_referral
374              (Whitespace- or comma-separated list.)  Lists services to  block
375              from  getting host-based referral processing, even if the client
376              marks the server principal as host-based or the service is  also
377              listed  in  host_based_services.  no_host_referral = * will dis‐
378              able referral processing altogether.
380       des_crc_session_supported
381              (Boolean value).  If set to true, the KDC will assume that  ser‐
382              vice  principals  support  des-cbc-crc  for  session key enctype
383              negotiation purposes.  If allow_weak_crypto  in  libdefaults  is
384              false,  or  if des-cbc-crc is not a permitted enctype, then this
385              variable has no effect.  Defaults to true.  New in release 1.11.
387       reject_bad_transit
388              (Boolean value.)  If set to true, the KDC will check the list of
389              transited  realms  for  cross-realm  tickets against the transit
390              path computed from the realm names and the  capaths  section  of
391              its  krb5.conf(5)  file;  if the path in the ticket to be issued
392              contains any realms not in the computed path,  the  ticket  will
393              not  be  issued,  and  an  error  will be returned to the client
394              instead.  If this value is set to false, such  tickets  will  be
395              issued anyways, and it will be left up to the application server
396              to validate the realm transit path.
398              If the disable-transited-check  flag  is  set  in  the  incoming
399              request,  this  check  is  not  performed  at  all.   Having the
400              reject_bad_transit option will cause such ticket requests to  be
401              rejected always.
403              This  transit  path  checking  and  config file option currently
404              apply only to TGS requests.
406              The default value is true.
408       restrict_anonymous_to_tgt
409              (Boolean value.)  If set to true, the  KDC  will  reject  ticket
410              requests  from  anonymous principals to service principals other
411              than the realm's ticket-granting service.   This  option  allows
412              anonymous  PKINIT  to  be  enabled for use as FAST armor tickets
413              without allowing  anonymous  authentication  to  services.   The
414              default value is false.  New in release 1.9.
416       spake_preauth_indicator
417              (String.)   Specifies an authentication indicator value that the
418              KDC asserts into tickets obtained  using  SPAKE  pre-authentica‐
419              tion.   The  default  is not to add any indicators.  This option
420              may be specified multiple times.  New in release 1.17.
422       supported_enctypes
423              (List of key:salt strings.)  Specifies the default key/salt com‐
424              binations  of principals for this realm.  Any principals created
425              through kadmin(1) will have keys of these  types.   The  default
426              value    for    this   tag   is   aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96:normal
427              aes128-cts-hmac-sha1-96:normal     des3-cbc-sha1:normal     arc‐
428              four-hmac-md5:normal.  For lists of possible values, see Keysalt
429              lists.
431   [dbdefaults]
432       The [dbdefaults] section specifies default  values  for  some  database
433       parameters, to be used if the [dbmodules] subsection does not contain a
434       relation for the tag.  See the [dbmodules] section for the  definitions
435       of these relations.
437       · ldap_kerberos_container_dn
439       · ldap_kdc_dn
441       · ldap_kdc_sasl_authcid
443       · ldap_kdc_sasl_authzid
445       · ldap_kdc_sasl_mech
447       · ldap_kdc_sasl_realm
449       · ldap_kadmind_dn
451       · ldap_kadmind_sasl_authcid
453       · ldap_kadmind_sasl_authzid
455       · ldap_kadmind_sasl_mech
457       · ldap_kadmind_sasl_realm
459       · ldap_service_password_file
461       · ldap_servers
463       · ldap_conns_per_server
465   [dbmodules]
466       The  [dbmodules]  section  contains parameters used by the KDC database
467       library and database modules.  Each tag in the [dbmodules]  section  is
468       the  name  of a Kerberos realm or a section name specified by a realm's
469       database_module parameter.  The following example shows how  to  define
470       one database parameter for the ATHENA.MIT.EDU realm:
472          [dbmodules]
473              ATHENA.MIT.EDU = {
474                  disable_last_success = true
475              }
477       The following tags may be specified in a [dbmodules] subsection:
479       database_name
480              This  DB2-specific tag indicates the location of the database in
481              the filesystem.  The default is /var/kerberos/krb5kdc/principal.
483       db_library
484              This tag indicates the name of  the  loadable  database  module.
485              The  value  should  be  db2 for the DB2 module and kldap for the
486              LDAP module.
488       disable_last_success
489              If set to true, suppresses KDC updates to the  "Last  successful
490              authentication"  field of principal entries requiring preauthen‐
491              tication.  Setting this flag may improve performance.   (Princi‐
492              pal  entries which do not require preauthentication never update
493              the "Last successful authentication" field.).  First  introduced
494              in release 1.9.
496       disable_lockout
497              If  set  to  true,  suppresses  KDC  updates to the "Last failed
498              authentication" and "Failed password attempts" fields of princi‐
499              pal  entries requiring preauthentication.  Setting this flag may
500              improve performance, but also disables account  lockout.   First
501              introduced in release 1.9.
503       ldap_conns_per_server
504              This LDAP-specific tag indicates the number of connections to be
505              maintained per LDAP server.
507       ldap_kdc_dn and ldap_kadmind_dn
508              These LDAP-specific tags indicate the default DN for binding  to
509              the  LDAP server.  The krb5kdc(8) daemon uses ldap_kdc_dn, while
510              the kadmind(8) daemon  and  other  administrative  programs  use
511              ldap_kadmind_dn.   The  kadmind  DN must have the rights to read
512              and write the Kerberos data in the LDAP database.   The  KDC  DN
513              must  have  the  same  rights,  unless  disable_lockout and dis‐
514              able_last_success are true, in which case it only needs to  have
515              rights  to  read the Kerberos data.  These tags are ignored if a
516              SASL mechanism  is  set  with  ldap_kdc_sasl_mech  or  ldap_kad‐
517              mind_sasl_mech.
519       ldap_kdc_sasl_mech and ldap_kadmind_sasl_mech
520              These  LDAP-specific  tags  specify  the SASL mechanism (such as
521              EXTERNAL) to use when  binding  to  the  LDAP  server.   New  in
522              release 1.13.
524       ldap_kdc_sasl_authcid and ldap_kadmind_sasl_authcid
525              These  LDAP-specific  tags specify the SASL authentication iden‐
526              tity to use when binding to the LDAP server.  Not all SASL mech‐
527              anisms  require  an authentication identity.  If the SASL mecha‐
528              nism requires a secret (such as the  password  for  DIGEST-MD5),
529              these tags also determine the name within the ldap_service_pass‐
530              word_file where the secret is stashed.  New in release 1.13.
532       ldap_kdc_sasl_authzid and ldap_kadmind_sasl_authzid
533              These LDAP-specific tags specify the SASL authorization identity
534              to  use  when binding to the LDAP server.  In most circumstances
535              they do not need to be specified.  New in release 1.13.
537       ldap_kdc_sasl_realm and ldap_kadmind_sasl_realm
538              These LDAP-specific tags specify the  SASL  realm  to  use  when
539              binding  to  the LDAP server.  In most circumstances they do not
540              need to be set.  New in release 1.13.
542       ldap_kerberos_container_dn
543              This LDAP-specific tag indicates the DN of the container  object
544              where the realm objects will be located.
546       ldap_servers
547              This  LDAP-specific  tag indicates the list of LDAP servers that
548              the Kerberos servers can connect to.  The list of  LDAP  servers
549              is whitespace-separated.  The LDAP server is specified by a LDAP
550              URI.  It is recommended to use ldapi: or ldaps: URLs to  connect
551              to the LDAP server.
553       ldap_service_password_file
554              This LDAP-specific tag indicates the file containing the stashed
555              passwords  (created  by  kdb5_ldap_util  stashsrvpw)   for   the
556              ldap_kdc_dn    and   ldap_kadmind_dn   objects,   or   for   the
557              ldap_kdc_sasl_authcid  or  ldap_kadmind_sasl_authcid  names  for
558              SASL authentication.  This file must be kept secure.
560       unlockiter
561              If  set  to  true, this DB2-specific tag causes iteration opera‐
562              tions to release the database lock while processing each princi‐
563              pal.  Setting this flag to true can prevent extended blocking of
564              KDC or kadmin operations when dumps of large  databases  are  in
565              progress.  First introduced in release 1.13.
567       The  following tag may be specified directly in the [dbmodules] section
568       to control where database modules are loaded from:
570       db_module_dir
571              This tag controls where the plugin  system  looks  for  database
572              modules.  The value should be an absolute path.
574   [logging]
575       The  [logging]  section indicates how krb5kdc(8) and kadmind(8) perform
576       logging.  It may contain the following relations:
578       admin_server
579              Specifies how kadmind(8) performs logging.
581       kdc    Specifies how krb5kdc(8) performs logging.
583       default
584              Specifies how either daemon performs logging in the  absence  of
585              relations specific to the daemon.
587       debug  (Boolean  value.)   Specifies  whether  debugging  messages  are
588              included in log outputs other than SYSLOG.   Debugging  messages
589              are always included in the system log output because syslog per‐
590              forms its own priority filtering.  The default value  is  false.
591              New in release 1.15.
593       Logging specifications may have the following forms:
595       FILE=filename or FILE:filename
596              This  value  causes  the  daemon's logging messages to go to the
597              filename.  If the = form is used, the file is  overwritten.   If
598              the : form is used, the file is appended to.
600       STDERR This  value  causes  the  daemon's logging messages to go to its
601              standard error stream.
603       CONSOLE
604              This value causes the daemon's logging messages  to  go  to  the
605              console, if the system supports it.
607       DEVICE=<devicename>
608              This causes the daemon's logging messages to go to the specified
609              device.
611       SYSLOG[:severity[:facility]]
612              This causes the daemon's logging messages to go  to  the  system
613              log.
615              The  severity  argument specifies the default severity of system
616              log messages.  This may be any of the following severities  sup‐
617              ported  by  the  syslog(3)  call,  minus the LOG_ prefix: EMERG,
618              ALERT, CRIT, ERR, WARNING, NOTICE, INFO, and DEBUG.
620              The facility argument specifies the  facility  under  which  the
621              messages  are  logged.  This may be any of the following facili‐
622              ties supported by the syslog(3)  call  minus  the  LOG_  prefix:
623              KERN,  USER,  MAIL,  DAEMON,  AUTH,  LPR,  NEWS, UUCP, CRON, and
624              LOCAL0 through LOCAL7.
626              If no severity is specified, the default is ERR.  If no facility
627              is specified, the default is AUTH.
629       In  the following example, the logging messages from the KDC will go to
630       the console and to the system log under the  facility  LOG_DAEMON  with
631       default  severity of LOG_INFO; and the logging messages from the admin‐
632       istrative server will be appended to the file  /var/adm/kadmin.log  and
633       sent to the device /dev/tty04.
635          [logging]
636              kdc = CONSOLE
637              kdc = SYSLOG:INFO:DAEMON
638              admin_server = FILE:/var/adm/kadmin.log
639              admin_server = DEVICE=/dev/tty04
641   [otp]
642       Each  subsection  of  [otp] is the name of an OTP token type.  The tags
643       within the subsection define the configuration required  to  forward  a
644       One Time Password request to a RADIUS server.
646       For each token type, the following tags may be specified:
648       server This  is  the server to send the RADIUS request to.  It can be a
649              hostname with optional port, an ip address with  optional  port,
650              or  a  Unix  domain  socket  address.   The default is /var/ker‐
651              beros/krb5kdc/<name>.socket.
653       secret This  tag  indicates  a  filename  (which  may  be  relative  to
654              /var/kerberos/krb5kdc) containing the secret used to encrypt the
655              RADIUS packets.  The secret should appear in the first  line  of
656              the  file by itself; leading and trailing whitespace on the line
657              will be removed.  If the value of server is a Unix domain socket
658              address,  this tag is optional, and an empty secret will be used
659              if it is not specified.  Otherwise, this tag is required.
661       timeout
662              An integer which specifies the time in seconds during which  the
663              KDC  should  attempt  to contact the RADIUS server.  This tag is
664              the total time across all retries and should be  less  than  the
665              time  which  an  OTP  value remains valid for.  The default is 5
666              seconds.
668       retries
669              This tag specifies the number of retries to make to  the  RADIUS
670              server.  The default is 3 retries (4 tries).
672       strip_realm
673              If  this  tag  is  true, the principal without the realm will be
674              passed to the RADIUS  server.   Otherwise,  the  realm  will  be
675              included.  The default value is true.
677       indicator
678              This tag specifies an authentication indicator to be included in
679              the ticket if this token type is  used  to  authenticate.   This
680              option may be specified multiple times.  (New in release 1.14.)
682       In the following example, requests are sent to a remote server via UDP:
684          [otp]
685              MyRemoteTokenType = {
686                  server = radius.mydomain.com:1812
687                  secret = SEmfiajf42$
688                  timeout = 15
689                  retries = 5
690                  strip_realm = true
691              }
693       An  implicit  default  token type named DEFAULT is defined for when the
694       per-principal configuration does not specify a token type.  Its config‐
695       uration  is shown below.  You may override this token type to something
696       applicable for your situation:
698          [otp]
699              DEFAULT = {
700                  strip_realm = false
701              }


704       NOTE:
705          The following are pkinit-specific  options.   These  values  may  be
706          specified   in   [kdcdefaults]  as  global  defaults,  or  within  a
707          realm-specific subsection of [realms].  Also note that a  realm-spe‐
708          cific  value  over-rides,  does  not add to, a generic [kdcdefaults]
709          specification.  The search order is:
711       1. realm-specific subsection of [realms]:
713             [realms]
714                 EXAMPLE.COM = {
715                     pkinit_anchors = FILE:/usr/local/example.com.crt
716                 }
718       2. generic value in the [kdcdefaults] section:
720             [kdcdefaults]
721                 pkinit_anchors = DIR:/usr/local/generic_trusted_cas/
723       For information about the syntax of some of these options, see Specify‐
724       ing PKINIT identity information in krb5.conf(5).
726       pkinit_anchors
727              Specifies  the  location  of  trusted anchor (root) certificates
728              which the KDC trusts to sign client certificates.   This  option
729              is  required  if  pkinit  is  to  be supported by the KDC.  This
730              option may be specified multiple times.
732       pkinit_dh_min_bits
733              Specifies the minimum number of  bits  the  KDC  is  willing  to
734              accept for a client's Diffie-Hellman key.  The default is 2048.
736       pkinit_allow_upn
737              Specifies  that the KDC is willing to accept client certificates
738              with the Microsoft UserPrincipalName (UPN)  Subject  Alternative
739              Name  (SAN).   This means the KDC accepts the binding of the UPN
740              in the certificate to the Kerberos principal name.  The  default
741              value is false.
743              Without  this option, the KDC will only accept certificates with
744              the id-pkinit-san as defined in RFC 4556.  There is currently no
745              option to disable SAN checking in the KDC.
747       pkinit_eku_checking
748              This  option  specifies what Extended Key Usage (EKU) values the
749              KDC is willing to accept in  client  certificates.   The  values
750              recognized in the kdc.conf file are:
752              kpClientAuth
753                     This  is the default value and specifies that client cer‐
754                     tificates must have  the  id-pkinit-KPClientAuth  EKU  as
755                     defined in RFC 4556.
757              scLogin
758                     If scLogin is specified, client certificates with the Mi‐
759                     crosoft Smart Card Login EKU (id-ms-kp-sc-logon) will  be
760                     accepted.
762              none   If  none  is specified, then client certificates will not
763                     be checked to verify they have an  acceptable  EKU.   The
764                     use of this option is not recommended.
766       pkinit_identity
767              Specifies  the location of the KDC's X.509 identity information.
768              This option is required if pkinit is to be supported by the KDC.
770       pkinit_indicator
771              Specifies an authentication indicator to include in  the  ticket
772              if pkinit is used to authenticate.  This option may be specified
773              multiple times.  (New in release 1.14.)
775       pkinit_pool
776              Specifies the location of intermediate certificates which may be
777              used  by  the KDC to complete the trust chain between a client's
778              certificate and a trusted anchor.  This option may be  specified
779              multiple times.
781       pkinit_revoke
782              Specifies  the  location  of  Certificate  Revocation List (CRL)
783              information to be used by the KDC when verifying the validity of
784              client  certificates.   This  option  may  be specified multiple
785              times.
787       pkinit_require_crl_checking
788              The default certificate verification process will  always  check
789              the available revocation information to see if a certificate has
790              been revoked.  If a match is found for the certificate in a CRL,
791              verification  fails.   If  the certificate being verified is not
792              listed in a CRL, or there is no CRL present for its issuing  CA,
793              and pkinit_require_crl_checking is false, then verification suc‐
794              ceeds.
796              However, if pkinit_require_crl_checking is true and there is  no
797              CRL  information available for the issuing CA, then verification
798              fails.
800              pkinit_require_crl_checking should be set to true if the  policy
801              is such that up-to-date CRLs must be present for every CA.
803       pkinit_require_freshness
804              Specifies  whether  to  require  clients  to include a freshness
805              token in PKINIT requests.  The default value is false.  (New  in
806              release 1.17.)


809       Any  tag in the configuration files which requires a list of encryption
810       types can be set to some combination of the following strings.  Encryp‐
811       tion  types  marked  as  "weak" are available for compatibility but not
812       recommended for use.
814             ┌───────────────────────────┬─────────────────────────────┐
815             │des-cbc-crc                │ DES cbc mode  with  CRC-32  │
816             │                           │ (weak)                      │
817             └───────────────────────────┴─────────────────────────────┘
821             │des-cbc-md4                │ DES  cbc mode with RSA-MD4  │
822             │                           │ (weak)                      │
823             ├───────────────────────────┼─────────────────────────────┤
824             │des-cbc-md5                │ DES cbc mode with  RSA-MD5  │
825             │                           │ (weak)                      │
826             ├───────────────────────────┼─────────────────────────────┤
827             │des-cbc-raw                │ DES cbc mode raw (weak)     │
828             ├───────────────────────────┼─────────────────────────────┤
829             │des3-cbc-raw               │ Triple  DES  cbc  mode raw  │
830             │                           │ (weak)                      │
831             ├───────────────────────────┼─────────────────────────────┤
832             │des3-cbc-sha1              │ Triple DES cbc  mode  with  │
833             │des3-hmac-sha1             │ HMAC/sha1                   │
834             │des3-cbc-sha1-kd           │                             │
835             ├───────────────────────────┼─────────────────────────────┤
836             │des-hmac-sha1              │ DES with HMAC/sha1 (weak)   │
837             ├───────────────────────────┼─────────────────────────────┤
838             │aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96    │ AES-256  CTS   mode   with  │
839             │aes256-cts aes256-sha1     │ 96-bit SHA-1 HMAC           │
840             ├───────────────────────────┼─────────────────────────────┤
841             │aes128-cts-hmac-sha1-96    │ AES-128  CTS   mode   with  │
842             │aes128-cts aes128-sha1     │ 96-bit SHA-1 HMAC           │
843             ├───────────────────────────┼─────────────────────────────┤
844             │aes256-cts-hmac-sha384-192 │ AES-256  CTS   mode   with  │
845             │aes256-sha2                │ 192-bit SHA-384 HMAC        │
846             ├───────────────────────────┼─────────────────────────────┤
847             │aes128-cts-hmac-sha256-128 │ AES-128  CTS   mode   with  │
848             │aes128-sha2                │ 128-bit SHA-256 HMAC        │
849             ├───────────────────────────┼─────────────────────────────┤
850             │arcfour-hmac rc4-hmac arc‐ │ RC4 with HMAC/MD5           │
851             │four-hmac-md5              │                             │
852             ├───────────────────────────┼─────────────────────────────┤
853             │arcfour-hmac-exp           │ Exportable    RC4     with  │
854             │rc4-hmac-exp          arc‐ │ HMAC/MD5 (weak)             │
855             │four-hmac-md5-exp          │                             │
856             ├───────────────────────────┼─────────────────────────────┤
857             │camellia256-cts-cmac       │ Camellia-256 CTS mode with  │
858             │camellia256-cts            │ CMAC                        │
859             ├───────────────────────────┼─────────────────────────────┤
860             │camellia128-cts-cmac       │ Camellia-128 CTS mode with  │
861             │camellia128-cts            │ CMAC                        │
862             ├───────────────────────────┼─────────────────────────────┤
863             │des                        │ The       DES      family:  │
864             │                           │ des-cbc-crc,  des-cbc-md5,  │
865             │                           │ and des-cbc-md4 (weak)      │
866             ├───────────────────────────┼─────────────────────────────┤
867             │des3                       │ The   triple  DES  family:  │
868             │                           │ des3-cbc-sha1               │
869             ├───────────────────────────┼─────────────────────────────┤
870             │aes                        │ The      AES       family:  │
871             │                           │ aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96,    │
872             │                           │ aes128-cts-hmac-sha1-96,    │
873             │                           │ aes256-cts-hmac-sha384-192, │
874             │                           │ and                         │
875             │                           │ aes128-cts-hmac-sha256-128  │
876             ├───────────────────────────┼─────────────────────────────┤
877             │rc4                        │ The    RC4   family:   arc‐ │
878             │                           │ four-hmac                   │
879             ├───────────────────────────┼─────────────────────────────┤
880             │camellia                   │ The Camellia family: camel‐ │
881             │                           │ lia256-cts-cmac  and camel‐ │
882             │                           │ lia128-cts-cmac             │
883             └───────────────────────────┴─────────────────────────────┘
885       The string DEFAULT can be used to refer to the default set of types for
886       the  variable  in  question.  Types or families can be removed from the
887       current list by prefixing them with a minus sign ("-").  Types or fami‐
888       lies  can  be  prefixed with a plus sign ("+") for symmetry; it has the
889       same meaning as just listing the type or family.  For example, "DEFAULT
890       -des"  would  be  the  default  set  of encryption types with DES types
891       removed, and "des3 DEFAULT" would be  the  default  set  of  encryption
892       types with triple DES types moved to the front.
894       While  aes128-cts  and aes256-cts are supported for all Kerberos opera‐
895       tions, they are not supported by very old versions of our GSSAPI imple‐
896       mentation  (krb5-1.3.1 and earlier).  Services running versions of krb5
897       without AES support must not be given keys of these encryption types in
898       the KDC database.
900       The  aes128-sha2  and  aes256-sha2  encryption types are new in release
901       1.15.  Services running versions of  krb5  without  support  for  these
902       newer encryption types must not be given keys of these encryption types
903       in the KDC database.


906       Kerberos keys for users are usually derived from  passwords.   Kerberos
907       commands  and  configuration  parameters that affect generation of keys
908       take lists of enctype-salttype  ("keysalt")  pairs,  known  as  keysalt
909       lists.   Each  keysalt  pair  is an enctype name followed by a salttype
910       name, in the format enc:salt.  Individual keysalt list members are sep‐
911       arated by comma (",") characters or space characters.  For example:
913          kadmin -e aes256-cts:normal,aes128-cts:normal
915       would  start  up  kadmin  so  that  by  default it would generate pass‐
916       word-derived keys for the aes256-cts and aes128-cts  encryption  types,
917       using a normal salt.
919       To  ensure that people who happen to pick the same password do not have
920       the same key, Kerberos 5 incorporates more  information  into  the  key
921       using  something  called  a salt.  The supported salt types are as fol‐
922       lows:
924                      ┌──────────┬────────────────────────────┐
925                      │normal    │ default for Kerberos  Ver‐ │
926                      │          │ sion 5                     │
927                      ├──────────┼────────────────────────────┤
928                      │v4        │ the only type used by Ker‐ │
929                      │          │ beros Version 4 (no salt)  │
930                      ├──────────┼────────────────────────────┤
931                      │norealm   │ same as the default, with‐ │
932                      │          │ out  using  realm informa‐ │
933                      │          │ tion                       │
934                      ├──────────┼────────────────────────────┤
935                      │onlyrealm │ uses only  realm  informa‐ │
936                      │          │ tion as the salt           │
937                      ├──────────┼────────────────────────────┤
938                      │afs3      │ AFS  version  3, only used │
939                      │          │ for   compatibility   with │
940                      │          │ Kerberos 4 in AFS          │
941                      ├──────────┼────────────────────────────┤
942                      │special   │ generate a random salt     │
943                      └──────────┴────────────────────────────┘


946       Here's an example of a kdc.conf file:
948          [kdcdefaults]
949              kdc_listen = 88
950              kdc_tcp_listen = 88
951          [realms]
952              ATHENA.MIT.EDU = {
953                  kadmind_port = 749
954                  max_life = 12h 0m 0s
955                  max_renewable_life = 7d 0h 0m 0s
956                  master_key_type = aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96
957                  supported_enctypes = aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96:normal aes128-cts-hmac-sha1-96:normal
958                  database_module = openldap_ldapconf
959              }
961          [logging]
962              kdc = FILE:/usr/local/var/krb5kdc/kdc.log
963              admin_server = FILE:/usr/local/var/krb5kdc/kadmin.log
965          [dbdefaults]
966              ldap_kerberos_container_dn = cn=krbcontainer,dc=mit,dc=edu
968          [dbmodules]
969              openldap_ldapconf = {
970                  db_library = kldap
971                  disable_last_success = true
972                  ldap_kdc_dn = "cn=krbadmin,dc=mit,dc=edu"
973                      # this object needs to have read rights on
974                      # the realm container and principal subtrees
975                  ldap_kadmind_dn = "cn=krbadmin,dc=mit,dc=edu"
976                      # this object needs to have read and write rights on
977                      # the realm container and principal subtrees
978                  ldap_service_password_file = /etc/kerberos/service.keyfile
979                  ldap_servers = ldaps://kerberos.mit.edu
980                  ldap_conns_per_server = 5
981              }


984       /var/kerberos/krb5kdc/kdc.conf


987       krb5.conf(5), krb5kdc(8), kadm5.acl(5)


990       MIT
993       1985-2018, MIT
9981.16.1                                                             KDC.CONF(5)