1EDITLINE(7)            Miscellaneous Information Manual            EDITLINE(7)


6       editline - line editing user interface


9       When  a  program  using  the  editline(3)  library prompts for an input
10       string using the function el_wgets(3), it  reads  characters  from  the
11       terminal.  Invalid input bytes that do not form characters are silently
12       discarded.  For each character read, one editor  command  is  executed.
13       The mapping of input characters to editor commands depends on the edit‐
14       ing mode.  There are three editing modes: vi insert  mode,  vi  command
15       mode,  and emacs mode.  The default is vi insert mode.  The program can
16       switch the default to emacs mode by using the el_set(3) or  el_parse(3)
17       functions,  and  the  user  can  switch  to  emacs  mode  either in the
18       editrc(5) configuration file or interactively with the ed-command  edi‐
19       tor  command,  in  all three cases executing the bind Fl e builtin com‐
20       mand.
22       If trying to read from the terminal results in end of file or an error,
23       the  library  signals  end of file to the program and does not return a
24       string.
26   Input character bindings
27       All default bindings described below can be  overridden  by  individual
28       programs and can be changed with the editrc(5) bind builtin command.
30       In  the  following  tables,  `Ctrl-' indicates a character with the bit
31       0x40 flipped, and `Meta-' indicates a character with the bit 0x80  set.
32       In  vi  insert  mode  and in emacs mode, all Meta-characters considered
33       printable by the current locale(1) are bound to ed-insert instead of to
34       the  editor command listed below.  Consequently, in UTF-8 mode, most of
35       the Meta-characters are not  directly  accessible  because  their  code
36       points  are  occupied by printable Unicode characters, and Meta-charac‐
37       ters are usually input using  the  em-meta-next  editor  command.   For
38       example,  to  enter  `Meta-B'  in order to call the ed-prev-word editor
39       command in emacs mode, call em-meta-next by pressing and releasing  the
40       escape  key  (or  equivalently, Ctrl-[), then press and release the `B'
41       key.  If you have configured a Meta-key on your keyboard,  for  example
42       with  `setxkbmap'  -option altwin:left_meta_win , the Ctrl-Meta-charac‐
43       ters are directly accessible.  For example, to enter  `Ctrl-Meta-H'  in
44       order  to  call  the  ed-delete-prev-word editor command in emacs mode,
45       hold down the keys `Ctrl', `Meta', and `H' at the same time.   Alterna‐
46       tively, press and release the escape key, then press and release `Ctrl-
47       H'.
49       In vi input mode, input characters are bound to  the  following  editor
50       commands  by default: It Ctrl-D, EOF Ta vi-list-or-eof It Ctrl-H, BS Ta
51       vi-delete-prev-char It Ctrl-J, LF Ta ed-newline It Ctrl-M,  CR  Ta  ed-
52       newline  It Ctrl-Q Ta ed-tty-start-output It Ctrl-S Ta ed-tty-stop-out‐
53       put It Ctrl-U Ta vi-kill-line-prev It  Ctrl-V  Ta  ed-quoted-insert  It
54       Ctrl-W  Ta  ed-delete-prev-word  It  Ctrl-[,  ESC Ta vi-command-mode It
55       Ctrl-\, QUIT Ta ed-tty-sigquit It Ctrl-?, DEL Ta vi-delete-prev-char
57       All other input characters except the NUL character (Ctrl-@) are  bound
58       to ed-insert.
60       In  vi command mode, input characters are bound to the following editor
61       commands by default: It Ctrl-A Ta ed-move-to-beg It Ctrl-C, INT Ta  ed-
62       tty-sigint It Ctrl-E Ta ed-move-to-end It Ctrl-H, BS Ta ed-delete-prev-
63       char It Ctrl-J, LF Ta ed-newline It Ctrl-K Ta ed-kill-line  It  Ctrl-L,
64       FF Ta ed-clear-screen It Ctrl-M, CR Ta ed-newline It Ctrl-N Ta ed-next-
65       history It Ctrl-O Ta ed-tty-flush-output It Ctrl-P  Ta  ed-prev-history
66       It Ctrl-Q Ta ed-tty-start-output It Ctrl-R Ta ed-redisplay It Ctrl-S Ta
67       ed-tty-stop-output It Ctrl-U Ta  vi-kill-line-prev  It  Ctrl-W  Ta  ed-
68       delete-prev-word  It Ctrl-[, ESC Ta em-meta-next It Ctrl-\, QUIT Ta ed-
69       tty-sigquit It Space Ta ed-next-char It # Ta vi-comment-out It $ Ta ed-
70       move-to-end It % Ta vi-match It + Ta ed-next-history It , Ta vi-repeat-
71       prev-char It - Ta ed-prev-history It . Ta vi-redo It  /  Ta  vi-search-
72       prev  It 0 Ta vi-zero It 1 to 9 Ta ed-argument-digit It : Ta ed-command
73       It ; Ta vi-repeat-next-char It ? Ta vi-search-next It @ Ta vi-alias  It
74       A Ta vi-add-at-eol It B Ta vi-prev-big-word It C Ta vi-change-to-eol It
75       D Ta ed-kill-line It E Ta vi-end-big-word It F Ta vi-prev-char It G  Ta
76       vi-to-history-line It I Ta vi-insert-at-bol It J Ta ed-search-next-his‐
77       tory It K Ta ed-search-prev-history It N Ta vi-repeat-search-prev It  O
78       Ta ed-sequence-lead-in It P Ta vi-paste-prev It R Ta vi-replace-mode It
79       S Ta vi-substitute-line It T Ta vi-to-prev-char It U Ta vi-undo-line It
80       W  Ta  vi-next-big-word It X Ta ed-delete-prev-char It Y Ta vi-yank-end
81       It [ Ta ed-sequence-lead-in It ^ Ta ed-move-to-beg It _ Ta  vi-history-
82       word It a Ta vi-add It b Ta vi-prev-word It c Ta vi-change-meta It d Ta
83       vi-delete-meta It e Ta vi-end-word It f Ta vi-next-char  It  h  Ta  ed-
84       prev-char  It  i  Ta vi-insert It j Ta ed-next-history It k Ta ed-prev-
85       history It l Ta ed-next-char It n Ta vi-repeat-search-next It p Ta  vi-
86       paste-next  It  r Ta vi-replace-char It s Ta vi-substitute-char It t Ta
87       vi-to-next-char It u Ta vi-undo It v Ta vi-histedit It  w  Ta  vi-next-
88       word  It  x Ta ed-delete-next-char It y Ta vi-yank It | Ta vi-to-column
89       It ~ Ta vi-change-case It Ctrl-?, DEL Ta ed-delete-prev-char It  Meta-O
90       Ta ed-sequence-lead-in It Meta-[ Ta ed-sequence-lead-in
92       In  emacs mode, input characters are bound to the following editor com‐
93       mands by default: It 0 to 9 Ta ed-digit It Ctrl-@, NUL  Ta  em-set-mark
94       It Ctrl-A Ta ed-move-to-beg It Ctrl-B Ta ed-prev-char It Ctrl-C, INT Ta
95       ed-tty-sigint It Ctrl-D, EOF Ta em-delete-or-list It Ctrl-E Ta ed-move-
96       to-end  It  Ctrl-F Ta ed-next-char It Ctrl-H, BS Ta em-delete-prev-char
97       It Ctrl-J, LF Ta ed-newline It Ctrl-K Ta ed-kill-line It Ctrl-L, FF  Ta
98       ed-clear-screen  It  Ctrl-M, CR Ta ed-newline It Ctrl-N Ta ed-next-his‐
99       tory It Ctrl-O Ta ed-tty-flush-output It Ctrl-P Ta  ed-prev-history  It
100       Ctrl-Q  Ta  ed-tty-start-output  It Ctrl-R Ta ed-redisplay It Ctrl-S Ta
101       ed-tty-stop-output It Ctrl-T Ta ed-transpose-chars  It  Ctrl-U  Ta  ed-
102       kill-line  It Ctrl-V Ta ed-quoted-insert It Ctrl-W Ta em-kill-region It
103       Ctrl-X Ta ed-sequence-lead-in It Ctrl-Y Ta em-yank It Ctrl-Z,  TSTP  Ta
104       ed-tty-sigtstp  It  Ctrl-[,  ESC Ta em-meta-next It Ctrl-\, QUIT Ta ed-
105       tty-sigquit It Ctrl-] Ta ed-tty-dsusp It Ctrl-?, DEL Ta em-delete-prev-
106       char  It Ctrl-Meta-H Ta ed-delete-prev-word It Ctrl-Meta-L Ta ed-clear-
107       screen It Ctrl-Meta-_ Ta em-copy-prev-word It Meta-0 to 9  Ta  ed-argu‐
108       ment-digit  It  Meta-B  Ta ed-prev-word It Meta-C Ta em-capitol-case It
109       Meta-D Ta em-delete-next-word It Meta-F Ta em-next-word  It  Meta-L  Ta
110       em-lower-case  It  Meta-N  Ta  ed-search-next-history  It Meta-O Ta ed-
111       sequence-lead-in It Meta-P Ta ed-search-prev-history It Meta-U  Ta  em-
112       upper-case  It  Meta-W  Ta  em-copy-region  It  Meta-X Ta ed-command It
113       Meta-[ Ta ed-sequence-lead-in It Meta-b Ta ed-prev-word  It  Meta-c  Ta
114       em-capitol-case  It Meta-d Ta em-delete-next-word It Meta-f Ta em-next-
115       word It Meta-l Ta em-lower-case It Meta-n Ta ed-search-next-history  It
116       Meta-p  Ta  ed-search-prev-history It Meta-u Ta em-upper-case It Meta-w
117       Ta em-copy-region It Meta-x Ta ed-command It Ctrl-Meta-? Ta  ed-delete-
118       prev-word
120       The  remaining  ascii(7) characters in the range 0x20 to 0x7e are bound
121       to ed-insert.
123       If standard output is not connected to a terminal device  or  el_set(3)
124       was used to set EL_EDITMODE to 0, all input character bindings are dis‐
125       abled and all characters typed are appended to  the  edit  buffer.   In
126       that  case,  the edit buffer is returned to the program after a newline
127       or carriage return character is typed, or  after  the  first  character
128       typed if el_set(3) was used to set EL_UNBUFFERED to non-zero.
130   Editor commands
131       Most  editor  commands  accept  an  optional argument.  The argument is
132       entered by prefixing the editor command with one or more of the  editor
133       commands  ed-argument-digit,  ed-digit,  em-universal-argument,  or vi-
134       zero.  When an argument is not provided, it defaults to  1.   For  most
135       editor commands, the effect of an argument is to repeatedly execute the
136       command that number of times.
138       When talking about a character string from a left character to a  right
139       character,  the  left  character  is  included in the string, while the
140       right character is not included.
142       If an editor command causes an error, the input character is discarded,
143       no  action  occurs,  and  the terminal bell is rung.  In case of a non-
144       fatal error, the terminal bell is also rung,  but  the  editor  command
145       takes effect anyway.
147       In  the  following list, the default key bindings are listed after each
148       editor command.
150       ed-argument-digit Pq vi command: 1 to 9; emacs: Meta-0 to Meta-9
151              If in argument input mode, append the input digit to  the  argu‐
152              ment  being  read.  Otherwise, switch to argument input mode and
153              use the input digit as the most significant digit of  the  argu‐
154              ment.   It  is an error if the input character is not a digit or
155              if the existing argument is already greater than a million.
157       ed-clear-screen Pq vi command: Ctrl-L; emacs: Ctrl-L, Ctrl-Meta-L
158              Clear the screen and display the edit buffer at the top.  Ignore
159              any argument.
161       ed-command Pq vi command: So : Sc ; emacs: Meta-X, Meta-x
162              Read  a line from the terminal bypassing the normal line editing
163              functionality and execute that line as an editrc(5) builtin com‐
164              mand.   If  in  vi  command  mode, also switch back to vi insert
165              mode.  Ignore any argument.
167       ed-delete-next-char Pq vi command: x
168              Delete the character at the cursor position.  With an  argument,
169              delete that number of characters.  In emacs mode, it is an error
170              if the cursor is at the end of the edit buffer.  In vi mode, the
171              last  character  in the edit buffer is deleted in that case, and
172              it is an error if the buffer is empty.
174       ed-delete-prev-char Pq vi command: X, Ctrl-H, BS, Ctrl-?, DEL
175              Delete the character to the left of the cursor  position.   With
176              an  argument,  delete that number of characters.  It is an error
177              if the cursor is at the beginning of the edit buffer.
179       ed-delete-prev-word Pq vi: Ctrl-W; emacs: Ctrl-Meta-H, Ctrl-Meta-?
180              Move to the left to the closest beginning of a word, delete  the
181              string  from that position to the cursor, and save it to the cut
182              buffer.  With an argument, delete that number of words.   It  is
183              an error if the cursor is at the beginning of the edit buffer.
185       ed-digit Pq emacs: 0 to 9
186              If  in  argument input mode, append the input digit to the argu‐
187              ment being read.  Otherwise, call ed-insert.  It is an error  if
188              the  input  character is not a digit or if the existing argument
189              is already greater than a million.
191       ed-end-of-file Pq not bound by default
192              Discard the edit buffer and indicate end of file to the program.
193              Ignore any argument.
195       ed-ignore Pq various
196              Discard the input character and do nothing.
198       ed-insert Pq vi input: almost all; emacs: printable characters
199              In  insert  mode,  insert the input character left of the cursor
200              position.  In replace mode, overwrite the character at the  cur‐
201              sor  and move the cursor to the right by one character position.
202              Accept an argument to do this repeatedly.  It is an error if the
203              input  character  is  the  NUL  character  (Ctrl-@).  Failure to
204              enlarge the edit buffer also results in an error.
206       ed-kill-line Pq vi command: D, Ctrl-K; emacs: Ctrl-K, Ctrl-U
207              Delete the string from the cursor position to  the  end  of  the
208              line and save it to the cut buffer.  Ignore any argument.
210       ed-move-to-beg Pq vi command: ^, Ctrl-A; emacs: Ctrl-A
211              In  vi mode, move the cursor to the first non-space character in
212              the edit buffer.  In emacs mode, move the cursor to  the  begin‐
213              ning of the edit buffer.  Ignore any argument.  Can be used as a
214              movement  command  after  vi_change_meta,   vi_delete_meta,   or
215              vi_yank.
217       ed-move-to-end Pq vi command: $, Ctrl-E; emacs: Ctrl-E
218              Move the cursor to the end of the edit buffer.  Ignore any argu‐
219              ment.  Can be used as a movement command  after  vi_change_meta,
220              vi_delete_meta, or vi_yank.
222       ed-newline Pq all modes: Ctrl-J, LF, Ctrl-M, CR
223              Append  a  newline  character  to the edit buffer and return the
224              edit buffer to the program.  Ignore any argument.
226       ed-next-char Pq vi command: Space, l; emacs: Ctrl-F
227              Move the cursor one character position to the  right.   With  an
228              argument,  move  by that number of characters.  Can be used as a
229              movement  command  after  vi_change_meta,   vi_delete_meta,   or
230              vi_yank.   It is an error if the cursor is already at the end of
231              the edit buffer.
233       ed-next-history Pq vi command: j, +, Ctrl-N; emacs: Ctrl-N
234              Replace the edit buffer with the next history line.   That  line
235              is older than the current line.  With an argument, go forward by
236              that number of history  lines.   It  is  a  non-fatal  error  to
237              advance by more lines than are available.
239       ed-next-line Pq not bound by default
240              Move  the  cursor down one line.  With an argument, move down by
241              that number of lines.  It is an error if the  edit  buffer  does
242              not contain enough newline characters to the right of the cursor
243              position.
245       ed-prev-char Pq vi command: h; emacs: Ctrl-B
246              Move the cursor one character position to  the  left.   With  an
247              argument,  move  by that number of characters.  Can be used as a
248              movement  command  after  vi_change_meta,   vi_delete_meta,   or
249              vi_yank.   It is an error if the cursor is already at the begin‐
250              ning of the edit buffer.
252       ed-prev-history Pq vi command: k, -, Ctrl-P; emacs: Ctrl-P
253              Replace the edit buffer with the previous  history  line.   That
254              line  is newer than the current line.  With an argument, go back
255              by that number of lines.  It is a non-fatal error to back up  by
256              more lines than are available.
258       ed-prev-line Pq not bound by default
259              Move  the cursor up one line.  With an argument, move up by that
260              number of lines.  It is an error if the  edit  buffer  does  not
261              contain  enough  newline  characters  to  the left of the cursor
262              position.
264       ed-prev-word Pq emacs: Meta-B, Meta-b
265              Move the cursor to the left to the closest beginning of a  word.
266              With an argument, repeat that number of times.  Can be used as a
267              movement  command  after  vi_change_meta,   vi_delete_meta,   or
268              vi_yank.   It is an error if the cursor is already at the begin‐
269              ning of the edit buffer.
271       ed-quoted-insert Pq vi insert, emacs: Ctrl-V
272              Read one character from the terminal bypassing the  normal  line
273              editing  functionality  and  call ed-insert on it.  If trying to
274              read the character returns end of file or an error, call ed-end-
275              of-file instead.
277       ed-redisplay Pq vi command, emacs: Ctrl-R
278              Redisplay everything.  Ignore any argument.
280       ed-search-next-history Pq vi command: J; emacs: Meta-N, Meta-n
281              Replace the edit buffer with the next matching history entry.
283       ed-search-prev-history Pq vi command: K; emacs: Meta-P, Meta-p
284              Replace  the  edit  buffer  with  the  previous matching history
285              entry.
287       ed-sequence-lead-in Pq vi cmd: O, [; emacs: Ctrl-X;\fP
288               both: Meta-O, Meta-[ Call  a  macro.   See  the  section  about
289              Macros below for details.
291       ed-start-over Pq not bound by default
292              Discard  the contents of the edit buffer and start from scratch.
293              Ignore any argument.
295       ed-transpose-chars Pq emacs: Ctrl-T
296              Exchange the character at the cursor position with  the  one  to
297              the left of it and move the cursor to the character to the right
298              of the two exchanged characters.  Ignore any argument.  It is an
299              error if the cursor is at the beginning of the edit buffer or if
300              the edit buffer contains less than two characters.
302       ed-unassigned Pq all characters not listed
303              This editor command always results in an error.
305       em-capitol-case Pq emacs: Meta-C, Meta-c
306              Capitalize the string from the cursor to the end of the  current
307              word.   That  is, if it contains at least one alphabetic charac‐
308              ter, convert the first alphabetic character to upper  case,  and
309              convert all characters to the right of it to lower case.  In any
310              case, move the cursor to the next character after the end of the
311              current word.
313       em-copy-prev-word Pq emacs: Ctrl-Meta-_
314              Copy  the  string  from the beginning of the current word to the
315              cursor and insert it to the left of the cursor.  Move the cursor
316              to  the  character after the inserted string.  It is an error if
317              the cursor is at the beginning of the edit buffer.
319       em-copy-region Pq emacs: Meta-W, Meta-w
320              Copy the string from the cursor to the mark to the  cut  buffer.
321              It is an error if the mark is not set.
323       em-delete-next-word Pq emacs: Meta-D, Meta-d
324              Delete the string from the cursor to the end of the current word
325              and save it to the cut buffer.  It is an error if the cursor  is
326              at the end of the edit buffer.
328       em-delete-or-list Pq emacs: Ctrl-D, EOF
329              If  the cursor is not at the end of the line, delete the charac‐
330              ter at the cursor.  If the edit buffer is empty, indicate end of
331              file to the program.  It is an error if the cursor is at the end
332              of the edit buffer and the edit buffer is not empty.
334       em-delete-prev-char Pq emacs: Ctrl-H, BS, Ctrl-?, DEL
335              Delete the character to the left of the cursor.  It is an  error
336              if the cursor is at the beginning of the edit buffer.
338       em-exchange-mark Pq not bound by default
339              Exchange the cursor and the mark.
341       em-gosmacs-transpose Pq not bound by default
342              Exchange the two characters to the left of the cursor.  It is an
343              error if the cursor is on the first or second character  of  the
344              edit buffer.
346       em-inc-search-next Pq not bound by default
347              Emacs incremental next search.
349       em-inc-search-prev Pq not bound by default
350              Emacs incremental reverse search.
352       em-kill-line Pq not bound by default
353              Delete the entire contents of the edit buffer and save it to the
354              cut buffer.
356       em-kill-region Pq emacs: Ctrl-W
357              Delete the string from the cursor to the mark and save it to the
358              cut buffer.  It is an error if the mark is not set.
360       em-lower-case Pq emacs: Meta-L, Meta-l
361              Convert the characters from the cursor to the end of the current
362              word to lower case.
364       em-meta-next Pq vi command, emacs: Ctrl-[, ESC
365              Set the bit 0x80  on  the  next  character  typed.   Unless  the
366              resulting  code point is printable, holding down the `Meta-' key
367              while typing that character is a simpler way to achieve the same
368              effect.
370       em-next-word Pq Meta-F, Meta-f
371              Move  the cursor to the end of the current word.  Can be used as
372              a movement  command  after  vi_change_meta,  vi_delete_meta,  or
373              vi_yank.   It is an error if the cursor is already at the end of
374              the edit buffer.
376       em-set-mark Pq emacs: Ctrl-Q, NUL
377              Set the mark at the current cursor position.
379       em-toggle-overwrite Pq not bound by default
380              Switch from insert to overwrite mode or vice versa.
382       em-universal-argument Pq not bound by default
383              If in argument input mode, multiply the argument by  4.   Other‐
384              wise,  switch  to argument input mode and set the argument to 4.
385              It is an error if the existing argument is already greater  than
386              a million.
388       em-upper-case Pq emacs: Meta-U, Meta-u
389              Convert the characters from the cursor to the end of the current
390              word to upper case.
392       em-yank Pq emacs: Ctrl-Y
393              Paste the cut buffer to the left of the cursor.
395       vi-add Pq vi command: a
396              Switch to vi insert mode.  Unless the cursor is already  at  the
397              end  of  the  edit buffer, move it one character position to the
398              right.
400       vi-add-at-eol Pq vi command: A
401              Switch to vi insert mode and move the cursor to the end  of  the
402              edit buffer.
404       vi-alias Pq vi command: @
405              If  an  alias  function  was defined by calling the el_set(3) or
406              el_wset(3) function with the argument EL_ALIAS_TEXT ,  read  one
407              character  from  the  terminal bypassing the normal line editing
408              functionality, call the alias function passing the argument that
409              was  specified  with EL_ALIAS_TEXT as the first argument and the
410              character read, with an  underscore  prepended,  as  the  second
411              argument,  and  pass the string returned from the alias function
412              to el_wpush(3).  It is an error if no alias function is  defined
413              or  if trying to read the character results in end of file or an
414              error.
416       vi-change-case Pq vi command: ~
417              Change the case of the character at the cursor and move the cur‐
418              sor  one character position to the right.  It is an error if the
419              cursor is already at the end of the edit buffer.
421       vi-change-meta Pq vi command: c
422              Delete the string from the cursor to the position  specified  by
423              the  following movement command and save a copy of it to the cut
424              buffer.  When given twice in a row,  instead  delete  the  whole
425              contents  of  the  edit  buffer and save a copy of it to the cut
426              buffer.  In either case, switch to vi insert mode after that.
428       vi-change-to-eol Pq vi command: C
429              Delete the string from the cursor position to  the  end  of  the
430              line  and  save  it  to the cut buffer, then switch to vi insert
431              mode.
433       vi-command-mode Pq vi insert: Ctrl-[, ESC
434              Discard pending actions and arguments and switch to  vi  command
435              mode.  Unless the cursor is already at the beginning of the edit
436              buffer, move it to the left by one character position.
438       vi-comment-out Pq vi command: #
439              Insert a `#' character at the beginning of the edit  buffer  and
440              return the edit buffer to the program.
442       vi-delete-meta Pq vi command: d
443              Delete  the  string from the cursor to the position specified by
444              the following movement command and save a copy of it to the  cut
445              buffer.   When  given  twice  in a row, instead delete the whole
446              contents of the edit buffer and save a copy of  it  to  the  cut
447              buffer.
449       vi-delete-prev-char Pq vi insert: Ctrl-H, BS, Ctrl-?, DEL
450              Delete  the character to the left of the cursor.  It is an error
451              if the cursor is already at the beginning of the edit buffer.
453       vi-end-big-word Pq vi command: E
454              Move the cursor to the end of the current space delimited  word.
455              Can   be  used  as  a  movement  command  after  vi_change_meta,
456              vi_delete_meta, or vi_yank.  It is an error  if  the  cursor  is
457              already at the end of the edit buffer.
459       vi-end-word Pq vi command: e
460              Move  the cursor to the end of the current word.  Can be used as
461              a movement  command  after  vi_change_meta,  vi_delete_meta,  or
462              vi_yank.   It is an error if the cursor is already at the end of
463              the edit buffer.
465       vi-history-word Pq vi command: _
466              Insert the first word from the most recent history  entry  after
467              the  cursor,  move  the  cursor after to the character after the
468              inserted word, and switch to vi insert mode.  It is an error  if
469              there  is  no  history entry or the most recent history entry is
470              empty.
472       vi-insert Pq vi command: i
473              Enter insert mode.
475       vi-insert-at-bol Pq vi command: I
476              Move the cursor to the beginning of the edit buffer  and  switch
477              to vi insert mode.
479       vi-kill-line-prev Pq vi: Ctrl-U
480              Delete  the  string from the beginning of the edit buffer to the
481              cursor and save it to the cut buffer.
483       vi-list-or-eof Pq vi insert: Ctrl-D, EOF
484              If the edit buffer is empty, indicate end of file  to  the  pro‐
485              gram.  It is an error if the edit buffer is not empty.
487       vi-match Pq vi command: %
488              Consider  opening  and closing parentheses, braces, and brackets
489              as delimiters.  If the cursor is not at a delimiter, move it  to
490              the  right  until  it  gets to one, then move it to the matching
491              delimiter.   Can  be  used   as   a   movement   command   after
492              vi_change_meta,  vi_delete_meta,  or vi_yank.  It is an error if
493              there is no delimiter at the cursor or  in  the  string  to  the
494              right  of  the  cursor,  or  if  the first such delimiter has no
495              matching delimiter.
497       vi-next-big-word Pq vi command: W
498              Move the cursor to the right to the beginning of the next  space
499              delimited  word.   Can  be  used  as  a  movement  command after
500              vi_change_meta, vi_delete_meta, or vi_yank.  It is an  error  if
501              the  cursor  is  already at the end of the edit buffer or on its
502              last character.
504       vi-next-char Pq vi command: f
505              Read one character from the terminal bypassing the  normal  line
506              editing  functionality  and  move the cursor to the right to the
507              next instance of that character in the edit buffer.  Can be used
508              as  a  movement command after vi_change_meta, vi_delete_meta, or
509              vi_yank.  If trying to read the character results in end of file
510              or an error, call ed-end-of-file instead.  It is an error if the
511              character is not found searching to the right in the  edit  buf‐
512              fer.
514       vi-next-word Pq vi command: w
515              Move  the cursor to the right to the beginning of the next word.
516              Can  be  used  as  a  movement  command  after   vi_change_meta,
517              vi_delete_meta,  or  vi_yank.   It  is an error if the cursor is
518              already at the end of the edit buffer or on its last character.
520       vi-paste-next Pq vi command: p
521              Insert a copy of the cut buffer to the right of the cursor.   It
522              is an error if the cut buffer is empty.
524       vi-paste-prev Pq vi command: P
525              Insert  a  copy of the cut buffer to the left of the cursor.  It
526              is an error if the cut buffer is empty.
528       vi-prev-big-word Pq vi command: B
529              Move the cursor to the left to the next  beginning  of  a  space
530              delimited  word.   Can  be  used  as  a  movement  command after
531              vi_change_meta, vi_delete_meta, or vi_yank.  It is an  error  if
532              the cursor is already at the beginning of the edit buffer.
534       vi-prev-char Pq vi command: F
535              Read  one  character from the terminal bypassing the normal line
536              editing functionality and move the cursor to  the  left  to  the
537              next instance of that character in the edit buffer.  Can be used
538              as a movement command after vi_change_meta,  vi_delete_meta,  or
539              vi_yank.  If trying to read the character results in end of file
540              or an error, call ed-end-of-file instead.  It is an error if the
541              character is not found searching to the left in the edit buffer.
543       vi-prev-word Pq vi command: b
544              Move  the  cursor  to  the left to the next beginning of a word.
545              Can  be  used  as  a  movement  command  after   vi_change_meta,
546              vi_delete_meta,  or  vi_yank.   It  is an error if the cursor is
547              already at the beginning of the edit buffer.
549       vi-redo Pq vi command: Sq .
550              Redo the last non-motion command.
552       vi-repeat-next-char Pq vi command: Sq ;
553              Repeat the most recent  character  search  in  the  same  search
554              direction.    Can   be   used   as   a  movement  command  after
555              vi_change_meta, vi_delete_meta, or vi_yank.
557       vi-repeat-prev-char Pq vi command: Sq ,
558              Repeat the most recent character search in the  opposite  search
559              direction.    Can   be   used   as   a  movement  command  after
560              vi_change_meta, vi_delete_meta, or vi_yank.
562       vi-repeat-search-next Pq vi command: n
563              Repeat the most recent history search in the same search  direc‐
564              tion.
566       vi-repeat-search-prev Pq vi command: N
567              Repeat  the  most  recent  history search in the opposite search
568              direction.
570       vi-replace-char Pq vi command: r
571              Switch to vi replace mode, and automatically switch back  to  vi
572              command  mode after the next character typed.  See ed-insert for
573              a description of replace mode.  It is an error if the cursor  is
574              at the end of the edit buffer.
576       vi-replace-mode Pq vi command: R
577              Switch to vi replace mode.  This is a variant of vi insert mode;
578              see ed-insert for the difference.
580       vi-search-next Pq vi command: ?
581              Replace the edit buffer with the next matching history entry.
583       vi-search-prev Pq vi command: /
584              Replace the edit  buffer  with  the  previous  matching  history
585              entry.
587       vi-substitute-char Pq vi command: s
588              Delete the character at the cursor and switch to vi insert mode.
590       vi-substitute-line Pq vi command: S
591              Delete the entire contents of the edit buffer, save a copy of it
592              in the cut buffer, and enter vi insert mode.
594       vi-to-column Pq vi command: |
595              Move the cursor to the column specified as the argument.  Can be
596              used as a movement command after vi_change_meta, vi_delete_meta,
597              or vi_yank.
599       vi-to-history-line Pq vi command: G
600              Replace the edit buffer with the specified history entry.
602       vi-to-next-char Pq vi command: t
603              Read one character from the terminal bypassing the  normal  line
604              editing  functionality  and  move the cursor to the right to the
605              character before the next instance of that character in the edit
606              buffer.  Can be used as a movement command after vi_change_meta,
607              vi_delete_meta, or vi_yank.  If trying  to  read  the  character
608              results in end of file or an error, call ed-end-of-file instead.
609              It is an error if the character is not found  searching  to  the
610              right in the edit buffer.
612       vi-to-prev-char Pq vi command: T
613              Read  one  character from the terminal bypassing the normal line
614              editing functionality and move the cursor to  the  left  to  the
615              character  after the next instance of that character in the edit
616              buffer.  Can be used as a movement command after vi_change_meta,
617              vi_delete_meta,  or  vi_yank.   If  trying to read the character
618              results in end of file or an error, call ed-end-of-file instead.
619              It  is  an  error if the character is not found searching to the
620              left in the edit buffer.
622       vi-undo Pq vi command: u
623              Undo the last change.
625       vi-undo-line Pq vi command: U
626              Undo all changes to the edit buffer.
628       vi-yank Pq vi command: y
629              Copy the string from the cursor to the position specified by the
630              following  movement command to the cut buffer.  When given twice
631              in a row, instead copy the whole contents of the edit buffer  to
632              the cut buffer.
634       vi-yank-end Pq vi command: Y
635              Copy the string from the cursor to the end of the edit buffer to
636              the cut buffer.
638       vi-zero Pq vi command: 0
639              If in argument input mode, multiply the argument by ten.  Other‐
640              wise,  move the cursor to the beginning of the edit buffer.  Can
641              be  used   as   a   movement   command   after   vi_change_meta,
642              vi_delete_meta, or vi_yank.
644   Macros
645       If  an input character is bound to the editor command ed-sequence-lead-
646       in, editline attempts to call a  macro.   If  the  input  character  by
647       itself  forms  the name of a macro, that macro is executed.  Otherwise,
648       additional input characters are read until the string  read  forms  the
649       name  of  a  macro,  in which case that macro is executed, or until the
650       string read matches the beginning of none of the existing macro  names,
651       in  which case the string including the final, mismatching character is
652       discarded and the terminal bell is rung.
654       There are two kinds of macros.  Command macros execute a single  editor
655       command.   Keyboard  macros  return  a  string  of  characters  that is
656       appended as a new line to the Input Queue .
658       The following command macros are defined by default in vi command  mode
659       and  in  emacs mode: It Esc [ A, Esc O A Ta ed-prev-history It Esc [ B,
660       Esc O B Ta ed-next-history It Esc [ C, Esc O C Ta ed-next-char It Esc [
661       D, Esc O D Ta ed-prev-char It Esc [ F, Esc O F Ta ed-move-to-end It Esc
662       [ H, Esc O H Ta ed-move-to-beg
664       In vi command mode, they are also defined by default without  the  ini‐
665       tial escape character.
667       In  addition,  the editline library tries to bind the strings generated
668       by the arrow keys as reported by the terminfo(5) database to these edi‐
669       tor commands, unless that would clobber user settings.
671       In  emacs  mode, the two-character string ``Ctrl-X Ctrl-X'' is bound to
672       the em-exchange-mark editor command.
674   Input Queue
675       The editline library maintains an input queue operated  in  FIFO  mode.
676       Whenever it needs an input character, it takes the first character from
677       the first line of the input queue.  When the queue is empty,  it  reads
678       from the terminal.
680       A  line  can be appended to the end of the input queue in several ways:
681       It By calling one of the keyboard Macros .  It By  calling  the  editor
682       command  vi-redo.   It  By  calling the editor command vi-alias.  It By
683       pressing a key in emacs incremental search mode  that  doesn't  have  a
684       special  meaning  in that mode but returns to normal emacs mode.  It If
685       an application program  directly  calls  the  functions  el_push(3)  or
686       el_wpush(3),  it  can  provide  additional,  program-specific  ways  of
687       appending to the input queue.


690       mg(1),  vi(1),  editline(3),  el_wgets(3),   el_wpush(3),   el_wset(3),
691       editrc(5)


694       This manual page first appeared in Ox 6.0 and Nx 8 .


697       -nosplit This manual page was written by
699       Ingo Schwarze <Mt schwarze@openbsd.org .>
703                                  May 7, 2016                      EDITLINE(7)