1GLOBUS-GRIDFTP-SER(8)    Grid Community Toolkit Manual   GLOBUS-GRIDFTP-SER(8)


6       globus-gridftp-server - The Globus GridFTP server daemon


9       globus-gridftp-server OPTIONS


12       The globus-gridftp-server program is a ftp server with support for
13       GridFTP protocol extensions, including strong authentication, parallel
14       data transfers, and parallel data layouts.


17       The list below contains the command-line options for the server, and
18       also the name of the configuration file entry that implements that
19       option. Note that any boolean option can be negated on the command line
20       by preceding the specified option with -no- or -n. example: -no-cas or
21       -nf.
23   Informational Options
24       -h,-help
25           Show usage information and exit.
27           This option can also be set in the configuration file as help. The
28           default value of this option is FALSE.
30       -hh,-longhelp
31           Show more usage information and exit.
33           This option can also be set in the configuration file as longhelp.
34           The default value of this option is FALSE.
36       -v,-version
37           Show version information for the server and exit.
39           This option can also be set in the configuration file as version.
40           The default value of this option is FALSE.
42       -V,-versions
43           Show version information for all loaded globus libraries and exit.
45           This option can also be set in the configuration file as versions.
46           The default value of this option is FALSE.
48   Modes of Operation
49       -i,-inetd
50           Run under an inetd service.
52           This option can also be set in the configuration file as inetd. The
53           default value of this option is FALSE.
55       -s,-daemon
56           Run as a daemon. All connections will fork off a new process and
57           setuid if allowed.
59           This option can also be set in the configuration file as daemon.
60           The default value of this option is TRUE.
62       -S,-detach
63           Run as a background daemon detached from any controlling terminals.
65           This option can also be set in the configuration file as detach.
66           The default value of this option is FALSE.
68       -ssh
69           Run over a connected ssh session.
71           This option can also be set in the configuration file as ssh. The
72           default value of this option is FALSE.
74       -exec string
75           For statically compiled or non-GLOBUS_LOCATION standard binary
76           locations, specify the full path of the server binary here. Only
77           needed when run in daemon mode.
79           This option can also be set in the configuration file as exec.
81       -chdir
82           Change directory when the server starts. This will change directory
83           to the dir specified by the chdir_to option.
85           This option can also be set in the configuration file as chdir. The
86           default value of this option is TRUE.
88       -chdir-to string
89           Directory to chdir to after starting. Will use / if not set. Note
90           that this is the directory of the process, not the client’s home
91           directory.
93           This option can also be set in the configuration file as chdir_to.
95       -threads number
96           Enable threaded operation and set the number of threads. The
97           default is 0, which is non-threaded. When threading is required, a
98           thread count of 1 or 2 should be sufficient.
100           This option can also be set in the configuration file as threads.
102       -f,-fork
103           Server will fork for each new connection. Disabling this option is
104           only recommended when debugging. Note that non-forked servers
105           running as root will only accept a single connection, and then
106           exit.
108           This option can also be set in the configuration file as fork. The
109           default value of this option is TRUE.
111       -1,-single
112           Exit after a single connection.
114           This option can also be set in the configuration file as single.
115           The default value of this option is FALSE.
117       -chroot-path string
118           Path to become the new root after authentication. This path must
119           contain a valid certificate structure, /etc/passwd, and /etc/group.
120           The command globus-gridftp-server-setup-chroot can help create a
121           suitable directory structure.
123           This option can also be set in the configuration file as
124           chroot_path.
126   Authentication, Authorization, and Security Options
127       -auth-level number
128           Add levels together to use more than one. If not set uses level 2
129           for front ends and level 1 for data nodes. Note that levels 2 and 4
130           imply level 1 as well.
132               0 = Disables all authorization checks.
133               1 = Authorize identity.
134               2 = Authorize all file/resource accesses.
135               4 = Disable changing process uid to authenticated user (no
136                   setuid) -- DO NOT use this when process is started as root.
138           This option can also be set in the configuration file as
139           auth_level.
141       -process-user string
142           User to setuid to upon login for all connections. Only applies when
143           running as root.
145           This option can also be set in the configuration file as
146           process_user.
148       -process-group string
149           Group to setgid to upon login for all connections. If unset, the
150           default group of process_user will be used.
152           This option can also be set in the configuration file as
153           process_group.
155       -ipc-allow-from string
156           Only allow connections from these source ip addresses. Specify a
157           comma separated list of ip address fragments. A match is any ip
158           address that starts with the specified fragment. Example:
159           192.168.1.  will match and allow a connection from
160           Note that if this option is used any address not specifically
161           allowed will be denied.
163           This option can also be set in the configuration file as
164           ipc_allow_from.
166       -ipc-deny-from string
167           Deny connections from these source ip addresses. Specify a comma
168           separated list of ip address fragments. A match is any ip address
169           that starts with the specified fragment. Example: 192.168.2.  will
170           match and deny a connection from
172           This option can also be set in the configuration file as
173           ipc_deny_from.
175       -allow-from string
176           Only allow connections from these source ip addresses. Specify a
177           comma separated list of ip address fragments. A match is any ip
178           address that starts with the specified fragment. Example:
179           192.168.1.  will match and allow a connection from
180           Note that if this option is used any address not specifically
181           allowed will be denied.
183           This option can also be set in the configuration file as
184           allow_from.
186       -deny-from string
187           Deny connections from these source ip addresses. Specify a comma
188           separated list of ip address fragments. A match is any ip address
189           that starts with the specified fragment. Example: 192.168.2.  will
190           match and deny a connection from
192           This option can also be set in the configuration file as deny_from.
194       -encrypt-data
195           Require encrypted data channels. This will cause an error and
196           prevent all transfers in which the client does not request an
197           authenticated and encrypted data channel.
199           This option can also be set in the configuration file as
200           encrypt_data. The default value of this option is FALSE.
202       -si,-secure-ipc
203           Use GSI security on ipc channel.
205           This option can also be set in the configuration file as
206           secure_ipc. The default value of this option is TRUE.
208       -ia string,-ipc-auth-mode string
209           Set GSI authorization mode for the ipc connection. Options are:
210           none, host, self or subject:[subject].
212           This option can also be set in the configuration file as
213           ipc_auth_mode. The default value of this option is host.
215       -aa,-allow-anonymous
216           Allow clear text anonymous access. If server is running as root
217           anonymous_user must also be set. Disables ipc security.
219           This option can also be set in the configuration file as
220           allow_anonymous. The default value of this option is FALSE.
222       -anonymous-names-allowed string
223           Comma separated list of names to treat as anonymous users when
224           allowing anonymous access. If not set, the default names of
225           anonymous and ftp will be allowed. Use * to allow any username.
227           This option can also be set in the configuration file as
228           anonymous_names_allowed.
230       -anonymous-user string
231           User to setuid to for an anonymous connection. Only applies when
232           running as root.
234           This option can also be set in the configuration file as
235           anonymous_user.
237       -anonymous-group string
238           Group to setgid to for an anonymous connection. If unset, the
239           default group of anonymous_user will be used.
241           This option can also be set in the configuration file as
242           anonymous_group.
244       -sharing-dn string
245           Allow sharing when using the supplied DN. A client connected with
246           these credentials will be able to access any user for which sharing
247           is enabled.
249           This option can also be set in the configuration file as
250           sharing_dn.
252       -sharing-state-dir string
253           Full path to a directory that will contain files used by GridFTP to
254           control sharing access for individual local accounts. The special
255           variables $HOME and $USER can be used to create a dynamic path that
256           is unique to each local account. This pathmust be writable by the
257           associated account. The default path is $HOME/.globus/sharing/.
258           This must refer to a path on the filesystem, not a path that is
259           only accessible via a DSI plugin.
261           This option can also be set in the configuration file as
262           sharing_state_dir.
264       -sharing-control
265           Allow a local user account to control its own sharing access via
266           special GridFTP client commands. The user account must have
267           filesystem write access to the sharing state dir.
269           This option can also be set in the configuration file as
270           sharing_control. The default value of this option is TRUE.
272       -sharing-rp string
273           Sharing specific path restrictions. This completely replaces the
274           normal path restrictions (-rp) when an account is being shared by a
275           sharing-dn login.Follows normal path restriction semantics.
277           This option can also be set in the configuration file as
278           sharing_rp.
280       -sharing-users-allow string
281           Comma separated list of usernames that are allowed to share unless
282           matched in the user deny lists. If this list is set, users that are
283           not included will be denied unless matched in the group allow list.
285           This option can also be set in the configuration file as
286           sharing_users_allow.
288       -sharing-users-deny string
289           Comma separated list of usernames that are denied sharing even if
290           matched in the user or group allow lists.
292           This option can also be set in the configuration file as
293           sharing_users_deny.
295       -sharing-groups-allow string
296           Comma separated list of groups whose members are allowed to share
297           unless matched in the user or group deny lists. If this list is
298           set, groups that are not included will be denied unless matched in
299           the user allow list.
301           This option can also be set in the configuration file as
302           sharing_groups_allow.
304       -sharing-groups-deny string
305           Comma separated list of groups whose members will be denied sharing
306           unless matched in the user allow list.
308           This option can also be set in the configuration file as
309           sharing_groups_deny.
311       -allow-root
312           Allow clients to be mapped to the root account.
314           This option can also be set in the configuration file as
315           allow_root. The default value of this option is FALSE.
317       -allow-disabled-login
318           Do not check if a user’s system account is disabled before allowing
319           login.
321           This option can also be set in the configuration file as
322           allow_disabled_login. The default value of this option is FALSE.
324       -password-file string
325           Enable clear text access and authenticate users against this
326           /etc/passwd formatted file.
328           This option can also be set in the configuration file as pw_file.
330       -connections-max number
331           Maximum concurrent connections allowed. Only applies when running
332           in daemon mode. Unlimited if not set.
334           This option can also be set in the configuration file as
335           connections_max.
337       -connections-disabled
338           Disable all new connections. For daemon mode, issue a SIGHUP to the
339           server process after changing the config file in order to not
340           affect ongoing connections.
342           This option can also be set in the configuration file as
343           connections_disabled. The default value of this option is FALSE.
345       -offline-msg string
346           Custom message to be displayed to clients when the server is
347           offline via the connections_disabled or connections_max = 0
348           options.
350           This option can also be set in the configuration file as
351           offline_msg.
353       -disable-command-list string
354           A comma separated list of client commands that will be disabled.
356           This option can also be set in the configuration file as
357           disable_command_list.
359       -authz-callouts,-cas
360           Enable the GSI authorization callout framework, for callouts such
361           as CAS.
363           This option can also be set in the configuration file as cas. The
364           default value of this option is TRUE.
366       -use-home-dirs
367           Set the starting directory to the authenticated users home dir.
368           Disabling this is the same as setting -home-dir /.
370           This option can also be set in the configuration file as
371           use_home_dirs. The default value of this option is TRUE.
373       -home-dir string
374           Set a path to override the system defined home/starting directory
375           for authenticated users. The special variable strings $USER and
376           $HOME may be used. The authenticated username will be substituted
377           for $USER, and the user’s real home dir will be substituted for
378           $HOME. Be sure to escape the $ character if using these on the
379           command line.
381           This option can also be set in the configuration file as home_dir.
383       -rp string,-restrict-paths string
384           A comma separated list of full paths that clients may access. Each
385           path may be prefixed by R and/or W, denoting read or write access,
386           otherwise full access is granted. If a given path is a directory,
387           all contents and subdirectories will be given the same access.
388           Order of paths does not matter — the permissions on the longest
389           matching path will apply. The special character ~ will be replaced
390           by the authenticated user’s home directory, or the -home-dir
391           option, if used. Note that if the home directory is not accessible,
392           \~ will be set to /. By default all paths are allowed, and access
393           control is handled by the OS. In a striped or split process
394           configuration, this should be set on both the frontend and data
395           nodes.
397           This option can also be set in the configuration file as
398           restrict_paths.
400       -rp-follow-symlinks
401           Do not verify that a symlink points to an allowed path before
402           following. By default, symlinks are followed only when they point
403           to an allowed path. By enabling this option, symlinks will be
404           followed even if they point to a path that is otherwise restricted.
406           This option can also be set in the configuration file as
407           rp_follow_symlinks. The default value of this option is FALSE.
409       -em string,-acl string
410           A comma separated list of ACL or event modules to load.
412           This option can also be set in the configuration file as acl.
414   Logging Options
415       -d string,-log-level string
416           Log level. A comma separated list of levels from: ERROR, WARN,
417           INFO, TRANSFER, DUMP, ALL. TRANSFER includes the same statistics
418           that are sent to the separate transfer log when -log-transfer is
419           used. Example: error,warn,info. You may also specify a numeric
420           level of 1-255. The default level is ERROR.
422           This option can also be set in the configuration file as log_level.
423           The default value of this option is ERROR.
425       -log-module string
426           globus_logging module that will be loaded. If not set, the default
427           stdio module will be used, and the logfile options apply. Built in
428           modules are stdio and syslog. Log module options may be set by
429           specifying module:opt1=val1:opt2=val2. Available options for the
430           built in modules are interval and buffer, for buffer flush interval
431           and buffer size, respectively. The default options are a 64k buffer
432           size and a 5 second flush interval. A 0 second flush interval will
433           disable periodic flushing, and the buffer will only flush when it
434           is full. A value of 0 for buffer will disable buffering and all
435           messages will be written immediately. Example: -log-module
436           stdio:buffer=4096:interval=10
438           This option can also be set in the configuration file as
439           log_module.
441       -l string,-logfile string
442           Path of a single file to log all activity to. If neither this
443           option or log_unique is set, logs will be written to stderr unless
444           the execution mode is detached or inetd, in which case logging will
445           be disabled.
447           This option can also be set in the configuration file as
448           log_single.
450       -L string,-logdir string
451           Partial path to which gridftp.(pid).log will be appended to
452           construct the log filename. Example: -L /var/log/gridftp/ will
453           create a separate log ( /var/log/gridftp/gridftp.xxxx.log ) for
454           each process (which is normally each new client session). If
455           neither this option or log_single is set, logs will be written to
456           stderr unless the execution mode is detached or inetd, in which
457           case logging will be disabled.
459           This option can also be set in the configuration file as
460           log_unique.
462       -Z string,-log-transfer string
463           Log netlogger style info for each transfer into this file. You may
464           also use the log-level of TRANSFER to include this info in the
465           standard log.
467           This option can also be set in the configuration file as
468           log_transfer.
470       -log-filemode string
471           File access permissions of log files. Should be an octal number
472           such as 0644.
474           This option can also be set in the configuration file as
475           log_filemode.
477       -disable-usage-stats
478           Usage statistics collection is no longer supported. This option is
479           ignored.
481           This option can also be set in the configuration file as
482           disable_usage_stats. The default value of this option is TRUE.
484       -usage-stats-target string
485           Usage statistics collection is no longer supported. This option is
486           ignored.
488           This option can also be set in the configuration file as
489           usage_stats_target.
491       -usage-stats-id string
492           Usage statistics collection is no longer supported. This option is
493           ignored.
495           This option can also be set in the configuration file as
496           usage_stats_id.
498   Single and Striped Remote Data Node Options
499       -r string,-remote-nodes string
500           Comma separated list of remote node contact strings.
502           This option can also be set in the configuration file as
503           remote_nodes.
505       -hybrid
506           When a server is configured for striped operation with the
507           remote_nodes option, both a frontend and backend process are
508           started even if the client does not request multiple stripes. This
509           option will start backend processes only when striped operation is
510           requested by the client, while servicing non-striped requests with
511           a single frontend process.
513           This option can also be set in the configuration file as hybrid.
514           The default value of this option is FALSE.
516       -dn,-data-node
517           This server is a backend data node.
519           This option can also be set in the configuration file as data_node.
520           The default value of this option is FALSE.
522       -sbs number,-stripe-blocksize number
523           Size in bytes of sequential data that each stripe will transfer.
525           This option can also be set in the configuration file as
526           stripe_blocksize. The default value of this option is 1048576.
528       -stripe-count number
529           Number of number stripes to use per transfer when this server
530           controls that number. If remote nodes are statically configured
531           (via -r or remote_nodes), this will be set to that number of nodes,
532           otherwise the default is 1.
534           This option can also be set in the configuration file as
535           stripe_count.
537       -sl number,-stripe-layout number
538           Stripe layout.
540               1 = Partitioned
541               2 = Blocked
543           This option can also be set in the configuration file as
544           stripe_layout. The default value of this option is 2.
546       -stripe-blocksize-locked
547           Do not allow client to override stripe blocksize with the OPTS RETR
548           command
550           This option can also be set in the configuration file as
551           stripe_blocksize_locked. The default value of this option is FALSE.
553       -stripe-layout-locked
554           Do not allow client to override stripe layout with the OPTS RETR
555           command
557           This option can also be set in the configuration file as
558           stripe_layout_locked. The default value of this option is FALSE.
560   Disk Options
561       -bs number,-blocksize number
562           Size in bytes of data blocks to read from disk before posting to
563           the network.
565           This option can also be set in the configuration file as blocksize.
566           The default value of this option is 262144.
568       -sync-writes
569           Flush disk writes before sending a restart marker. This attempts to
570           ensure that the range specified in the restart marker has actually
571           been committed to disk. This option will probably impact
572           performance, and may result in different behavior on different
573           storage systems. See the manpage for sync() for more information.
575           This option can also be set in the configuration file as
576           sync_writes. The default value of this option is FALSE.
578       -perms string
579           Set the default permissions for created files. Should be an octal
580           number such as 0644. The default is 0644. Note: If umask is set it
581           will affect this setting — i.e. if the umask is 0002 and this
582           setting is 0666, the resulting files will be created with
583           permissions of 0664.
585           This option can also be set in the configuration file as perms.
587       -file-timeout number
588           Timeout in seconds for all disk accesses. A value of 0 disables the
589           timeout.
591           This option can also be set in the configuration file as
592           file_timeout.
594   Network Options
595       -p number,-port number
596           Port on which a frontend will listen for client control channel
597           connections, or on which a data node will listen for connections
598           from a frontend. If not set a random port will be chosen and
599           printed via the logging mechanism.
601           This option can also be set in the configuration file as port.
603       -control-interface string
604           Hostname or IP address of the interface to listen for control
605           connections on. If not set will listen on all interfaces.
607           This option can also be set in the configuration file as
608           control_interface.
610       -data-interface string
611           Hostname or IP address of the interface to use for data
612           connections. If not set will use the current control interface.
614           This option can also be set in the configuration file as
615           data_interface.
617       -ipc-interface string
618           Hostname or IP address of the interface to use for ipc connections.
619           If not set will listen on all interfaces.
621           This option can also be set in the configuration file as
622           ipc_interface.
624       -hostname string
625           Effectively sets the above control_interface, data_interface and
626           ipc_interface options.
628           This option can also be set in the configuration file as hostname.
630       -ipc-port number
631           Port on which the frontend will listen for data node connections.
633           This option can also be set in the configuration file as ipc_port.
635       -control-preauth-timeout number
636           Time in seconds to allow a client to remain connected to the
637           control channel without activity before authenticating.
639           This option can also be set in the configuration file as
640           control_preauth_timeout. The default value of this option is 120.
642       -control-idle-timeout number
643           Time in seconds to allow a client to remain connected to the
644           control channel without activity.
646           This option can also be set in the configuration file as
647           control_idle_timeout. The default value of this option is 600.
649       -ipc-idle-timeout number
650           Idle time in seconds before an unused ipc connection will close.
652           This option can also be set in the configuration file as
653           ipc_idle_timeout. The default value of this option is 900.
655       -ipc-connect-timeout number
656           Time in seconds before canceling an attempted ipc connection.
658           This option can also be set in the configuration file as
659           ipc_connect_timeout. The default value of this option is 60.
661       -allow-udt
662           Enable protocol support for UDT with NAT traversal if the udt
663           driver is available. Requires threads.
665           This option can also be set in the configuration file as allow_udt.
666           The default value of this option is FALSE.
668       -port-range string
669           Port range to use for incoming connections. The format is
670           "startport,endport". This, along with -data-interface, can be used
671           to enable operation behind a firewall and/or when NAT is involved.
672           This is the same as setting the environment variable
673           GLOBUS_TCP_PORT_RANGE.
675           This option can also be set in the configuration file as
676           port_range.
678       -epsv-ip
679           Adds an IPv6 address to EPSV response. Breaks RFC 2428, but allows
680           redirection to work with IPv6.
682           This option can also be set in the configuration file as epsv_ip.
683           The default value of this option is FALSE.
685   User Messages
686       -banner string
687           Message to display to the client before authentication.
689           This option can also be set in the configuration file as banner.
691       -banner-file string
692           File to read banner message from.
694           This option can also be set in the configuration file as
695           banner_file.
697       -banner-terse
698           When this is set, the minimum allowed banner message will be
699           displayed to unauthenticated clients.
701           This option can also be set in the configuration file as
702           banner_terse. The default value of this option is FALSE.
704       -banner-append
705           When this is set, the message set in the banner or banner_file
706           option will be appended to the default banner message rather than
707           replacing it.
709           This option can also be set in the configuration file as
710           banner_append. The default value of this option is FALSE.
712       -version-tag string
713           Add an identifying string to the existing toolkit version. This is
714           displayed in the default banner message, the SITE VERSION command,
715           and usage stats.
717           This option can also be set in the configuration file as
718           version_tag.
720       -login-msg string
721           Message to display to the client after authentication.
723           This option can also be set in the configuration file as login_msg.
725       -login-msg-file string
726           File to read login message from.
728           This option can also be set in the configuration file as
729           login_msg_file.
731   Module Options
732       -dsi string
733           Data Storage Interface module to load. File and remote modules are
734           defined by the server. If not set, the file module is loaded,
735           unless the remote option is specified, in which case the remote
736           module is loaded. An additional configuration string can be passed
737           to the DSI using the format [module name]:[configuration string] to
738           this option. The format of the configuration string is defined by
739           the DSI being loaded.
741           This option can also be set in the configuration file as
742           load_dsi_module.
744       -allowed-modules string
745           Comma separated list of ERET/ESTO modules to allow, and optionally
746           specify an alias for. Example: module1,alias2:module2,module3
747           (module2 will be loaded when a client asks for alias2).
749           This option can also be set in the configuration file as
750           allowed_modules.
752       -dc-whitelist string
753           A comma separated list of drivers allowed on the network stack.
755           This option can also be set in the configuration file as
756           dc_whitelist.
758       -fs-whitelist string
759           A comma separated list of drivers allowed on the disk stack.
761           This option can also be set in the configuration file as
762           fs_whitelist.
764       -popen-whitelist string
765           A comma separated list of programs that the popen driver is allowed
766           to execute, when used on the network or disk stack. An alias may
767           also be specified, so that a client does not need to specify the
768           full path. Format is [alias:]prog,[alias:]prog. example:
769           /bin/gzip,tar:/bin/tar
771           This option can also be set in the configuration file as
772           popen_whitelist.
774       -xnetmgr string
775           An option string to pass to the XIO Network Manager Driver, which
776           will then be loaded for all data channel connections. This must be
777           in the form "manager=module;option1=value;option2=value;". See the
778           Network Manager documentation for more info.
780           This option can also be set in the configuration file as xnetmgr.
782       -dc-default string
783           A comma separated list of XIO drivers and options representing the
784           default network stack. Format is of each driver entry is
785           driver1[:opt1=val1;opt2=val2;...]. The bottom of the stack, the
786           transport driver, is always first.
788           This option can also be set in the configuration file as
789           dc_default.
791       -fs-default string
792           A comma separated list of XIO drivers and options representing the
793           default disk stack. Format is of each driver entry is
794           driver1[:opt1=val1;opt2=val2;...]. The bottom of the stack, the
795           transport driver, is always first.
797           This option can also be set in the configuration file as
798           fs_default.
800   Other
801       -c string
802           Path to main configuration file that should be loaded. Otherwise
803           will attempt to load $GLOBUS_LOCATION/etc/gridftp.conf and
804           /etc/grid-security/gridftp.conf.
806       -C string
807           Path to directory holding configuration files that should be
808           loaded. Files will be loaded in alphabetical order, and in the
809           event of duplicate parameters the last loaded file will take
810           precedence. Backup files and files created by package updates (e.g.
811           file.rpmsave) will be ignored. Note that the main configuration
812           file, if one exists, will always be loaded last.
814           This option can also be set in the configuration file as
815           config_dir.
817       -config-base-path string
818           Base path to use when config and log path options are not full
819           paths. By default this is the current directory when the process is
820           started.
822           This option can also be set in the configuration file as
823           config_base_path.
825       -debug
826           Sets options that make server easier to debug. Forces no-fork,
827           no-chdir, and allows core dumps on bad signals instead of exiting
828           cleanly. Not recommended for production servers. Note that
829           non-forked servers running as root will only accept a single
830           connection, and then exit.
832           This option can also be set in the configuration file as debug. The
833           default value of this option is FALSE.
835       -pidfile string
837           This option can also be set in the configuration file as pidfile.


840       0
841           Successful program execution.
845Grid Community Toolkit 6          12/06/2018             GLOBUS-GRIDFTP-SER(8)