1Artha(1)                  Artha - The Open Thesaurus                  Artha(1)


6       Artha - An cross-platform thesaurus based on WordNet


9       Artha  is an open thesaurus based on the WordNet database, created with
10       simplicity in mind. Once executed, Artha monitors  for  a  user  preset
11       global  hotkey combination. When the user selects some text in any win‐
12       dow, and presses this hotkey combo, Artha looks  up  WordNet  thesaurus
13       for the selected text and pops-up with the results.
15       When executed for the first time Artha tries to register a hotkey auto‐
16       matically, in the order, Ctrl + Alt + [W or A  or  T  or  Q].  You  can
17       view/change  it  via the 'Hotkey' button in the toolbar. It can also be
18       disabled.


21       Definitions are categorized based on the PoS (Part of  Speech  -  Noun,
22       Verb,  Adjective and Adverb). Apart from showing the definitions/senses
23       of a searched string with usage examples, Artha  also  shows  a  word's
24       relatives  like  Synonyms,  Antonyms,  Derivatives, Pertainyms (Related
25       noun/verb), Attributes, Similar  Terms,  Domain/Domain  Terms,  Causes,
26       Entails,  Hypernyms  (is  a  kind of), Hyponyms (Kinds), Holonyms (is a
27       part of), Meronyms (Parts).
30       A word can have more then one sense i.e. it can convey more than a sin‐
31       gle  meaning/definition.  Relative  words are words that are related to
32       one or more senses of the searched word, by a  relationship  like  Syn‐
33       onym,  Derivative,  etc.  To know which all sense a relative is related
34       to, just select the it, the corresponding senses it maps to  are  high‐
35       lighted.  As  per WordNet, depending on the number of senses a word has
36       (polysemy count), it's familiarity is  determined.  It  gets  displayed
37       next  to  the  PoS in the definition area. There are 7 types: extremely
38       rare, very rare, rare, uncommon, common, familiar,  very  familiar  and
39       extremely familiar.


42       Artha has 2 modes. Simple and Detailed. Artha enters Detailed mode when
43       the 'Detailed' button in the toolbar is pressed. When toggled again, it
44       returns  back  to simple mode. For relatives like Antonyms, Pertainyms,
45       Hypernyms, Hyponyms, Holonyms and Meronyms, where more than  one  level
46       of  relatives  may be present, is showed in a tree fashion, in detailed
47       mode. If in simple mode, only one level of  relatives  are  shown  even
48       when  more  levels are present. E.g. 'rich' has 'poor' and 'lean' alone
49       as antonyms in simple mode. While  in  detailed  mode,  'poor'  further
50       infers broke, skint, etc. which are shown as children of 'poor'.
53       Regular  expressions  can be used to search for a term when you vaguely
54       know it and want to locate it in the thesaurus. Artha's regular expres‐
55       sion  pattern  closely follows Wildmat syntax by Rich Salz owing to its
56       simplicity.
58              * (wildcard) matches any number of (including 0) unknown charac‐
59              ters
61              ? (joker) matches one unknown character
63              [...]  (range)  matches  one  unknown character within the range
64              specified
66              {m, n} (limits) upper & lower limits of the number of characters
67              in a range
69              [^...]  (not  in  the  range)  matches one unknown character NOT
70              within the range specified
72              EXAMPLES:
74              Expr. `cro*p` means the term you  want  to  corner  starts  with
75              `cro`  and  ends  with  `p`  while  the  number of characters in
76              between are unknown. It fetches crop, crop up, croup,  crock  up
77              and crow step.
79              Expr.  `*chester`  means the searched word ends with a `chester`
80              while the beginning and its number characters  are  unknown.  It
81              fetches  chester, manchester, rochester, winchester and toy man‐
82              chester.
84              Expr. `can????r` means the term sought  starts  with  `can`  and
85              ends  with `r` while you are sure that there are 5 unknown char‐
86              acters in between.  It fetches canister and cannular.
88              Expr. `andre*[x|y|z]` means the word searched  for  starts  with
89              andre  and  ends  with either an x or y or z, and there could be
90              any number of terms in betweem these. It fetches andre  malraux,
91              andrei tarkovsky, andres martinez, etc.
93              Expr. `a[c|d|e]{2,}` means the word looked for starts with a and
94              then there are minimum 2 or more occurances of c,  d  or  e.  It
95              fetches acc, accede, ace, add, ade and aec.


98       Should  the  user  prefer passive desktop notifications (balloon tips),
99       rather than the application popping up with the definitions, it can  be
100       done by enabling Notifications. This is done via the Notify tool button
101       or by right-clicking on Artha's system tray  icon,  and  tick  off  the
102       'Notifications'  check box in the menu. When notifications are enabled,
103       and the user selects text in a window and  presses  the  hotkey  combo,
104       Artha  takes  the  prime definition of that term from WordNet and shows
105       that definition as a system tray notification.
107       Note: For the notifications feature to  be  present,  notify  library's
108       binary  (libnotify.so.1)  should  be  available on your system. If not,
109       Artha will not expose the feature at all. Also the  notification-daemon
110       should installed for the notifications to show up.


113       Suggestions  is  a  feature that gives out possible near matches when a
114       misspelled word is searched for. To  have  this  feature,  your  system
115       should  have  libenchant binary (libenchant.so.1) installed and an Eng‐
116       lish dict file for the spell engine to refer (locale doesn't matter).


119       Artha has a World Wide Web site at  http://artha.sourceforge.net.  From
120       this  web  site  users  can  know more about the Artha project and also
121       download its source and binary distributions for various distros.


124       Sundaram Ramaswamy <legends2k@yahoo.com>
129Artha                            Apr 27, 2009                         Artha(1)