1PSCOAST(1)                            GMT                           PSCOAST(1)


6       pscoast - Plot continents, shorelines, rivers, and borders on maps


9       pscoast  -Jparameters
10        -Rregion  [   -Aarea  ]  [   -B[p|s]parameters  ]  [  -C[l|r/]fill ] [
11       -Dresolution[+] ] [  -Edcw ] [  -Fbox ] [  -Gfill|c ] [   -Iriver[/pen]
12       ]  [   -Jz|Zparameters  ]  [   -K  ]  [  -Lscalebar ] [  -M ] [  -Nbor‐
13       der[/pen] ] [  -O ] [  -P ] [  -Q  ]  [   -Sfill|c  ]  [   -Trose  ]  [
14       -Tmag_rose  ]  [   -U[stamp]  ]  [   -V[level]  ]  [  -W[level/]pen ] [
15       -Xx_offset ] [  -Yy_offset ] [ -bobinary ] [ -pflags ] [ -ttransp ]
17       Note: No space is allowed between the option flag  and  the  associated
18       arguments.


21       pscoast   plots   grayshaded,  colored,  or  textured  land-masses  [or
22       water-masses] on maps and [optionally] draws  coastlines,  rivers,  and
23       political  boundaries.  Alternatively, it can (1) issue clip paths that
24       will contain all land or all water areas, or (2) dump the  data  to  an
25       ASCII  table.  The  data files come in 5 different resolutions: (f)ull,
26       (h)igh, (i)ntermediate, (l)ow, and (c)rude. The full  resolution  files
27       amount to more than 55 Mb of data and provide great detail; for maps of
28       larger geographical extent it is more economical  to  use  one  of  the
29       other resolutions. If the user selects to paint the land-areas and does
30       not specify fill of water-areas then the  latter  will  be  transparent
31       (i.e.,  earlier graphics drawn in those areas will not be overwritten).
32       Likewise, if the water-areas are painted and no land fill is  set  then
33       the  land-areas will be transparent. A map projection must be supplied.
34       The PostScript code is written to standard output.


37       -Jparameters (more ...)
38              Select map projection.
40       -Rwest/east/south/north[/zmin/zmax][+r][+uunit]
41              west, east, south, and north specify the region of interest, and
42              you    may    specify    them   in   decimal   degrees   or   in
43              [±]dd:mm[:ss.xxx][W|E|S|N] format Append +r if  lower  left  and
44              upper  right  map  coordinates are given instead of w/e/s/n. The
45              two shorthands -Rg and -Rd stand for global  domain  (0/360  and
46              -180/+180  in longitude respectively, with -90/+90 in latitude).
47              Alternatively for grid creation, give Rcodelon/lat/nx/ny,  where
48              code  is a 2-character combination of L, C, R (for left, center,
49              or right) and T, M, B for top, middle, or bottom. e.g.,  BL  for
50              lower  left.  This indicates which point on a rectangular region
51              the lon/lat coordinate refers to, and the grid dimensions nx and
52              ny with grid spacings via -I is used to create the corresponding
53              region.  Alternatively, specify the name  of  an  existing  grid
54              file  and  the -R settings (and grid spacing, if applicable) are
55              copied from the grid. Appending +uunit expects projected (Carte‐
56              sian)  coordinates  compatible  with  chosen -J and we inversely
57              project to determine actual rectangular geographic region.   For
58              perspective view (-p), optionally append /zmin/zmax.  In case of
59              perspective view (-p), a z-range (zmin, zmax) can be appended to
60              indicate  the  third  dimension. This needs to be done only when
61              using the -Jz option, not when using only the -p option. In  the
62              latter  case a perspective view of the plane is plotted, with no
63              third dimension.
65       For perspective view p, optionally append /zmin/zmax. (more ...)


68       -Amin_area[/min_level/max_level][+ag|i|s|S][+r|l][+ppercent]
69              Features with an area smaller than min_area in km^2 or of  hier‐
70              archical  level  that  is  lower  than  min_level or higher than
71              max_level will not be plotted [Default is 0/0/4 (all features)].
72              Level  2  (lakes)  contains  regular lakes and wide river bodies
73              which we normally include  as  lakes;  append  +r  to  just  get
74              river-lakes  or  +l to just get regular lakes.  By default (+ai)
75              we select the ice shelf boundary as the  coastline  for  Antarc‐
76              tica;  append  +ag  to  instead select the ice grounding line as
77              coastline.  For expert users who wish to print their own Antarc‐
78              tica  coastline and islands via psxy you can use +as to skip all
79              GSHHG features below 60S or +aS to  instead  skip  all  features
80              north  of  60S.   Finally,  append +ppercent to exclude polygons
81              whose percentage area of the corresponding full-resolution  fea‐
82              ture  is less than percent. See GSHHG INFORMATION below for more
83              details.
85       -B[p|s]parameters (more ...)
86              Set map boundary frame and axes attributes.
88       -C[l|r/]fill
89              Set the shade, color,  or  pattern  for  lakes  and  river-lakes
90              [Default  is  the fill chosen for "wet" areas (-S)]. Optionally,
91              specify separate fills by prepending l/ for  lakes  and  r/  for
92              river-lakes, repeating the -C option as needed.
94       -Dresolution[+]
95              Selects  the  resolution of the data set to use ((f)ull, (h)igh,
96              (i)ntermediate, (l)ow, and (c)rude). The resolution drops off by
97              80% between data sets [Default is l].  Append + to automatically
98              select a lower resolution should the one requested not be avail‐
99              able  [abort  if  not  found].   Alternatively, choose (a)uto to
100              automatically select the best resolution given  the  chosen  map
101              scale.
103       -Ecode1,code2,...[+l|L][+gfill][+ppen][+r|R[incs]]
104              Select  painting  or  dumping  country polygons from the Digital
105              Chart of the World.  This  is  another  dataset  independent  of
106              GSHHG  and hence the -A and -D options do not apply.  Append one
107              or more comma-separated  countries  using  the  2-character  ISO
108              3166-1  alpha-2  convention.  To select a state of a country (if
109              available), append .state, e.g, US.TX for Texas.  To  specify  a
110              whole  continent,  prepend  =  to  any of the continent codes AF
111              (Africa), AN (Antarctica), AS (Asia), EU (Europe), OC (Oceania),
112              NA  (North  America),  or SA (South America).  Append +l to just
113              list the countries and their codes [no data extraction or  plot‐
114              ting  takes  place].   Use  +L  to  see  states/territories  for
115              Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, and the  US.   Use  +r  to
116              obtain the bounding box coordinates from the polygon(s).  Append
117              inc, xinc/yinc, or winc/einc/sinc/ninc to adjust the  region  to
118              be  a  multiple of these steps [no adjustment]. Use +R to extend
119              the region outward by adding these increments instead [no exten‐
120              sion].   Append  +ppen to draw polygon outlines [no outline] and
121              +gfill to fill them [no fill].  One of +p|g  must  be  specified
122              unless +r, +R, or -M is in effect, and only one -E option can be
123              given.  You may repeat -E to give different groups of items sep‐
124              arate  pen/fill  settings.   If  modifiers +r or +R are used and
125              neither -J nor -M is set then we just print the -Rwesn string.
127       -F[+cclear‐
128       ances][+gfill][+i[[gap/]pen]][+p[pen]][+r[radius]][+s[[dx/dy/][shade]]]
129              Without  further  options, draws a rectangular border around the
130              map scale or rose using MAP_FRAME_PEN; specify a  different  pen
131              with  +ppen.  Add +gfill to fill the logo box [no fill].  Append
132              +cclearance  where  clearance  is  either  gap,  xgap/ygap,   or
133              lgap/rgap/bgap/tgap  where  these items are uniform, separate in
134              x- and y-direction, or individual side spacings between logo and
135              border.  Append +i to draw a secondary, inner border as well. We
136              use a uniform gap between borders of 2p and the  MAP_DEFAULT_PEN
137              unless  other  values  are  specified. Append +r to draw rounded
138              rectangular borders instead, with a 6p corner  radius.  You  can
139              override this radius by appending another value. Finally, append
140              +s to draw an offset background shaded region. Here, dx/dy indi‐
141              cates  the  shift  relative to the foreground frame [4p/-4p] and
142              shade sets the fill style to use for shading [gray50].  Requires
143              -L  or  -T.   If  both -L or -T, you may repeat -F after each of
144              these.
146       -Gfill|c
147              Select filling or clipping of "dry"  areas.  Append  the  shade,
148              color, or pattern; or use -Gc for clipping [Default is no fill].
150       -Iriver[/pen]
151              Draw  rivers. Specify the type of rivers and [optionally] append
152              pen attributes [Default pen: width =  default,  color  =  black,
153              style = solid].
155              Choose  from  the list of river types below; repeat option -I as
156              often as necessary.
158              0 = Double-lined rivers (river-lakes)
160              1 = Permanent major rivers
162              2 = Additional major rivers
164              3 = Additional rivers
166              4 = Minor rivers
168              5 = Intermittent rivers - major
170              6 = Intermittent rivers - additional
172              7 = Intermittent rivers - minor
174              8 = Major canals
176              9 = Minor canals
178              10 = Irrigation canals
180              You can also choose from several preconfigured river groups:
182              a = All rivers and canals (0-10)
184              A = All rivers and canals except river-lakes (1-10)
186              r = All permanent rivers (0-4)
188              R = All permanent rivers except river-lakes (1-4)
190              i = All intermittent rivers (5-7)
192              c = All canals (8-10)
194       -Jz|Zparameters (more ...)
195              Set z-axis scaling; same syntax as -Jx.
197       -K (more ...)
198              Do not finalize the PostScript plot.
200       -L[g|j|J|n|x]ref‐
201       point+c[slon/]slat+wlength[e|f|k|M|n|u][+aalign][+f][+jjus‐
202       tify][+l[label]][+odx[/dy]][+u]
203              Draws a simple map scale centered on the reference point  speci‐
204              fied  using  one of four coordinate systems: (1) Use -Lg for map
205              (user) coordinates, (2) use -Lj or -LJ for setting refpoint  via
206              a  2-char  justification code that refers to the (invisible) map
207              domain rectangle, (3) use -Ln for normalized (0-1)  coordinates,
208              or  (4)  use -Lx for plot coordinates (inches, cm, etc.).  Scale
209              is calculated for latitude  slat  (optionally  supply  longitude
210              slon  for  oblique  projections  [Default is central meridian]),
211              length is in km, or append unit from  e|f|k|M|n|u.   Change  the
212              label  alignment  with  +aalign  (choose  among l(eft), r(ight),
213              t(op), and b(ottom)).  Append +f to get a "fancy" scale [Default
214              is  plain].   By  default,  the anchor point on the map scale is
215              assumed to be the center of the scale  (MC),  but  this  can  be
216              changed  by appending +j followed by a 2-char justification code
217              justify (see pstext for list and explanation of codes).   Append
218              +l  to  select the default label, which equals the distance unit
219              (meter, foot, km, mile, nautical mile, US survey  foot)  and  is
220              justified  on  top  of the scale [t]. Change this by giving your
221              own label (append +llabel).  Add +o to offset the map  scale  by
222              dx/dy away from the refpoint in the direction implied by justify
223              (or the direction implied by -Dj or -DJ).  Select +u  to  append
224              the  unit  to  all distance annotations along the scale (for the
225              plain scale, +u will instead select the unit to be  appended  to
226              the  distance  length). Note: Use FONT_LABEL to change the label
227              font and FONT_ANNOT_PRIMARY to change the annotation font.   The
228              height  of  the map scale is controlled by MAP_SCALE_HEIGHT, and
229              the pen thickness is set by MAP_TICK_PEN_PRIMARY.  See -F on how
230              to place a panel behind the scale.
232       -M     Dumps  a  single multisegment ASCII (or binary, see -bo) file to
233              standard output. No plotting occurs. Specify one of -E,  -I,  -N
234              or  -W.   Note: if -M is used with -E then -R or the +r modifier
235              to -E are not required as we automatically determine the  region
236              given the selected geographic entities.
238       -Nborder[/pen]
239              Draw  political  boundaries.  Specify  the  type of boundary and
240              [optionally]  append  pen  attributes  [Default  pen:  width   =
241              default, color = black, style = solid].
243              Choose  from  the  list of boundaries below. Repeat option -N as
244              often as necessary.
246              1 = National boundaries
248              2 = State boundaries within the Americas
250              3 = Marine boundaries
252              a = All boundaries (1-3)
254       -O (more ...)
255              Append to existing PostScript plot.
257       -P (more ...)
258              Select "Portrait" plot orientation.
260       -Q     Mark end of existing clip path.  No  projection  information  is
261              needed.   Also supply -X and -Y settings if you have moved since
262              the clip started.
264       -Sfill|c
265              Select filling or clipping of "wet"  areas.  Append  the  shade,
266              color, or pattern; or use -Sc for clipping [Default is no fill].
268       -Td[g|j|J|n|x]refpoint+wwidth[+f[level]][+jjus‐
269       tify][+lw,e,s,n][+odx[/dy]]
270              -Td draws a map directional rose on  the  map  at  the  location
271              defined  by  the reference and anchor points: Give the reference
272              point on the map for the rose using one of four coordinate  sys‐
273              tems:  (1)  Use g for map (user) coordinates, (2) use j for set‐
274              ting refpoint via a 2-char justification code that refers to the
275              (invisible) map domain rectangle, (3) use n for normalized (0-1)
276              coordinates, or (4) use x  for  plot  coordinates  (inches,  cm,
277              etc.) [Default].  You can offset the reference point by dx/dy in
278              the direction implied by justify.  By default, the anchor  point
279              on  the  scale is assumed to be the center of the rose (MC), but
280              this can be changed by appending +j followed by a 2-char  justi‐
281              fication  code  justify  (see pstext for list and explanation of
282              codes).  Note: If -Dj is used then justify defaults to the  same
283              as  refpoint, if -DJ is used then justify defaults to the mirror
284              opposite of refpoint.  Add +o to offset the color scale by dx/dy
285              away  from  the refpoint in the direction implied by justify (or
286              the direction implied by -Dj or -DJ).  Append +wwidth to set the
287              width  of  the  rose  in  plot  coordinates  (in  inches, cm, or
288              points).  Add +f to get a "fancy" rose,  and  specify  in  level
289              what  you  want  drawn.  The default [1] draws the two principal
290              E-W, N-S orientations, 2 adds the  two  intermediate  NW-SE  and
291              NE-SW  orientations,  while  3 adds the eight minor orientations
292              WNW-ESE, NNW-SSE, NNE-SSW,  and  ENE-WSW.   Label  the  cardinal
293              points W,E,S,N by adding +l and append your own four comma-sepa‐
294              rated strings to override the default.  Skip a specific label by
295              leaving  it  blank.   See Placing-dir-map-roses and -F on how to
296              place a panel behind the scale.
298       -Tm[g|j|J|n|x]refpoint+wwidth[+ddec[/dlabel]]][+ipen][+jjus‐
299       tify][+lw,e,s,n][+ppen][+tints][+odx[/dy]]
300          -Tm  draws a map magnetic rose on the map at the location defined by
301          the reference and anchor points: Give the reference point on the map
302          for the rose using one of four coordinate systems: (1) Use g for map
303          (user) coordinates, (2) use j for setting refpoint via a 2-char jus‐
304          tification code that refers to the (invisible) map domain rectangle,
305          (3) use n for normalized (0-1) coordinates, or (4) use  x  for  plot
306          coordinates  (inches, cm, etc.) [Default]. You can offset the refer‐
307          ence point by  dx/dy  in  the  direction  implied  by  justify.   By
308          default,  the  anchor point on the scale is assumed to be the center
309          of the rose (MC), but this can be changed by appending  +j  followed
310          by  a  2-char  justification  code  justify (see pstext for list and
311          explanation of codes).  Note: If -Dj is used then  justify  defaults
312          to the same as refpoint, if -DJ is used then justify defaults to the
313          mirror opposite of refpoint.  Add +o to offset the  color  scale  by
314          dx/dy away from the refpoint in the direction implied by justify (or
315          the direction implied by -Dj or -DJ).  Append  +wwidth  to  set  the
316          width  of  the  rose in plot coordinates (in inches, cm, or points).
317          Use +d to assign the magnetic declination and set dlabel, which is a
318          label for the magnetic compass needle (Leave empty to format a label
319          from dec, or give - to bypass labeling). With +d, both directions to
320          geographic  and  magnetic  north  are plotted [Default is geographic
321          only]. If the north label is * then a north star is plotted  instead
322          of  the north label. Annotation and two levels of tick intervals for
323          both geographic and magnetic directions default to  30/5/1  degrees;
324          override   these  settings  by  appending  +tints,  and  append  six
325          slash-separated intervals to set both the geographic  (first  three)
326          and  magnetic  (last  three)  intervals.   Label the cardinal points
327          W,E,S,N by adding  +l  and  append  your  own  four  comma-separated
328          strings  to  override the default.  Skip a specific label by leaving
329          it blank.  Number GMT default parameters control  pens,  fonts,  and
330          color.   See  Placing-dir-map-roses  and  -F on how to place a panel
331          behind the scale.
333       -U[[just]/dx/dy/][c|label] (more ...)
334              Draw GMT time stamp logo on plot.
336       -V[level] (more ...)
337              Select verbosity level [c].
339       -W[level/]pen (more ...)
340              Draw  shorelines  [Default  is  no   shorelines].   Append   pen
341              attributes  [Defaults:  width  = default, color = black, style =
342              solid] which apply to all four levels. To set the pen  for  each
343              level differently, prepend level/, where level is 1-4 and repre‐
344              sent   coastline,   lakeshore,   island-in-lake    shore,    and
345              lake-in-island-in-lake  shore.   Repeat  -W as needed. When spe‐
346              cific level pens are set, those not listed  will  not  be  drawn
347              [Default draws all levels; but see -A].
349       -X[a|c|f|r][x-shift[u]]
351       -Y[a|c|f|r][y-shift[u]] (more ...)
352              Shift plot origin.
354       -bo[ncols][type] (more ...)
355              Select native binary output.
357       -p[x|y|z]azim[/elev[/zlevel]][+wlon0/lat0[/z0]][+vx0/y0] (more ...)
358              Select perspective view.
360       -t[transp] (more ...)
361              Set PDF transparency level in percent.
363       -^ or just -
364              Print  a  short  message  about  the syntax of the command, then
365              exits (NOTE: on Windows just use -).
367       -+ or just +
368              Print an extensive usage (help) message, including the  explana‐
369              tion  of  any  module-specific  option  (but  not the GMT common
370              options), then exits.
372       -? or no arguments
373              Print a complete usage (help) message, including the explanation
374              of all options, then exits.


377       To plot a green Africa with white outline on blue background, with per‐
378       manent major rivers in thick blue pen, additional major rivers in  thin
379       blue  pen,  and  national  borders as dashed lines on a Mercator map at
380       scale 0.1 inch/degree, use
382              gmt pscoast -R-30/30/-40/40 -Jm0.1i -B5 -I1/1p,blue -N1/0.25p,- \
383                          -I2/0.25p,blue -W0.25p,white -Ggreen -Sblue -P > africa.ps
385       To plot Iceland using the lava pattern (# 28) at 100 dots per inch,  on
386       a Mercator map at scale 1 cm/degree, run
388              gmt pscoast -R-30/-10/60/65 -Jm1c -B5 -Gp28+r100 > iceland.ps
390       To initiate a clip path for Africa so that the subsequent colorimage of
391       gridded topography is only seen over land,  using  a  Mercator  map  at
392       scale 0.1 inch/degree, use
394              gmt pscoast  -R-30/30/-40/40 -Jm0.1i -B5 -Gc -P -K > africa.ps
395              gmt grdimage -Jm0.1i etopo5.nc -Ccolors.cpt -O -K >> africa.ps
396              gmt pscoast  -Q -O >> africa.ps
398       To plot Great Britain, Italy, and France in blue with a red outline and
399       Spain, Portugal and Greece in yellow (no outline), and pick up the plot
400       domain form the extents of these countries, use
402              gmt pscoast  -JM6i -P -Baf -EGB,IT,FR+gblue+p0.25p,red+r -EES,PT,GR+gyellow > map.ps
404       To  extract  a  high-resolution  coastline data table for Iceland to be
405       used in your analysis, try
407              gmt pscoast -R-26/-12/62/68 -Dh -W -M > iceland.txt
409       pscoast  will   first   look   for   coastline   files   in   directory
410       $GMT_SHAREDIR/coast  If the desired file is not found, it will look for
411       the file $GMT_SHAREDIR/coastline.conf. This file may contain any number
412       of  records  that each holds the full pathname of an alternative direc‐
413       tory. Comment lines (#) and blank lines are allowed.  The desired  file
414       is then sought for in the alternate directories.


417       The coastline database is GSHHG (formerly GSHHS) which is compiled from
418       three sources:  World Vector Shorelines (WVS), CIA World Data  Bank  II
419       (WDBII),  and Atlas of the Cryosphere (AC, for Antarctica only).  Apart
420       from Antarctica, all level-1 polygons (ocean-land boundary) are derived
421       from  the more accurate WVS while all higher level polygons (level 2-4,
422       representing        land/lake,         lake/island-in-lake,         and
423       island-in-lake/lake-in-island-in-lake boundaries) are taken from WDBII.
424       The Antarctica coastlines come in two flavors: ice-front  or  grounding
425       line, selectable via the -A option.  Much processing has taken place to
426       convert WVS, WDBII, and AC data into usable form  for  GMT:  assembling
427       closed  polygons  from line segments, checking for duplicates, and cor‐
428       recting for crossings between polygons.  The area of each  polygon  has
429       been  determined  so  that  the  user  may  choose not to draw features
430       smaller than a minimum area (see -A); one may also  limit  the  highest
431       hierarchical level of polygons to be included (4 is the maximum). The 4
432       lower-resolution databases were derived from the full resolution  data‐
433       base using the Douglas-Peucker line-simplification algorithm. The clas‐
434       sification of rivers and borders follow that of the WDBII. See the  GMT
435       Cookbook and Technical Reference Appendix K for further details.


438       The  options  to  fill  (-C -G -S) may not always work if the Azimuthal
439       equidistant projection is chosen (-Je|E). If the antipole of  the  pro‐
440       jection is in the oceans it will most likely work. If not, try to avoid
441       using projection center coordinates that  are  even  multiples  of  the
442       coastline  bin  size  (1,  2,  5, 10, and 20 degrees for f, h, i, l, c,
443       respectively). This projection is not supported for clipping.
445       The political borders are for the most part 1970s-style but  have  been
446       updated  to  reflect  more  recent  border rearrangements in Europe and
447       elsewhere. Let us know if you find something out of date.
449       The full-resolution coastlines are also from a digitizing effort in the
450       1970-80s  and it is difficult to assess the accuracy. Users who zoom in
451       close enough may find that the GSHHG coastline is  not  matching  other
452       data,  e.g.,  satellite images, more recent coastline data, etc. We are
453       aware of such mismatches but cannot undertake band-aid  solutions  each
454       time this occurs.
456       Some users of pscoast will not be satisfied with what they find for the
457       Antarctic shoreline. In Antarctica, the boundary between ice and  ocean
458       varies seasonally and inter-annually. There are some areas of permanent
459       shelf ice. In addition  to  these  time-varying  ice-ocean  boundaries,
460       there  are  also shelf ice grounding lines where ice goes from floating
461       on the sea to sitting on land, and lines delimiting areas of rock  out‐
462       crop.  For  consistency's sake, we have used the World Vector Shoreline
463       throughout the world in pscoast, as described in the GMT  Cookbook  Ap‐
464       pendix  K.  Users who need specific boundaries in Antarctica should get
465       the Antarctic Digital Database, prepared by the British Antarctic  Sur‐
466       vey, Scott Polar Research Institute, World Conservation Monitoring Cen‐
467       tre, under the  auspices  of  the  Scientific  Committee  on  Antarctic
468       Research.  This  data base contains various kinds of limiting lines for
469       Antarctica and is available on CD-ROM. It is published  by  the  Scien‐
470       tific  Committee on Antarctic Research, Scott Polar Research Institute,
471       Lensfield Road, Cambridge CB2 1ER, United Kingdom.


474       gmt, gmt.conf, gmtcolors, grdlandmask, psbasemap
477       2019, P. Wessel, W. H. F. Smith, R. Scharroo, J. Luis, and F. Wobbe
4825.4.5                            Feb 24, 2019                       PSCOAST(1)