1qalter(1B) PBS qalter(1B)
6 qalter - alter pbs batch job
9 qalter [-a date_time] [-A account_string] [-c interval] [-e path] [-h
10 hold_list] [-j join] [-k keep] [-l resource_list] [-m mail_options] [-M
11 user_list] [-n node exclusive] [-N name] [-o path] [-p priority] [-r c]
12 [-S path] [-t array_range] [-u user_list] [-W additional_attributes]
13 job_identifier...
16 The qalter command modifies the attributes of the job or jobs specified
17 by job_identifier on the command line. Only those attributes listed as
18 options on the command will be modified. If any of the specified
19 attributes cannot be modified for a job for any reason, none of that
20 job's attributes will be modified.
22 The qalter command accomplishes the modifications by sending a Modify
23 Job batch request to the batch server which owns each job.
26 -a date_time
27 Replaces the time at which the job becomes eligible for execu‐
28 tion. The date_time argument syntax is:
29 [[[[CC]YY]MM]DD]hhmm[.SS].
31 If the month, MM, is not specified, it will default to the cur‐
32 rent month if the specified day DD, is in the future. Other‐
33 wise, the month will be set to next month. Likewise, if the
34 day, DD, is not specified, it will default to today if the time
35 hhmm is in the future. Otherwise, the day will be set to
36 tomorrow.
38 This attribute can be altered once the job has begun execution,
39 but it will not take affect until the job is rerun.
41 -A account_string
42 Replaces the account string associated with the job.
44 This attribute cannot be altered once the job has begun execu‐
45 tion.
47 -c interval
48 Replaces the the interval at which the job will be check‐
49 pointed. If the job executes upon a host which does not sup‐
50 port checkpoint, this option will be ignored.
52 The interval argument is specified as:
54 n No checkpointing is to be performed.
56 s Checkpointing is to be performed only when the server exe‐
57 cuting the job is shutdown.
59 c Checkpointing is to be performed at the default minimum cpu
60 time for the queue from which the job is executing.
62 c=minutes
63 Checkpointing is to be performed at an interval of minutes,
64 which is the integer number of minutes of CPU time used by
65 the job. This value must be greater than zero. If the num‐
66 ber is less than the default checkpoint time, the default
67 time will be used.
69 This attribute can be altered once the job has begun execution,
70 but the new value does not take affect until the job is rerun.
72 -e path Replaces the path to be used for the standard error stream of
73 the batch job. The path argument is of the form:
74 [hostname:]path_name
75 where hostname is the name of a host to which the file will be
76 returned and path_name is the path name on that host in the
77 syntax recognized by POSIX 1003.1. The argument will be inter‐
78 preted as follows:
80 path_name
81 Where path_name is not an absolute path name, then the
82 qalter command will expand the path name relative to the
83 current working directory of the command. The command
84 will supply the name of the host upon which it is exe‐
85 cuting for the hostname component.
87 hostname:path_name
88 Where path_name is not an absolute path name, then the
89 qalter command will not expand the path name. The exe‐
90 cution server will expand it relative to the home direc‐
91 tory of the user on the system specified by hostname.
93 path_name
94 Where path_name specifies an absolute path name, then
95 qalter will supply the name of the host on which it is
96 executing for the hostname.
98 hostname:path_name
99 Where path_name specifies an absolute path name, the
100 path will be used as specified.
102 This attribute can be altered once the job has begun execution,
103 but it will not take affect until the job is rerun.
105 -h hold_list
106 Updates the types of holds on the job. The hold_list argument
107 is a string of one or more of the following characters:
109 u Add the USER type hold.
111 s Add the SYSTEM type hold if the user has the appropriate
112 level of privilege. [Typically reserved to the batch
113 administrator.]
115 o Add the OTHER (or OPERATOR ) type hold if the user has the
116 appropriate level of privilege. [Typically reserved to
117 the batch administrator and batch operator.]
119 n Set to none; that is clear the hold types which could be
120 applied with the users level of privilege.
122 Repetition of characters is permitted, but "n" may not appear
123 in the same option argument with the other three characters.
124 This attribute can be altered once the job has begun execution,
125 but the hold will not take affect until the job is rerun.
127 -j join Declares which standard streams of the job will be merged
128 together. The join argument value may be the characters "oe"
129 and "eo", or the single character "n".
131 A argument value of oe directs that the standard output and
132 standard error streams of the job will be merged, intermixed,
133 and returned as the standard output. A argument value of eo
134 directs that the standard output and standard error streams of
135 the job will be merged, intermixed, and returned as the stan‐
136 dard error.
138 A value of n directs that the two streams will be two separate
139 files. This attribute can be altered once the job has begun
140 execution, but it will not take affect until the job is rerun.
142 -k keep Defines which if either of standard output or standard error of
143 the job will be retained on the execution host. If set for a
144 stream, this option overrides the path name for that stream.
146 The argument is either the single letter "e", "o", or "n", or
147 one or more of the letters "e" and "o" combined in either
148 order.
150 n No streams are to be retained.
152 e The standard error stream is to retained on the execution
153 host. The stream will be placed in the home directory of
154 the user under whose user id the job executed. The file
155 name will be the default file name given by: job_name.ese‐
156 quence where job_name is the name specified for the job,
157 and sequence is the sequence number component of the job
158 identifier.
160 o The standard output stream is to be retained on the execu‐
161 tion host. The stream will be placed in the home direc‐
162 tory of the user under whose user id the job executed.
163 The file name will be the default file name given by:
164 job_name.osequence where job_name is the name specified
165 for the job, and sequence is the sequence number component
166 of the job identifier.
168 eo Both the standard output and standard error streams will
169 be retained.
171 oe Both the standard output and standard error streams will
172 be retained.
174 This attribute cannot be altered once the job has begun execu‐
175 tion.
177 -l resource_list
178 Modifies the list of resources that are required by the job.
179 The Resource_List argument is in the following syntax:
180 resource_name[=[value]][,resource_name[=[value]],...]
182 If a requested modification to a resource would exceed the
183 resource limits for jobs in the current queue, the server will
184 reject the request.
186 If the job is running, only certain, resources can be altered.
187 Which resources can be altered in the run state is system
188 dependent. A user may only lower the limit for those
189 resources.
191 -m mail_options
192 Replaces the set of conditions under which the execution server
193 will send a mail message about the job. The mail_options argu‐
194 ment is a string which consists of the single character "n", or
195 one or more of the characters "a", "b", and "e".
197 If the character "n" is specified, no mail will be sent.
199 For the letters "a", "b", and "e":
201 a mail is sent when the job is aborted by the batch system.
203 b mail is sent when the job begins execution.
205 e mail is sent when the job terminates.
207 -M user_list
208 Replaces the list of users to whom mail is sent by the execu‐
209 tion server when it sends mail about the job.
211 The user_list argument is of the form:
212 user[@host][,user[@host],...]
214 -n node exclusive
215 Sets whether or not the job has node exclusive access. To
216 specify node exclusive access, just use the single character
217 'y'. To specify that the job should not have node exclusive
218 access, just use the single character 'n'.
220 -N name Renames the job. The name specified may be up to and including
221 15 characters in length. It must consist of printable, non
222 white space characters with the first character alphabetic.
224 -o path Replaces the path to be used for the standard output stream of
225 the batch job. The path argument is of the form:
226 [hostname:]path_name
227 where hostname is the name of a host to which the file will be
228 returned and path_name is the path name on that host in the
229 syntax recognized by POSIX. The argument will be interpreted
230 as follows:
232 path_name
233 Where path_name is not an absolute path name, then the
234 qalter command will expand the path name relative to the
235 current working directory of the command. The command
236 will supply the name of the host upon which it is exe‐
237 cuting for the hostname component.
239 hostname:path_name
240 Where path_name is not an absolute path name, then the
241 qalter command will not expand the path name. The exe‐
242 cution server will expand it relative to the home direc‐
243 tory of the user on the system specified by hostname.
245 path_name
246 Where path_name specifies an absolute path name, then
247 the qalter will supply the name of the host on which it
248 is executing for the hostname.
250 hostname:path_name
251 Where path_name specifies an absolute path name, the
252 path will be used as specified.
254 This attribute can be altered once the job has begun execution,
255 but it will not take affect until the job is rerun.
257 -p priority
258 Replaces the priority of the job. The priority argument must
259 be a integer between -1024 and +1023 inclusive.
261 This attribute can be altered once the job has begun execution,
262 but it will not take affect until the job is rerun.
264 -r c Declares whether the job is rerunable. See the qrerun command.
265 The option argument c is a single character. PBS recognizes
266 the following characters: y and n.
268 If the argument is "y", the job is marked rerunable. If the
269 argument is "n", the job is marked as not rerunable.
271 -S path Declares the shell that interprets the job script.
273 The option argument path_list is in the form:
274 path[@host][,path[@host],...]
275 Only one path may be specified for any host named. Only one
276 path may be specified without the corresponding host name. The
277 path selected will be the one with the host name that matched
278 the name of the execution host. If no matching host is found,
279 then if present the path specified without a host will be
280 selected.
282 If the -S option is not specified, the option argument is the
283 null string, or no entry from the path_list is selected, the
284 execution will use the login shell of the user on the execution
285 host.
287 This attribute can be altered once the job has begun execution,
288 but it will not take affect until the job is rerun.
290 -t array_range
291 The array_range argument is an integer id or a range of inte‐
292 gers. Multiple ids or id ranges can be combined in a comma
293 delimted list. Examples : -t 1-100 or -t 1,10,50-100
295 If an array range isn't specified, the command tries to operate
296 on the entire array. The command acts on the array (or speci‐
297 fied range of the array) just as it would on an individual job.
299 An optional slot limit can be specified to limit the amount of
300 jobs that can run concurrently in the job array. The default
301 value is unlimited. The slot limit must be the last thing spec‐
302 ified in the array_request and is delimited from the array by a
303 percent sign (%).
305 qalter weatherSimulationArray[] -t %20
307 Here, the array weatherSimulationArray[] is configured to allow
308 a maximum of 20 concurrently running jobs.
310 Note: Slot limits can be applied at job submit time with qsub,
311 or can be set in a global server parameter policy with
312 max_slot_limit.
314 -u user_list
315 Replaces the user name under which the job is to run on the
316 execution system.
318 The user_list argument is of the form:
319 user[@host][,user[@host],...]
320 Only one user name may be given for per specified host. Only
321 one of the user specifications may be supplied without the cor‐
322 responding host specification. That user name will be used for
323 execution on any host not named in the argument list.
325 This attribute cannot be altered once the job has begun execu‐
326 tion.
328 -W additional_attributes
329 The -W option allows for the modification of additional job
330 attributes. The general syntax of the -W is in the form:
331 -W attr_name=value[,attr_name=value...]
332 Note if white space occurs anywhere within the option argument
333 string or the equal sign, "=", occurs within an attribute_value
334 string, then the string must be enclosed with either single or
335 double quote marks.
337 PBS currently supports the following attributes within the -W
338 option.
340 depend=dependency_list
341 Redefines the dependencies between this and other jobs. The
342 dependency_list is in the form: type[:argument[:argu‐
343 ment...][,type:argument...].
344 The argument is either a numeric count or a PBS job id accord‐
345 ing to type . If argument is a count, it must be greater than
346 0. If it is a job id and is not fully specified in the form:
347 seq_number.server.name, it will be expanded according to the
348 default server rules. If argument is null (the preceding colon
349 need not be specified), the dependency of the corresponding
350 type is cleared (unset).
352 synccount:count
353 This job is the first in a set of jobs to be executed
354 at the same time. Count is the number of additional
355 jobs in the set.
357 syncwith:jobid
358 This job is an additional member of a set of jobs to be
359 executed at the same time. Jobid is the job identifier
360 of the first job in the set.
362 after:jobid[:jobid...]
363 This job may be scheduled for execution at any point
364 after jobs jobid have started execution.
366 afterok:jobid[:jobid...]
367 This job may be scheduled for execution only after jobs
368 jobid have terminated with no errors.
370 afternotok:jobid[:jobid...]
371 This job may be scheduled for execution only after jobs
372 jobid have terminated with errors.
374 afterany:jobid[:jobid...]
375 This job may be scheduled for execution after jobs
376 jobid have terminated, with or without errors.
378 on:count
379 This job may be scheduled for execution after count
380 dependencies on other jobs have been satisfied. This
381 form is used in conjunction with one of the before
382 forms, see below.
384 before:jobid[:jobid...]
385 When this job has begun execution, then jobs jobid...
386 may begin.
388 beforeok:jobid[:jobid...]
389 If this job terminates execution without errors, then
390 jobs jobid... may begin.
392 beforenotok:jobid[:jobid...]
393 If this job terminates execution with errors, then jobs
394 jobid... may begin.
396 beforeany:jobid[:jobid...]
397 When this job terminates execution, jobs jobid... may
398 begin.
400 If any of the before forms are used, the job referenced
401 by jobid must have been submitted with a dependency
402 type of on.
404 The job specified in any of the before forms must have
405 the same owner as the job being altered.. Otherwise,
406 the dependency will not take effect.
408 Error processing of the existence, state, or condition of
409 the job on which the newly submitted job is a deferred ser‐
410 vice, i.e. the check is performed after the job is queued.
411 If an error is detected, the new job will be deleted by the
412 server. Mail will be sent to the job submitter stating the
413 error.
415 group_list=g_list
416 Alters the group name under which the job is to run on the exe‐
417 cution system.
419 The g_list argument is of the form:
420 group[@host][,group[@host],...]
421 Only one group name may be given per specified host. Only one
422 of the group specifications may be supplied without the corre‐
423 sponding host specification. That group name will used for
424 execution on any host not named in the argument list.
426 stagein=file_list
427 stageout=file_list
428 Alters which files are staged (copied) in before job start or
429 staged out after the job completes execution. The file_list is
430 in the form: local_file@hostname:remote_file[,...]
431 The name local_file is the name on the system where the job
432 executes. It may be an absolute path or a path relative to the
433 home directory of the user. The name remote_file is the desti‐
434 nation name on the host specified by hostname. The name may be
435 absolute or relative to the user's home directory on the desti‐
436 nation host.
439 The qalter command accepts one or more job_identifier operands of the
440 form:
441 sequence_number[.server_name][@server]
444 Any error condition, either in processing the options or the operands,
445 or any error received in reply to the batch requests will result in a
446 error message being written to standard error.
449 Upon successful processing of all the operands presented to the qalter
450 command, the exit status will be a value of zero.
452 If the qalter command fails to process any operand, the command exits
453 with a value greater than zero.
456 qsub(1B), qstat(1B), pbs_alterjob(3B), pbs_statjob(3B), pbs_selec‐
457 tjob(3B), pbs_resources_*(7B), where * is system type, and the PBS ERS.
461Local qalter(1B)