1SYSTEMD-ANALYZE(1)              systemd-analyze             SYSTEMD-ANALYZE(1)


6       systemd-analyze - Analyze and debug system manager


9       systemd-analyze [OPTIONS...] [time]
11       systemd-analyze [OPTIONS...] blame
13       systemd-analyze [OPTIONS...] critical-chain [UNIT...]
15       systemd-analyze [OPTIONS...] plot [> file.svg]
17       systemd-analyze [OPTIONS...] dot [PATTERN...] [> file.dot]
19       systemd-analyze [OPTIONS...] dump
21       systemd-analyze [OPTIONS...] cat-config NAME|PATH...
23       systemd-analyze [OPTIONS...] unit-paths
25       systemd-analyze [OPTIONS...] log-level [LEVEL]
27       systemd-analyze [OPTIONS...] log-target [TARGET]
29       systemd-analyze [OPTIONS...] syscall-filter [SET...]
31       systemd-analyze [OPTIONS...] verify [FILES...]
33       systemd-analyze [OPTIONS...] calendar SPECS...
35       systemd-analyze [OPTIONS...] service-watchdogs [BOOL]
37       systemd-analyze [OPTIONS...] timespan SPAN...
39       systemd-analyze [OPTIONS...] security UNIT...


42       systemd-analyze may be used to determine system boot-up performance
43       statistics and retrieve other state and tracing information from the
44       system and service manager, and to verify the correctness of unit
45       files. It is also used to access special functions useful for advanced
46       system manager debugging.
48       systemd-analyze time prints the time spent in the kernel before
49       userspace has been reached, the time spent in the initial RAM disk
50       (initrd) before normal system userspace has been reached, and the time
51       normal system userspace took to initialize. Note that these
52       measurements simply measure the time passed up to the point where all
53       system services have been spawned, but not necessarily until they fully
54       finished initialization or the disk is idle.
56       systemd-analyze blame prints a list of all running units, ordered by
57       the time they took to initialize. This information may be used to
58       optimize boot-up times. Note that the output might be misleading as the
59       initialization of one service might be slow simply because it waits for
60       the initialization of another service to complete. Also note:
61       systemd-analyze blame doesn't display results for services with
62       Type=simple, because systemd considers such services to be started
63       immediately, hence no measurement of the initialization delays can be
64       done.
66       systemd-analyze critical-chain [UNIT...]  prints a tree of the
67       time-critical chain of units (for each of the specified UNITs or for
68       the default target otherwise). The time after the unit is active or
69       started is printed after the "@" character. The time the unit takes to
70       start is printed after the "+" character. Note that the output might be
71       misleading as the initialization of one service might depend on socket
72       activation and because of the parallel execution of units.
74       systemd-analyze plot prints an SVG graphic detailing which system
75       services have been started at what time, highlighting the time they
76       spent on initialization.
78       systemd-analyze dot generates textual dependency graph description in
79       dot format for further processing with the GraphViz dot(1) tool. Use a
80       command line like systemd-analyze dot | dot -Tsvg > systemd.svg to
81       generate a graphical dependency tree. Unless --order or --require is
82       passed, the generated graph will show both ordering and requirement
83       dependencies. Optional pattern globbing style specifications (e.g.
84       *.target) may be given at the end. A unit dependency is included in the
85       graph if any of these patterns match either the origin or destination
86       node.
88       systemd-analyze dump outputs a (usually very long) human-readable
89       serialization of the complete server state. Its format is subject to
90       change without notice and should not be parsed by applications.
92       systemd-analyze cat-config is similar to systemctl cat, but operates on
93       config files. It will copy the contents of a config file and any
94       drop-ins to standard output, using the usual systemd set of directories
95       and rules for precedence. Each argument must be either an absolute path
96       including the prefix (such as /etc/systemd/logind.conf or
97       /usr/lib/systemd/logind.conf), or a name relative to the prefix (such
98       as systemd/logind.conf).
100       Example 1. Showing logind configuration
102           $ systemd-analyze cat-config systemd/logind.conf
103           # /etc/systemd/logind.conf
104           ...
105           [Login]
106           NAutoVTs=8
107           ...
109           # /usr/lib/systemd/logind.conf.d/20-test.conf
110           ... some override from another package
112           # /etc/systemd/logind.conf.d/50-override.conf
113           ... some administrator override
116       systemd-analyze unit-paths outputs a list of all directories from which
117       unit files, .d overrides, and .wants, .requires symlinks may be loaded.
118       Combine with --user to retrieve the list for the user manager instance,
119       and --global for the global configuration of user manager instances.
120       Note that this verb prints the list that is compiled into
121       systemd-analyze itself, and does not comunicate with the running
122       manager. Use
124           systemctl [--user] [--global] show -p UnitPath --value
126       to retrieve the actual list that the manager uses, with any empty
127       directories omitted.
129       systemd-analyze log-level prints the current log level of the systemd
130       daemon. If an optional argument LEVEL is provided, then the command
131       changes the current log level of the systemd daemon to LEVEL (accepts
132       the same values as --log-level= described in systemd(1)).
134       systemd-analyze log-target prints the current log target of the systemd
135       daemon. If an optional argument TARGET is provided, then the command
136       changes the current log target of the systemd daemon to TARGET (accepts
137       the same values as --log-target=, described in systemd(1)).
139       systemd-analyze syscall-filter [SET...]  will list system calls
140       contained in the specified system call set SET, or all known sets if no
141       sets are specified. Argument SET must include the "@" prefix.
143       systemd-analyze verify will load unit files and print warnings if any
144       errors are detected. Files specified on the command line will be
145       loaded, but also any other units referenced by them. The full unit
146       search path is formed by combining the directories for all command line
147       arguments, and the usual unit load paths (variable $SYSTEMD_UNIT_PATH
148       is supported, and may be used to replace or augment the compiled in set
149       of unit load paths; see systemd.unit(5)). All units files present in
150       the directories containing the command line arguments will be used in
151       preference to the other paths.
153       systemd-analyze calendar will parse and normalize repetitive calendar
154       time events, and will calculate when they will elapse next. This takes
155       the same input as the OnCalendar= setting in systemd.timer(5),
156       following the syntax described in systemd.time(7).
158       systemd-analyze service-watchdogs prints the current state of service
159       runtime watchdogs of the systemd daemon. If an optional boolean
160       argument is provided, then globally enables or disables the service
161       runtime watchdogs (WatchdogSec=) and emergency actions (e.g.
162       OnFailure= or StartLimitAction=); see systemd.service(5). The hardware
163       watchdog is not affected by this setting.
165       systemd-analyze timespan parses a time span and outputs the equivalent
166       value in microseconds, and as a reformatted timespan. The time span
167       should adhere to the same syntax documented in systemd.time(7). Values
168       without associated magnitudes are parsed as seconds.
170       systemd-analyze security analyzes the security and sandboxing settings
171       of one or more specified service units. If at least one unit name is
172       specified the security settings of the specified service units are
173       inspected and a detailed analysis is shown. If no unit name is
174       specified, all currently loaded, long-running service units are
175       inspected and a terse table with results shown. The command checks for
176       various security-related service settings, assigning each a numeric
177       "exposure level" value, depending on how important a setting is. It
178       then calculates an overall exposure level for the whole unit, which is
179       an estimation in the range 0.0...10.0 indicating how exposed a service
180       is security-wise. High exposure levels indicate very little applied
181       sandboxing. Low exposure levels indicate tight sandboxing and strongest
182       security restrictions. Note that this only analyzes the per-service
183       security features systemd itself implements. This means that any
184       additional security mechanisms applied by the service code itself are
185       not accounted for. The exposure level determined this way should not be
186       misunderstood: a high exposure level neither means that there is no
187       effective sandboxing applied by the service code itself, nor that the
188       service is actually vulnerable to remote or local attacks. High
189       exposure levels do indicate however that most likely the service might
190       benefit from additional settings applied to them. Please note that many
191       of the security and sandboxing settings individually can be
192       circumvented — unless combined with others. For example, if a service
193       retains the privilege to establish or undo mount points many of the
194       sandboxing options can be undone by the service code itself. Due to
195       that is essential that each service uses the most comprehensive and
196       strict sandboxing and security settings possible. The tool will take
197       into account some of these combinations and relationships between the
198       settings, but not all. Also note that the security and sandboxing
199       settings analyzed here only apply to the operations executed by the
200       service code itself. If a service has access to an IPC system (such as
201       D-Bus) it might request operations from other services that are not
202       subject to the same restrictions. Any comprehensive security and
203       sandboxing analysis is hence incomplete if the IPC access policy is not
204       validated too.
206       If no command is passed, systemd-analyze time is implied.


209       The following options are understood:
211       --system
212           Operates on the system systemd instance. This is the implied
213           default.
215       --user
216           Operates on the user systemd instance.
218       --global
219           Operates on the system-wide configuration for user systemd
220           instance.
222       --order, --require
223           When used in conjunction with the dot command (see above), selects
224           which dependencies are shown in the dependency graph. If --order is
225           passed, only dependencies of type After= or Before= are shown. If
226           --require is passed, only dependencies of type Requires=,
227           Requisite=, Wants= and Conflicts= are shown. If neither is passed,
228           this shows dependencies of all these types.
230       --from-pattern=, --to-pattern=
231           When used in conjunction with the dot command (see above), this
232           selects which relationships are shown in the dependency graph. Both
233           options require a glob(7) pattern as an argument, which will be
234           matched against the left-hand and the right-hand, respectively,
235           nodes of a relationship.
237           Each of these can be used more than once, in which case the unit
238           name must match one of the values. When tests for both sides of the
239           relation are present, a relation must pass both tests to be shown.
240           When patterns are also specified as positional arguments, they must
241           match at least one side of the relation. In other words, patterns
242           specified with those two options will trim the list of edges
243           matched by the positional arguments, if any are given, and fully
244           determine the list of edges shown otherwise.
246       --fuzz=timespan
247           When used in conjunction with the critical-chain command (see
248           above), also show units, which finished timespan earlier, than the
249           latest unit in the same level. The unit of timespan is seconds
250           unless specified with a different unit, e.g. "50ms".
252       --man=no
253           Do not invoke man to verify the existence of man pages listed in
254           Documentation=.
256       --generators
257           Invoke unit generators, see systemd.generator(7). Some generators
258           require root privileges. Under a normal user, running with
259           generators enabled will generally result in some warnings.
261       --root=PATH
262           With cat-files, show config files underneath the specified root
263           path PATH.
265       -H, --host=
266           Execute the operation remotely. Specify a hostname, or a username
267           and hostname separated by "@", to connect to. The hostname may
268           optionally be suffixed by a port ssh is listening on, seperated by
269           ":", and then a container name, separated by "/", which connects
270           directly to a specific container on the specified host. This will
271           use SSH to talk to the remote machine manager instance. Container
272           names may be enumerated with machinectl -H HOST. Put IPv6 addresses
273           in brackets.
275       -M, --machine=
276           Execute operation on a local container. Specify a container name to
277           connect to.
279       -h, --help
280           Print a short help text and exit.
282       --version
283           Print a short version string and exit.
285       --no-pager
286           Do not pipe output into a pager.


289       On success, 0 is returned, a non-zero failure code otherwise.


292       Example 2. Plots all dependencies of any unit whose name starts with
293       "avahi-daemon"
295           $ systemd-analyze dot 'avahi-daemon.*' | dot -Tsvg > avahi.svg
296           $ eog avahi.svg
298       Example 3. Plots the dependencies between all known target units
300           $ systemd-analyze dot --to-pattern='*.target' --from-pattern='*.target' | dot -Tsvg > targets.svg
301           $ eog targets.svg


304       The following errors are currently detected:
306       ·   unknown sections and directives,
308       ·   missing dependencies which are required to start the given unit,
310       ·   man pages listed in Documentation= which are not found in the
311           system,
313       ·   commands listed in ExecStart= and similar which are not found in
314           the system or not executable.
316       Example 4. Misspelt directives
318           $ cat ./user.slice
319           [Unit]
320           WhatIsThis=11
321           Documentation=man:nosuchfile(1)
322           Requires=different.service
324           [Service]
325           Description=x
327           $ systemd-analyze verify ./user.slice
328           [./user.slice:9] Unknown lvalue 'WhatIsThis' in section 'Unit'
329           [./user.slice:13] Unknown section 'Service'. Ignoring.
330           Error: org.freedesktop.systemd1.LoadFailed:
331              Unit different.service failed to load:
332              No such file or directory.
333           Failed to create user.slice/start: Invalid argument
334           user.slice: man nosuchfile(1) command failed with code 16
337       Example 5. Missing service units
339           $ tail ./a.socket ./b.socket
340           ==> ./a.socket <==
341           [Socket]
342           ListenStream=100
344           ==> ./b.socket <==
345           [Socket]
346           ListenStream=100
347           Accept=yes
349           $ systemd-analyze verify ./a.socket ./b.socket
350           Service a.service not loaded, a.socket cannot be started.
351           Service b@0.service not loaded, b.socket cannot be started.


355       $SYSTEMD_PAGER
356           Pager to use when --no-pager is not given; overrides $PAGER. If
357           neither $SYSTEMD_PAGER nor $PAGER are set, a set of well-known
358           pager implementations are tried in turn, including less(1) and
359           more(1), until one is found. If no pager implementation is
360           discovered no pager is invoked. Setting this environment variable
361           to an empty string or the value "cat" is equivalent to passing
362           --no-pager.
364       $SYSTEMD_LESS
365           Override the options passed to less (by default "FRSXMK").
367           If the value of $SYSTEMD_LESS does not include "K", and the pager
368           that is invoked is less, Ctrl+C will be ignored by the executable.
369           This allows less to handle Ctrl+C itself.
372           Override the charset passed to less (by default "utf-8", if the
373           invoking terminal is determined to be UTF-8 compatible).


376       systemd(1), systemctl(1)
380systemd 241                                                 SYSTEMD-ANALYZE(1)