1X2SYS_CROSS(1)                        GMT                       X2SYS_CROSS(1)


6       x2sys_cross - Calculate crossovers between track data files


9       x2sys_cross  track(s)   -TTAG  [   -Acombi.lis  ]  [   -C[runtimes] ] [
10       -Il|a|c ] [  -Jparameters ] [  -Qe|i ] [  -Sl|u|hspeed ] [  -V[level] ]
11       [  -Wsize ] [  -Z ] [ -bobinary ] [ -donodata ]
13       Note:  No  space  is allowed between the option flag and the associated
14       arguments.


17       x2sys_cross is used to determine all intersections  between  ("external
18       cross-overs")  or  within ("internal cross-overs") tracks (Cartesian or
19       geographic), and report the time, position, distance along track, head‐
20       ing  and  speed along each track segment, and the crossover error (COE)
21       and mean values for all observables. The names of the tracks are passed
22       on  the command line. By default, x2sys_cross will look for both exter‐
23       nal and internal COEs. As an option, you may choose to project all data
24       using one of the map-projections prior to calculating the COE.


27       tracks Can  be  one  or more ASCII, native binary, or COARDS netCDF 1-D
28              data files. To supply the data files via a text file with a list
29              of  tracks  (one per record), specify the name of the track list
30              after a leading equal-sign (e.g., =tracks.lis). If the names are
31              missing their file extension we will append the suffix specified
32              for this TAG. Track files will be searched for first in the cur‐
33              rent   directory   and  second  in  all  directories  listed  in
34              $X2SYS_HOME/TAG/TAG_paths.txt (if it exists). [If $X2SYS_HOME is
35              not  set  it  will default to $GMT_SHAREDIR/x2sys]. (Note: MGD77
36              files will also be looked for via MGD77_HOME/mgd77_paths.txt and
37              *.gmt  files  will  be  searched  for via $GMT_SHAREDIR/mgg/gmt‐
38              file_paths).
40       -TTAG  Specify the x2sys TAG which tracks the attributes of  this  data
41              type.


44       -Acombi.lis
45              Only  process  the pair-combinations found in the file combi.lis
46              [Default process all possible combinations among  the  specified
47              files]. The file combi.lis created by x2sys_get -L option
49       -C[runtimes]
50              Compute  and append the processing run-time for each pair to the
51              progress message. Append a filename to save these  run-times  to
52              file.   The  idea  here  is to use the knowledge of run-times to
53              split the main process in a number  of  sub-processes  that  can
54              each  be  launched  in  a different processor of your multi-core
55              machine. See the MATLAB function split_file4coes.m that lives in
56              the x2sys supplement source code.
58       -Il|a|c
59              Sets  the interpolation mode for estimating values at the cross‐
60              over.  Choose among:
62              l Linear interpolation [Default].
64              a Akima spline interpolation.
66              c Cubic spline interpolation.
68       -Jparameters (more ...)
69              Select map projection.
71       -Qe|i  Append e for external COEs only, and i for  internal  COEs  only
72              [Default is all COEs].
74       -Rwest/east/south/north[/zmin/zmax][+r][+uunit]
75              west, east, south, and north specify the region of interest, and
76              you   may   specify   them   in   decimal    degrees    or    in
77              [±]dd:mm[:ss.xxx][W|E|S|N]  format  Append  +r if lower left and
78              upper right map coordinates are given instead  of  w/e/s/n.  The
79              two  shorthands  -Rg  and -Rd stand for global domain (0/360 and
80              -180/+180 in longitude respectively, with -90/+90 in  latitude).
81              Alternatively  for grid creation, give Rcodelon/lat/nx/ny, where
82              code is a 2-character combination of L, C, R (for left,  center,
83              or  right)  and T, M, B for top, middle, or bottom. e.g., BL for
84              lower left.  This indicates which point on a rectangular  region
85              the lon/lat coordinate refers to, and the grid dimensions nx and
86              ny with grid spacings via -I is used to create the corresponding
87              region.   Alternatively,  specify  the  name of an existing grid
88              file and the -R settings (and grid spacing, if  applicable)  are
89              copied from the grid. Appending +uunit expects projected (Carte‐
90              sian) coordinates compatible with chosen  -J  and  we  inversely
91              project  to determine actual rectangular geographic region.  For
92              perspective view (-p), optionally append /zmin/zmax.  In case of
93              perspective view (-p), a z-range (zmin, zmax) can be appended to
94              indicate the third dimension. This needs to be  done  only  when
95              using  the -Jz option, not when using only the -p option. In the
96              latter case a perspective view of the plane is plotted, with  no
97              third     dimension.    For    Cartesian    data    just    give
98              xmin/xmax/ymin/ymax. This option limits the COEs to  those  that
99              fall inside the specified domain.
101       -Sl|u|hspeed
102              Defines  window of track speeds. If speeds are outside this win‐
103              dow we do not calculate a COE. Specify
105              -Sl sets lower speed [Default is 0].
107              -Su sets upper speed [Default is Infinity].
109              -Sh does not limit the speed but sets a lower speed below  which
110              headings will not be computed (i.e., set to NaN) [Default calcu‐
111              lates headings regardless of speed].
113       -V[level] (more ...)
114              Select verbosity level [c].
116       -Wsize Give the maximum number of data points on  either  side  of  the
117              crossover to use in the spline interpolation [3].
119       -Z     Report  the  values  of  each  track  at  the crossover [Default
120              reports the crossover value and the mean value].
122       -bo[ncols][type] (more ...)
123              Select native binary output.
125       -donodata (more ...)
126              Replace output columns that equal NaN with nodata.
128       -^ or just -
129              Print a short message about the  syntax  of  the  command,  then
130              exits (NOTE: on Windows just use -).
132       -+ or just +
133              Print  an extensive usage (help) message, including the explana‐
134              tion of any module-specific  option  (but  not  the  GMT  common
135              options), then exits.
137       -? or no arguments
138              Print a complete usage (help) message, including the explanation
139              of all options, then exits.


142       The COEs found are printed out  to  standard  output  in  ASCII  format
143       (unless -bo is set). When ASCII is chosen, the output format depends on
144       whether or not old-style XOVER output (-L) has been selected  [See  the
145       x_over man page for more details]. If ASCII, then the first record con‐
146       tains the name of the tag used, the second records specifies the  exact
147       command line used for this run, and the third record contains the names
148       of each column. For each track pair, there will  be  a  segment  header
149       record containing the two file names and their start/stop/dist informa‐
150       tion (start/stop is absolute time or NaN if unavailable while  dist  is
151       the  total  track length), whereas subsequent records have the data for
152       each COE encountered. The fields written out are x, y, time along track
153       #1  and  #2, distance along track #1 and #2, heading along track #1 and
154       #2, velocity along track #1 and #2, and then pairs of columns for  each
155       selected observable. These are either pairs of (COE, average value) for
156       each data type (or track-values #1 and #2; see -Z). It  is  recommended
157       that  the  Akima  spline  is  used instead of the natural cubic spline,
158       since it is less sensitive to outliers  that  tend  to  introduce  wild
159       oscillations in the interpolation.


162       If  track_a  and  track_b  are passed on the command line, then the COE
163       value is Value (track_a) - Value (track_b).


166       The  output  format  of  individual  columns  are  controlled  by  FOR‐
167       MAT_FLOAT_OUT  except  for  geographic coordinates (FORMAT_GEO_OUT) and
168       absolute calendar time (FORMAT_DATE_OUT, FORMAT_CLOCK_OUT).  Make  sure
169       these  are  setto  give  you  enough  significant digits to achieve the
170       desired precision.


173       To compute all internal crossovers in the gmt-formatted file c2104.gmt,
174       and using the tag GMT, try
176              gmt x2sys_cross c2104.gmt -TGMT > c2104.d
178       To  find  the crossover locations with bathymetry between the two MGD77
179       files A13232.mgd77 and A99938.mgd77, using the MGD77 tag, try
181              gmt x2sys_cross A13232.mgd77 A99938.mgd77 -Qe -TMGD77 > crossovers.d


184       Wessel, P. (2010), Tools for analyzing intersecting tracks:  the  x2sys
185       package. Computers and Geosciences, 36, 348-354.
187       Wessel,  P.  (1989), XOVER: A cross-over error detector for track data,
188       Computers and Geosciences, 15(3), 333-346.


191       gmt, x2sys_binlist, x2sys_init, x2sys_datalist, x2sys_get,  x2sys_list,
192       x2sys_put, x2sys_report, x2sys_solve, x_over
195       2019, P. Wessel, W. H. F. Smith, R. Scharroo, J. Luis, and F. Wobbe
2005.4.5                            Feb 24, 2019                   X2SYS_CROSS(1)