1Geomview(1gv)                                                    Geomview(1gv)


6       Geomview - interactive geometry viewer


9       geomview [-b r g b] [-c commandfile] [-wins #windows] [-noinit]
10            [-nopanels] [-noopengl] [-wpos xmin ymin xsize ysize]
11            [-wpos xsize,ysize[@xmin,ymin]] [-e external-module-name]
12            [-M[cg][sp] pipename] [-start external-module-name [arg ...] --]
13            [-run external-module-path [arg ...] --] [file ...]


16       Geomview is an interactive geometry viewer written at the Geometry Cen‐
17       ter.  It displays the objects in the files given on  the  command  line
18       and allows the user to view and manipulate them interactively.
20       The  present version (1.7) of geomview runs on Silicon Graphics Irises,
21       and X Window System workstations.  We are very  interested  in  hearing
22       about  any problems you may have using it; see below for information on
23       how to contact us.
25       In addition to providing interactive control over a  world  of  objects
26       via  the  mouse  and  keyboard, geomview has an interpreted language of
27       commands for controlling almost every aspect of its  display.   It  can
28       execute files containing statements in this language, and it can commu‐
29       nicate with other programs using the language.  See  geomview(5),  e.g.
30       the file man/cat5/geomview.5 in the geomview distribution, for more de‐
31       tails of the language.


35       This manual page serves only as a (very) terse reference manual for ge‐
36       omview.   For  a  gentler introduction to the program and the format of
37       the data files it can read, see "overview" and "oogltour" in the  "doc"
38       directory of the geomview distribution, or better, see the full manual:
39       "geomview.tex" or "geomview.ps", also  in  the  "doc"  directory.   The
40       source  distribution also includes a tutorial for how to write external
41       modules in the "src/bin/example" directory.


45       -b     Set the window background color to the given r g b values.
47       -c     Interpret the commands in commandfile, which may  be  ``-''  for
48              standard  input.   The  command  language  is  described  in ge‐
49              omview(5).  Commands may be supplied literally, as in ``-c "(ui-
50              panel main off)"''; since they include parentheses, they must be
51              quoted.
53       -wins  Causes geomview to initially display #windows camera windows.
55       -wpos  Specifies the initial location and size of the first camera win‐
56              dow.  With ``-'', you are prompted for window placement.
58       -M objname
59               Display  (possibly dynamically changing) geometry (or commands)
60              sent via ``togeomview -g objname  [geomview-shell-command]''  or
61              ``geomstuff objname  file ...''.  The data appears as a geomview
62              object named objname.
64              Actually listens to the  named  pipe  ``/tmp/geomview/objname'';
65              you can achieve the same effect with the shell commands:
66                  mkdir /tmp/geomview;
67                  mknod /tmp/geomview/objname p
68              (assuming  the  directory  and  named pipe don't already exist),
69              then executing the geomview command:
70                  (geometry objname  < /tmp/geomview/objname)
72       -M[cg][ps[un|in|in6]] PIPENAME|TCPPORT
74              The -M option accepts modifiers: a 'g' suffix  expects  geometry
75              data  (the default), while a 'c' suffix expects GCL commands.  A
76              'p' implies the connection should use a named pipe (the  default
77              on  everything  except  on  the NeXT), while 's' implies using a
78              UNIX-domain socket (the default on the NeXT). Since version  1.9
79              of  Geomview  internet  domain  sockets  are also supported; use
80              'sin' to make Geomview listen on the IPv4 port given by TCPPORT,
81              or  use  'sin6' to make Geomview listen on an IPv6 port (also as
82              specified by TCPPORT). 'sun' is a synonym for 's', i.e. use  the
83              Unix  domain  socket  with the name PIPENAME. If PIPENAME starts
84              with a slash ('/'), then it is assumed to be an  absolute  path‐
85              name,  otherwise the named pipe or socket is created below ${TM‐
86              PDIR}/geomview/.
88              So -Mcs fred selects reading commands from the UNIX-domain sock‐
89              et  named  /tmp/geomview/fred, -Mcsin 40000 selects reading com‐
90              mands from the IPv4 port '40000'.
92       -noopengl
93              Disable the use of OpenGL for  (possibly)  hardware  accelerated
94              rendering,  even  if  the Geomview binary has support for OpenGL
95              compiled in. This also disables the support for transparency and
96              and textures
98       -nopanels
99              Start  up  displaying  no panels, only graphics windows.  Panels
100              may be invoked later as usual with the "Px"  keyboard  shortcuts
101              or "(ui-panel ...)"  command.
103       -noinit
104              Read  no  initialization  files.  By default, geomview reads the
105              system-wide ".geomview" file, followed by  those  in  $HOME/.ge‐
106              omview and ./.geomview.
108       -e modulename
109              Start an external module; modulename is the name associated with
110              the module, appearing in the main panel's Applications  browser,
111              as  defined  by  the emodule-define command (see geomview(5) for
112              details).
114       -start modulename arguments ... --
115              Like -e but allows you to pass arguments to the external module.
116              "--" signals the end of the argument list; the "--" may be omit‐
117              ted if it would be the last argument  on  the  geomview  command
118              line.
120       -run shell-command arguments ...
121              Like -start but takes the pathname of executable of the external
122              module instead of the module's name.


126       The format of the files read by geomview is described in oogl(5);  type
127       "man 5 oogl", or see the file man/cat5/oogl.5 in the geomview distribu‐
128       tion, for details.
130       Note to users of MinneView (the precursor to  geomview):  geomview  can
131       read MinneView files, but MinneView cannot read all geomview files.


135       Immediately  upon  starting up geomview reads and executes the commands
136       in the system-wide .geomview file in the "data" subdirectory of the ge‐
137       omview directory.  Then, if there is a file named .geomview in the cur‐
138       rent directory, it executes the commands in that file.  If  no  in  the
139       user's home directory, and executes it if found. The startup file of an
140       individual user overrides the systemwide defaults, since later commands
141       take precedence over earlier ones.


145       Geomview has the ability to interact via its command language with oth‐
146       er programs, called "external modules".  Many such  modules  have  been
147       written  and  appear  in the "Application" browser in the main geomview
148       panel.  To invoke a module you click the mouse on the module's entry in
149       this  browser.   This starts the module and adds an additional entry to
150       the browser, beginning with a number in square  brackets  as  in  ``[1]
151       Crayola'',  which  represents the running instance of that module.  You
152       can terminate the module by clicking on the  numbered  entry.   Modules
153       are  documented separately from geomview.  See the manual page for each
154       module for details.


158       Geomview looks for external modules in a special directory for modules.
159       In the geomview distribution tree this is the "bin/$MACHTYPE" subdirec‐
160       tory.  A module consists of two files: the executable  program,  and  a
161       "module  init  file", which is a whose name is ".geomview-" followed by
162       the module name.  The module init file tells geomview how to  run  that
163       program.   Be  sure  to  always keep these two files together; geomview
164       needs both of them in order to run the module.  To install a  new  mod‐
165       ule,  simply put the module's executable file and its init file in your
166       geomview's module directory.  The next time you run geomview,  it  will
167       know about that module.
169       Geomview  can  actually  looks for modules in a list of directories; by
170       default only the "bin/$MACHTYPE" directory is on this  list.   See  the
171       set-emodule-path command in geomview(5) for details.
173       There  is  a  tutorial  for  how  to  write  external  modules  in  the
174       "src/bin/example" directory.


178       An external module init file is the file that tells geomview how to run
179       that module.  Its name must be ".geomview-" followed by the name of the
180       module, e.g. ".geomview-foo".   It should  contain  geomview  commands;
181       typically  it will contain a single emodule-define command which enters
182       the module into geomview's application browser:
184               (emodule-define "Foo" "foo")
186       The first string is the name that appears in the browser.   The  second
187       string  is the command to invoke the module.  It may contain arguments;
188       in fact it can be an arbitrary shell command.


193       Many geomview operations are available from the keyboard.  Hitting  the
194       "?"  button  on  the  main panel, or typing "?"  with the cursor in any
195       window, causes geomview to print a message on standard  output  listing
196       all the keyboard shortcuts.
198       Keyboard commands apply while cursor is in any graphics window and most
199       control panels. Most commands allow one of the following selection prefixes
200       (if none is provided the command applies to the current object):
201          g  world geom    g#  #'th geom  g*  All geoms
202          c  current camera     c#  #'th camera     c*  All cameras
203       Many allow a numeric prefix:  if none they toggle or reset current value.
204       Appearance:
205        Draw:              Shading:       Other:
206         af  Faces         0as Constant    av  eVert normals: always face viewer
207         ae  Edges         1as Flat  #aw  Line Width (pixels)
208         an  Normals       2as Smooth     #ac  edges Closer than faces(try 5-100)
209         ab  Bounding Boxes     3as Smooth, non-lighted  al  Shade lines
210         aV  Vectors       aT  allow transparency   at  Texture-mapping
211        Color:             aC  allow concave polygons
212         Cf Ce Cn Cb CB   face/edge/normal/bbox/backgnd
213       Motions:                       Viewing:
214         r rotate        [ Leftmouse=X-Y plane,     0vp Orthographic view
215         t translate       Middle=Z axis,      1vp Perspective view
216         z zoom FOV        Shift=slow motion,        vd Draw other views' cameras
217         f fly             in r/t modes.      ]     #vv field of View
218         o orbit           [Left=steer, Middle=speed ]   #vn near clip distance
219         s scale                     #vf far clip distance
220         w/W recenter/all                  v+ add new camera
221         h/H halt/halt all                 vx cursor on/off
222         @  select center of motion (e.g. g3@)       vb backfacing poly cull on/off
223                                     #vl focal length
224         L  Look At object                 v~ Software shading on/off
225       show Panel:    Pm Pa Pl Po    main/appearance/lighting/obscure
226                 Pt Pc PC Pf    tools/cameras/Commands/file-browser
227                 Ps P-          saving/read commands from tty
228       Lights:  ls le      Show lights / Edit Lights
229       Metric:  me mh ms   Euclidean Hyperbolic Spherical
230       Model:   mv mp mc   Virtual Projective Conformal
231       Other:
232         N normalization < Pf  load geom/command file
233          0N none       > Ps  save something to file     ui  motion has inertia
234          1N each       TV NTSC mode toggle    uc  constrained (X/Y) motion
235          2N all                     uo  motion in Own coord system
236         Rightmouse-doubleclick  pick as current target object
237         Shift-Rightmouse        pick interest (center) point
238       Renderman:
239         RR send RIB output to <fileprefix>NNN.rib (default fileprefix == "geom")
240         RC Emulate lines using cylinders (default)
241         RP Emulate lines using polygons
242         Ra choose ASCII RIB format (default)
243         Rb choose BINARY RIB format
244         Rt choose Display token to specify .tiff file (default)
245         Rf choose Display token to specify framebuffer
246         Rs Simulate background color with Polygon (default)
247         Rx No background simulation - fully transparent (alpha) background


251       The "geomview" command is actually a shell script that sets various en‐
252       vironment variables which tell geomview about  your  local  setup,  and
253       then  invokes the geomview executable program "gvx" (or "gvx.OGL").  Do
254       not run "gvx" by itself; always invoke  geomview  with  the  "geomview"
255       shell script.


259       oogl(5) - OOGL geometric file formats and conventions
260       geomview(5) - geomview command language reference


263       data/.geomview  -  default initialization file in geomview command lan‐
264            guage
265       data/geom - sample data files


268       The ``geomview'' shell script sets these internally by default; if  you
269       set  them before invoking geomview, the values you set will be used in‐
270       stead of the built-in defaults.
271       GEOMVIEW_GVX - geomview executable
272       GEOMVIEW_DATA_DIR - default directory for data files
273       GEOMVIEW_LOAD_PATH - colon-separated search path for data files
274       GEOMVIEW_EMODULE_DIR - default directory for external emodules
275       GEOMVIEW_EMODULE_PATH - colon-separated search path for  external  mod‐
276            ules
277       GEOMVIEW_SYSTEM_INITFILE - system-wide GCL initialization script
278       GEOMDATA - top directory of the default data tree, used by some modules
279       GEOMVIEW_DOC_DIR - path to the user manual
280       WEBBROWSER - executable for viewing the HTML version of the manual when
281            invoking the `Manual (HTML)' menu item
282       PDFVIEWER - executable for viewing the PDF version of the  manual  when
283            invoking the `Manual (PDF)' menu item


287          Stuart Levy              Tamara Munzner         Mark Phillips
288                    Celeste Fowler              Nathaniel Thurston
289                     Daniel Krech                   Scott Wisdom
290                     Daeron Meyer                  Timothy Rowley
292              The National Science and Technology Research Center for
293               Computation and Visualization of Geometric Structures
294                               (The Geometry Center)
295                              University of Minnesota
297                         www.geomview.org


300       Sometimes core dumps on bad input files.
302       Zoom and scale have no inertia.
304       Virtual spherical mode doesn't work on VGXes.
309Geometry Center                December 10, 1996                 Geomview(1gv)