1SoHandleBoxDragger(3IV)()                            SoHandleBoxDragger(3IV)()


6       SoHandleBoxDragger  — box you can scale, stretch and translate by drag‐
7       ging with the mouse


10       SoBase > SoFieldContainer > SoNode >  SoBaseKit  >  SoInteractionKit  >
11       SoDragger > SoHandleBoxDragger


14       #include <Inventor/draggers/SoHandleBoxDragger.h>
16          Fields from class SoHandleBoxDragger:
18     SoSFVec3f           scaleFactor
19     SoSFVec3f           translation
21          Fields from class SoDragger:
23     SoSFBool            isActive
25          Fields from class SoInteractionKit:
27     SoSFEnum            renderCaching
28     SoSFEnum            boundingBoxCaching
29     SoSFEnum            renderCulling
30     SoSFEnum            pickCulling
32          Parts from class SoBaseKit:
34     (SoNodeKitListPart)  callbackList
36          Methods from class SoHandleBoxDragger:
38                         SoHandleBoxDragger()
39     static const SoNodekitCatalog *
40                         getClassNodekitCatalog() const
41     static SoType       getClassTypeId()
43          Methods from class SoDragger:
45     void                addStartCallback(SoDraggerCB  *f,  void  *userData  =
46                              NULL)
47     void                removeStartCallback(SoDraggerCB *f, void *userData  =
48                              NULL)
49     void                addMotionCallback(SoDraggerCB  *f,  void  *userData =
50                              NULL)
51     void                removeMotionCallback(SoDraggerCB *f, void *userData =
52                              NULL)
53     void                addFinishCallback(SoDraggerCB  *f,  void  *userData =
54                              NULL)
55     void                removeFinishCallback(SoDraggerCB *f, void *userData =
56                              NULL)
57     void                addValueChangedCallback(SoDraggerCB  *f,  void *user‐
58                              Data = NULL)
59     void                removeValueChangedCallback(SoDraggerCB    *f,    void
60                              *userData = NULL)
61     SbBool              enableValueChangedCallbacks()
62     void                setMinGesture(int pixels)
63     int                 getMinGesture() const
64     static void         setMinScale(float newMinScale)
65     static float        getMinScale()
67          Methods from class SoInteractionKit:
69     virtual  SbBool      setPartAsPath(const SbName &partName, SoPath *surro‐
70                              gatePath )
72          Methods from class SoBaseKit:
74     virtual const SoNodekitCatalog *
75                              getNodekitCatalog() const
76     virtual   SoNode   *         getPart(const   SbName   &partName,   SbBool
77                                   makeIfNeeded)
78     SbString                 getPartString(const SoBase *part)
79     virtual  SoNodeKitPath *  createPathToPart(const SbName &partName, SbBool
80                                   makeIfNeeded, const SoPath *pathToExtend  =
81                                   NULL)
82     virtual SbBool           setPart(const SbName &partName, SoNode *newPart)
83     SbBool                   set(char *partName, char *parameters)
84     SbBool                   set(char *nameValuePairs)
85     static SbBool            isSearchingChildren()
86     static void              setSearchingChildren(SbBool newVal)
88          Methods from class SoNode:
90     void                setOverride(SbBool state)
91     SbBool              isOverride() const
92     SoNode *            copy(SbBool copyConnections = FALSE) const
93     virtual SbBool      affectsState() const
94     static SoNode *     getByName(const SbName &name)
95     static int          getByName(const SbName &name, SoNodeList &list)
97          Methods from class SoFieldContainer:
99     void                setToDefaults()
100     SbBool              hasDefaultValues() const
101     SbBool              fieldsAreEqual(const SoFieldContainer *fc) const
102     void                copyFieldValues(const  SoFieldContainer  *fc,  SbBool
103                              copyConnections = FALSE)
104     void                get(SbString &fieldDataString)
105     virtual int         getFields(SoFieldList &resultList) const
106     virtual SoField *   getField(const SbName &fieldName) const
107     SbBool              getFieldName(const SoField *field, SbName &fieldName)
108                              const
109     SbBool              isNotifyEnabled() const
110     SbBool              enableNotify(SbBool flag)
112          Methods from class SoBase:
114     void                ref()
115     void                unref() const
116     void                unrefNoDelete() const
117     void                touch()
118     virtual SoType      getTypeId() const
119     SbBool              isOfType(SoType type) const
120     virtual void        setName(const SbName &name)
121     virtual SbName      getName() const
123          Macros from class SoBaseKit:
125     SO_GET_PART(kit, partName, partClass)
126     SO_CHECK_PART(kit, partName, partClass)


130       SoHandleBoxDragger  is a dragger shaped like a wireframe box with small
131       corner cubes mounted on each corner. Click and drag any of these  cubes
132       to  scale the box uniformly. Six other center cubes are centered on the
133       sides of the box; white lines connect them to the center of  the  drag‐
134       ger.  Drag one of the center cubes along its line to stretch the box in
135       that direction. Dragging a face  of  the  box  translates  the  dragger
136       within that plane.
138       While  you  drag  a face of the box, purple feedback arrows display the
139       possible directions of motion. Press the <Shift> key to  constrain  the
140       motion  to one of the two major directions in the plane. The constraint
141       direction is chosen based on the next user gesture. Press the <Control>
142       key  and  the  dragger  will translate perpendicular to that plane. The
143       translation field is modified as the face is dragged.
145       By default, dragging any of the small cubes scales about the center  of
146       the object. Pressing the <Control> key changes this: A corner cube will
147       scale about its opposite corner. A center cube  will  scale  about  the
148       center  of its opposite face. Dragging one of the small cubes will usu‐
149       ally result in changes to both the scaleFactor and translation  fields.
150       This  is  because  any  scale about a point other than the origin has a
151       translation element.
153       As with all draggers, if you change the fields the dragger will move to
154       match the new settings.
156       Remember:  This  is  not  an  SoTransform!.  If  you want to move other
157       objects with this dragger, you can either:
159       [a] Use an SoHandleBoxManip, which is subclassed from  SoTransform.  It
160       creates  one  of  these draggers and uses it as the interface to change
161       its fields. (see the SoHandleBoxManip reference page).
163       [b] Use field-to-field connections to connect the fields of this  drag‐
164       ger to those of any SoTransformation node.
166       You  can  change  the  parts in any instance of this dragger using set‐
167       Part(). The default part geometries are defined as resources  for  this
168       SoHandleBoxDragger  class.  They  are detailed in the Dragger Resources
169       section of the online reference page for this class. You can make  your
170       program  use  different  default resources for the parts by copying the
171       file /usr/share/data/draggerDefaults/handleBoxDragger.iv into your  own
172       directory,  editing the file, and then setting the environment variable
173       SO_DRAGGER_DIR to be a path to that directory.


176     SoSFVec3f           scaleFactor
177          Scale of the dragger.
179     SoSFVec3f           translation
180          Position of the dragger.


184                         SoHandleBoxDragger()
185          Constructor.
187     static const SoNodekitCatalog *
188                         getClassNodekitCatalog() const
189          Returns an SoNodekitCatalog for this class
191     static SoType       getClassTypeId()
192          Returns type identifier for this class.


196       ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
197All parts                           
198NULL by 
199Part Name           Part Type         Default Type   Default 
200       │                                                             │
201       │callbackList        NodeKitListPart   --               yes   │
202       │surroundScale       SurroundScale     --               yes   │
203       │translator1         Separator         --               yes   │
204       │translator1Active   Separator         --               yes   │
205       │translator2         Separator         --               yes   │
206       │translator2Active   Separator         --               yes   │
207       │translator3         Separator         --               yes   │
208       │translator3Active   Separator         --               yes   │
209       │translator4         Separator         --               yes   │
210       │translator4Active   Separator         --               yes   │
211       │translator5         Separator         --               yes   │
212       │translator5Active   Separator         --               yes   │
213       │translator6         Separator         --               yes   │
214       │translator6Active   Separator         --               yes   │
215       │extruder1           Separator         --               yes   │
216       │extruder1Active     Separator         --               yes   │
217       │extruder2           Separator         --               yes   │
218       │extruder2Active     Separator         --               yes   │
219       │extruder3           Separator         --               yes   │
220       │extruder3Active     Separator         --               yes   │
221       │extruder4           Separator         --               yes   │
222       │extruder4Active     Separator         --               yes   │
223       │extruder5           Separator         --               yes   │
224       │extruder5Active     Separator         --               yes   │
225       │extruder6           Separator         --               yes   │
226       │extruder6Active     Separator         --               yes   │
227       │uniform1            Separator         --               yes   │
228       │uniform1Active      Separator         --               yes   │
229       │uniform2            Separator         --               yes   │
230       │uniform2Active      Separator         --               yes   │
231       │uniform3            Separator         --               yes   │
232       │uniform3Active      Separator         --               yes   │
233       │uniform4            Separator         --               yes   │
234       │uniform4Active      Separator         --               yes   │
235       │uniform5            Separator         --               yes   │
236       │uniform5Active      Separator         --               yes   │
237       │uniform6            Separator         --               yes   │
238       │uniform6Active      Separator         --               yes   │
239       │uniform7            Separator         --               yes   │
240       │uniform7Active      Separator         --               yes   │
241       │uniform8            Separator         --               yes   │
242       │uniform8Active      Separator         --               yes   │
243       │arrow1              Separator         --               yes   │
244       │arrow2              Separator         --               yes   │
245       │arrow3              Separator         --               yes   │
246       │arrow4              Separator         --               yes   │
247       │arrow5              Separator         --               yes   │
248       │arrow6              Separator         --               yes   │
249       │                                                             │
250       └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
251       ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
252Extra information for list parts from above table        
253       │                                                               │
254Part Name      Container Type   Permissible Types              
255       │                                                               │
256       │callbackList   Separator        Callback, EventCallback        │
257       │                                                               │
258       └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘


260       .in 0n+.5i
261     Resource:         handleBoxTranslator1
262       .in 0n+.5i
263     Part:             translator1
264     Appearance:       White Line-Style Square
265     Description:      Top face of handleBox. Picking this  initiates  scaling
266                         in x-z plane.
268                         .in 0n+.5i
269     Resource:         handleBoxTranslator2
270                         .in 0n+.5i
271     Part:             translator2
272     Appearance:       White Line-Style Square
273     Description:      Bottom  face of handleBox. Picking this initiates scal‐
274                         ing in x-z plane.
276                         .in 0n+.5i
277     Resource:         handleBoxTranslator3
278                         .in 0n+.5i
279     Part:             translator3
280     Appearance:       White Line-Style Square
281     Description:      Left face of handleBox. Picking this initiates  scaling
282                         in y-z plane.
284                         .in 0n+.5i
285     Resource:         handleBoxTranslator4
286                         .in 0n+.5i
287     Part:             translator4
288     Appearance:       White Line-Style Square
289     Description:      Right face of handleBox. Picking this initiates scaling
290                         in y-z plane.
292                         .in 0n+.5i
293     Resource:         handleBoxTranslator5
294                         .in 0n+.5i
295     Part:             translator5
296     Appearance:       White Line-Style Square
297     Description:      Front face of handleBox. Picking this initiates scaling
298                         in x-y plane.
300                         .in 0n+.5i
301     Resource:         handleBoxTranslator6
302                         .in 0n+.5i
303     Part:             translator6
304     Appearance:       White Line-Style Square
305     Description:      Back  face of handleBox. Picking this initiates scaling
306                         in x-y plane.
308                         .in 0n+.5i
309     Resource:         handleBoxTranslator1Active
310                         .in 0n+.5i
311     Part:             translator1Active
312     Appearance:       Yellow version of handleBoxTranslator1
313     Description:      Replaces handleBoxTranslator1 during dragging.
315                         .in 0n+.5i
316     Resource:         handleBoxTranslator2Active
317                         .in 0n+.5i
318     Part:             translator2Active
319     Appearance:       Yellow version of handleBoxTranslator2
320     Description:      Replaces handleBoxTranslator2 during dragging.
322                         .in 0n+.5i
323     Resource:         handleBoxTranslator3Active
324                         .in 0n+.5i
325     Part:             translator3Active
326     Appearance:       Yellow version of handleBoxTranslator3
327     Description:      Replaces handleBoxTranslator3 during dragging.
329                         .in 0n+.5i
330     Resource:         handleBoxTranslator4Active
331                         .in 0n+.5i
332     Part:             translator4Active
333     Appearance:       Yellow version of handleBoxTranslator4
334     Description:      Replaces handleBoxTranslator4 during dragging.
336                         .in 0n+.5i
337     Resource:         handleBoxTranslator5Active
338                         .in 0n+.5i
339     Part:             translator5Active
340     Appearance:       Yellow version of handleBoxTranslator5
341     Description:      Replaces handleBoxTranslator5 during dragging.
343                         .in 0n+.5i
344     Resource:         handleBoxTranslator6Active
345                         .in 0n+.5i
346     Part:             translator6Active
347     Appearance:       Yellow version of handleBoxTranslator6
348     Description:      Replaces handleBoxTranslator6 during dragging.
350                         .in 0n+.5i
351     Resource:         handleBoxExtruder1
352                         .in 0n+.5i
353     Part:             extruder1
354     Appearance:       Small white cube at (0,1.25,0) with line to origin
355     Description:      Selecting this part initiates 1-D scaling along Y axis.
357                         .in 0n+.5i
358     Resource:         handleBoxExtruder2
359                         .in 0n+.5i
360     Part:             extruder2
361     Appearance:       Small white cube at (0,-1.25,0) with line to origin
362     Description:      Selecting this part initiates 1-D scaling along Y axis.
364                         .in 0n+.5i
365     Resource:         handleBoxExtruder3
366                         .in 0n+.5i
367     Part:             extruder3
368     Appearance:       Small white cube at (-1.25,0,0) with line to origin
369     Description:      Selecting this part initiates 1-D scaling along X axis.
371                         .in 0n+.5i
372     Resource:         handleBoxExtruder4
373                         .in 0n+.5i
374     Part:             extruder4
375     Appearance:       Small white cube at (1.25,0,0) with line to origin
376     Description:      Selecting this part initiates 1-D scaling along X axis.
378                         .in 0n+.5i
379     Resource:         handleBoxExtruder5
380                         .in 0n+.5i
381     Part:             extruder5
382     Appearance:       Small white cube at (0,0,1.25) with line to origin
383     Description:      Selecting this part initiates 1-D scaling along Z axis.
385                         .in 0n+.5i
386     Resource:         handleBoxExtruder6
387                         .in 0n+.5i
388     Part:             extruder6
389     Appearance:       Small white cube at (0,0,-1.25) with line to origin
390     Description:      Selecting this part initiates 1-D scaling along Z axis.
392                         .in 0n+.5i
393     Resource:         handleBoxExtruder1Active
394                         .in 0n+.5i
395     Part:             extruder1Active
396     Appearance:       Yellow version of handleBoxExtruder1
397     Description:      Replaces handleBoxExtruder1 during dragging.
399                         .in 0n+.5i
400     Resource:         handleBoxExtruder2Active
401                         .in 0n+.5i
402     Part:             extruder2Active
403     Appearance:       Yellow version of handleBoxExtruder1
404     Description:      Replaces handleBoxExtruder1 during dragging.
406                         .in 0n+.5i
407     Resource:         handleBoxExtruder3Active
408                         .in 0n+.5i
409     Part:             extruder3Active
410     Appearance:       Yellow version of handleBoxExtruder3
411     Description:      Replaces handleBoxExtruder3 during dragging.
413                         .in 0n+.5i
414     Resource:         handleBoxExtruder4Active
415                         .in 0n+.5i
416     Part:             extruder4Active
417     Appearance:       Yellow version of handleBoxExtruder4
418     Description:      Replaces handleBoxExtruder4 during dragging.
420                         .in 0n+.5i
421     Resource:         handleBoxExtruder5Active
422                         .in 0n+.5i
423     Part:             extruder5Active
424     Appearance:       Yellow version of handleBoxExtruder5
425     Description:      Replaces handleBoxExtruder5 during dragging.
427                         .in 0n+.5i
428     Resource:         handleBoxExtruder6Active
429                         .in 0n+.5i
430     Part:             extruder6Active
431     Appearance:       Yellow version of handleBoxExtruder6
432     Description:      Replaces handleBoxExtruder6 during dragging.
434                         .in 0n+.5i
435     Resource:         handleBoxUniform1
436                         .in 0n+.5i
437     Part:             uniform1
438     Appearance:       Small white cube in (+x+y+z) corner of handleBox
439     Description:      Picking this initiates uniform scaling.
441                         .in 0n+.5i
442     Resource:         handleBoxUniform2
443                         .in 0n+.5i
444     Part:             uniform2
445     Appearance:       Small white cube in (+x+y-z) corner of handleBox
446     Description:      Picking this initiates uniform scaling.
448                         .in 0n+.5i
449     Resource:         handleBoxUniform3
450                         .in 0n+.5i
451     Part:             uniform3
452     Appearance:       Small white cube in (+x-y+z) corner of handleBox
453     Description:      Picking this initiates uniform scaling.
455                         .in 0n+.5i
456     Resource:         handleBoxUniform4
457                         .in 0n+.5i
458     Part:             uniform4
459     Appearance:       Small white cube in (+x-y-z) corner of handleBox
460     Description:      Picking this initiates uniform scaling.
462                         .in 0n+.5i
463     Resource:         handleBoxUniform5
464                         .in 0n+.5i
465     Part:             uniform5
466     Appearance:       Small white cube in (-x+y+z) corner of handleBox
467     Description:      Picking this initiates uniform scaling.
469                         .in 0n+.5i
470     Resource:         handleBoxUniform6
471                         .in 0n+.5i
472     Part:             uniform6
473     Appearance:       Small white cube in (-x+y-z) corner of handleBox
474     Description:      Picking this initiates uniform scaling.
476                         .in 0n+.5i
477     Resource:         handleBoxUniform7
478                         .in 0n+.5i
479     Part:             uniform7
480     Appearance:       Small white cube in (-x-y+z) corner of handleBox
481     Description:      Picking this initiates uniform scaling.
483                         .in 0n+.5i
484     Resource:         handleBoxUniform8
485                         .in 0n+.5i
486     Part:             uniform8
487     Appearance:       Small white cube in (-x-y-z) corner of handleBox
488     Description:      Picking this initiates uniform scaling.
490                         .in 0n+.5i
491     Resource:         handleBoxUniform1Active
492                         .in 0n+.5i
493     Part:             uniform1Active
494     Appearance:       Yellow version of handleBoxUniform1Active
495     Description:      Replaces handleBoxUniform1Active during dragging.
497                         .in 0n+.5i
498     Resource:         handleBoxUniform2Active
499                         .in 0n+.5i
500     Part:             uniform2Active
501     Appearance:       Yellow version of handleBoxUniform1Active
502     Description:      Replaces handleBoxUniform1Active during dragging.
504                         .in 0n+.5i
505     Resource:         handleBoxUniform3Active
506                         .in 0n+.5i
507     Part:             uniform3Active
508     Appearance:       Yellow version of handleBoxUniform1Active
509     Description:      Replaces handleBoxUniform1Active during dragging.
511                         .in 0n+.5i
512     Resource:         handleBoxUniform4Active
513                         .in 0n+.5i
514     Part:             uniform4Active
515     Appearance:       Yellow version of handleBoxUniform1Active
516     Description:      Replaces handleBoxUniform1Active during dragging.
518                         .in 0n+.5i
519     Resource:         handleBoxUniform5Active
520                         .in 0n+.5i
521     Part:             uniform5Active
522     Appearance:       Yellow version of handleBoxUniform1Active
523     Description:      Replaces handleBoxUniform1Active during dragging.
525                         .in 0n+.5i
526     Resource:         handleBoxUniform6Active
527                         .in 0n+.5i
528     Part:             uniform6Active
529     Appearance:       Yellow version of handleBoxUniform1Active
530     Description:      Replaces handleBoxUniform1Active during dragging.
532                         .in 0n+.5i
533     Resource:         handleBoxUniform7Active
534                         .in 0n+.5i
535     Part:             uniform7Active
536     Appearance:       Yellow version of handleBoxUniform1Active
537     Description:      Replaces handleBoxUniform1Active during dragging.
539                         .in 0n+.5i
540     Resource:         handleBoxUniform8Active
541                         .in 0n+.5i
542     Part:             uniform8Active
543     Appearance:       Yellow version of handleBoxUniform1Active
544     Description:      Replaces handleBoxUniform1Active during dragging.
546                         .in 0n+.5i
547     Resource:         handleBoxArrow1
548                         .in 0n+.5i
549     Part:             arrow1
550     Appearance:       Purple Arrow, pointing up
551     Description:      Displayed when translating if Y direction is permitted.
553                         .in 0n+.5i
554     Resource:         handleBoxArrow2
555                         .in 0n+.5i
556     Part:             arrow2
557     Appearance:       Purple Arrow, pointing down
558     Description:      Displayed when translating if Y direction is permitted.
560                         .in 0n+.5i
561     Resource:         handleBoxArrow3
562                         .in 0n+.5i
563     Part:             arrow3
564     Appearance:       Purple Arrow, pointing left
565     Description:      Displayed when translating if X direction is permitted.
567                         .in 0n+.5i
568     Resource:         handleBoxArrow4
569                         .in 0n+.5i
570     Part:             arrow4
571     Appearance:       Purple Arrow, pointing right
572     Description:      Displayed when translating if X direction is permitted.
574                         .in 0n+.5i
575     Resource:         handleBoxArrow5
576                         .in 0n+.5i
577     Part:             arrow5
578     Appearance:       Purple Arrow, pointing forward
579     Description:      Displayed when translating if Z direction is permitted.
581                         .in 0n+.5i
582     Resource:         handleBoxArrow6
583                         .in 0n+.5i
584     Part:             arrow6
585     Appearance:       Purple Arrow, pointing backward
586     Description:      Displayed when translating if Z direction is permitted.


590       HandleBoxDragger {
591          renderCaching       AUTO
592          boundingBoxCaching  AUTO
593          renderCulling       AUTO
594          pickCulling         AUTO
595          isActive            FALSE
596          translation         0 0 0
597          scaleFactor         1 1 1
598          callbackList        NULL
599          surroundScale       NULL
600          translator1         <handleBoxTranslator1 resource>
601          translator1Active   <handleBoxTranslator1Active resource>
602          translator2         <handleBoxTranslator2 resource>
603          translator2Active   <handleBoxTranslator2Active resource>
604          translator3         <handleBoxTranslator3 resource>
605          translator3Active   <handleBoxTranslator3Active resource>
606          translator4         <handleBoxTranslator4 resource>
607          translator4Active   <handleBoxTranslator4Active resource>
608          translator5         <handleBoxTranslator5 resource>
609          translator5Active   <handleBoxTranslator5Active resource>
610          translator6         <handleBoxTranslator6 resource>
611          translator6Active   <handleBoxTranslator6Active resource>
612          extruder1           <handleBoxExtruder1 resource>
613          extruder1Active     <handleBoxExtruder1Active resource>
614          extruder2           <handleBoxExtruder2 resource>
615          extruder2Active     <handleBoxExtruder2Active resource>
616          extruder3           <handleBoxExtruder3 resource>
617          extruder3Active     <handleBoxExtruder3Active resource>
618          extruder4           <handleBoxExtruder4 resource>
619          extruder4Active     <handleBoxExtruder4Active resource>
620          extruder5           <handleBoxExtruder5 resource>
621          extruder5Active     <handleBoxExtruder5Active resource>
622          extruder6           <handleBoxExtruder6 resource>
623          extruder6Active     <handleBoxExtruder6Active resource>
624          uniform1            <handleBoxUniform1 resource>
625          uniform1Active      <handleBoxUniform1Active resource>
626          uniform2            <handleBoxUniform2 resource>
627          uniform2Active      <handleBoxUniform2Active resource>
628          uniform3            <handleBoxUniform3 resource>
629          uniform3Active      <handleBoxUniform3Active resource>
630          uniform4            <handleBoxUniform4 resource>
631          uniform4Active      <handleBoxUniform4Active resource>
632          uniform5            <handleBoxUniform5 resource>
633          uniform5Active      <handleBoxUniform5Active resource>
634          uniform6            <handleBoxUniform6 resource>
635          uniform6Active      <handleBoxUniform6Active resource>
636          uniform7            <handleBoxUniform7 resource>
637          uniform7Active      <handleBoxUniform7Active resource>
638          uniform8            <handleBoxUniform8 resource>
639          uniform8Active      <handleBoxUniform8Active resource>
640          arrow1              <handleBoxArrow1 resource>
641          arrow2              <handleBoxArrow2 resource>
642          arrow3              <handleBoxArrow3 resource>
643          arrow4              <handleBoxArrow4 resource>
644          arrow5              <handleBoxArrow5 resource>
645          arrow6              <handleBoxArrow6 resource>
646     }


649       Unlike most multi-function draggers, SoHandleBoxDragger is not  a  com‐
650       pound dragger made up of other draggers that perform its smaller tasks.
651       This is not because it  was  inappropriate,  but  because  was  written
652       before  implementation  of  the methods that synchronize multiple child
653       draggers. The younger SoTransformBoxDragger  has  similarities  to  the
654       handle  box  dragger, but the transform box dragger is a compound drag‐
655       ger.


658       SoInteractionKit, SoDragger,  SoCenterballDragger,  SoDirectionalLight‐
659       Dragger,  SoDragPointDragger, SoJackDragger, SoPointLightDragger, SoRo‐
660       tateCylindricalDragger, SoRotateDiscDragger,  SoRotateSphericalDragger,
661       SoScale1Dragger,  SoScale2Dragger,  SoScale2UniformDragger, SoScaleUni‐
662       formDragger,  SoSpotLightDragger,  SoTabBoxDragger,  SoTabPlaneDragger,
663       SoTrackballDragger,     SoTransformBoxDragger,    SoTransformerDragger,
664       SoTranslate1Dragger, SoTranslate2Dragger
669                                                     SoHandleBoxDragger(3IV)()