1DBIx::Class::Manual::GlUossesrarCyo(n3t)ributed Perl DocDuBmIexn:t:aCtliaosns::Manual::Glossary(3)
6 DBIx::Class::Manual::Glossary - Clarification of terms used.
9 This document lists various terms used in DBIx::Class and attempts to
10 explain them.
13 DB schema
14 Refers to a single physical schema within an RDBMS. Synonymous with the
15 terms 'database', for MySQL; and 'schema', for most other RDBMS(s).
17 In other words, it's the 'xyz' _thing_ you're connecting to when using
18 any of the following DSN(s):
20 dbi:DriverName:xyz@hostname:port
21 dbi:DriverName:database=xyz;host=hostname;port=port
23 Inflation
24 The act of turning database row data into objects in language-space.
25 DBIx::Class result classes can be set up to inflate your data into perl
26 objects which more usefully represent their contents. For example:
27 DBIx::Class::InflateColumn::DateTime for datetime or timestamp column
28 data.
30 See also DBIx::Class::InflateColumn.
32 Deflation
33 The opposite of "Inflation". Existing perl objects that represent
34 column values can be passed to DBIx::Class methods to store into the
35 database. For example a DateTime object can be automatically deflated
36 into a datetime string for insertion.
38 See DBIx::Class::InflateColumn and other modules in that namespace.
40 ORM
41 Object-relational mapping, or Object-relationship modelling. Either way
42 it's a method of mapping the contents of database tables (rows), to
43 objects in programming-language-space. DBIx::Class is an ORM.
45 Relationship
46 In DBIx::Class a relationship defines the connection between exactly
47 two tables. The relationship condition lists the columns in each table
48 that contain the same values. It is used to output an SQL JOIN
49 condition between the tables.
51 Relationship bridge
52 A relationship bridge, such as "many_to_many" defines an accessor to
53 retrieve row contents across multiple relationships.
55 The difference between a bridge and a relationship is, that the bridge
56 cannot be used to "join" tables in a "search", instead its component
57 relationships must be used.
59 Schema
60 A Schema object represents your entire table collection, plus the
61 connection to the database. You can create one or more schema objects,
62 connected to various databases, with various users, using the same set
63 of table "Result Class" definitions.
65 At least one DBIx::Class::Schema class is needed per database.
67 Result Class
68 A Result class defines both a source of data (usually one per table),
69 and the methods that will be available in the "Result" objects created
70 using that source.
72 One Result class is needed per data source (table, view, query) used in
73 your application, they should inherit from DBIx::Class::Core.
75 See also: DBIx::Class::Manual::ResultClass
77 ResultSource
78 ResultSource objects represent the source of your data, these are
79 sometimes (incorrectly) called table objects.
81 ResultSources do not need to be directly created, a ResultSource
82 instance is created for each "Result Class" in your "Schema", by the
83 proxied methods "table" and "add_columns".
85 See also: "METHODS" in DBIx::Class::ResultSource
87 ResultSet
88 This is an object representing a set of conditions to filter data. It
89 can either be an entire table, or the results of a query. The actual
90 data is not held in the ResultSet, it is only a description of how to
91 fetch the data.
93 See also: "METHODS" in DBIx::Class::ResultSet
95 Result
96 Result objects contain your actual data. They are returned from
97 ResultSet objects. These are sometimes (incorrectly) called row
98 objects, including older versions of the DBIC documentation.
100 See also: DBIx::Class::Manual::ResultClass
102 Row
103 See Result.
105 Object
106 See Result.
108 Record
109 See Result.
111 prefetch
112 Similar to a join, except the related result objects are fetched and
113 cached for future use, instead of used directly from the ResultSet.
114 This allows you to jump to different relationships within a Result
115 without worrying about generating a ton of extra SELECT statements.
118 CRUD
119 Create, Read, Update, Delete. A general concept of something that can
120 do all four operations (INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE), usually at a
121 row-level.
123 Join
124 This is an SQL keyword, it is used to link multiple tables in one SQL
125 statement. This enables us to fetch data from more than one table at
126 once, or filter data based on content in another table, without having
127 to issue multiple SQL queries.
129 Normalisation
130 A normalised database is a sane database. Each table contains only data
131 belonging to one concept, related tables refer to the key field or
132 fields of each other. Some links to webpages about normalisation can be
133 found in the FAQ.
135 Related data
136 In SQL, related data actually refers to data that are normalised into
137 the same table. (Yes. DBIC does mis-use this term.)
140 Check the list of additional DBIC resources.
143 This module is free software copyright by the DBIx::Class (DBIC)
144 authors. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms
145 as the DBIx::Class library.
149perl v5.30.0 2019-07-26 DBIx::Class::Manual::Glossary(3)