1VM::EC2::Dispatch(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation VM::EC2::Dispatch(3)
6 VM::EC2::Dispatch - Create Perl objects from AWS XML requests
9 use VM::EC2;
11 VM::EC2::Dispatch->register('DescribeRegions'=>\&mysub);
13 VM::EC2::Dispatch->replace('DescribeRegions'=>'My::Type');
15 sub mysub {
16 my ($parsed_xml_object,$ec2) = @_;
17 my $payload = $parsed_xml_object->{regionInfo}
18 return My::Type->new($payload,$ec2);
19 }
22 This class handles turning the XML response to AWS requests into perl
23 objects. Only one method is likely to be useful to developers, the
24 replace() class method. This allows you to replace the handlers used to
25 map the response onto objects.
27 VM::EC2::Dispatch->replace($request_name => \&sub)
28 VM::EC2::Dispatch->replace($request_name => 'Class::Name')
29 VM::EC2::Dispatch->replace($request_name => 'method_name,arg1,arg2,...')
30 Before invoking a VM::EC2 request you wish to customize, call the
31 replace() method with two arguments. The first argument is the name of
32 the request you wish to customize, such as "DescribeVolumes". The
33 second argument is either a code reference, a VM::EC2::Dispatch method
34 name and arguments (separated by commas), or a class name.
36 In the case of a code reference as the second argument, the subroutine
37 you provide will be invoked with four arguments consisting of the
38 parsed XML response, the VM::EC2 object, the XML namespace string from
39 the request, and the Amazon-assigned request ID. In practice, only the
40 first two arguments are useful.
42 In the case of a string containing a classname, the class will be
43 loaded if it needs to be, and then its new() method invoked as follows:
45 Your::Class->new($parsed_xml,$ec2,$xmlns,$requestid)
47 Your new() method should return one or more objects. It is suggested
48 that you subclass VM::EC2::Generic and use the inherited new() method
49 to store the parsed XML and EC2 object. See the code for
50 VM::EC2::AvailabilityRegion for a simple template.
52 If the second argument is neither a code reference nor a classname, it
53 will be treated as a VM::EC2::Dispatch method name and its arguments,
54 separated by commas. The method will be invoked as follows:
56 $dispatch->$method_name($raw_xml,$ec2,$arg1,$arg2,$arg3,...)
58 There are two methods currently defined for this purpose, boolean(),
59 and fetch_items(), which handle the preprocessing of several common XML
60 representations of EC2 data. Note that in this form, the RAW XML is
61 passed in, not the parsed data structure.
63 The parsed XML response is generated by the XML::Simple module using
64 these options:
66 $parser = XML::Simple->new(ForceArray => ['item', 'member'],
67 KeyAttr => ['key'],
68 SuppressEmpty => undef);
69 $parsed = $parser->XMLin($raw_xml)
71 In general, this will give you a hash of hashes. Any tag named 'item'
72 or 'member' will be forced to point to an array reference, and any tag
73 named "key" will be flattened as described in the XML::Simple
74 documentation.
76 A simple way to examine the raw parsed XML is to invoke any
77 VM::EC2::Object's as_string method:
79 my ($i) = $ec2->describe_instances;
80 print $i->as_string;
82 This will give you a Data::Dumper representation of the XML after it
83 has been parsed. Look at the calls to VM::EC2::Dispatch->register() in
84 the various VM/EC2/REST/*.pm modules for many examples of how this
85 works.
87 Note that the replace() method was called add_override() in previous
88 versions of this module. add_override() is recognized as an alias for
89 backward compatibility.
91 VM::EC2::Dispatch->register($request_name1 => \&sub1,$request_name2 =>
92 \&sub2,...)
93 Similar to replace() but if the request name is already registered does
94 not overwrite it. You may provide multiple request=>handler pairs.
97 The following methods perform simple pre-processing of the parsed XML
98 (a hash of hashes) before passing the modified data structure to the
99 designated object class. They are used as the second argument to
100 VM::EC2::Dispatch->register().
102 $bool = $dispatch->boolean($raw_xml,$ec2,$tag)
103 This is used for XML responses like this:
105 <DeleteVolumeResponse xmlns="http://ec2.amazonaws.com/doc/2011-05-15/">
106 <requestId>59dbff89-35bd-4eac-99ed-be587EXAMPLE</requestId>
107 <return>true</return>
108 </DeleteVolumeResponse>
110 It looks inside the structure for the tag named $tag ("return" if not
111 provided), and returns a true value if the contents equals "true".
113 Pass it to replace() like this:
115 VM::EC2::Dispatch->replace(DeleteVolume => 'boolean,return';
117 or, since "return" is the default tag:
119 VM::EC2::Dispatch->replace(DeleteVolume => 'boolean';
121 @list = $dispatch->elb_member_list($raw_xml,$ec2,$tag)
122 This is used for XML responses from the ELB API such as this:
124 <DisableAvailabilityZonesForLoadBalancerResponse xmlns="http://elasticloadbalancing.amazonaws.com/doc/2011-11-15/">
125 <DisableAvailabilityZonesForLoadBalancerResult>
126 <AvailabilityZones>
127 <member>us-west-2a</member>
128 <member>us-west-2b</member>
129 </AvailabilityZones>
130 </DisableAvailabilityZonesForLoadBalancerResult>
131 <ResponseMetadata>
132 <RequestId>02eadcfc-fc38-11e1-a1bf-9de31EXAMPLE</RequestId>
133 </ResponseMetadata>
134 </DisableAvailabilityZonesForLoadBalancerResponse>
136 It looks inside the Result structure for the tag named $tag and returns
137 the list wrapped in member elements. In this case the tag is
138 'AvailabilityZones' and the return value would be: ( 'us-west-2a',
139 'us-west-2b' )
141 If $embedded_tag is passed, then it is used for XML responses such as
142 this, where the member list has an embedded tag:
144 <RegisterInstancesWithLoadBalancerResponse xmlns="http://elasticloadbalancing.amazonaws.com/doc/2011-11-15/">
145 <RegisterInstancesWithLoadBalancerResult>
146 <Instances>
147 <member>
148 <InstanceId>i-12345678</InstanceId>
149 </member>
150 <member>
151 <InstanceId>i-90abcdef</InstanceId>
152 </member>
153 </Instances>
154 </RegisterInstancesWithLoadBalancerResult>
155 <ResponseMetadata>
156 <RequestId>f4f12596-fc3b-11e1-be5a-f71ecEXAMPLE</RequestId>
157 </ResponseMetadata>
158 </RegisterInstancesWithLoadBalancerResponse>
160 It looks inside the Result structure for the tag named $tag and returns
161 the list wrapped in a member element plus the embedded tag. In this
162 case the tag is 'Instances', the embedded tag is 'InstanceId' and the
163 return value would be: ( 'i-12345678', 'i-90abcdef' )
165 @objects =
166 $dispatch->fetch_items($raw_xml,$ec2,$container_tag,$object_class,$nokey)
167 This is used for XML responses like this:
169 <DescribeKeyPairsResponse xmlns="http://ec2.amazonaws.com/doc/2011-05-15/">
170 <requestId>59dbff89-35bd-4eac-99ed-be587EXAMPLE</requestId>
171 <keySet>
172 <item>
173 <keyName>gsg-keypair</keyName>
174 <keyFingerprint>
175 1f:51:ae:28:bf:89:e9:d8:1f:25:5d:37:2d:7d:b8:ca:9f:f5:f1:6f
176 </keyFingerprint>
177 </item>
178 <item>
179 <keyName>default-keypair</keyName>
180 <keyFingerprint>
181 0a:93:bb:e8:c2:89:e9:d8:1f:42:5d:37:1d:8d:b8:0a:88:f1:f1:1a
182 </keyFingerprint>
183 </item>
184 </keySet>
185 </DescribeKeyPairsResponse>
187 It looks inside the structure for the tag named $container_tag, pulls
188 out the items that are stored under <item> and then passes the parsed
189 contents to $object_class->new(). The optional $nokey argument is used
190 to suppress XML::Simple's default flattening behavior turning tags
191 named "key" into hash keys.
193 Pass it to replace() like this:
195 VM::EC2::Dispatch->replace(DescribeVolumes => 'fetch_items,volumeSet,VM::EC2::Volume')
197 @objects =
198 $dispatch->fetch_members($raw_xml,$ec2,$container_tag,$object_class,$nokey)
199 Used for XML responses from ELB API calls which contain a key that is
200 the name of the API call with 'Result' appended. All these XML
201 responses contain 'member' as the item delimiter instead of 'item'
203 @objects =
204 $dispatch->fetch_rds_objects($raw_xml,$ec2,$container_tag,$object_class,$nokey)
205 Used for XML responses from RDS API calls which contain a key that is
206 the name of the API call with 'Result' appended. In addition, the
207 structure is a list of objects wrapped in a plural version of the
208 object's name.
210 @objects =
211 $dispatch->fetch_items_iterator($raw_xml,$ec2,$container_tag,$object_class,$token_name)
212 This is used for requests that have a -max_results argument. In this
213 case, the response will have a nextToken field, which can be used to
214 fetch the "next page" of results.
216 The $token_name is some unique identifying token. It will be turned
217 into two temporary EC2 instance variables, one named
218 "${token_name}_token", which contains the nextToken value, and the
219 other "${token_name}_stop", which flags the caller that no more results
220 will be forthcoming.
222 This must all be coordinated with the request subroutine. See how
223 describe_instance_status() and describe_spot_price_history() do it.
226 The author decided that a volume object should not be able to delete
227 itself; you disagree with that decision. Let's subclass VM::EC2::Volume
228 to add a delete() method.
230 First subclass the VM::EC2::Volume class:
232 package MyVolume;
233 use base 'VM::EC2::Volume';
235 sub delete {
236 my $self = shift;
237 $self->ec2->delete_volume($self);
238 }
240 Now subclass VM::EC2 to add the appropriate overrides to the new()
241 method:
243 package MyEC2;
244 use base 'VM::EC2';
246 sub new {
247 my $class = shift;
248 VM::EC2::Dispatch->replace(CreateVolume =>'MyVolume');
249 VM::EC2::Dispatch->replace(DescribeVolumes=>'fetch_items,volumeSet,MyVolume');
250 return $class->SUPER::new(@_);
251 }
253 Now we can test it out:
255 use MyEC2;
256 # find all volumes that are "available" and not in-use
257 my @vol = $ec2->describe_volumes({status=>'available'});
258 for my $vol (@vol) {
259 $vol->delete && print "$vol deleted\n"
260 }
263 VM::EC2 VM::EC2::Object VM::EC2::Generic VM::EC2::BlockDevice
264 VM::EC2::BlockDevice::Attachment VM::EC2::BlockDevice::Mapping
265 VM::EC2::BlockDevice::Mapping::EBS VM::EC2::Error VM::EC2::Generic
266 VM::EC2::Group VM::EC2::Image VM::EC2::Instance
267 VM::EC2::Instance::ConsoleOutput VM::EC2::Instance::Set
268 VM::EC2::Instance::State VM::EC2::Instance::State::Change
269 VM::EC2::Instance::State::Reason VM::EC2::Region
270 VM::EC2::ReservationSet VM::EC2::SecurityGroup VM::EC2::Snapshot
271 VM::EC2::Tag VM::EC2::Volume
274 Lincoln Stein <lincoln.stein@gmail.com>.
276 Copyright (c) 2011 Ontario Institute for Cancer Research
278 This package and its accompanying libraries is free software; you can
279 redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GPL (either
280 version 1, or at your option, any later version) or the Artistic
281 License 2.0. Refer to LICENSE for the full license text. In addition,
282 please see DISCLAIMER.txt for disclaimers of warranty.
286perl v5.30.0 2019-07-26 VM::EC2::Dispatch(3)