1JOURNALD.CONF(5)                 journald.conf                JOURNALD.CONF(5)


6       journald.conf, journald.conf.d - Journal service configuration files


9       /etc/systemd/journald.conf
11       /etc/systemd/journald.conf.d/*.conf
13       /run/systemd/journald.conf.d/*.conf
15       /usr/lib/systemd/journald.conf.d/*.conf


18       These files configure various parameters of the systemd journal
19       service, systemd-journald.service(8). See systemd.syntax(5) for a
20       general description of the syntax.


23       The default configuration is defined during compilation, so a
24       configuration file is only needed when it is necessary to deviate from
25       those defaults. By default, the configuration file in /etc/systemd/
26       contains commented out entries showing the defaults as a guide to the
27       administrator. This file can be edited to create local overrides.
29       When packages need to customize the configuration, they can install
30       configuration snippets in /usr/lib/systemd/*.conf.d/ or
31       /usr/local/lib/systemd/*.conf.d/. Files in /etc/ are reserved for the
32       local administrator, who may use this logic to override the
33       configuration files installed by vendor packages. The main
34       configuration file is read before any of the configuration directories,
35       and has the lowest precedence; entries in a file in any configuration
36       directory override entries in the single configuration file. Files in
37       the *.conf.d/ configuration subdirectories are sorted by their filename
38       in lexicographic order, regardless of which of the subdirectories they
39       reside in. When multiple files specify the same option, for options
40       which accept just a single value, the entry in the file with the
41       lexicographically latest name takes precedence. For options which
42       accept a list of values, entries are collected as they occur in files
43       sorted lexicographically. It is recommended to prefix all filenames in
44       those subdirectories with a two-digit number and a dash, to simplify
45       the ordering of the files.
47       To disable a configuration file supplied by the vendor, the recommended
48       way is to place a symlink to /dev/null in the configuration directory
49       in /etc/, with the same filename as the vendor configuration file.


52       All options are configured in the "[Journal]" section:
54       Storage=
55           Controls where to store journal data. One of "volatile",
56           "persistent", "auto" and "none". If "volatile", journal log data
57           will be stored only in memory, i.e. below the /run/log/journal
58           hierarchy (which is created if needed). If "persistent", data will
59           be stored preferably on disk, i.e. below the /var/log/journal
60           hierarchy (which is created if needed), with a fallback to
61           /run/log/journal (which is created if needed), during early boot
62           and if the disk is not writable.  "auto" is similar to "persistent"
63           but the directory /var/log/journal is not created if needed, so
64           that its existence controls where log data goes.  "none" turns off
65           all storage, all log data received will be dropped. Forwarding to
66           other targets, such as the console, the kernel log buffer, or a
67           syslog socket will still work however. Defaults to "auto".
69       Compress=
70           Can take a boolean value. If enabled (the default), data objects
71           that shall be stored in the journal and are larger than the default
72           threshold of 512 bytes are compressed before they are written to
73           the file system. It can also be set to a number of bytes to specify
74           the compression threshold directly. Suffixes like K, M, and G can
75           be used to specify larger units.
77       Seal=
78           Takes a boolean value. If enabled (the default), and a sealing key
79           is available (as created by journalctl(1)'s --setup-keys command),
80           Forward Secure Sealing (FSS) for all persistent journal files is
81           enabled. FSS is based on Seekable Sequential Key Generators[1] by
82           G. A. Marson and B. Poettering (doi:10.1007/978-3-642-40203-6_7)
83           and may be used to protect journal files from unnoticed alteration.
85       SplitMode=
86           Controls whether to split up journal files per user, either "uid"
87           or "none". Split journal files are primarily useful for access
88           control: on UNIX/Linux access control is managed per file, and the
89           journal daemon will assign users read access to their journal
90           files. If "uid", all regular users will each get their own journal
91           files, and system users will log to the system journal. If "none",
92           journal files are not split up by user and all messages are instead
93           stored in the single system journal. In this mode unprivileged
94           users generally do not have access to their own log data. Note that
95           splitting up journal files by user is only available for journals
96           stored persistently. If journals are stored on volatile storage
97           (see Storage= above), only a single journal file is used. Defaults
98           to "uid".
100       RateLimitIntervalSec=, RateLimitBurst=
101           Configures the rate limiting that is applied to all messages
102           generated on the system. If, in the time interval defined by
103           RateLimitIntervalSec=, more messages than specified in
104           RateLimitBurst= are logged by a service, all further messages
105           within the interval are dropped until the interval is over. A
106           message about the number of dropped messages is generated. This
107           rate limiting is applied per-service, so that two services which
108           log do not interfere with each other's limits. Defaults to 10000
109           messages in 30s. The time specification for RateLimitIntervalSec=
110           may be specified in the following units: "s", "min", "h", "ms",
111           "us". To turn off any kind of rate limiting, set either value to 0.
113           If a service provides rate limits for itself through
114           LogRateLimitIntervalSec= and/or LogRateLimitBurst= in
115           systemd.exec(5), those values will override the settings specified
116           here.
118       SystemMaxUse=, SystemKeepFree=, SystemMaxFileSize=, SystemMaxFiles=,
119       RuntimeMaxUse=, RuntimeKeepFree=, RuntimeMaxFileSize=, RuntimeMaxFiles=
120           Enforce size limits on the journal files stored. The options
121           prefixed with "System" apply to the journal files when stored on a
122           persistent file system, more specifically /var/log/journal. The
123           options prefixed with "Runtime" apply to the journal files when
124           stored on a volatile in-memory file system, more specifically
125           /run/log/journal. The former is used only when /var is mounted,
126           writable, and the directory /var/log/journal exists. Otherwise,
127           only the latter applies. Note that this means that during early
128           boot and if the administrator disabled persistent logging, only the
129           latter options apply, while the former apply if persistent logging
130           is enabled and the system is fully booted up.  journalctl and
131           systemd-journald ignore all files with names not ending with
132           ".journal" or ".journal~", so only such files, located in the
133           appropriate directories, are taken into account when calculating
134           current disk usage.
136           SystemMaxUse= and RuntimeMaxUse= control how much disk space the
137           journal may use up at most.  SystemKeepFree= and RuntimeKeepFree=
138           control how much disk space systemd-journald shall leave free for
139           other uses.  systemd-journald will respect both limits and use the
140           smaller of the two values.
142           The first pair defaults to 10% and the second to 15% of the size of
143           the respective file system, but each value is capped to 4G. If the
144           file system is nearly full and either SystemKeepFree= or
145           RuntimeKeepFree= are violated when systemd-journald is started, the
146           limit will be raised to the percentage that is actually free. This
147           means that if there was enough free space before and journal files
148           were created, and subsequently something else causes the file
149           system to fill up, journald will stop using more space, but it will
150           not be removing existing files to reduce the footprint again,
151           either. Also note that only archived files are deleted to reduce
152           the space occupied by journal files. This means that, in effect,
153           there might still be more space used than SystemMaxUse= or
154           RuntimeMaxUse= limit after a vacuuming operation is complete.
156           SystemMaxFileSize= and RuntimeMaxFileSize= control how large
157           individual journal files may grow at most. This influences the
158           granularity in which disk space is made available through rotation,
159           i.e. deletion of historic data. Defaults to one eighth of the
160           values configured with SystemMaxUse= and RuntimeMaxUse=, so that
161           usually seven rotated journal files are kept as history.
163           Specify values in bytes or use K, M, G, T, P, E as units for the
164           specified sizes (equal to 1024, 1024², ... bytes). Note that size
165           limits are enforced synchronously when journal files are extended,
166           and no explicit rotation step triggered by time is needed.
168           SystemMaxFiles= and RuntimeMaxFiles= control how many individual
169           journal files to keep at most. Note that only archived files are
170           deleted to reduce the number of files until this limit is reached;
171           active files will stay around. This means that, in effect, there
172           might still be more journal files around in total than this limit
173           after a vacuuming operation is complete. This setting defaults to
174           100.
176       MaxFileSec=
177           The maximum time to store entries in a single journal file before
178           rotating to the next one. Normally, time-based rotation should not
179           be required as size-based rotation with options such as
180           SystemMaxFileSize= should be sufficient to ensure that journal
181           files do not grow without bounds. However, to ensure that not too
182           much data is lost at once when old journal files are deleted, it
183           might make sense to change this value from the default of one
184           month. Set to 0 to turn off this feature. This setting takes time
185           values which may be suffixed with the units "year", "month",
186           "week", "day", "h" or "m" to override the default time unit of
187           seconds.
189       MaxRetentionSec=
190           The maximum time to store journal entries. This controls whether
191           journal files containing entries older than the specified time span
192           are deleted. Normally, time-based deletion of old journal files
193           should not be required as size-based deletion with options such as
194           SystemMaxUse= should be sufficient to ensure that journal files do
195           not grow without bounds. However, to enforce data retention
196           policies, it might make sense to change this value from the default
197           of 0 (which turns off this feature). This setting also takes time
198           values which may be suffixed with the units "year", "month",
199           "week", "day", "h" or " m" to override the default time unit of
200           seconds.
202       SyncIntervalSec=
203           The timeout before synchronizing journal files to disk. After
204           syncing, journal files are placed in the OFFLINE state. Note that
205           syncing is unconditionally done immediately after a log message of
206           priority CRIT, ALERT or EMERG has been logged. This setting hence
207           applies only to messages of the levels ERR, WARNING, NOTICE, INFO,
208           DEBUG. The default timeout is 5 minutes.
210       ForwardToSyslog=, ForwardToKMsg=, ForwardToConsole=, ForwardToWall=
211           Control whether log messages received by the journal daemon shall
212           be forwarded to a traditional syslog daemon, to the kernel log
213           buffer (kmsg), to the system console, or sent as wall messages to
214           all logged-in users. These options take boolean arguments. If
215           forwarding to syslog is enabled but nothing reads messages from the
216           socket, forwarding to syslog has no effect. By default, only
217           forwarding to wall is enabled. These settings may be overridden at
218           boot time with the kernel command line options
219           "systemd.journald.forward_to_syslog",
220           "systemd.journald.forward_to_kmsg",
221           "systemd.journald.forward_to_console", and
222           "systemd.journald.forward_to_wall". If the option name is specified
223           without "=" and the following argument, true is assumed. Otherwise,
224           the argument is parsed as a boolean.
226           When forwarding to the console, the TTY to log to can be changed
227           with TTYPath=, described below.
229           When forwarding to the kernel log buffer (kmsg), make sure to
230           select a suitably large size for the log buffer, and ensure the
231           kernel's rate-limiting applied to userspace processes is turned
232           off. Specifically, add "log_buf_len=8M" and "printk.devkmsg=on" (or
233           similar) to the kernel command line.
235       MaxLevelStore=, MaxLevelSyslog=, MaxLevelKMsg=, MaxLevelConsole=,
236       MaxLevelWall=
237           Controls the maximum log level of messages that are stored on disk,
238           forwarded to syslog, kmsg, the console or wall (if that is enabled,
239           see above). As argument, takes one of "emerg", "alert", "crit",
240           "err", "warning", "notice", "info", "debug", or integer values in
241           the range of 0–7 (corresponding to the same levels). Messages equal
242           or below the log level specified are stored/forwarded, messages
243           above are dropped. Defaults to "debug" for MaxLevelStore= and
244           MaxLevelSyslog=, to ensure that the all messages are written to
245           disk and forwarded to syslog. Defaults to "notice" for
246           MaxLevelKMsg=, "info" for MaxLevelConsole=, and "emerg" for
247           MaxLevelWall=. These settings may be overridden at boot time with
248           the kernel command line options
249           "systemd.journald.max_level_store=",
250           "systemd.journald.max_level_syslog=",
251           "systemd.journald.max_level_kmsg=",
252           "systemd.journald.max_level_console=",
253           "systemd.journald.max_level_wall=".
255       ReadKMsg=
256           Takes a boolean value. If enabled (the default), journal reads
257           /dev/kmsg messages generated by the kernel.
259       TTYPath=
260           Change the console TTY to use if ForwardToConsole=yes is used.
261           Defaults to /dev/console.
263       LineMax=
264           The maximum line length to permit when converting stream logs into
265           record logs. When a systemd unit's standard output/error are
266           connected to the journal via a stream socket, the data read is
267           split into individual log records at newline ("\n", ASCII 10) and
268           NUL characters. If no such delimiter is read for the specified
269           number of bytes a hard log record boundary is artificially
270           inserted, breaking up overly long lines into multiple log records.
271           Selecting overly large values increases the possible memory usage
272           of the Journal daemon for each stream client, as in the worst case
273           the journal daemon needs to buffer the specified number of bytes in
274           memory before it can flush a new log record to disk. Also note that
275           permitting overly large line maximum line lengths affects
276           compatibility with traditional log protocols as log records might
277           not fit anymore into a single AF_UNIX or AF_INET datagram. Takes a
278           size in bytes. If the value is suffixed with K, M, G or T, the
279           specified size is parsed as Kilobytes, Megabytes, Gigabytes, or
280           Terabytes (with the base 1024), respectively. Defaults to 48K,
281           which is relatively large but still small enough so that log
282           records likely fit into network datagrams along with extra room for
283           metadata. Note that values below 79 are not accepted and will be
284           bumped to 79.


287       Journal events can be transferred to a different logging daemon in two
288       different ways. With the first method, messages are immediately
289       forwarded to a socket (/run/systemd/journal/syslog), where the
290       traditional syslog daemon can read them. This method is controlled by
291       the ForwardToSyslog= option. With a second method, a syslog daemon
292       behaves like a normal journal client, and reads messages from the
293       journal files, similarly to journalctl(1). With this, messages do not
294       have to be read immediately, which allows a logging daemon which is
295       only started late in boot to access all messages since the start of the
296       system. In addition, full structured meta-data is available to it. This
297       method of course is available only if the messages are stored in a
298       journal file at all. So it will not work if Storage=none is set. It
299       should be noted that usually the second method is used by syslog
300       daemons, so the Storage= option, and not the ForwardToSyslog= option,
301       is relevant for them.


304       systemd(1), systemd-journald.service(8), journalctl(1),
305       systemd.journal-fields(7), systemd-system.conf(5)


308        1. Seekable Sequential Key Generators
309           https://eprint.iacr.org/2013/397
313systemd 243                                                   JOURNALD.CONF(5)