1EUCA2OOLS(7)         BSD Miscellaneous Information Manual         EUCA2OOLS(7)


4     euca2ools — eucalyptus command line client tools


7     The euca2ools suite is a set of command line tools that interact with
8     “Amazon Web Services” (AWS), Eucalyptus, and other AWS-compatible clouds
9     using the REST- and query-based APIs for numerous web services.
11     The URL for each web service can be set with a SERVICE-url region option,
12     where SERVICE is the name of the service, in euca2ools.ini(5) configura‐
13     tion files and then chosen with the --region command line option or the
14     EUCA_DEFAULT_REGION or AWS_DEFAULT_REGION environment variables.  Alter‐
15     natively, the URL can be set at the command line or with an environment
16     variable that is specific to the service.  Environment variables take
17     precedence over configuration file data.
19     euca2ools are designed to make it as easy as possible to work with multi‐
20     ple AWS-compatible clouds from the command line using euca2ools.ini(5)
21     configuration files, command line options, and shortcuts.
23   List of Web Services
24     Name                    Version       Environment variable      Commands
25     autoscaling             2011-01-01    AWS_AUTO_SCALING_URL      euscale-*
26     bootstrap                             EUCA_BOOTSTRAP_URL        euca-bundle-image(1),
27                                                                     euca-bundle-and-upload-image(1),
28                                                                     euca-install-image(1),
29                                                                     euimage-install-pack(1)
30     cloudformation          2010-05-15    AWS_CLOUDFORMATION_URL    euform-*
31     ec2                     2015-10-01    EC2_URL                   euca-*
32     elasticloadbalancing    2012-06-01    AWS_ELB_URL               eulb-*
33     iam                     2010-05-08    AWS_IAM_URL               euare-*
34     monitoring              2010-08-01    AWS_CLOUDWATCH_URL        euwatch-*
35     s3                      2006-03-01    S3_URL                    euca-bundle-and-upload-image(1),
36                                                                     euca-download-and-unbundle(1),
37                                                                     euca-download-bundle(1),
38                                                                     euca-install-image(1),
39                                                                     euca-upload-bundle(1),
40                                                                     euimage-install-pack(1)
41     sts                     2011-06-15    TOKENS_URL                euare-assumerole(1)


44     The “bootstrap” service, also known as the “Empyrean” service, is spe‐
45     cific to eucalyptus.  Commands that bundle images can optionally use it
46     to obtain the cloud's signing certificate automatically, provided the
47     cloud runs eucalyptus 4.2 or later.


50     euca2ools.ini(5)
52euca2ools 3.4                    June 20, 2019                   euca2ools 3.4