1RESOLVECTL(1)                     resolvectl                     RESOLVECTL(1)


6       resolvectl, resolvconf - Resolve domain names, IPV4 and IPv6 addresses,
7       DNS resource records, and services; introspect and reconfigure the DNS
8       resolver


11       resolvectl [OPTIONS...] {COMMAND} [NAME...]


14       resolvectl may be used to resolve domain names, IPv4 and IPv6
15       addresses, DNS resource records and services with the systemd-
16       resolved.service(8) resolver service. By default, the specified list of
17       parameters will be resolved as hostnames, retrieving their IPv4 and
18       IPv6 addresses. If the parameters specified are formatted as IPv4 or
19       IPv6 operation the reverse operation is done, and a hostname is
20       retrieved for the specified addresses.
22       The program's output contains information about the protocol used for
23       the look-up and on which network interface the data was discovered. It
24       also contains information on whether the information could be
25       authenticated. All data for which local DNSSEC validation succeeds is
26       considered authenticated. Moreover all data originating from local,
27       trusted sources is also reported authenticated, including resolution of
28       the local host name, the "localhost" host name or all data from
29       /etc/hosts.


32       query HOSTNAME|ADDRESS...
33           Resolve domain names, IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
35       service [[NAME] TYPE] DOMAIN
36           Resolve DNS-SD[1] and SRV[2] services, depending on the specified
37           list of parameters. If three parameters are passed the first is
38           assumed to be the DNS-SD service name, the second the SRV service
39           type, and the third the domain to search in. In this case a full
40           DNS-SD style SRV and TXT lookup is executed. If only two parameters
41           are specified, the first is assumed to be the SRV service type, and
42           the second the domain to look in. In this case no TXT RR is
43           requested. Finally, if only one parameter is specified, it is
44           assumed to be a domain name, that is already prefixed with an SRV
45           type, and an SRV lookup is done (no TXT).
47       openpgp EMAIL@DOMAIN...
48           Query PGP keys stored as OPENPGPKEY[3] resource records. Specified
49           e-mail addresses are converted to the corresponding DNS domain
50           name, and any OPENPGPKEY keys are printed.
52       tlsa [FAMILY] DOMAIN[:PORT]...
53           Query TLS public keys stored as TLSA[4] resource records. A query
54           will be performed for each of the specified names prefixed with the
55           port and family ("_port._family.domain"). The port number may be
56           specified after a colon (":"), otherwise 443 will be used by
57           default. The family may be specified as the first argument,
58           otherwise tcp will be used.
60       status [LINK...]
61           Shows the global and per-link DNS settings currently in effect. If
62           no command is specified, this is the implied default.
64       statistics
65           Shows general resolver statistics, including information whether
66           DNSSEC is enabled and available, as well as resolution and
67           validation statistics.
69       reset-statistics
70           Resets the statistics counters shown in statistics to zero. This
71           operation requires root privileges.
73       flush-caches
74           Flushes all DNS resource record caches the service maintains
75           locally. This is mostly equivalent to sending the SIGUSR2 to the
76           systemd-resolved service.
78       reset-server-features
79           Flushes all feature level information the resolver learnt about
80           specific servers, and ensures that the server feature probing logic
81           is started from the beginning with the next look-up request. This
82           is mostly equivalent to sending the SIGRTMIN+1 to the
83           systemd-resolved service.
85       dns [LINK [SERVER...]], domain [LINK [DOMAIN...]], default-route [LINK
86       [BOOL...]], llmnr [LINK [MODE]], mdns [LINK [MODE]], dnssec [LINK
87       [MODE]], dnsovertls [LINK [MODE]], nta [LINK [DOMAIN...]]
88           Get/set per-interface DNS configuration. These commands may be used
89           to configure various DNS settings for network interfaces. These
90           commands may be used to inform systemd-resolved or systemd-networkd
91           about per-interface DNS configuration determined through external
92           means. The dns command expects IPv4 or IPv6 address specifications
93           of DNS servers to use. The domain command expects valid DNS
94           domains, possibly prefixed with "~", and configures a per-interface
95           search or route-only domain. The default-route command expects a
96           boolean parameter, and configures whether the link may be used as
97           default route for DNS lookups, i.e. if it is suitable for lookups
98           on domains no other link explicitly is configured for. The llmnr,
99           mdns, dnssec and dnsovertls commands may be used to configure the
100           per-interface LLMNR, MulticastDNS, DNSSEC and DNSOverTLS settings.
101           Finally, nta command may be used to configure additional
102           per-interface DNSSEC NTA domains.
104           Commands dns, domain and nta can take a single empty string
105           argument to clear their respective value lists.
107           For details about these settings, their possible values and their
108           effect, see the corresponding settings in systemd.network(5).
110       revert LINK
111           Revert the per-interface DNS configuration. If the DNS
112           configuration is reverted all per-interface DNS setting are reset
113           to their defaults, undoing all effects of dns, domain,
114           default-route, llmnr, mdns, dnssec, dnsovertls, nta. Note that when
115           a network interface disappears all configuration is lost
116           automatically, an explicit reverting is not necessary in that case.


119       -4, -6
120           By default, when resolving a hostname, both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses
121           are acquired. By specifying -4 only IPv4 addresses are requested,
122           by specifying -6 only IPv6 addresses are requested.
124       -i INTERFACE, --interface=INTERFACE
125           Specifies the network interface to execute the query on. This may
126           either be specified as numeric interface index or as network
127           interface string (e.g.  "en0"). Note that this option has no effect
128           if system-wide DNS configuration (as configured in /etc/resolv.conf
129           or /etc/systemd/resolve.conf) in place of per-link configuration is
130           used.
132       -p PROTOCOL, --protocol=PROTOCOL
133           Specifies the network protocol for the query. May be one of "dns"
134           (i.e. classic unicast DNS), "llmnr" (Link-Local Multicast Name
135           Resolution[5]), "llmnr-ipv4", "llmnr-ipv6" (LLMNR via the indicated
136           underlying IP protocols), "mdns" (Multicast DNS[6]), "mdns-ipv4",
137           "mdns-ipv6" (MDNS via the indicated underlying IP protocols). By
138           default the lookup is done via all protocols suitable for the
139           lookup. If used, limits the set of protocols that may be used. Use
140           this option multiple times to enable resolving via multiple
141           protocols at the same time. The setting "llmnr" is identical to
142           specifying this switch once with "llmnr-ipv4" and once via
143           "llmnr-ipv6". Note that this option does not force the service to
144           resolve the operation with the specified protocol, as that might
145           require a suitable network interface and configuration. The special
146           value "help" may be used to list known values.
148       -t TYPE, --type=TYPE, -c CLASS, --class=CLASS
149           Specifies the DNS resource record type (e.g. A, AAAA, MX, ...) and
150           class (e.g. IN, ANY, ...) to look up. If these options are used a
151           DNS resource record set matching the specified class and type is
152           requested. The class defaults to IN if only a type is specified.
153           The special value "help" may be used to list known values.
155       --service-address=BOOL
156           Takes a boolean parameter. If true (the default), when doing a
157           service lookup with --service the hostnames contained in the SRV
158           resource records are resolved as well.
160       --service-txt=BOOL
161           Takes a boolean parameter. If true (the default), when doing a
162           DNS-SD service lookup with --service the TXT service metadata
163           record is resolved as well.
165       --cname=BOOL
166           Takes a boolean parameter. If true (the default), DNS CNAME or
167           DNAME redirections are followed. Otherwise, if a CNAME or DNAME
168           record is encountered while resolving, an error is returned.
170       --search=BOOL
171           Takes a boolean parameter. If true (the default), any specified
172           single-label hostnames will be searched in the domains configured
173           in the search domain list, if it is non-empty. Otherwise, the
174           search domain logic is disabled.
176       --raw[=payload|packet]
177           Dump the answer as binary data. If there is no argument or if the
178           argument is "payload", the payload of the packet is exported. If
179           the argument is "packet", the whole packet is dumped in wire
180           format, prefixed by length specified as a little-endian 64-bit
181           number. This format allows multiple packets to be dumped and
182           unambiguously parsed.
184       --legend=BOOL
185           Takes a boolean parameter. If true (the default), column headers
186           and meta information about the query response are shown. Otherwise,
187           this output is suppressed.
189       -h, --help
190           Print a short help text and exit.
192       --version
193           Print a short version string and exit.
195       --no-pager
196           Do not pipe output into a pager.


199       resolvectl is a multi-call binary. When invoked as "resolvconf"
200       (generally achieved by means of a symbolic link of this name to the
201       resolvectl binary) it is run in a limited resolvconf(8) compatibility
202       mode. It accepts mostly the same arguments and pushes all data into
203       systemd-resolved.service(8), similar to how dns and domain commands
204       operate. Note that systemd-resolved.service is the only supported
205       backend, which is different from other implementations of this command.
206       Note that not all operations supported by other implementations are
207       supported natively. Specifically:
209       -a
210           Registers per-interface DNS configuration data with
211           systemd-resolved. Expects a network interface name as only command
212           line argument. Reads resolv.conf(5) compatible DNS configuration
213           data from its standard input. Relevant fields are "nameserver" and
214           "domain"/"search". This command is mostly identical to invoking
215           resolvectl with a combination of dns and domain commands.
217       -d
218           Unregisters per-interface DNS configuration data with
219           systemd-resolved. This command is mostly identical to invoking
220           resolvectl revert.
222       -f
223           When specified -a and -d will not complain about missing network
224           interfaces and will silently execute no operation in that case.
226       -x
227           This switch for "exclusive" operation is supported only partially.
228           It is mapped to an additional configured search domain of "~."  —
229           i.e. ensures that DNS traffic is preferably routed to the DNS
230           servers on this interface, unless there are other, more specific
231           domains configured on other interfaces.
233       -m, -p
234           These switches are not supported and are silently ignored.
236       -u, -I, -i, -l, -R, -r, -v, -V, --enable-updates, --disable-updates,
237       --are-updates-enabled
238           These switches are not supported and the command will fail if used.
240       See resolvconf(8) for details on this command line options.


243       Example 1. Retrieve the addresses of the "www.0pointer.net" domain
245           $ resolvectl query www.0pointer.net
246           www.0pointer.net: 2a01:238:43ed:c300:10c3:bcf3:3266:da74
249           -- Information acquired via protocol DNS in 611.6ms.
250           -- Data is authenticated: no
252       Example 2. Retrieve the domain of the "" IP address
254           $ resolvectl query
255  gardel.0pointer.net
257           -- Information acquired via protocol DNS in 1.2997s.
258           -- Data is authenticated: no
260       Example 3. Retrieve the MX record of the "yahoo.com" domain
262           $ resolvectl --legend=no -t MX query yahoo.com
263           yahoo.com. IN MX    1 mta7.am0.yahoodns.net
264           yahoo.com. IN MX    1 mta6.am0.yahoodns.net
265           yahoo.com. IN MX    1 mta5.am0.yahoodns.net
267       Example 4. Resolve an SRV service
269           $ resolvectl service _xmpp-server._tcp gmail.com
270           _xmpp-server._tcp/gmail.com: alt1.xmpp-server.l.google.com:5269 [priority=20, weight=0]
272                                        alt4.xmpp-server.l.google.com:5269 [priority=20, weight=0]
274                                        ...
276       Example 5. Retrieve a PGP key
278           $ resolvectl openpgp zbyszek@fedoraproject.org
279           d08ee310438ca124a6149ea5cc21b6313b390dce485576eff96f8722._openpgpkey.fedoraproject.org. IN OPENPGPKEY
280                   mQINBFBHPMsBEACeInGYJCb+7TurKfb6wGyTottCDtiSJB310i37/6ZYoeIay/5soJjlMyf
281                   MFQ9T2XNT/0LM6gTa0MpC1st9LnzYTMsT6tzRly1D1UbVI6xw0g0vE5y2Cjk3xUwAynCsSs
282                   ...
284       Example 6. Retrieve a TLS key ("tcp" and ":443" could be skipped)
286           $ resolvectl tlsa tcp fedoraproject.org:443
287           _443._tcp.fedoraproject.org IN TLSA 0 0 1 19400be5b7a31fb733917700789d2f0a2471c0c9d506c0e504c06c16d7cb17c0
288                   -- Cert. usage: CA constraint
289                   -- Selector: Full Certificate
290                   -- Matching type: SHA-256


293       systemd(1), systemd-resolved.service(8), systemd.dnssd(5), systemd-
294       networkd.service(8), resolvconf(8)


297        1. DNS-SD
298           https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6763
300        2. SRV
301           https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2782
303        3. OPENPGPKEY
304           https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7929
306        4. TLSA
307           https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6698
309        5. Link-Local Multicast Name Resolution
310           https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4795
312        6. Multicast DNS
313           https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc6762.txt
317systemd 245                                                      RESOLVECTL(1)