1GnuPG::Interface(3)   User Contributed Perl Documentation  GnuPG::Interface(3)


6       GnuPG::Interface - Perl interface to GnuPG


9         # A simple example
10         use IO::Handle;
11         use GnuPG::Interface;
13         # setting up the situation
14         my $gnupg = GnuPG::Interface->new();
15         $gnupg->options->hash_init( armor   => 1,
16                                     homedir => '/home/foobar' );
18         # Note you can set the recipients even if you aren't encrypting!
19         $gnupg->options->push_recipients( 'ftobin@cpan.org' );
20         $gnupg->options->meta_interactive( 0 );
22         # how we create some handles to interact with GnuPG
23         my $input   = IO::Handle->new();
24         my $output  = IO::Handle->new();
25         my $handles = GnuPG::Handles->new( stdin  => $input,
26                                            stdout => $output );
28         # Now we'll go about encrypting with the options already set
29         my @plaintext = ( 'foobar' );
30         my $pid = $gnupg->encrypt( handles => $handles );
32         # Now we write to the input of GnuPG
33         print $input @plaintext;
34         close $input;
36         # now we read the output
37         my @ciphertext = <$output>;
38         close $output;
40         waitpid $pid, 0;


43       GnuPG::Interface and its associated modules are designed to provide an
44       object-oriented method for interacting with GnuPG, being able to
45       perform functions such as but not limited to encrypting, signing,
46       decryption, verification, and key-listing parsing.
48   How Data Member Accessor Methods are Created
49       Each module in the GnuPG::Interface bundle relies on Moo to generate
50       the get/set methods used to set the object's data members.  This is
51       very important to realize.  This means that any data member which is a
52       list has special methods assigned to it for pushing, popping, and
53       clearing the list.
55   Understanding Bidirectional Communication
56       It is also imperative to realize that this package uses interprocess
57       communication methods similar to those used in IPC::Open3 and
58       "Bidirectional Communication with Another Process" in perlipc, and that
59       users of this package need to understand how to use this method because
60       this package does not abstract these methods for the user greatly.
61       This package is not designed to abstract this away entirely (partly for
62       security purposes), but rather to simply help create 'proper', clean
63       calls to GnuPG, and to implement key-listing parsing.  Please see
64       "Bidirectional Communication with Another Process" in perlipc to learn
65       how to deal with these methods.
67       Using this package to do message processing generally invovlves
68       creating a GnuPG::Interface object, creating a GnuPG::Handles object,
69       setting some options in its options data member, and then calling a
70       method which invokes GnuPG, such as clearsign.  One then interacts with
71       with the handles appropriately, as described in "Bidirectional
72       Communication with Another Process" in perlipc.


75   Initialization Methods
76       new( %initialization_args )
77           This methods creates a new object.  The optional arguments are
78           initialization of data members.
80       hash_init( %args ).
82   Object Methods which use a GnuPG::Handles Object
83       list_public_keys( % )
84       list_sigs( % )
85       list_secret_keys( % )
86       encrypt( % )
87       encrypt_symmetrically( % )
88       sign( % )
89       clearsign( % )
90       detach_sign( % )
91       sign_and_encrypt( % )
92       decrypt( % )
93       verify( % )
94       import_keys( % )
95       export_keys( % )
96       recv_keys( % )
97       send_keys( % )
98       search_keys( % )
99           These methods each correspond directly to or are very similar to a
100           GnuPG command described in gpg.  Each of these methods takes a
101           hash, which currently must contain a key of handles which has the
102           value of a GnuPG::Handles object.  Another optional key is
103           command_args which should have the value of an array reference;
104           these arguments will be passed to GnuPG as command arguments.
105           These command arguments are used for such things as determining the
106           keys to list in the export_keys method.  Please note that GnuPG
107           command arguments are not the same as GnuPG options.  To understand
108           what are options and what are command arguments please read
109           "COMMANDS" in gpg and "OPTIONS" in gpg.
111           Each of these calls returns the PID for the resulting GnuPG
112           process.  One can use this PID in a "waitpid" call instead of a
113           "wait" call if more precise process reaping is needed.
115           These methods will attach the handles specified in the handles
116           object to the running GnuPG object, so that bidirectional
117           communication can be established.  That is, the optionally-defined
118           stdin, stdout, stderr, status, logger, and passphrase handles will
119           be attached to GnuPG's input, output, standard error, the handle
120           created by setting status-fd, the handle created by setting logger-
121           fd, and the handle created by setting passphrase-fd respectively.
122           This tying of handles of similar to the process done in IPC::Open3.
124           If you want the GnuPG process to read or write directly to an
125           already-opened filehandle, you cannot do this via the normal
126           IPC::Open3 mechanisms.  In order to accomplish this, set the
127           appropriate handles data member to the already-opened filehandle,
128           and then set the option direct to be true for that handle, as
129           described in "options" in GnuPG::Handles.  For example, to have
130           GnuPG read from the file input.txt and write to output.txt, the
131           following snippet may do:
133             my $infile  = IO::File->new( 'input.txt' );
134             my $outfile = IO::File->new( '>output.txt' );
135             my $handles = GnuPG::Handles->new( stdin  => $infile,
136                                                stdout => $outfile,
137                                              );
138             $handles->options( 'stdin'  )->{direct} = 1;
139             $handles->options( 'stdout' )->{direct} = 1;
141           If any handle in the handles object is not defined, GnuPG's input,
142           output, and standard error will be tied to the running program's
143           standard error, standard output, or standard error.  If the status
144           or logger handle is not defined, this channel of communication is
145           never established with GnuPG, and so this information is not
146           generated and does not come into play.
148           If the passphrase data member handle of the handles object is not
149           defined, but the the passphrase data member handle of
150           GnuPG::Interface object is, GnuPG::Interface will handle passing
151           this information into GnuPG for the user as a convenience.  Note
152           that this will result in GnuPG::Interface storing the passphrase in
153           memory, instead of having it simply 'pass-through' to GnuPG via a
154           handle.
156           If neither the passphrase data member of the GnuPG::Interface nor
157           the passphrase data member of the handles object is defined, then
158           GnuPG::Interface assumes that access and control over the secret
159           key will be handled by the running gpg-agent process.  This
160           represents the simplest mode of operation with the GnuPG "modern"
161           suite (version 2.1 and later).  It is also the preferred mode for
162           tools intended to be user-facing, since the user will be prompted
163           directly by gpg-agent for use of the secret key material.  Note
164           that for programmatic use, this mode requires the gpg-agent and
165           pinentry to already be correctly configured.
167   Other Methods
168       get_public_keys( @search_strings )
169       get_secret_keys( @search_strings )
170       get_public_keys_with_sigs( @search_strings )
171           These methods create and return objects of the type
172           GnuPG::PublicKey or GnuPG::SecretKey respectively.  This is done by
173           parsing the output of GnuPG with the option with-colons enabled.
174           The objects created do or do not have signature information stored
175           in them, depending if the method ends in _sigs; this separation of
176           functionality is there because of performance hits when listing
177           information with signatures.
179       test_default_key_passphrase()
180           This method will return a true or false value, depending on whether
181           GnuPG reports a good passphrase was entered while signing a short
182           message using the values of the passphrase data member, and the
183           default key specified in the options data member.
185       version()
186           Returns the version of GnuPG that GnuPG::Interface is running.

Invoking GnuPG with a custom call

189       GnuPG::Interface attempts to cover a lot of the commands of GnuPG that
190       one would want to perform; however, there may be a lot more calls that
191       GnuPG is and will be capable of, so a generic command interface is
192       provided, "wrap_call".
194       wrap_call( %args )
195           Call GnuPG with a custom command.  The %args hash must contain at
196           least the following keys:
198           commands
199               The value of this key in the hash must be a reference to a a
200               list of commands for GnuPG, such as "[ qw( --encrypt --sign )
201               ]".
203           handles
204               As with most other GnuPG::Interface methods, handles must be a
205               GnuPG::Handles object.
207           The following keys are optional.
209           command_args
210               As with other GnuPG::Interface methods, the value in hash for
211               this key must be a reference to a list of arguments to be
212               passed to the GnuPG command, such as which keys to list in a
213               key-listing.


216       call
217           This defines the call made to invoke GnuPG.  Defaults to 'gpg';
218           this should be changed if 'gpg' is not in your path, or there is a
219           different name for the binary on your system.
221       passphrase
222           In order to lessen the burden of using handles by the user of this
223           package, setting this option to one's passphrase for a secret key
224           will allow the package to enter the passphrase via a handle to
225           GnuPG by itself instead of leaving this to the user.  See also
226           "passphrase" in GnuPG::Handles.
228       options
229           This data member, of the type GnuPG::Options; the setting stored in
230           this data member are used to determine the options used when
231           calling GnuPG via any of the object methods described in this
232           package.  See GnuPG::Options for more information.


235       The following setup can be done before any of the following examples:
237         use IO::Handle;
238         use GnuPG::Interface;
240         my @original_plaintext = ( "How do you doo?" );
241         my $passphrase = "Three Little Pigs";
243         my $gnupg = GnuPG::Interface->new();
245         $gnupg->options->hash_init( armor    => 1,
246                                     recipients => [ 'ftobin@uiuc.edu',
247                                                     '0xABCD1234ABCD1234ABCD1234ABCD1234ABCD1234' ],
248                                     meta_interactive => 0 ,
249                                   );
251   Encrypting
252         # We'll let the standard error of GnuPG pass through
253         # to our own standard error, by not creating
254         # a stderr-part of the $handles object.
255         my ( $input, $output ) = ( IO::Handle->new(),
256                                    IO::Handle->new() );
258         my $handles = GnuPG::Handles->new( stdin    => $input,
259                                            stdout   => $output );
261         # this sets up the communication
262         # Note that the recipients were specified earlier
263         # in the 'options' data member of the $gnupg object.
264         my $pid = $gnupg->encrypt( handles => $handles );
266         # this passes in the plaintext
267         print $input @original_plaintext;
269         # this closes the communication channel,
270         # indicating we are done
271         close $input;
273         my @ciphertext = <$output>;  # reading the output
275         waitpid $pid, 0;  # clean up the finished GnuPG process
277   Signing
278         # This time we'll catch the standard error for our perusing
279         my ( $input, $output, $error ) = ( IO::Handle->new(),
280                                            IO::Handle->new(),
281                                            IO::Handle->new(),
282                                          );
284         my $handles = GnuPG::Handles->new( stdin    => $input,
285                                            stdout   => $output,
286                                            stderr   => $error,
287                                          );
289         # indicate our pasphrase through the
290         # convenience method
291         $gnupg->passphrase( $passphrase );
293         # this sets up the communication
294         my $pid = $gnupg->sign( handles => $handles );
296         # this passes in the plaintext
297         print $input @original_plaintext;
299         # this closes the communication channel,
300         # indicating we are done
301         close $input;
303         my @ciphertext   = <$output>;  # reading the output
304         my @error_output = <$error>;   # reading the error
306         close $output;
307         close $error;
309         waitpid $pid, 0;  # clean up the finished GnuPG process
311   Decryption
312         # This time we'll catch the standard error for our perusing
313         # as well as passing in the passphrase manually
314         # as well as the status information given by GnuPG
315         my ( $input, $output, $error, $passphrase_fh, $status_fh )
316           = ( IO::Handle->new(),
317               IO::Handle->new(),
318               IO::Handle->new(),
319               IO::Handle->new(),
320               IO::Handle->new(),
321             );
323         my $handles = GnuPG::Handles->new( stdin      => $input,
324                                            stdout     => $output,
325                                            stderr     => $error,
326                                            passphrase => $passphrase_fh,
327                                            status     => $status_fh,
328                                          );
330         # this time we'll also demonstrate decrypting
331         # a file written to disk
332         # Make sure you "use IO::File" if you use this module!
333         my $cipher_file = IO::File->new( 'encrypted.gpg' );
335         # this sets up the communication
336         my $pid = $gnupg->decrypt( handles => $handles );
338         # This passes in the passphrase
339         print $passphrase_fh $passphrase;
340         close $passphrase_fh;
342         # this passes in the plaintext
343         print $input $_ while <$cipher_file>;
345         # this closes the communication channel,
346         # indicating we are done
347         close $input;
348         close $cipher_file;
350         my @plaintext    = <$output>;    # reading the output
351         my @error_output = <$error>;     # reading the error
352         my @status_info  = <$status_fh>; # read the status info
354         # clean up...
355         close $output;
356         close $error;
357         close $status_fh;
359         waitpid $pid, 0;  # clean up the finished GnuPG process
361   Printing Keys
362         # This time we'll just let GnuPG print to our own output
363         # and read from our input, because no input is needed!
364         my $handles = GnuPG::Handles->new();
366         my @ids = ( 'ftobin', '0xABCD1234ABCD1234ABCD1234ABCD1234ABCD1234' );
368         # this time we need to specify something for
369         # command_args because --list-public-keys takes
370         # search ids as arguments
371         my $pid = $gnupg->list_public_keys( handles      => $handles,
372                                             command_args => [ @ids ] );
374          waitpid $pid, 0;
376   Creating GnuPG::PublicKey Objects
377         my @ids = [ 'ftobin', '0xABCD1234ABCD1234ABCD1234ABCD1234ABCD1234' ];
379         my @keys = $gnupg->get_public_keys( @ids );
381         # no wait is required this time; it's handled internally
382         # since the entire call is encapsulated
384   Custom GnuPG call
385         # assuming $handles is a GnuPG::Handles object
386         my $pid = $gnupg->wrap_call
387           ( commands     => [ qw( --list-packets ) ],
388             command_args => [ qw( test/key.1.asc ) ],
389             handles      => $handles,
390           );
392           my @out = <$handles->stdout()>;
393           waitpid $pid, 0;


396       How do I get GnuPG::Interface to read/write directly from a filehandle?
397           You need to set GnuPG::Handles direct option to be true for the
398           filehandles in concern.  See "options" in GnuPG::Handles and
399           "Object Methods which use a GnuPG::Handles Object" for more
400           information.
402       Why do you make it so difficult to get GnuPG to write/read from a
403       filehandle?  In the shell, I can just call GnuPG with the --outfile
404       option!
405           There are lots of issues when trying to tell GnuPG to read/write
406           directly from a file, such as if the file isn't there, or there is
407           a file, and you want to write over it!  What do you want to happen
408           then?  Having the user of this module handle these questions
409           beforehand by opening up filehandles to GnuPG lets the user know
410           fully what is going to happen in these circumstances, and makes the
411           module less error-prone.
413       When having GnuPG process a large message, sometimes it just hanges
414       there.
415           Your problem may be due to buffering issues; when GnuPG
416           reads/writes to non-direct filehandles (those that are sent to
417           filehandles which you read to from into memory, not that those
418           access the disk), buffering issues can mess things up.  I recommend
419           looking into "options" in GnuPG::Handles.


422       This package is the successor to PGP::GPG::MessageProcessor, which I
423       found to be too inextensible to carry on further.  A total redesign was
424       needed, and this is the resulting work.
426       After any call to a GnuPG-command method of GnuPG::Interface in which
427       one passes in the handles, one should all wait to clean up GnuPG from
428       the process table.


431       Currently there are problems when transmitting large quantities of
432       information over handles; I'm guessing this is due to buffering issues.
433       This bug does not seem specific to this package; IPC::Open3 also
434       appears affected.
436       I don't know yet how well this modules handles parsing OpenPGP v3 keys.


439       GnuPG::Options, GnuPG::Handles, GnuPG::PublicKey, GnuPG::SecretKey,
440       gpg, "Bidirectional Communication with Another Process" in perlipc


443       This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
444       under the same terms as Perl itself.


447       GnuPG::Interface is currently maintained by Jesse Vincent
448       <jesse@cpan.org>.
450       Frank J. Tobin, ftobin@cpan.org was the original author of the package.
454perl v5.30.1                      2020-01-30               GnuPG::Interface(3)