1SUDOERS.LDAP(5)             BSD File Formats Manual            SUDOERS.LDAP(5)


4     sudoers.ldap — sudo LDAP configuration


7     In addition to the standard sudoers file, sudo may be configured via
8     LDAP.  This can be especially useful for synchronizing sudoers in a
9     large, distributed environment.
11     Using LDAP for sudoers has several benefits:
13     ·  sudo no longer needs to read sudoers in its entirety.  When LDAP is
14        used, there are only two or three LDAP queries per invocation.  This
15        makes it especially fast and particularly usable in LDAP environments.
17     ·  sudo no longer exits if there is a typo in sudoers.  It is not possi‐
18        ble to load LDAP data into the server that does not conform to the
19        sudoers schema, so proper syntax is guaranteed.  It is still possible
20        to have typos in a user or host name, but this will not prevent sudo
21        from running.
23     ·  It is possible to specify per-entry options that override the global
24        default options.  /etc/sudoers only supports default options and lim‐
25        ited options associated with user/host/commands/aliases.  The syntax
26        is complicated and can be difficult for users to understand.  Placing
27        the options directly in the entry is more natural.
29     ·  The visudo program is no longer needed.  visudo provides locking and
30        syntax checking of the /etc/sudoers file.  Since LDAP updates are
31        atomic, locking is no longer necessary.  Because syntax is checked
32        when the data is inserted into LDAP, there is no need for a special‐
33        ized tool to check syntax.
35   SUDOers LDAP container
36     The sudoers configuration is contained in the ou=SUDOers LDAP container.
38     Sudo first looks for the cn=defaults entry in the SUDOers container.  If
39     found, the multi-valued sudoOption attribute is parsed in the same manner
40     as a global Defaults line in /etc/sudoers.  In the following example, the
41     SSH_AUTH_SOCK variable will be preserved in the environment for all
42     users.
44         dn: cn=defaults,ou=SUDOers,dc=my-domain,dc=com
45         objectClass: top
46         objectClass: sudoRole
47         cn: defaults
48         description: Default sudoOption's go here
49         sudoOption: env_keep+=SSH_AUTH_SOCK
51     The equivalent of a sudoer in LDAP is a sudoRole.  It consists of the
52     following attributes:
54     sudoUser
55           A user name, user-ID (prefixed with ‘#’), Unix group name or ID
56           (prefixed with ‘%’ or ‘%#’ respectively), user netgroup (prefixed
57           with ‘+’), or non-Unix group name or ID (prefixed with ‘%:’ or
58           ‘%:#’ respectively).  User netgroups are matched using the user and
59           domain members only; the host member is not used when matching.
60           Non-Unix group support is only available when an appropriate
61           group_plugin is defined in the global defaults sudoRole object.
63     sudoHost
64           A host name, IP address, IP network, or host netgroup (prefixed
65           with a ‘+’).  The special value ALL will match any host.  Host net‐
66           groups are matched using the host (both qualified and unqualified)
67           and domain members only; the user member is not used when matching.
68           If a sudoHost entry is preceded by an exclamation point, ‘!’, and
69           the entry matches, the sudoRole in which it resides will be
70           ignored.  Negated sudoHost entries are only supported by version
71           1.8.18 or higher.
73     sudoCommand
74           A fully-qualified Unix command name with optional command line
75           arguments, potentially including globbing characters (aka wild
76           cards).  If a command name is preceded by an exclamation point,
77           ‘!’, the user will be prohibited from running that command.
79           The built-in command “sudoedit” is used to permit a user to run
80           sudo with the -e option (or as sudoedit).  It may take command line
81           arguments just as a normal command does.  Note that “sudoedit” is a
82           command built into sudo itself and must be specified in without a
83           leading path.
85           The special value ALL will match any command.
87           If a command name is prefixed with a SHA-2 digest, it will only be
88           allowed if the digest matches.  This may be useful in situations
89           where the user invoking sudo has write access to the command or its
90           parent directory.  The following digest formats are supported:
91           sha224, sha256, sha384 and sha512.  The digest name must be fol‐
92           lowed by a colon (‘:’) and then the actual digest, in either hex or
93           base64 format.  For example, given the following value for sudoCom‐
94           mand:
96               sha224:0GomF8mNN3wlDt1HD9XldjJ3SNgpFdbjO1+NsQ /bin/ls
98           The user may only run /bin/ls if its sha224 digest matches the
99           specified value.  Command digests are only supported by version
100           1.8.7 or higher.
102     sudoOption
103           Identical in function to the global options described above, but
104           specific to the sudoRole in which it resides.
106     sudoRunAsUser
107           A user name or uid (prefixed with ‘#’) that commands may be run as
108           or a Unix group (prefixed with a ‘%’) or user netgroup (prefixed
109           with a ‘+’) that contains a list of users that commands may be run
110           as.  The special value ALL will match any user.  If a sudoRunAsUser
111           entry is preceded by an exclamation point, ‘!’, and the entry
112           matches, the sudoRole in which it resides will be ignored.  If
113           sudoRunAsUser is specified but empty, it will match the invoking
114           user.  If neither sudoRunAsUser nor sudoRunAsGroup are present, the
115           value of the runas_default sudoOption is used (defaults to root).
117           The sudoRunAsUser attribute is only available in sudo versions
118           1.7.0 and higher.  Older versions of sudo use the sudoRunAs
119           attribute instead.  Negated sudoRunAsUser entries are only sup‐
120           ported by version 1.8.26 or higher.
122     sudoRunAsGroup
123           A Unix group or gid (prefixed with ‘#’) that commands may be run
124           as.  The special value ALL will match any group.  If a
125           sudoRunAsGroup entry is preceded by an exclamation point, ‘!’, and
126           the entry matches, the sudoRole in which it resides will be
127           ignored.
129           The sudoRunAsGroup attribute is only available in sudo versions
130           1.7.0 and higher.  Negated sudoRunAsGroup entries are only sup‐
131           ported by version 1.8.26 or higher.
133     sudoNotBefore
134           A timestamp in the form yyyymmddHHMMSSZ that can be used to provide
135           a start date/time for when the sudoRole will be valid.  If multiple
136           sudoNotBefore entries are present, the earliest is used.  Note that
137           timestamps must be in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), not the
138           local timezone.  The minute and seconds portions are optional, but
139           some LDAP servers require that they be present (contrary to the
140           RFC).
142           The sudoNotBefore attribute is only available in sudo versions
143           1.7.5 and higher and must be explicitly enabled via the
144           SUDOERS_TIMED option in /etc/ldap.conf.
146     sudoNotAfter
147           A timestamp in the form yyyymmddHHMMSSZ that indicates an expira‐
148           tion date/time, after which the sudoRole will no longer be valid.
149           If multiple sudoNotAfter entries are present, the last one is used.
150           Note that timestamps must be in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC),
151           not the local timezone.  The minute and seconds portions are
152           optional, but some LDAP servers require that they be present (con‐
153           trary to the RFC).
155           The sudoNotAfter attribute is only available in sudo versions 1.7.5
156           and higher and must be explicitly enabled via the SUDOERS_TIMED
157           option in /etc/ldap.conf.
159     sudoOrder
160           The sudoRole entries retrieved from the LDAP directory have no
161           inherent order.  The sudoOrder attribute is an integer (or floating
162           point value for LDAP servers that support it) that is used to sort
163           the matching entries.  This allows LDAP-based sudoers entries to
164           more closely mimic the behavior of the sudoers file, where the
165           order of the entries influences the result.  If multiple entries
166           match, the entry with the highest sudoOrder attribute is chosen.
167           This corresponds to the “last match” behavior of the sudoers file.
168           If the sudoOrder attribute is not present, a value of 0 is assumed.
170           The sudoOrder attribute is only available in sudo versions 1.7.5
171           and higher.
173     Each attribute listed above should contain a single value, but there may
174     be multiple instances of each attribute type.  A sudoRole must contain at
175     least one sudoUser, sudoHost and sudoCommand.
177     The following example allows users in group wheel to run any command on
178     any host via sudo:
180         dn: cn=%wheel,ou=SUDOers,dc=my-domain,dc=com
181         objectClass: top
182         objectClass: sudoRole
183         cn: %wheel
184         sudoUser: %wheel
185         sudoHost: ALL
186         sudoCommand: ALL
188   Anatomy of LDAP sudoers lookup
189     When looking up a sudoer using LDAP there are only two or three LDAP
190     queries per invocation.  The first query is to parse the global options.
191     The second is to match against the user's name and the groups that the
192     user belongs to.  (The special ALL tag is matched in this query too.)  If
193     no match is returned for the user's name and groups, a third query
194     returns all entries containing user netgroups and other non-Unix groups
195     and checks to see if the user belongs to any of them.
197     If timed entries are enabled with the SUDOERS_TIMED configuration direc‐
198     tive, the LDAP queries include a sub-filter that limits retrieval to
199     entries that satisfy the time constraints, if any.
201     If the NETGROUP_BASE configuration directive is present (see Configuring
202     ldap.conf below), queries are performed to determine the list of net‐
203     groups the user belongs to before the sudoers query.  This makes it pos‐
204     sible to include netgroups in the sudoers query string in the same manner
205     as Unix groups.  The third query mentioned above is not performed unless
206     a group provider plugin is also configured.  The actual LDAP queries per‐
207     formed by sudo are as follows:
209     1.   Match all nisNetgroup records with a nisNetgroupTriple containing
210          the user, host and NIS domain.  The query will match
211          nisNetgroupTriple entries with either the short or long form of the
212          host name or no host name specified in the tuple.  If the NIS domain
213          is set, the query will match only match entries that include the
214          domain or for which there is no domain present.  If the NIS domain
215          is not set, a wildcard is used to match any domain name but be aware
216          that the NIS schema used by some LDAP servers may not support wild
217          cards for nisNetgroupTriple.
219     2.   Repeated queries are performed to find any nested nisNetgroup
220          records with a memberNisNetgroup entry that refers to an already-
221          matched record.
223     For sites with a large number of netgroups, using NETGROUP_BASE can sig‐
224     nificantly speed up sudo's execution time.
226   Differences between LDAP and non-LDAP sudoers
227     One of the major differences between LDAP and file-based sudoers is that
228     in LDAP, sudo-specific Aliases are not supported.
230     For the most part, there is little need for sudo-specific Aliases.  Unix
231     groups, non-Unix groups (via the group_plugin) or user netgroups can be
232     used in place of User_Aliases and Runas_Aliases.  Host netgroups can be
233     used in place of Host_Aliases.  Since groups and netgroups can also be
234     stored in LDAP there is no real need for sudo-specific aliases.
236     There are also some subtle differences in the way sudoers is handled once
237     in LDAP.  Probably the biggest is that according to the RFC, LDAP order‐
238     ing is arbitrary and you cannot expect that Attributes and Entries are
239     returned in any specific order.
241     The order in which different entries are applied can be controlled using
242     the sudoOrder attribute, but there is no way to guarantee the order of
243     attributes within a specific entry.  If there are conflicting command
244     rules in an entry, the negative takes precedence.  This is called para‐
245     noid behavior (not necessarily the most specific match).
247     Here is an example:
249         # /etc/sudoers:
250         # Allow all commands except shell
251         johnny  ALL=(root) ALL,!/bin/sh
252         # Always allows all commands because ALL is matched last
253         puddles ALL=(root) !/bin/sh,ALL
255         # LDAP equivalent of johnny
256         # Allows all commands except shell
257         dn: cn=role1,ou=Sudoers,dc=my-domain,dc=com
258         objectClass: sudoRole
259         objectClass: top
260         cn: role1
261         sudoUser: johnny
262         sudoHost: ALL
263         sudoCommand: ALL
264         sudoCommand: !/bin/sh
266         # LDAP equivalent of puddles
267         # Notice that even though ALL comes last, it still behaves like
268         # role1 since the LDAP code assumes the more paranoid configuration
269         dn: cn=role2,ou=Sudoers,dc=my-domain,dc=com
270         objectClass: sudoRole
271         objectClass: top
272         cn: role2
273         sudoUser: puddles
274         sudoHost: ALL
275         sudoCommand: !/bin/sh
276         sudoCommand: ALL
278     Another difference is that it is not possible to use negation in a
279     sudoUser, sudoRunAsUser or sudoRunAsGroup attribute.  For example, the
280     following attributes do not behave the way one might expect.
282         # does not match all but joe
283         # rather, does not match anyone
284         sudoUser: !joe
286         # does not match all but joe
287         # rather, matches everyone including Joe
288         sudoUser: ALL
289         sudoUser: !joe
291   Converting between file-based and LDAP sudoers
292     The cvtsudoers(1) utility can be used to convert between file-based and
293     LDAP sudoers.  However, there are features in the file-based sudoers that
294     have no equivalent in LDAP-based sudoers (and vice versa).  These cannot
295     be converted automatically.
297     For example, a Cmnd_Alias in a sudoers file may be converted to a
298     sudoRole that contains multiple commands.  Multiple users and/or groups
299     may be assigned to the sudoRole.
301     Also, host, user, runas and command-based Defaults entries are not sup‐
302     ported.  However, a sudoRole may contain one or more sudoOption
303     attributes which can often serve the same purpose.
305     Consider the following sudoers lines:
307         Cmnd_Alias PAGERS = /usr/bin/more, /usr/bin/pg, /usr/bin/less
308         Defaults!PAGERS noexec
309         alice, bob ALL = ALL
311     In this example, alice and bob are allowed to run all commands, but the
312     commands listed in PAGERS will have the noexec flag set, preventing shell
313     escapes.
315     When converting this to LDAP, two sudoRole objects can be used:
317         dn: cn=PAGERS,ou=SUDOers,dc=my-domain,dc=com
318         objectClass: top
319         objectClass: sudoRole
320         cn: PAGERS
321         sudoUser: alice
322         sudoUser: bob
323         sudoHost: ALL
324         sudoCommand: /usr/bin/more
325         sudoCommand: /usr/bin/pg
326         sudoCommand: /usr/bin/less
327         sudoOption: noexec
328         sudoOrder: 900
330         dn: cn=ADMINS,ou=SUDOers,dc=my-domain,dc=com
331         objectClass: top
332         objectClass: sudoRole
333         cn: ADMINS
334         sudoUser: alice
335         sudoUser: bob
336         sudoHost: ALL
337         sudoCommand: ALL
338         sudoOrder: 100
340     In the LDAP version, the sudoOrder attribute is used to guarantee that
341     the PAGERS sudoRole with noexec has precedence.  Unlike the sudoers ver‐
342     sion, the LDAP version requires that all users for whom the restriction
343     should apply be assigned to the PAGERS sudoRole.  Using a Unix group or
344     netgroup in PAGERS rather than listing each user would make this easier
345     to maintain.
347     Per-user Defaults entries can be emulated by using one or more sudoOption
348     attributes in a sudoRole.  Consider the following sudoers lines:
350         User_Alias ADMINS = john, sally
351         Defaults:ADMINS !authenticate
352         ADMINS ALL = (ALL:ALL) ALL
354     In this example, john and sally are allowed to run any command as any
355     user or group.
357     When converting this to LDAP, we can use a Unix group instead of the
358     User_Alias.
360         dn: cn=admins,ou=SUDOers,dc=my-domain,dc=com
361         objectClass: top
362         objectClass: sudoRole
363         cn: admins
364         sudoUser: %admin
365         sudoHost: ALL
366         sudoRunAsUser: ALL
367         sudoRunAsGroup: ALL
368         sudoCommand: ALL
369         sudoOption: !authenticate
371     This assumes that users john and sally are members of the “admins” Unix
372     group.
374   Sudoers schema
375     In order to use sudo's LDAP support, the sudo schema must be installed on
376     your LDAP server.  In addition, be sure to index the sudoUser attribute.
378     The sudo distribution includes versions of the sudoers schema for multi‐
379     ple LDAP servers:
381     schema.OpenLDAP
382           OpenLDAP slapd and OpenBSD ldapd
384     schema.olcSudo
385           OpenLDAP slapd 2.3 and higher when on-line configuration is enabled
387     schema.iPlanet
388           Netscape-derived servers such as the iPlanet, Oracle, and 389
389           Directory Servers
391     schema.ActiveDirectory
392           Microsoft Active Directory
394     The schema in OpenLDAP format is also included in the EXAMPLES section.
396   Configuring ldap.conf
397     Sudo reads the /etc/ldap.conf file for LDAP-specific configuration.  Typ‐
398     ically, this file is shared between different LDAP-aware clients.  As
399     such, most of the settings are not sudo-specific. Note that sudo parses
400     /etc/ldap.conf itself and may support options that differ from those
401     described in the system's ldap.conf(5) manual.  The path to ldap.conf may
402     be overridden via the ldap_conf plugin argument in sudo.conf(5).
404     Also note that on systems using the OpenLDAP libraries, default values
405     specified in /etc/openldap/ldap.conf or the user's .ldaprc files are not
406     used.
408     Only those options explicitly listed in /etc/ldap.conf as being supported
409     by sudo are honored.  Configuration options are listed below in upper
410     case but are parsed in a case-independent manner.
412     Lines beginning with a pound sign (‘#’) are ignored.  Leading white space
413     is removed from the beginning of lines.
415     BIND_TIMELIMIT seconds
416           The BIND_TIMELIMIT parameter specifies the amount of time, in sec‐
417           onds, to wait while trying to connect to an LDAP server.  If multi‐
418           ple URIs or HOSTs are specified, this is the amount of time to wait
419           before trying the next one in the list.
421     BINDDN DN
422           The BINDDN parameter specifies the identity, in the form of a Dis‐
423           tinguished Name (DN), to use when performing LDAP operations.  If
424           not specified, LDAP operations are performed with an anonymous
425           identity.  By default, most LDAP servers will allow anonymous
426           access.
428     BINDPW secret
429           The BINDPW parameter specifies the password to use when performing
430           LDAP operations.  This is typically used in conjunction with the
431           BINDDN parameter.  The secret may be a plain text password or a
432           base64-encoded string with a “base64:” prefix.  For example:
434               BINDPW base64:dGVzdA==
436           If a plain text password is used, it should be a simple string
437           without quotes.  Plain text passwords may not include the comment
438           character (‘#’) and the escaping of special characters with a back‐
439           slash (‘\’) is not supported.
441     DEREF never/searching/finding/always
442           How alias dereferencing is to be performed when searching.  See the
443           ldap.conf(5) manual for a full description of this option.
445     HOST name[:port] ...
446           If no URI is specified (see below), the HOST parameter specifies a
447           white space-delimited list of LDAP servers to connect to.  Each
448           host may include an optional port separated by a colon (‘:’).  The
449           HOST parameter is deprecated in favor of the URI specification and
450           is included for backwards compatibility only.
452     KRB5_CCNAME file name
453           The path to the Kerberos 5 credential cache to use when authenti‐
454           cating with the remote server.  This option is only relevant when
455           using SASL authentication (see below).
457     LDAP_VERSION number
458           The version of the LDAP protocol to use when connecting to the
459           server.  The default value is protocol version 3.
461     NETGROUP_BASE base
462           The base DN to use when performing LDAP netgroup queries.  Typi‐
463           cally this is of the form ou=netgroup,dc=my-domain,dc=com for the
464           domain my-domain.com.  Multiple NETGROUP_BASE lines may be speci‐
465           fied, in which case they are queried in the order specified.
467           This option can be used to query a user's netgroups directly via
468           LDAP which is usually faster than fetching every sudoRole object
469           containing a sudoUser that begins with a ‘+’ prefix.  The NIS
470           schema used by some LDAP servers need a modification to support
471           querying the nisNetgroup object by its nisNetgroupTriple member.
472           OpenLDAP's slapd requires the following change to the
473           nisNetgroupTriple attribute:
475               attributetype ( NAME 'nisNetgroupTriple'
476                   DESC 'Netgroup triple'
477                   EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match
478                   SUBSTR caseIgnoreIA5SubstringsMatch
479                   SYNTAX )
481     NETGROUP_SEARCH_FILTER ldap_filter
482           An LDAP filter which is used to restrict the set of records
483           returned when performing an LDAP netgroup query.  Typically, this
484           is of the form attribute=value or
485           (&(attribute=value)(attribute2=value2)).  The default search filter
486           is: objectClass=nisNetgroup.  If ldap_filter is omitted, no search
487           filter will be used.  This option is only when querying netgroups
488           directly via LDAP.
490     NETWORK_TIMEOUT seconds
491           An alias for BIND_TIMELIMIT provided for OpenLDAP compatibility.
493     PORT port_number
494           If no URI is specified, the PORT parameter specifies the default
495           port to connect to on the LDAP server if a HOST parameter does not
496           specify the port itself.  If no PORT parameter is used, the default
497           is port 389 for LDAP and port 636 for LDAP over TLS (SSL).  The
498           PORT parameter is deprecated in favor of the URI specification and
499           is included for backwards compatibility only.
502           The ROOTBINDDN parameter specifies the identity, in the form of a
503           Distinguished Name (DN), to use when performing privileged LDAP
504           operations, such as sudoers queries.  The password corresponding to
505           the identity should be stored in the or the path specified by the
506           ldap_secret plugin argument in sudo.conf(5), which defaults to
507           /etc/ldap.secret.  If no ROOTBINDDN is specified, the BINDDN iden‐
508           tity is used (if any).
510     ROOTUSE_SASL on/true/yes/off/false/no
511           Enable ROOTUSE_SASL to enable SASL authentication when connecting
512           to an LDAP server from a privileged process, such as sudo.
514     SASL_AUTH_ID identity
515           The SASL user name to use when connecting to the LDAP server.  By
516           default, sudo will use an anonymous connection.  This option is
517           only relevant when using SASL authentication.
519     SASL_MECH mechanisms
520           A white space-delimited list of SASL authentication mechanisms to
521           use.  By default, sudo will use GSSAPI authentication.
523     SASL_SECPROPS none/properties
524           SASL security properties or none for no properties.  See the SASL
525           programmer's manual for details.  This option is only relevant when
526           using SASL authentication.
528     SSL on/true/yes/off/false/no
529           If the SSL parameter is set to on, true or yes, TLS (SSL) encryp‐
530           tion is always used when communicating with the LDAP server.  Typi‐
531           cally, this involves connecting to the server on port 636 (ldaps).
533     SSL start_tls
534           If the SSL parameter is set to start_tls, the LDAP server connec‐
535           tion is initiated normally and TLS encryption is begun before the
536           bind credentials are sent.  This has the advantage of not requiring
537           a dedicated port for encrypted communications.  This parameter is
538           only supported by LDAP servers that honor the start_tls extension,
539           such as the OpenLDAP and Tivoli Directory servers.
541     SUDOERS_BASE base
542           The base DN to use when performing sudo LDAP queries.  Typically
543           this is of the form ou=SUDOers,dc=my-domain,dc=com for the domain
544           my-domain.com.  Multiple SUDOERS_BASE lines may be specified, in
545           which case they are queried in the order specified.
547     SUDOERS_DEBUG debug_level
548           This sets the debug level for sudo LDAP queries.  Debugging infor‐
549           mation is printed to the standard error.  A value of 1 results in a
550           moderate amount of debugging information.  A value of 2 shows the
551           results of the matches themselves.  This parameter should not be
552           set in a production environment as the extra information is likely
553           to confuse users.
555           The SUDOERS_DEBUG parameter is deprecated and will be removed in a
556           future release.  The same information is now logged via the sudo
557           debugging framework using the “ldap” subsystem at priorities diag
558           and info for debug_level values 1 and 2 respectively.  See the
559           sudo.conf(5) manual for details on how to configure sudo debugging.
561     SUDOERS_SEARCH_FILTER ldap_filter
562           An LDAP filter which is used to restrict the set of records
563           returned when performing a sudo LDAP query.  Typically, this is of
564           the form attribute=value or
565           (&(attribute=value)(attribute2=value2)).  The default search filter
566           is: objectClass=sudoRole.  If ldap_filter is omitted, no search
567           filter will be used.
569     SUDOERS_TIMED on/true/yes/off/false/no
570           Whether or not to evaluate the sudoNotBefore and sudoNotAfter
571           attributes that implement time-dependent sudoers entries.
573     TIMELIMIT seconds
574           The TIMELIMIT parameter specifies the amount of time, in seconds,
575           to wait for a response to an LDAP query.
577     TIMEOUT seconds
578           The TIMEOUT parameter specifies the amount of time, in seconds, to
579           wait for a response from the various LDAP APIs.
581     TLS_CACERT file name
582           An alias for TLS_CACERTFILE for OpenLDAP compatibility.
584     TLS_CACERTFILE file name
585           The path to a certificate authority bundle which contains the cer‐
586           tificates for all the Certificate Authorities the client knows to
587           be valid, e.g., /etc/ssl/ca-bundle.pem.  This option is only sup‐
588           ported by the OpenLDAP libraries.  Netscape-derived LDAP libraries
589           use the same certificate database for CA and client certificates
590           (see TLS_CERT).
592     TLS_CACERTDIR directory
593           Similar to TLS_CACERTFILE but instead of a file, it is a directory
594           containing individual Certificate Authority certificates, e.g.,
595           /etc/ssl/certs.  The directory specified by TLS_CACERTDIR is
596           checked after TLS_CACERTFILE.  This option is only supported by the
597           OpenLDAP libraries.
599     TLS_CERT file name
600           The path to a file containing the client certificate which can be
601           used to authenticate the client to the LDAP server.  The certifi‐
602           cate type depends on the LDAP libraries used.
604           OpenLDAP:
605                 tls_cert /etc/ssl/client_cert.pem
607           Netscape-derived:
608                 tls_cert /var/ldap/cert7.db
610           Tivoli Directory Server:
611                 Unused, the key database specified by TLS_KEY contains both
612                 keys and certificates.
614                 When using Netscape-derived libraries, this file may also
615                 contain Certificate Authority certificates.
617     TLS_CHECKPEER on/true/yes/off/false/no
618           If enabled, TLS_CHECKPEER will cause the LDAP server's TLS certifi‐
619           cated to be verified.  If the server's TLS certificate cannot be
620           verified (usually because it is signed by an unknown certificate
621           authority), sudo will be unable to connect to it.  If TLS_CHECKPEER
622           is disabled, no check is made.  Note that disabling the check cre‐
623           ates an opportunity for man-in-the-middle attacks since the
624           server's identity will not be authenticated.  If possible, the CA's
625           certificate should be installed locally so it can be verified.
626           This option is not supported by the Tivoli Directory Server LDAP
627           libraries.
629     TLS_KEY file name
630           The path to a file containing the private key which matches the
631           certificate specified by TLS_CERT.  The private key must not be
632           password-protected.  The key type depends on the LDAP libraries
633           used.
635           OpenLDAP:
636                 tls_key /etc/ssl/client_key.pem
638           Netscape-derived:
639                 tls_key /var/ldap/key3.db
641           Tivoli Directory Server:
642                 tls_key /usr/ldap/ldapkey.kdb
643           When using Tivoli LDAP libraries, this file may also contain Cer‐
644           tificate Authority and client certificates and may be encrypted.
646     TLS_CIPHERS cipher list
647           The TLS_CIPHERS parameter allows the administer to restrict which
648           encryption algorithms may be used for TLS (SSL) connections.  See
649           the OpenLDAP or Tivoli Directory Server manual for a list of valid
650           ciphers.  This option is not supported by Netscape-derived
651           libraries.
653     TLS_KEYPW secret
654           The TLS_KEYPW contains the password used to decrypt the key data‐
655           base on clients using the Tivoli Directory Server LDAP library.
656           The secret may be a plain text password or a base64-encoded string
657           with a “base64:” prefix.  For example:
659               TLS_KEYPW base64:dGVzdA==
661           If a plain text password is used, it should be a simple string
662           without quotes.  Plain text passwords may not include the comment
663           character (‘#’) and the escaping of special characters with a back‐
664           slash (‘\’) is not supported.  If this option is used,
665           /etc/ldap.conf must not be world-readable to avoid exposing the
666           password.  Alternately, a stash file can be used to store the pass‐
667           word in encrypted form (see below).
669           If no TLS_KEYPW is specified, a stash file will be used if it
670           exists.  The stash file must have the same path as the file speci‐
671           fied by TLS_KEY, but use a .sth file extension instead of .kdb,
672           e.g., ldapkey.sth.  The default ldapkey.kdb that ships with Tivoli
673           Directory Server is encrypted with the password ssl_password.  The
674           gsk8capicmd utility can be used to manage the key database and cre‐
675           ate a stash file.  This option is only supported by the Tivoli LDAP
676           libraries.
678     TLS_REQCERT level
679           The TLS_REQCERT parameter controls how the LDAP server's TLS cer‐
680           tificated will be verified (if at all).  If the server's TLS cer‐
681           tificate cannot be verified (usually because it is signed by an
682           unknown certificate authority), sudo will be unable to connect to
683           it.  The following level values are supported:
685               never     The server certificate will not be requested or
686                         checked.
688               allow     The server certificate will be requested.  A missing
689                         or invalid certificate is ignored and not considered
690                         an error.
692               try       The server certificate will be requested.  A missing
693                         certificate is ignored but an invalid certificate
694                         will result in a connection error.
696               demand | hard
697                         The server certificate will be requested.  A missing
698                         or invalid certificate will result in a connection
699                         error.  This is the default behavior.
701           This option is only supported by the OpenLDAP libraries.  Other
702           LDAP libraries only support the TLS_CHECKPEER parameter.
704     TLS_RANDFILE file name
705           The TLS_RANDFILE parameter specifies the path to an entropy source
706           for systems that lack a random device.  It is generally used in
707           conjunction with prngd or egd.  This option is only supported by
708           the OpenLDAP libraries.
710     URI ldap[s]://[hostname[:port]] ...
711           Specifies a white space-delimited list of one or more URIs describ‐
712           ing the LDAP server(s) to connect to.  The protocol may be either
713           ldap ldaps, the latter being for servers that support TLS (SSL)
714           encryption.  If no port is specified, the default is port 389 for
715           ldap:// or port 636 for ldaps://.  If no hostname is specified,
716           sudo will connect to localhost.  Multiple URI lines are treated
717           identically to a URI line containing multiple entries.  Only sys‐
718           tems using the OpenSSL libraries support the mixing of ldap:// and
719           ldaps:// URIs.  Both the Netscape-derived and Tivoli LDAP libraries
720           used on most commercial versions of Unix are only capable of sup‐
721           porting one or the other.
723     USE_SASL on/true/yes/off/false/no
724           Enable USE_SASL for LDAP servers that support SASL authentication.
726     ROOTSASL_AUTH_ID identity
727           The SASL user name to use when ROOTUSE_SASL is enabled.
729     See the ldap.conf entry in the EXAMPLES section.
731   Configuring nsswitch.conf
732     Unless it is disabled at build time, sudo consults the Name Service
733     Switch file, /etc/nsswitch.conf, to specify the sudoers search order.
734     Sudo looks for a line beginning with sudoers: and uses this to determine
735     the search order.  Note that sudo does not stop searching after the first
736     match and later matches take precedence over earlier ones.  The following
737     sources are recognized:
739         files     read sudoers from /etc/sudoers
740         ldap      read sudoers from LDAP
742     In addition, the entry [NOTFOUND=return] will short-circuit the search if
743     the user was not found in the preceding source.
745     To consult LDAP first followed by the local sudoers file (if it exists),
746     use:
748         sudoers: ldap files
750     The local sudoers file can be ignored completely by using:
752         sudoers: ldap
754     If the /etc/nsswitch.conf file is not present or there is no sudoers
755     line, the following default is assumed:
757         sudoers: files
759     Note that /etc/nsswitch.conf is supported even when the underlying oper‐
760     ating system does not use an nsswitch.conf file, except on AIX (see
761     below).
763   Configuring netsvc.conf
764     On AIX systems, the /etc/netsvc.conf file is consulted instead of
765     /etc/nsswitch.conf.  sudo simply treats netsvc.conf as a variant of
766     nsswitch.conf; information in the previous section unrelated to the file
767     format itself still applies.
769     To consult LDAP first followed by the local sudoers file (if it exists),
770     use:
772         sudoers = ldap, files
774     The local sudoers file can be ignored completely by using:
776         sudoers = ldap
778     To treat LDAP as authoritative and only use the local sudoers file if the
779     user is not present in LDAP, use:
781         sudoers = ldap = auth, files
783     Note that in the above example, the auth qualifier only affects user
784     lookups; both LDAP and sudoers will be queried for Defaults entries.
786     If the /etc/netsvc.conf file is not present or there is no sudoers line,
787     the following default is assumed:
789         sudoers = files
791   Integration with sssd
792     On systems with the System Security Services Daemon (SSSD) and where sudo
793     has been built with SSSD support, it is possible to use SSSD to cache
794     LDAP sudoers rules.  To use SSSD as the sudoers source, you should use
795     sss instead of ldap for the sudoers entry in /etc/nsswitch.conf.  Note
796     that the /etc/ldap.conf file is not used by the SSSD sudo back end.
797     Please see sssd-sudo(5) for more information on configuring sudo to work
798     with SSSD.


801     /etc/ldap.conf            LDAP configuration file
803     /etc/nsswitch.conf        determines sudoers source order
805     /etc/netsvc.conf          determines sudoers source order on AIX


808   Example ldap.conf
809       # Either specify one or more URIs or one or more host:port pairs.
810       # If neither is specified sudo will default to localhost, port 389.
811       #
812       #host          ldapserver
813       #host          ldapserver1 ldapserver2:390
814       #
815       # Default port if host is specified without one, defaults to 389.
816       #port          389
817       #
818       # URI will override the host and port settings.
819       uri            ldap://ldapserver
820       #uri            ldaps://secureldapserver
821       #uri            ldaps://secureldapserver ldap://ldapserver
822       #
823       # The amount of time, in seconds, to wait while trying to connect to
824       # an LDAP server.
825       bind_timelimit 30
826       #
827       # The amount of time, in seconds, to wait while performing an LDAP query.
828       timelimit 30
829       #
830       # Must be set or sudo will ignore LDAP; may be specified multiple times.
831       sudoers_base   ou=SUDOers,dc=my-domain,dc=com
832       #
833       # verbose sudoers matching from ldap
834       #sudoers_debug 2
835       #
836       # Enable support for time-based entries in sudoers.
837       #sudoers_timed yes
838       #
839       # optional proxy credentials
840       #binddn        <who to search as>
841       #bindpw        <password>
842       #rootbinddn    <who to search as, uses /etc/ldap.secret for bindpw>
843       #
844       # LDAP protocol version, defaults to 3
845       #ldap_version 3
846       #
847       # Define if you want to use an encrypted LDAP connection.
848       # Typically, you must also set the port to 636 (ldaps).
849       #ssl on
850       #
851       # Define if you want to use port 389 and switch to
852       # encryption before the bind credentials are sent.
853       # Only supported by LDAP servers that support the start_tls
854       # extension such as OpenLDAP.
855       #ssl start_tls
856       #
857       # Additional TLS options follow that allow tweaking of the
858       # SSL/TLS connection.
859       #
860       #tls_checkpeer yes # verify server SSL certificate
861       #tls_checkpeer no  # ignore server SSL certificate
862       #
863       # If you enable tls_checkpeer, specify either tls_cacertfile
864       # or tls_cacertdir.  Only supported when using OpenLDAP.
865       #
866       #tls_cacertfile /etc/certs/trusted_signers.pem
867       #tls_cacertdir  /etc/certs
868       #
869       # For systems that don't have /dev/random
870       # use this along with PRNGD or EGD.pl to seed the
871       # random number pool to generate cryptographic session keys.
872       # Only supported when using OpenLDAP.
873       #
874       #tls_randfile /etc/egd-pool
875       #
876       # You may restrict which ciphers are used.  Consult your SSL
877       # documentation for which options go here.
878       # Only supported when using OpenLDAP.
879       #
880       #tls_ciphers <cipher-list>
881       #
882       # Sudo can provide a client certificate when communicating to
883       # the LDAP server.
884       # Tips:
885       #   * Enable both lines at the same time.
886       #   * Do not password protect the key file.
887       #   * Ensure the keyfile is only readable by root.
888       #
889       # For OpenLDAP:
890       #tls_cert /etc/certs/client_cert.pem
891       #tls_key  /etc/certs/client_key.pem
892       #
893       # For SunONE or iPlanet LDAP, tls_cert and tls_key may specify either
894       # a directory, in which case the files in the directory must have the
895       # default names (e.g., cert8.db and key4.db), or the path to the cert
896       # and key files themselves.  However, a bug in version 5.0 of the LDAP
897       # SDK will prevent specific file names from working.  For this reason
898       # it is suggested that tls_cert and tls_key be set to a directory,
899       # not a file name.
900       #
901       # The certificate database specified by tls_cert may contain CA certs
902       # and/or the client's cert.  If the client's cert is included, tls_key
903       # should be specified as well.
904       # For backward compatibility, "sslpath" may be used in place of tls_cert.
905       #tls_cert /var/ldap
906       #tls_key /var/ldap
907       #
908       # If using SASL authentication for LDAP (OpenSSL)
909       # use_sasl yes
910       # sasl_auth_id <SASL user name>
911       # rootuse_sasl yes
912       # rootsasl_auth_id <SASL user name for root access>
913       # sasl_secprops none
914       # krb5_ccname /etc/.ldapcache
916   Sudoers schema for OpenLDAP
917     The following schema, in OpenLDAP format, is included with sudo source
918     and binary distributions as schema.OpenLDAP.  Simply copy it to the
919     schema directory (e.g., /etc/openldap/schema), add the proper include
920     line in slapd.conf and restart slapd.  Sites using the optional on-line
921     configuration supported by OpenLDAP 2.3 and higher should apply the
922     schema.olcSudo file instead.
924       attributetype (
925          NAME 'sudoUser'
926          DESC 'User(s) who may  run sudo'
927          EQUALITY caseExactIA5Match
928          SUBSTR caseExactIA5SubstringsMatch
929          SYNTAX )
931       attributetype (
932          NAME 'sudoHost'
933          DESC 'Host(s) who may run sudo'
934          EQUALITY caseExactIA5Match
935          SUBSTR caseExactIA5SubstringsMatch
936          SYNTAX )
938       attributetype (
939          NAME 'sudoCommand'
940          DESC 'Command(s) to be executed by sudo'
941          EQUALITY caseExactIA5Match
942          SYNTAX )
944       attributetype (
945          NAME 'sudoRunAs'
946          DESC 'User(s) impersonated by sudo'
947          EQUALITY caseExactIA5Match
948          SYNTAX )
950       attributetype (
951          NAME 'sudoOption'
952          DESC 'Options(s) followed by sudo'
953          EQUALITY caseExactIA5Match
954          SYNTAX )
956       attributetype (
957          NAME 'sudoRunAsUser'
958          DESC 'User(s) impersonated by sudo'
959          EQUALITY caseExactIA5Match
960          SYNTAX )
962       attributetype (
963          NAME 'sudoRunAsGroup'
964          DESC 'Group(s) impersonated by sudo'
965          EQUALITY caseExactIA5Match
966          SYNTAX )
968       attributetype (
969          NAME 'sudoNotBefore'
970          DESC 'Start of time interval for which the entry is valid'
971          EQUALITY generalizedTimeMatch
972          ORDERING generalizedTimeOrderingMatch
973          SYNTAX )
975       attributetype (
976          NAME 'sudoNotAfter'
977          DESC 'End of time interval for which the entry is valid'
978          EQUALITY generalizedTimeMatch
979          ORDERING generalizedTimeOrderingMatch
980          SYNTAX )
982       attributetype (
983           NAME 'sudoOrder'
984           DESC 'an integer to order the sudoRole entries'
985           EQUALITY integerMatch
986           ORDERING integerOrderingMatch
987           SYNTAX )
989       objectclass ( NAME 'sudoRole' SUP top STRUCTURAL
990          DESC 'Sudoer Entries'
991          MUST ( cn )
992          MAY ( sudoUser $ sudoHost $ sudoCommand $ sudoRunAs $ sudoRunAsUser $
993                sudoRunAsGroup $ sudoOption $ sudoNotBefore $ sudoNotAfter $
994                sudoOrder $ description )
995          )


998     cvtsudoers(1), ldap.conf(5), sssd-sudo(5), sudo.conf(5), sudoers(5)


1001     Many people have worked on sudo over the years; this version consists of
1002     code written primarily by:
1004           Todd C. Miller
1006     See the CONTRIBUTORS file in the sudo distribution
1007     (https://www.sudo.ws/contributors.html) for an exhaustive list of people
1008     who have contributed to sudo.


1011     Note that there are differences in the way that LDAP-based sudoers is
1012     parsed compared to file-based sudoers.  See the Differences between LDAP
1013     and non-LDAP sudoers section for more information.


1016     If you feel you have found a bug in sudo, please submit a bug report at
1017     https://bugzilla.sudo.ws/


1020     Limited free support is available via the sudo-users mailing list, see
1021     https://www.sudo.ws/mailman/listinfo/sudo-users to subscribe or search
1022     the archives.


1025     sudo is provided “AS IS” and any express or implied warranties, includ‐
1026     ing, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and
1027     fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed.  See the LICENSE file
1028     distributed with sudo or https://www.sudo.ws/license.html for complete
1029     details.
1031Sudo 1.9.0b4                   October 20, 2019                   Sudo 1.9.0b4