1KUBERNETES(1)(kubernetes)                            KUBERNETES(1)(kubernetes)


6       kube-apiserver - Provides the API for kubernetes orchestration.


11       kube-apiserver [OPTIONS]


16       The  Kubernetes  API  server  validates and configures data for the api
17       objects which include pods, services, replicationcontrollers, and  oth‐
18       ers.  The API Server services REST operations and provides the frontend
19       to the cluster's shared state through which all other components inter‐
20       act.
23       kube-apiserver [flags]


28                --add-dir-header                                                                     If true, adds the file directory to the header
32       **--address                                                          ip
33       The IP address on which to serve the insecure --port  (set  to
34       for  all  IPv4  interfaces  and  **       :  for  all IPv6 interfaces).
35       (default (DEPRECATED: see --bind-address instead.)
38       --admission-control                                             strings
39       Admission is divided into two phases. In the first phase, only mutating
40       admission plugins run. In the second phase, only  validating  admission
41       plugins  run.  The  names  in the below list may represent a validating
42       plugin, a mutating plugin, or both. The order of plugins in which  they
43       are  passed to this flag does not matter. Comma-delimited list of
44       AlwaysAdmit, AlwaysDeny,  AlwaysPullImages,  CertificateApproval,  Cer‐
45       tificateSigning,   CertificateSubjectRestriction,  DefaultIngressClass,
46       DefaultStorageClass,   DefaultTolerationSeconds,    DenyEscalatingExec,
47       DenyExecOnPrivileged,    EventRateLimit,    ExtendedResourceToleration,
48       ImagePolicyWebhook,   LimitPodHardAntiAffinityTopology,    LimitRanger,
49       MutatingAdmissionWebhook,    NamespaceAutoProvision,   NamespaceExists,
50       NamespaceLifecycle, NodeRestriction,  OwnerReferencesPermissionEnforce‐
51       ment, PersistentVolumeClaimResize, PersistentVolumeLabel, PodNodeSelec‐
52       tor, PodPreset, PodSecurityPolicy, PodTolerationRestriction,  Priority,
53       ResourceQuota, RuntimeClass, SecurityContextDeny, ServiceAccount, Stor‐
54       ageObjectInUseProtection,  TaintNodesByCondition,  ValidatingAdmission‐
55       Webhook.   (DEPRECATED:   Use   --enable-admission-plugins   or  --dis‐
56       able-admission-plugins instead. Will be removed in a future version.)
59                --admission-control-config-file string                                               File with admission control configuration.
60                --advertise-address ip                                                               The IP address on which to advertise the apiserver to members of the cluster. This address must be reachable by the rest of the cluster. If blank, the --bind-address will be used. If --bind-address is unspecified, the host's default interface will be used.
61                --allow-privileged                                                                   If true, allow privileged containers. [default=false]
62                --alsologtostderr                                                                    log to standard error as well as files
66       --anonymous-auth
67       Enables  anonymous  requests  to  the  secure  port  of the API server.
68       Requests that are not rejected by  another  authentication  method  are
69       treated  as  anonymous  requests. Anonymous requests have a username of
70       system      anonymous, and  a  group  name  of  system:unauthenticated.
71       (default true)
74                --api-audiences strings                                                              Identifiers of the API. The service account token authenticator will validate that tokens used against the API are bound to at least one of these audiences. If the --service-account-issuer flag is configured and this flag is not, this field defaults to a single element list containing the issuer URL.
75                --apiserver-count int                                                                The number of apiservers running in the cluster, must be a positive number. (In use when --endpoint-reconciler-type=master-count is enabled.) (default 1)
76                --audit-dynamic-configuration                                                        Enables dynamic audit configuration. This feature also requires the DynamicAuditing feature flag
77                --audit-log-batch-buffer-size int                                                    The size of the buffer to store events before batching and writing. Only used in batch mode. (default 10000)
78                --audit-log-batch-max-size int                                                       The maximum size of a batch. Only used in batch mode. (default 1)
79                --audit-log-batch-max-wait duration                                                  The amount of time to wait before force writing the batch that hadn't reached the max size. Only used in batch mode.
80                --audit-log-batch-throttle-burst int                                                 Maximum number of requests sent at the same moment if ThrottleQPS was not utilized before. Only used in batch mode.
81                --audit-log-batch-throttle-enable                                                    Whether batching throttling is enabled. Only used in batch mode.
82                --audit-log-batch-throttle-qps float32                                               Maximum average number of batches per second. Only used in batch mode.
83                --audit-log-format string                                                            Format of saved audits. "legacy" indicates 1-line text format for each event. "json" indicates structured json format. Known formats are legacy,json. (default "json")
84                --audit-log-maxage int                                                               The maximum number of days to retain old audit log files based on the timestamp encoded in their filename.
85                --audit-log-maxbackup int                                                            The maximum number of old audit log files to retain.
86                --audit-log-maxsize int                                                              The maximum size in megabytes of the audit log file before it gets rotated.
87                --audit-log-mode string                                                              Strategy for sending audit events. Blocking indicates sending events should block server responses. Batch causes the backend to buffer and write events asynchronously. Known modes are batch,blocking,blocking-strict. (default "blocking")
88                --audit-log-path string                                                              If set, all requests coming to the apiserver will be logged to this file.  '-' means standard out.
89                --audit-log-truncate-enabled                                                         Whether event and batch truncating is enabled.
90                --audit-log-truncate-max-batch-size int                                              Maximum size of the batch sent to the underlying backend. Actual serialized size can be several hundreds of bytes greater. If a batch exceeds this limit, it is split into several batches of smaller size. (default 10485760)
91                --audit-log-truncate-max-event-size int                                              Maximum size of the audit event sent to the underlying backend. If the size of an event is greater than this number, first request and response are removed, and if this doesn't reduce the size enough, event is discarded. (default 102400)
92                --audit-log-version string                                                           API group and version used for serializing audit events written to log. (default "audit.k8s.io/v1")
93                --audit-policy-file string                                                           Path to the file that defines the audit policy configuration.
94                --audit-webhook-batch-buffer-size int                                                The size of the buffer to store events before batching and writing. Only used in batch mode. (default 10000)
95                --audit-webhook-batch-max-size int                                                   The maximum size of a batch. Only used in batch mode. (default 400)
96                --audit-webhook-batch-max-wait duration                                              The amount of time to wait before force writing the batch that hadn't reached the max size. Only used in batch mode. (default 30s)
97                --audit-webhook-batch-throttle-burst int                                             Maximum number of requests sent at the same moment if ThrottleQPS was not utilized before. Only used in batch mode. (default 15)
98                --audit-webhook-batch-throttle-enable                                                Whether batching throttling is enabled. Only used in batch mode. (default true)
99                --audit-webhook-batch-throttle-qps float32                                           Maximum average number of batches per second. Only used in batch mode. (default 10)
100                --audit-webhook-config-file string                                                   Path to a kubeconfig formatted file that defines the audit webhook configuration.
101                --audit-webhook-initial-backoff duration                                             The amount of time to wait before retrying the first failed request. (default 10s)
102                --audit-webhook-mode string                                                          Strategy for sending audit events. Blocking indicates sending events should block server responses. Batch causes the backend to buffer and write events asynchronously. Known modes are batch,blocking,blocking-strict. (default "batch")
103                --audit-webhook-truncate-enabled                                                     Whether event and batch truncating is enabled.
104                --audit-webhook-truncate-max-batch-size int                                          Maximum size of the batch sent to the underlying backend. Actual serialized size can be several hundreds of bytes greater. If a batch exceeds this limit, it is split into several batches of smaller size. (default 10485760)
105                --audit-webhook-truncate-max-event-size int                                          Maximum size of the audit event sent to the underlying backend. If the size of an event is greater than this number, first request and response are removed, and if this doesn't reduce the size enough, event is discarded. (default 102400)
106                --audit-webhook-version string                                                       API group and version used for serializing audit events written to webhook. (default "audit.k8s.io/v1")
107                --authentication-token-webhook-cache-ttl duration                                    The duration to cache responses from the webhook token authenticator. (default 2m0s)
108                --authentication-token-webhook-config-file string                                    File with webhook configuration for token authentication in kubeconfig format. The API server will query the remote service to determine authentication for bearer tokens.
109                --authentication-token-webhook-version string                                        The API version of the authentication.k8s.io TokenReview to send to and expect from the webhook. (default "v1beta1")
113       --authorization-mode                                            strings
114       Ordered  list  of  plug-ins  to  do  authorization  on   secure   port.
115       Comma-delimited    list   of           AlwaysAllow,AlwaysDeny,ABAC,Web‐
116       hook,RBAC,Node. (default [AlwaysAllow])
119                --authorization-policy-file string                                                   File with authorization policy in json line by line format, used with --authorization-mode=ABAC, on the secure port.
120                --authorization-webhook-cache-authorized-ttl duration                                The duration to cache 'authorized' responses from the webhook authorizer. (default 5m0s)
121                --authorization-webhook-cache-unauthorized-ttl duration                              The duration to cache 'unauthorized' responses from the webhook authorizer. (default 30s)
122                --authorization-webhook-config-file string                                           File with webhook configuration in kubeconfig format, used with --authorization-mode=Webhook. The API server will query the remote service to determine access on the API server's secure port.
123                --authorization-webhook-version string                                               The API version of the authorization.k8s.io SubjectAccessReview to send to and expect from the webhook. (default "v1beta1")
124                --azure-container-registry-config string                                             Path to the file containing Azure container registry configuration information.
128       **--bind-address                                                     ip
129       The IP address on which to listen for the --secure-port port. The asso‐
130       ciated interface(s) must be reachable by the rest of the  cluster,  and
131       by  CLI/web  clients. If blank or an unspecified address ( or **
132            :), all interfaces will be used. (default
135                --cert-dir string                                                                    The directory where the TLS certs are located. If --tls-cert-file and --tls-private-key-file are provided, this flag will be ignored. (default "/var/run/kubernetes")
136                --client-ca-file string                                                              If set, any request presenting a client certificate signed by one of the authorities in the client-ca-file is authenticated with an identity corresponding to the CommonName of the client certificate.
137                --cloud-config string                                                                The path to the cloud provider configuration file. Empty string for no configuration file.
138                --cloud-provider string                                                              The provider for cloud services. Empty string for no provider.
139                --cloud-provider-gce-l7lb-src-cidrs cidrs                                            CIDRs opened in GCE firewall for L7 LB traffic proxy  health checks (default,
140                --contention-profiling                                                               Enable lock contention profiling, if profiling is enabled
141                --cors-allowed-origins strings                                                       List of allowed origins for CORS, comma separated.  An allowed origin can be a regular expression to support subdomain matching. If this list is empty CORS will not be enabled.
145       --default-not-ready-toleration-seconds                              int
146       Indicates   the   tolerationSeconds  of  the  toleration  for  notReady
147            NoExecute that is added by default to  every  pod  that  does  not
148       already have such a toleration. (default 300)
151       --default-unreachable-toleration-seconds                            int
152       Indicates the  tolerationSeconds  of  the  toleration  for  unreachable
153            NoExecute  that  is  added  by  default to every pod that does not
154       already have such a toleration. (default 300)
157                --default-watch-cache-size int                                                       Default watch cache size. If zero, watch cache will be disabled for resources that do not have a default watch size set. (default 100)
158                --delete-collection-workers int                                                      Number of workers spawned for DeleteCollection call. These are used to speed up namespace cleanup. (default 1)
162       --disable-admission-plugins                                     strings
163       admission  plugins  that  should  be  disabled although they are in the
164       default enabled plugins  list  (NamespaceLifecycle,  LimitRanger,  Ser‐
165       viceAccount, TaintNodesByCondition, Priority, DefaultTolerationSeconds,
166       DefaultStorageClass,  StorageObjectInUseProtection,   PersistentVolume‐
167       ClaimResize,   RuntimeClass,  CertificateApproval,  CertificateSigning,
168       CertificateSubjectRestriction, DefaultIngressClass,  MutatingAdmission‐
169       Webhook,  ValidatingAdmissionWebhook,  ResourceQuota).  Comma-delimited
170       list of admission plugins       AlwaysAdmit, AlwaysDeny,  AlwaysPullIm‐
171       ages,  CertificateApproval,  CertificateSigning,  CertificateSubjectRe‐
172       striction,  DefaultIngressClass,  DefaultStorageClass,   DefaultTolera‐
173       tionSeconds,  DenyEscalatingExec, DenyExecOnPrivileged, EventRateLimit,
174       ExtendedResourceToleration, ImagePolicyWebhook, LimitPodHardAntiAffini‐
175       tyTopology,  LimitRanger, MutatingAdmissionWebhook, NamespaceAutoProvi‐
176       sion, NamespaceExists, NamespaceLifecycle, NodeRestriction, OwnerRefer‐
177       encesPermissionEnforcement, PersistentVolumeClaimResize, PersistentVol‐
178       umeLabel,  PodNodeSelector,  PodPreset,  PodSecurityPolicy,  PodTolera‐
179       tionRestriction,  Priority,  ResourceQuota,  RuntimeClass, SecurityCon‐
180       textDeny, ServiceAccount,  StorageObjectInUseProtection,  TaintNodesBy‐
181       Condition,  ValidatingAdmissionWebhook.  The  order  of plugins in this
182       flag does not matter.
185                --egress-selector-config-file string                                                 File with apiserver egress selector configuration.
189       --enable-admission-plugins                                      strings
190       admission plugins that should be enabled in addition to default enabled
191       ones (NamespaceLifecycle, LimitRanger, ServiceAccount, TaintNodesByCon‐
192       dition, Priority, DefaultTolerationSeconds, DefaultStorageClass, Stora‐
193       geObjectInUseProtection,   PersistentVolumeClaimResize,   RuntimeClass,
194       CertificateApproval, CertificateSigning, CertificateSubjectRestriction,
195       DefaultIngressClass, MutatingAdmissionWebhook,  ValidatingAdmissionWeb‐
196       hook,  ResourceQuota).  Comma-delimited list of admission plugins
197       AlwaysAdmit, AlwaysDeny,  AlwaysPullImages,  CertificateApproval,  Cer‐
198       tificateSigning,   CertificateSubjectRestriction,  DefaultIngressClass,
199       DefaultStorageClass,   DefaultTolerationSeconds,    DenyEscalatingExec,
200       DenyExecOnPrivileged,    EventRateLimit,    ExtendedResourceToleration,
201       ImagePolicyWebhook,   LimitPodHardAntiAffinityTopology,    LimitRanger,
202       MutatingAdmissionWebhook,    NamespaceAutoProvision,   NamespaceExists,
203       NamespaceLifecycle, NodeRestriction,  OwnerReferencesPermissionEnforce‐
204       ment, PersistentVolumeClaimResize, PersistentVolumeLabel, PodNodeSelec‐
205       tor, PodPreset, PodSecurityPolicy, PodTolerationRestriction,  Priority,
206       ResourceQuota, RuntimeClass, SecurityContextDeny, ServiceAccount, Stor‐
207       ageObjectInUseProtection,  TaintNodesByCondition,  ValidatingAdmission‐
208       Webhook. The order of plugins in this flag does not matter.
211                --enable-aggregator-routing                                                          Turns on aggregator routing requests to endpoints IP rather than cluster IP.
212                --enable-bootstrap-token-auth                                                        Enable to allow secrets of type 'bootstrap.kubernetes.io/token' in the 'kube-system' namespace to be used for TLS bootstrapping authentication.
213                --enable-garbage-collector                                                           Enables the generic garbage collector. MUST be synced with the corresponding flag of the kube-controller-manager. (default true)
214                --enable-priority-and-fairness                                                       If true and the APIPriorityAndFairness feature gate is enabled, replace the max-in-flight handler with an enhanced one that queues and dispatches with priority and fairness (default true)
215                --encryption-provider-config string                                                  The file containing configuration for encryption providers to be used for storing secrets in etcd
216                --endpoint-reconciler-type string                                                    Use an endpoint reconciler (master-count, lease, none) (default "lease")
217                --etcd-cafile string                                                                 SSL Certificate Authority file used to secure etcd communication.
218                --etcd-certfile string                                                               SSL certification file used to secure etcd communication.
219                --etcd-compaction-interval duration                                                  The interval of compaction requests. If 0, the compaction request from apiserver is disabled. (default 5m0s)
220                --etcd-count-metric-poll-period duration                                             Frequency of polling etcd for number of resources per type. 0 disables the metric collection. (default 1m0s)
221                --etcd-keyfile string                                                                SSL key file used to secure etcd communication.
222                --etcd-prefix string                                                                 The prefix to prepend to all resource paths in etcd. (default "/registry")
226       --etcd-servers                                                  strings
227       List of etcd servers to connect  with  (scheme       //ip:port),  comma
228       separated.
231       --etcd-servers-overrides                                        strings
232       Per-resource etcd servers overrides, comma  separated.  The  individual
233       override  format        group/resource#servers, where servers are URLs,
234       semicolon separated.
237                --event-ttl duration                                                                 Amount of time to retain events. (default 1h0m0s)
238                --external-hostname string                                                           The hostname to use when generating externalized URLs for this master (e.g. Swagger API Docs or OpenID Discovery).
242       --feature-gates                                           mapStringBool
243       A  set of key=value pairs that describe feature gates for alpha/experi‐
244       mental features. Options are
247                                                                                                     APIListChunking=true|false (BETA - default=true)
248                                                                                                     APIPriorityAndFairness=true|false (ALPHA - default=false)
249                                                                                                     APIResponseCompression=true|false (BETA - default=true)
250                                                                                                     AllAlpha=true|false (ALPHA - default=false)
251                                                                                                     AllBeta=true|false (BETA - default=false)
252                                                                                                     AllowInsecureBackendProxy=true|false (BETA - default=true)
253                                                                                                     AnyVolumeDataSource=true|false (ALPHA - default=false)
254                                                                                                     AppArmor=true|false (BETA - default=true)
255                                                                                                     BalanceAttachedNodeVolumes=true|false (ALPHA - default=false)
256                                                                                                     BoundServiceAccountTokenVolume=true|false (ALPHA - default=false)
257                                                                                                     CPUManager=true|false (BETA - default=true)
258                                                                                                     CRIContainerLogRotation=true|false (BETA - default=true)
259                                                                                                     CSIInlineVolume=true|false (BETA - default=true)
260                                                                                                     CSIMigration=true|false (BETA - default=true)
261                                                                                                     CSIMigrationAWS=true|false (BETA - default=false)
262                                                                                                     CSIMigrationAWSComplete=true|false (ALPHA - default=false)
263                                                                                                     CSIMigrationAzureDisk=true|false (ALPHA - default=false)
264                                                                                                     CSIMigrationAzureDiskComplete=true|false (ALPHA - default=false)
265                                                                                                     CSIMigrationAzureFile=true|false (ALPHA - default=false)
266                                                                                                     CSIMigrationAzureFileComplete=true|false (ALPHA - default=false)
267                                                                                                     CSIMigrationGCE=true|false (BETA - default=false)
268                                                                                                     CSIMigrationGCEComplete=true|false (ALPHA - default=false)
269                                                                                                     CSIMigrationOpenStack=true|false (BETA - default=false)
270                                                                                                     CSIMigrationOpenStackComplete=true|false (ALPHA - default=false)
271                                                                                                     ConfigurableFSGroupPolicy=true|false (ALPHA - default=false)
272                                                                                                     CustomCPUCFSQuotaPeriod=true|false (ALPHA - default=false)
273                                                                                                     DefaultIngressClass=true|false (BETA - default=true)
274                                                                                                     DevicePlugins=true|false (BETA - default=true)
275                                                                                                     DryRun=true|false (BETA - default=true)
276                                                                                                     DynamicAuditing=true|false (ALPHA - default=false)
277                                                                                                     DynamicKubeletConfig=true|false (BETA - default=true)
278                                                                                                     EndpointSlice=true|false (BETA - default=true)
279                                                                                                     EndpointSliceProxying=true|false (ALPHA - default=false)
280                                                                                                     EphemeralContainers=true|false (ALPHA - default=false)
281                                                                                                     EvenPodsSpread=true|false (BETA - default=true)
282                                                                                                     ExpandCSIVolumes=true|false (BETA - default=true)
283                                                                                                     ExpandInUsePersistentVolumes=true|false (BETA - default=true)
284                                                                                                     ExpandPersistentVolumes=true|false (BETA - default=true)
285                                                                                                     ExperimentalHostUserNamespaceDefaulting=true|false (BETA - default=false)
286                                                                                                     HPAScaleToZero=true|false (ALPHA - default=false)
287                                                                                                     HugePageStorageMediumSize=true|false (ALPHA - default=false)
288                                                                                                     HyperVContainer=true|false (ALPHA - default=false)
289                                                                                                     IPv6DualStack=true|false (ALPHA - default=false)
290                                                                                                     ImmutableEphemeralVolumes=true|false (ALPHA - default=false)
291                                                                                                     KubeletPodResources=true|false (BETA - default=true)
292                                                                                                     LegacyNodeRoleBehavior=true|false (ALPHA - default=true)
293                                                                                                     LocalStorageCapacityIsolation=true|false (BETA - default=true)
294                                                                                                     LocalStorageCapacityIsolationFSQuotaMonitoring=true|false (ALPHA - default=false)
295                                                                                                     NodeDisruptionExclusion=true|false (ALPHA - default=false)
296                                                                                                     NonPreemptingPriority=true|false (ALPHA - default=false)
297                                                                                                     PodDisruptionBudget=true|false (BETA - default=true)
298                                                                                                     PodOverhead=true|false (BETA - default=true)
299                                                                                                     ProcMountType=true|false (ALPHA - default=false)
300                                                                                                     QOSReserved=true|false (ALPHA - default=false)
301                                                                                                     RemainingItemCount=true|false (BETA - default=true)
302                                                                                                     RemoveSelfLink=true|false (ALPHA - default=false)
303                                                                                                     ResourceLimitsPriorityFunction=true|false (ALPHA - default=false)
304                                                                                                     RotateKubeletClientCertificate=true|false (BETA - default=true)
305                                                                                                     RotateKubeletServerCertificate=true|false (BETA - default=true)
306                                                                                                     RunAsGroup=true|false (BETA - default=true)
307                                                                                                     RuntimeClass=true|false (BETA - default=true)
308                                                                                                     SCTPSupport=true|false (ALPHA - default=false)
309                                                                                                     SelectorIndex=true|false (ALPHA - default=false)
310                                                                                                     ServerSideApply=true|false (BETA - default=true)
311                                                                                                     ServiceAccountIssuerDiscovery=true|false (ALPHA - default=false)
312                                                                                                     ServiceAppProtocol=true|false (ALPHA - default=false)
313                                                                                                     ServiceNodeExclusion=true|false (ALPHA - default=false)
314                                                                                                     ServiceTopology=true|false (ALPHA - default=false)
315                                                                                                     StartupProbe=true|false (BETA - default=true)
316                                                                                                     StorageVersionHash=true|false (BETA - default=true)
317                                                                                                     SupportNodePidsLimit=true|false (BETA - default=true)
318                                                                                                     SupportPodPidsLimit=true|false (BETA - default=true)
319                                                                                                     Sysctls=true|false (BETA - default=true)
320                                                                                                     TTLAfterFinished=true|false (ALPHA - default=false)
321                                                                                                     TokenRequest=true|false (BETA - default=true)
322                                                                                                     TokenRequestProjection=true|false (BETA - default=true)
323                                                                                                     TopologyManager=true|false (BETA - default=true)
324                                                                                                     ValidateProxyRedirects=true|false (BETA - default=true)
325                                                                                                     VolumeSnapshotDataSource=true|false (BETA - default=true)
326                                                                                                     WinDSR=true|false (ALPHA - default=false)
327                                                                                                     WinOverlay=true|false (ALPHA - default=false)
328                --goaway-chance float                                                                To prevent HTTP/2 clients from getting stuck on a single apiserver, randomly close a connection (GOAWAY). The client's other in-flight requests won't be affected, and the client will reconnect, likely landing on a different apiserver after going through the load balancer again. This argument sets the fraction of requests that will be sent a GOAWAY. Clusters with single apiservers, or which don't use a load balancer, should NOT enable this. Min is 0 (off), Max is .02 (1/50 requests); .001 (1/1000) is a recommended starting point.
332       -h,                                                              --help
333       help for kube-apiserver
334             --http2-max-streams-per-connection                            int
335       The limit that the server gives to clients for the  maximum  number  of
336       streams  in  an  HTTP/2 connection. Zero means to use golang's default.
337       **--insecure-bind-address                                            ip
338       The  IP  address  on which to serve the --insecure-port (set to
339       for all IPv4  interfaces  and  **       :  for  all  IPv6  interfaces).
340       (default (DEPRECATED: This flag will be removed in a future
341       version.)
344       --insecure-port                                                     int
345       The  port on which to serve unsecured, unauthenticated access. (default
346       8080) (DEPRECATED       This flag will be removed in a future version.)
349                --kubelet-certificate-authority string                                               Path to a cert file for the certificate authority.
350                --kubelet-client-certificate string                                                  Path to a client cert file for TLS.
351                --kubelet-client-key string                                                          Path to a client key file for TLS.
352                --kubelet-https                                                                      Use https for kubelet connections. (default true)
353                --kubelet-preferred-address-types strings                                            List of the preferred NodeAddressTypes to use for kubelet connections. (default [Hostname,InternalDNS,InternalIP,ExternalDNS,ExternalIP])
354                --kubelet-timeout duration                                                           Timeout for kubelet operations. (default 5s)
355                --kubernetes-service-node-port int                                                   If non-zero, the Kubernetes master service (which apiserver creates/maintains) will be of type NodePort, using this as the value of the port. If zero, the Kubernetes master service will be of type ClusterIP.
356                --livez-grace-period duration                                                        This option represents the maximum amount of time it should take for apiserver to complete its startup sequence and become live. From apiserver's start time to when this amount of time has elapsed, /livez will assume that unfinished post-start hooks will complete successfully and therefore return true.
360       --log-backtrace-at                                        traceLocation
361       when logging hits line file      N, emit a stack trace (default :0)
364                --log-dir string                                                                     If non-empty, write log files in this directory
365                --log-file string                                                                    If non-empty, use this log file
366                --log-file-max-size uint                                                             Defines the maximum size a log file can grow to. Unit is megabytes. If the value is 0, the maximum file size is unlimited. (default 1800)
367                --log-flush-frequency duration                                                       Maximum number of seconds between log flushes (default 5s)
368                --logtostderr                                                                        log to standard error instead of files (default true)
372       --master-service-namespace                                       string
373       DEPRECATED       the namespace from which the  Kubernetes  master  ser‐
374       vices should be injected into pods. (default "default")
377                --max-connection-bytes-per-sec int                                                   If non-zero, throttle each user connection to this number of bytes/sec. Currently only applies to long-running requests.
378                --max-mutating-requests-inflight int                                                 The maximum number of mutating requests in flight at a given time. When the server exceeds this, it rejects requests. Zero for no limit. (default 200)
379                --max-requests-inflight int                                                          The maximum number of non-mutating requests in flight at a given time. When the server exceeds this, it rejects requests. Zero for no limit. (default 400)
380                --min-request-timeout int                                                            An optional field indicating the minimum number of seconds a handler must keep a request open before timing it out. Currently only honored by the watch request handler, which picks a randomized value above this number as the connection timeout, to spread out load. (default 1800)
381                --oidc-ca-file string                                                                If set, the OpenID server's certificate will be verified by one of the authorities in the oidc-ca-file, otherwise the host's root CA set will be used.
382                --oidc-client-id string                                                              The client ID for the OpenID Connect client, must be set if oidc-issuer-url is set.
383                --oidc-groups-claim string                                                           If provided, the name of a custom OpenID Connect claim for specifying user groups. The claim value is expected to be a string or array of strings. This flag is experimental, please see the authentication documentation for further details.
384                --oidc-groups-prefix string                                                          If provided, all groups will be prefixed with this value to prevent conflicts with other authentication strategies.
385                --oidc-issuer-url string                                                             The URL of the OpenID issuer, only HTTPS scheme will be accepted. If set, it will be used to verify the OIDC JSON Web Token (JWT).
386                --oidc-required-claim mapStringString                                                A key=value pair that describes a required claim in the ID Token. If set, the claim is verified to be present in the ID Token with a matching value. Repeat this flag to specify multiple claims.
390       --oidc-signing-algs                                             strings
391       Comma-separated list of allowed  JOSE  asymmetric  signing  algorithms.
392       JWTs  with a 'alg' header value not in this list will be rejected. Val‐
393       ues       are       defined       by       RFC        7518        https
394            //tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7518#section-3.1. (default [RS256])
397                --oidc-username-claim string                                                         The OpenID claim to use as the user name. Note that claims other than the default ('sub') is not guaranteed to be unique and immutable. This flag is experimental, please see the authentication documentation for further details. (default "sub")
398                --oidc-username-prefix string                                                        If provided, all usernames will be prefixed with this value. If not provided, username claims other than 'email' are prefixed by the issuer URL to avoid clashes. To skip any prefixing, provide the value '-'.
402       --port                                                              int
403       The port on which to serve unsecured, unauthenticated access. Set to  0
404       to   disable.   (default  8080)  (DEPRECATED         see  --secure-port
405       instead.)
408       --profiling
409       Enable profiling via web interface host      port/debug/pprof/ (default
410       true)
413                --proxy-client-cert-file string                                                      Client certificate used to prove the identity of the aggregator or kube-apiserver when it must call out during a request. This includes proxying requests to a user api-server and calling out to webhook admission plugins. It is expected that this cert includes a signature from the CA in the --requestheader-client-ca-file flag. That CA is published in the 'extension-apiserver-authentication' configmap in the kube-system namespace. Components receiving calls from kube-aggregator should use that CA to perform their half of the mutual TLS verification.
414                --proxy-client-key-file string                                                       Private key for the client certificate used to prove the identity of the aggregator or kube-apiserver when it must call out during a request. This includes proxying requests to a user api-server and calling out to webhook admission plugins.
415                --request-timeout duration                                                           An optional field indicating the duration a handler must keep a request open before timing it out. This is the default request timeout for requests but may be overridden by flags such as --min-request-timeout for specific types of requests. (default 1m0s)
416                --requestheader-allowed-names strings                                                List of client certificate common names to allow to provide usernames in headers specified by --requestheader-username-headers. If empty, any client certificate validated by the authorities in --requestheader-client-ca-file is allowed.
420       --requestheader-client-ca-file                                   string
421       Root  certificate bundle to use to verify client certificates on incom‐
422       ing  requests  before  trusting  usernames  in  headers  specified   by
423       --requestheader-username-headers. WARNING       generally do not depend
424       on authorization being already done for incoming requests.
427                --requestheader-extra-headers-prefix strings                                         List of request header prefixes to inspect. X-Remote-Extra- is suggested.
428                --requestheader-group-headers strings                                                List of request headers to inspect for groups. X-Remote-Group is suggested.
429                --requestheader-username-headers strings                                             List of request headers to inspect for usernames. X-Remote-User is common.
433       --runtime-config                                        mapStringString
434       A  set  of  key=value  pairs that enable or disable built-in APIs. Sup‐
435       ported options are
438                                                                                                     v1=true|false for the core API group
439                                                                                                     <group>/<version>=true|false for a specific API group and version (e.g. apps/v1=true)
440                                                                                                     api/all=true|false controls all API versions
441                                                                                                     api/ga=true|false controls all API versions of the form v[0-9]+
442                                                                                                     api/beta=true|false controls all API versions of the form v[0-9]+beta[0-9]+
443                                                                                                     api/alpha=true|false controls all API versions of the form v[0-9]+alpha[0-9]+
444                                                                                                     api/legacy is deprecated, and will be removed in a future version
445                --secure-port int                                                                    The port on which to serve HTTPS with authentication and authorization. It cannot be switched off with 0. (default 6443)
446                --service-account-issuer {service-account-issuer}/.well-known/openid-configuration   Identifier of the service account token issuer. The issuer will assert this identifier in "iss" claim of issued tokens. This value is a string or URI. If this option is not a valid URI per the OpenID Discovery 1.0 spec, the ServiceAccountIssuerDiscovery feature will remain disabled, even if the feature gate is set to true. It is highly recommended that this value comply with the OpenID spec: https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-discovery-1_0.html. In practice, this means that service-account-issuer must be an https URL. It is also highly recommended that this URL be capable of serving OpenID discovery documents at {service-account-issuer}/.well-known/openid-configuration.
447                --service-account-jwks-uri string                                                    Overrides the URI for the JSON Web Key Set in the discovery doc served at /.well-known/openid-configuration. This flag is useful if the discovery docand key set are served to relying parties from a URL other than the API server's external (as auto-detected or overridden with external-hostname). Only valid if the ServiceAccountIssuerDiscovery feature gate is enabled.
448                --service-account-key-file stringArray                                               File containing PEM-encoded x509 RSA or ECDSA private or public keys, used to verify ServiceAccount tokens. The specified file can contain multiple keys, and the flag can be specified multiple times with different files. If unspecified, --tls-private-key-file is used. Must be specified when --service-account-signing-key is provided
449                --service-account-lookup                                                             If true, validate ServiceAccount tokens exist in etcd as part of authentication. (default true)
450                --service-account-max-token-expiration duration                                      The maximum validity duration of a token created by the service account token issuer. If an otherwise valid TokenRequest with a validity duration larger than this value is requested, a token will be issued with a validity duration of this value.
451                --service-account-signing-key-file string                                            Path to the file that contains the current private key of the service account token issuer. The issuer will sign issued ID tokens with this private key. (Requires the 'TokenRequest' feature gate.)
452                --service-cluster-ip-range string                                                    A CIDR notation IP range from which to assign service cluster IPs. This must not overlap with any IP ranges assigned to nodes for pods.
456       --service-node-port-range                                     portRange
457       A  port range to reserve for services with NodePort visibility. Example
458             '30000-32767'. Inclusive at both  ends  of  the  range.  (default
459       30000-32767)
462       --show-hidden-metrics-for-version                                string
463       The previous version for which you want to show  hidden  metrics.  Only
464       the  previous  minor  version  is  meaningful, other values will not be
465       allowed. The format is ., e.g.        '1.16'. The purpose of this  for‐
466       mat is make sure you have the opportunity to notice if the next release
467       hides additional metrics, rather than being  surprised  when  they  are
468       permanently removed in the release after that.
471                --shutdown-delay-duration duration                                                   Time to delay the termination. During that time the server keeps serving requests normally and /healthz returns success, but /readyz immediately returns failure. Graceful termination starts after this delay has elapsed. This can be used to allow load balancer to stop sending traffic to this server.
472                --skip-headers                                                                       If true, avoid header prefixes in the log messages
473                --skip-log-headers                                                                   If true, avoid headers when opening log files
474                --stderrthreshold severity                                                           logs at or above this threshold go to stderr (default 2)
478       --storage-backend                                                string
479       The storage backend for persistence. Options       'etcd3' (default).
482                --storage-media-type string                                                          The media type to use to store objects in storage. Some resources or storage backends may only support a specific media type and will ignore this setting. (default "application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf")
483                --target-ram-mb int                                                                  Memory limit for apiserver in MB (used to configure sizes of caches, etc.)
484                --tls-cert-file string                                                               File containing the default x509 Certificate for HTTPS. (CA cert, if any, concatenated after server cert). If HTTPS serving is enabled, and --tls-cert-file and --tls-private-key-file are not provided, a self-signed certificate and key are generated for the public address and saved to the directory specified by --cert-dir.
488       --tls-cipher-suites                                             strings
489       Comma-separated  list  of cipher suites for the server. If omitted, the
490       default  Go  cipher  suites  will  be  use.   Possible   values
494       --tls-min-version                                                string
495       Minimum TLS version supported. Possible values       VersionTLS10, Ver‐
496       sionTLS11, VersionTLS12, VersionTLS13
499                --tls-private-key-file string                                                        File containing the default x509 private key matching --tls-cert-file.
503       --tls-sni-cert-key                                         namedCertKey
504       A  pair of x509 certificate and private key file paths, optionally suf‐
505       fixed with a list of domain patterns which are fully  qualified  domain
506       names,  possibly  with  prefixed wildcard segments. The domain patterns
507       also allow IP addresses, but IPs should only be used if  the  apiserver
508       has  visibility  to  the IP address requested by a client. If no domain
509       patterns are provided, the names  of  the  certificate  are  extracted.
510       Non-wildcard  matches trump over wildcard matches, explicit domain pat‐
511       terns trump over extracted names. For multiple  key/certificate  pairs,
512       use  the  --tls-sni-cert-key  multiple  times.  Examples         "exam‐
513       ple.crt,example.key" or  "foo.crt,foo.key:*.foo.com,foo.com".  (default
514       [])
517                --token-auth-file string                                                             If set, the file that will be used to secure the secure port of the API server via token authentication.
521       -v,                              --v                              Level
522       number for the log level verbosity
523             --version                                          version[=true]
524       Print version information and quit
525             --vmodule                                              moduleSpec
526       comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging
527             --watch-cache
528       Enable    watch    caching    in    the    apiserver   (default   true)
529       --watch-cache-sizes                                             strings
530       Watch cache size settings for some resources (pods, nodes, etc.), comma
531       separated. The individual setting format         resource[.group]#size,
532       where  resource  is lowercase plural (no version), group is omitted for
533       resources of apiVersion v1 (the legacy core API) and included for  oth‐
534       ers, and size is a number. It takes effect when watch-cache is enabled.
535       Some resources (replicationcontrollers, endpoints,  nodes,  pods,  ser‐
536       vices,  apiservices.apiregistration.k8s.io) have system defaults set by
537       heuristics, others default to default-watch-cache-size


542       /usr/bin/kube-apiserver            --logtostderr=true             --v=0
543       --etcd_servers=  --insecure_bind_address=
544       --insecure_port=8080        --kubelet_port=10250        --service-clus‐
545       ter-ip-range= --allow_privileged=false
549Manuals                              User            KUBERNETES(1)(kubernetes)