1PROJINFO(1)                          PROJ                          PROJINFO(1)


6       projinfo - Geodetic object and coordinate operation queries


9          projinfo
10            [-o formats] [-k crs|operation|ellipsoid] [--summary] [-q]
11            [[--area name_or_code] | [--bbox west_long,south_lat,east_long,north_lat]]
12            [--spatial-test contains|intersects]
13            [--crs-extent-use none|both|intersection|smallest]
14            [--grid-check none|discard_missing|sort] [--show-superseded]
15            [--pivot-crs always|if_no_direct_transformation|never|{auth:code[,auth:code]*}]
16            [--boundcrs-to-wgs84]
17            [--main-db-path path] [--aux-db-path path]*
18            [--identify] [--3d]
19            [--c-ify] [--single-line]
20            {object_definition} | {object_reference} | (-s {srs_def} -t {srs_def})
24          where {object_definition} or {srs_def} is
26          · a proj-string,
28          · a WKT string,
30          · an  object  code  (like "EPSG:4326", "urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326",
31            "urn:ogc:def:coordinateOperation:EPSG::1671"),
33          · a OGC URN combining references for compound  coordinate  reference
34            systems  (e.g  "urn:ogc:def:crs,crs:EPSG::2393,crs:EPSG::5717"  or
35            custom abbreviated syntax "EPSG:2393+5717"),
37          · a OGC URN combining references for  references  for  projected  or
38            derived  CRSs  e.g.  for  Projected  3D CRS "UTM zone 31N / WGS 84
39            (3D)":                                                          "‐
40            urn:ogc:def:crs,crs:EPSG::4979,cs:PROJ::ENh,coordinateOpera‐
41            tion:EPSG::16031" (added in 6.2)
43          · a OGC URN combining references for concatenated  operations  (e.g.
44            "‐
45            urn:ogc:def:coordinateOperation,coordinateOpera‐
46            tion:EPSG::3895,coordinateOperation:EPSG::1618")
48          · a      PROJJSON      string.      The     jsonschema     is     at
49            https://proj.org/schemas/v0.1/projjson.schema.json (added in 6.2)
51          {object_reference} is a filename preceded by the '@' character.  The
52          file  referenced  by  the  {object_reference}  must  contain a valid
53          {object_definition}.


56       projinfo is a program that can query information on a geodetic  object,
57       coordinate  reference system (CRS) or coordinate operation, when the -s
58       and -t options are specified, and display it  under  different  formats
59       (PROJ string, WKT string or PROJJSON string).
61       It  can  also  be used to query coordinate operations available between
62       two CRS.
64       The program is named with some reference to the GDAL  gdalsrsinfo  that
65       offers partly similar services.
67       The following control parameters can appear in any order:
69       -o formats
70              formats is a comma separated combination of: all, default, PROJ,
71              WKT_ALL, WKT2:2015, WKT2:2019, WKT1:GDAL, WKT1:ESRI, PROJJSON.
73              Except all and default, other formats can be preceded  by  -  to
74              disable them.
76              NOTE:
77                 WKT2_2019 was previously called WKT2_2018.
79              NOTE:
80                 Before  PROJ 6.3.0, WKT1:GDAL was implicitly calling --bound‐
81                 crs-to-wgs84.  This is no longer the case.
83       -k crs|operation|ellipsoid
84              When used to query a single object with a AUTHORITY:CODE, deter‐
85              mines the (k)ind of the object in case there are CRS, coordinate
86              operations or ellipsoids with the same  CODE.   The  default  is
87              crs.
89       --summary
90              When  listing  coordinate  operations  available  between 2 CRS,
91              return the result in a summary format, mentioning only the  name
92              of the coordinate operation, its accuracy and its area of use.
94              NOTE:
95                 only used for coordinate operation computation
97       -q     Turn  on quiet mode. Quiet mode is only available for queries on
98              single objects, and only one output format is selected. In  that
99              mode,  only the PROJ, WKT or PROJJSON string is displayed, with‐
100              out other introduction output. The output  is  then  potentially
101              compatible of being piped in other utilities.
103       --area name_or_code
104              Specify  an  area  of  interest  to  restrict  the  results when
105              researching coordinate operations between 2  CRS.  The  area  of
106              interest  can  be  specified  either  as  a name (e.g "Denmark -
107              onshore") or a AUTHORITY:CODE (EPSG:3237) This option is  exclu‐
108              sive of --bbox.
110              NOTE:
111                 only used for coordinate operation computation
113       --bbox west_long,south_lat,east_long,north_lat
114              Specify  an  area  of  interest  to  restrict  the  results when
115              researching coordinate operations between 2  CRS.  The  area  of
116              interest  is specified as a bounding box with geographic coordi‐
117              nates, expressed in degrees in  a  unspecified  geographic  CRS.
118              west_long  and  east_long should be in the [-180,180] range, and
119              south_lat and north_lat in the [-90,90]. west_long is  generally
120              lower  than  east_long,  except  in  the  case where the area of
121              interest crosses the antimeridian.
123              NOTE:
124                 only used for coordinate operation computation
126       --spatial-test contains|intersects
127              Specify how the area of use of coordinate  operations  found  in
128              the  database  are compared to the area of use specified explic‐
129              itly with --area or --bbox, or derived implicitly from the  area
130              of  use of the source and target CRS.  By default, projinfo will
131              only keep coordinate operations whose are  of  use  is  strictly
132              within  the  area of interest (contains strategy).  If using the
133              intersects strategy, the spatial test is relaxed, and any  coor‐
134              dinate  operation  whose  area of use at least partly intersects
135              the area of interest is listed.
137              NOTE:
138                 only used for coordinate operation computation
140       --crs-extent-use none|both|intersection|smallest
141              Specify which area of interest to consider when no explicit  one
142              is  specified with --area or --bbox options.  By default (small‐
143              est strategy), the area of use of the source or target CRS  will
144              be looked, and the one that is the smallest one in terms of area
145              will be used as the area of interest.  If using none, no area of
146              interest  is  used.   If  using both, only coordinate operations
147              that   relate   (contain   or   intersect   depending   of   the
148              --spatial-test  strategy)  to  the  area  of use of both CRS are
149              selected.  If using intersection, the area of  interest  is  the
150              intersection  of  the  bounding  box  of  the area of use of the
151              source and target CRS
153              NOTE:
154                 only used for coordinate operation computation
156       --grid-check none|discard_missing|sort
157              Specify how the presence or absence of a horizontal or  vertical
158              shift  grid  required  for  a  coordinate  operation affects the
159              results returned when researching coordinate operations  between
160              2  CRS.   The default strategy is sort: in that case, all candi‐
161              date operations are returned, but the actual availability of the
162              grids  is  used  to  determine  the sorting order. That is, if a
163              coordinate operation involves using a grid that is not available
164              in  the  PROJ  resource  directories (determined by the PROJ_LIB
165              environment variable, it will be listed in  the  bottom  of  the
166              results.   The  none  strategy completely disables the checks of
167              presence of grids and this returns the results  as  if  all  the
168              grids  where  available.   The discard_missing strategy discards
169              results that involve grids not  present  in  the  PROJ  resource
170              directories.
172              NOTE:
173                 only used for coordinate operation computation
175       -show-superseded
176              When  enabled, coordinate operations that are superseded by oth‐
177              ers will be listed. Note that supersession is not equivalent  to
178              deprecation:  superseded  operations  are still considered valid
179              although they have a better equivalent, whereas deprecated oper‐
180              ations  have been determined to be erroneous and are not consid‐
181              ered at all.
183              NOTE:
184                 only used for coordinate operation computation
186       --pivot-crs                             always|if_no_direct_transforma‐
187       tion|never|{auth:code[,auth:code]*}
188              Determine if intermediate (pivot) CRS can be used when research‐
189              ing coordinate operation between 2 CRS. A typical example is the
190              WGS84  pivot.  By  default, projinfo will consider any potential
191              pivot if there is no direct transformation ( if_no_direct_trans‐
192              formation). If using the never strategy, only direct transforma‐
193              tions between the source and target CRS will be used.  If  using
194              the always strategy, intermediate CRS will be considered even if
195              there are  direct  transformations.   It  is  also  possible  to
196              restrict  the pivot CRS to consider by specifying one or several
197              CRS by their AUTHORITY:CODE.
199              NOTE:
200                 only used for coordinate operation computation
202       --boundcrs-to-wgs84
203              When specified, this option researches  a  coordinate  operation
204              from the base geographic CRS of the single CRS, source or target
205              CRS to the WGS84 geographic CRS, and if found, wraps  those  CRS
206              into  a  BoundCRS  object.   This  is  mostly  to  be  used  for
207              early-binding approaches.
209       --main-db-path path
210              Specify the name and path of the database to  be  used  by  pro‐
211              jinfo. The default is proj.db in the PROJ resource directories.
213       --aux-db-path path
214              Specify the name and path of auxiliary databases, that are to be
215              combined with the main database. Those auxiliary databases  must
216              have  a  table structure that is identical to the main database,
217              but can be partly filled and their entries can refer to  entries
218              of  the  main  database.   The option may be repeated to specify
219              several auxiliary databases.
221       --identify
222              When used with an object definition, this queries the PROJ data‐
223              base  to  find  known  objects, typically CRS, that are close or
224              identical to the object.  Each candidate  object  is  associated
225              with  an approximate likelihood percentage.  This is useful when
226              used with a WKT string that lacks a  EPSG  identifier,  such  as
227              ESRI WKT1. This might also be used with PROJ strings.  For exam‐
228              ple, +proj=utm +zone=31 +datum=WGS84 +type=crs will  be  identi‐
229              fied with a likelihood of 70% to EPSG:32631
231       --3d   New in version 6.3.
234              "Promote"  the  CRS(s)  to  their  3D version. In the context of
235              researching  available  coordinate  transformations,  explicitly
236              specifying this option is not necessary, because when one of the
237              source or target CRS has a vertical component but not the  other
238              one,  the  one  that  has no vertical component is automatically
239              promoted to a 3D version, where its vertical axis is the  ellip‐
240              soidal height in metres, using the ellipsoid of the base geodet‐
241              ic CRS.
243       --c-ify
244              For developers only. Modify the string output of the utility  so
245              that it is easy to put those strings in C/C++ code
247       --single-line
248              Output WKT or PROJJSON strings on a single line, instead of mul‐
249              tiple intended lines by default.


252       1. Query the CRS object corresponding to EPSG:4326
254          projinfo EPSG:4326
256       Output:
258          PROJ.4 string:
259          +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +type=crs
261          WKT2:2019 string:
262          GEOGCRS["WGS 84",
263              DATUM["World Geodetic System 1984",
264                  ELLIPSOID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,
265                      LENGTHUNIT["metre",1]]],
266              PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,
267                  ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433]],
268              CS[ellipsoidal,2],
269                  AXIS["geodetic latitude (Lat)",north,
270                      ORDER[1],
271                      ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433]],
272                  AXIS["geodetic longitude (Lon)",east,
273                      ORDER[2],
274                      ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433]],
275              USAGE[
276                  SCOPE["unknown"],
277                  AREA["World"],
278                  BBOX[-90,-180,90,180]],
279              ID["EPSG",4326]]
281       2. List the coordinate operations between NAD27 (designed with its  CRS
282          name) and NAD83 (designed with its EPSG code 4269) within an area of
283          interest
285          projinfo -s NAD27 -t EPSG:4269 --area "USA - Missouri"
287       Output:
289          DERIVED_FROM(EPSG):1241, NAD27 to NAD83 (1), 0.15 m, USA - CONUS including EEZ
291          PROJ string:
292          +proj=pipeline +step +proj=axisswap +order=2,1 +step +proj=unitconvert \
293          +xy_in=deg +xy_out=rad +step +proj=hgridshift +grids=conus \
294          +step +proj=unitconvert +xy_in=rad +xy_out=deg +step +proj=axisswap +order=2,1
296          WKT2:2019 string:
297          COORDINATEOPERATION["NAD27 to NAD83 (1)",
298              SOURCECRS[
299                  GEOGCRS["NAD27",
300                      DATUM["North American Datum 1927",
301                          ELLIPSOID["Clarke 1866",6378206.4,294.978698213898,
302                              LENGTHUNIT["metre",1]]],
303                      PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,
304                          ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433]],
305                      CS[ellipsoidal,2],
306                          AXIS["geodetic latitude (Lat)",north,
307                              ORDER[1],
308                              ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433]],
309                          AXIS["geodetic longitude (Lon)",east,
310                              ORDER[2],
311                              ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433]]]],
312              TARGETCRS[
313                  GEOGCRS["NAD83",
314                      DATUM["North American Datum 1983",
315                          ELLIPSOID["GRS 1980",6378137,298.257222101,
316                              LENGTHUNIT["metre",1]]],
317                      PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,
318                          ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433]],
319                      CS[ellipsoidal,2],
320                          AXIS["geodetic latitude (Lat)",north,
321                              ORDER[1],
322                              ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433]],
323                          AXIS["geodetic longitude (Lon)",east,
324                              ORDER[2],
325                              ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433]]]],
326              METHOD["CTABLE2"],
327              PARAMETERFILE["Latitude and longitude difference file","conus"],
328              OPERATIONACCURACY[0.15],
329              USAGE[
330                  SCOPE["unknown"],
331                  AREA["USA - CONUS including EEZ"],
332                  BBOX[23.81,-129.17,49.38,-65.69]],
333              ID["DERIVED_FROM(EPSG)",1241]]
335       3. Export an object as a PROJJSON string
337          projinfo GDA94 -o PROJJSON -q
339       Output:
341          {
342              "type": "GeographicCRS",
343              "name": "GDA94",
344              "datum": {
345                  "type": "GeodeticReferenceFrame",
346                  "name": "Geocentric Datum of Australia 1994",
347                  "ellipsoid": {
348                      "name": "GRS 1980",
349                      "semi_major_axis": 6378137,
350                      "inverse_flattening": 298.257222101
351                  }
352              },
353              "coordinate_system": {
354                  "subtype": "ellipsoidal",
355                  "axis": [
356                  {
357                      "name": "Geodetic latitude",
358                      "abbreviation": "Lat",
359                      "direction": "north",
360                      "unit": "degree"
361                  },
362                  {
363                      "name": "Geodetic longitude",
364                      "abbreviation": "Lon",
365                      "direction": "east",
366                      "unit": "degree"
367                  }
368                  ]
369              },
370              "area": "Australia - GDA",
371              "bbox": {
372                  "south_latitude": -60.56,
373                  "west_longitude": 93.41,
374                  "north_latitude": -8.47,
375                  "east_longitude": 173.35
376              },
377              "id": {
378                  "authority": "EPSG",
379                  "code": 4283
380              }
381          }


384       cs2cs(1), cct(1), geod(1), gie(1), proj(1)


387       A     list     of     know     bugs      can      be      found      at
388       https://github.com/OSGeo/PROJ/issues  where new bug reports can be sub‐
389       mitted to.


392       https://proj.org/


395       Even Rouault
398       1983-2020
4036.3.2                            Apr 27, 2020                      PROJINFO(1)