1REPOCUTTER(1)                                                    REPOCUTTER(1)


6       repocutter - surgical and filtering operations on Subversion dump files


9       repocutter [-q] [-d] [-i 'filename'] [-r 'selection'] 'subcommand'


12       This program does surgical and filtering operations on Subversion dump
13       files. While it is is not as flexible as reposurgeon(1), it can perform
14       Subversion-specific transformations that reposurgeon cannot, and can be
15       useful for processing Subversion repositories into a form suitable for
16       conversion. Also, it supports the version 3 dumpfile format, which
17       reposurgeon does not.
19       In all commands, the -r (or --range) option limits the selection of
20       revisions over which an operation will be performed. Usually it behaves
21       like an implied select on the revision output range. A selection
22       consists of one or more comma-separated ranges. A range may consist of
23       an integer revision number or the special name HEAD for the head
24       revision. Or it may be a colon-separated pair of integers, or an
25       integer followed by a colon followed by HEAD.
27       Normally, each subcommand produces a progress spinner on standard
28       error; each turn means another revision has been filtered. The -q (or
29       --quiet) option suppresses this.
31       The -d option enables debug messages on standard error. These are
32       probably only of interest to repocutter developers.
34       The -i option sets the input source to a specified filename. This is
35       primarily useful when running the program under a debugger. When this
36       option is not present the program expects to read a stream from
37       standard input.
39       Generally, if you need to use this program at all, you will find that
40       you need to pipe your dump file through multiple instances of it doing
41       one kind of operation each. This is not as expensive as it sounds; with
42       the exception of the reduce subcommand, the working set of this program
43       is bounded by the size of the the largest single blob plus its
44       metadata. It does not need to hold the entire repo metadata in memory.
46       The following subcommands are available:
48       help
49           Without arguments, list available commands. With a command-name
50           argument, show detailed help for that subcommand.
52       The 'deselect' subcommand selects a range and permits only revisions
53       NOT in that range to pass to standard output.
55       deselect
56           The 'deselect' subcommand selects a range and permits only
57           revisions not in that range to pass to standard output.
59       expunge
60           Delete all operations with Node-path headers matching specified Go
61           regular expressions. Any revision left with no Node records after
62           this filtering has its Revision record removed as well.
64       log
65           Generate a log report, same format as the output of svn log on a
66           repository, to standard output.
68       obscure
69           Replace path segments and committer IDs with arbitrary but
70           consistent names in order to obscure them. The replacement
71           algorithm is tuned to make the replacements readily distinguishable
72           by eyeball.
74       pathrename
75           Modify Node-path and Node-copyfrom-path headers matching a
76           specified regular expression; replace with a given string. The
77           string may contain references to parenthesized portions of the
78           pattern - note, these must be Go-style references led by $, not by
79           a backslash as in reposurgeon itself. See the embedded help for
80           syntax details.
82       pop
83           Pop initial segment off each path. May be useful after a sift
84           command to turn a dump from a subproject stripped from a dump for a
85           multiple-project repository into the normal form with
86           trunk/tags/branches at the top level.
88       propset
89           Set a property to a value. May be restricted by a revision
90           selection. You may specify multiple property settings. See the
91           embedded help for syntax details.
93       propdel
94           Delete the named property. May be restricted by a revision
95           selection. You may specify multiple properties to be deleted. See
96           the embedded help for syntax details.
98       proprename
99           Rename a property. May be restricted by a revision selection. You
100           may specify multiple properties to be renamed. See the embedded
101           help for syntax details.
103       reduce
104           Strip revisions out of a dump so the only parts left those likely
105           to be relevant to a conversion problem. See the embedded help for
106           syntax details and the relevance filter.
108       renumber
109           Renumber all revisions, patching Node-copyfrom headers as required.
110           Any selection option is ignored. Takes no arguments. The -b option
111           set the base to renumber, defaulting to 0.
113       replace
114           Perform a regular expression search/replace on blog content. The
115           first character of the argument (normally /) is treadted as the end
116           delimiter for the regulat-expression and replacement parts.
118       see
119           Render a very condensed report on the repository node structure,
120           mainly useful for examining strange and pathological repositories.
121           File content is ignored. You get one line per repository operation,
122           reporting the revision, operation type, file path, and the copy
123           source (if any). Directory paths are distinguished by a trailing
124           slash. The 'copy' operation is really an 'add' with a directory
125           source and target; the display name is changed to make them easier
126           to see. Additionally, any property settings on a node are dumped
127           immediately after it.
129       select
130           The 'select' subcommand selects a range and permits only revisions
131           in that range to pass to standard output. A range beginning with 0
132           includes the dumpfile header.
134       setlog
135           Replace the log entries in the input dumpfile with the
136           corresponding entries in a specified file, which should be in the
137           format of an svn log output. Replacements may be restricted to a
138           specified range. See the embedded help for syntax details.
140       sift
141           Delete all operations with Node-path headers not matching specified
142           Go regular expressions (opposite of 'expunge'). Any revision left
143           with no Node records after this filtering has its Revision record
144           removed as well.
146       strip
147           Replace content with unique generated cookies on all node paths
148           matching the specified regular expressions; if no expressions are
149           given, match all paths. Useful when you need to examine a
150           particularly complex node structure.
152       swap
153           Swap the top two components of every path. This is sometimes useful
154           when converting a multi-project Subversion repository that has
155           normal trunk/branch/tag structure under each top-level directory
156           (of course the alternative is to break it into components using
157           multiple strip operations).
159       testify
160           Replace commit timestamps with a monotonically increasing clock
161           tick starting at the Unix epoch and advancing by 10 seconds per
162           commit. Replace all attributions with 'fred'. Discard the
163           repository UUID. Use this to neutralize procedurally-generated
164           streams so they can be compared.


167       Under the name "svncutter", an ancestor of this program traveled in the
168       'contrib/' director of the Subversion distribution. It had functional
169       overlap with reposurgeon(1) because it was directly ancestral to that
170       code. It was moved to the reposurgeon(1) distribution in January 2016.
171       This program was ported from Python to Go in August 2018, at which time
172       the obsolete "squash" command was retired. The syntax of regular
173       expressions in the pathrename command changed at that time.
175       The reason for the partial functional overlap between repocutter and
176       reposurgeon is that repocutter was first written earlier and became a
177       testbed for some of the design concepts in reposurgeon. After
178       reposurgeon was written, the author learned that it could not naturally
179       support some useful operations very specific to Subversion, and
180       enhanced repocutter to do those.


183       There is one regression since the Python version: repocutter no longer
184       recognizes Macintosh-style line endings consisting of a carriage return
185       only. This may be addressed in a future version.


188       reposurgeon(1).


191       Suppose you have a Subversion repository with the following
192       semi-pathological structure:
194           Directory1/ (with unrelated content)
195           Directory2/ (with unrelated content)
196           TheDirIWantToMigrate/
197                           branches/
198                                          crazy-feature/
199                                                          UnrelatedApp1/
200                                                          TheAppIWantToMigrate/
201                           tags/
202                                          v1.001/
203                                                          UnrelatedApp1/
204                                                          UnrelatedApp2/
205                                                          TheAppIWantToMigrate/
206                           trunk/
207                                          UnrelatedApp1/
208                                          UnrelatedApp2/
209                                          TheAppIWantToMigrate/
211       You want to transform the dump file so that TheAppIWantToMigrate can be
212       subject to a regular branchy lift. A way to dissect out the code of
213       interest would be with the following series of filters applied:
215           repocutter expunge '^Directory1' '^Directory2'
216           repocutter pathrename '^TheDirIWantToMigrate/' ''
217           repocutter expunge '^branches/crazy-feature/UnrelatedApp1/
218           repocutter pathrename 'branches/crazy-feature/TheAppIWantToMigrate/' 'branches/crazy-feature/'
219           repocutter expunge '^tags/v1.001/UnrelatedApp1/'
220           repocutter expunge '^tags/v1.001/UnrelatedApp2/'
221           repocutter pathrename '^tags/v1.001/TheAppIWantToMigrate/' 'tags/v1.001/'
222           repocutter expunge '^trunk/UnrelatedApp1/'
223           repocutter expunge '^trunk/UnrelatedApp2/'
224           repocutter pathrename '^trunk/TheAppIWantToMigrate/' 'trunk/'


227       The sift and expunge operations can produce output dumps that are
228       invalid. The problem is copyfrom operations (Subversion branch and tag
229       creations). If an included revision includes a copyfrom reference to an
230       excluded one, the reference target won’t be in the emitted dump; it
231       won’t load correctly in either Subversion or reposurgeon. The revision
232       number in a copyfrom header pointing to a missing revision will be
233       zero. Attempts to be clever about this won’t work; the problem is
234       inherent in the data model of Subversion.


237       Eric S. Raymond <esr@thyrsus.com>. This tool is distributed with
238       reposurgeon; see the project page
239       <http://www.catb.org/~esr/reposurgeon>.
243                                  2021-01-12                     REPOCUTTER(1)